>>20530weak willed consumer cultre victim…
forget everything you know about eating and apply the youthful curiosity to it. reading your textwall made me think that this is something you never did.
you could find out what food will end up make you looking what way but honestly it is a moot point. that's just wasting your short little life.
humans are dumb and so are you. they eat stuff they should not be eating and just because they don't drop dead from it instantly, does not mean it is 'safe to eat'.
most products in the supermarket will make you fat and sick. find out what your human organism has evolved to best digest and eat that and stop eating the stupid industry food and you will reach your goal of being thin. it's normal to want to be thin. if you only ate what your body could handle, you could eat unlimited amount and never get fat.
is very unfortunate that you gave up the veganism and it is also very unfortunate that you only sit on chairs and couches instead of moving about all day every day. hard work is nice. when you are a slave and work in a diamond mine for some greed capitalist asshole, that sucks. but working hard on yourself, that's such a wonderful feeling, i hope you experience it soon.
best of luck you enormous elephant aka honey booboo's mother.