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Winter Time.gif

Winter Protection Anonymous 19539[Reply]

It's winter time and time for the freezing cold and dry weather to wreak havoc on our skin and hair.
What are some products you recommend for the winter months?
Moisturizers, hair masks, fancy serums and treatments, whatever you enjoy! Or don't, save our wallets if you know a dud!

Anonymous 19540

shea butter.jpg

Starting with mine, shea butter as well as wheat germ oil are my favourites. Wheat germ just for my face but I whip my shea butter to make it easier to spread and use that.
I'm hoping to find a good in-shower or wet-skin cream though cause I hate using cream while my skin is wet

Anonymous 19612

cetaphil face wash and moisturizer, and then aquaphor healing jelly/ointment. i slug that shit on every night. i also have chronically dry skin (eczema) and live up north where its dry and cold so sometimes after i wash my face and put my cetaphil moisturizer on, I put zinc oxide (or diaper rash cream IK ITS WEIRD BUT HEAR ME OUT) on my face, then put on the aquaphor as a layer on top. I find it locks in moisture and helps with redness. But I heard some people with acne don't react well to it so be careful with that. I do it a few times a week becuz of my eczema but i think 1 or 2 times a week should be good!

Anonymous 19660

Cetaphil is awesome. I wonder if they changed their lotion formula recently though. Texture is kind of different and it smells (not necessarily bad) which is unfortunate because I loved that it was actually unscented, like lots of skincare products claim to be.
Petroleum jelly is great. It’s uncomfortable and sticky but it’s so good and simple for locking in moisture. If you have dry skin chill out with exfoliation. I stopped using my acne exfoliant in the winter because it’s just too much for my skin. Sounds counterintuitive but try showering less if you’re not very active during the day. Soap is a big dryer of my skin and triggers my eczema. Lastly I wash my hair less in the winter. Look into the concept of “hard water”. Briefly explained, lots of minerals and metals and stuff in your water may be causing damage to your hair. I have naturally frizzy hair so washing it with “hard water” makes it worse


Thoughts on first plus size Miss Universe contestant Jane Dipika? Anonymous 19627[Reply]

>Miss Nepal Jane Dipika Garrett is the first plus-sized woman to compete and place at Miss Universe.

Do any of you chubby nonas feel represented? Is embracing “body positivity” the future of international beauty? Is this the new ideal female shape? Discuss
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Anonymous 19641

She's pretty i'm not an wannarexic so idc if she is fat, plus it makes men seethe.

Anonymous 19643

Lol skelly

Anonymous 19646

>clearly not unhealthy.
She's literally obese, excess fat has undeniable health consequences.

Anonymous 19652



But being obsessed about it and having any insecurity about it whatsoever is pathetic since moids
are ugly as all sin and rarely worth a second of your internal strife if it damages your brain enough to make you a rageaholic

Like i want to be encouraging and supportive if a woman's simply
insecure. But if they talk like you, hurling moid rage, its beyond pathetic and you need to take a long look at your faggotry.
No matter what you look like your brain has become a pile of garbage and i dont regret being as miserable as that.

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Anonymous 19658

tbh i'm glad she made moids seethe. it was blackpilling when i saw normie womyn seethe about her. i was happy to see her there and i think she is beautiful and sexy regardless of the opinions of womyn and scrotes


'Boudoir' 'cosplay' Anonymous 6135[Reply]

Post the good, the bad, the wtf
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Anonymous 6138


Anonymous 6139

"Boudoir cosplay"?
I believe that's referred to as "underwear". Loads of inspo in Kay's Catalogue, if that's still a thing.

Anonymous 6140

How is this not porn?

Anonymous 6141

imo it is softcore porn
A way for girls to get quick followers on their instagrams and patreons and pretend that they're still doing "cosplay"

As a cosplay oldfag, this trend really rustles my jimmies.

Anonymous 19618

that's not cosplay. that's softcore porn.


Anonymous 19550[Reply]

I feel so sleepy all the time. What do I do?

Anonymous 19552

Fix your sleeping schedule and excersise regularly, if that doesn't work, have your blood work tested for deficiencies

Anonymous 19554

how much sleep do you actually get

Anonymous 19578

alternate between sitting and standing at a desk and get out of bed in the morning

Anonymous 19582

This. Go to bed at 23 every night, no excuses accepted and no phone.
If it don't work, then you probably need magnesium or some vitamin.


Any doctor nonas in here? Anonymous 19500[Reply]

Why do I get sick every single time I eat food X?
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Anonymous 19536

What's a reflux?
Acid reflux?

Nope I don't.

Okay, so last week I was sick for like 10 days because I ate Chinese food an I got some seasonal hay fever or something and my throat looked white and painful like someone raped and creampied in it. The doctor got scared when she looked at my throat.
I took a lot of antibiotics and anti-allergens to cure it.

Not even 3 days after that and I really didn't eat anything bad and I feel sick again. I feel like I have a fever and runny nose right now.

I honestly wish I had a healthy body because being sick and tired all the time really makes my life go to waste.

Anonymous 19542

>I ate Chinese food
That was your mistake. They keep it in display until it sell, so it may have been two weeks old. Never buy meat there.

>my throat looked white and painful

Look like an allergy.

Anonymous 19556

>my throat looked white and painful
Pharyngitis or step throat can look like that, but at that point you need a physician to know and deal with it, not cc.

Anonymous 19566


Maybe you have SMA syndrome.

Anonymous 19568

1. elimination diet can help identify food sensitivities
2. could have h pylori infestation, need to get tested at ur doc
3. could be mesenteric ischemia
4. you might have ulcers of another cause, as excess acid or damaged mucosa. maybe you take too much NSAID meds?
5. you might not be eating enough fiber, or you might be eating too much at once


Fitness general Anonymous 2106[Reply]

Old thread seems to be locked.

>post fitness related questions

>share your workouts, goals, inspiration etc.
238 posts and 23 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 19412

What's the best time during the day to workout? I usually do it in the morning, but today I did it in the afternoon and I feel different - better, I think? But I see all the fit girlies working out first thing in the morning, and some sources I read said it's best in the morning for burning fat. Does it actually matter?

Anonymous 19428

The best time to work out is the time you'll do it. If you're not a morning person, and you keep missing your morning workouts, then any advantage to working out in the morning is negated.
Sleep is important too though. If it disrupts your sleep later, then it's not a good time either.

Anonymous 19444

anyone else here have experience with building chest muscles (as female ofc). i love benching because its just really fun, but as i've been browsing more fitness influencers profiles i want to build visible pec muslces too. is this only possible through getting very low bf%? symmetricstrength.com says my strenght is 'sufficent level' on bench press and incline benchpress.

Anonymous 19545


Does anyone here know a female only forum like this one specifically for female bodybuilders? I have some questions specific to my sex so it'd be a nice resource to have. Doesn't need to have the same board culture but that'd be nice as well.
I haven't gotten that far personally, I'm a lifting noob, getting to too low bodyfat% combined with lifting can make you have straight up pecs and no tits. Webmrel.
Which is one of my goals. But I can see why a woman wouldn't want that.

Anonymous 19546

>Does anyone here know a female only forum like this one specifically for female bodybuilders?
not what you're looking for but iirc lc has a thread for bodybuilding


Weight loss: things you didn't expect Anonymous 4878[Reply]

Share some experiences you've had after weight loss that you didn't expect. How did you feel afterwards? Did people treat you differently? Were there changes to your body that you didn't anticipate?

I lost around 15kg / 33lbs recently and I just notice how strangers happen to be a little nicer to me than before. Females as well as males. Unfortunately i've been catcalled on the street more often. I also noticed a lot more changes in my face than anywhere else and sex has become a LOT better.
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Anonymous 19117

I lost 25kg and yeah, everyone is much nicer to me in general. Having people, men in particular, actually smile at me instead of giving a pleasant neutral expression, changed the entire disposition of my days.

I was really fat in high school and had a huge crush on a fat boy because he was the only person who treated me well. A while back I met him and some others from school and I was hoping we'd have this moment where we'd both grown up and form an attraction, but he just gave me the same serene, warm smile I remember and proceeded to treat me the exact same way. Kind of a letdown, but it's nice to know he's just a very warm, nice person.

Anonymous 19118

same here, I used to feel so hungry all the time and now I get full so easily. It's actually a little bit frustrating sometimes bc I'll want to eat something yummy but feel stuffed so fast lol
I was also surprised that a lot of the junky stuff I used to eat uncontrollably doesn't really appeal to me anymore; I feel more attracted to healthy stuff and just outright feel disgusted at super processed stuff. And it's easier to just have 1 of a snack without feeling compelled to keep going and have like 5 or 6

Anonymous 19210

>someone who used to be "below" them would drop them first
Jealousy and insecurity is a very ugly thing. Glad you don't have those types of "friends" anymore

Anonymous 19532

I have recently lost 9kg over the span of 4 months to go from the higher end of a healthy BMI to the lower end of a healthy BMI for aesthetics purely. Throughout my life, I have never been properly skinny, except when I was a kid. When I was a teenager, I was overweight and at some point border-line obese, but I was able to get back down to a healthy weight by simple lifestyle changes like decreasing portions and cutting out junk a long time ago. However, I was never able to get under 61kg at 164cm unless I was sick. I usually maintained between 61-63.5kg. However, I never like to get above 63.5kg because it is too close to overweight for me.

I was not overweight, technically, but I was not skinny either. I observed the women at my college and wished that I had figures like them. My dream weight since I was 14 has always been 54kg. I spent time, oddly (this sounds disordered as hell), just obsessively calculating the BMIs of random female celebrities, influencers, and models, and I noticed that almost none of them had a BMI of over 22. I also read about the most desirable BMI being 17-20 in men (oddly, I am not too interested in male attention - there is the feeling that I just want to "maximize" my looks for the shits and giggles.) (I know BMI isn't 100% of a perfect indicator of health at times and does not take lean muscle mass into account, but my thought process loves numbers like these to use as a reference and benchmark). This made me realize that the beauty standard is essentially women who are borderline underweight, unfortunately. I also felt bad because I saw people like Billie Eilish being mocked for being "fat" when she had a similar figure to me. I could envision people saying similar things about me.

At some point, I started counting calories, using measuring spoons and cups and whatnot; I set a goal of about 1200 calories daily, but really, I ended up more at 1200-1400 due to inaccuracies. At some point, I bought a food scale, and that was a big game changer. I lost about 7 pounds that month (though, I suspect that a bit of it was water weight.) It required an insane amount of precision, though. When I was overweight years ago, I seriously didn't have to count calories - all I had to do was cut out bullshit and make better choices. But, at a healthy weight, it seriously required all of my effort to ensure that I was at a deficit and still receiving the right amount of nutrients. With my TDEE already being quite low, one Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 19538

>But, I also noticed that weight loss at a healthy weight leads to diminishing returns. It requires a fuckload of effort and insane amount of precision to get right, unless you have a smaller appetite naturally.
This is something I've been accepting myself recently. I only reached a comparable BMI to your goal (I was at 20.5) when my diet was severely restricted because of outside issues. I balanced my nutrients and protein because I have been compulsive about it since I was fat and lifted weights prior to my problems. During this time I was very cold and would feel like fainting at least 3 times a week in the afternoon despite controlling my diet and getting sleep. Similar to you it also became obvious that my body is just wide despite being 168 cm (which I had already seen coming when I was much larger).
I am left with body image issues now that I've regained to 63 kg, but I am far more active again and my body functions well. There was little energy for 2 hour workouts when I was eating two bland meals and broth each day, even if I was closer to the ideal in looks the functionality for me just wasn't there.

This isn't to say small and skinny women are all weak and low energy. Some of us just might genuinely be a bit bigger and require more food. It is sad female beauty standards are less about function than those of men.
>less male attention
Kek yes. I somehow received more when I reached around my current weight and stopped dressing feminine. I also don't seek it from them, it's just funny.


Speed glow up (please help) Anonymous 19529[Reply]

I'm trying to lose the weight I've gained and improve my appearance before classes start back up. I'm dieting (i need to lose 10 lbs by 8 january, but I'll settle for 7), using tooth whitening gel, doing gua sha every night, and trying to be better about my skincare. Any other beauty/looksmaxxing advice?

Anonymous 19541


>water, minimum 8-10 cups.
Especially if you're in a winter zone
Whatever works for your skin type, good moisture will make a world of difference. Don't forget about your body too. If you benefit from face oils I recommend more biosimilar fatty oils as I find they just make the face look nicer. Shea butter is a great one. Wheat germ oil too. For hands and feet slather them in petroleum then cover in gloves and socks. They'll look and feel really nice
It might not make the biggest difference in a single month, but it is so good for skin and hair. Make sure to take with vitamin c for better metabolizing
>Multivitamin or green juice
Make sure it's something high in vitamins, the cheap stuff tends to be better as it'll be pure vitamins and no fancy filler. If you're a burger I've heard you can't trust your supplements so a powdered green juice is a good alternative. I suggest a dehydrated veggie powder cause then it contains the fiber. You could mix the collagen with it since it should be high in vit c
>Get good rem cycled sleep
Try and get a consistent sleep routine going but at the very least get your ~5 rem cycles. You can find apps that calculate your wake up alarm. It makes a huge difference to not wake up that 10 minutes early disrupting your final rhythm. Your eyes will look so much better and your overall face will look less tight
Getting blood pumping is important across the body
Doesn't have to be too fancy across the body but lightly and vigorously rub your finger tips into your scalp daily and rub your body for around 10 minutes. More blood flow benefits. If you want you can do a simple lymphatic massage to potentially give extra boost. No idea if that'll make any extra benefit, started lymphatic face massages only recently myself but hey, worst case it's still rubbing the skin


Anonymous 839[Reply]

Will make up make a girl more beautiful, or does it depend on facial structure?
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Anonymous 850

I'm ugly because my discoloration lol and fucked up skin/acne/dark circles so makeup makes me go from a mannish ghoul to a average person :)))))) Im the only person in my family with bad skin! Yay for genes :D

Anonymous 851

Tbh I think that as long as the person doesn't have a fat face/double chin that engulfs their neck I think anyone could be beautiful if they use their make up the right way, kinda like that one girl on YouTube who's eyes are really far apart(I don't remeber their name but she's pretty popular) and even though her facial feature is odd and not the standard for pretty the way she applies her makeup makes her look so beautiful imo.

Obviously some will have to work harder with finding a unique style to accentuate the more desirable parts of their face but overall I think anyone can achieve a beautiful look through makeup. It's a shame guys can't wear it as a norm since so many would look so much better

Anonymous 852

Depends on a lot of things but I think people go about it the wrong way a lot.
First of all, it's not 2 boxes labelled 'hot' and 'not' like some seem to think, it's a bell curve and most people are more or less average compared to others. It also depends on what someone finds attractive and in some part also what people are being told to like. My bf thinks small rosebud lips are better than big full lips but that's certainly not the popular opinion today, and for whatever reason a lot of guys who used to think otherwise 5 years ago now think big instagram lips are beautiful because they've been told they're supposed to find it beautiful so many times.
Second, a lot of people think you're supposed to have [these] features to be considered beautiful and, while that's partially true in some capacity, there's many different kinds of pretty and sticking someone else's lips on your face and getting surgery to have someone else's nose might actually make you look worse. So it's actually really hard to say which one girl is more beautiful than another since there's so many different kinds of faces with their own special appeal, we can only just say what we ourselves find beautiful. I think Saoirse Ronan is beautiful just the same as Janelle Monae even though they look worlds apart.
Keeping all that in mind, if you learn how to apply makeup through YouTube by watching someone who looks nothing like you, don't be surprised if you still look like painted shit. So makeup can help, but only if you know what you're doing. There's very few people who are completely helpless.

Anonymous 9242

Make-up if used correctly can make a girl look more beautiful. It's not the end-all be-all though.

If this girl lost weight, wore contacts, and let her hair down rather than pulling it back she could be rather attractive. She is blonde and blue eyed after all, and her bone structure will be more defined if she gets thin.

Anonymous 19537

Based on his bodybuilding.com forum posts, Zyzz took testosterone and tren acetate mainly. Those have very powerful androgenic effects and it's well-known in the bodybuilding community that taking androgenic steroids for several years will cause a significant increase in your skeletal volume and overall bone mass. Zyzz' face became robust, sharp, and caveman-like because his test levels were superhuman.


Au Naturale Anonymous 19392[Reply]

Any recommendations for natural beauty products? Makeup, skincare, shower products. I find that natural soaps are the only ones that don’t dry out my hair

Anonymous 19534


Soap nuts are the best for body and hair wash. Hair especially, if you have curly hair I highly recommend it. I've seen them being sold now around north america (as laundry detergent sometimes) but the best place to find is a middle eastern or Indian/pakistani store when it comes to price unless you have a local health store selling large amounts for cleaning.
>Place 3-4 of them (more = more bubbles) in around 1L/4cups water in a pot
>Boil 1-2 minutes until it's almost syrupy and then let cool
>Strain and place in a bottle
>Dry and keep the nuts as they can be reused multiple times.
Make sure to massage your scalp well in warm water before to help lift the oils and dirts then pour onto your scalp and massage well before rinsing. 2 applications may be needed if you live in a polluted city. Buy new nuts once they stop making bubbly water which depends on the quality of the nuts.

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