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scars Anonymous 19908[Reply]

nonas with cutting scars, how do you deal with them?
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Anonymous 20168

NTA but it's been less than a year so you will still get some fading and using a silicone strip will help expedite it. They can also work somewhat on ancient scars but better within the first year which thankfully you still are. Keep it super moisturized and put sunscreen on it this summer even if you don't use it on your body to avoid the scar developing hyperpigmentation. If you can avoid that this summer that would be a massive help to avoiding it being noticable in the future. If you can find vitamin e oil (or gel capsules you can burst) then rub that on it too. Bio oil also has a vitamin e oil with other ingredients to help but it might not be available in your area. If it is 100% recommend.
If you have prescription insurance (and acne or skin issues) try and snag a prescription for Arazlo. I got it for my acne and realised it helps all scarring really crazy well like acne scars and places I've picked. Even years old scars fade and burn marks especially disappear altogether somehow. I think it's a retinol/vitamin a? Either way I super recommend it if you can get it. Especially if you are prone to hyperpigmentation around your scars. I had some words I wrote in my thigh and it's mostly gone, I got out of the habit of applying it so they haven't totally gone but I can confirm the scars don't reappear when you stop the cream. Any fading that happens is permanent

Anonymous 20300

I have really bad scars from the past including stitches from different parts of my body (mostly legs nd wrist) i dont really hide them nor i get bothered looking at them. Its really hard for me to care about what people may think of them

Anonymous 20301

I did a bleach bath for skin issues and it somehow resurfaced cutting scars I didn't even know I had fml. If I ever have a kid that cuts I am going to beat it.

Anonymous 20342

Luckily I don't have that many so they aren't super noticeable but I cover them with jewelry (on my wrists)

Anonymous 20343

applying glycolic acid a few times a day and then thick moisturizer/bio oil/cocoa butter. and keep them out of the sun cause it'll make them much worse

kyua moonrightoh.j…

How do I make my chest grow? Anonymous 19456[Reply]

Yes, I know, we're only obssesed about our chest size because of men running society, and backpain, and all that, I get it, I do.
But you gals don't understand what's it like to be flatter than an A cup
Please don't suggest implants, nothing that requires surgery please
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Anonymous 19813

there is no healthy way to do it that doesnt create a crisis in your life. You need to get an acute hormonal imbalance. Your options are:
get fatter
get on birth control
get pregnant
get pcos

honestly its just a better play to get a bigger ass, you can do that just by exercising and it does kinda the same thing

Anonymous 20336


Maybe this will help

Anonymous 20337

Mmh maybe gaining a little bit of weight will help? To be honest I really don't know sorry Nona. I know some advice bee pollen but I don't really know if it works

Anonymous 20338

>unpasteurized milk
retard spotted stopped reading

Anonymous 20339

you're the fucking retard. Literally everybody drank unpasteurized milk before 1947. The only thing it does is give milk a longer shelf life and it was only made law was in order to push small dairy farms out of the industry who couldn't afford the pasteurization equipment.
Are you going to pasteurize your breast milk before giving it to your baby??


longest lasting clear nail polish? Anonymous 20295[Reply]

i'm starting nursing school soon and they only allow us to have clear nail polish, so now i'm trying different things out trying to get the longest lasting/strongest clear polish routine down. i'm used to polish chipping fast af bc working in healthcare i'm washing my hands constantly, and now my time is going to be VERY limited with clinicals and school so i want to only have to do my nails once a week or less if possible.

buying the orly bonder for base coat, but don't know if i should be doing an actual polish on top of this or just go straight to the topcoat and maybe do 2 coats of it. currently using just the glamonade 2-in-1 base and top and it's shitty and does not last on its own. been doing like 3 coats of just this lately, and they look so nice at first but then 2 days later it's chipping.

Anonymous 20334

OPI's start to finish is great


Lips Thread Anonymous 20312[Reply]

What is your favorite lipstick, lip gloss, lip balm etc?

Anonymous 20325


My current favorite is Judydoll's Lip Mud!

Anonymous 20326


Omg , judydoll's rose cherry blossom is my favorite!

Anonymous 20332


Love tinted ChapStick


Anonymous 20313[Reply]

I would like to remind everyone that the ladies working at ulta and saphora don't know wtf they are talking about
>in ulta
>ask girl where they keep their CeraVe products
>she scrunches up her face
>"you know, we have some much better skin products for the same price"
>she shows me some jar bottled skincare that's more perfume than product
>read ingredients, has alchohol and a bunch of other shit I know is bad

I should have known, considering she had a bunch of acne under her makeup

Another story
>go to saphora
>ask girl for a gel eyeliner that will stay in place really well and not smudge
>she shows me some popular, expensive brand and I buy it
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 20315

They know what they're talking about. They just want you to spend more money than necessary and get rid of products no one wants.

Anonymous 20318

Heard the aritzia ones are mean on purpose
In the end they're just doing their work, selling you store stuff. They're not advisors.

Anonymous 20327

I have a story about this as well.
>in sephora
>first time going to that location
>ask girl at the counter to show me where the mascaras are
>she points to a corner with a stand and a bunch of boxes and shit
>"that's the lash section"
>walk over to find its a flash eyelash display

Anonymous 20331

Honestly I think the girls at Ulta are just trolling us pretending to know a thing about makeup


Eye Colors Anonymous 18274[Reply]

What's your eye color? What's your favorite eye color? Do you like your eye color? Would you change your eye color to your favorite eye color, if it were possible? What's something good about your eyes?
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Anonymous 20298


Ive always had a complex about not having blue eyes then I kinda brainwashed myself into only liking hazel-brown/green eyes(my eye color) and finding blue eyes not appealling at all (no offense to any anons w blue eyes! i realize that this is an unhealthy coping mechanism)
Some copes I use are that id rather have an eye color that is forest/leaf colored than sky colored, that gerard way wouldnt look the same without his eye color, cats look wierd with blue eyes, flora from winx, asking ai to write poems about eyes the color of various stones including peridot, jade, moss agate, green tourmaline, tsavorite garnet, emerald, its too northern, think about how megan fox looked before plastic surgery, huskies look creepy and like jeff the killer, blue eyes are more like summer and green is more like spring my fav season, etc. and it worked. These days I can appreciate all eye colors(courtney love has blue eyes and doesnt seem like a homewrecking pickme so i think about her when i feel bad and want to appreciate blue eyes) but using those copes helped me be confident with my eye color. which is extremely difficult even today because blue eyes are still praised so much. I have a theory that most men love blue eyes because of racism and or that they were conditioned to love blue. I have a further theory that since men dont see colors as vibrantly as women, they dont see green eyes/hazel eyes like we see them, which is sometimes a more vibrant shade than blue. Pic related has a very vibrant eye color, i think it reflects his dynamic scottich/italian ancestry.
just realized this was a year ago but kinda crazy i was just using a reference image of her for a character in something im making and partly chose her because of her eye color, shes just overall cute.

Anonymous 20311

I have blue eyes and I honestly really like them

Anonymous 20319

It's not a big deal but if I could change the color of my eyes with ease, I'd make them green. I always thought green eyes and tan skin is super pretty.

Anonymous 20324


>What's your eye color?
basic brown
>What's your favorite eye color?
i guess amber
>Do you like your eye color?
its basic, i just feel neutral about it, i don't like how in normal light it looks generic dark brown but i do like the shade of light brown it get when light directly illuminates it or how it looks black in low light not to mention once in a blue moon it gets this really nice shade of reddish brown is the lighting conditions are just right
>Would you change your eye color to your favorite eye color
no, i wouldn't fit my face and skin, i tried different eye filters and it seems like the best color that would compliment my face would be blue or green
>What's something good about your eyes?
they are pretty basic looking, there isn't much to say about it, like wow i have dark brown eyes so is the majority of the human population, big deal

Anonymous 20424

Dark brown, I used to not like it but now I think they're pretty.
Replying to a 1 yr old post but my old classmate was Afghan and had eyes exactly like this, to this day one of the most beautiful women I've ever met. It was like she walked in and she has 2 flashlights for eyes, you were just drawn to them.


Anonymous 20299[Reply]

What women's beauty trends do you find ridiculous?

Anonymous 20310

Huge lips

Anonymous 20320

most fake eyelashes or eyelash extensions

Anonymous 20321

Thick eyebrows

Anonymous 20322

Huge nips


Hair thread Anonymous 569[Reply]

What are some of your favorite hair related YouTube channels?

What's your hair routine?

Do you take any supplements/do (you think) they work?
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Anonymous 18581


I get my hair cut like picrel. I really dislike styling, so I mostly fluff it with dry shampoo and/or hairspray (nexxus, the pink can). I use Tresemme shampoo and conditioner (red/white bottles). Anyone got good anti-buildup shampoo so I can avoid buildup?

Anonymous 18609

Use a clarifying shampoo. Neutrogena has a really good one.

Anonymous 19257

I got similar hair length to you and what I like to do is a regular braid, then wrap it around a big hair clip and secure it to the back of my head

Anonymous 19569

I just got a amazon gift card, what should I buy for hair? I have blonde, straight hair. I could always use more volume and I like to curl it, any recommendations?
Looking for…
Hair spray
Dry shampoo
Leave in products

Or anything else you recommend. There's so many options it's overwhelming lol

Anonymous 20309


is this achievable natty? for a stocking cosplay


Plastic surgery Anonymous 19802[Reply]

Has anyone here underwent it? Im saving money for rhinoplasty
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Anonymous 19823

I'm only expressing my amazement. It is very foreign to me, not good, not bad, just foreign.

Anonymous 19824

anastasiabeautyfascia has a youtube playlist on nose massage techniques

i don't know about the fracture, maybe ask her on social media or ask another professional about it before you do anything

Anonymous 19826


Muh nose sucks

Anonymous 19835

Don't jump down my throat, but I'm against cosmetic plastic surgery in general because I don't think women should have to go under the knife just to feel good about themselves. Look at all the ugly wretched men out there who don't feel an iota of shame about how they look, then look at the women next to them who look fine but hate themselves for some reason. For example, >>19826 , there's nothing wrong here. I don't know what mirrors you're looking into.

Ask yourselves:
>Who is making me feel bad about how I look?
>Would I be as harsh on one of my friends with similar features?
>Where do I stop? What features? What age?
>Why do plastic surgery results seem to end up looking just one way? As in, why don't you see rhinoplasties offering wider noses, or ones offering to emphasize a dorsal hump?

I'm not controlling or shaming anyone, I just think you all have worth far beyond what you look like. And you can spend that money on a fun vacation or an awesome hobby instead.

Anonymous 20307

this nose is perfectly fine, it just looks prominent because of recessed lower jaw


eating disorder thread Anonymous 4629[Reply]

eating disorder thread - its time for another

do you have an eating disorder?
which one?
are you attempting recovery?
how long have you had it?
what caused it?
how does it disrupt your daily life, if it does?

i have a purging disorder.
i kind of want to attempt recovery sometimes, then i see something like my crush looking happier talking to another girl thats skinnier than me, i think about how much better i could look/how i could compensate for my stupid ugly fact, and i think about the comments my dad gives me when i 'eat bad' even though im 19 bmi/skinnier than him (hes overweight, i think.) ive had mine since i was 13. i was a fat child growing up because my parents didnt know how to feed me, and instead of giving me healthy food they just called me fat/made fun of me. it disrupts my daily life heavily because i cant eat anything without purging after, and it just ruins my mood and has disrupted my health. ill be devastated if i go up 0.1 a pound
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Anonymous 20170

At what weight would you say you deserve recovery? Or what bmi more precisely, I'm asking for restrictive type eds bc I feel so ashamed to say I'm in recovery

Anonymous 20171

i think unless youre overweight you deserve recovery if its a restricitive disorder.

Anonymous 20173

Are there any ways to lessen fatigue, shaking, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath or make it more manageable? If you know please give me any advice. I take supplements but I still feel like shit. The best way to describe it is like the physical symptoms of a panic attack. I used to just lay back down and wait for it to stop. It takes so long to and I won't be able to do that for much longer because I have obligations now.

Anonymous 20174

Drink cold water and put an ice pack (wrapped in a tea towel or something) on your face to calm the palpitations.

Anonymous 20304

>do you have an eating disorder?
>which one?
>are you attempting recovery?
ive tried to attempt recovery but the feeling of having the eat an extreme amount of calories + the huge amount of weight gain was so overwhelming. i feel so bad about it as i told myself ill recover once i was hospitalised
>how long have you had it?
since i was 16
>what caused it?
i used to eat a lot when i was 12-15 because i desperately wanted to be taller but it lead me growing the other way and i hated my body because of it
>how does it disrupt your daily life, if it does?
i can't help but walk ~15k steps per day, i always compare the amount im eating to other people, i love tea more than ever now. i think the worst part is being hospitalised in my last year of high school and almost being unable to graduate. my lowest bmi was 13, however, i've always wanted to get to the single digits…

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