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Diet Thread Anonymous 6210[Reply]

Who here is on a /diet/?

I'm 5'4 and 165lb and trying to lose some weight. I started a diet yesterday. Trying to eat lots of veg and lean proteins and keeping my total calorie intake below 800.I'm so hungry tho
How's your diet going?
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Anonymous 20074


I need a help for diet planning.
I have phenylketonuria, so I am kinda forced to eat a lot of carbs, because I have no alternatives. I can't munch on proteins, because they contain phenylalanine, so my intake of them is very limited. I compensate by taking amino acid, mineral and vitamin supplement mixture, which doesn't not contain phe, so I recieve a daily norm of protein equivalent. Is there a way to manage carb intake without sacrificing energy intake? Also I would like to know is there a way to somehow stimulate muscle growth without protein?

Anonymous 20076

Mushrooms or kale?

Anonymous 20077

If you eat enough fibre to create concrete ass blasters maybe you could eat oil to offset the solidity. Just eat oil. Tonnes of oil. High in calories and easier to gulp than carbs

Anonymous 20081

Besides pku formula I don't think you have any other options without risking brain damage, and I don't think its possible to stimulate growth without protein. You should probably talk to a nutritionist.

Anonymous 20090


Thank you for your suggestions, nonas!
>>20081 You're right, probably talking to nutritionist is the best thing I can do. Too bad they're too rare in my country


What's everyone's go to jewelry? Anonymous 19769[Reply]

I've never really felt comfortable wearing jewellery in the past
I want to try it more often, but whenever I wear stuff with an outfit it seems like it doesn't fit
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Anonymous 19916

I think earrings look the best. They're simple and make you look cute. I just wish I would stop losing them

Anonymous 19924

I want earrings that I can just leave in and not worry about. But I don't know what style I want.

Anonymous 20066

Just small hoop earrings and a nose ring

Anonymous 20079

I have a bunch of stuff but I really only wear the expensive jewelry my partner has given me on special occasions. I would rather never take it off than wear any of my other stuff bc im sentimental like tht

Anonymous 20086

Basic stud earrings when I wear earrings unless it's a nice occasion. Usually a sterling necklace with a switching selection of charms on it. I prefer silver to gold but I have a couple gold necklaces. Seldom wear old chunky bracelets that was passed down to me by my grandma or nana, those are beautiful but heavy. I've been blessed to own or have inherited nice jewelry and I feel like I often don't deserve it


Anonymous 19115[Reply]

Aluminum free deoderant. Do you use it? I am paranoid about getting breast cancer because I'm genetically predisposed so I'm always trying new brands but I haven't found any that are effective at making me not stinky.
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Anonymous 20048

as a deodorant i use a homemade mixture of (organic, virgin, cold pressed) coconut oil and baking soda. first i rub a little coconut oil on my armpit and then i press my index finger* into my jar of baking soda and then rub it into the coconut oil on my armpit so that it becomes an even mixture. then i just wash my hands and it's done. it doesn't feel sticky and the oil doesn't run if you use the right amount.

this actually has no scent. all you smell is your natural, neutral, clean body odor. if your natural body odor is stinky, it indicates an underlying health problem that needs attention. if you take care of yourself, eat right, exercises etc, then your body odor shouldn't smell bad.

*use a finger with which you have spread your coconut oil on your armpit, because some coconut oil will still remain on your finger. this is helpful if you press your finger into the baking soda because the salt will stick to the oil that remains on your finger. this is also the perfect amount of salt you need for one armpit.

the fact that it is an european product does not guarantee the quality and safety of the product. european products still contain unnecessary additives that, for example, change the color, structure and texture. the fact that the product now looks better than without those additives is at the expense of our health. and this is just a simple, well-known example. there are so many more ingredients and additives that many people question, but are simply approved by authorities …until, of course, a study is released that concludes that the additives turned out to be harmful…

Anonymous 20049

Wouldn't shea butter or something like that be better? Coconut oil can clog pores and that feels like the worst place to get a clogged pore or induce an ingrown hair. When I shaved back in high school I used to get them so bad I had to take a needle to get them out, now I'm constantly being careful to avoid them at all costs.
Also out of curiosity have you tried using a starch or powder to help absorb liquid too? Or is the baking powder enough? My recipe uses baking powder and a starch like corn or arrowroot powder. But I might just swap purely to baking powder to make it easier if that works.

Anonymous 20058

In and of itself aluminum doesn't do much harm except to clothing.


If you are exposed to aluminum directly enough for long enough it will pass into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, it can and will be catalyzed with acids (from food or from metabolic processes) and be bound to nerve cells. Once aluminum enters cell walls bad things start to happen, including Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

Anonymous 20059

ty for the proof

Anonymous 20084

>shea butter
shea butter could be better, but depends on what you are looking for. i prefer coconut oil because it is extremely low in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), and PUFAs are unhealthy, both for internal (food) and external use (on skin). i see that shea butter is also low in PUFAs, so that's good, but coconut oil is still lower.
>coconut oil clogs pores
i am aware that coconut oil, as a comedogenic oil, can clog pores. anyway, i personally haven't had any problems with that yet, and i've been using it for a long time (also on other parts of my body, including my face). i suppose this has to do with my skin type. of course i would stop using coconut oil if it gave me clogged pores or ingrown hairs. you have to figure out what works for you
>ingrown hairs
mind you that i don't shave my armpits, but i trim the hair there very short. this may also explain why i have not had any problems with ingrown hairs so far. i switched from shaving to trimming because i noticed that since i started trimming exclusively, i no longer suffered from irritated skin. i now trim my whole body.
>starch or powder
i haven't tried using a starch or powder to help absorb liquid yet, but i'm interested in this idea, so thanks for sharing. the baking soda or sodium bicarbonate (not baking powder, as you said) is enough for now. mind you, i made this homemade deodorant (coconut oil and baking soda) in september - after the summer, in colder weather - so it may well be that the baking soda becomes insufficient, as soon as the weather warms up and sweating increases.

anyway, nice to hear that you also experiment with your own recipes. i suggest that you just find out for yourself what works for you and what you want to put on your skin, don't just take what you read on the internet (or even from me lol), experiment and you will immediately know best.


Painful thing you've done for beauty? Anonymous 19917[Reply]

Probably getting waxed is the top of the list for me. Never again.
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Anonymous 20032

Did you get bleach designed for body hair?

Anonymous 20046

ayrt I don't remember because this was years ago and I was a teen and my mom bought the bleach for me, it might've been for head hair and not body hair, but either way I'm done with hiding my leg hair, I just don't care anymore.

Anonymous 20053

I also realized most people just don't fucking care. Made me care way less even though I said shaving was for myslef lol.

Anonymous 20069

Nose job
lip filler

Anonymous 20078

using epsom salt mixed with soap to exfoliate despite having multiple severe open wounds from ripping off hangnails/cuticles


Teeth Anonymous 11451[Reply]

Aer your teeth healthy?
Do they look good?
Any imperfections?
Jaw and maxilla problems?
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Anonymous 20004

I get abscesses now and then it's so painful it makes me wanna kill myself

Anonymous 20009

I have this one tooth on the bottom row that's out of alignment with the others, like it's positioned a few millimeters back. It also sticks just slightly above them and looks unsightly

Anonymous 20027

apparently your teeth can grow extra bone from grinding on the bottom so now I have this tiny bone dot nuisance attached to my lowest gum! fun!

Anonymous 20028

I have this tiny gap in my front teeth and not the cute type. I try to ignore it or think of it as "cute" but it's not and it's pretty noticeable. I did use braces when I was younger and I think there's something wrong with my retainer or maybe I chew incorrectly or something. I kinda hate it. Dentists never say anything about it though.

Anonymous 20067

One of the teeth on my bottom row isn't as straight as the others so it stands out when you can see my teeth


How to Get a Bilateral Salpingectomy? Anonymous 20051[Reply]

>good BMI
>relatively healthy other than ADHD
>took hormonal BC from about 15 y/o - 27 y/o
>normal period flow and duration
>have health insurance and a PCP
>married and already discussed with my husband
>have never ever wanted kids and he stopped wanting them a few years ago
OK ladies what's your advice regarding how best to get myself sterilized? What should I bring to the doctor? Should I find my own surgeon and go straight to them? I've never gotten a major surgery as an adult.
I got sick of taking hormonal birth control for a number of reasons and still cannot believe the difference in my sex drive since I stopped taking it. I refuse to take it again. I need the peace of mind of knowing I'll never be pregnant, whether accidentally with my husband or from a rape. I've read online that it can be quite difficult to get any sort of sterilization before your mid 30s but I obviously want to get this done ASAP. If doctors still ask your husband for some sort of approval/permission, I know he'd give his OK.
If you have any advice or recommendations for a particular sterilization method as well, I would love to hear it. I think a bilateral salpingectomy would be best for me. It'd give me the peace of mind of knowing there's absolutely no way an egg could get into my uterus anymore. I've read some issues with the ablation method allowing that in freak circumstances. I think this would also disrupt my reproductive and hormonal systems the least. I want to keep as much of my reproductive/hormonal system in-tact as possible while still achieving my goal of 100% guaranteeing no children. I've seen how ovary removal can encourage early onset of dementia and who knows what else since women's health research is so neglected.

Anonymous 20064

This isn't directly related to your question but make sure you search the methods well to see if early onset menopause is a possible result. My mom had the lining ablation which doctors swore up and down had no side effects but then she went into menopause and had to keep fighting with them about getting tests because they didn't want to accept the procedure had caused it so they refused to let her get tested until she went herself and found herself in the post menopause stage at 49 and it seems to have caused her menopause to last an extremely long time too cause years later in her mid 50s she's still in post menopause but not past it! The docs still try claiming it wasn't the procedure and some still gaslight her claiming she isn't in menopause even now she has proof but in researching herself she discovered lots of women had the same result of spontaneous menopause, even a woman in her early 30s.
It's really important to do half the research yourself unfortunately so this is more a heads up on that. I'm sorry I don't have anything more for you. I don't have any surgeries to recommend but a copper IUD is a good failsafe while you research if you have the insurance for a temporary solution. But I wouldn't recommend it if your periods are bad cause it'll make them worse. Hormonal IUDs don't do that but then there's the hormone issue of course. It's much lower than BC pills but some are still sensitive to it. I think it made my PMS (I forget the new acronym) worse personally but it could have also been age making it worse cause it's always been an issue for me


Anonymous 19833[Reply]

what do u think about this hairstyle?
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Anonymous 20019

Probably glitter

Anonymous 20020

tbh this girl reminds me of that girl who detrans… Chloe something lol

Anonymous 20021


And I hate glitter in the hair. Euphoria not the visual novel and it’s consequences have been a disaster for hair and makeup trends.

Anonymous 20026


Anonymous 20047

I try not to think about it


Early pregnancy Anonymous 19774[Reply]

So i recently discovered I'm pregnant (blood test), I might be in the 3rd week or so, I haven't even been able to see a doctor yet.

I'm so anxious and I can't even tell anyone (apart from my moid who doesn't seem take it really seriously, he even offered me a drink and cigarettes, saying our grandmothers smoked and drinked during pregnancy and it wasn't a problem…whatever,i didnt choose him for his medical literacy), what makes me especially anxious is that there's so much risk of miscarriage at this early point and also I'm afraid my baby might come out with disability (i will do every test i can to determine if it has disability, and if it is the case i will terminate the pregnancy… I want to be a mom but i couldn't raise a person with heavy disability)

I want to tell my mom but she will instantly go crazy. So let's wait a few months until Im sure it's safe

For now i don't really feel different, i just have some light stomach pain fron time to time but maybe that's just psychological.

Have you ever experienced pregnancy? Feel free to share your experiences of (early) pregnancy.
Also if you have any tips.
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Anonymous 19825

congratulations on your pregnancy! now get the fuck off any antidepressants or mood stabilizers you may be on (taper). do not under any circumstance drink or smoke (your babydaddy is a fucking retard for offering). do not eat ultra-processed goyslop. if your baby does test positive for any disabilities, do NOT terminate the pregnancy. you'll regret it for the rest of your life. you think you're not strong enough to raise a disabled child but you are. see your doctor FREQUENTLY.

Anonymous 19829

>advocating to keep a disabled pregnancy
moid post

Anonymous 19832

I had a baby with someone who was just like ur moid. Idk how old you are but id RUN. He became abusive and now I'm a single mom. Whether you choose to abort or not is your choice but PLEASE don't raise that kid with him.

Anonymous 20035

get the abortion , you're not with the right guy.

Anonymous 20038


I hope you come back and update on this story

unnamed (19).gif

Short & Tall girls Anonymous 3018[Reply]

Which one are you?
Do you wish you could change your height?
Does it even matter that much when it comes to dating?
And for guys, do you have a preference?

Share, I'm curious.

I'm 155cm tall btw. And yes I do genuinely wish I was taller.
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Anonymous 19815

5'10/178cm, was not even in the top 10 tallest girls in my high school where I grew up, lots of Scandinavian families in the area (mine included).

Then after visiting other places I felt like a giant. Was insecure about it for a while. But I ended up developing a preference for men that are around my own height so it worked out in the end.

Buying jeans is still a nightmare, though.

Anonymous 20008

Tall (ish, 5'9) and it feels like a weird twilight zone where I'm a bit taller than most other women in the room but still struggle half the time to reach the top shelf. Built like creepy susie, basically a lanky stick at 32, 27, 33 but eh. I quit being self conscious about most of my features some time after I turned 21.

Anonymous 20017

I’m 4’9 my husband is 6’6. Usually the really tall ones like me. My first love was 5’0 though and he transitioned in our late 20s kek. I think I like really tall guys and really short guys. Average height just doesn’t do it for me. I don’t think I would change my height because of my height preference for men. I do wish I could find clothes that fit me and shoes in adult sizes. I do wish I could cook comfortably in the kitchen and not have to use a stool. I really hate washing dishes and loading and unloading laundry it’s such a physical task for me because I have to over exaggerate the movements due to height. Driving is also difficult I cannot see the road very well. Also no one my age treats me seriously because of my height. When I pick up my kid from elementary school at least half of the children there are my height or taller. They look at me funny. I do feel a bit like a freak.

Anonymous 20018

I think I'm 5'1 or somewhere around that. I once dated a scrote who made fun of my height. He is depressed/miserable now. So all good I guess.

Anonymous 20033

I'm around 163cm. I was always on the short side in school. Weirdly I never felt bad about it and even wanted to be shorter for a while. Now I'm right at the average height wete I live and it's nice.


What's a better metric than bmi? Anonymous 1963[Reply]

AFAIK it excludes some factors like body fat % and doesn't work well for others like height if you're rather short or tall, and the constant used in the formula is petty arbitrary. It doesn't really matter if your bmi is just slightly under 18.5, as long as your body is getting all the macro and micronutrients you need in more than sufficient amounts, right? According to a number of sources the ideal bmi is between 20 and 21 for caucasians but most people look a little flabby sans clothes at that number, and that most underwear models who look perfectly healthy otherwise would be classified as underweight.
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Anonymous 1965


Anonymous 1966

Thank you! This seems very expensive though, might settle for some cheaper methods like calipers.

Anonymous 1967

People of African descent have a standard that's higher than Caucasians, iirc it's a few points higher than Caucasians. A non hispanic white woman is considered Obese at a bmi of 30, a black woman is the same at 32. So a white person's bmi 25 is similar to a black person's 27.

Anonymous 1968

This. I'm caucasian, very athletic with BMI of 20-21 and my body is a lot like OP pic, but with more muscle and definition.

If you're very athletic, BMI becomes unreliable, just as it's unreliable if you're sedentary.

Anonymous 20022


If anyone is interested, checking your fat levels can be a better test. Basically take a pair of calipers (or use your fingers and a measuring tape) and grip the fat layer around a few places. This website is a good calculator http://www.linear-software.com/online.html and a wikihow for how to do it https://www.wikihow.com/Use-Body-Fat-Calipers. It won't work if you're already too fat iirc but it's a great indicator of being skinny fat and for if you're unsure if you're getting to overweight territory

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