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too discouraged to go to gym/work out Anonymous 20676[Reply]

can any fit/muscular nonas help me? i am a recovered ED patient but i still struggle with working out.

i really like the idea of becoming stronger. i have tried to strength train in the past, but faced three main mental barriers that always lead to me quitting early.


first and foremost, i find it extremely discouraging because of how much more easily men build muscle. they barely have to do any work and in the first few months will gain strength extremely fast. the first time i started working out, i would go to the gym with my boyfriend on his membership. he blew past me in terms of progress, improving at roughly double my rate, until i was left in the dust. i got gradually more upset and quit.

some time later, i started to go the gym again. this time alone, so i wouldn't have anyone else to compare myself to. i went to planet fitness, so i used the smith machine for bench, squats, and deadlifts. i also used the bicep curl machine, free-weights, bar for deadhangs and pullups, pulleys, and treadmill. but i stil felt like i was improving extremely slowly. i wasn't noticing any benefits to strength training; everyday objects weren't noticeably easier to move/carry and i was unhappier with myself than before. at that point i felt like the psychic damage and time investment of 3-4 days/week wasn't worth it. some days i could run farther without stopping but that's about it. it gave me the impression that as a small woman, i'm simply not made to get stronger or build muscle. which makes me feel pretty sad and inferior.


like i said, i have a history of eating disorders and i'm about 90% recovered (back at a healthy bmi for years and don't restrict/binge). but when i am supposed to eat a lot of protein and be in a calorie surplus, it still fucks me up. i feel like i can see my body get bigger and am afraid that i'll never be able to lose that weight during the cut. i don't idealize thinness anymore, and would like my body to look more toned, muscular, and stronger. i would feel more proud of a having strong body vs. having my current average office-worker body for the rest of my life.


many people say that exercise improves your mood, but when i go to the gym i just end up feeling pretty bad. i dread going, i don't like feeling the physical pain from running/lifting, and i am disappointed with my performanPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 20678


thanks so much for reading and the constructive reply. i will look back on this post as reference when i start going to the gym again.

i always have heard people, mainly moids say that "if you're not going to the gym at least 3x a week you won't get any improvement" or something. but i've never really listened to any actual personalized trainers or people with similar experience. you made me realize improvement is definitely more nuanced and dependent on the individual. generalized overrepeated tiktok brainrot advice will probably have major flaws.

being patient is probably my #1 important thing to work on, also thanks for covering diet and outlining the goals, actually helpful.

good luck with your training nona ᕦ(ò_ó)ᕤ

Anonymous 20679

Is pic male or female?

Anonymous 20682

female, rin hoshizora

Anonymous 20683

I'm disappointed.

Anonymous 20852

>first and foremost, i find it extremely discouraging because of how much more easily men build muscle.

i see you have chosen to compare yourself to others. this is absolute poison and it will ruin any attempt at improving your situation. don't dwell on what you believe is other people having it easy, this will only cripple you. if you have to, try to satisfy your negative habit of comparison with how many reps or minutes YOU did last time.

>i wasn't noticing any benefits to strength training;

i think strength training is stupid in general. if you lift heavy stuff often or pull a plow on the field by hand, you get stronger naturally. strength tries to keep up with how much you demand of yourself in your life.

>everyday objects weren't noticeably easier to move/carry and i was unhappier with myself than before. at that point i felt like the psychic damage and time investment of 3-4 days/week wasn't worth it.

3-4 days/week? that's quite a lot for someone who has not built the habit. way too much. try once a week and ease into it over the time.

>some days i could run farther without stopping but that's about it. it gave me the impression that as a small woman, i'm simply not made to get stronger or build muscle. which makes me feel pretty sad and inferior.

don't feel inferior, this is psychology from the conveyorbelt designed to turn you into a mindless peon, don't agree with it by practicing destructive modes of relation like competition. you are you whether you like it or not so make the best of it. you can absolutely get stronger and more physically able and it is worth it.
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wanting to leave, not finding the way out Anonymous 20849[Reply]

how do i find a place to live that i don't dispise, where the people aren't sick and corrupted? i keep hearing how young i look but that's just because i seclude myself from the toxicity that is normal here. i've been wanting to be gone from here for so long but i make very little progress, which is frustrating me, i'm sad all day because of it.i' ve made almost no progress in the last 5 years.

i wish i traveled more when i was younger, i don't know where it is nice. maybe nowhere.

i'd appreciate any bits of advice on how to find a place, preferably on another continent where technology has not wrecked havoc on the human cultures.


Anonymous 20826[Reply]

Which glasses frame is your favorite?
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Anonymous 20834


Anonymous 20835

I like cateye frame glasses

Anonymous 20836

What shape would you recommend for a roundish/squareish face?

Anonymous 20837


Anonymous 20838

Thank you.


Sterilization Anonymous 20639[Reply]

Has anyone else considered or has gotten sterilized?
Did you get a tubal ligation or a hysterectomy? Which do you prefer?

I've been looking into getting my tubes tied. My nexaplon is expiring soon and I don't want to replace it or go back on bc or iuds. I am afraid of getting hysterectomy because I don't want osteoporosis and going through menopause sooner. I know I would have to go through that anyways, I still feel like I am in my prime. Although I am still on the fence because I get pretty bad periods, like super bad sometimes.
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Anonymous 20710

Hysterectomy also increases dementia risk.

Anonymous 20712

What doesn't?

They say keeping mentally active helps prevents dementia. I don't know how the disease works but I feel like it usually comes to people who've already mentally clocked out.

Anonymous 20796

I was trying to make an appointment to get my tubes tied but then Trump won and now I can get a hold of my gyno.

Anonymous 20822

Dementia increase sterilization risk.

Anonymous 20824

Well shit I’m neet and let my brain rot on vidya all day
Time to learn piano songs and teach myself a new language methinks

Misa Amane.png

Beauty advice for girls with pale skin? Anonymous 20714[Reply]

Hi, I have super pale skin and have been trying to experiment with my looks. Only problem is, I'm totally lost!

Anyone here got any advice for girls with skin like mine? Just looking for styles and types of makeup, what/what not to use/apply, etc.. Thanks! <3

Anonymous 20741

i have some advice. worry about more important things then how you look and when the sun is out, do something so that your skin can soak the sun up, it is very healthy. you have to know the sun where you live. where i live, i just avoid the sun when it is hottest from 10am to 2pm during the hot part of the year and otherwise i don't need any sun protection and can stay in the sun as much as i like.

Anonymous 20792

I’ve been pale maxxing, I went all in on skincare and decided to give up most makeup. I like the minimal holo look so I pick glossy products without or almost no color, I use highlighter that has subtle shimmer. People have complained I need to choose saturated colors and actual eyeliner/mascara to correct my appearance but I prefer looking like an aylmao.

Anonymous 20811

wear dark clothes for contrast in fall and winter and bright colorful clothes in sprint and summer
eat more vitamin a from cod liver or any type of liver, eggyolks, etc
this will give you good glow

Anonymous 20821

Bring goth and emo back.


Anonymous 20696[Reply]

I feel like I have no chance against naturally beautiful women
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Anonymous 20806

Most women are naturally beautiful in their own way. It’s not a competition.

Anonymous 20810

that's some crazy cope

Anonymous 20813

Is it cope? I don't think I have ever seen an ugly woman unless she is obese/a drug addict/alcoholic but those are by choice

Men however are almost always ugly balding fucks after they turn 30

Anonymous 20816

>Is it cope? I don't think I have ever seen an ugly woman unless she is obese/a drug addict/alcoholic but those are by choice

good on you for understanding this, most people are still in the dark about how deeply their choices and habits effect them. they spend their whole life smoking, drinking alcohol, eating sickening food and not exercising, meanwhile they go around telling everybody what an unlucky hand they were dealt in life with all their ugliness and frequent health complications, never once questioning themselves. addiction to irresponsibility.

>Men however are almost always ugly balding fucks after they turn 30

same problem, foolish and unnecessary choices. you have to see a few good specimen making good choices to understand how much the years of making bad, shortsighted choices ruin a person.

even more befuddling to the average fool is the guilt of being a problem in this world instead of a solution and how that affects the body and the mind of a person. given enough life experience you will find that there are jobs where all the people who do that job become sick and ugly and die early while suffering depression and all the other easily preventable idiocy.

Anonymous 20818

>If depression was easily preventable, this site wouldn't exist

i understand many people are depressed, however this is horseshit. depression is not the only reason to like imageboards and i would very much hope they would still exist.

>broadly speaking. Depression isn't easy to get out from once one is in it.

to a difficult irresponsible person, everything is complicated and nothing is easy. you can find people to whom cracking an egg is hard, however once you know how to open the egg, they will agree that it is easy and always has been easy and that they were merely inexperienced.

>Not everyone can afford fixing their life

there is a lot people can't afford if throwing money at problems (or more broadly speaking: conventional, unreachable solutions) is the only solution that is being considered. i am still waiting on a single example of any of you believers of the unaffordability that i can not easily poke a hole in. this is nothing but pessimism and nihilism in denial.

>if for no other reason than lack of cognizance and perspective that would allow them to do so.

and who chooses your perspective?


Small Breasts Thread Anonymous 3427[Reply]

Let's discuss our thoughts on our small breasts and offer solutions and bra recommendations. Please, no derailing with people saying how we have it "easy" or anything like that.

>How has having small breasts affected your body image and confidence?

>Do you believe breast augmentation is alright?
>Do you prefer going braless?
>What are your favorite types of bras, if you wear bras?
>Do you care about having cleavage or not?
>If you have been berated for having small breasts, how have you coped?
>What are your favorite aspects of having small breasts?
>What's your favorite breast type visually?
>Any other advice for other small-breasted ladies, stories related to your small breasts, etc.
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Anonymous 20644

mine are exactly like that like even down to the weird shape so it only ever looks okayish when its cold. having badly shaped tits are way worse than having super small ones that have a good shape. i think a boob job is my only option :(

Anonymous 20687


>How has having small breasts affected your body image and confidence?

>If you have been berated for having small breasts, how have you coped?
I hung around a lot of online spaces when I was 12-14 YO (male dominated spaces since the internet in general is male dominated). Can't believe my self-esteem got so low that I used to joke with them about being "flat". When I was 17 an ex-bf told me I was unattractive because I didn't fit into Eurocentric beauty standards which I suspect is partially due to my small breasts (I'm Asian). I coped by developing a hatred of men kekw.

Anonymous 20688

I miss having small breasts so much. Back when I was in high school I was 5'9 and weighed 129 pounds and was a B cup at most. Now it's 10 years later I'm 226 and my breasts are fucKing huge. I can't find bras that fit me at Walmart or any of the normal stores and even when special stores have them they are expensive and few and far between. I hate that can't do jumping jacks, I hate that I can't really wear sports bras (I'm autistic and it gives me sensory issues). I remember an ex of mine brought up how small they were in a text telling me off after I broke up with him. It really didn't affect my that much because I liked the way they looked. I guess the only thing that ever really hurt my self-confidence is when people would mistake me for a guy, but at the time I associated that with me just being an ugly girl. In hindsight, it probably had something to do with it. It doesn't matter to me now, I would do anything to go back to my old body. [spoiler]I just wish I could stop overeating. I have like no self-control.Or stop eating for a while in general[spoiler] I guess I like that guys like my breasts and they can be kinda cute in some outfits. I would kill to have small breasts again though.

Anonymous 20689


I miss having small breasts so much. Back when I was in high school I was 5'9 and weighed 129 pounds and was a B cup at most. Now it's 10 years later I'm 226 and my breasts are fucKing huge. I can't find bras that fit me at Walmart or any of the normal stores and even when special stores have them they are expensive and few and far between. I hate that can't do jumping jacks, I hate that I can't really wear sports bras (I'm autistic and it gives me sensory issues). I remember an ex of mine brought up how small they were in a text telling me off after I broke up with him. It really didn't affect my that much because I liked the way they looked. I guess the only thing that ever really hurt my self-confidence is when people would mistake me for a guy, but at the time I associated that with me just being an ugly girl. In hindsight, it probably had something to do with it. It doesn't matter to me now, I would do anything to go back to my old body. I just wish I could stop overeating. I have like no self-control.Or stop eating for a while in general I guess I like that guys like my breasts and they can be kinda cute in some outfits. I would kill to have small breasts again though. Please delete the above post the spoiler text didn't work right

Anonymous 20819


>I would do anything to go back to my old body

first thing to lose weight is to continue to hold the thought that it is possible.

i mean that literally.

you hold the thought in your head. you give the thought the stage, your attention. you say to yourself that it is possible, read it to yourself in your head, your attention is currency. there are other things claiming to be the currency, having people all over the world call it the currency and these things come up when you search for currency but they are not the currency. whole world is wrong. your attention is.

so you bathe the thought of the possibility with currency. let your attention rain on the thought, hold it in your brain. i have done this to cultivate other habits.

i held the thought of the thing i wanted to change in my head the first day and once i got antsy and wanted to grab my phone and doomscroll some mindless feed, i said "no, just a few more seconds" and i did not grab the phone and kept thinking about the thing.

first day i thought about it maybe 30 seconds. then over night it grew. second day i thought about it a few times, a minute each. third day i thought about it even more and by the fourth day my attention had generated so much energy that i could no longer sit still and be in denial about it. I CAN EASILY DO THIS LITTLE THING THAT BRINGS ME CLOSER… and the gears started to turn, like holding magnifying glass under sunlight just the right way, my focus on the thing made my energy start to burn.
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makeup general Anonymous 20112[Reply]

Post anything about makeup that doesn't deserve its own thread!
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Anonymous 20716

based makeup wearing women are uncle toms and perpetuate misogyny

Anonymous 20799

See, this take I get. But I don't get the other poster's puritanical moid rage rant.

Anonymous 20804

>See, this take I get. But I don't get the other poster's puritanical moid rage rant.

it is too deep for you.

imagine you went the other way in life and instead of chasing wealth and approval you would have chased the thing that wealth and approval demand you to sacrifice. what if you did not abort your soul and your integrity and instead nourished it and see it grow, wouldn't you have liked to know what kind of person you would have become if you stopped playing dumb and dared to step off the conveyor belt? this is the thought i imagine inauthentic people are tortured by. what if you would have decided to be stronger then the popular demand and became what you were meant to be, following your interests and intuition instead of your disgraceful leaders.

Anonymous 20808

But I'm a poor. I'm not chasing wealth at all.

Anonymous 20809

But I'm a poor. I'm not chasing wealth at all.

then you sacrificed your soul for nothing


stomach vacuums Anonymous 20436[Reply]

has anyone done stomach vacuums? i know a lady who does them, but tbh i’d like to just hear more about it, ive also heard people say that it’s corrected their posture. what are your experiences??

Anonymous 20461

Stomach vacuums train your transverse abdominal muscles. These are not the sixpack muscles but something like a corset all over your belly and therefore they give your core stability. You can easily try it daily. Just suck in your belly and hold it for 30s or suck it in and then release throughout a minute or something like that

Anonymous 20482

My mother encouraged me to do this when I was very young, and I stayed a lot thinner that way compared to my peers. I love her for that!

Anonymous 20490


I'm assuming it's this

Anonymous 20793

There’s more technique involved than sucking your tummy in.
Vacuums are a breathing exercise, you have to completely empty your lungs and stomach until you feel your diaphragm “plug” and then the negative pressure will lift your organs for a lack of a better description. Posture is extremely important to avoid involving the wrong muscle group and to take care of your spine. You also need to do them 3 hours after you’ve eaten so usually they’re best first thing in the morning.
There’s a lot of postures to try from beginner to advanced so I highly encourage anyone wanting to do them to do a lot of research first, don’t just hold your tummy in you have to create negative pressure within your core to do it properly otherwise you risk increasing said abdominal pressure and blowing your pelvic floor muscles out, I received training from a PT I advise anyone interested to get some coaching if you can afford it


Face massages and face workout Anonymous 20721[Reply]

>do they work?
>how effective?
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Anonymous 20772

>nobody has to.
You don't know how the world works. Where I live the only food you'll be able to afford to make from 'scratch' is instant noodles unless you have a high paying, skilled job or you work a lot.

Anonymous 20783

You don't know how the world works. Where I live the only food you'll be able to afford to make from 'scratch' is instant noodles unless you have a high paying, skilled job or you work a lot.

sounds like a horrible place, too bad for you the only way to be alive as a human today is to live in the exact place that you live in and there are no other places you could go where there is food available.

Anonymous 20785

There is plenty of food available, but you won't be able to afford making everything from scratch unless you have the time the money and the energy

Anonymous 20786

>There is plenty of food available, but you won't be able to afford making everything from scratch unless you have the time the money and the energy

i call bs, go prove it. make an example calculation and then i will ridicule it and point out all the flaws and the countless things you don't understand or know so i don't have to hear your silly theater anymore meant to display your highest priority in life: irresponsibility.

Anonymous 20815

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