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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Artificial Wombs Anonymous 21078[Reply]

The technology behind artificial wombs has made leaps and bounds in recent years and we will soon see human trails. Right now they are only for premature babies that need more time in the womb, but someday they could fully gestate a baby from zygote to neonate. Personally, I think this will be the technology to end sexism once and for all. When childbearing is no longer associated with womanhood we will be valued for more than our reproductive systems. I can't wait, but I want to know how the other nonas feel.
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Anonymous 21322

why don't women just create a system around beating up underaged, disabled, sickly, and elderly moids?

Anonymous 21323

Why do you think we work mostly in childcare, social services and aged care?

Anonymous 21324


>bro women are totally the ones raping children in childcare roles trust me bro female nurses are actually the ones assaulting comatose moids

kek. there isn't a "we" scrotey. truly the matriarchy exists in a cripple's balls gawd bless.

Anonymous 21326

My mistake, I forgot for a second that women are a magical divine species somehow immune to basic human psychology

Anonymous 21327


go do a basic psychology and stick your dick into an Alzheimer's patient retard

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Water Water Everywhere But None To Drink Anonymous 21306[Reply]

So I finally calculated that I need 3L of water every day to stay hydrated properly but it is such a task actually. I have been only able to do 2.5 everyday. On days I'm less stressed drinking 3L is easy peasy but on strewsful days even drinking 2L feels like a task. How am I supposed to be a proper adult if I cannot even manage this. Hopefully summer will make it easy.

Anonymous 21314

Staying hydrated properly is a joke. Keep a bottle next to you and sip only when you feel thirsty. That's all you need.

Anonymous 21315

I will keep that in mind ^^.

Anonymous 21319

Also keep in mind the color of your urine. If it looks like pure water you're drinking too much, dirty yellow you're drinking too little. The ideal is a light yellow.

Anonymous 21320

I watched a youtube short about this.If I remember correctly the white means the body is passing protein. Now I don't know if this is excess protein or the protein the body felt like passing


There's something deep within I can feel it moving Anonymous 21316[Reply]

Anybody else that becomes too paranoid over things put in skincare and bodycare products? I see others use things I will not because I'm scared of the chemicals. I know how toxicity works how a certain amount needs to be collected but I think its just like microplastics or something

Anonymous 21317

There are times where I have looked at a label and lost sleep. I'm being tortured. Ignorance is bliss

Anonymous 21318

Maybe its my fault for lurking at pages that talk about endocrine disruptors.


Anonymous 21288[Reply]

Skinny, tall thin women with long legs like a ballerina have nothing to complain about.

>In most cases huge breasts look saggy and ugly.

>No short stubby legs
>No stretchy boobs
>No fat hands or fat fingers
>No round belly
>No stubby little gnome legs and will look fat no matter how much the starve themselves
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Anonymous 21291

Wow. I’ve never been happier to be a shitskin :)

Anonymous 21292

tall people look freakish and die sooner

Anonymous 21293

Fuck the white worship those loser moids will take what they can get
Right now they are obsessed with jd Vance and usha
They want what they can’t have. So they want to bring down the self esteem of non whites
Wanna be colonizers

Anonymous 21299

you guys are too retarded.

Anonymous 21312

Ehh, tbh the thought of a bunch of retarded, ugly racists staying the fuck away from me does everything but lower my self-esteem. Frankly i feel sorry for the white women who are forced to be around them. They should stick to peddling BBC cuck porn and yellow fever hentai if they want to lower the self-respect of non-white women KEK.


Anonymous 21047[Reply]

any advice 4 growing hair out?? ive been trying to grow out dis shitty mullet for a year now and it wonttt happen. long hair nonas plz drop products supplements routines anything >_>
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Anonymous 21056

Dandruff is included but more so controlling oil and hydration levels. For example, if you have a dry scalp you might need to use gentle shampoos and exfoliate the dead skin cells every so often. Just go down the Haircare rabbit hole and experiment.

Anonymous 21058

before you shampoo, add hair growth oil and a mask on your scalp for an hour.

Anonymous 21296

i've been growing mine out too. others mentioned silk pillowcases you can also get a silk bonnet to sleep in at night. make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. i take hair skin and nails supplements (it's basically just like a biotin and collagen multivitamin) but it might just be placebo lol.

i only wash my hair 3 times a week and use a scalp oil and leave in conditioner. dont be afraid to use products with silicone or glycerin in them. some of the "natural ingredient" hair products i've tried just dry my hair out, especially in the winter months.

careful with heat styling, i only dry my hair with a diffuser on low heat once it's about 50% air dried and still use a heat protector spray.

i have thick straight asian hair so ymmv depending on your hairs texture.

Anonymous 21298

NTA but I also have straight thick asian hair. What products do you use? Interested in your hair routine.

I use lush natural shampoo and conditioner bars, have leave in conditioner, and Argan hair oil for my ends. I take an hour every weekend to cut my split ends (not a general trim but literally find individual split ends and snip them). I’ve been thinking about getting that Conair exfoliating scalp wet brush to scrape away any dandruff or buildup on my scalp in the shower, but I’m afraid it’ll damage my hair because it’s easiest damaged when wet. I got an oily scalp and sometimes when I wash my hair on high temperature setting, I get dandruff for a day or two. So I was thinking of getting the conair brush to mitigate that.

I wear my hair in Dutch braids or fishtail braids. Fishtail isn’t as protective. When you unwind the hair strands, they get stuck together and you peel them away from each other. I imagine split ends get splittier this way so I stopped doing it. My hair is waist length right now and am waiting for it to grow to hip length.

Anonymous 21310


wow your hair is much longer than mine! mine is about halfway down my back.

my shampoo and conditioner i don't use anything fancy: head & shoulders "clinical strength dry scalp rescue" for shampoo and the dove damage therapy intensive repair conditioner.
once a week or so i use the dove's "10 in 1 serum mask" with hyaluronic acid.

the head & shoulders pretty much got rid of my dandruff, and i just gently scrub it into my scalp with one of those silicone scalp brushes when i wash. i don't notice any real breakage when i do this.

as for leave in products i use a generic dupe of the aveda "scalp revitalizer", it's a 10 "miracle leave in", and then garnier fructis "sleek & shine anti-frizz serum"

if i decide to heat style (or dry my hair with a hair dryer) i use the beyond the zone "turn up the heat protection spray" but i try to air dry my hair as much as possible.

i just use silk pillow cases and tie my hair in a low and loose ponytail at night. i'm growing out a super layered wolf cut so there are too many irregular sized pieces to properly braid it.


Anonymous 21356[Reply]

Drink a glass of orange juice once a day. Vitamin C is good for your hair and skin.
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Anonymous 21362

Pineapple + orange + lemon juice combo is so good

Anonymous 21363


kidney stone go brrrrr

Anonymous 21364


Disregarded, as I exclusively sip upon the finest of energizing beverages

Anonymous 21365

Orange juice is my favorite juice! Lately my drink of choice is an orange soda that's 20% juice.

Anonymous 21366


Kumquats are the best. You can eat them whole like grapes and they have tons of vitamin C.


Anonymous 21174[Reply]

Having big boobs is uncomfortable as fuck and it sucks. The sweating and just back hurting constantly.

Why do skinny girls even want these?
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Anonymous 21184

I love being flat chested,no tits,nipples only

Anonymous 21236

heck you nona, i am so jello

Anonymous 21239

Good Mornings and Reverse Hyperextensions will annihilate your back pain

Anonymous 21253

Yeah, and fucking moids just stare at you, and put their phone in front of you just to take a picture of your breasts

Anonymous 21286

Yes, but only if they are magic and never sag or give me health issues.


Reusable sanitary products 8531[Reply]

Does anyone here have any experience with reusable sanitary towels? I've usually always used the Always brand but I've recently found out how toxic their products are. I'd like to get into the reusable ones but I don't know how effective they are and how comfortable.
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Anonymous 10276

I use reusable pads and find them much more comfortable and longer lasting than disposable ones. Less leaky, too and no weird smell. I got them for cheap on amazon.

Anonymous 10451

TSS is more for things that are internal. Mostly, tampons, because they soak up all the blood and bacteria, and if they're in there for a long ass time, they can get pretty nasty.
Some people keep tampons in there for like 12 hours, which is a big risk for TSS. TSS is basically a bacterial infection. A pad won't really cause that since it's external.
I think even most menstrual cups have less risk of TSS than a tampon since all the ones Ive seen are made of medical grade silicone and have less chance to breed bacteria compared to a super-absorbent tampon.

Anonymous 10481

Literally just don't sleep in tampons and you'll be fine. Mine start to feel sore after hours of being in, so I have to remove them anyway. I can't even imagine leaving it in there long enough to incur TSS. I'm guessing some women just don't feel it? Also, make sure not to completely rely on tampons and wear a pad to let it air out a bit after removing a tampon.

Anonymous 15092

I use some made from bamboo cotton, and while they're very comfy and absorbent I haven't switched to them for my main menstrual use, only for sleeping and for discharge I get before/after a period. My first issue is: because the poppers can only hold it on loosely and even pads with two popper options can't always stay put without rolling sideways or slipping up and down I don't trust it to keep blood from going on my thighs and trousers. I've had them slip when heavy discharge was coming out and I ended up with a big wet patch above where the pad had been sitting, and thank god it wasn't bloody.

Second issue: I don't bleed when lying down but that means when I get up there's a fucking tsunami of blood and clots I have to rush to the toilet to get rid of. I've noticed when it does hit the pad all the clots and, for lack of better words, stringy red goopy shit in the blood sits on the surface without going in. I'm honestly amazed how the material has never soaked through to the other side when with disposable pads I'm frequently only saved by the plasticy adhesive backing being waterproof, which suggests it really does absorb a lot. But why the fuck does so much sit on the surface like chunks and silly string? It's unpleasant to feel and rinsing it off in the sink is nasty too. Is that just something with bamboo cotton? Do they all have this problem?

Third issue: the side you bleed on is dark gray so I don't have any problems with blood stains, however there are occasionally lightish stains that can survive a few washes and handscrubbings before going away. It's embarrassing because I can't tell if this is from the discharge I can't help, or some moment where I happened to be talking lewd and might have leaked other fluids. I don't know. Never had a problem with those staining anything in the past so this is news to me. Could just be that the pads are getting worn and the rougher surface holds stains more easily? I have no idea but I'm glad the neighbors don't use binoculars to eye my laundry.

What I'm most curious about is whether there's a brand that's particularly secure and doesn't slip, and whether "period pants" are basically the same thing. The latter are way more expensive than buying reuseable pads, and the thought of changing your whole underwear every 4-8hrs to stay fresh seems pretty inconvenient, so I've never tried it.

Anyway if you opened this ancient thread because you're thinking of switching to Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 15115


Anonymous 21264[Reply]

last week my bf slept over last night and after cuddling/ heavy petting a bit my alarm went off and i got up to get ready for work. i got naked in front of my dresser to put on work clothes and he actively sighed with desire. ikikikik what youre thinking what tf does this have to do with media?/ EVERYTHING just listen to me tell me story goddamnit. anyways i'm flattered now but at the time i was really embnarrsed/ shocked. i spent like all of my adolesnce thinking i was grossily overweight and super fat. in reality i was like a little overweight then defieniely overweight but now i'm like the healthiest i've ever been BUT i've been wanting to maybe lose a bit more weight, maybe put on some muscle now but i am just so worried about falling down the hole of body checking/ comparsion that is RAMPANT on the internet. i feel like i have no where to go. esp with all this ozempic and ariana grande shit going around . i just wish i could accept my body and want to be better without LOSING MY FUCKING MIND. even my mom, my friends everyone is always shitting on their bodies its so hard to not fall back into it.i just wish the fucking "body positivity" movement had actually done something in media rather than just creating shame for wanting to be thinner


© 2018, Kirsten Rothbart)

Anonymous 21267

Why do you care when moids are usually ugly as all hell? I do not understand your logic. Moids usually look like ballsacks. I would rather be kind of overweight and keep my pride than do anything for their gaze, since they don't return the effort. Maybe like 2% are attractive, but I'm tired of people trying to suppress the fact and becoming hostile to it. No amount of money will make me attracted to someone who looks like a toads ass either. This is not shallow though, this is setting yourself up for a reciprocal relationship. Stop lying to yourself/ putting in extra work they don't actually deserve. That's really all you have to do. Is your bf as attractive as you? This is all that matters, a reciprocal attraction. Otherwise they are just manipulating you and low key bullying you into accepting scraps, while they get to walk away with all the pride and confidence etc. (You know they will trash women who don't look how they want, while they look nasty)

The result is how you're living now. How you're living in your head now is a form of male oppression. You're entire mind is becoming a trash heap on the floor. You lose so much when you're mind is reverted to a garbage heap. You have to acknoweledge what you actually want, and ask yourself do you want to be that way? Is that how you want to live? as a mentally diminished shell of yourself? For their benefit? Its shameful imo.


How to feel beautiful when you are a 5’11 GIANT. Anonymous 21188[Reply]

Or how do I reconcile with this fact because I’m in my 20s and shouldn’t feel like I’m still perusing the hallways of high school.

I always feel so damn goofy around other women (and sometimes men but my insecurities are usually when I’m with or surrounded by other women).

I have a weird relationship with my self esteem where I can believe that I’m attractive— decent, at worse. Then it’s immediately swallowed the next time I walk by any woman who is shorter than me— which is all of them.

I get so self-conscious and hate being in groups that are heavily female because I feel as if I scare them, somehow. My self-esteem and insecurities worsen around them , too.

And it’s not in a jealous way, I don’t think. They can’t help that they are the way they are. I don’t hate them for it. But I really don’t want them to think less of me—especially since I think my insecurities inadvertently show itself more and I don’t want them to pity me, either.

I don’t know 💔💔💔

Anonymous 21216

Make sure you’re dressing for your height and body type. Well-dressed, really tall women are striking. Have you looked into tall women models/actresses and their fashion? Gwendoline Christie comes to mind, she’s 6’3”.

It’s normal to feel insecure when you get a lot of attention for something you can’t control, but don’t try and hunch your shoulders or hide yourself. Good posture and confidence on a really tall woman is so important.

Anonymous 21218


Thank you so much for your comment!!

I have recently started to practice maintaining good posture. Normally, I do stand and walk as straight as I can but I think that sometimes I do subconsciously sink into myself in certain situations. Or maybe it’s in my head.

And it is really good advice to start looking and even taking inspiration from models and actresses! Now that you’ve mentioned it, I had thoughts about observing what Megan Thee Stallion does (forgive me, not a fan of her music but she is around my height and I’m also half-black so…). It would also be nice to include Taylor Swift, too. She always had this ethereal style that I wondered if I can ever pull it off.

Anonymous 21234

Not much help but I would love to be 5''11 as a 5''6 so I can feel as intimidating as possible, and not a target from other people (Trauma lolz). But also I would love to be that height and maintain my beauty to be perceived as one of those cocaine chic girls ;p

Anonymous 21251

here's a secret nona
nobody really cares about your height

it's just like short guys complaining about being 5'8. nobody really cares. accept it and own it, it's who you are

also, if people ever make fun of your height, remember it's not actually about the height, they are just trying to hurt you

Anonymous 21252

Maybe you can tell your husband to wear stilts?

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