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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Pubic hair Anonymous 3508[Reply]

Do you shave everything, trim it? Have you gotten laser?

I want to keep my vagina as smooth as possible but that's not easy with a razor
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Anonymous 19312


I have a boyshort style bikini set that I got for that reason, but the legs roll up anyway. If I need to hide it, I shave and apply anti-inflammatory stuff like witch hazel or tea tree cream.

Anonymous 19361

How do yall get a smooth cooch with nair? I tried it once but it only removed some of my hair. I ended up going in with a razor after to get rid of some patches. But then it ended up burning like hell.

Anonymous 19621

can i get a laser removal of just the hair on my labia? it's really annoying and uncomfortable but i don't want to be fully bald, i'd rather keep some on top. will i get weird looks if i ask for that?

Anonymous 19799

I epilate it. All of it.

After the first 2 times it doesn’t feel as excruciating and it lasts a long time, is not messy like waxing, I get no ingrowns or keratosis pilaris, and save for some redness a few minutes after, my kitty looks baby smooth.

Also, after doing it for all these years, it damaged the follicles enough that it grows very sparse now. Even if I let it grow, it still looks bald unless you get really close to it.

If you can stand pain, that’s the best choice imo.

Anonymous 19809

putting an epilator on your cooch is insane.


Color analysis Anonymous 19661[Reply]

>Color analysis (American English; colour analysis in Commonwealth English), also known as personal color analysis (PCA), seasonal color analysis, or skin-tone matching, is a term often used within the cosmetics and fashion industry to describe a method of determining the colors of clothing, makeup, hair style that harmonizes with a person's skin complexion, eye color, and hair color for use in wardrobe planning and style consulting.[1] It is generally agreed that the wrong colors will draw attention to such flaws as wrinkles or uneven skin tone while harmonious colors will enhance the natural beauty of the individual making them appear healthy, brighter, and possible more attractive or put-together.

General thread for color analysis discussion, ask for/share advice, color palettes, etc.
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Anonymous 19707


Yeah I kept saying videos about it on my fyp and YouTube shorts and tbh I think it's placebo effects or just something that limits your creativity.. also are those places wayyyy too expensive for the services they offer, even consider they lay out a bunch of colored towels on your shoulders in front of a mirror and talk you into picking a side. I've seen the results of some of these and I was just left utterly shocked.
Yeah, maybe some people look better in certain tones and colors but it certainly doesn't apply to the majority of us. It feels like such a scam

Anonymous 19713

I remember this from the 90s/00s. It's just another rehashed trend

Anonymous 19715

light blue eyes, white with olive undertones, brown eyebrows with darker brown hair, streaks of blonde due to dye fading.. i have the blobfish phenotype

Anonymous 19791


Honestly, shit borders on astrology. But it has some merits: I had never really wondered what color suited me best, I just used to pick whatever I liked.

Anonymous 19792


tiktok lady.png

Face yoga Anonymous 19574[Reply]

Do you think face yoga is legit? does anyone here have experience doing face exercises?
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Anonymous 19577

probably. i think that just being active improves the fat distribution in your face and makes you look better

Anonymous 19581

This is photoshop, make-up, lighting and plastic surgery.
>being active improves the fat distribution in your face and makes you look better
Apparently, lifting (strength training) specifically does that.

Anonymous 19596

I am doing guasha and girl, I see the result! My jawline is more defined. I’ve been doing that since this summer!! It also help with your facial muscle! Do it!!

Anonymous 19619

>maybe if I look in the mirror and make funny faces for 15 minutes every morning, I'll change my facial bone structure
nona, no… that's not how genetics works. the closest you'll ever get to actually changing the shape of your bones without the use of plastic surgery is several years of weightlifting and adherence to a diet that is conducive to testosterone production. i'm not saying "take troonpills", but rather, "eat lots of red meat and dairy and work out 3x a week".

Anonymous 19779


You mean using a gua sha ?


i want to be "curvy" Anonymous 18500[Reply]

can someone please tell me how the fuck to gain weight?
"just eat" isnt cutting it. are there any extra tips to get there faster?
i want to get fatter, not muscular btw, and i would rather do so without dying from mcdonalds and other grease
also i'm very slightly underweight and it's not like i'm some weirdo/ fat fetishist, just want to be and look better
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Anonymous 19125

Drink juice or milk with meals. I started drinking lattes instead of black coffee which seems small but it's still an extra 150 calories a day. Don't be afraid of sugar.

Anonymous 19126

Hey OP how do you be skinny and underweight ? I have reverse problem

For me, I am pretty curvy, like hourglass shape with some chub on my belly and a muffin top. I have always been like this so could be genetics. But I was taught to eat everything off my plate as a kid so I tend to overeat and eat large portions. I eat carbs and meat and veggies and fruit, not really anything bad like ice cream or chips but I do have it on special occasions. I don’t exercise, go for a walk occasionally

I’d like to be svelte and ballerina sized.

Anonymous 19485



when i was underweight, id eat one large meal in the middle of the day, and maybe half of a meal at dinner time. i dont recommend skipping breakfast but i didnt really eat it at the time.

Anonymous 19778

Buy a pint of ice cream and put it in the fridge overnight and then drink it in the morning

Anonymous 19803

idk what your issue with muscle is. building a little bit of muscle helps you gain weight and get curvy without getting sick from fast food. and muscle weighs more per volume so you can gain weight quicker. you're not going to look like a roidpig if you do a few squats and lunges.
hope this helps xx


How to train a gorilla grip pussy? Anonymous 19560[Reply]

Or how to strengthen kegels basically. I can do a ton in rapid succession, but I have problems holding them for a long time. Any of you ladies have experience in gorilla grippage? I want an iron will pussy. I want my pussy to be as jacked and muscular as picrel. I've been reading up on strapless strapons and seen that they only really stay on well if your grip is in the top %s, so I want to live up to that for my future girl. Thanks.
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Anonymous 19563

How do I get abs like that without leaving my bed?

Anonymous 19564


Fucking keeek.

Try heavier kegels maybe? Different positions?

Anonymous 19565

Get better at painting :)

Anonymous 19623


Anonymous 19624

doing too much kegels might make it painful to insert things inside btw, everything is good in moderation


Anonymous 19584[Reply]

How to look more feminine naturally? Other girls seem to look so effortlessly feminine and elegant. I feel like orge next to them so any tips? Any time I put dress I feel too masculine in it. Idk how to explain. Thank you for help.
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Anonymous 19616

Sad. I used to be like that, even skipped breakfast to have enough time to do my makeup. I'm so glad I got out of that phase and am fine with just mascara now. Hope you can find peace with yourself too.

Anonymous 19617

its not sad. i enjoy taking the time to do these things becuz in a way its self care for me. but im glad you stopped. whatever makes you happy, nona :]

Anonymous 19659

Seriously this. Like, sure, there’s the odd lucky snowflake who looks stunning with or without makeup. But for the rest of the world, it takes time and effort. Maybe not daily routines, but keeping groomed eyebrows, healthy hair, nice skin, etc etc takes some dedication and upkeep - unless you’re one of those rare always beautiful types OR so far gone that no amount of grooming can save you, but that’s doubtful.

That said, throwing on some mascara and necklace can go a long way.

Anonymous 19708

What seems effortless may as well be layers of foundation and so called "natural" make-up. I read an article recently about this phenomenon
Essentially, it's another evolution of patriarchal capitalism and that knowledge doesn't stop me from falling victim to it or feeling really bad about not fitting the quota.

Anonymous 19760

Funny that you mention patriarchy and capitalism, since they add extra layers to "feminity" that you have to worry about. Also, many are contradictory. The ideal woman for capitalism is one who is constantly "improving" herself, while the ideal woman for moids is a bro-like creature they can fuck


Anonymous 19763[Reply]

What do you do on sundays or no-work days to keep your mental and body health up?

Anonymous 19764

ride my bike around the neighbourhood if the weather is nice

Anonymous 19765

for mental health i write in my journal and i ban sad music after 7:30 p.m, i also draw, read, play with my girl cat, study, anything to keep my mind occupied and safe from the Sundays sadness, im too lazy to have a workout routine but i think my skincare and haircare routines can count as body health :3

Anonymous 19766

journal, foodprep, reading

Anonymous 19767

I drink
It helps my body health because all my stress goes away

Anonymous 19768

I read, journal and crochet. Sometimes I go for a walk in the woods if the weather is nice. Or I try to anyway, I also often end up on the couch browsing. I should workout but I never do.


What's an indicator that you're attractive? Anonymous 17855[Reply]

For me, it would have to be
>someone paying for your meal/coffee
>strangers smiling at you
>having your first kiss <20 years
How about you?
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Anonymous 19110

Nona, please… If a man respects you he will remember stuff about you without lovebombing. It's called "being interested in your partner"

Anonymous 19237

people treating you kinder in generally and talking to you first. I get treated better with light makeup and put together outfit than my usual clothes. I was also treated better younger

Anonymous 19626

>people smiling at you or upon seeing you
>receiving free stuff randomly
>people being nicer and letting you get away with stuff
>people having prolonged eye contact with you OR nervously looking away from you
>moids and confident lesbians will openly hit on you, womyn and shy lesbians will covertly flirt with you
>people embrace your touch/are unbothered if you touch them
>children, especially little girls, want to be around you (bc you remind them of a princess etc)

Anonymous 19759

>children, especially little girls, want to be around you (bc you remind them of a princess etc)

MFW I have never experienced this and never will

Kids are the ultimate litmus test: they are less indoctrinated by society, yet they instinctively don't want to be like you

Anonymous 19761

Kids are not less indoctrinated by society. They have a less nuanced understanding of social rules and roles than adults, but they also have little critical thinking ability to question them.


Anonymous 19669[Reply]

Recently watched this video and while I don't normally like scrotes' side of YouTube, I stuck through this one to see something
I, as a biological woman who's not particularly a tomboy, haven't been able to answer most of those questions??
I didn't even know women referred to their mood swings throughout their cycle as a "rage cycle", I couldn't name makeup brands off the top of my hair, I didn't have any particular routine for anything. I felt like I would have gotten eliminated out of that show very easily..in fact, I probably could answer like 5 questions tops, one of them was about a Disney princess
Why did this get to me so much. Am I missing out on the "average female experience"?
Is it just autism diff?
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Anonymous 19718


God damn watching this video felt like such a chore… These guys's channel is disgusting it virtually smells like broke male living space… Nothing could convince me to put myself up on a show like this, I was surprised that many women on the show were mothers maybe even grandmother's, older and responsible and mature… I thought this kind of TikTok-able content only appealed to gen z wannabe influencers with ego problems

Anonymous 19724

Slapping moisturizer on your face has nothing to do with hygiene unless you meant cleansing by skincare.

Anonymous 19727

the fact you are worried about it is proof enough you are a normal woman. You think men ever go, "am I missing out on the male experience"? You're just a bit insecure, don't worry about it too much.

Anonymous 19746

Honestly, that vid was a scam because they changed the voices, and a male voice is a dead giveaway no matter how many hormones or surgeries they have, their nasty frog voices. None of them got caught because of their routine, there were even several women who didn’t have a skincare routine.

Anonymous 19758

>Is it just autism diff?



Disability general Anonymous 11446[Reply]

I don't think there has been a thread for those who might have some form of disability here. This thread is for discussing any problem related to a disability, it can be a mental or physical problem as long as this thread can help you feel less alone in this struggle it is all that matters. I personally have issues related to my hearing, I am curious to see if other anons do too here.
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Anonymous 19481

>If I get denied I will SCREAM
screaming isnt enough, you need to roll on the floor and throw a chairs out the window. one final act to sell that you're truly mentally hopeless

Anonymous 19490

>mentions hating homelessness
>"throw some chairs out the window"
What window lol. What chairs. By the way is anyone else having trouble logging in to ssa.gov? I have my password saved in my phone browser and got locked out of my account for 24 hours because the password that has worked for years when I first made the account up unti yesterday is now randomly "invalid" as of today. I didn't change it. On hold with the main hotline right now.

Anonymous 19547


rooting for you nona!!!

it took me 2 years to get on ssi and secure a housing voucher but now I have achieved a peace like I have never known.

Anonymous 19579

Please tell more

Anonymous 19757


I'm now officially disabled and recognized by the governement but they don't give me disability bucks. Just a little card that says i'm a disabled worker. I wanted the money REEEE

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