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I wish I could have sex Anonymous 20222[Reply]

Posting this here in case someone who relates has advice.

I'm bisexual and have been with both men and women. It's always the same story. I feel sexual attraction toward them, and I can orgasm through masturbation just from thinking about them, but as soon as we go to have sex my vagina clenches and I can't feel aroused by any stimulation, much less orgasm. Partners in the past lost interest in me for it, even though I figured out how to get them off while not feeling anything myself. I'm not uncomfortable during it, nor do I feel awkward, more frustrated that my body doesn't allow me to feel aroused when another person is there.

Right now I'm with the perfect guy who is a lot more understanding than the others, although he says he feels bad that I'm pleasuring him but he can't pleasure me. We relate to each other and love each other so much. He's the kind of guy I would marry and start a family with, but I can't even do PIV.

I have blurry memories of what could have possibly been sexual abuse as a child from a parent, but I'm not entirely sure it was. I'm currently in DBT therapy with a good therapist who's helping me work through a lot of childhood trauma but because my therapist is male I'm embarrassed to ask him about help with sex.

I don't know what to do.

Anonymous 20223

How long have you been with him?
How long have your past relationships been?

Anonymous 20224

Been with him about 8 months. Past relationships lasted a few weeks to 6ish months.

Anonymous 20243

I have this issue due to memories of possible childhood abuse as well. I was finally able to have PIV with my partner last year but I still don’t feel anything pleasant, or really anything at all. I’ve been told that’s common for women but idk if that’s true or if maybe a ton of women are sexually traumatized and experience that as a result. My OB/GYN told me to go to a sex therapist and I’m still considering it. What’s most important is communicating things with your partner. If someone gives you shit for this, they’re not worth it. You literally can’t control it.
But anyways my best advice is to seek a separate female therapist who has experience with sexual dysfunction etc. because opening up about it and feeling uncomfortable might make everything around the experience feel worse


How to get smaller shoulders Anonymous 20186[Reply]

So i have these awful broad man shoulders (like its ridiculous) and I really want feminine, smaller, curved shoulders, what can I do? Please help!
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Anonymous 20192

>>20190 thank you sm!
>>20188 I just meant like exercises and stuff lol

Anonymous 20194


Don't be dumb

You cannot make your skeleton smaller. There are no "exercises" for this. There is no mechanism by which developing your muscles would magically make your bones and joints look smaller. Fashion tips which claim to "disguise" broad shoulders only create dissonance and make you look weird.

You will always have broad shoulders. If you believe they are "man shoulders" you have internalized stupid ideas about what women's shoulders look like and probably have body dysmorphia. Accept and embrace your build, or suffer and make a fool of yourself.

Anonymous 20195

if you do exercises youll make your shoulders bigger

Anonymous 20198

Just go for an androgynous-yet-femme look

Anonymous 20220

Not possible. If your shoulders are naturally broad it's because of the skeleton underneath.

I've never seen a woman with "broad man shoulders" even if she was tall btw unless she was super muscular, you're probably just imagining things to be much worse than they are.


Rate Menstruation Products. Anonymous 14073[Reply]

What is your list to the most usefull to worst menstruation products?
Mine is:
>№1 Sanitary Pads.
>№2 Tampons.
>№3 Menstrual Cup.
>№4 Reusable Sanitary Pads Made Out Of Cloth.
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Anonymous 20163

For your consideration nona


Anonymous 20165

i grew up muslim and literally never heard this. what kind of shit hole do you live in?

Anonymous 20167

It's not just a Muslim thing, I'm in Canada and I've encountered a small catholic town in Quebec that didn't sell tampons cause they're supposed to be virginity stealers. I also noticed menstrual cups were hard to find in Nova Scotia because they're more conservative too. It was a few years before they were in every major pharmacy. A friend of mine from a small village in Newfoundland told me some girls who bought tampons keep it quiet causes it's associated with being a whore cause men believe they are pleasurable for us to wear and plus they think it breaks the hymen so some assume you must have already lost your virginity if you wear it. I presume some rather backwards countries which still allow virginity checks on the wedding night would ban tampons for that reason seeing as this is the state of some provinces here in the west. My mom is from Pakistan and she said growing up tampons weren't a thing to buy but women just stuck cotton up there cause pads were just cotton since disposable pads like today with the plastic film didn't exist back then. Last time I was in the country you could buy always tampons at any pharmacy at a bazzar so I presume it's different now but some places are probably stuck in the past. I wouldn't trust the tampons though, a cousin warned me she imports pads cause she gets rashes from the crap brands sell there vs elsewhere. God knows what's in it and that you wouldn't want to insert it into you

Anonymous 20213

5. Cups - Top tier 10/10 my beloved
Used since 2012, no major failures. Literally only used other options in emergency situations once i adopted them
4. Tampons 5/10 mid not a fan
Kinda hate them because they can hurt like hell when taking out. Kinda hurt in general when putting in too because of how dry.
4. Reusable Pads 3/10 literally only becasue they're reusable, never used
3. Disposable pads 2/10 shit tier diaper crinky bullshit. Plus I have to wear panties which I'm against because theyre a huge scam. No one needs to wear underwear, literally fake useless piece of clothing. Just to siphon money out of your pocket.
4. Period panties 0/10 shit tier, would genuinely just rather freebleed so the blood isnt smooshed up against my bush to dry out and clot up. Gross gross gross.

Anonymous 20253

Period cups changed my life. Period discs even more so. They are easier to empty, to insert and to remove, plus I've always hated the idea of the cup creating suction inside me.


Ideal Body Type thread? Anonymous 1672[Reply]

What's your ideal body type, anons?

Are you into being thin, or curvy, or maybe fit? Were you born a cone shape but long to be a pear? Or maybe you're a banana but would rather be an hourglass?

I'd like to hear your opinions and what you're doing to get there!
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Anonymous 20153

honestly would love to be super thin

Anonymous 20180


Imo, thin and curvy is ideal (as in mostly narrow but with wider hips). Unfortunately I'm not curvy, I'm more rectangular, I have to stay thin or else I look bad.

Anonymous 20185

thin and flat but with nice waist, just extremely small sick looking

Anonymous 20189


I wish i was tall I seethe every time somebody brings up how short I am i hate it so much. I dont care what body type I just wish I was tall so I could look at people beneath me the way talls look at me now. They mess around with me too saying shit about how theyre letting middle schoolers in wherever I am and asking if i lost my parents. fucking talls should turn short for a day to know what its like. In high school they used to just pick me up just to mess with me. I hate all talls.

Anonymous 20210

I’m happy with my general body shape but sometimes I wish I was petite. I also wish my tits weren’t as saggy.


Early pregnancy Anonymous 19774[Reply]

So i recently discovered I'm pregnant (blood test), I might be in the 3rd week or so, I haven't even been able to see a doctor yet.

I'm so anxious and I can't even tell anyone (apart from my moid who doesn't seem take it really seriously, he even offered me a drink and cigarettes, saying our grandmothers smoked and drinked during pregnancy and it wasn't a problem…whatever,i didnt choose him for his medical literacy), what makes me especially anxious is that there's so much risk of miscarriage at this early point and also I'm afraid my baby might come out with disability (i will do every test i can to determine if it has disability, and if it is the case i will terminate the pregnancy… I want to be a mom but i couldn't raise a person with heavy disability)

I want to tell my mom but she will instantly go crazy. So let's wait a few months until Im sure it's safe

For now i don't really feel different, i just have some light stomach pain fron time to time but maybe that's just psychological.

Have you ever experienced pregnancy? Feel free to share your experiences of (early) pregnancy.
Also if you have any tips.
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Anonymous 20162

Good luck with your pregnancy. I hope and pray for success with your family. <3

Anonymous 20166

oh but dont forget shes in a third world country

Anonymous 20193

>he even offered me a drink and cigarettes, saying our grandmothers smoked and drinked during pregnancy and it wasn't a problem

Hate to break it to you, but this man is retarded. You might want to get your baby screened in case it's genetic.

>although I admit he had a difficult time accepting it is a girl.

Ah, looks like you're retarded as well. Why did you reproduce with this shitbag?

Anonymous 20199

Apparently she's in a third world country so I assume this is all a result of her doing whatever she can to survive as a woman, tbh. It was probably somehow the least shifty of her options.

Anonymous 20200



i want to be "curvy" Anonymous 18500[Reply]

can someone please tell me how the fuck to gain weight?
"just eat" isnt cutting it. are there any extra tips to get there faster?
i want to get fatter, not muscular btw, and i would rather do so without dying from mcdonalds and other grease
also i'm very slightly underweight and it's not like i'm some weirdo/ fat fetishist, just want to be and look better
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Anonymous 19485



when i was underweight, id eat one large meal in the middle of the day, and maybe half of a meal at dinner time. i dont recommend skipping breakfast but i didnt really eat it at the time.

Anonymous 19778

Buy a pint of ice cream and put it in the fridge overnight and then drink it in the morning

Anonymous 19803

idk what your issue with muscle is. building a little bit of muscle helps you gain weight and get curvy without getting sick from fast food. and muscle weighs more per volume so you can gain weight quicker. you're not going to look like a roidpig if you do a few squats and lunges.
hope this helps xx

Anonymous 20125

i get you nona i wanna gain weight too bc im scrawny asf and look like a kid lol. im failing bc im not rly putting in effort to gain weight and im too laaaazy to eat which is a problem lmao. anyways look for healthy high calorie foods, theres a lot of recipes on the internet! good luck!

Anonymous 20154

I’m not sure if you were giving genuine advice but I giggled hard at this.
This >>18512 is probably the correct answer if you’re still here OP. Also it’s a bit obvious but switch to full fat dairy


What's everyone's go to jewelry? Anonymous 19769[Reply]

I've never really felt comfortable wearing jewellery in the past
I want to try it more often, but whenever I wear stuff with an outfit it seems like it doesn't fit
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Anonymous 19924

I want earrings that I can just leave in and not worry about. But I don't know what style I want.

Anonymous 20066

Just small hoop earrings and a nose ring

Anonymous 20079

I have a bunch of stuff but I really only wear the expensive jewelry my partner has given me on special occasions. I would rather never take it off than wear any of my other stuff bc im sentimental like tht

Anonymous 20086

Basic stud earrings when I wear earrings unless it's a nice occasion. Usually a sterling necklace with a switching selection of charms on it. I prefer silver to gold but I have a couple gold necklaces. Seldom wear old chunky bracelets that was passed down to me by my grandma or nana, those are beautiful but heavy. I've been blessed to own or have inherited nice jewelry and I feel like I often don't deserve it

Anonymous 20124

silver cross necklace or silver heart necklace i think its mary's heart or something idk but the back side has jesus and mary on it so i guess the silver part is also some christian symbol… for earring i always go with simple pearl ones they make me so cute and feminine! i used to overaccessorize but i figured it looked a bit tacky on me. but some cute dainty shiny jewelry is always great!


Skin whitening Anonymous 11271[Reply]

Is it possible to actually get pale with products? I see lots of korean beauty influencers getting really pale with creams and stuff but everytime I try them, nothing changes. I feel like nothing ever changes. Same for kojic acid soap. Never did anything! My skin is probably as dark as Salma Hayek. She is a really beautiful woman and I think all skintones can be attractive but me, personally, I don't wanna be dark. Everytime I use a filter that makes me lighter it makes 10x times prettier.
Anyone here tried any cream that worked for them?
(also no point in telling me to love myself blablabla, i do like myself i just wanna be paler it's the same as paler women wanting to get tan. nothing is wrong with it.)
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Anonymous 18751

okay but what's the point of skin whitening if the skin will always be covered

Anonymous 18764

Right now im using hidrógen peroxyde ( 30 volumes)to get my skin more light and it works , I have fair skin but for some reason my armpits and knees seem to be very dark ( compared to my skin tone) the faggot who cuts my hair told me he used hair bleach to clear all his skin and it really works but you can get hurt if you leave it in your skin more than 10 minutes ,I buy one of those boxes that they sell in the supermarket to bleach your hair at home , it was really cheap, anyway I mix the powder and the cream and I apply to my problem areas , wait 10 minutes and I rinse , after two times that I used it i can say my Skin is now all uniform and looks the same tone , be careful , and apply cream once you are finished , because the skin will be very dry, also put a little bit of the bleach in your arm before you do this ( sorry for the gramatical errors English it’s not my first lenguage

Anonymous 18789

Intravenous glutathione and vitamin C

Anonymous 18956

salma hayek isnt even that dark i hope you fail miserably at lightening your skin

Anonymous 20123

I have these awful dark spots in my feet because of friction. Hopefully this will help remove them
How many times you had to use it to notice any changes? And how frequently?


Anonymous 20121[Reply]

Does anyone have experience with this color corrector?


Anorexia recovery Anonymous 19479[Reply]

I'm in recovery because I wanted to commit suicide but all the food makes my stomach hurt. I think it happens because I have gotten used to only eating vegetables and coffee or tea. Could it be that coffee damaged my stomach? Or maybe it's just my anorexia mind feeling guilty for eating?
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Anonymous 19808

Everyone's digestion gets fucked up in anorexia recovery. Try some yoga for stomach pain like puppy pose. I saw doctors for it but after like a year and a half I figured out that most of the pain was just trapped wind

Anonymous 19834

It's not the coffee, you can keep drinking that.

Anonymous 19912

>Could it be that coffee damaged my stomach?

Coffee can cause heartburn.


>Effects of Coffee on the Gastro-Intestinal Tract

Tea as well, I'm sure there's a study somewhere confirming it.

These are the facts, though I don't know what to suggest, I don't want to imply you should stop eating or drinking something. Maybe try other drinks that are not fizzy or wash down the coffee with water.

>Or maybe it's just my anorexia mind feeling guilty for eating?

I don't think anyone here can answer this. Try to reduce the physical pain, eat food like soup and beans that is easy on the stomach.

Anonymous 19930

It takes time for your body to readjust to processing normal amounts of food. When I was recovering from undereating I also had gas problems. It goes away and recovery is worth it.

Anonymous 20107

Are you doing better, nona?

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