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No sew/minimal hand sewing kawaii upcycles? Anonymous 20571[Reply]

I am on a budget but love kawaii/weeby coquette/cutecore(hyperfeminine 2000's anime inspired) fashion. I've added bows and lace to things but would like some advice/links to tutorials on how to cuteify/upcycle clothing.

Anonymous 20580



something i wanna do that i have not gotten around to is use this nice ikea velcro to connect fabric to stuff. it's super easy. it is velcro with a type of hotglue on the other side and i have used it to attach fabric to a window to make quick and easy curtains without sewing. just needs to be warmed gently somehow. (i have seen it used with a little burner thingy people use to make creme brulee with, probably a regular lighter could be used too for small pieces. i have also seen it used with a hot air gun, probably works with a blowdryer too because it doesn't have to be that hot, just hot enough for the glue to melt)

it comes with both sides of the velcro. melt one side, press it gently on the fabric, melt the other side, press it gently above the window on the window frame.

since it was hotglue, it was easy to remove from the window frame when the first positioning did not come out that good, remelt it and position it again. i'd assume it is also not impossible to remove it from the fabric again.

pretty nice stuff. i was bummed out when the fabric section in my local ikea was reduced to maybe 10 different fabrics i did not like but i did stumble upon this nice hot-glue velcro in the once vast fabric aisle.

reposition it from the fabric


scars Anonymous 19908[Reply]

nonas with cutting scars, how do you deal with them?
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Anonymous 20301

I did a bleach bath for skin issues and it somehow resurfaced cutting scars I didn't even know I had fml. If I ever have a kid that cuts I am going to beat it.

Anonymous 20342

Luckily I don't have that many so they aren't super noticeable but I cover them with jewelry (on my wrists)

Anonymous 20343

applying glycolic acid a few times a day and then thick moisturizer/bio oil/cocoa butter. and keep them out of the sun cause it'll make them much worse

Anonymous 20496

I don't think it's worth stressing yourself out. i have pretty bad ones on my legs but eventually it gets hot enough outside that i stop giving a fuck and just wear the shorts. There is a lot of societal pressure for people to just mind their own business so even if they notice things like that they aren't gonna go through the awkwardness of bringing it up with you. I've only ever had like 2 people mention it to me in a solidarity type way which is still pretty awkward but not rude or anything.

Anonymous 20520

i have scars on my inner upper thighs, so not very noticable.
I make sure to exfoliate them more as part of my shower routine and used lemon and baking soda when they were pinker. A tattoo (whether temporary or not) is something i have been considering, probably like a robot/cyborg looking body tattoo.


Lips Thread Anonymous 20312[Reply]

What is your favorite lipstick, lip gloss, lip balm etc?

Anonymous 20325


My current favorite is Judydoll's Lip Mud!

Anonymous 20326


Omg , judydoll's rose cherry blossom is my favorite!

Anonymous 20332


Love tinted ChapStick

Anonymous 20510


Covergirl Bliss Berry tinted lip balm for comfortable everyday wear

Anonymous 20515

I love the DHC lip cream. My lips are permafucked from isotret and lanolin is the only thing that helps.


Anonymous 20369[Reply]

Why is being skinny considered so important?
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Anonymous 20433


>>staunchly against protien and omega3s D8<

Anonymous 20439

strange perspectiv…


i don't think your perspective on the human organism is all that valid…

Anonymous 20458

I think it's as easy as the fact that, short of having literal deformities, a skinny body is almost guaranteed to look nice. Whereas chub aesthetics are very dependent on the person's genes. I used to weigh 15 kilos above my usual average for a couple of years and guess what? It all fucking went into my shoulders and belly.

Anonymous 20497


I don't know and I wish I knew how to not care so much but I just want to be beautiful and skinny.

Anonymous 20498

you just live your life wrong. without responsibility and reason.


Anonymous 20386[Reply]

Do wear make-up when you are alone at home or just when you go out? Do you even wear make-up at all? I just put a fuckload of kajal around my eyes, not because I want to look pretty for some dumb fuckers, but because it fits my attitude of a drunken pirate.
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Anonymous 20403

No, for these same reasons.

Anonymous 20423

I draw my eyebrows on but that's usually it, I used to mess around with eyeshadow a lot but I haven't felt like it.

Anonymous 20434

I used to wear it everyday back when I actually went outside not full face(except on special occasions)because I had acne, just eyebrows,eyes and contour. Nowadays I'm too lazy to bother
>not because I want to look pretty for some dumb fuckers, but because it fits my attitude of a drunken pirate.
based that's the same reason I've always had for wearing makeup too

Anonymous 20475

I used to wear it a decent amount but my self esteems basically fallen into goblin mode and my current job involves more sweating thusly I've given up on it during workdays

Anonymous 20477

i used to wear fake eyelashes everyday but whenever id mess them up id rage and rip them off which damaged my skin so i gave up


Working out to make up for being ugly Anonymous 20351[Reply]

Do you do the same? Because I lost in the genetic lottery I started to get those cheeks
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Anonymous 20467

>that's confusion over what is within your control and what isn't
>it all just boils down to you not being responsible for anything about yourself
not even gonna say anything

>if you can't handle getting dealt an eye color, go play sims where you can choose your eye color

me when i lack comprehension skills

Anonymous 20470


what could you possibly say that does not reveal you as a fool barking at the moon. your pathetic demonization of the hand you were dealt with instead of identifying with what you actually are is no less a form of shame just because you phrase the denial in scientific language.

if your nose is crooked you are loyal to your crooked nose and you don't wish for another nose because it is your nose! stand by it instead of cursing it because it is not the nose you would have chosen. that's not why you're ugly. ugly is a state of mind that you sign up for.

you are not a piece of lego where you switch out parts, you are a plant that grew out of the ground.

Anonymous 20471

now that i see your point, i respect what you’re saying, but id still have to disagree honestly

Anonymous 20472

First of all, that was the gooberment and the medical doctors, not microbiologists. I and had very little to do with medicine.
Second of all, I never said anything about free will. I just said I put some DNA in some bacteria to make it better or worse at earing milk. That's it. That was my whole post.

Anonymous 20473


>First of all, that was the gooberment and the medical doctors, not microbiologists. I and had very little to do with medicine.

these are just people equally shapable into whatever the evil machine currently needs, no different from you. you would have complied. you would have obeyed every evil command especially if you would have been rewarded monetarily for it like a good dog. you are dependent on the same few malevolent sources of money and are always one refusal away from having everything taken away from you. you are the same soulless machine without principals as they are. nobody dreams of being a microbiologist as a child, this is not a genuine passion of you. the reason you chose that profession is the reason you can be pushed around.

>Second of all, I never said anything about free will. I just said I put some DNA in some bacteria to make it better or worse at earing milk. That's it. That was my whole post.

you didn't have to say it. you are still young and dumb, you don't see how everything is connected yet.

the fat guy does not need to say he likes cookies. of course he does. the soulless scientist does not have to say she does not believe in free will, of course she doesn't.

you don't seem to have seen this yet but people generally do not stray away from what their job needs them to be. they don't like it when this is discussed, they call it stereotypes and are quick to mention any counter-example they can come up with but once you see how the world of adults work, you'll understand that people are just job-machines and nothing more. if you have known a few people who work as <insert job>, then you know them all because the reality and the requirements of the job shapes those people into identical clones. you will walk the exact same path, develop the exact same personality, say the same things, have the same preferences and opinions. you notice the same details and value the same traits.

you don't see it but i already see you life's path and my disdain for you is based on what you have done in your life but also what you inevitable will be made to do.
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Anonymous 20408[Reply]

Are Instagram filters and Snapchat filters really changing how we look at ourselves?
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Anonymous 20457


it just feeds illusion which will worsen all existing problems already caused by illusion. this hostility towards reality…

the webm i consider sickening. she is so swept up in illusion, she is not even loyal towards her own face. she agrees with the sentiment of her own face not being good enough and as soon as the filter hits, she smiles because she is a good bootlicker and finally looks how she is supposed to.

Anonymous 20459

It's only about people who are using social media or in other words the bottom of the barrel gutter trash of society. Let them die and move on

Anonymous 20462

you’re on crysta.cafe

Anonymous 20468

so tru

Anonymous 20469

Imageboards predate social media. Their lineage are forums and bulletin board systems. Social media is a term that is used to replace web 2.0


Anonymous 20305[Reply]

What is Leon's hairstyle called? Is Leon Kennedy's hairstyle physically impossible?

Anonymous 20306

>What is Leon's hairstyle called?
>Is Leon Kennedy's hairstyle physically impossible?
No, Anyone with straight hair could have that style without even trying.

Anonymous 20333

No, anyone can try that style, although I think it's easier for women because of usually longer hair

Anonymous 20355

Idk but my brother has a similiar hairstyle, he gets the sides cut close like in a buzz cut but he has them leave the top medium length, he calls it his shrigma male mushroom head style.

Anonymous 20356

lips length straight hair with curtain bangs and a side part and some layering maybe

Anonymous 20358

it's basically a layered bob (like the stereotypical karen style) with curtain bangs


Is it normal to want a prosthetic in place of a healthy limb? Anonymous 20335[Reply]

First time posting, probably messed something up, sorry if so.

Its not ‘from the moment i understood the weakness of my flesh it sickened me’, but more, i think i would look so fucking hot with an entire arm made out of hydraulic-mechanical type beast machinery. I feel as though that is how Im supposed to look. But yeah, i feel pretty disgusting thinking this given that people genuinely struggle with disabilities as a result of being an amputee.

Anonymous 20341

>supposed to look like
thats not normal but youre not alone. theres people out there with biidisorder who feel like that. they usually suppress the fantasy though so they dont end up cutting their arm off or gorging their eyes out.
having a cyborg arm would be cool but unless youre suparich youll end up with a plastic or wooden string stick with 1000x less functionality than your normal arm.

Anonymous 20350

Well, it depends. You seem more like a 'robot arm cool' kinda Nona than 'I need this arm off of me now'
If it is the latter though, I'd say you've got Body Integrity Dysphoria. It's 'normal' in the same way that cancer is normal, in that it's humanly possible but not really good for you.

In all honesty though the real problem is when people want to cut the arms off of other people.


Nose piercings. Anonymous 9290[Reply]

Who started this trend?
Why does everyone have them?
And how the heck does ANYONE think this looks good?
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Anonymous 20303

>Lip, bellybutton, tongue, single brow piercing. All to this day look good to me.
these look way worse than a few studs up someone's ear lmao bellybutton and tongue rings are the trashiest of trash piercings

Anonymous 20328

Once I was watching HGTV with my mom while I was visiting her and there was girl on House Hunters and my mom saw her nose ring and said it looked like a booger, which is true. I hate all piercings other than earrings.

Anonymous 20329

honestly the only piercing i judge on women is nipple/clit piercings. those scream cum dumpster/mental illness. and im happy i wont get to see most of those anyways (besides those really trashy women who have nipple piercings and intentionally go out braless to show them off, like blweh)

everything else i cant be bothered to care tbvh

Anonymous 20330

Same. I can't stand clit piercings, that's just disgusting.

Anonymous 20345

I find them repulsive, it's something almost instinctual

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