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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Small Breasts Thread Anonymous 3427[Reply]

Let's discuss our thoughts on our small breasts and offer solutions and bra recommendations. Please, no derailing with people saying how we have it "easy" or anything like that.

>How has having small breasts affected your body image and confidence?

>Do you believe breast augmentation is alright?
>Do you prefer going braless?
>What are your favorite types of bras, if you wear bras?
>Do you care about having cleavage or not?
>If you have been berated for having small breasts, how have you coped?
>What are your favorite aspects of having small breasts?
>What's your favorite breast type visually?
>Any other advice for other small-breasted ladies, stories related to your small breasts, etc.
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Anonymous 20644

mine are exactly like that like even down to the weird shape so it only ever looks okayish when its cold. having badly shaped tits are way worse than having super small ones that have a good shape. i think a boob job is my only option :(

Anonymous 20687


>How has having small breasts affected your body image and confidence?

>If you have been berated for having small breasts, how have you coped?
I hung around a lot of online spaces when I was 12-14 YO (male dominated spaces since the internet in general is male dominated). Can't believe my self-esteem got so low that I used to joke with them about being "flat". When I was 17 an ex-bf told me I was unattractive because I didn't fit into Eurocentric beauty standards which I suspect is partially due to my small breasts (I'm Asian). I coped by developing a hatred of men kekw.

Anonymous 20688

I miss having small breasts so much. Back when I was in high school I was 5'9 and weighed 129 pounds and was a B cup at most. Now it's 10 years later I'm 226 and my breasts are fucKing huge. I can't find bras that fit me at Walmart or any of the normal stores and even when special stores have them they are expensive and few and far between. I hate that can't do jumping jacks, I hate that I can't really wear sports bras (I'm autistic and it gives me sensory issues). I remember an ex of mine brought up how small they were in a text telling me off after I broke up with him. It really didn't affect my that much because I liked the way they looked. I guess the only thing that ever really hurt my self-confidence is when people would mistake me for a guy, but at the time I associated that with me just being an ugly girl. In hindsight, it probably had something to do with it. It doesn't matter to me now, I would do anything to go back to my old body. [spoiler]I just wish I could stop overeating. I have like no self-control.Or stop eating for a while in general[spoiler] I guess I like that guys like my breasts and they can be kinda cute in some outfits. I would kill to have small breasts again though.

Anonymous 20689


I miss having small breasts so much. Back when I was in high school I was 5'9 and weighed 129 pounds and was a B cup at most. Now it's 10 years later I'm 226 and my breasts are fucKing huge. I can't find bras that fit me at Walmart or any of the normal stores and even when special stores have them they are expensive and few and far between. I hate that can't do jumping jacks, I hate that I can't really wear sports bras (I'm autistic and it gives me sensory issues). I remember an ex of mine brought up how small they were in a text telling me off after I broke up with him. It really didn't affect my that much because I liked the way they looked. I guess the only thing that ever really hurt my self-confidence is when people would mistake me for a guy, but at the time I associated that with me just being an ugly girl. In hindsight, it probably had something to do with it. It doesn't matter to me now, I would do anything to go back to my old body. I just wish I could stop overeating. I have like no self-control.Or stop eating for a while in general I guess I like that guys like my breasts and they can be kinda cute in some outfits. I would kill to have small breasts again though. Please delete the above post the spoiler text didn't work right

Anonymous 20819


>I would do anything to go back to my old body

first thing to lose weight is to continue to hold the thought that it is possible.

i mean that literally.

you hold the thought in your head. you give the thought the stage, your attention. you say to yourself that it is possible, read it to yourself in your head, your attention is currency. there are other things claiming to be the currency, having people all over the world call it the currency and these things come up when you search for currency but they are not the currency. whole world is wrong. your attention is.

so you bathe the thought of the possibility with currency. let your attention rain on the thought, hold it in your brain. i have done this to cultivate other habits.

i held the thought of the thing i wanted to change in my head the first day and once i got antsy and wanted to grab my phone and doomscroll some mindless feed, i said "no, just a few more seconds" and i did not grab the phone and kept thinking about the thing.

first day i thought about it maybe 30 seconds. then over night it grew. second day i thought about it a few times, a minute each. third day i thought about it even more and by the fourth day my attention had generated so much energy that i could no longer sit still and be in denial about it. I CAN EASILY DO THIS LITTLE THING THAT BRINGS ME CLOSER… and the gears started to turn, like holding magnifying glass under sunlight just the right way, my focus on the thing made my energy start to burn.
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stomach vacuums Anonymous 20436[Reply]

has anyone done stomach vacuums? i know a lady who does them, but tbh i’d like to just hear more about it, ive also heard people say that it’s corrected their posture. what are your experiences??

Anonymous 20461

Stomach vacuums train your transverse abdominal muscles. These are not the sixpack muscles but something like a corset all over your belly and therefore they give your core stability. You can easily try it daily. Just suck in your belly and hold it for 30s or suck it in and then release throughout a minute or something like that

Anonymous 20482

My mother encouraged me to do this when I was very young, and I stayed a lot thinner that way compared to my peers. I love her for that!

Anonymous 20490


I'm assuming it's this

Anonymous 20793

There’s more technique involved than sucking your tummy in.
Vacuums are a breathing exercise, you have to completely empty your lungs and stomach until you feel your diaphragm “plug” and then the negative pressure will lift your organs for a lack of a better description. Posture is extremely important to avoid involving the wrong muscle group and to take care of your spine. You also need to do them 3 hours after you’ve eaten so usually they’re best first thing in the morning.
There’s a lot of postures to try from beginner to advanced so I highly encourage anyone wanting to do them to do a lot of research first, don’t just hold your tummy in you have to create negative pressure within your core to do it properly otherwise you risk increasing said abdominal pressure and blowing your pelvic floor muscles out, I received training from a PT I advise anyone interested to get some coaching if you can afford it


Anonymous 20390[Reply]

how to get more feminine body structure?
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Anonymous 20695


This so much! Improving my posture has given me so much confidence. It helps me feel more feminine. People even started viewing me more feminine.

My slouch was so bad I was growing a literal hump.

It's even given me power in the work place. People started to listen to me more. They no longer treat me like a push over. I noticed the male co-workers started listening to my orders.

You need to work on your back. Maintaining posture requires muscles in your back.
The first day it hurt so much I was in tears.

Now if only I can change my face for free.

Anonymous 20705

I've been working on my posture by doing some crunches on the pullup bar. Doing work on glutes with lunges and goblet squats and going crazy on the leg press as well. This evening when I go to the gym I'm going to try and start doing some more ab workouts with weights.

Anonymous 20768

this post has been up for 3 months and nobody said dancing?

dancing. the answer is dancing. go and dance. during the long winter nights when it is dark, cold and windy outside you better have your place in good shape with clean floors that aren't cluttered (because you want all that space to move around in, all graceful and elegant!) and then find some music you vibe to and dance!

and if you can't do it, maybe try some wine or some weed, that might help. go feel the music, be kind to yourself, feel wonderful and enjoy the health benefits that dancing tries to bring into your life.

dancing is this kind benevolent thing that only wants to help you and improve your life in various ways and you stand in the way of it. if only you knew how good it was, how essential it is to a complete human life. makes the body feel better, builds muscle, burns calorie, makes the mind work better, soothes the soul, makes you sweat and smile and breathe deep.

Anonymous 20774

Do you have any posture guides pls link here

I’m growing a hunch back and phone neck day by day

Anonymous 20775


>Do you have any posture guides pls link here

make sure when you sit at a table, that the table is so high, that you have to sit very straight to use the table (to eat or to type). height adjustable table helps with this, it also helps so you can work at a computer or eat while standing up.

also make sure your sink in the kitchen and in the bathroom are the right height. for the longest time i was using a kitchen sink that was apparently made for children because i always had to crouch down. so i put a little stool in front of it where i would always put one knee on as to lower myself down to the sink to use it for more then 10 seconds.

last thing i can think of: make sure your bed is not too comfy, it needs to be kind of hard (which is only bothersome in the beginning and soon becomes normal) for your back, otherwise backproblems are inevitable, at least this was the case with me. i am so glad i just spontaneously bought a slightly too hard matress many years ago and all my backproblems went away.

phone neck: lift the phone in front of your face or even better, get used to using it less, phone is awful. it is a machine that tries to distract and disable you and leave you depressed. do arts and craft instead, internet turns worse by the minute.

>I’m growing a hunch back and phone neck day by day


Fitness general Anonymous 2106[Reply]

Old thread seems to be locked.

>post fitness related questions

>share your workouts, goals, inspiration etc.
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Anonymous 19546

>Does anyone here know a female only forum like this one specifically for female bodybuilders?
not what you're looking for but iirc lc has a thread for bodybuilding

Anonymous 20680

I have started my fitness journey with a 4 day rotation of strength training and on my off days I do 45 mins cardio.

Currently I weigh 151 lbs. Will report back with results monthly!

Anonymous 20684


I'm few months into lifting (5x a week) and weigh about the same. What do you do for cardio? I have a bad habit of skipping cardio bc I hate most of it, and I need to find something I like enough to do consistently

Anonymous 20690

Just went on a 4h hike uphill and it is way better than the step master

Anonymous 20691

Oops sorry I meant to reply to myself (I am going to reply to Myself every time I do a good exercise to help keep myself motivated & let others see / get inspired by my progress)
But on my 45 mins days I do the step master or elliptical with a good podcast episode so it isn’t as gruelling. I am aiming to do long hiking trips on the weekend.

Being active makes me feel alive. My weights fluctuated over the years (115-200lbs) and my healthiest and fittest I’ve been was 130’lbs where I didn’t count calories but made sure I exercised everyday and I skipped junk food, sugary drinks, and ate whole carbs (rice, potatoes)
I’m aiming to get back there again. Would not recommend starving yourself. You don’t feel as good. When I was 115 lbs I’d easily faint sometimes… I did look good in photos but feeling bad ain’t worth it

What is the Soylen…

Meal Replacements Anonymous 20292[Reply]

What are your favorite meal replacements? I like the taste of original Soylent but it expires too fast. Atkins shakes and bars are pretty good, albeit pricey.
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Anonymous 20620

Keto chow is incredible

Anonymous 20640

I sometimes drink slimfast for a meal replacement because I don't always like eating breakfast/lunches but I need something to keep my stomach quiet.
It's fast and simple and I can drink it on the way to work.

Anonymous 20669

>something to keep my stomach quiet

are you in conflict with your body? it sounds like it is bother you and keeping you from climbing the corporate ladder.

Anonymous 20675

>corporate ladder
Lol. Don't care.
I like to keep my body in a state of limbo where it think it gets food only to deny it and gorge later on after work.

Anonymous 20681

>it think it gets food only to deny it and gorge later on after work

that does sound like corporate ladder a bit but feel free to remain in denial about it…

i can tell your relation to your body is out of sync when you feel the need to fool your body. i guess you tried just not eating all day and only eating in the evening but your body rebelled against your management. in theory this should not be a problem, one meal a day. i guess you eat a lot of candy and drink coffee and potentially use medication that also stresses your body.

i just eat fruit all day and when i am eating something heavy, i eat it in the evening. that's almost one meal a day with the added benefit that i don't need coffee to help me poop.

girl, just two bananas (or how ever many) during the day could save your life from this industrial nightmare wrecking havoc on your body and keep you from turning into a muppet with age.


sunscreen recs Anonymous 20613[Reply]

i’m looking for a good facial sunscreen
>no white cast or pilling
>wont break me out
>under $20
i’ve been using neutrogena hydro boost bite it would give me a new zit every day. any good recommendations?
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Anonymous 20629


Non-oily sunscreens market themselves as non-comedogenic
For avoiding white cast, look for chemical sunscreens since they don't use whitish minerals to absorb and deflect UV rays, but if they irritate your skin too much, then avoid products with oxybenzone in the ingredients
Picrel seems good
If you have to use a mineral sunscreen, then avoid products with titanium dioxide since that's worse for white cast, and apply sparingly

Anonymous 20630

my rec is don't use it. only stay few minutes in the sun when it is hottest and learn your safe window.

where i live, when i avoid the sun from 2 hours before 12:00 noon and 2 hours after 12:00 noon, i'm fine. where you live most likely you can find a similar window.

with disappointment i see that again crystal cafe is a breeding ground for victims of consumerism. i wonder which brand of sunscreen the wild animals buy from the wild animal convenience store🙄

Anonymous 20632

Living on the equator my only safe zone to go outside without sunscreen is when there is no sun or very slight sunrise/sunset (MAYBE up to 6:00 am and starting 6:00 pm if i'm not anal about being exposed to residual sunlight but even 5:30 pm sun is still too bright)
Putting on sunscreen is always a hassle though so I just walk out with a cap when the sun is already halfway past going down/is still weak going up. I'll only apply it if I really have to go out in the middle of the day

Anonymous 20634

la roche poosay

Anonymous 20636

i'd try a parasol


Parental controls for myself Anonymous 20562[Reply]

Hello everyone.
I have an android phone and I would like to add parental controls for myself to add blocking of impurity and bedtimes, etc, but every app I see is meant for actual parents and kids so they ask for two phones, the parent's and the child's. Any reccomendations? Thank you
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Anonymous 20590

Everything about phones and the apps on it is designed to be addictive so it isn't a shocker that you are.

is just a stupid, wasteful approach. human life is short. transcend the desire to flee this place, this mindlessness that addiction needs to survive. fight it. if you shelter yourself from it, you will spend your life fleeing from it when you can just learn to ignore it. it is not hard but it takes time that the addiction convinces you you don't have. all these dumb young people saying "doesn't matter what i do, i'm not gonna be old anyways" and then they turn old and their whole basis for existence turned out to be invalid.

the first part of the fight is the hardest, that's when the addicted is still the weakest. but with every little success, the decision muscle grows and the fight becomes easier and at some point it is guarenteed victory over addiction every single time, reidentification with free will, transcendence of the desire to flee into illusion.

Anonymous 20592

>human life is short.
Yet you are here, on an obscure image board you would only know if you're pretty addicted to screens yourself. Don't act like you're above it lol.

Anonymous 20606


this place isn't even real. it is carefully curated.

Anonymous 20610

truth this place is just pixels on a screen, made up of triads, made up of atoms, made up of mostly nothing, nothing exists. yet everything exists, curated by god himself. god created cc.

Anonymous 20633

if you have an android phone you should have a digital and wellbeing tab in your settings where you can put time limits on apps and control when you can access them. you can easily turn them off so I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for though


forums/sites like this and r/vindicta Anonymous 20437[Reply]

are there any forums or sites that are exactly like this board or r/vindicta? i don’t mean something like makeupalley honestly

Anonymous 20474

vindicta is shit girl get off there now

Anonymous 20495

i’m not on it much i mean sites that follow that theme

Anonymous 20499

What theme are you referencing?

Anonymous 20624

Why would you want something similar to r/vindicta though? It's extremely retarded, their advice is basically to kill every shred of individuality you have and get plastic surgery for any flaw nobody except for them would even notice in order to fit male fantasies (and their idea of what men want is very narrow and only really applies to wealthy men from New England with country club passes)


Ray Peat Anonymous 18376[Reply]

Is anyone here into Ray Peat? Do you follow his philosophies? I only started down the rabbit hole that is his website but I find his ideas pretty interesting.

As a coffee-drinker, I enjoyed his article on how coffee is a vitamin.

I'm going to start incorporating some of his ideas and eat more fruit but I'm not sure how deep I'll go.
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Anonymous 19735

i followed his advice a few years ago but there is too much contrary evidence to me. i wish i had a strong background in physiology to do more of a deep dive but from the research i can do too much of it just doesn't hold up.
increased vaginal discharge, higher libido, better masturbation. i stopped taking it because when ever i took it i got purple dots on my skin (petechiae?)…it was supposed to be bio-identical progesterone.

Anonymous 20435

i love his principles mainly because i get to eat whatever i want lmao

Anonymous 20460

Ever tried cod-liver? It isn't for gourmets either but I imagine it tasting better than regular canned liver

Anonymous 20464

not really anything. you have to stay away from pufas which is in pretty much anything processed. i love cooking with coconut oil though and eating haagen dazs every day is a bonus haha.

Anonymous 20465

yeah i know, but tbh i don’t take the pufa avoidance super seriously, esp because i really don’t think it can be avoided completely. i’m more mindful of just eating more saturated fats + avoiding things that cause inflammation in the body, like most cooking oils, preservatives, additives, etc.


eating disorder thread Anonymous 4629[Reply]

eating disorder thread - its time for another

do you have an eating disorder?
which one?
are you attempting recovery?
how long have you had it?
what caused it?
how does it disrupt your daily life, if it does?

i have a purging disorder.
i kind of want to attempt recovery sometimes, then i see something like my crush looking happier talking to another girl thats skinnier than me, i think about how much better i could look/how i could compensate for my stupid ugly fact, and i think about the comments my dad gives me when i 'eat bad' even though im 19 bmi/skinnier than him (hes overweight, i think.) ive had mine since i was 13. i was a fat child growing up because my parents didnt know how to feed me, and instead of giving me healthy food they just called me fat/made fun of me. it disrupts my daily life heavily because i cant eat anything without purging after, and it just ruins my mood and has disrupted my health. ill be devastated if i go up 0.1 a pound
210 posts and 39 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 20530



>do you have an eating disorder


>which one

im anorexic (like, "real" "actual" uw anorexic) but i started above bmi 35. i developed it after i lost 20 lbs on accident after converting to ethical veganism (which i later betrayed because vegan safe foods are super limiting, and i feel terrible for giving up my morals to be able to eat fat free yogurt)

>are you attempting recovery

i absolutely refuse to access recovery treatment because it is biased towards people with a healthy or low-overweight starting weight who can maintain a healthy weight without ED behaviors and i dont think i have it that bad in the ED behaviors department anyway. i wholeheartedly believe i am built with genetics where normal people food freedom cannot exist for me without making peace with an obese body and dying in middle age. both sides of my family are universally obese, even the healthy eaters. absolutely insatiable even on a diet of black beans and rice

>how long have you had it?

vegan started 5 years ago at 17. i track any other milestones really. uw happened by accident during a stint of not weighing or tracking. i didnt starve the whole time and i think it was subclinical for most of the time tho

>what caused it?

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Anonymous 20531

>i track any other milestones really.
*DIDNT track any other milestones

Anonymous 20544

weak willed consumer cultre victim…

forget everything you know about eating and apply the youthful curiosity to it. reading your textwall made me think that this is something you never did.

you could find out what food will end up make you looking what way but honestly it is a moot point. that's just wasting your short little life.

humans are dumb and so are you. they eat stuff they should not be eating and just because they don't drop dead from it instantly, does not mean it is 'safe to eat'.

most products in the supermarket will make you fat and sick. find out what your human organism has evolved to best digest and eat that and stop eating the stupid industry food and you will reach your goal of being thin. it's normal to want to be thin. if you only ate what your body could handle, you could eat unlimited amount and never get fat.

is very unfortunate that you gave up the veganism and it is also very unfortunate that you only sit on chairs and couches instead of moving about all day every day. hard work is nice. when you are a slave and work in a diamond mine for some greed capitalist asshole, that sucks. but working hard on yourself, that's such a wonderful feeling, i hope you experience it soon.

best of luck you enormous elephant aka honey booboo's mother.

Anonymous 20552

I’m literally underweight now work on your reading comprehension

Anonymous 20607

>do you have an eating disorder?
>which one?
anorexia but i binge and purge often
>are you attempting recovery?
>how long have you had it?
in some form or another since my early teens
>what caused it?
in the beginning it was just a stupid diet to try to fix my acne. later the main driver is wanting people to expect less of me because they can see i'm ill.
>how does it disrupt your daily life, if it does?
it goes in cycles. i almost recover every winter, but as soon as the weather starts heating up I relapse (this aligns with my uni schedule). when i'm restricting I get really bad brain fog like spacing out in the middle of a sentence like im Biden or someone. and it restricts my social life a bit because i'm super weird around food and 90% of social gatherings are about eating.

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