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Hair thread Anonymous 569[Reply]

What are some of your favorite hair related YouTube channels?

What's your hair routine?

Do you take any supplements/do (you think) they work?
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Anonymous 19569

I just got a amazon gift card, what should I buy for hair? I have blonde, straight hair. I could always use more volume and I like to curl it, any recommendations?
Looking for…
Hair spray
Dry shampoo
Leave in products

Or anything else you recommend. There's so many options it's overwhelming lol

Anonymous 20309>>20564

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is this achievable natty? for a stocking cosplay

Anonymous 20564

super late sorry but yes if you get it professionally done it just wont be as thick as picrel bc that's a wig

Anonymous 20612

I have very thick hair and I recently cut it short to try manage it easier (which I regret) and now idk wtf to do with it. Are thinning shears good?

Anonymous 21026

Last night I cut my hair from belly-button length to nipple-length. It's so much easier to handle!

I know I'll regret it, but now I want to give myself bangs…

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Anonymous 21015[Reply]

Why are fat girls are way meaner to skinny girls than vice versa? I have always been skinny, and while growing up I can confidently, loud and clearly, tell you that fat girls were the meanest people to me in school

>I hope you die skinny bitch

>Skinny girls have no curves
>Skinny girls shouldn't wear bras, you don't even have boobs
>Stop starving yourself and eat a burger
>Do you even eat??? You probably starve yourself lmao
>It's feminine to be thicc and curvy
>You look like a boy
>No man will ever love a woman who doesn't have curves, big tits, wide asses
>Skinny slut (even tho I've never had a BF?????)

It seems like it's socially acceptable to tell a skinny girl all of this, but if you told a fat girl to eat a salad all hell would break loose
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Anonymous 21017

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Fattie here that has reached their goal weight and have decided to continue the weight loss. Its cope/seethe, I've never called anyone anything like that because I'm not the jealous sort, I know being fat is my own personal flaw.

Anonymous 21018>>21019

They remember that before puberty, it was thin girls calling them all kinds of degrading shit.
It's payback, and thin people shouldn't play innocent. They're notorious for being judgmental to fat people. Harass, bully, assault, molest, ….
Also all insults, but the die skinny bitch, are not really insults.

Anonymous 21019

> molest
Thin girl classmate probs legit just thought you were cute and didn't quite understand your physical boundaries or the depth of your bodyshame. She's probably mortified about it in hindsight and this label on a couple of boundary crossings is too extreme, thin women are not men and do not deserve that judgment.

Anonymous 21020

I've noticed the reverse much more often. Sometimes the bullying wasn't subtle at all

Anonymous 21023

Coming from an average weight girl with no horse in this race - this is completely self evident and easy to understand, which is why skinny girls complaining about mean fat women is obvious humblebragging. If someone is mean to you out of jealousy, it doesn't hurt your feelings, it boosts your ego. You get to feel good about yourself and pity for her. And if that's not enough, you can complain online about how hard it is to be skinny because fat girls are so horrible to you, and you'll get a tonne of validation about how great you are for being skinny and how inferior fat girls are.

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looking younger/cuter Anonymous 20483[Reply]

is it possible to look younger or at least cuter with mature features? i got told i look 23 which isn't bad but i recently turned 18.
i try to look cute with makeup but i guess even that's not working. it doesn't help i'm 170cm. help?
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Anonymous 20924

Try light makeup like a 'bareface' style, or like how the Japanese do theirs. Use nonvibrant, gentler colors for your make up, like a soft rose or pink peach, and avoid wearing anything very bold. Short nails help too.

Anonymous 20980>>21000>>21001

Go for ponytails or two side braids
Best not to worry to much though, everyone turns ugly eventually, better to focus on your braid, personality, or physical skills

>most men wont even bother with a girl if he doesn't consider her somewhat attractive
Speak for yourself, I got an attractive, athletic, cute, high income guy 100x out my league after only a few months of meeting while I had messy hair, was overweight, saggy tits, and not shaving. You don't have to shove yourself into some shitty box for a man that will only love you while you're not being yourself. Your sense of what type of people men find beautiful is warped. Most people in relationships look painfully average because most humans on earth are average. You only need to worry about appearance if you are pinning after a man that's a literal super model. Look at the girl friends and wives around you, I bet they just look average physically, even if they dress up kinda nice.

Anonymous 20999>>21000

>I got an attractive, athletic, cute, high income guy 100x out my league after only a few months of meeting while I had messy hair, was overweight, saggy tits, and not shaving.
Not the nona you replied to but what the fuck? I look just like that, nobody has or will ever pay attention to me. Not that I look bad all the time, I try to dress nicely but I have curly hair for example and curly hair is messy by default. I really do feel like I just can't compete with the average woman. Where and how did you meet your moid anyway?

Anonymous 21000

Meant to reply to >>20980

Anonymous 21001

How much does a moid have to make to be considered high income? Is it still 6 figures?
This world is so fucked with the amount of rent and high cost of living in comparison to the stagnant wages.
I just want my moid to save me from all of it (yes, I am a gold digger)

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too discouraged to go to gym/work out Anonymous 20676[Reply]

can any fit/muscular nonas help me? i am a recovered ED patient but i still struggle with working out.

i really like the idea of becoming stronger. i have tried to strength train in the past, but faced three main mental barriers that always lead to me quitting early.


first and foremost, i find it extremely discouraging because of how much more easily men build muscle. they barely have to do any work and in the first few months will gain strength extremely fast. the first time i started working out, i would go to the gym with my boyfriend on his membership. he blew past me in terms of progress, improving at roughly double my rate, until i was left in the dust. i got gradually more upset and quit.

some time later, i started to go the gym again. this time alone, so i wouldn't have anyone else to compare myself to. i went to planet fitness, so i used the smith machine for bench, squats, and deadlifts. i also used the bicep curl machine, free-weights, bar for deadhangs and pullups, pulleys, and treadmill. but i stil felt like i was improving extremely slowly. i wasn't noticing any benefits to strength training; everyday objects weren't noticeably easier to move/carry and i was unhappier with myself than before. at that point i felt like the psychic damage and time investment of 3-4 days/week wasn't worth it. some days i could run farther without stopping but that's about it. it gave me the impression that as a small woman, i'm simply not made to get stronger or build muscle. which makes me feel pretty sad and inferior.


like i said, i have a history of eating disorders and i'm about 90% recovered (back at a healthy bmi for years and don't restrict/binge). but when i am supposed to eat a lot of protein and be in a calorie surplus, it still fucks me up. i feel like i can see my body get bigger and am afraid that i'll never be able to lose that weight during the cut. i don't idealize thinness anymore, and would like my body to look more toned, muscular, and stronger. i would feel more proud of a having strong body vs. having my current average office-worker body for the rest of my life.


many people say that exercise improves your mood, but when i go to the gym i just end up feeling pretty bad. i dread going, i don't like feeling the physical pain from running/lifting, and i am disappointed with my performanPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 20682>>20683

female, rin hoshizora

Anonymous 20683

I'm disappointed.

Anonymous 20852

>first and foremost, i find it extremely discouraging because of how much more easily men build muscle.

i see you have chosen to compare yourself to others. this is absolute poison and it will ruin any attempt at improving your situation. don't dwell on what you believe is other people having it easy, this will only cripple you. if you have to, try to satisfy your negative habit of comparison with how many reps or minutes YOU did last time.

>i wasn't noticing any benefits to strength training;

i think strength training is stupid in general. if you lift heavy stuff often or pull a plow on the field by hand, you get stronger naturally. strength tries to keep up with how much you demand of yourself in your life.

>everyday objects weren't noticeably easier to move/carry and i was unhappier with myself than before. at that point i felt like the psychic damage and time investment of 3-4 days/week wasn't worth it.

3-4 days/week? that's quite a lot for someone who has not built the habit. way too much. try once a week and ease into it over the time.

>some days i could run farther without stopping but that's about it. it gave me the impression that as a small woman, i'm simply not made to get stronger or build muscle. which makes me feel pretty sad and inferior.

don't feel inferior, this is psychology from the conveyorbelt designed to turn you into a mindless peon, don't agree with it by practicing destructive modes of relation like competition. you are you whether you like it or not so make the best of it. you can absolutely get stronger and more physically able and it is worth it.
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Anonymous 20992


lol the men are just crabs in bucket mentality with that shit. Most of them bully each other to steroids. Do not mind them.

Anonymous 20993

1. Men don’t build muscle all that much faster. Most gym newbies will gain no matter what routine they’re doing, provided their diet is formulated towards muscle growth. Most of the time that’s where the issue is. Protein is the most important macro, everything else is secondary. Most women only get about 40 grams of protein a day, aim for 100.

2. You don’t really need to be in a calorie surplus to build muscle. If you’re eating at maintenance and just changing macros, you’ll see recomp.

3. Honestly the best thing you can do for your fitness is finding something you can adhere to and actually enjoy. Like I hate running, so I swim for cardio. I love swimming, so I actually stick to it. It also sounds like you’re doing a ton of stuff you probably don’t need to. Something simple like Starting Strength which could get you in and out in 30 minutes would probably be better than a bunch of random machines and other stuff.

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Anonymous 20846[Reply]

What's the verdict on body modifications?

>Lip fillers

>Cheek injections
>Fake eyelashes
>Fake nails
>Hair bleaching
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Anonymous 20968

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b-but nail art is fun

Anonymous 20969

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As Radfem as I wanted to be, unfortunately, I still want to make some modifications, like some fillers, and probably a nose job. The rest of the items on the list seem like basic things to me, especially tattoos and eyelash and nail extensions, which are heavily overused due to exhaustion.

Anonymous 20972

if you do nail art once, the one time you do it it'll be terrible; it takes practice. i just do gel nail art whenever i'm not working and feel like it. i'm addicted to buying cute cheap tiny nail art sparkles and charms off aliexpress. maybe it's vain but it makes me really happy to look at cute art that i've gained mastery over and feel proud showing off

i do think gloves look cool though, just might get weird looks wearing them in the summertime

Anonymous 20977

>Lip fillers
>Cheek injections
Fuck no
>Fake eyelashes
I don't see the point unless yours got burnt off, but whatever
>Fake nails
Nail art can be pretty. I've painted my nails before and used those fake nail press on things. Only issue was that the fake nails felt a bit clunky and dull on my fingers (and the nail glue was on my nails for a while).
>Hair bleaching
I've heard it can fuck up your hair if overdone, so something I'd beware of. That being said I've thought about dyeing my hair a few times, but ultimately I'll probably just use wigs.
Ear piercings are nice, anywhere else is iffy.
I can admire the artistry of some tattoos, but I wouldn't want a permanent full sleeve. Been wanting to get a henna kit so I can make temporary designs on my own though.

Anonymous 20985

>Filler can migrate and usually looks good in migration.
> Breast implants seem extremely invasive and dangerous.
>bleached hair looks good if it’s highlights or if you have light hair but want to go bright blonde
>some falsies look really good but often they’re overdone
>nail art can be really lovely but looks inconvenient sometimes

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Anonymous 20359[Reply]

Why are modern beauty/fashion/makeup trends so toxic for women? Especially the obsessed with being skinny
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Anonymous 20367

>>boohoo i have to strike a pose for pictures that i earn revenue on
That's not the point at all tho?

Anonymous 20368>>20948

Short answer: Because it sells products and services.

That picture means to show that most of what you as the consumer of the content sees on social media is fake and doesn't reflect reality.

Anonymous 20923

>Why are modern beauty/fashion/makeup trends so toxic for women? Especially the obsessed with being skinny

i don't think it is toxic at all. if you are active instead of sitting on the couch and eat real food that your body is able to digest instead of constipating you then you will be skinny automatically. just do a lot and don't eat the goo, that is all there is to it. tell me how this is toxic.

it is very easy to be skinny. just don't be seduced by the rot. just don't participate in the childish cultural idiocy of eating and drinking for pleasure and short term stimulation.

all this shit is not meant to be eaten by humans:
energy drink
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Anonymous 20948>>20981

>That picture means to show that most of what you as the consumer of the content sees on social media is fake and doesn't reflect reality.
NTA, but feeling argumentative for no particular reason today.
Most of the perception cultivated in any career field is fake. Like teaching, for example. Nobody really thinks the attitudes, opinions, mannerisms exhibited by your teachers were reflective of who they really are or how they live or have lived. There's a cultivated fake "teacher" persona that's considered a crucial part of the job.

There's a thing called "the Influencer Accent" – but that influencer style of speech is practiced by teachers, specifically, in order to retain attention for an hour or more.

We all know or feel on a deep instinctive level that teachers aren't real people even when we're little kids. What's to be learned from showing that internet phoneys are also not real people, when pretty much everyone already had that much closer and much more intense lesson in public school?

Anonymous 20981

>We all know or feel on a deep instinctive level that teachers aren't real people even when we're little kids.
That's just you schizo

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Anonymous 20299[Reply]

What women's beauty trends do you find ridiculous?
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Anonymous 20952>>20953


>rectified by pregnancy aka rebalance of hormons and ofc upkeep by the husband

that would mean a person barely making due healthwise with their regular habits just supporting one body is all of the sudden healthy when a second body is being grown inside through the magic of hormones? make it make sense.

>the decision may or may even not be up to you (not like you assume), also spoiled.

these accident-babies by immature and irresponsible people who just wanna fuck are weighing the species down and ruin the lives of the parents, the responsible thing to do is to have children when the parents are ready and able.

>beggars cant be choosers.

yeah don't be a beggar, look a little into the future and realize that for whatever you are doing in life, your good health, which is a direct result of your habits, is the foundation for it that will help you achieve the impossible and keeping problems out of your path.

>RA°lity is pretty grim. hard struggle, to find a partner from the same ethnic subbranch (multicultural wolrd)

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Anonymous 20953>>20954

i see.
it was my mistake to try and spoonfeed the normies occult wisdoms, lest id be trampled
you are right and i am wrong
im sorry to have wasted your time

Anonymous 20954

>my mistake to try and spoonfeed the normies occult wisdoms

i don't see reason to believe the occult has a future in such accelerated times. it might be the case that the rate at which occult wisdom reveals itself to the masses by being used desperately can not be outpaced by censorship and ultimately bringing the entire house of cards to a fall. then there is wasted time. me writing a few lines on the hb, that's not wasted time, it's community service, potentially even benefiting some fortunates and unfortunates.

go get your dance on and find your specific haplotype or however you call it and make your incest babies that are expert blacksmiths

Anonymous 20958

All of them

Anonymous 20976

The lip fillers and BBL shit. Also please stop putting those transparentish corset tops that look like lingerie into dresses or those bondage gear things into fashion

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eyebags Anonymous 19349[Reply]

how do you get rid of these?
I've had them for half of my life and barely even notice them. But sometimes when I do I get aware of how creepy I look. My eyebags are basically the biggest ones I've ever seen and even pics on the web don't come close. They are wide and blue with some blue veins being visible on the left and some red veins on the right. It's not actually a bag in that it hangs or is fatty, it's just the color.

Self help sites recommend sleep and low stress but I've had both for at least two years now and it didn't change a bit. Any recommendations please?
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Anonymous 20554

I've also had them my entire life, tried many expensive eye creams, patches, serums. 0 difference. I use a tiny dot of concealer daily, they are still there but not half as bad with a little coverage. If they are genetic there is not much you can do, just something you have to live with.

Anonymous 20596

if u have high cheekbones then the dark circles are caused by the geography of your face, you naturally have less fat under your eyes so the blood shows thru. volufiline can fix this, given that you are a natural responder to it. people have also had luck cutting out sugar, gluten, etc. in our modern day we normalise our consumption levels of these things but really it is too much and has an affect on our bodies. you can also dabble in lymphatic face massage to see if this helps, regular exercise can have similar results. and u can adjust your sleep schedule, everyone is different on what works best for them, eg some people cant get quality sleep if they sleep after 11. as other nonas said, it can also be an allergy, anything from dust to dairy. "genetic" can just mean you have inherited the allergy/issue that can be fixed, not lay down and accept it.

Anonymous 20600

I like my eyebags, I think they're cool.

Anonymous 20609

Try prickly pear oil from Morocco if possible. The vitamin K in it is really good for dark circles

Anonymous 20966

Stop smoking weed

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Anonymous 20926[Reply]

How do some women have such gorgeous hair? They don't need to brush it, use conditioner, or buy super expensive products. It just works. They don't even know what they have because they're so used to it.

What's their secret?

Anonymous 20929

>What's their secret?

healthy habits. doing stuff all day long, exhausting yourself, eating real food that your body has the ability to digest, not being a monster to others or yourself.

when you eat candy or drink coffee and work a job that pays you good but fucks others over, that's you practicing unhealthy habits, that's the opposite, that's you waiting in line to have problematic health which inevitably results in problematic hair.

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Short & Tall girls Anonymous 3018[Reply]

Which one are you?
Do you wish you could change your height?
Does it even matter that much when it comes to dating?
And for guys, do you have a preference?

Share, I'm curious.

I'm 155cm tall btw. And yes I do genuinely wish I was taller.
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Anonymous 20884

She wrote an entire novel there haha

Anonymous 20889

As a fellow Wasian, this humble bragging is in on an entirely different level of cringe, I feel icky reading this

Anonymous 20893>>20928

I'm 184cm. Nothing fits and everything sucks. My head clips the top of doorframes if I wear heels.

>Does it even matter that much when it comes to dating?

You just limit your pool of available men to those who have fewer self-esteem/ego problems.

Anonymous 20928


>I'm 184cm. Nothing fits and everything sucks.

that's an easy one to deal with, just stop being a passive idiot-consumer and get into doing stuff yourself instead of being seduced by this toxic idea that all problems can be fixed by throwing money at it. you could keep an eye out for fabric that you like, buy one nice pair of sharp fabric scissors, watch a few youtube tutorials and you would already be in business making clothes for yourself, which is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon, way better then jealously looking at others on facebook.

>My head clips the top of doorframes if I wear heels.

because fuck shoes you can walk in, walking is beneath you, you prefer vehicles and you want to be a sexy giraffe all day and make loud noises when your shoe hits the pavement as to announce your presence.

Anonymous 20989

5'11. shit made me anorexic bc at this height im either seen as a supermodel or as an orc depending on my bmi. i only gaf about my appearance bc im stared at a lot by shortfags everywhere i go. moids are intimidated by me except for bisexual napoleon complexes ive encountered. ive struggled a lot to feel feminine, especially when my weight is lower, my dysmorphia tells me i look like a tranny. recently as my prefrontal cortex has been developing ive been a lot less insecure. if nothing else my height is like a filter for insecure moids / a natural social power play

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