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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Board is being flooded with moids again Anonymous 11731[Reply]

Because of the “femcel”/“radfem” girl, annoying snarky moids seem to be flooding here.

Anonymous 11746


Imagine having an entire website like this one dedicated to moids and you STILL flock over to a smaller community for girls and women.

Men truly are the weaker sex and so needy for fem attention. It’s embarrassing.

Anonymous 11747

dedicated to moids? do you mean kohlchan or what?

Anonymous 11751

It's a weird thing, they cry and claim to be better than women and make all these changes because they still can't live with the fact that some chick rejected them lmao women live in their brain despite how much they claim to hate us

Anonymous 11756



Anonymous 11758

>Because of the “femcel”/“radfem” girl

Screenshot from 20…

webp upload fails Anonymous 11757[Reply]

lol fix this shit

apt get install libwebp6 or whatever


Anonymous 11725[Reply]

/b/ got raided with child abuse material again.

Anonymous 11745

So you're a moid then?

Anonymous 11754



Anonymous 9781[Reply]

Is anyone else having a problem with uploading images with an imgur link? For me it says
>server failed to handle your upload
I don't have a problem with uploading directly from my pc though.

Anonymous 11734

late reply, but I get the same error as well


Anonymous 11382[Reply]

why does crystal cafe leave up such old posts? how far back does the site actually go in terms of currently-surfable content?

thank you

Anonymous 11383


also: how does this board feel about posting in years-old topics??? i am not sure how talking to someone in the past is supposed to go, it seems a lil schizo (but i love it)

Anonymous 11709


I don't know, I think forums are supoosed to be like bathroom walls, scummy.
But some people don't like necro'd threads? Much confuse. Just think of it like leaving a little stinky for someone else to find.


future meet up? Anonymous 4997[Reply]

I acknowledge the potential dangers to this, especially considering we’re a women’s board, but is there ever a possibility of a crystal cafe miner meet up happening? preferably in texas because that’s where i am <3 hehe
i’d be willing to set it up (location, time, etc) if people would come (i’m in Houston fyi, but we can have multiple in different places).
where would we have it? i was thinking a park or coffee shop…
what do y’all think?!
65 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11178

Glowing hard, OP.

Anonymous 11682

god dammit we should be the ones most likely to cause a shooting.

Anonymous 11684

>Be me
>Show up to nona meetup at designated time/place
>See a large group of men and trannies.

Anonymous 11707

This its like asking to be raped

Anonymous 11710

Yes anon there are other nyc metro users here


Anonymous 11700[Reply]

>They never change
Where did all the good men go?

Anonymous 11704

Remember that one show card captor sakura and that one teacher of hers had a relationship with her 10 year old friend? If they never change hows that guy doing knowing AOC in japan is now 18?


Sites like Crystal Cafe Anonymous 2957[Reply]

Are there any more imageboards or forums like this? Im pretty new to CC but it seems like its not very active so I was wondering if there are some other sites only for women and with little to none lurking moids
53 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11317

You really shouldn't be replying to a necro post but it's an women's image board like this but more geared around gossip for internet disasters.

Anonymous 11319

this isn't lc you can reply in any thread lol

Anonymous 11320

thank you mods for removing the recent soishit shill ITT

Anonymous 11623

lolcow.farm but that place sucks.

Anonymous 11630



I don't care, I just wanna necropost and express something I had on my mind about forming purely female online communities.

The most obvious approach seems to be the one described in >>6070. And now that I think of it, having verified nonas on an anonymous board is not completely terrible. Especially now that 4chan requires you to verify an e-mail or wait for 15 minutes in order to minimize bot posts.

The methodology of verifying nonas is a problem, though. In the AI era it seems to be a disaster. Amateur AI verification tools mostly suck ass (look up Duolicious photo verification tool, it's useless) and it will essentially turn into a fight between AI verification tool and AI generation tools. And hand-verification would take a lot of human resource. Not to mention the bias that comes with it: afabs are a diverse kind and some genuinely have lower voices and sharper faces. In fact, I've seen a community where mods were hand verifying chat members by asking them to send a voice message and it was a tragedy: even mildly boyish voices or just voices of older women got a load of shit and had to undergo some mild interrogation and deanonimyze themselves even further by, e.g. sharing a video of themselves.

So, I can see this being implemented, but I see enough problems with this approach.

In fact, >>6145 is probably right and the best option is actually keeping the conversation as female-centered as possible. I'll be honest with you, I'm not much TERFy and during my first visit to cc I was lowkey biased when I noticed it. But now that I think of it? Makes perfect sense and scares enough posters a female-oriented community wouldn't need. Moids just avoid anything having to do with radfem like plague and if they don't, they misunderstand the agenda so much their trolling attempts just look pathetic. Nor would they ever engage in conversations about bra-sizes or menstrual cups. Win-win?


Anonymous 5785[Reply]

I highly recommend using cloudflare's csam scanning tool to stop illegal images from appearing on your site. It also helps to block proxies as well. I think as an imageboard community we can stop this shit but we need to start taking measures to put an end to it. If you want to step away from your board for awhile don't leave posting open. It will get spammed. Just put it in read only until you come back.

And yes, I'm posting this on all the imageboards I find. No I'm not a bot.

Anonymous 5788

>If you want to step away from your board for awhile don't leave posting open. It will get spammed.
>And yes, I'm posting this on all the imageboards I find. No I'm not a bot.
Oh wow, I've actually had the same idea for my own hypothetical imageboard. Glad to know more people think the same.

Anonymous 5791

What would the cost of cloudflares tool be, do the admins know? Curious if the person who posted this uses it on their imageboard and if it actually works.

Anonymous 11544

Cloudflare is ruining the internet. Seek an alternative, there are many.

Anonymous 11622

>And yes, I'm posting this on all the imageboards I find. No I'm not a bot.
That's because you work in Cloudfare marketing and sales. Does r/hailcorporate still exist? I don't go on Reddit anymore. Go shill your shitty product somewhere else.

Anonymous 11644

I think this is a vichan board
Admin can set max image uploads to 0 and step away if on a vacation


Anonymous 11281[Reply]

who is the admin of this imageboard

also is do you guys datamine?

Anonymous 11351

there are google trackers here

Anonymous 11359

the admin used this boards tracking software to find out where i live and she paid me a visit randomly about 4 weeks ago.

you won't believe who she is even if i tell ypu

Anonymous 11360


I believe you, nona

Anonymous 11601

no one is ever going to believe you

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