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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 3080[Reply]

What's the % of male posters here and how to identify them?
72 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 4794

reread my post slower

Anonymous 4796

Why does it have to be either?

Anonymous 4803

This is a TERF climate, which means extremely liberal except when it comes to the subjects of transgenderism and men, then it's reactionary and politically incorrect. Overall, this place is liberal, but edgy, if you know what I mean. You can't discuss any kind of politics that isn't identity politics btw.

Anonymous 11845

they talk and post in a matter that is consider ''''cute''' at least by their standards, its very fake and to use an old internet word ''quite gay'', there is no sincerity in the way the post and is very clearly done for the sake of a fetish

Anonymous 11846

>Transmen are female so they can participate.
yeah i can agree with that but they are quite annoying, most of them i interacted with are just stuck-up tomboys who think they are better then ''normal'' or ultra feminine women


Anonymous 7202[Reply]

Is it possible to make crystal cafe work with 4chan X?

4chan X (despite the name) enables a thread watcher across a bunch of tiny imageboards across the internet:

I've found this functionality to be pretty useful and would like if I could use 4chan X on crystal cafe as well.
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 7275

Thanks, anon!

Anonymous 7380

>that there's already an old thread with instructions on how to use 4chan X here
can you pls post it

Anonymous 7399

Nta but there's info here https://github.com/ccd0/4chan-x

Anonymous 9115

Super late reply but I hope someone is still around. Can you help me set up 4Chan X to work here on CC? A thread watcher would be amazing ;__;

Anonymous 11837

This website is sllloow as hell, why would you need a thread watcher in the first place, you eventually gonna find that thread by normal browsing, sorry if I come off as rude I really don't see a point in it


Board mascot Anonymous Admin 223[Reply]

We're looking for a board mascot! As is traditional for imageboards, our mascot should be an anthropomorphic representation of our community. You're free to interpret this in any way you like, as long as it results in a visually cohesive character design.

All submissions to this thread will be put up to vote in 10 days. We'll vote on the design of the character, not the artwork itself. Have fun!
217 posts and 56 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 1959


Rip off? Of what? Although it wasn't the one I voted for, it is cute too.

Anonymous 11297

i missed when people did that, website mascots where such a treat, i hope it makes a comeback someday

Anonymous 11836

Can we bring this back? I miss it

Anonymous 11841

jealous bitter anon from 6 years ago. she is a beautiful queen and the rightful winner.

Anonymous 11908

back when cc was heaven


Oekaki board? Anonymous 11305[Reply]

Would there be an oekaki board for this site?

Anonymous 11306

if admin wakes up maybe?

Anonymous 11827

that would be soo cute, i love drawing

Anonymous 11848

i would love that but i image i would be hard to implement and moderate


Cece the lizard Anonymous 1255[Reply]

Meet Cece the lizard - or the lizbian - crystal.cafe's answer to Pepe the frog.
Based on an article about a certain type of lizard that is female only.
feel free to make your own versions of her or even edit mine, anything's a contribution.
By the way - this does not snuff out the miner waitress mascot girl. She would be the wojak equivalent.
437 posts and 178 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11576

The species of lizard cece is can only be female, therefore I don't think there's a need to give her those typical female furry "femininity" signifiers like pink colors, makeup and big lashes to yell to the masses "look everyone she's a girl". She doesn't have to perform traditional femininity. Bad redesign, sorry.

Anonymous 11577

I didn't know that. I just saw brown lizard and wanted color.

Anonymous 11617


Anonymous 11826

the human lip is so creepy, sorry

Anonymous 11832

Has to be bait


Anonymous 11432[Reply]

how many posters here are actually men
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Anonymous 11668

Just checking if I'm banned here now too.
Otherwise it's rather flattering my post was worth removing.

They usually dont last and require me to return via wayback machine anyway. :/

Anonymous 11773


pinterest has the greatest absolute and relative difference in favor of female users.
second place depends on how you measure. women have 17 percentage points over men in terms of how many of us use facebook. but, going by relative proportion of user base, bereal comes in second after pinterest with about 2.5x as many female as male users. (surveying men and women about how many of them use x site is much better than going off of accounts which are overwhelmingly bots)

Anonymous 11819

That would include purging the deranged trannys such as (you) which would be a godsend

Anonymous 11849

isnt that mostly used by men tho?

Anonymous 11850

not to be that nona but rule 7


auto banned? Anonymous 11362[Reply]

tried to post a thread and got banned instantly, are there certain trigger words that just auto ban? it didnt specify a reason for ban
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11368

not op but i got autobanned for saying youre too p0​or for the​rapy

Anonymous 11465

so are there words that. get autobanned or something because i got banned on my computer and my phone both for “unspecified reasons”

Anonymous 11487

I don't know but I'll never appeal mine because I know I did nothing wrong and I'm not a jannie bootlicker.

Anonymous 11528

maybe it was the specific combination of words that got you autobanned??

Anonymous 11534

I was banned for the first time during the lc down week, i dont know why as the reason is still not specified and i didnt really say anything baity or offensive


Anonymous 11789[Reply]

Admin, you seriously need to do something about the CP bot targeting the site. Absolutely NOBODY other than pedophiles are going to want to come here if there's a significant chance that they're going to see CP. Would you keep coming to a site that has CP on the front page multiple times a day? No, of course not.

Fix this shit.

Anonymous 11790

Add these custom filters to your ad block to block all images from the site to prevent CP jumpscares anymore


Anonymous 11802

Admin, just ban VPNs from uploading files.

Create a new table called blocked_ranges in your tinyboard database.
Create this Python script file to do that (with the correct DB login credentials).
I usually like to put scripts in /opt directory, e.g /opt/tinyboard.
I prefer tab indentation instead of space indentation but you disabled [code] tags so whatever.


import mysql.connector
from mysql.connector import errorcode

# Login credentials
config = {
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 11803

Your catalogs take a long time to load too, especially in /b/.

You can reduce that load time to a small fraction by enabling lazy-loading on the thumbnails.


In line 22 near the end of the <img> tag, add loading="lazy":

<img src="{{post.file}}" class="{{post.board}}" title="{{post.bump|date('%b %d %H:%M')}}">
<img src="{{post.file}}" class="{{post.board}}" title="{{post.bump|date('%b %d %H:%M')}}" loading="lazy">

You will need to "Flush cache" and "Rebuild themes" in the mod rebuild page to update these changes.

Anonymous 11804


Your animated GIF banners slow down load times too. You can convert and replace them with animated WebP images instead.


Anonymous 11807

last line of update_blocked_ranges_table.py got cut off and I can't delete the post anymore:

if __name__ == "__main__":
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/X4BNet/lists_vpn/refs/heads/main/output/datacenter/ipv4.txt"
batch_size = 10000 # Adjusted batch size
silent = any(arg in ['-s', '-silent', '-q', '-quiet'] for arg in sys.argv)
main(url, batch_size, silent)

Anyway enjoy the super fun homework assignment when you're mentally prepared for it (i.e. never, iykyk).


Anonymous 11721[Reply]

/b/ is being spammed with cp again.
7 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11778


Anonymous 11779


cp on /b/ again

Anonymous 11783


its happening again

Anonymous 11784


why does this site keep showing images of posts that have been nuked on the front page?

Anonymous 11788


Why does this keep happening

Screen Shot 2024-1…

Anonymous 11669[Reply]

Official request for an lolcow board or an ecelebrity or online personality board to discuss streamers, YouTubers, and internet drama?

Anonymous 11670


Anonymous 11713

We don’t want any drama

Anonymous 11775


the farms already exist and this site is good because it has nice cute pictures instead of every thread being a hateful dump of ugly pics of ugly people and boring details about their ugly lives

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