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Check the Catalog before making a new thread.
Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Captcha error message, Can't post anywhere Anonymous 2835[Reply]

I keep getting a captcha error message when trying to post. Am I banned or is it really a captcha error?
7 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 2847

Same here, FF on Linux, unknown ban message back in January, sometimes get captcha error, but I only used one computer and one OS.
The email is abandoned, I sent a message in January and no response still. I have a different IP now.

Anonymous 2888

I get that a lot, too. I have to fill the captcha many times.

Anonymous 3615

Anonymous 3651

You must be temporarialy banned buddy

Anonymous 3684

I got this a few times. It always wore off after a few days so I assume it was a ban, but I never know what the ban was for.


rule #7, no males Anonymous 1224[Reply]

Am I allowed to post here if I used to be a female but am now a male (ftm) who wants to detransition back into female?
Am I not allowed to post as long as I stay male or are transmen allowed to post in the first place? and if I'm not, are transwomen allowed to post despite once being men?
or maybe all transpeople aren't allowed to post?
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Anonymous 1226

Try to be subtle about it

Anonymous 1227

just don't bring it up.
pretend you're a female poster on r9k.

Anonymous Admin 1230

If you blend in enough to pass, nobody would notice either way. The rules only forbid openly identifying as or acting like a thirsty man.

Anonymous 1245

i don't think transmen are men, you're just ruining your body, so post away!

Anonymous 1456

It's a female board not a trans board. As long as you keep it to yourself and don't ruin the content here with ur "omg I'm so hip & trans" talk then:


pls just keep it to yourself! <3


forum Anonymous 3633[Reply]

is there any forum similar to this image board? incels have incels.co and shit like that, what about us?

Anonymous 3634

Anonymous 3643

Femcels have their own forum now, but it’s very new and I don’t want to inadvertently lead moids there by posting the name here. If you were active on the femcel subreddit you can just ask for an invite to it.

Anonymous 3694

…and if we weren’t?


Bigger board? Anonymous 3625[Reply]

Should we get biggerboad like vichan style?


Anonymous 3344[Reply]

can we please have a search bar for the catalog

Anonymous 3397

Anonymous 3415


Anonymous 3506


type "F3" or "CTRL+F" B)

Anonymous 3624

>>3344 You can actually search within the site on Google. Just type in "site:crystal.cafe" and then type in what you wanna search.


Anonymous 3602[Reply]

are there unlisted boards aside from nsfw
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous Admin 3606

Sorry, someone went through the entire /b/ catalog and kept reporting threads from the dawn of time to be moved to the appropriate boards and we were gonna have to do it at some point anyway.

Anonymous 3607

I wish nsfw would get unlisted, or at least it would be easier to find it so more people can use it.
It's rare to find a place to discuss straight female sexuality and preferences without moid gays spamming their opinion, and the nsfw board is way too inactive.

Anonymous 3608

>I wish nsfw would get unlisted
I meant the opposite

Anonymous Admin 3609

It used to be listed, got spammed with porn all the time by coomer moids, and thus got unlisted and I applied restrictions to the porn spam threads. I'd be willing to re-list it, but only if it became a pure discussion board without porn, otherwise it's just too much of a target.

Anonymous 3610


Sorry for the sperg.


Anonymous 3583[Reply]

How do I respond to a response? I guess I remember boards like this being different… sorry I just found this place!
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 3585

Where did you come from?

Anonymous 3586

Thank you kindly

Anonymous 3587

Someone recommended it on reddit.

Anonymous 3598


Anonymous 3600

Welcome, anon!


Anonymous 3557[Reply]

Admin, why is (was?) pro-ana prohibited but pro-HAES allowed? I'm not saying that we should allow pro-ana, it's an awful thing, but I think HAES is just as bad.

Anonymous Admin 3558

From the rules:

>Discussing eating disorders is permitted, pro-ana thinspiration must be spoilered. Moderators may remove or spoiler images at their own discretion.


Anonymous 3530[Reply]

about how many unique posters do you think there are on c.c.?

Anonymous 3531


cc isn't super active/popular, but I'd guess a healthy albeit modestly low number. I'd love to see it blow up more often and gain more traction and attention.

Anonymous 3532


like 20 max to be honest,
like >>3531 said i would love to have it blow up one day but i'm afraid that would mean an influx of moid larpers

Anonymous 3535

Too many now too many normalfags that have not lurked enough but the core users are still here the culture is alive.
I think CC is as active as it should be for nw it is better it slowly grows instead of blowing up because the original users will be replaced.

mohtz 2.png

Anonymous 3477[Reply]

Out of curiosity, can mods see posts based on IP? So like they could see I posted this and anything else I've posted to C.C? How does that work?

Anonymous 3485

Just be glad cc doesnt have an archive…yet.

Anonymous 3487

I think the mods only look at your posting history so that they can confirm of you are a moid or not when you say something suspicious. They won’t ban you for saying you don’t like shota if the rest of your history is feminine. The janitors won’t be able to see your posting history, only top level mods. If you’re still concerned, use a VPN/tor.

Anonymous 3489

No idea. Maybe try it and find out? I don't think lolcow.farm allows it.

Anonymous Admin 3499

I can see IPs and post histories, but mods and janitors cannot. Unfortunately this is necessary so we can determine who is posting in bad faith (like larpers who post many different contradicting threads to bait). TORposting is disabled because it's almost exclusively used for raids and to evade bans. But I assure you that I only check up on posters if they're reported.


Yes I can see deleted posts, this is necessary to see if someone's been trolling and had their posts deleted or if they're just a brand new user. This factors into ban decisions.

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