Anonymous 4434[Reply]
Why is this place so unnecessarily ban-happy? I have NO idea why I get temp banned but it happens a lot! Even if I don't break the rules..? It feels like being allowed to post here has nothing to do with the actual rules. My posts are obviously from a female, they're humorous most of the time, I don't have beef with anyone here, It is too much.
No wonder this board is slow or dead… I'm sorry but how is it conducive to creativity and humor if you constantly have to worry about getting banned for anything?
Cc needs to loosen up, because the boards POORLY represent women. You have all of 7 subtopics to represent their interests??? and then you ban-hammer those women for ANYTHING?? It feels the opposite of progressive to me. It feels as liberated as Sunday school.
107 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.Anonymous 10188
i literally generated conversation in several posts which is good thing for this slow board, yet i was banned bc some janny probably disliked my stances on things. smfh
Anonymous 10391
I was banned for no reason at all in february, when I'm pretty sure I didn't even post since the beginning of the year. No stated reason and the appeal was denied.
It's the second time this happens to me and I'm starting to think you have a deranged janny in your midst. I mostly post in the terf thread btw.
Anonymous 10454
this place will literally ban you for anything and this is why i think female forums will always be inferior in many aspects. still have to use it though because 4chan and the likes are shitholes
Anonymous 10766
>>10188Same here, there is definitely a rogue janny
Anonymous 10781
>>10454Rather have that than the site become the shithole 4chan devolved too