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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 5829[Reply]

Are there political chans for women? Or could crystal cafe make a political section?

Anonymous 5831

but why, that’s going to destroy this site lmfao

Anonymous 5834


Anonymous 5836

this site's gc and terf threads (i don't think lolcow has any anymore) are the closest you'll get. unless you're an altright freak in which case just larp as a moid if your politics are that moidlike.

Anonymous 5839

Actually lolcow has the MtF thread in /snow/ and a hidden board for radfem stuff, in said board there is a thread for more leftist radical feminism, which I thinkk would be appropriate for more general leftist political discussion if that's your thing, but last time I checked it (the thread) was pretty dead (the board too but it got some more activity recently)

crystal cafe.gif

Anonymous 578[Reply]

Banner suggestion.

Here it is.

Anonymous 579

Good choice of videogame/aesthetic but there's already a banner thread

Anonymous 3247

This deserved more attention


User Survey #2 Anonymous Admin 276[Reply]

It's time for another survey! Let's discuss the future of crystal.cafe. Please post any questions you'd like to vote on in this thread and I'll add them to my points.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous Admin 278

Thank you, I am planning for this to have a write-in section for an alternative name.

Anonymous 280

I didn't initially like the name back when it was chosen in that thread on lolcow. But it's grown on me. I still think that a survey is valid though! It's definitely a good idea.

Anonymous 581

I didn’t know where to contact you but I wanted to say I really miss our little talks. Sorry if this is not the appropriate thread or place, feel free to delete it if it’s not the right place!

Anonymous 716

Hi, Admin!
I know that you owned Girl Talk back when 8chan was going to crap and I'm really happy to see that you created an alternative community. It was pretty difficult during that time to have any place for femanons that wasn't rampant with d&c and politics due to the whole gamergate fiasco.

Anonymous Admin 717

Hi there, I had nothing to do with Girl Talk, sorry! crystal.cafe is my first board. But thank you for the kind sentiment.


Halloween theme Anonymous Admin 490[Reply]

Here's a Halloween theme! You can choose it in the dropdown menu at the bottom of the page. I had a different vision for it, but the raids took up a lot of my c.c time. The Winter theme will be nicer, promise.

If the tree interferes with your reading, you can right click and block it (if you have an adblocker, which you should)

Thanks so much for two of my dear friends for donating their art + code assistance! <3
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 504


What lol
I mean the tree literally blocks the posts

Anonymous 505

Ugh, sorry for the doublepost, I'm an idiot and didn't read the OP fully

Anonymous 507

It's so pretty (':

Anonymous 513

aaaaaaaaa I love this, thank you admin <3

Anonymous 526

For everyone who has trouble getting rid of the tree (i know i did because i had to go to the page code to block it since the dropper tool wouldn't detect it lol), the url you need to block on your adblock is
I personally use Ublock origin and it's located on "my filters", on there you write this (or use the dropper tool and change whatever you pick i.e the background to the tree url) and poof the tree disappears!

Also great job, i love this theme so much it might be my favourite out of all the available ones <3!


██████████████████ Anonymous Admin 522[Reply]

Due to seasonal and other unforeseen circumstances, we've had to ████████████ certain topics. Please do not be alarmed, but do not look for them either. If you are lured to a █████████ location, please proceed with care.

(Your browser cookies may need to be cleared for the changes to work.)

Anonymous 523


Anonymous 524

is this in reference to a little ghost and a certain board? hmmmmm

Anonymous 525



security/safety Anonymous 500[Reply]

Is there going to be anything done to protect us more around here?

It's a little concerning how little the admins seem to care.

Anonymous Admin 501


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The appropriate security headers have been added.

Anonymous 508

I have to say I'm impressed how fast those fixes were made. I was too harsh in my initial reaction and assessment of the admins here, and I apologize.


Anonymous 486[Reply]

Just wanted to say I love the banners of the site, very tastefully and atmospherically chosen,

Anonymous 489

hard agree

especially with the retro shoujo anime gifs, aka the way to my heart


Anonymous Admin 294[Reply]

Please help us out by answering a few questions about your experience on crystal.cafe. Thank you very much!

Click here for the survey.


New Theme Anonymous Admin 186[Reply]

The Autumn theme requested in >>>/b/1642 is here! You can select it in the dropdown menu at the bottom of the page. I will add a dark version soon. Still working on the quick replies!


user survey Anonymous Admin 133[Reply]

In a few days, crystal.cafe will be one month old. Please click here to take a survey about your experience so far!

Anonymous Admin 141


The results are in and I'm more than pleased! Thank you for this terrific feedback and for making this first month a success.

Currently, our priorities are
>reaching a bigger audience while retaining post quality
>adding new boards once traffic increases
>adding a more playful redesign of the site with more graphics and decoration as an optional stylesheet

If you'd like to make suggestions for this redesign, please submit ideas or a mockup.

Additionally, inspired by this thread >>>/media/216, we will soon be offering crystal.cafe subdomains for your personal website, Tumblr, or wherever you want, free of charge.

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