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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 3339[Reply]


>Do not post gore, shock images, hardcore pornography, etc. unless it's pertinent to the discussion. Don't make threads just to dump any of this content.


/nsfw/ is not an exception to this rule. Please report porn dump threads. I'll be cleaning up this board more from now on, please focus on conversation rather than spamming files.

Anonymous Admin 4504

Update: I'm starting to remove the imagedump threads, so save what you want to keep.

Also, there is now a ban on all shotacon posting. Needless to say, the same thing goes for any lolicon imagery, though that hasn't been as much of an issue.


Men in chastity Anonymous 13447[Reply]

Confident, handsome men proudly in chastity and faithful to their wives. Stories welcome too.
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Anonymous 13492

manateebaby (1).jp…


you should unlock him in front of a group of nona's and time how long it takes for the moid to become erect

Anonymous 13586

Anonymous 13607

Anonymous 13620

I think it's hot, I want a moid to keep locked up

Anonymous 13624

Maybe u should post some contact and make it happen :3


Anonymous 13621[Reply]

I recently visited my long-distance boyfriend, and at first, everything was great intimacy wise. But on the sixth day, when he initiated, he started to get soft, and we didn't end up having sex. He said his dick was hurting and I was upset, so we stopped. For the next four days, we didn't have sex at all, and today I left. We were drinking a lot and doing physically exhausting activities, so maybe that was it. What worries me the most is the fact that he said he has never had this problem before with other girls. Is it over?

Anonymous 13622

>he said he has never had this problem before with other girls
Why would he bring that up? Did you ask about it specifically?
Overall no, it's not over because of that. Just make sure to communicate and ask him directly if it's an attraction issue or something else. Sometimes it just happens to guys for no specific reason I think. If you still want to make it work just calm him down and make sure that he knows you're not going to judge him or be disappointed if it won't work another time. If he thinks you will, he'll be under a lot of pressure and that'll make everything worse.

Anonymous 13623

>other girls
It was over before it began. Imagine wasting time on a long distance slut.


Anonymous 3661[Reply]

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Anonymous 13240

My fav creator : https://soundgasm.net/u/Lustful_Crunch

Wish I could find more guys like him to rely on when horny for some variety

Anonymous 13241

https://soundgasm.net/u/rabbitmsa this guy is good too but he makes too many weird audios like snuff and weird shit

He should stick to light MDOM

Anonymous 13242

https://notwhorosethinks.github.io/publicnsfw.html another great voice

(thats if you dont mind that he has some drama like grooming listeners
going on )

Anonymous 13245

Moans are kind of meh
Scripts are great
Voice is great

Moans are great
Scripts are good
Voice is great

Anonymous 13619

list of my recommendations:

https://soundgasm.net/u/badfantasy - australian accent, vanilla and more fucked up stuff (incest, rape, ageplay/ddlg). his patreon is on kemono. i pay for his ss and its worth it.
https://soundgasm.net/u/slovenly_southern - mostly gay shit but has really good taboo audios. has an almost japanese style of voice acting? can't really explain it but it's good
https://soundgasm.net/u/maximumwill - british accent, mostly vanilla and a bit of kinkier stuff (daddy kink, cnc, a couple of mm4f audios) very natural voice that really gives that bfe. his patreon is also on kemono
https://soundgasm.net/u/nicevoicehaver - mostly fucked up shit (incest, cnc, somno) but i love it. really hot voice. also bfe


Things you’re ashamed to say are hot to you Anonymous 12143[Reply]

Post your shameful kinks, ignore male posters

I think giant women are so hot but I hate giantess fans and never wanna be associated with them
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Anonymous 13582

someone being totally and madly in love with me :3

Anonymous 13583

You're an absolute degenerate

Anonymous 13605

older men daddy kink basically

Anonymous 13616

also getting my nips sucked and being nursed especially the idea of being nursed when pregnant

yes I feel degen

Anonymous 13618

cannot explain it but i have a fetish for having my trust betrayed/manipulation? probably stems from trauma or something. it kinda ties into a rape fetish,,, and a incest fetish kind of? most of the porn i seek out usually has some sort of narrative of getting abused by a brother or family friend.


Are there any secrets to finding out if a guy is hung before seeing him naked? Anonymous 6849[Reply]

I prefer much more well-endowed men (7" and thick and up) and smaller men just can't do it for me. I've been disappointed bringing back cute guys only to see they are a waste of time.

I've checked bulges but that's not always reliable. I've been in clubs and gotten a quick feel dancing but that's not reliable either.

I heard height and penis size are linked, but I'm not sure if that's true.I know really fit guys are bigger so that helps. Is asking for a shoe size too obvious, or is there something else I need to know?

Please share your secrets!!!
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Anonymous 13363

But not if its too big?

Anonymous 13367

If it's too big it starts hitting my teeth.

Anonymous 13467

idk why nonas and women in general go with the false sizes men tell them. my first bf said he was 6 and a half inches and i believed him (was still a young idiot in high school back then). then people in school and the internet started saying that 6 inches was the average so i thought that my then bf’s dick was above average, which made me feel weird since i didn’t feel like his dick was particularly big or anything.

it wasn’t until i met my second and current bf, who told me he’s 6 and a half inches as well, and when i finally saw it i was fucking confused. it looked wayyy bigger than my ex. it wasn’t until i took a ruler to measure that i found out my ex was a lying POS all this while lol, with a 5” at best.

measure your man’s dicks nonas, with rulers or even measuring tapes (if it slants). i swear most alleged “size queens” who want 7” in them are just women lied to by their perfectly average bfs, and all they want are 6”s (which imo is the perfect size for everything). women who unironically say they want anything 7.5”s or bigger inside them either have some cervix hitting fetish or they haven’t touched a ruler before in their life.

Anonymous 13563

just ask them to take a picture of it in the mirror?

Anonymous 13617

Ask their diets.
Ultimately the only true thing that can affect dick size is testosterone, so what they eat heavily influences what they MAY have.
If they eat meat, avoid processed products, vegetable oils, soy products and the likes, he likely has at least an average dick.
If he eats junk food, vegetable oils, soylent and other crap, he's more likely to have a smaller than average dick.
Also be careful of body builders that do testosterone: those types of injections apparently can not only affect dick size negatively but reduce their fertility and balls size, if you're into that type of stuff too.


i got a wet pussy 13587[Reply]

what can i do abt it?
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Anonymous 13600

Well…fap again

Anonymous 13601

Fapping doesn't make the horny thoughts go away.

Anonymous 13602

Meditate…seek Allah

Anonymous 13603

lucky. i barely get wet anymore

Anonymous 13604

This is the second day my pussy will not stop leaking and I just realized that it feels swollen and hot to the touch. I forgot that's what being physically horny felt like. Normally only my brain is horny and my body doesn't respond.


Anonymous 13585[Reply]

Ok ladies how do I make my husband's nipples sensitive? I've always loved the idea of playing with his nipples and making a mess but it looks like he feels nothing. I wanna make him go crazy with it but I dunno how. Is there any way I can make them get really sensitive? I just wanna make him cum all over without even touching him down there
Sorry deleted the other one and reposted spoiling the nsfw pic

Anonymous 13608

Give him estrogen injections to forcefem him.

Anonymous 13612

My two cents: meme him into it using hypnotism

Anonymous 13613

I think the best method is just through association: if nipple stimulation happens at the same time as genital stimulation or orgasm, they'll start to feel similar. or instead of making them simultaneous, you can have the nipple sensation precede or anticipate the direct sexual stimulus (which is the classic pavlovian conditioning model) or try it both ways and see which works better. a month of training like this can have a real impact.

aside from that, you can try weed or toys (suckers to draw blood into them, clamps to provide a constant pinching sensation without tying up a hand, chastity cage to force his mind off his dick and into the rest of his body)

Anonymous 13614

oh and I've also heard about people putting Tiger Balm on their nipples to make them tingle lol, though I haven't tried it myself


Embarrassing things during lovemaking Anonymous 12320[Reply]

Post about embarrassing things that happened or "cringe" stuff that happened during lovemaking
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Anonymous 13323

Anonymous 13324

This wasn't me so idk if it counts but one time on a school band trip this girl realized the student she had a crush on was alone (because a really stupid school policy meant the kid he'd share a room with couldn't go but that's not the point) so she snuck into that student's motel room to fuck. I snuck out of bed at around 1:00 am myself to go to the vending machine because I needed something cold to drink and as I walk past the room, not only could I hear their bed creeking but she was making the weirdest and most comical moaning sound I ever heard.
Something like "Gwummuh Gwummuh Gwummuh…" On my way back from the vending machine I heard what could only be described as an Animal Crossing character having an orgasm and i kinda wanted to puke.

Anonymous 13326

Something I only realised just recently (and the conclusion I've come to based on a lack of other evidence) is that I have to be able to see my own breasts to be able to climax. I don't really know why this is, but I've literally never had an orgasm where either I'm wearing a top or a bra, or in a position where my breasts aren't visible to me (i.e. doggy, 69, etc.). I've practised on my own to confirm this theory, it has to be irl and not a picture either. I don't have to be staring directly at them, but having them at least partially in my view works.

Maybe there's actually another trigger here, but I find this wildly embarrassing to talk about with my bf for some reason.

Anonymous 13341

You might have AGP

Anonymous 13606

I know you hated listening to every part of that but i just had to say that the story really made kek for some reason.


Anonymous 5683[Reply]

It's the year 2050, and male slavery is finally legal. They can be given new names, and all their life decisions are now in your hands. The slaves can be used for any purpose, be it sex, domestic labor, or even just for the sake of reselling to make a profit. What purpose will you use your slave for? You're reading through a slave boy catalog, and here are your options.

Discount slaves
1. Kenny. He's a spergy autism spectrum kid who needs a great deal of training. He's a 21 year old neet who lives with his grandparents because his parents kicked him out. However, his grandparents eventually got sick of his shit as well and decided it's finally time to sell his ass off.

Temperament: Poor (autistic fits)
Skills: None
Looks: Average
Virgin: Yes
Age: 21
Price: 250

2. Mark:
A roided out gym fag that can be of some use around the house carrying heavy things. Though dumb as a fucking rock, he has a good work ethic and can whip up a mean power shake.

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Anonymous 13459

The full post I meant to make (altered slightly because the original is just cringe):
New slaves!
1: Zane. A cute femboy whose parents sold him to the slave traders. Very submissive and obedient.
Age: 18
Species: human
Looks: cute (very short, 5'4)
Price: $250
2: Andre. A hung Indian boy with a tail and ears. Sold himself into slavery.
Species: wolf boy
Age: 24
Price: $150

Anonymous 13463

Sorry for being so harsh.

For this I’m probably going to buy Zane. Cringe name but I do like them obedient.

Anonymous 13468

I would take Zane too, animal-human hybrids freak me out

Anonymous 13469

Can someone draw the new slaves?

Anonymous 13562

Let me make sure I understand what kind of Indian I'm getting here. Are we talking Twilight wolfboy or Jungle Book wolfboy?

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