
Lolcow Bunker Thread #27 Anonymous 288185
Our great return has been pushed back to Thursday, 5th of September, remember to check status.lolcow.farm before asking us for updates. For now Admin claims the reason for downtime is that "a serious and unexpected issue has arisen".
Previous bunkers:
>>>/b/274951Before bunker #9 was made, we initially used this thread:
>>>/b/276304Don't engage with any bait. Just report it. Just keep reporting the baiter/infighter and ignore. Assume any anon that doesn't ignore is the baiter samefagging.
Some anons suspect that this LC outage may last a while, so let's all try to stay hopeful and have fun together in this thread while we wait.
Anonymous 288194

>>288191Don't worry, it's only 4 AM on September 5th in the United States Minor Outlying Islands, the admins still have plenty of time!
Anonymous 288199
Ngl, n0nnies, I am starting to get worried. What the hell happened with the site and why is taking it so long?
Anonymous 288202
>>288199Admin waiting for that check to clear
Anonymous 288203
>>288199he’s broke as fuck that’s what. if shit like this isn’t enough to prove to you all that some NEET neckbeard is running the show i have no idea what is
Anonymous 288206
Also, I can't believe that I am an oldfag when it comes to lolcows and attention whores. I saw PULL die and I hope that I won't see lolcor's demise because KF sucks and 4chan is a nightmare.
Anonymous 288207
wish me luck at work s, I hope lc is back when im done and I can read the threads in bed like always… Love u all
Anonymous 288210
>>288206Kek i also saw pull die. I sometimes miss it ngl but I remember threads for cows like for McKenna that we’re insane nitpicking and I’m happy with lc
Anonymous 288212

Pokémon keeps releasing stuff meant for people to use daily or while asleep and it's so weird to me, like
>good night multi-billion company, I love you too, sleep well!
And then
>good morning multi-billion company! Ready to track my day to day routine?
It's a bit weird to me. Do they use this information for something? What would you need the routine of pokeadults (like Disney adults) for?
Anonymous 288214
>>288212I hate these anyway. The sleeping stuff is the same tracker that all apps have been using for over a decade, it isn't 100% accurate and will track even minute things, but tell you "YOURE AWAKE AT NIGHT OH NO!!!!!". It's a complete waste of time and a cash grab for people who do wind up using real money for some reason for the extra things you can buy like cosmetics.
Anonymous 288217
Maybe he’s reading our comments and dragging it out on purpose?
Anonymous 288222

>>288211This is you right now, and you didnt even wish me luck
Anonymous 288223
Unpopular opinion: the 'lolcor' spelling of lolcow is getting really fucking annoying and old, especially the repeated usage of it in these threads. Make up some new word.
Anonymous 288224
>>288222nta but imm wishing you luck noners, work will go by fast
Anonymous 288225

I feel like I will be forever doomed to have ugly marks on my skin because of my picking skin habit ever since my childhood and I can't control. No matter which ointments and lightening creams I use, I always relapse, and it's when I am seeing some progress, it's like my own brain is trying to sabotage me.
Anonymous 288227
Anonymous 288228
>>288222ok I'm sorry s good luck
>>288223I agree with this
Anonymous 288230
>>288225why don’t we croudfund you some mittens?
Anonymous 288231
>>288210If you ever want to feel nostalgic check out Taylor R's thread, there's definite PULL-refugees in there nitpicking away still
Anonymous 288232
How tf do I stop chewing my nails? I've been doing it since I was 12 and just cannot stop. I've tried everything like bitter nail polish etc
Anonymous 288233
Eww, I see the negative anons have found their way to cc. That's a shame.
Anonymous 288234
>>288232Fake nails and take them off when yours have grown out. Only thing that worked for me
Anonymous 288235
I can't even post on here anymore lolcow pls come back I can't take the 5 minutes and random bans anymore please please please RELEASE US
Anonymous 288237
>>288231oh god the update about her hair bun before the site went down was completely retarded anons are trying so hard to pass these posts off as milk and instead it's just obsessive. i love when they complain about their bans they are so salty and they do this to themselves. I've seen anons mention this about a lot of w threads though so i don't think it's just taylor
Anonymous 288238
>>288199Admin needs to hurry up and start that OF so the server fees can be paid.
>>288203Y'all still think Ian (the scrote who made lulcow) is still the one in charge? I vaguely remember mentions of him during the regina moderation era.
Anonymous 288239
do we think when the site is back up that a resignation might be posted too?
Anonymous 288240
>>288238Second ayrt; I don’t think him or Joshua are still in charge, but I do think it’s a moid/group of men who are in control of lolcow atm
Anonymous 288241
>>288238>Y'all still think Ian (the scrote who made lulcow) is still the one in charge? I vaguely remember mentions of him during the regina moderation era.Unironically yes, along with "Shaymin".
Anonymous 288242
Why the fuck would my Uber eats driver decide to take my order knowing she has stops on the way???? She's a solid deliverer though so whatever get your money.
Anonymous 288243
Another /m/apocalypse is bound to happen, I can feel it
Anonymous 288244
Threadpic is me watching all the anons (probably newfags tbh) scramble around and doompost about lolcow like we haven't been through this like 5,000 different times before
>>288232Seconding the other anon, just wear fake nails. You can even just do overlays if you don't want nail extensions, like rubber base or builder in a bottle. Even if you do get an urge to pick or bite your nails, you do it to the product and not your actual nails
>>288223I don't think it's annoying but tbh I just never got the joke kek
Anonymous 288245
>>288223so we should make up new variations? how about roflcow?
Anonymous 288247
TIL that there are Goethe/Schiller fujos kek
Anonymous 288249
>>288240Josh was literally never in charge of lolcow. The whole thing was that some anons that he wanted to be but just couldn't.
Anonymous 288250
>>288242probably an instacart worker and they're used to doing shit like that. they merged with ubereats recently
Anonymous 288251

I'm obsessed with twitter accounts of grown women posting their small plushies of their favorite pokemon or husbandos next to cool places or delicious looking food.
Anonymous 288252

I've been watching a lot of Studio Ghibi movies since the farms been down, including the lesser popular ones like Earwig and the Witch (Underated!), and the Secret World of Arietty. I've also just watched Whisper of the Heart for the first time and it's so good. I'm surprised it's not talked about more. It's such a lovely movie. (Take me home~, country roads~)
Anonymous 288254

did we just get abandoned on cc…
Anonymous 288256
>>288238Nah, I think he left ages ago and unless he has some kind of insane larp going, the adminds we've had through the years have been noticeably different
Anonymous 288258
>>288232>>288234I have the same problem. Unfortunately I can't use fake nails because I'm a lab rat. So I'm just putting on nail strengthener and moisturizing a lot, so far it's working. Wish me luck
Anonymous 288259

cerbmin need to follow in her footsteps to get rid of the scrotefoiling once and for all
Anonymous 288262

I need the confession thread. Or the vent thread. When I have mental breakdowns I browse lolcow to survive and it’s not here reeeee I am hanging on by a single thread
Anonymous 288263
>>288259that just looks like the hand of a low t male
Anonymous 288264
>>288188>having no sensory issues at allFunny, the autism fakers i know are
too into sensory issues. They don't really struggle socially so they make it all about imaginary sensory struggles, meanwhile autists grin and bear it
>>287760I really like this episode. It's accurate. It's not that
all kinksters are ugly women, but so many of them are really into SM as a result of undesirability and low self-esteem, Fanny is the epitome of this. I found their point about teenage years hell fostering masochism to be very real, many women grow out of it as soon as they reach adulthood
Anonymous 288267
>>288223I bet you don't even know the copypasta it came from
Anonymous 288268
>>288259Cerbmin is Shaymin is Oldmin who is picrel
All different names for the same person kek
Anonymous 288270
>>288225i have the same issue but it's gotten better since i identified what makes me do it in the first place, usually stress or shell shock, and to have something in my hands when i feel that "pulling" sensation in my fingers to touch my face. i bought a koosh ball and pluck out the strands of rubber on it or play with anything that's near me (opening and closing my chapstick, pulling threads on my clothes, tapping my fingers, cracking my knuckles, etc). i hope this helps even if just a bit.
Anonymous 288272
>>288231I sometimes read there for the keks but i don’t post
>>288237 reminds me of her pull threads pages long of nitpicks
Anonymous 288274
>>288258A gel polish manicure on your natural nails, gel is hard to bite off. Vitamin e oil on your nails as well.
Anonymous 288275
>>288263>>288271the newfaggotry is astounding. idk what is is that made newgen users scrotefoil schizos
Anonymous 288276
>>288263>>288271The arm very obviously belongs to a female, come on.
Anonymous 288281
>>288275anon i’ve been on LC for a long time and i’ve always been able to face the reality that the mods are men because first of all, their moderation style makes it obvious alone, secondly what fucking NEET woman is gonna waste her time trying to be the manager of LC kek? please pull your head out of your ass. the moderation
Anonymous 288282

>already August 2024
>still no Madoka Movie
>still no Panty & Stocking Season 2
>YoI movie cancelled once and for all
Anonymous 288283
>>288252That’s one of my favorite Ghibli movies. When Marnie Was There, the Cat Returns, and Kiki’s are my other favorites.
Anonymous 288284
I have these annoying lines on my fingers, in the skin right below my fingernails. They appeared after I used some retinol/vitamin C lotion that irritated my skin (I stopped using it immediately after I noticed - I won't use retinol again). This was some time in 2023, most of the irritation issues are gone except for this one.
How can I fix it? Any n0nnies have experience with getting rid of weird finger wrinkles? I can't even find anything on them when I google.
Anonymous 288285
>>288276no it looks more like a 13 year old argentine boys arm, actually
Anonymous 288286
>>288223>funny joke gets posted>funny joke then gets posted repeatedly for months or even years to the point that it isn't funny anymoreThe cycle of LC memes perpetuated by autistic women.
>>288263This is why it's pointless for cerbmin to even attempt to prove that they're female. There's always going to be a low IQ schizo insisting it's a man even when it obviously isn't.
Anonymous 288288
>>288212It's aimed to build healthy habits in kids getting co-opted by artists and redditcels. Pokemon has, and always will be, primarily targeted at kids
Anonymous 288289
>>288242from experience, doordash's system does this, not the drivers specifically. it'll bundle orders for some reason and the person who is there will get the bundle delivery pay.
Anonymous 288290
>>288286oh yeah cause a woman would totally forget to pay the server bill over a holiday weekend and then have to wait until getting her cheque to pay for the site to go back up. i’m sorry nonie but that’s retarded male behavior
Anonymous 288291
>>288281>their moderation style makes it obvious aloneWhat exactly? I feel like men would make their hatred of women a lot more known and loud.
Anonymous 288292
>>288290>>288281Nta but I think you guys just want men to be in control of everything
Anonymous 288293
>>288290The amount of autistic/ADHD/low-functioning women on the site and you find it unbelievable that a woman could forget something? Stop being retarded
Anonymous 288294
I never understood why a biological woman would be so triggered over being called a scrote on an anonymous imageboard that she'd want it banned all-together. If it really has no basis and is "just used randomly", it's on par with being called a retard and can be just shrugged off.
Anonymous 288295
>>288272makes me wonder why some people try so hard to pretend these cows are milky i've comments saying she is stuck in arrested development, but the anons seem more like they are.
>>288290i feel like anons forget that digital pay systems exist and that most people get paid electronically, not even by check anymore. look how many people didn't even understand how checks worked with the chase atm 'glitch' lol a bunch of retards. maybe this is the big site update and they have bugs happening they weren't expecting too. most of those people were men who did that and update page says nothing about servers not being paid.
>>288291i've moderated a moid otaku site and absolutely you know when a dude is running a website, hands down.
Anonymous 288296
>>288232I’ve been able to grow my nails out recently for the first time in a decade. I had to switch one habit for another. now instead of biting my nails
and eating the skin around it I fidget with my ears instead (which used to be my fidget habit before I developed the biting. so I just went back to it.)
Anonymous 288297
>>288290I don't understand, why can't women forget things?
Anonymous 288298
>it's another "arguing over nonsense" episode
Anonymous 288299
>>288292i actually do not want a man to be in control of a website for women and then choose to continually neglect said website, that’s the opposite of what i want. that is the whole problem. that is the whole reason why we have all had to congregate here kek.
Anonymous 288300
Why is it stuck on "browsing: overall uptime: 12.07%", it's been like that for hours?
Anonymous 288302
>>288283I love The Cat Returns. Pom Poko is really underrated too
Anonymous 288303
>>288297because we’re superior and are capable of more than them. at least if i was in control of lolcow, pathetic shit like this wouldn’t be happening.
Anonymous 288305
>>288300That's uptime over the last 7 days. If you click 24 hrs is goes 0.00%
Anonymous 288306
Does anyone have anything to prove it wasn't paid? Wouldn't that say the site wasn't down, but a different cloudflare error?
Anonymous 288308
>>288290This is the most retarded logic I've seen so far I'm sorry n0nnie but you don't deserve your tinfoil hat privileges.
>>288295>i've moderated a moid otaku site and absolutely you know when a dude is running a website, hands down.From personal experience men tend to have an unwarranted sense of importance and love to make themselves known, which unironically is still well documented with the first lc admin who was coincidentally male. All admins since him had a less pronounced presence in the site.
Anonymous 288310
>>288303>because we’re superiorCan’t really argue with that I guess
>>288306I don’t think I’ve seen Cloudflare ever post a “domain not paid” error even when that has been the issues all they can see is that the website is down
Anonymous 288311
>>288306Because around late 2022/early 2023 the site would go down around the same time every month, so anons speculated that it was because admin hadn't paid the server bill on time.
Anonymous 288312

>me if i took one benchpress everytime cerbmin let me down
Anonymous 288313
i was a bitch to my mom on the phone, i hate that she calls me everyday during her lunch break. i hate her anxiety and feeling responsible to manage it since i was a kid so i made my life puny and meaningless. it was excessive but i'm losing my patience more and more now, i'm so sick of living this way.
Anonymous 288315
>>288308so if you managed an imageboard you’d allow it to go down for a week because you “forgot about it”? really?
Anonymous 288316
Vent: I did a big load of laundry but now I have to stand there and fold it. Fuck ironing all this.
>>288311This actually happened under the admin before Shaymin. You can probably scroll back through the catalog here to find the bunker threads of the time.
Anonymous 288317
I’ve always wondered what the admin side of an ib even looks like. If some tranny got in there somehow how bad could that be? If it comes back and there’s something weird like threads being deleted or post numbers being different it could be signs the leaked IP tinfoil was right. Having just IPs would be useless unless you also have their posts attached.
Anonymous 288318
>>288315Nta but they clearly didn't forget because the status age has been getting updated since the day it went down
Anonymous 288320
>>288313tell her to stop calling you, you have to be direct about this. that you are not responsible for taking care of her while she's able to still walk.
Anonymous 288321
>>288313at least you have a mother who takes time to call you. you should probably call and apologize, and maybe even take time to explain your frustrations so that she's aware.
Anonymous 288322
>>288315Who are you quoting? Admin responded to the bugs happening on the site right before it went down so I don't think she forgot about anything kek
Anonymous 288323
>>288252From some videos I've seen the backgrounds are always pretty but I could never get into Ghibi movies, their faces are so ugly and plain to me.
Anonymous 288324
how come there's like 0 anons who can contact admin via means outside the farm to find out what's going on?
>>288313it's usually better to just not pick up instead of bitching at someone, even if you feel as though they deserve it. don't worry about that. if she asks why you didn't pick up, you can tell her you were busy (because you're busy not talking to her), and if she pushes for more info say you're practicing mindfulness or some shit then switch subjects.
Anonymous 288325
>>288313Dude you need to dig your fingernails into her back and tell her to toughen the fuck up? Mothers are supposed to be there for their children. Not the other way around. Aspergian women like that shouldn’t even be allowed to reproduce.
Anonymous 288326
>>288313I started therapy a few years ago after all the ptsd shit my family put me through. you literally have to guilt them to explain them about how it makes you feel when they put their anxiety on to you.
"Hey mom, right now I'm busy. I know you want to vent, but when you do this it stresses me out because I feel your anxiety through the phone. I need to finish what Im doing and if I have time Ill call you back later."
Anonymous 288327
>>288236I like lolcat. Hurrrryyyyyy with the siiiiiiittteeee MY GOD I need my cow fix! I can't take my ADHD meds at the moment give me my sweet dopamine!
Anonymous 288328

I've only eaten three bowls of low-fat yoghurt with bananas, protein wheat pillows, honey and some dark chocolate on top. And drunk like two big cups of tea during the day. Despite it I'm feeling so goddamn full I have a stomachache and I still need to force myself to drink some more actual water
Anonymous 288332
>>288295>i've moderated a moid otaku sitespeaks volumes
>>288315yes. and surprise even neet women have lives and unexpected expenses. just judging by your posts I can tell that you would
not be a better admin lol
Anonymous 288334
>>288317I've been a moderator on a vichan/tiny board based IB. The information about posters is extremely limited which is why it's so difficult to moderate. The moderation interface is known as mod.php. When browsing the site under mod.php the site looks the same, except there are visible IP addresses next to "anonymous" and in the left corner of the post there are the mod actions, ban, delete, spoiler and delete all. The IP can be clicked to reveal post history. mod.php also has a main page where the site log of moderator actions can be viewed, the report queue can be seen and the ban appeals list.
>>288328>low-fat yoghurt>protein wheat pillowsYou've probably eaten more protein than you realise and protein is very satiating.
Anonymous 288335
>>288294I know I am a woman, I know that mistakes happen. If someone calls me a scrote I get over it, literally the only one that used to piss me off on 4chan was variations of being called tranny but I got over it.
Anonymous 288336
>>288303Some of us have issues like ADHD or similar my good retard
Anonymous 288338
>>288328That's sounds so good and exactly the type of stuff I would gorge myself on too. Except replace the tea with ice cold water
Anonymous 288339
>>288294it triggered me personally and hurt my feelings a little when i got accused of being a male during a lively discussion on LC because it just felt insulting and reaffirmed this misogynistic idea that you’re “supposed” to feel a specific way about things as a woman
Anonymous 288340
>>288294simple, any woman would hate to be called or equated to a sub human species that rapes animals,children and shit, but personally i dont mind being called one (since im used to it as a tomboy and now gnc) but i understand why it would piss off some n0nnies
Anonymous 288341
>>288339but i should also state that doesn’t mean i think the website should ever be banned KEK i’m just saying i could understand why it may hurt a nonie’s feelings and really tick off those who may be a little coockoo
Anonymous 288342
Anyone think the "serious issue" is that someone got into their backdoor somehow?
>>288339Honestly it's such an easy way to infight
Anonymous 288344
>>288303It probably would happen. The last time LC went down for a while it was because there was some fuck shit going on with the servers and them trying to transfer the site over to something newer and better. It still had a lot of issues, and it's probably something like that again. Ian, the guy who made LC apparently coded it in that autistic way male coders do where they're the only ones who understand it, and anyone after them will have one hell of a time trying to fix the spaghetti code. I think if the issue was only about money they'd dry beg on the LC Twitter and crowd fund server fees. They did mention its expensive to run LC without any advertising, but if it was as simple as "oops, forgot to pay server fees" they'd have probably been able to raise the money by now and get LC back up and running. The spaghetti code
Anonymous 288345
>>288341I am more than a lil coo coo so it used to piss me off until I had to force myself to get over it.
Anonymous 288346
>>288339>reaffirmed this misogynistic idea that you’re “supposed” to feel a specific way about things as a womanThis. Using "scrote" or "moid" as a insult against someone that disagrees with you is extremely regressive and blatant misogyny because it implies that women are only capable of certain behaviours, opinions and thoughts. It implies that any woman that does not conform to the expected gender stereotype is not a woman, it's basically tranny logic.
Anonymous 288347
>>288334Good point, I forgot to check how much protein there might be in yoghurt. I just started having it as a lazy meal fairly recently when I'm studying at home and too busy to cook something.
>>288337Nah, I'm far from an anachan. I'm on the high end of the bmi scale for normal weight for my height so I even need to lose a bit kek
Anonymous 288350
>>288345i used to get really hurt by it too nona. one time i posted my hand in an attempt to disprove the posters i was infighting with and it did not end well for me, but i see now that i deserved it for responding to bait instead of just posting about something more positive kek
Anonymous 288352
>>288344Figures it would lead back to being Ian's fault. We had to have the one IB coded by a socially crippled wig0nhead simp
Anonymous 288354
>>288350I remember one time a really fat n0nnie body revealed, unprovoked, in the confessions thread I think it was
Anonymous 288355
Genuinely the only time I've been called a moid on LC was when the pedo tranny spammer was around and would try to do a gotcha when anons would call him a scrote.
Anonymous 288356
what is the accepted collective theory that explains why lolcor is still down?
Anonymous 288357
>>288353>>288351NTAYRT but a lot of short tempered anons have hand revealed over the years kek
Anonymous 288358
I never got called a scrote, but i've been called ESL so much to the point I go,"Yep, I am". One time someone made me so mad I just went, "English is my second language" and hoped it guilted them into thinking im not retarded and feel bad.
Anonymous 288359
>>288350This happened like a month ago and
wrist is normal sized and when I posted my hand once they bullied me so hard I started taking weight loss more seriously.
So I’m down 8 pounds while they just stay miserable.
Anonymous 288361
I want a venn diagram of anons who say they love the bunker threads and anons pro dumbass shit thread. And that diagram better be a single circle.
Anonymous 288363
>>288355someone called me Grimes one time, but the only moid accusation I ever got was due to the criminal act of studying philosophy in college.
Anonymous 288364
I have gotten called moid a couple of times, once because I have "moidy interests" because I still enjoy video games, anime and comics as an adult kekkkk
Anonymous 288365
>>288363>Grimes….i dont think grimes knows what imageboards are..
Anonymous 288366
Did any of your teachers in elementary school do like a clapping routine to get the whole classes attention? i recall mine being something like
clap clap clapclapclap
and then we’d do it back to her
Anonymous 288367

Every single person I've ever been friends with is now claiming to have autism. There's no way all of them are seriously autists. They seem pretty normal to me (except for one dumb tif, and another chick who is a pathological liar but that must be something else like bpd, not autism)… but then again, if they really are all autists, and I've been spending time with only them my whole life, how do I know what a non-autist is like? Are they all really autists? Am I some autist-magnet? Am I the flame and they, the moths? These questions bug me
Anonymous 288368
does anyone personally carry a gun with them for safety? i was thinking about doing it but idk what kind would be the best for protection
Anonymous 288369
Has anyone here played Love and Deepspace?
Anonymous 288370
>>288352Yeah, it was a whole reveal last time. I think this was in the Regina era where it was revealed that he basically pulled a yandere dev with his coding. The mods had mentioned that this might happen again, basically everytime they want to update LC it will break because of how Ian went about coding it. I don't think he intended for LC to last as long as it did and now we must suffer for his lack of foresight.
>>288365To me Grimes is one of the celebrities that I could see being an active user/lurker tbh. I bet she has google alerts for her name activated.
Anonymous 288372
>>288361i loved the dumbass shit threads, but then i realised i can just post what i used to post in them in the mundane shit thread instead
>>288366i remember something like "1,2,3, eyes on me" and we had to respond with "4,5,6 (something something i forget)"
Anonymous 288376

I absolutely love Beetlejuice and I want to see the sequel but I’m scared that it’s going to suck. I’m really not a fan of Jenna Ortega either, I was hoping the movie would be more about Lydia dealing with Beetlejuice’s bullshit, kek
Anonymous 288377
>>288367Do they seem normal to you because you're also an autist? I don't know. Probably not.
Anonymous 288378
>>288366My teachers did this a lot in elementary school. I teach middle school currently and something that really helps get their attention is "clap twice if you can hear me", whoever does not participate usually gets back on track if you repeat it or use a differnt number after that
Anonymous 288379
>>288251this is so cute thank you for gracing my eyes with this chinchou
Anonymous 288381
>>288376Tbh I just wanna watch it so my friends and I can dress according to the theme
I don't get enough opportunities to dress up anymore so I take wha tI can get. I kinda expect it to suck so why not turn it into an event?
Anonymous 288382
>>288370I agree with you, especially when she was shilled on /mu/ a lot
Anonymous 288384
>>288368ive heard a sig is good, im thinking of buying one too but im torn in buying a taser or a gun
Anonymous 288385
>>288378this is very offtopic and dark, but do you ever worry about school shootings? (assuming you're a burger)
Anonymous 288386

Post your favourite overnight oats recipes n0nnas, I want to start having more filling breakfasts instead of grabbing a couple slices of toast at work.
Anonymous 288387
>>288381ayrt, kek same! I'm thinking about dressing as Beetlejuice for halloween
Anonymous 288388
>>288324> how come there's like 0 anons who can contact admin via means outside the farm to find out what's going on?How??
Anonymous 288389
>>288369I have, i think its an okay game. I like the combat, some of the love interests are a bit boring. The story updates very slowly as well sadly
Anonymous 288390
>>288385yes haha… i honestly think about this scenario a lot, i live in a red state currently which does not help much until i get the chance to move. i do a lot of trainings and planning to assure i can do what i can if a shooter did come into the building. even if it means i lose my life, my priority is keeping the kids safe
Anonymous 288391
>>288386I don't remember what recipe I used but I like the combination of blueberry and banana a lot
Anonymous 288392
I got called into work early and im pretty sure it's because my coworker just doesn't want to be there. she had to work two closes in a row two weeks in a row when she normally does 1 a week, but we have someone on vacation. she also calls out a lot, so im annoyed and no one else can cover for her, so i said i can go in only an hour earlier. just super annoyed knowing she's also a heavy pothead, so probably wants to fuck off to go be a lazy pos
Anonymous 288393
>>288342If there's really an issue so serious it requires days of work while sharing almost no info about what's going on, it does feel like they discovered some kind of vulnerability or breach IMO. I don't know much about backend, but if the bills weren't paid, would the status page not go down too? And agree with
>>288344 that there would probably be a fundraiser if that were the case.
Anonymous 288395
>>288377I'm definitely not an autist, I know it
Anonymous 288396
Minecraft nonas!
Since LC is still down today, I will be opening the server for new players one last time from 4PM EST to around 8PM EST!
Anonymous 288397
since we don’t have sonic totem will one of you reply to this with just a yes or no?
Anonymous 288398
First LCF, and now KF… Oh no…
Anonymous 288400
>>288397cc deserves its own totem. idk what mascot would have sufficient spiritual power tho
Anonymous 288401
I don't want to go to a beauty store but I can't find hair in the color I want on Amazon. Ugh.
Anonymous 288402

>>288390>even if it means i lose my life, my priority is keeping the kids safeyou're an angel, nona. i pray you'll never be in a situation where you'd have to make that decision
Anonymous 288404
I'm trying to read the Foundation trilogy by Isaac Asimov but I'm on page 85 of the first book and it is so fucking boring. I spent $10 on this book, man.
Anonymous 288408
>>288350Don’t act innocent, we know who you are kek
Anonymous 288409
>>288408I didn’t know who it was and I responded to them, mainly bc I mostly use CC
Anonymous 288411
>>288393I think the LCStatus is a Cloudflare plugin. The error page and it have the same IP. You can also see the bot on github under LCStatus. Nothing clues though.
Anonymous 288412
>I had mutiple teachers freak out and scream at us to "Shut up"
my 1st grade teacher did this to us once and it scared us all so badly that i still remember it all 20+ years later. ms. lake that was very uncalled for, Fuck You
Anonymous 288417
i think you're just friends with pathological liars and attention whores. you need genuine friends. also kek at spoiler.
Anonymous 288418
>>288410>gemmy cowi hate that fucking site so much but whenever i see a gem i think of it..
Anonymous 288419

i wish i had an actual copy of minecraft i'd love to play with you nonas
Anonymous 288420
Whoever suggested the song "Night of the Swallow" by Kate Bush on the temporal music thread on lc you changed my fucking life, I hope you know.
Anonymous 288422
>>288419They are not super expensive on ebay
Goddamnit how long is the post cooldown?
Anonymous 288423
all this talk about elementary school has me googling a few of the names i can remember. the boy i had a crush on in the 3rd grade is a big time football player now… another one i had a crush on was in the news for escaping prison
Anonymous 288425
You guys think it’ll actually come back in less than 24 hours?
Anonymous 288429
Is the MC server down for any other nonas? could someone direct me to what happened if craftmin made a post?
Anonymous 288430

>>288425probably not but im still compulsively checking like a retard
Anonymous 288431
>>288424hell yes thank you noners
gonna go to starbucks now i needed a yes or no to if it was a good idea to walk there on a hot day kek
Anonymous 288433
>>288431any local coffee shops around?
Anonymous 288434
>>288429The dynamap is still up, so the server should be fine
Anonymous 288435

>>288384I have nothing to contribute to this discussion but I had a targeted ad for picrel a few months ago and wanted to share.
Anonymous 288436
>>288433yes ma’am there is a gorgeous local coffee shop next to my house but they only sell muffins and right now i need a cake pop. should i still go
Anonymous 288437
I have pelvic floor issues that cause chronic pain. I'm seeing an osteopath for it and god damn the vaginal massages she does are so fucking painful. They're definitely helping but it's 45 minutes of paid torture. By the end of the session I'm so dizzy because it's so painful I can't breathe properly.
Anonymous 288439
>>288436hmmm…. go get yourself a cake pop nonita!!
Anonymous 288440
>>288275I don't think they even believe it, they're just seething so hard at the admin(s) and "fat" as the catch-all insult for when you don't know how someone looks has gotten stale, plus the old admin was notably an anachan. So now male is the new go-to
Anonymous 288441
>>288225At this point I just live with it, it's not like I'm getting any infections or skin cancer, my legs may be full of random circles and marks but whatever, I was a kid and nowadays I'm just too busy to care if my legs don't look like two smooth hotdogs.
Anonymous 288444
>>288386vanilla greek yogurt or protein yogurt + oat milk + oats + chia seeds + sugar or honey + frozen mixed berries on top. yums! i like to make it runny so a big splash of milk.
Anonymous 288445
Soooo what are we gonna do about all the funny posts in these bunker threads? I think they belong on LC Funny Caps on /ot/, even if they weren't made on LC it's still farmers' posting. LC is where the farmers are.
Anonymous 288446
>>288445just post them, why do you need permission
Anonymous 288447
best weight loss snacks?
Anonymous 288451
>>288412I remember in 6th grade I was playing kickball with some boys during lunch and one of them kicked the ball really hard and it accidentally nailed one of the teachers on duty in the head, and being a literal child finding physical comedy to be peak I bursted out laughing so hard and even though she was probably like 50 feet away she pivoted and screamed at me like it was my fault at the top of her lungs. Everyone on the blacktop went quiet. She demanded I go to the office and sit and wait to be punished. I was exceptionally shy and there was no way for me to actually explain to anyone that I didn't do anything wrong. School was a serious of adults just not giving a shit about the truth or about children
Anonymous 288453
>>288367having some "autistic traits" doesn't necessarily mean you have autism, but autistic people do seem to cluster together so there is a small chance. if they seem relatively normal their whole lives then probably not, and they're compensating by searching for a label to feel better. ~20% of trans people are autistic so the TIF might have a higher chance.
Anonymous 288454
Pls, what texture packs do you use on Minecraft?
Anonymous 288457
>>288429If you were the player that recently changed her username, I believe that it takes maybe 15-30 minutes for Mojang to authorize the change. So you might encounter an "nvalid session" or "failure to authorize account" error message upon joining. You should be able to join back in after a short wait, and the whitelist should recognize you. If you still can't, let me know!
Anonymous 288459
>>288447I love kale chips! Esp. with different seasonings like seasoning salt and chili flakes
Anonymous 288460

>>288454some nona a few threads back made picrel and i love it all
Anonymous 288461
>>288454I used to use the my little pony mod where it made your character ponies
Anonymous 288462
>>288376Her facial expressions annoy me but this could be a cute little Halloween watch i suppose. I'm surprised they didn't hold the release until October though.
Anonymous 288463
>>288367Autism is basically a get out of jail free card for a lot of Zoomers and younger Millennials. They are afraid of taking responsibility for their issues, and autism presents a good justification for them to never seriously consider why they are the way they are. Depression & anxiety used to be the illnesses that people claimed to get away with acting like losers, but sometime in the late 2010s it switched to autism or ADHD I think because these are life-long disorders of the brain, so it's even easier for them to avoid responsibility and introspection.
Anonymous 288464
>>288453Pretty positive it’s higher than that. I believe it’s closer to a 50% con-currency rate with autism and gender dysphoria. That said you’re right that having autistic traits doesn’t mean you have autism. People have really lost sight on how debilitating these conditions are in actuality and that just relating a bit isn’t enough to be considered autistic.
Anonymous 288465
Did anyone see that Amy Slaton was arrested for drug possession and child endagerement?
Anonymous 288466
>>288376I swear they just cast Jenna Ortega in stuff for the coomers.
Anonymous 288467
when do you guys think it's gonna be up and running again? sometime next week? next year? christmas?
Anonymous 288468
>>288451Something similar happened to me when I was at grammar school. I was helping to clear up balls on the sports field after playing rounders (a game similar to baseball for non-bongs). I picked up one of the balls and hit it with a bat in the general direction of where the other girls were gathering the balls back into the storage basket and the ball smacked the teacher on the head. She went mad and screamed at me while I couldn't stop laughing. She dragged me to the head of PE department's office, only for the PE department head to tell her to get a grip because it was highly unlikely that a 13 year old girl had the skill required to bat that accurately and it was clearly unintentional. I gained a lot of respect for the PE department head that day.
Anonymous 288469
>>288465I did too. I saw a video about it but I couldn't the plot at all. She got bit by a llama (?) and that somehow led to a discovery of drugs in her car? Where the hell did the child endangerment even come in at
Anonymous 288470
>>288367Well.. Depends. You might, because if you're a sperg normal people feel weird and other spergs seem normal to you (unless they're much spergier than you). The right question is: does it actually matter? Who gives a fuck? If you're high-functioning, diagnosis is only a hindrance.
Anonymous 288471
>>288447Cucumber, tomato, nut-thins, popcorn, sugar free popsicles, protein powder + oat milk, yogurt + fruit preserve + low cal granola
Anonymous 288472
What do I do with 3 boxes of unopened corn flakes? I have corn flakes as a snack sometimes but the boxes are pilling up. Also, do you all have any recipes with oatmeal? I have 4 bags of unopened oatmeal and I don't have oatmeal that often.
I have all of this because my mom's workplace gives her a bag of food monthly, but the food isn't in the best conditions most of the times and most of the people we know don't need the stuff we receive, the packages are also all fucked up so we can't just go somewhere and give them away, also everyone kind of receives these bags of food anyways.
Anonymous 288473

Feederism would be a much more tolerable fetish if it was about nurturing their partner and making them happy/satisfied, like cooking for someone and enjoying to see them eat it eagerly. But no, for moids it's some retarded control fetish about making women immobile.
Anonymous 288475
>>288472You can use cornflakes to make a crust for any breaded meat. Like schnitzel, fried chicken, stuff like that.
Anonymous 288476
>>288472conflakes are great for making meatloaf
Anonymous 288477
>>288467Most likely when the moon is in the seventh house, and Jupiter aligns with Mars. Then, peace will guide the boards, and love will steer the threads. Lolcor is leaving the Age of Pisces, so we must wait for the Aquarian Age.
Anonymous 288479
>>288472Use both the cornflakes and oatmeal to coat chicken to make extra super crispy friend chicken or tofu n0nnerz
Anonymous 288482

I'm fostering two ~1 month old hedgehog babies and need name ideas. One is a boy (chillest guy you'll ever meet, he enjoys getting brushed with a toothbrush), the other is a girl (very angry, very hissy, very spiky, she hates humanity but likes cuddling with the boy). They are from different litters, and she's a tiny bit darker than he is. They look like picrel right now
Anonymous 288488
Thinking of the times I was nice to someone who kept disrespecting me is driving me crazy. I actually don't know how to deal with this, I've never been in a situation like this before. I keep getting reminded of this person by other people and I'm back to thinking about it.
Anonymous 288489
>>288482omg can you post pics? you should name the boy Rotini and the girl Puttanesca.
Anonymous 288490

I have to confess, I spent a bit of money on my gacha game
Anonymous 288491
I'm mixed in an European country but honestly relate to half of your examples, especially the first. I had the same thing happening twice but they compared me to a "friend" who just happened to be black woman. One of the men was ginger and made a bunch of other offhand "compliments" about my features and was always up into my space, to the point I just switched his classes at the end of the year kek. I don't even know what they expect. Men really should stay in hard labour jobs, far away from kids.
Anonymous 288493

favorite smiling friends moments? Mines is
>the spider hand guy and Allen agruing
>the moment in the gif
>Mr.frog shooting guns
unpopular but i hate the boss, I hate the weird thing he has sucking his veiny tit
Anonymous 288495
>>288490dw i spent like 500€ on love live idol school festival back in 2015 when i was having a hypomanic episode
Anonymous 288497
>>288488Can you describe the situation
Anonymous 288498
>>288495I hope it wasn't too big of a hit financially
Anonymous 288499
>>288490Where is this from? I love the dress
Anonymous 288500

>>288493>unpopular but i hate the bossAh n0nna maybe this will change your mind.
Also sad to see no moments from season 2. The flat earth scene was my favourite
Anonymous 288501
>>288497Everytime I am around this guy he says something passive aggressive towards me (as well as his friends but we're not friends and its more antagonizing towards me). One time it was racist and he apologized, other times its just talking down to me. It rarely happens because I avoid him but then I see him through some circumstance with mutual friends/my partner and it bothers me.
Anonymous 288502
That's so creepy, I'm sorry anon
Anonymous 288505

>lc still isn't back and there's no update either
cerbmin, cerbmin, cerbmin…
Anonymous 288506
>>288493I think the whole glitch episode from season 2. When they all start laughing at Pim and he looks down in shame and hurt made me kek.
Anonymous 288507
N0nnas, I miss our home. I miss my drama threads. I miss the the Marilyn Manson thread. There’s so much more new milk.
I miss our home.
Anonymous 288508
I woke up, it's like 6am here and Friday now, and it's still down?!?!
Anonymous 288509

>>288490Don’t feel bad, I still buy Overwatch skins
Anonymous 288511
>>288506This? I felt I was about to have a panic attack kek
Anonymous 288512
>>288500i do like that season, I liked the random tyler guy, I liked the Brother's egg, I liked when Charlie died and then the Devil was just ##playing rust(?) complaining about his door dash order## Dj Spitz is hilarous in every scene.
Anonymous 288513
>>288508It's still the 5th here. Whats it like in the future nona?
Anonymous 288514
>>288281>what fucking NEET woman is gonna waste her time trying to be the manager of LC kekexactly, it's like, only a MALE would ever end up volunteering to moderate a site they spend a lot of time on. only a male has the go-getter attitude required. if you really think about it, what NEET women would ever even post on the site in the first place and get familiar and attached enough to try to be a part of it? in conclusion, all users are male, including you and i.
Anonymous 288515

>>288499It's called Life Makeover, pic related is not mine but it showcases the dress from a different angle and color. This new limited gacha will be the death of me, it's too good.
>>288509I cope by thinking it's justified since I spend so much time on it kek
Anonymous 288516
>>288493>>288500>>288511the mods are gonna get you all for not having this in /media/, delete before it's too late
Anonymous 288517
it's 10 pm here.. i've lost hope
Anonymous 288518
>>288507i know nonita… i want to go home too, we all have much to discuss
Anonymous 288519

>>288501I'm socially retarded so you shouldn't take me advice but picrel. Just passively make everything weirder.
Anonymous 288520
I think I’m just over tired but I’ve started crying in mourn. Please lolcow come back
Anonymous 288521
Does anynanny know farmers IRL? I know this one TIF in a jailhouse gay relationship with another TIF who lurked the creepshow art thread and now the jill thread who by her own admission gets called a newfag all the time because I guess she just refuses to integrate kek. She also tries to use radfem logic against radfems in retarded jokes but she misses every point radfems make by a mile. It's incredibly irritating. All the talk about friends who fake autism reminded me of her KEKKKKKK. Also her girlfriend ("boyfriend") does not like lolcor because of the transphobia and she's told me they have actually gotten into fights over it because TIF friend would spend hours a day on it and then have meltdowns about muh dysphoria because she would also read the TIF thread sometimes to "self harm", her words.
Anonymous 288522
i hate going to college. i hate seeing all those cool kids interact with each other and have fun meanwhile I’m the weird twenty something that could only afford to go to college late
Anonymous 288523
word on the street is itsover.jpg
Anonymous 288524
>>288483>>288484>>288486>>288489Thank you for the ideas, they actually helped a lot. I'd love to show them, but the thought of posting pics of something from my irl on an imageboard gives me a panic attack. Just imagine the two cutest hedgehog babies possible
Anonymous 288526
>>288523>>288520the dedicated baiters and personalityfags who don’t know of crystal cafe are probably really losing their heads right now kekk
Anonymous 288527
>>288522Hey, at least you're there! I have no ambitions other than to live so by the time I make up my mind about school I'll probably be middle aged by the time I go. I'll probably be mad at myself for not going as a young twenty-something. You're doing great n0nners.
Anonymous 288528
>>288527nta but i'm in a similar situation and reading this was actually really nice. it really is never too late. thank you
Anonymous 288529
holy cow.jpg

>>288526Maybe this withdrawal will heal them and they'll realize the error of their ways as their mind reaches clarity. Amen
Anonymous 288530
Why aren't they saying anything? What the hell is happening?
Anonymous 288531

I miss talking to my fellow yume nonas and being delulu about our husbandos…
Anonymous 288533
>>288481It was a study I saw about a year ago. I’ll try to find it again, from what I remember it was based out of Europe.
Anonymous 288535
That's it. I'm so desperate for entertainment I'm going to make a fake cart of items I'm not going to buy on Threadup and be sad at all these cute clothes I shouldn't buy.
Anonymous 288536
Just spent $128 on hair stuff from amazon. I'm so excited!
Anonymous 288537
>>288454i just use vanilla tweaks theres a ton of great vanilla+ stuff on there
Anonymous 288538
>>288530maybe they’re still asleep even though it’s 1pm?
Anonymous 288539

All the replies are women with no self respect and faggot moids. This would be so good in the ugly man psyop thread
Anonymous 288540
>>288528Love you n0na, good luck with your education! #<3
Anonymous 288541
>>288539Not gonna lie the silver hair is kinda sexy.
Anonymous 288542
>>288536New routine? New style and/or color? I wanna know!
Anonymous 288543
61rm qr8mLL._SL100…

>>288536please share what you got nona, i want to live through you.
did you get picrel by chance?
Anonymous 288544
>>288539I do not find this moid ugly, you might need to go to the eye doctor.
Anonymous 288545
does anyone else remember that tana mongeau video of her trying to compare idubbbz telling her to say the n word to ariana grande’s concert bonbing kek?
Anonymous 288546
>>288539Why do walled scrotes always seek validation online?
Anonymous 288547

>>288539Grey hair does look good though, on men and women. I can't wait to go grey, I think it's beautiful.
Question, anons; grey or gray?
Anonymous 288548
>>288516Eh I don't mind a ban, farmcow is coming back any minute now
Anonymous 288549
>>288539box hair dye is 7 bucks at walmart. moids are so lazy.
Anonymous 288550
>>288223i feel like the bunkerfags do this to signal that they aren't new as the current gen on lc, at the cost of millhouse meme le american dadeing zoomerspamming the one funny meme we've had in 5 years to death. so yeah its basically last gen newfag signalling behavior. we get a new meme and the zoomers and zillenials spam the one funny word until everyone who found the pasta was funny realizes they're surrounded by zoomzooms with no sense of comedy or comedic timing, just empty parroting
Anonymous 288551
>>288548>farmcow is coming back any minute nowKEK
Anonymous 288552
>>288539Ignore the weirdos, anon, he's a walled attention whore and he knows it.
Anonymous 288553
>>288539I don't find him attractive, not sure why that one anon said you need an eye doctor. Also, what was stopping him from dying his hair and moving on with life? If a woman made a post like this, would moids be lining up to tell her she's so beautiful, or would they be joking about how she already hit the wall at 18? Hmm
Anonymous 288554
>>288539I also think gray hair is attractive and is doing this man a lot of favors. He isn’t hideous but I don’t consider him attractive. What makes him memorable at all is the hair color for me.
Anonymous 288556

>>288521>TIF in a jailhouse gay relationship with another TIF>who by her own admission gets called a newfag all the time because I guess she just refuses to integrate>her girlfriend ("boyfriend") does not like lolcor because of the transphobia and she's told me they have actually gotten into fights over it because TIF friend would spend hours a day on it and then have meltdowns about muh dysphoria because she would also read the TIF thread sometimes to "self harm"Mfw this is the type of people on my fucking lolcow.
Anonymous 288558
>>288543nta but I did get that mask last month!
I've heard it was great for low porosity hair, and honestly… I didn't see as much of a difference as I'd like. It smells amazing imo, so I use mostly for its smell (I've got compliments on it as well)
I noticed that it worked better after like 3x using it, but still, nothing to write home about.
I have a theory that what happens is that Japan's water is more acidic than my country's (which I tested and can confirm that it's more alkaline), so their masks don't have a lower pH to prevent hair damage since its water has a lower pH already. So it's not of much use for someone in a country like mine - I need something more acidic to work on my low porosity hair.
Anonymous 288559
>>288264Where did you meet autism fakers?
Anonymous 288560
>>288555Ayrt, I'm actually an amerifag too and idk where I picked up spelling it with an e. Am I gonna get my citizenship revoked?
Anonymous 288561
>>288553moid dickriders always feel the need to announce themselves for some reason
Anonymous 288562
do you think the mods are doing a maeover of the site ? i remember they tried a few months ago (maybe a year). Does anyone have screen shots of what it looed lie i was a shit show
Anonymous 288563
Retarded bitch writing walls of text and asking me for advice again when I've insinuated many times I don't have any or care about her problems. Starting to think she might really be autistic.
Anonymous 288565
>>288539What's really repulsive is the patchy colors of his beard.
Anonymous 288566
>>288544I hate when I'm making fun of scrotes and you fucktards think that if you bring up women with the same features but squeeze in and men then you'll get the popular opinion here. Stfu old scrotes are ugly and gray hair is ugly on them because it correlates with their oldness. Go thirst for them literally anywhere else and call them a silver fox for their dried up sperm. I love all women
Anonymous 288567
is it possible to be addicted to spice?
Anonymous 288568
>>288566are you lesbian by any chance?
Anonymous 288570
>>288539How I yearn for the UMPO thread.
Anonymous 288571
>>288521anon if i was you i'd find the closest looking tif to your friend and post her in the next tif thread kek
Anonymous 288573
>>288550I’m glad the stanfag stopped shitting up the bunker threads. Their silence implies they were banned which honestly might be the best decision mods here have done.
Anonymous 288574
<saves the pic of the hot graying scrote before the sperg gets herself banned> heh
Anonymous 288576
>>288566They hated her because she told them the truth
Anonymous 288577
Ewwww this site sucks so bad I miss my ugly man psyop nonnners
Anonymous 288578
>>288568No lesbian is that obsessed with moids
Anonymous 288581
>>288573Users have been posting images less as a whole nonie
Anonymous 288582
>>288560A lot of Americans spell "gray" like "grey" instead; I think I see it more often than I see "gray" actually.
Anonymous 288583
>>288539To the women who find him attractive: don’t complain when your offspring is born dysgenic.
Anonymous 288585
>>288581That’s true. I will admit the hope for a ban is just that. Whatever the reason I am happy to finally know peace away from bad taste.
Anonymous 288586

I'm trying to force myself to like this because it was an impulse purchase but holy SHIT it smells like shitty cough syrup. The first sniff is fruit punch but every other sniff is fucking cough syrup. This shit is so bad.
Anonymous 288587
thread gone to shit because one idiot posts a picture of a man
Anonymous 288588
nonas i can't stop thinking about that one trannoid from the mtf /snow/ thread who had an alt account on quora where he larped as a transphobic woman kekk. what a fucking cow, i wish the farms were up so i could go read his schizo rants.
Anonymous 288589
>>288521KEKKKK please elaborate i have so many questions
>>288562i don't think anyone will ever be retarded enough to try something like that again kek
Anonymous 288590
>>288539He's average looking as fuck but since he's not fat and has all his hair women will ofc lose their shit over him. The bar for male beauty is so low it almost makes me sad.
Anonymous 288591
Ugly men psyop noniekinzzzz don't even try to hide the fact that they hate the women who find the moids attractive more than the moids themselves and can't stop themselves from bordeline alogging them. These are definitely the same people who call straight women cocksuckers and women who get abortions to close their legs.
Anonymous 288592
>>288521Not directly. My friend has a friend who is an unstable lesbian, whose only hobby seems to be ranting about bisexual women on Lolcow. She described her as miserable and bitter.
Anonymous 288593
>>288589AYRT, ask away; I don't really care if she sees my posts, she got pissed at me for wanting to take a three month long THC break because "the only time I'm having fun is if I'm smoking weed and I can't hang out with you if you aren't also smoking weed because being the only person smoking makes me anxious", like she legitimately blew up at me over this just for wanting to cut back on THC.
Anonymous 288594
>>288539the only features that make this man okay to look at are his grey hair (looks cool in general) and his beard (hides his uggo face). remove those 2 factors and no nona in this thread would be calling his fugly ass hot kek
Anonymous 288595
>>288566Can you guys actually stop acting cranky and sour everywhere you go? It's just a damn picture no one's dying, chill. You don't gotta scold anons everytime they don't agree with you, you look crazy
Anonymous 288596
Yep it’s dead confirmed
Anonymous 288598
I just got randomly banned, I guess I must've used a banned word or something. Does crystalcafe not have ban pages? It was just a little popup.
Anonymous 288599
>>288588is it the hsts scrote that was obsessed with describing vulgur inaccurate descriptions of vaginas? that shit was vile kek i never want to hear anyone say hsts are better than agps after that
Anonymous 288600
it's over.jpeg

they haven't changed the date yet it still says september 5th i think it'll be back soon n0nnies
Anonymous 288602
>>288599it was the "passion flower" fag yeah, i loved seeing his posts about how he passes more than any woman and how men love leaving their wives for trans wimmin because women get old and ugly and trannies do not!!! only for him to get outed as the ugliest moid kekkk
Anonymous 288603
>>288591They're so damn annoying at best, toxic at worst. Too bad they found the bunkers, now this'll be a no-fun allowed lesbian larping zone
Anonymous 288604
>>288566>posts picture on a public site for anons to give their opinions and discuss it>"REEEEEEEE WHY DONT YOU GUYS HAVE THE SAME OPINION AS ME AND AGREE WITH EVERYTHING I SAY"Sometimes talking to you guys literally feels like being surrounded by children
Anonymous 288605
>>288511can we post about a celeb while asking a question? not in a celebricow way but a question without being banned?
Anonymous 288606
>>288602NTA but wts theres a troon who ruined passionflower tea? Now I feel embarrassed for posting about how I drink it everyday…
Anonymous 288607
>>288367ehh, high functioning autists can seem pretty normal but still struggle internally. i'm into weeb hobbies so i know a fair share of autists, especially the women are fairly "normal" most of the time. ultimately you don't know what someone is struggling with, i wouldn't see an issue with it.
Anonymous 288608
>>288593How did they meet each other? How long since they trooned out? Do they have the frog voice tit shop combo?
Anonymous 288609
>>288606Anon, just keep enjoying your tea in peace. Troons will keep being annoying and ruining everything regardless of what you do.
Anonymous 288610
I'm gonna finally start taking anxiety meds, but I'm so scared I might experience brain fog because I already have early onset dementia (not really, but that's what it feels like) but I'm gonna take a leap of faith. I'm gonna specifically ask my doctor to give my something that won't cause brain fog if possible.
Anonymous 288611
>>288606he wasn't talking about passionflower tea nona, he was trying to larp as a woman and kept calling his imaginary vag a "passionflower" that he used to cure gay men with (?). keep enjoying your tea!
Anonymous 288617
>>288610Talk more about the brain fog n0nny. When did it begin? How does it affect you?
Anonymous 288618

i messed up something during my workout because my back hurts, and i know i'll have the WORST shift tomorrow because there's a festival in my city, i work in fast food and i know all the drunk retards will storm our place (as they do every year during the festival), it will be so much work and they'll all be assholes about it. we are also understaffed as always, the best people quit and our new hires barely know anything yet. I wanna kms already.
i'm also sceduled to get my period this weekend. this would've gone in the lc vent thread but alas
Anonymous 288619
>>288482ive always wanted a hedgehog named velcro
Anonymous 288621

>>288615i think i’m ok with that, i’m gonna try to start posting more images on here and not just using it as a groupchat kek. you guys wanna talk a little about zoomer plastic surgery?
Anonymous 288624
>>288610Whatever you do, don't make them push SSRIs onto you just for anxiety. Get an actual anxiety medication prescribed.
Anonymous 288625
I hate digital nomads
Arrogant douchey techbros who think they're kings because they're earning a superior currency than local people. They leech off of a country for having a low cost of living, gentrify areas causing local people to be displaced, and Westernize neighborhoods until the culture of that neighborhood starts to disappear. The worst ones are those that only come to a country to fuck children or try to bag a local woman because they're "submissive and trad"
Anonymous 288626
>>288566Based and true, but remember that this is still crystal cafe. It's expected.
Anonymous 288627
>>288521My cousin and sister when we all lived in the same house we would all use it and sometimes we would get each other banned. This was years ago though.
Anonymous 288628
>>288608We met in middle school during art class. She's on T but hasn't gotten the tit chop. Her voice is slightly deeper than pre-T, from what she's said to me she's on a pretty minimal dose of T because she's scared of becoming fat. She apparently has an eating disorder but throughout the entire time I've known her she's literally just been an average weight. She's the type to revel in having people tell her to eat, and I guess just worry about her in general. If she's seen my posts she's probably seething because I'm not worrying about her mental state after her weed meltdown.
Anonymous 288632
>>288567If you mean the weed alternative, yes.
Anonymous 288633
>>288624Ok, I will note that I don't want an SSRI. Tbh I'm not quite educated enough on medication to know the difference but I've heard SSRIs can cause very bad withdrawals.
Anonymous 288634
>>288610ativan is the best and most effective medication
Anonymous 288636
so is the site really not returning today fuck
Anonymous 288637
>>288598The auto-ban system will ban you for the dumbest and vaguest reasons. Fuck this shit site, it's really not worth trying to cycle through the few VPNs I have just to make a shitpost. I want my lolcor back.
Anonymous 288638
it’s not returning ever i sincerely fucking hope
Anonymous 288639
>>288626You could learn a thing or two from miners though, infighting endlessly over moids it's not based but retarded
Anonymous 288640
is being a waitress a shitty first job?
Anonymous 288641
if it doesnt come back maybe i will do something with my life
Anonymous 288643
>>288639The only infighting in that thread is coming from seething moids and faggots.
Anonymous 288644
>>288568When in doubt, if an anon is screeching about how much they hate men/think men are ugly, there is a 99% chance that said anon is not a lesbian.
Anonymous 288645
>>288521yeah, for one the person who introduced me to lolcow who's a bpd anachan lolifag, and a mutual friend who i'm still friends with who is pretty cool and normal.
Anonymous 288648
71YKxhDjp L._AC_UF…

>no skincare general
anyway, i started taking these supplements 3x daily and my breakouts just stopped. so i'm guessing it was immune system related.
>Camu is the 2nd highest concentrated vitamin C source in the world. Studies have shown it to be extremely anti-inflammatory, boosts one immune system, and has anti-viral effects. Many people take Camu as a cold/flu preventative in the fall and take high doses immediately at the onset of a cold.
Anonymous 288649
>>288644>screeching aboutYou're not even trying to hide it kek.
Anonymous 288650
>>288649Hide what? Not everyone wants to hear about how much you hate moids. It gets tired and is a cheap way to derail threads. It's far better not to think about them at all.
Anonymous 288651
>>288648adding to my amazon wishlist as we speak
Anonymous 288652
>>288206i miss PULL so much but i never bothered joining the discord its just not the same
Anonymous 288656
pleas come back lolcor
Anonymous 288661
it's already september 6th for me. I WANT MY DAIRY FORUM BACK RIGHT THIS INSTANT!!!!!!
Anonymous 288664
yer retahded.png

i love seeing maps like this made by non burgers of what they think America looks like
Anonymous 288668
>>288633anon doesn’t know what they’re talking about, SSRIs are first line for anxiety. another first line option that isn’t an SSRI (or SNRI) is buspirone, which is also a reasonable option if you don’t want to try SSRIs or SNRIs. the red flag should be if you’re offered benzos, which are not first line for generalized anxiety disorder. SSRIs/SNRIs can cause “withdrawal” (ie cold turkey-ing will make you feel crappy) but that won’t kill you. benzo withdrawal, on the other hand, can cause seizures.
>t. medfag Anonymous 288669
>>288644this, it's self-hating straight women trying to delude themselves into thinking they're lesbians but they still can't stop obsessing over moids and seething over women who haven't taken the same schizopill they have kek
Anonymous 288670
get off ans go to beddy bye now
Anonymous 288671
>>288664I'm worse than this. I'm pretty sure I can do California, Florida and Texas right. General New York are but probably too big and Maryland because I lived there for a couple months kek.
Anonymous 288672
satan has willed you won't sleep with those trips
Anonymous 288676
I should not be ass mad about this but my mom just joked about me being pregnant to other old women? And for context I don't have a boyfriend, don't have sex and don't intend to. I'm in my late twenties and I have a job but I don't want a boyfriend etc… and I don't know why she's like "oh, I bet everyone thinks anon is pregnant because she said she was feeling nauseous today hahaha!" Like… Mom. What are you going on about? I just looked at her. I don't know. Maybe it was just a joke that failed but like… She also talks about 'grandkids' a lot when I have no intention about it. Ugh…
Anonymous 288677
>>288676tell her she needs to adopt grandkids if she wants them so bad instead of fantasizing about you becoming pregnant via immaculate conception
Anonymous 288678
>>288640Depends on where you work. Waitresses can make good money at nice places.
Anonymous 288679
why can't lolcow admin give any info on what's happening to the site? why is it some secret?
Anonymous 288684
>>288679i really think someone maybe tried to hack into the website because i cannot think of anything else that could put them out for so long
Anonymous 288685
>>288640It sucks but okay for a first job. It'll motivate you to get better jobs, qualifications, and you may make decent money depending on where you work. It's much, much better than working in a kitchen
>>288668>the red flag should be if you’re offered benzosAll my friends with pervasive anxiety problems were prescribed benzos and still struggle with the resulting addiction. The absolute state of psychiatrists in my country
Anonymous 288687

Might be something, might be nothing but when I looked up whois lolcow.farm it shows both of the servers got updated yesterday (or today timezones and all). Nice upgrades maybe? I don't really understand how this works.
Anonymous 288689
word on the street is it’s dead
Anonymous 288690

Curse anon here. I truly have no idea what I just watched. I'm in a state of pure and utter shock. Not even in a million years could I have predicted what was going to happen. Truly one of the most unique pieces of TV I have ever seen.
Anonymous 288691
>>288591Have you tried developing taste and not simping for ugly men? Its not hard. Lolcow anons are fine using a site that has 100+ threads calling a camwhore ugly but become super sensitive when someone makes fun of their ugly blorbos.
Anonymous 288692
Funny how I made a post about mods deleting posts being the reason of why I left CC just for said post to get deleted kek.
It's the 6th over here already, I miss the farms…
Anonymous 288694
>>288206The good ol' PULL days kek. My favorite threads back then were Koots, Benus, and Taylor R.
Anonymous 288695
s i've read shays thread everyday for the past 8 years. I dont know what i'll do with without my shaytism
Anonymous 288700
the jonkler told me
Anonymous 288701
>>288679I asked something like this on the last thread and some autistfag reeeeee'd at me
Anonymous 288702
Cerbmin told me over iMessage that lolcow has been hacked by Iran
Anonymous 288703
>>288591take your meds
>>288691exactly. I also just wish these types would grow thicker skin. who cares if your moid gets called ugly
Anonymous 288704
>>288687TIL that LC runs on two servers.
Anonymous 288705
>>288701keep asking, certified oldfag! maybe someone else will figure it out so you can complain even more!
Anonymous 288707
>>288695I wonder if her step-sister is thriving. Kek remember when shay was a banned thread topic.
Anonymous 288709
>>288704One for browsing and the other for posting based on the status site. Both are in the US but the site is registered in the UK which I think is more odd.
Anonymous 288710
>>288708They dont have toothbrushes in hell? Why are his teeth rotten
Anonymous 288711
>>288685benzos used to be a lot more widespread bc the irony is that they were thought to be safer from addiction, but people have known this to be false since the 1980s. idk the story of your friends but benzos are basically the main alternative to the medicines i listed if they didnt do well with them. the majority of patients ive seen are only interested in medications and not therapy, despite how effective the latter is. i get it, lots of reasons. but if you keep showing up to the doctor saying that Lexapro didn’t help, Cymbalta didn’t help, Wellbutrin didn’t help etc. and you refuse to do any treatment adjuncts like therapy, yes you will probably end up on benzos because the amount of medication classes currently in use for anxiety is not extensive and the doctor can’t force you to go to therapy. theres not a great solution to this issue which is basically pervasive throughout all of medicine
Anonymous 288712
>>288610There's nothing wrong with taking benzos. Don't let them scare you. Start a low dose and don't abuse them. To help with anxiety you might want to consider cutting your caffeine intake down or stop completely, and supplements that can help calm are L-theanine and magnesium, although I don't really feel that magnesium helps my anxiety. L-theanine is found in green tea fwiw.
Anonymous 288714
I hope everything I posted on /g/ is getting permanently wiped tbh
Anonymous 288715
>>288507I’m sorry what. There was a new Manson thread since it got locked years ago? What?
Anonymous 288716
>>288648I'm not questioning your experience but this supplement bottle looks like it came from a dream or something. It looks almost threatening.
Anonymous 288717
kek you can’t shame me out of laughing nonie
Anonymous 288720
no0neenas am I gay if I don't find gray hair nor beards attractive
Anonymous 288721
>>288714I hope mine stay and get exposed to the entire world. I'm loud and proud, baby!
Anonymous 288726
>>288610Samefag, i wont reply to everything but thanks for the replies anons. So I told my doctor I was hesitant about SSRIs but open to them. It was explained to me that prozac would be really good for the symptoms and concerns i described (no weight gain and good for OCD, plus energizing which i would love) but buspirone was offered as a non-SSRI alternative. Doing research right now to decide how to proceed. I feel so nervous. Prozac does sound really promising.
Anonymous 288727
>>288720Yes you are a polilez who hates women. Everyone knows tue and honest women love men for their personality and arent allowed to have standards.
Anonymous 288728

>>288185My lolcow lies over the ocean
My lolcow lies over the sea
My lolcow lies over the ocean
Oh bring back my lolcow to me!
Anonymous 288730
>>288372>but then i realised i can just post what i used to post in them in the mundane shit thread insteadevery time i did this i got banned because my posts weren't mundane enough
Anonymous 288731

Where the f is lolcow it's the 6th in euroland already
Anonymous 288732
>>288728Bring BACK
bring BACK
Oh, bring back my lolcow to me!
(TO ME!)
Bring BACK
bring BACK
Oh, bring back my lolcow to me!
(TO ME!)
Anonymous 288733
>>288726Buspirone made me dizzy af n0nna. Felt like I would pass out if I didn't sit down. Not dissuading you I swear just telling what happened to me. Research and good luck on your journey.
Anonymous 288734
>>288733How long were you taking it and when did the dizziness start?
Anonymous 288736
>>288730kek you’re not boring enough nonners
Anonymous 288737

My dad briefly mentioned his death (cause he's a senior citizen) and I think it kinda paralyzed me. Idk, my parents' deaths are one of my biggest fears, even though I know it's coming. I was supposed to do stuff but that caught me so off guard I just kept doom scrolling in the same position while trying to do breathing exercises.
What's this mental illness nonees I hate it
Anonymous 288739
this site never coming back is the best thing that could happen to some of you
Anonymous 288740
>>288733me too. i already had slightly low blood pressure but the doctor prescribed me it anyway. I could barely work, as a server every time i bent down my vision would get spotty. i was always dizzy and weak. i’ve basically tried every non benzo anxiety medication and they did nothing. years and years of being put on medications that made things worse or didn’t work at all just to finally get a xanax prescription.
Anonymous 288741
>>288739I’ve been saying this since the day the site went down!!
Anonymous 288743
this site never coming back is the best thing that could happen to some of you
Anonymous 288744
If I don’t wake up to a world where /shay/ still exists, don’t let me wake up at all
Anonymous 288745
>>288521One. She's big into fashion, DIY, PULL-tier nitpicking. Lurks /snow/, selfposts with her friends on IBs, hoping to get attention. Handmaiden, autism faker. I like hearing about TiFs/handmaidens/twitterfag zoomers lurking LC. Even retards deserve to see unfiltered female opinions
Anonymous 288746
>>288739Possibly, but I don't have friends IRL besides my roommate so I like being able to talk to other women on lc
Anonymous 288748

>>288739If I don't have a place to vent without moids telling me to relax I don't think it's going to be good for anyone
Anonymous 288750
>>288739this may be true but i will go through a terrible withdrawal period
Anonymous 288751
>>288739but I need to talk to people and I can’t stand having a face I need to be anonymous I hate having to have a face
Anonymous 288752
>>288726>prozac>no weight gainYour doctor isn't telling you the whole truth. Prozac made me gain 40lbs in 3 months without any changes to my eating habits or exercise routine. I had to get off it immediately because the rapid weight-gain made me suicidal and I had to buy $200 worth of new clothes because nothing fit. It took me 7 months to lose the weight. The only anti-depressant that won't cause weight gain is bupropion, and it's not an SSRI.
Anonymous 288753
>>288751don't complain I must speak in another language to talk to people
Anonymous 288754
No bc I’m not a TERF and that’s the only time I’m gonna say that openly on a platform with you wackos
Anonymous 288756
Realistically speaking if LC shuts down for good do you think non-cow board using s will actually find their way here? I'd be so sad if I lost a relatively sane space to talk about my interests with other women…
Anonymous 288757
>>288754then what are you doing here..?
Anonymous 288758
Lolcow better be back by the time I get home from work.
Anonymous 288760
>>288754oh no are the ebil feminists oppressing you?
Anonymous 288763
>>288757Nta but you don't have to be a nerd to post on LC. Some people don't consider themselves to be TERFs but still aren't necessarily pro-troon/men.
Anonymous 288764
>>288754Fuck off back to Tiktok you tard
Anonymous 288765
>>288758it won’t we have to “moo”ve on with our lives
Anonymous 288766
>>288754if you don't like us why are you here? gtfo
Anonymous 288768
How the fuck is The Shawshank Redemption the number one film on IMDB? It's mediocre. Moids into movies are pretentious as fuck and have the worst tastes ever.
Anonymous 288769
>>288396Where can new players find the IP?
Anonymous 288771
>>288495I thought about spending my tax refund on enstars KEK but I'm too financially fucked to risk it. I wish I was rich so I could whale and afford all the animu pngs in the world
Anonymous 288772
This has got to be the worst bunker out of all 27 bunkers I can't take this anymore
Anonymous 288775
>>288734I don't remember an exact length of time, probably a couple weeks or a month? I was noticing at first I felt kinda woozy and thought maybe I wasn't eating or drinking enough water or something but I definitely remember just getting off the couch one day and when I stood up and started to walk I got super swimmy headed and dizzy and tunnel vision like I was about to pass out. I had to sit back down and close my eyes because I was so dizzy. I really started thinking what's different and literally nothing had changed but added the buspar. So I quit it and I stopped being dizzy.
Anonymous 288777
>>288772the previous bunkers were the calm before the storm
Anonymous 288778
>>288741and yet youre here in the bunker thread
Anonymous 288782

30ish posts left. Any ideas for the next thread image?
Anonymous 288783
>>288754We do not like trannies on lolcow or on crystal cafe. Do not come here if you're going to act like a retarded TRA, trans women are men and trans men are women. If you don't agree please crawl back to your tumblr gendie circles.
Anonymous 288784
>>288754if youre a TRA and not just a non-radfem gendercrit then im wishing you a happy eventual peaking kek, no woman can stick around in places where all the patterns about trans shit are openly discussed and not peak eventually.
Anonymous 288785
>>288782And it’s already like 7pm. How has there been 0 activity at all? Not even an update
Anonymous 288786

what’s your favorite mushroom recipe? I need ideas
Anonymous 288789
>>288785word on the street is it’s “ka-put”
Anonymous 288790
If it makes any s feel better, its 4:42 in california right now. The day is still young on the west coast. Have hope.
Anonymous 288792
>>288752ntayrt but oh shit . for me prozac completely gets rid of my appetite (maybe losing a couple pounds over a few months but nothing noticeable) but seroquel made me absolutely fucking balloon and look like the michellin man
Anonymous 288936
>>288790There's no way admin doesn't live in some shithole in reno
Anonymous 288940
Chili chicken wraps are so good MM
Anonymous 288941
I really enjoyed Cowtown even though I hardly understand MC and just like to walk around. I wanted to leave a nona a nice note but I didn't know how so I left her an egg.
Anonymous 288952
>>288940can you describe what that is because right now I'm picturing white bean chicken chili in a tortilla
Anonymous 288953

I kinda feel like they'll extend the lockdown till 15 September for some reason.
Anonymous 289029
>>288952that sounds good. i'm a plain person so I usually just have chicken strips and a shit ton of veg with BBQ sauce. Maybe I could try that though.
Anonymous 289172
>>288786I like to make a cream based mushroom sauce and eat it with gnocchi. Or make a stir fry to eat with rice
Anonymous 289180

>>288369Yeah, here's my thoughts
>English dub doesn't even deserve to be mentioned>The English names are tragic, especially Zayne's kek, but I've gotten used to them>All the love interests are kind of generic to different degrees, which gets a bit frustrating, but they're still enjoyable>Xavier is so boring to me that I have nothing else to say about him>Zayne seems more like my type, I like that he's the serious, smart, older type but also your childhood friend. His fashion sense is nice, and the fact that he loves cats and sweets is moe. His voice (Japanese) is soothing. But I hated how he treated the protagonist like a child since the beginning and she acts in childish ways when she's with him as well, making it worse>Rafayel isn't exactly my type, but his personality is cute and amusing, and I like that the protagonist isn't the childish one here (they take turns, but I feel like Rafayel is more often the one being teased/getting annoyed and acting bratty). His voice is perfect. Still, I couldn't enjoy him fully for a while cuz I was suspicious of him due to main story stuff>Sylus was made for the Stockholm syndrome and "daddy dom" fetishists. When he called me "kitten" I nearly puked. His constant teasing of the protagonist is annoying. A shame, cuz he's hot otherwise>The protagonist's personality, interactions and behavior influence my enjoyment of an otome game a lot>The protagonist is like a weird mix between player self-insert and established character, they give you all these options to customize her and refer to her as "you", but also she has her own personality and makes her own decisions, and they force your character to have default hair everywhere that isn't photo mode. I hate it when otome game creators can't make up their minds or try to pander to both kinds of players and end up ruining something that could've been better>That being said, I appreciate the first-person perspective of both narration and visual presentation, imo they executed it well>I like that these guys aren't afraid of openly liking cute things>Lately I feel like they're making Zayne way less annoying and instead cuter and softer, which is an improvement (maybe that's how he becomes as your relationship progresses). He's so sweet now I can't remember the last time I felt annoyed by him teasing me (the way he teases now doesn't come off as annoying or mean)>I hate that we're sometimes baited with femdom in the trailers but the protag rarely actually dominates them in the end. I don't mind relationship dynamics without any dom/sub shit, but they genuinely use femdom as bait only for the guy to dominate you in the end and I'm sick of it>Combat gameplay is fun, not very complex but it's still entertaining and doesn't feel patronizing towards the female audience (remember the absolute trainwreck that was KimiKiri, Square Enix's first josemuke game?)>All the minigames are fun, all the game modes with combat are fun, I always look forward to the next big event with a new minigame>I wanna know more about the AU/Myth lore and hate it when these stories end in a tragic note (I love it)>I want more main story content, I'm more invested in it than the romance>I felt that the romance was too boring for me but maybe since I'm getting used to interacting with the characters and learning about them, I'm starting to think their relationship with MC is cute (maybe they're actually making it better though?)>The music and aesthetics of the whole game are CRAZY good, fucking amazing and gorgeous>They've been releasing super hot content lately and that's awesome>The game's gacha nature negatively impacts the cohesion of the story and your sense of relationship progression with the characters>It's a shame that this is a gacha game>Unlike other people, I don't think the 3D models are uncanny, and didn't think they were weird the first time I saw them. I think they're well-made, although the body proportions are a bit too exaggerated for me (those wide-ass shoulders and small heads, among other things)>The workout sessions and gym outfits are a based idea. I didn't like Xavier's, Zayne's or Rafayel's outfits that much, but Sylus's is literally perfect, I'm trying to work out with him often to unlock his outfit kek>I don't like that all of the clothing options for your character are super feminine stuff, and that there are no outfits for you that are as cool as what the guys wear, but I know I'm in the minority here>Fuck microtransactions and those horrible pull rates Anonymous 289230
>>288754nta but tbf, troon is a slur as much as terf is a slur but only on lc and cc and other such zoomer radfem communities
Anonymous 289234
my brain is sweating so fucking much, i meant huhhwhat
also cc>lc because no admin redtexting about formatting and writing styles
Anonymous 289334
hey s, why is the site down?
I'm only a sporadic lurker and just found out today
Anonymous 289345
>>289334No concrete ideas but leading theories are bills not paid or serious vulnerability.
I personally think it was someone importants info got doxxed and they are keeping low until the feds move off. Probably something to do with Carrey-chan.
Anonymous 289458

So sad that this won't be my day tomorrow…
Anonymous 289601

>>288786Fry them like a schnitzel
>>289234At least lc tells you why you got banned though.