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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Lolcow Bunker Thread #28 Anonymous 288793

Check status.lolcow.farm for updates.

Don’t reply to bait. Report and ignore.

Previous bunkers:
#27: >>>/b/288185
#26: >>>/b/287549
#25: >>>/b/286819
#24: >>>/b/286074
#23: >>>/b/285425
#22: >>>/b/284684
#21: >>>/b/283962
#20: >>>/b/283399
#19: >>>/b/282862
#18: >>>/b/282280
#17: >>>/b/281721
#16: >>>/b/281147
#15: >>>/b/280589
#14: >>>/b/280053
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially used this thread:

Anonymous 288795

roasting button mushrooms with olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, a lot of onion, sliced garlic, bell pepper, parsley and dill, and then letting the roasted veggies and herb springs all marinate in the fridge overnight. they taste unbelievable the next day
thats true nona

Anonymous 288797

TMI warning, don't read if you're sensitive.
I think my grandma has been having bladder issues that cause her to soil her clothes. Even when she changes, it often leaves an odor on her and idk how to tell her. It's just such an uncomfortable topic and I don't want her to feel bad or embarrassed, but I also don't want her to walk around smelling of urine and people judging her for it. How is it that no one has told her? I don't wanna be the one to do it, ugh. But I'm also probably one of the only people who would say it in a way that would spare her feelings. Maybe I'll just casually slide it in next time I'm doing her nails or hair but try to quickly change the subject. I do think she should think about wearing adult diapers but I won't say that

Anonymous 288798

Maybe just buy them and put them in her room or the bathroom without saying anything or making a big deal about it? She’ll probably just use them

Anonymous 288799

all old people smell a tinge pissy honestly, no one is expecting anything different

Anonymous 288800

I feel a bit bad for being unable to participate in group conversations about celebs and what famous people the next person allegedly met, etc.

I just cannot bring myself to care and tbh the boasting over the littlest interactions or meet n greets are so cringe.

Anonymous 288801

Small vent: When I was a child/teen, I would run head first towards conflict and try to deal with it as fast as I could, but I was also dramatic and would throw tantrums and be a little bitch of a kid.
Now I'm an adult and I run away from conflict but in a super anxietyfag way and I'm missing my child self sometimes because despite the obviously immature child behaviour, I could at least face conflict rather than running away like a coward
At this point I should crawl into a hole and turn into a permanent schizoid who lives on green beans and butter.

Anonymous 288802


>inb4 carrey-chan claims that the attention being brought to her 200 page google document caused jim carrey and his team to take action and shut down lolcow

Anonymous 288803

I hate males and i hate male professors i wish i could go to an all womens college but even that's unattainable these days due to administrations indulging troons

Anonymous 288805

was she stalking him or something?

Anonymous 288806

Samefag but I do think she's aware of when she smells (i remember she was once briefly on a medication that made her entire body stink, and she made sure to apologize) but it's probably one of those things where she hopes no one notices until she is able to fix it.
Honestly, I'll consider it. I could leave them in her bathroom and she wouldn't even know it was me.
It's a little more than a tinge, honestly…

Anonymous 288808

is this the longest lcf has been down? i feel like i can't remember how long the other temps were

Anonymous 288809

I still think she was the Snookie poster.

Anonymous 288810

if i become rich i promise you all i’ll open womens schools and hospitals with a staunch impenetrable no XY allowed rule. no male teachers, no male staff (other than outdoor security guards because we obviously need human shields)

Anonymous 288811


Not necessarily favorite, but today I was craving japanese cream stew with mushrooms, it surely gives it a deeper flavor (it's winter currently in my country)

Anonymous 288812

This reminded me of villianess novels having the femc wish to live out her life in a non-religious but still sort of religious nun convent with other nuns.

Anonymous 288813

I love the progression of the thread images.
>Mild annoyance
>Cute sad
>Sorority with Cece
>Regular sad
All the true feelings of grief. I might get this on a pillow or blanket if I can make the gifs look nice.

Anonymous 288814

Honestly what the hell is 2024 at this point. I wouldn't consider it a bad year by any standards but more a case of "what the fuck happens next"
We have all these big celebs/youtubers being outed as predators and then the horrendous minecraft movie trailer and the great LC outage and a bunch of shit that happened earlier this year I don't remember

Anonymous 288815

im so tired of the brain fog disabling me from doing my homework! i have been using chatgpt as an aid because i cannot concentrate or comprehend like i used to and i'm always fatigued. no matter how much sleep or exercise i get, how healthy i eat, how many supplements i down. all i can do is wait for an endo appointment. i tried to get accommodations when this happened last year with diagnosed disabilities i already have but was denied by 3 different people because it wasnt "severe enough" in their opinion. i hate complaining about it but its so difficult. i can hardly do my daily exercise without tapping out for the day. homework has become the biggest problem and i truly WANT to do it, its just too much for me because my brain cannot think critically or creatively anymore and hardly at all…i just wish i had an instant cure and didnt keep wasting money on all of these remedies. i just want to feel sharp again so i can properly do my assignments. it feels unfair.

Anonymous 288817

I finally got into the film course I've been wanting for years at this point. I was shaking in excitement for the entirety of both classes I've attended so far. I wish I was more creative so I could pursue a career in film, but I'm unfortunately not. Plus, it's hard to break into that industry. I'll enjoy the class before becoming whatever is most realistic

Anonymous 288818

Goodbye forever nonas, I just made myself dinner and the first bite randomly tasted like poisonous chemicals- the reason why, I wouldn't know for the life of me. I still ate it all tho cuz I didn't want to waste it and the rest tasted fine but my head feels weird now

Anonymous 288819

cheddar bacòn of course

Anonymous 288820

cheddar bacon mmmm

Anonymous 288824

the christmas incident was way longer, like several weeks

Anonymous 288827

OIG1 (14).jpeg

I made a brazilian miku funko pop

Anonymous 288828

She's not autistic. She's just passionate about something.

Anonymous 288829

Get this AI slop out of here faggot.

Anonymous 288830

Nta but the Christmas incident is so nostalgic for me you n0nnies saved me from a SHIT christmas.

Anonymous 288832

>wtf is guaraná, is it a citrus thing?

Anonymous 288833

it’s up

Anonymous 288834

When the fuck is lolcor coming back it better be up once I wake up tomorrow

Anonymous 288835

fuck you

Anonymous 288836

I wish

Anonymous 288837

(red text) AI outside of containment thread

Anonymous 288838

The only reason I'm still friends with a TIM is because he has the street smarts with stealing food and supplies from stores which I'm too much of a coward to and I can get him to steal stuff for me for fun. And if he gets caught then I can ditch him

Anonymous 288839


Anonymous 288840

nta but I am betting on hsts, it's unlike agps to have such useful skills

Anonymous 288841

What is it with troons and shoplifting? It’s like it’s part of troon culture.

Anonymous 288842


lolcor mods are fags

Anonymous 288844

AGP? He claims to be a trans lesbian so yeah. He's strangely not as much of a coomer as I expected but he's always on about how girls are pretty with tiddy et cetera which is still annoying. So just straight male (or bi but represses it to larp as the transbian thing)

Anonymous 288845

Anonymous 288847

(red text) ban evading

Anonymous 288848

tbh, I think the fact it's a funko pop is a far worse crime than it being AIslop.

Anonymous 288849

sorry anon, similar issue right now with my grandma's wig.

Anonymous 288852

her wig smells like piss……..?

Anonymous 288853

'Cerbmin' (ridiculous nickname) is also one huge faggot

Anonymous 288854

Why did you even start talking to him in the first place.

Anonymous 288855

if you don’t think of someone as your friend then you don’t need to refer to him as such

Anonymous 288856

What’s the course on n0nny? I use to work in entertainment and can assure you that you are better off literally anywhere else, even if it sounds boring.

Anonymous 288857

High school friend. He was a normal guy back then, trooned out a few years after graduation. Apart from the annoying trans girl larp he hasn't changed so I just accept it

Anonymous 288858

Just invest in female relationships with shoplifters. The self-esteem of you women I swear.

Anonymous 288860

word on the street it’s ka-put

Anonymous 288861

nta but you cant just go out and seek out shoplifters to befriend

Anonymous 288862

Lifting Tumblr is waiting for anon, I bet she can just read the 15 year old posts and be on his level already

Anonymous 288863

does anyone here work as a software developer? what do you even do? i feel like i'm in college for nothing, like what is this career path? what do you do at work???

Anonymous 288864

it was up for a second!!

Anonymous 288865

I used to have a TIF friend in high school and she would steal men's clothing. Her parents would trash whatever she bought with her own money (they were sort of abusive) so she started stealing and justified it as "gender affirmation" because she really wanted male clothes for her moid costume.

Anonymous 288866

kek where would i even find a female shoplifter out of the blue. normie women would probably report me to the police. it's not like i hang out with him irl everyday either

Anonymous 288867

There are plenty of female shoplifters, definitely more gender equal than some of the other types of crime kek

Anonymous 288868

>what do you do at work???
Create apps, refine code and fix bugs for certain software, etc.

Anonymous 288869

Normie women do not give a shit about shoplifting and in fact are just as likely to shoplift themselves.

Anonymous 288871


I can't go another day

Anonymous 288872

i'm an intern and i do various graphic design shit half the time. when i'm doing what i was hired to do it's mostly working with internal-only stuff on AWS, bug fixes, lots of easy work with bringing info from different APIs into one place for monitoring. whether you end up doing nonsense or not is pretty specific to where you get a job.

Anonymous 288873

is there really just always something to work on?

Anonymous 288874


I dyed my hair dark green and I love it. I think it compliments the color of my skin and my eyes. I was a bit worried since I have brown hair and I did not bleach it beforehand, but it turned out perfect and is just the color I wanted! I feel like a mermaid.

Anonymous 288875

yeah as if i can just find them easily though especially in my own town/area. what am i supposed to do, leave out giant posters asking for them kek
i just need a scapegoat in case i get caught because crime would look way worse on my profile than his

Anonymous 288877

nta anon but do tell me how to get shoplifter friends, I can't even get regular friends

Anonymous 288878

nomnys if I can get study abroad for free this January, where should I go? Prague or Australia? those are the two programs that sound best to me at the moment. I'm not sure it will work out, but I'm getting excited anyway…

Anonymous 288879

Nta but is becoming a dev or getting in tech in general even worth it now? I wanted to but everyone says it's oversaturated and impossible to get in now.

Anonymous 288880

old people have a specific odor called nonenal odor, are you sure it's not that? there are body washes that can minimize it.

Anonymous 288881


I made a lolcow history crossword


1) Unhinged Shayna poster’s pussy pic was nicknamed this
2) Spellcheck-less anachan is obsessed with these
3) To prove you’re female, you need to post one of these
4) The validated conspiracy theory about shayna’s weird boob was called this
5) Accusing an anon of being a man
6) Beefcakes widely reviled by certain /g/ anons
7) Banned on sight, she is obsessed with an anime rapist
8) The historical time period where a certain cow’s post history was exposed
9) You won’t see one of these on lolcow, because it runs on handouts
10) When a cow is too disturbing, it becomes a…
11) Current admin’s mascot is based off of…
12) You troll the janitor and you fuck the janitor on this website
13) Perpetual boyfriend of the biggest slob on lolcow
14) Antique store obsessed cow has gone through many of these
15) Pixyteri’s official title
16) We have all been extensively warned by a spammer about the dangers of this act
17) Radiation poisoning got her off


1) Sockpuppet extraordinaire and doting mother
2) This anon is sure they know the gender secret of a certain celeb
3) Schizo with a hateboner for a comedy actor
4) Yuripedo: Resident
6) Autism: Sometimes used as an insult, and sometimes embraced
7) Our farm’s abbreviation
8) Notorious husbandofag showed her therapist porn of this character (then quit therapy forever)
9) They like to call healthy cows fat
10) The mere mention of this group of people can spawn days-long infights
11) Nickname of a rainbow cow’s partner
12) If you get banned a lot, you might need to do this moar
13) He’s the blonde one.
14) From a movie set in the middle east, he was the subject of a certain anon’s notorious obsession.

Anonymous 288882

welcome to the club, it's objectively the best hair color

Anonymous 288883

Isnt cloudflare HQ in san jose too? So its most likely our time zones.

Anonymous 288885

prague. australia is full of huge demonic arachnids with a taste for human flesh

Anonymous 288886

wow…. it’s like I’m there..

Anonymous 288887

Shoplifting is one of the normiest crimes around. Find a bad neighborhood/ghetto near your area and go there regularly and make friends somehow kek

Anonymous 288888

Yearning over a moid. It's so fucking joever

Anonymous 288890

Im 100% certain

Anonymous 288891

I feel like most shoplifters I've met have actually been people raised in the suburbs

Anonymous 288892

I fucked up the formatting and revealed the answers to a couple, oops. I’m tarded. Well, they’re freebies

Anonymous 288893

all my peers seem to be doing fine despite the doom and gloom, but I go to a top 25 university that's good at cs and they're all overachievers. Personally… i think I'm going to wait a few years before trying to work in the field… it sounds like a total bloodbath and I just can't be bothered

Anonymous 288894

quints of patheticness

Anonymous 288895

I would go to Aus, it'll be summertime by the time you get to go so the weather will be nicer. Also Australia just seems like a more interesting place IMO, don't know very much about Prague.
This is also true. Probably most people know at least one person who's shoplifted

Anonymous 288896

>3: Handpic
>5: Scrotefoilng
>6: Roidpigs
>7: Rancefag
>10: Horrorcow
>11: Cerberus
>17: Nemu
>8: Kirby
>7: LC
>10: Fujos
>12: Lurk
>13: Leon

Anonymous 288897

I’m about to eat two dozen cookies if left unsupervised

Anonymous 288898

samefagging. blessed digits

Anonymous 288899

If you're American go to Prague. There is nothing culturally interesting about Anglo countries because they are the same as any other modern American city.

Anonymous 288900

On the flip side, at my school with a highly regarded CS program, from speaking with CS majors, there's a Wild West "this town ain't big enough for the two of us" vibe where people are hyper-competitive and cutthroat and are constantly complaining about not getting any offers to jobs or internships, so YMMV.

Anonymous 288901

this pizza guy has been sitting right outside my neighborhood for like 5 minutes now. daniel im going to fucking [alogging withheld] you

Anonymous 288903

it’s back for real

Anonymous 288904

Prague. From personal experience, Aus isn't that interesting unless you're into the party scene, and even then YMMV depending on you yourself. Studying abroad in Europe will also make you more interesting.

Anonymous 288905

like your dad

Anonymous 288906

Stop the lies

Anonymous 288907

Stop bullying anons when they're already down

Anonymous 288908

Anonymous 288909

No, 13 is "Hall". Hall is the blonde one lol

Anonymous 288910

I hate shoplifting.
Now I have to ask for a cashier so I can get deodorant.
I do not want to have to ask the overworked cashier and force everyone else in line to wait just so they can open the stupid doors to get me fucking deodorant. I bet they're judging my choices too.

Anonymous 288911

I sperged out for some reason at the dispensary even though the budtender was a fruity obese black guy I dropped my money twice and apologized. Maybe this shit makes you retarded

Anonymous 288913

Tell me what kind of cookies they are first.

Anonymous 288914

samefagging, the fucking retard delivered to the wrong place. I HATE MEN

Anonymous 288915

i love this
2 down is unicorns

Anonymous 288916

that’s not because of shoplifting though. that’s because of videos/ a trend of people opening and using the deodorant and then putting it back on the shelf

Anonymous 288917

Adding my contribution
This is fun thank you kek

Anonymous 288918

me too but lose some fucking weight got dayumn

Anonymous 288919

I can tell we're starting to get tired. When is lolcow coming back. Fuck you shitty Admins fuck you ban happy tranny jannies fuck you tiktokfags fuck you trannies and TRAs infesting my lolcow changing my lolcow trying to trannify my lolcow you will not win lolcow is ours and ours alone and your soul will be tainted with guilt having to say tranny and faggot in your mind all day.

Anonymous 288920


Brasilian Miku how so many nice images. Why use AI?

Anonymous 288921

second ayrt – my school has a pretty negative culture, so people will complain a lot about not getting any bites, but then I'll look at their linkedin randomly and they got something decent or even FAGMAN. we're also pretty collaborative generally somehow. ymmv indeed.

Anonymous 288922

4 titfoil
8 keekweek
15 queen
16 anorectalviolence

Anonymous 288923

I hate having an accent so much. Like it genuinely makes me want to shoot myself. Every time I try to explain something and someone responds with that confused “What?” I just wanna go grab a shotgun and blow my brains off. I hate it when I start talking to someone and they recognize I have an accent and I can see that expression of annoyance for a split second on their faces. I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I wish I had money for accent reduction therapy but then I’m not even sure it would work at this age

Anonymous 288924

i love you crossword n0nna thank you, my contribution is 3 across is carreychan

Anonymous 288925

That sounds beautiful, anon

Anonymous 288926

What sort of accent do you have?

Anonymous 288927

1) Lavarock
13) Lurch

1) Laur

Anonymous 288928

drew a feminine goat boy with curly white hair, purple eyes, and hooves today

Anonymous 288929

Anonymous 288930

Eastern European unfortunately so it’s not a sexy one

Anonymous 288931

When that happened with ice cream they simply changed the packaging to make it harder to tamper with.
Not put it under lock and key like they now do with practically everything else.
Toothbrushes, alchohol, make up, USB cables, etc, it's all underneath a damn lock you have to push a button to get somebody to open. I hate it so much.

Anonymous 288932

I like the idea of leaving the diapers in her bathroom. There are kinds that look like regular women's briefs now.
Is she bathing regularly? Is she able to correctly wash and dry her clothes?

Anonymous 288937


i know many of these but i forgot the spelling kek

Anonymous 288938


Anonymous 288939

why is it always eastern euro women who hate their accents? i think you all sound charming. dont mind the dumbasses, theyre probably bitter monolinguals who cant even speak their own native language correctly.
adding onto a prior contribution, 9 down is ad

Anonymous 288942

I hate my accent and I'm a western rural euro. I think it's just a fancy city vs rural divide.

Anonymous 288943


Ivor best boy

Anonymous 288944

I think eastern european voices are sexy tbh

Anonymous 288945

Thank you for playing anons, it's almost done. I'm going to give you 2 across (FTMdrakeanon)because I realized I fucked it up by tacking on "laur" on top… crosswords don't work that way kek. The only ones left are
>14 down
>11 across

Anonymous 288946


only two left!

Anonymous 288947

this was the only meal i would've had all day.

Anonymous 288949

Is lolcor dead for good? Holy shit the site was supposed to be up today

Anonymous 288951

>13) He’s the blonde one.
I will never not kek

Anonymous 288954

you dont need to justify yourself to a 9 across n0nna, i hope your food wasnt too cold

Anonymous 288955

What's the best cooking tip or technique you've learned? Did a family member teach you, did you read it somewhere, or what?

Anonymous 288956

MSG makes everything delicious

Anonymous 288957


how to avoid burnout when you work in management but have no support from higherups? aside from finding a new job. working on it. i'm in middle management making barely over min wage not some kind of powersuit ceowoman. company only cares about deadlines, keeps sending down unnecessary paperwork that derails my regular work, i also have to manage the team under me. for the last two months i've also been filling in for a senior manager who is away on mat leave and i want to die every day. should i write violent degen porn to cope until i get a new job and/or kill myself.

Anonymous 288959

guys i heard the minecraft movie was originally going to be directed by rob mcelhenney years ago and was going to be animated and they took that from us to give us more jack black slop

Anonymous 288960

If the violent degen porn is yaoi, go for it. Some of the best ao3 entries were most definitely written by people who wanted to die. Don't kill yourself.

Anonymous 288961


I am having some weird emotions right now. The school shooting that happened in Georgia yesterday was done by a 14 year old boy who had been investigated by the FBI the year prior. He had made threats towards the middle school he was attending at the time, which is the same middle school I attended. I’m an adult and many years graduated at this point. But I still have cringe memories about being really into Hetalia and Vampire Knight in that middle school, about the art classes I drew fanart in. I still remember all of my teachers.

I’m no longer in touch with anyone I met there or in high school nor do I even live in Georgia. But this has me pretty shaken to be honest. Damn.

Anonymous 288962

>rob mcelhenney was going to direct the Minecraft movie
>they took it away from us
They didn't take shit away from us, McElhenney is a fucking hack and not funny.

Anonymous 288963

The first season of mcsm was a lot better than it had any right to be

Anonymous 288964

11) Steebie

Anonymous 288965

Has Rob McElhenney directed anything? He's sucking on the coctails of Ryan Reynolds kek.
Charlie Day out of the Always Sunny cast is the only one to get a chance and he fucked it.

Anonymous 288966

Theory: the admin of lolcow (lidldrip) ran off to serbia to marry jersh.

Anonymous 288967

14 down doesn't make any sense with the prompt, but idk what it could be.

Anonymous 288968

Screenshot 2024-09…

Anonymous 288969


Anonymous 288970

Anonymous 288971

trying too hard nona

Anonymous 288972


Here's you're (you). If it was here

Anonymous 288973

oh grasshopper if they chose to shutdown lolcow we would not be dignified with any kind of eulogy from them kek

Anonymous 288974


>tfw people only ever reach out to you when they need something, whether that's your money, your body, your favors, and so on
It hurts so bad, fam. It's not like loneliness made me feel better either but like is this the only alternative for people like me?
I don't feel human, I just feel like a resource. I get the feeling everyone I meet eventually just grows to be annoyed or resentful of me. It's definitely not for lack of trying either.
I wonder how it feels to be a well-liked person, I wish I knew the code.

Anonymous 288975

there's enough room for ryan, but 14 across is obviously lawrence (which matches with 15 down as well). i can't think of anything that fits lawrence. maybe love? as in she's gone through many love(s)?

Anonymous 288976

14 down is literally Ryans. Heather is always burning through Ryans like toilet paper

Anonymous 288977

Lawrence of Arabia?

Anonymous 288978

Anon, you’re looking at the 14 across, not the 14 down kek.

Anonymous 288979

Can you leave?

Anonymous 288981

is cerbmin in the pacific somewhere bc it’s 21:00 here and the farms are still down. wtf

Anonymous 288982

That was what immediately tipped me off

Anonymous 288983

The biggest give away was the fact that only one message was changed. Both messages would say the same thing.

Anonymous 288984

hrggggg i need lolcor NOW

Anonymous 288985

i loved the aesthetic of the bottle (and others by same company). ngl
partially why i tried it

Anonymous 288987


I have the same problem but I think it's also me not having the self-esteem to ask for help from others so I feel lonely as it's just a one-way street. That said, being too accessible is also not a good thing and makes others think they can just take whatever, whenever.

Anonymous 288988

It's back up!!!!

Anonymous 288989

The last prank post was 20 mins ago, you should've at least let the dust settle before trying another one

Anonymous 288990


Anonymous 288991


Oh my god. She’s gained control of the website

Anonymous 288992

I really hope that when it's finally back up. Everyone gets redirected to farmcow.low and everyone goes insane

Anonymous 288993

Kek, what an asshole you are

Anonymous 288994

Finally the admin we deserve

Anonymous 288996

the store is separate from the manufacturer. stores can’t change the packaging

Anonymous 288997

i won't actually do anything drastic but the hollow feeling of being too exhausted for anything other than work is unbearable. also it's not yaoi, i'm not a fujo. but i wish i was good enough of a writer to at least channel these emotions into a piece of art others could enjoy. only useful at being a work mule i guess. thanks for replying .

Anonymous 288999

this is delightfully autistic

Anonymous 289002

Since this has gone full shit until the mods wake up. Any good movies you've seen? I watched Kneecap and I thought it was pretty scrotey but I liked the message about promoting dying languages.
Any good horrors to look forward to for Halloween season? I hear Terrifer is good

Anonymous 289003

Why do others need to enjoy it? Nobody became good at art by saying, "I wish I was better." Just write. Write for writing's sake. Start writing and see what happens. You'll feel better. I promise.

Anonymous 289004


Saw Sunny (2011) recently. It's a cute and cozy movie about female friendship. It does have sad parts, but overall is very endearing.

Anonymous 289008

kicking myself for misremembering anorectalviolence as rectalviolence. for shame

Anonymous 289009

i actually haven’t seen a new movie since 2019

Anonymous 289010

As someone how's keeping the line for middle age intentionally very very vague that sounds right up my ally. Thanks n0nna. I miss how easy it was to make friends in college.

Anonymous 289013

i'm happy today

Anonymous 289014

my internet friend might be a compulsive liar. some of her stories didn't add up

Anonymous 289015

in an hour it will be my birthday. gonna eat so much cake

Anonymous 289016

No you’re not

Anonymous 289017

you will only find relief if you find someone under you to delegate work to. that's what your bosses do. it's dog eat dog.

Anonymous 289018

Same nona. I've felt disconnected my whole life.
I always wondered what the secret was for having a friendship group.
I thought this was over with a couple of years ago when I finally made some friends but I still felt like an outsider. They would talk about stuff they had planned and if I asked questions I got the cold shoulder. If I said I wasn't feeling okay, which I never say, they would literally look the other way. But that wouldn't happen if someone else in the group said it.
There was other shit too just with body language. If it was me and two others, those two would just face each other and not even look at me. Even when I was speaking I got no response.
I have no idea why they invited me places. I had to cut them out of my life because it made me feel so low, so I'm just back to being alone again.

Anonymous 289019

happy birthday nony ♥

Anonymous 289022

Happy (early) birthday, I hope the cake tastes delicious!

Anonymous 289023

Happy Birthday EST n0nnie

Anonymous 289024

happy birthday n0nnie

Anonymous 289026

It depends on whether you’re more interested in traveling around Europe or Asia. Prague is best for Europe obviously, but Australia is better for traveling to Asia as its closer (and cheaper). Ignore the anon that said that Australia is the same as America, she’s never been.

Anonymous 289028

Its 11:16 PM EST…. The site will be back at 11:59 pm I just know it
Happy birthday!

Anonymous 289032

Whenever I come back from university or even mid-class I begin to cry.

Anonymous 289034

Is the internet's sole purpose not to lie on

Anonymous 289035

she's just a scorpio

Anonymous 289037

i go to my local atheist club meetings just because the person who runs it is a woman with a russian accent, i don't even care about atheism

Anonymous 289038

Wtf do you talk about at said meetings?

Anonymous 289039

NTA but owie i’m a scorpio we’re not liars

Anonymous 289041

she's a virgo (unless that was a lie too)

Anonymous 289042

i'm one and i definitely am. harmless lies though, like sza

Anonymous 289043

They like petty crime because they view themselves as anti-establishment.

Anonymous 289044



Anonymous 289046

I watched Welcome to Me after it was mentioned in the Jill thread, kek. I liked it a lot.

Anonymous 289047

University is burning me out, everyone is stressed and takes it out on me, I was sexually abused and didn't even got the chance to talk it out with anyone. All I want is to kill myself and be done with it. I have flashing images of my death any time I go to sleep.

Anonymous 289048

is she cute

Anonymous 289051

Anonymous 289053

I’d go to Prague. What city/ies of Australia is the program in?
Travelling anywhere from Australia isn’t cheaper than it would be to travel around in Europe from Europe. As a matter of fact, not even travelling across Australia is cheap. Australia is also very similar to America despite all the protestations from Aussies.

Anonymous 289055

It's 5am and I'm being assessed by the government tomorrow morning to determine whether I'm fit for work or not
I'm really not looking forward to having to prove I'm mentally stunted, maybe my sleep deprivation will make it go by in a blur

Anonymous 289057

atheism, i'm just not invested in it
yes and a lesbian

Anonymous 289058

I’ve been in your shoes nonie: it is intimidating and embarrassing to have to admit that you’re disabled and beg for help from a Judge, in front of the court reporter and all the other people. You’ll get through it.

Anonymous 289059

So I have to take verbal abuse because she's offering me help? Stop being so aggresive and ignore me JFC I can't take it anymore. I just needed to vent because I'm so stressed out I'm going to kill myself.

Anonymous 289061

You can't even grasp how hard my major is and yet you're calling me stupid. Maybe I fucking am I don't know holy shit. All I do is cry because I have classes for 54hs/week, and I get home and I hace to study. I have no life, and I have to take verbal abuse from my aunt because she hates living. Everything is so fucking hopeless for me. All I think about is suicide. I just can't take it.

Anonymous 289062


It's not gonna be thursday the 5th for much longer

Anonymous 289063


Anonymous 289064

It's now the 6th. So what the fuck? If there was more delay why couldn't admin say that?

Anonymous 289065

chef this didn’t work the first 25 times

Anonymous 289066

Not for me.

Anonymous 289067

mods went for cigs and aren't coming home

Anonymous 289068

Nona don't listen to that retard. I'm sure you're not stupid, math is just extremely difficult, even more so when somebody's jumping down your throat over it. Is there a way you could find a tutor at your university instead of dealing with your aunt? Either way I believe in you ! I hope things get easier soon

Anonymous 289069

omg im gonna vomit and cry if my lolcor doesnt come back

Anonymous 289070


you're both so right. thank you. i haven't spoken to anyone except coworkers in the last few weeks and this reminded me that people other than corporate leeches exist. i'll keep putting out resumes and do some cringe writing in the meantime. kiss kiss.

Anonymous 289071

I was stuck with my physically abusive dad for years. I know how that pain feels and I hope you get out soon, cause its just life draining.

Anonymous 289072

Aight i think ill just go to sleep at this point. if the site isnt up by the time im awake ill just kms teehee

Anonymous 289073

I’m so ashamed of myself for so many reasons. Why do I have to be so mentally I’ll about things that come naturally to everyone else, like sexuality and making friends. I feel like I’m beyond help. Medicated for most of my life and in therapy for half of it, and I only keep getting worse. Every day I wish I could hit a button and re-roll the cosmic dice to be born as a different person. Sometimes I wish I would get in an accident and get brain damage that would change the way I think. I’m so trapped inside the way I am.

Anonymous 289074


Anonymous 289075

what the hell is t…

im about to fly through your window

Anonymous 289076

spoiler that shit

Anonymous 289077

Wouldn't it make more sense to try and kill Cerbmin? Don't kill yourself nona, that's what our enemies want. We have to stay strong and united as a group for when we march to reclaim our God given right to Lolcor.

Anonymous 289078

How did he manage to look so disgusting? Kind of an achievement how revolting he is to look at

Anonymous 289079


my ffxiv account got suspended

Anonymous 289080

Anonymous 289081

12 year old me had a crush on him

Anonymous 289082

> manage to look so disgusting
I think he simply was.

Anonymous 289083

This made me kek out loud

Anonymous 289084

girl what do you DO??

Anonymous 289085

Anonymous 289086

he was just naturally ugly but all the seething misogyny made it ten times worse

Anonymous 289087



Anonymous 289088

Would be funny if this is zenosfag

Anonymous 289089

Anons, pinkpill me on Hitchdick.
I know nothing about it besides the fact that he's a famous and critically acclaimed film director

Anonymous 289090


Lets break his legs nonie

Anonymous 289091


I’m a bisexual who is attracted to many hundreds of times more men than women, but the two women in my life I’ve fallen for were a billion times more intense and amazing feeling. But my type of woman is so rare that I don’t think I’ll ever meet enough to find one that likes me. But I don’t want to date men because I hate them and they make bad partners. But I’m so incredibly lonely that I often feel like I can’t go on living. It doesn’t help that the older o get without any romantic experience, the more people treat me like a freak (25, and likely never will have a partner). I just feel so shit. So utter fucking shit. Not dating didn’t used to bother me at all, but after developing a crush on a woman for the first time since childhood my emotions exploded and now I’m miserable at the prospects of my life and cursing god for making me this way and making the world this way. I’ve never had close bodily contact with anyone and I have a craving for it like a hunger. I really can’t fathom how I’m going to live with this craving for the rest of my life.

Anonymous 289092

how the fuck did you manage that?

Anonymous 289093

i feel like this is the only place i can really say this and i’ve held it in for months and i’m so angry even now.
i just found out my childhood best friend regularly fucks his pet dog, watches zoo porn, and has fucked his pets since high school. this is why i hate men, i literally can’t trust a single man to not be the actual worst. like idk, i wish i would stop dwelling on it because it’s so upsetting and i really don’t know how to mentally handle this. i haven’t talked to him in months because i don’t leave the house but like,,,, idk. he was my first ever friend and now i feel so disgusted and unclean from him hugging me. sorry if this is too heavy but i had to let it out and i need women to hear me because i would rather shit in my hands and clap than talk to a scrote now.

Anonymous 289094

actually kill him, holey shit. is there a way to report him

Anonymous 289096

i kept picking fights with troons on duty finder. the actual gameplay gets very boring to me and i have to entertain myself somehow.
how do you know…? am i that clockable

Anonymous 289097

Ignore every miserable person who wants to drag you down to where they are, you keep at it and make it out the other end so you can be the one laughing. I know it's just the character of some s to come on here and seek out somebody to needle because they're too pussy to tackle their real issues, but it genuinely pisses me off to see somebody kicking you when you're down. I seriously hope you persevere through whatever rough stretch you're in and look back on this time with pride. I'm rooting for you, .

Anonymous 289098

I just want /m/, some of /g/, and /ot/ none of the cows have anything interesting anymore. It's always been weird to me the past few years jannies wanted to close down fun boards on /ot/ and redirect attention to stale milk cows. Worst was by far the crack down on pink pill around 2020 or 2019.

Anonymous 289099

just like me…
how did you find that out? if there's evidence report his ass to the police, i know you have to leave the house but it'll save the life of who knows how many animals.

Anonymous 289100

you're a queen whose posts radiate regal energy

Anonymous 289101

i live in an incredibly small town and his ex told my mom’s coworker who told her, so he’d immediately know his ex snitched and that ex is dealing with enough. mom also told me not to cause trouble so i feel like i’m stuck with this knowledge and kinda wish i was never told.
the only evidence is hearsay and i shouldn’t know in the first place. his parents know it happens and would protect him if cops came.

Anonymous 289102

start sending him cookies full of antifreeze

Anonymous 289103

I mean just besides what he did to Tippi Hedren on set of The Birds, watch a few of his movies and you'll see he's clearly a sadist with massive contempt for women. I can't elaborate because I'm going to bed but believe me.

Anonymous 289104

>>288878 Go to Prague. Australia too damn hot in January unless you're planning to visit Tasmania

Anonymous 289105

>his parents know it happens
Good fucking lord

Anonymous 289106


the inspiration that made me play ffxiv

Anonymous 289107

You're not that clockable dw kek I just genuinely thought it would have been funny for that post to have been made by you. Also, based

Anonymous 289110


I miss the farm but I'm honestly glad that I haven't been looking at cow threads. I almost feel like a curse has been lifted from me. Get Thee Behind Me Shaytan.

Anonymous 289111

Surely you can call a humane society or something like that and give an anonymous tip off.

Anonymous 289112

I don't mean to infight but why don't anons like you just migrate to CC permanently, there are plenty of new and potentially milky cows, even legacy cows like Sarah are still pretty funny. The rules on LC are much better too, unlike here personalityfagging and attention whoring is bannable, reporting actually does something unlike the stupid automod. Remake your favorite threads here, some anons are already doing that.

Anonymous 289113

It'd probably still go back to the ex though and that's what AYRT is concerned about (aside from his parents potentially protecting him)
>he’d immediately know his ex snitched and that ex is dealing with enough

Anonymous 289114

nta but even if he thought she reported him; why would that matter if he's in custody?

Anonymous 289115

I feel the same way. I hope it stays down. I hate that site but don’t have the self control to stay away.
Cc is only this good when LC is down and we’re all forced here, otherwise it’s too slow.

Anonymous 289116

this exactly. the only person the family are aware knows it is the ex so it’d immediately go back to the ex snitching.

Anonymous 289117


I miss her so much. She's so underrated.

Anonymous 289118

I liked Frozen too

Anonymous 289119

Okay but can you pop balloons with your mind?

Anonymous 289121

the rest of the family will go after the ex and make his life more hell than they already do. i know he’s a scrote too but he hasn’t done anything.

Anonymous 289123

i think once you spread the word around that this dude rapes dogs, the VAST majority of whatever small you're in will have pitchforks

Anonymous 289125

This is what I would so as well

Anonymous 289126

Are we allowed to post about cows in this thread? Like Jill’s 80s themed wedding dress cosplay?

Anonymous 289127

Please ruin his life. Try to have his dog rescued. Anything. This is sad.

Anonymous 289128

that would just be harassment against a civilian though? if anything that would get themselves in more trouble

Anonymous 289129

come to Aus n0na I'll look after you

Anonymous 289131

is there a vet in your town? claiming you heard it from a vet who saw traces of it during an examination or something would mask the true origin of the info. ngl if you could get those animals to be examined by a vet somehow they should be able to tell (you can tip them off too though just in case), that is if theyre not bought out by his abhorrent family too.

Anonymous 289132

it aint the same site, my question has always been why do /snow/, /pt/, /w/ main anons even give a shit for what other anons are doing? assuming they have at least a part time job or some schooling then the noncow boards talking in a day shouldn't matter at all. i still read cow threads sometimes it just isnt the driving force anymore.

Anonymous 289133

I need to stop smoking. Pls send help

Anonymous 289135

the closest vet is an hour away and i’m sure if called out on it, they could lie about the dog’s butt having trauma on other things and get away with it. there is no proper evidence of this and i already am in shit with the cops here for protecting my nephew.

Anonymous 289136

>am i that clockable
you either post pictures of aoba or that other faggot you like. don’t pretend you’re not avatarfagging on purpose

Anonymous 289137

I didn’t say that traveling from Australia to Asia is cheaper than traveling around Europe, I said that traveling from Australia to Asia is likely cheaper than traveling from anon’s country to Asia. Like I said it depends on whether she wants to travel Europe or Asia.

Anonymous 289138


What will happen next, n0nnies? Will the site ever return?

Anonymous 289140

Not harassment to tell other people, especially if it's true.

Anonymous 289142

>they could lie about the dogs butt having trauma on other things
vets aint dumb enough to fall for that, especially if its evident the trauma was sustained more than once. once the vet notices, theyre the one who will take action, not you, and people would be hard pressed to argue against a specialist. the main issue is honestly just finding a way to get the vet to the animal.

Anonymous 289143


alot of anons use reaction images from dmmd.
>that other faggot you like
his name is zenos galvus from final fantasy xiv and he is not a faggot because he is in love with a female (me).

Anonymous 289145

he is not in love with you he doesn't even exist

Anonymous 289146

Travelling to Asia from Australia isn’t as cheap as the distance makes people believe. Unless Nona is from the other Americas, I bet travelling to Asia from where she’s from is cheaper than travelling anywhere from Australia.
> protecting my nephew.
Hopefully it’s actual protection and not another coverup.

Anonymous 289147

The worst part is the hand actually looks ok

Anonymous 289148


yummy nicotine gum time!

Anonymous 289149

it's been the 6th for hours for me…no update on lolcor's status…

Anonymous 289152

>i know he’s a scrote too but he hasn’t done anything.
He's an animal rapist. Are you one too or something? Will you act like there was "no way of knowing" once he gets to CP, then molesting actual children (if he hasn't already)?

Anonymous 289153

NTA but the anon obviously meant the ex

Anonymous 289154



Lolcow is still down. What is going on

Anonymous 289155

he may not exist physically yet he is an allegorical manifestation of my desires. so yes he does love me.
what are you talking about.

Anonymous 289156

Every time i see him i want to press that thing on his forehead really hard. Happy for you tho

Anonymous 289157

I recall there being a lot of posts about lc getting posted on 4chan in the days before we went down do you think it's possible that could have something to do with this

Anonymous 289158


Is it okay to have premarital sex with your husbando?

Anonymous 289159

Nah. The scrotes over there are already well aware of lolcow.

Anonymous 289160

When will lc come back from the dead? It's already the 6th here. I have to go to work soon.

Anonymous 289161

Anonymous 289162

Anonymous 289163

Oh ok. Lolcow's post histories never delete even if the posts do right?

Anonymous 289164

Anonymous 289165

Any union between a woman and her husband is already the ultimate form of holiness, so yes.

Anonymous 289166

How do you even have premarital sex with your husbando? Doesn't the word husbando imply you’re married?

Anonymous 289167

It's the 6th and still no lolcor

Anonymous 289168


premarital sex isn't okay no matter 2d or 3dpd

Anonymous 289169

i always wanted to push this dweeb off his little bike sooo bad

Anonymous 289171

n0nnies, how do you work with friends not accepting your beliefs on trannies? when i express criticism instead of undying obedience a couple look down on me as lesser morally instead of having a difference of philosophy that is unrelated to our friendship. or do you never express how you feel about trannies to your friends?

Anonymous 289173

if they think its immoral to be against fetishistic eugenics then all you can do is shake your head and laugh

Anonymous 289174

they’re called sydneysiders I think

Anonymous 289175

Same. /ot/ is my favorite board, I just don't care about cows or milk in the same way I did when I was younger. I just want to talk to nonas and shitpost in a safe moid-free space.

Anonymous 289177

Pushing Morimura off a bicycle and then patching up his scrapes would be so cute. He's so fragile.

Anonymous 289178

Don't add salt/pepper to mushrooms when you sautee them until the end. Salt draws out moisture and makes them soggy.

Anonymous 289179

I keep my beliefs to myself. I found out one of my friends browsed LC and even she was like "UM YOU'RE NOT A TERF ARE YOU? MY BFF IS TRANS" and I was floored. Now if a friend doesn't openly hate trannies I just assume they support them.

Anonymous 289181

4Chan and Lolcow have been at odds for years, same with Lolcow and KF, I think admin just dipped

Anonymous 289185

Me to Cerbmin

Anonymous 289186

I realized why I am unloveable, it's not necessarily that I am too ugly in itself, but I am not cute enough to counteract my cringe/autismo/offputting personality. I am just a plain girl, a 5/10 if you will, but my demeanor is 8/10 on the offputting scale. So I take my looks rating, 5 and subtract my offputting rating, 8 and I get -3 of course. So, I take the -3 and deduct it from my looks rating to get my overall cuteness score, which is 2.
I would like a Nigel someday, even if it isn't advisable, but only ugly men or extremely weird ones with pedophile type demeanors ever like me. Undesirables. I need to improve my looks to an 8/10 so I can neutralize my offputting personality and have a nice, cute average Nigel.

Anonymous 289187

I think for me, a friend is someone that I can trust shares my same fundamental beliefs. I wouldn't want to be friends with someone racist, or homophobic, or misogynistic, because I think those characteristics and beliefs go against who I am as a person. In the same vein, I don't befriend troons or those that support them because they fundamentally go against what I stand for and believe in. We can have acquaintances and network, sure, but it's important that the people we consider friends share the same basic fundamental beliefs that we do. Disagreements between friends should be about little things in life, not the big picture stuff.

Anonymous 289188

Anyone playing the new BG3 patch?

Anonymous 289189


AYRT here, same

Someone on Tumblr said he looked like Shōta Aizawa, so I watched MHA and now I have a crush on Aizawa…

Anonymous 289190

Sick of my words and actions always being taken as having some sort of malicious ulterior intent. I truly do not have the patience for all of these mind games people misinterpret me as playing. Why is it so outrageous to people that I might do and say what I mean instead of anything else? I'm the one who finds other people consistently incomprehensible. I fucking hate having to interact with other people.
I also fucking hate that I pass as regular 99% of the time and other people tell me they interpret me as normal and extroverted because the 1% of the time I apparently slip up and I don't align with perfect expectations it's always taken the worst possible way as me being intentional and malicious. You genuinely have no idea how much blood sweat and tears its taken me in my life to be of so little inconvenience to you and in spite of that the slightest misstep is still worthy of massive punishment. It's all so burdensome.
I will fundamentally never be able to connect with other people.

Anonymous 289191

I woke up in such a good mood today I'm almost fine with lolcow still being down. I had a fairly good night's sleep with my cat being extra cuddly all night, my skin is clear and my home assignment is finished. The weather is nice and I might go out for a walk during lunch.
God I feel you on this so fucking hard nona, except for the ones with pedophile behavior I instead get ones that have a fetish for tall women and start acting REALLY FUCKING weird about it. And the times I finally grab a nigel that seems decent they end up "realizing" they're poly or whatever (at least none has trooned out)

Anonymous 289192

kek my entire friend group is at the very least critical of them except one person so i am still in a position to freely say whatever i want. but in contrast that female friend thinks they should be allowed in women’s spaces (especially restrooms) even if they’re new into their transition and look like blatant creeps in shitty wigs. i explained how letting people like that into our spaces is letting threats in.

Anonymous 289194


Lolcor come back. I'm suffering from milk deficiency.

Anonymous 289195

Farmers, what's your tinfoil? What's happening here? Let's get a discussion going.

Anonymous 289197

im still a believer in the security breach / hacking attempt tinfoil (i dont have any theories about the culprits though). i remember another n0nna saying lc is built on spaghetti code, so trying to repair the vulnerability without breaking other stuff in the process might be causing the delays we're seeing.

Anonymous 289198

I mostly keep my beliefs to myself, I've known so many of my friends for such a long time and I know they are very sweet people except they get pants on head retarded the moment the subject of trannies comes up so I just don't bring it up. I love those moments though when you and a friend slowly realized the other one might have peaked so you test the water until you can finally be open about your hatred for trannies kek

Anonymous 289199

is it true that you can always tell if some one is female by their writing alone? or is it just a myth

Anonymous 289200

especially tired p…

my period starts at the same day when I'm going to take my SAT exam, is it worth to try to postpone my periods with birth control pills? I've never used birth control before

Anonymous 289201

I am on the shorter end of the spectrum so I guess that may be why I get the ones I do, but they're also more figuratively pedo-like, in that they fetishize and infantalize women with autism. But these moids and the creepy height fetishists are two sides of the same spectrum! Creeps who can only see women as tools for their coomerism.
If you don't mind me asking, what did your cuteness score come out to, using this method?

Anonymous 289202

Agree with this, on top of having a regular life (work, family, etc) causing it to take some extra time.

Anonymous 289203

Not worth it

Anonymous 289204

??? are you in highschool?

Anonymous 289205

can one of the lyrics n0nnies do a lc version of this

Anonymous 289206

i hope you guys can make friends with people who don't care about trannypandering, it's very alleviating. my entire friend group ranges from "finds trannies annoys and shits on them with me" to "doesn't agree entirely but doesn't care if i shit on them" and it feels nice not having to step on eggshells about the topic like you do on the internet

Anonymous 289207

That depends on how bad your periods typically are. BC typically takes a while to start working, I am not sure that you'd have enough time for it to kick in and stop your cycle. In your shoes I would just maximize the self care, sleep well, eat a good meal, take Midol and study study study.

Anonymous 289208

just wear a pad or tampon beforehand and take normal pain relieving meds with you, dont fuck up your period with birth control if you dont need it

Anonymous 289209

smirnoff mugi.jpg

I'm retarded, meant A-levels. For reference the first day of my periods are usually really painful, I'm in this really hazy state where I cannot really concentrate, akin to being high on opioids. On the other hand I'm scared that bc or progesterone will fuck me up.

Anonymous 289210

gee anon, you seem miserable. maybe you should get yourself a 2d husbando to counter that…

Anonymous 289211

I forgot to add, my friend and I also booked tickets for Evil Dead the Musical!
I honestly would give myself practically the same score kek though I guess I could deduct a point from my off-putting rating because I can at least genuinely make people laugh and is considered a funny person (but not charming enough for it to be an all too interesting trait). So I ended up on 3, but I'm trying to get into the habit of going to the gym so if I shed those kilos I need to I might raise my looks to a 6/10, because even if I was skinnier I still have a fairly wide rib cage and hips that make me look wide next to other, especially prettier, women.

Anonymous 289212

shoot whoever desi…

Everytime I see Felicia I want to kill myself, so fucking embarassing.

Anonymous 289213

images (35).jpeg

uugh i have milk i want to post, when the fuck will this site come back

Anonymous 289215

>A levels
you need to be 18+ to post here
>troon hands

Anonymous 289216

I wouldn't recommend taking birth control pills to postpone your period, but I used to get period cramps so bad I would be literally bedbound for hours until I started taking them. It has helped me immensely, now the only few times I get cramps they aren't all too bad and I can pretty much continue my day as normal (but with occasional breaks because of the discomfort that comes with cramps). So check with your doctor, talk to them about potential fears and worries you might have regarding taking them. There are a wide selection of types so they might know which brand might be the one that's best for you.

Anonymous 289218

>troon hands
She's actually just meant to have big cat paw things, but she disgusts me either way.

Anonymous 289219

Where I live you have to be at least 19 to take A-levels kek, I thought it was the same in the other side of the Atlantic.

Anonymous 289220


Look at Jedah instead

Anonymous 289221

what is voidchan?

Anonymous 289222

Me and my husbando had sex (read: I imagined us making love) for the first time only after our wedding, not because I think marriage is sacred or any religious reason, but because I love him so much and I was too shy to imagine us doing that before. Although it did feel special. Despite that, I now imagine what it would've been like if we had done it before marriage.

Fuck you, it's rare that otome games give us cute, sensitive, shy anime boys like him these days, they should be a protected species. Does he even ride a bike?


I love you Zenosfag but I think your husbando is attractive and if I say it you'll hate me and express a desire to murder me.

Anonymous 289224

It depends from where in Australia and what country in Asia, but yes it is still quite cheap to fly from Australia to Asia.

Anonymous 289225

Australia, it would be more of an adventure.

Anonymous 289226

i just heard the word troid for the first time kek

Anonymous 289227

what did she lie about? you can't spill only half the beans wtf

Anonymous 289228

Based Jedah fan
BB hood's probably my overall favorite though

Anonymous 289229

I found her design cute when I was a kid despite the coom. She could be more interesting if they made her and actual anthropomorphic cat instead of an almost naked woman that is slutily cosplaying a cat

Anonymous 289233


every site I like is getting taken down or messed with one after the other…. someone's out to get me

Anonymous 289235

They're too human like to look like paws idk what the character designers were thinking. But the og games were in 2D with small pixel sprites so maybe more cat or tiger like paws would have looked like a pixelated mess in game. Who knows.

Anonymous 289236

late but I’m still mad that 9anime/aniwave shut down. inb4 “torrent” I do but no one ever seeds

Anonymous 289237

I looked it up
>voidchan started out as a splinterchan from Ponychan back in August of 2021 after the removal of the “/ef/” board which was ponychan’s ‘almost anything goes’ sort of board however has since mostly severed ties with its point of origin.

>I found her design cute when I was a kid despite the coom.
Yeah, I still kinda think that way. It's a shame that she's a coombait character, but at the same time, I can't help but find the fluffy white fur and the cat paws, the big blue hair and her cute, genki expressions adorable. It also depends on the depiction
>She could be more interesting if they made her and actual anthropomorphic cat
God no, that'd be even worse. They'd just turn her into furry coombait.

Anonymous 289239

try theindex dot moe to find streaming sites

Anonymous 289240

The cows are mooing. Where is our farm?

Anonymous 289241

sorry for degeneracy but is it innately harmful for a woman to use a buttplug, even if its very small.

Anonymous 289242

It’s an exit not an entrance

Anonymous 289244

Anorectal-kun says yes (tbf he's right about that)

Anonymous 289245

You can't stop me from enjoying buttsex

Anonymous 289246


>They'd just turn her into furry coombait
I forgot those degenerates. I just thought it would be cool looking like let's say Kihmari from FFX. But those weirdos really have to ruin everything

Anonymous 289247

oh godd oh no these responses are giving me such anxiety its like clenching and now i can't get it out

Anonymous 289248

If it's small and lubed up enough, I doubt it'll cause any significant harm, but the anus is an exit hole, after all. Be safe n0nnie
I swear the CC mods must've increased this 5 minute "flood detection" cooldown to 10 minutes or something and just not told anyone, because what the fuck

Anonymous 289250

I'm reading the lolcow.farm thread on kiwifarms.st. That's how bored I am. They are so miserable.
>Women are petty and catty.
>They hate men because they don't have good dicks in their lives.
Please, I need my lolcow back. I can't coexist with men online. I don't want to read word salad and edgy racist jokes. Admins, I know we may sound ungrateful, but I really hope you haven't abandoned us. Lolcow.farm is such a fun place and one of the few online spaces where being a woman is the default.

Anonymous 289251

jeez they are that reraded over there? How simple can they be?

Anonymous 289253


I probably wouldn't recommend using bc to postpone it unless you have serious problems with heavy bleeding. I have endometriosis and would probably still just find a way to handle it (tampon + pad, carry extra supplies, naproxen sodium for pain). I have only been on birth control once (a progesterone-only minipill for about 10mo after an endo surgery) and despite having two surgeries for endo, I would rather not be on hormones.

I'm much older than you, but I did postpone my period once (for the only moid I ever had a relationship with, there was a reason beyond him but w/e). In the UK, if you ask, they will prescribe you a certain kind of birth control pill (Norethisterone) for postponing a period. You have to start it about 2-3 days before you are due to start your period: https://onlinedoctor.boots.com/period-delay
I don't know if they prescribe this in the US. I admittedly only found out about this while living in the UK. But you can ask a dr or pharmacist if this is prescribed in the US. I didn't even have to go to the dr, I called a general practitioner to ask about it and then they just prescribed it, I never saw anyone in person. (I was kind of shocked that they didn't ask any questions about other meds I took, etc.)

I didn't like how I felt on it. You know that bloated, crampy feeling you get right before it starts? It was like that for the whole 4-day trip. I felt like a giant water balloon even though I'm sure I looked more or less normal. That said, I have really painful periods because of endo and my experience may not be representative of what others would experience. However the tablets did work, and I didn't get my period until I stopped them.

I'm just writing this bc maybe it will help anyone trying to decide.

Anonymous 289254


does this cosplayer look like a pretty version of pt to you guys

Anonymous 289255

No she looks like a nerd girl or a twink in a wig

Anonymous 289256

I already know about theindex and other sites but I just liked 9animes UI better. thank you though

Anonymous 289257

male kiwis are low testosterone men, you can't convince me otherwise. because how are you confident enough to call women petty and catty when you, a man, are spending a large chunk of your time on a gossip forum? i can't use the site because this kind of behaviour gives me second hand embarrassment so potent that it makes me want to shoot myself in the head. like go fix a car instead of obsessing over woman-centric imageboards, you don't see us gaf about them.

and if a screenshot of this post ends up on that thread they're just proving my point kekkk.

Anonymous 289258

Not at all, looks like a femboy

Anonymous 289259

No, not really. It's a butthole, it'll go back together.

Anonymous 289261


Sickened but curious if it does anything for you? I thought moids had a orgasm button up there so that's why they used them. Also why they brag about how big shits they take because it's like sex for them. Nature is weird like that.

Anonymous 289262

There is a short autistic woman with a squeaky voice who got kind of lured into doing OF. Ever since seeing that play out for a few weeks and seeing moids (on her main account) interacting with her and exploiting her, it's clear they liked her especially because she acted like a literal child and looked underage in some ways. I'm surprised there wasn't more discussion of her online but I definitely didn't want to call more attention to an obvious mental health issue. I think she took an internet hiatus after that.

Anonymous 289263

I see some purported female farmers agreeing with what those scrotes are saying. Some of you broads are shameful.

Anonymous 289264

NTA but my best friend always raves about how much she loves anal, and I know a woman who can only come from anal stimulation. I don’t particularly enjoy it myself, and I think that’s the case for like 95% of women. We are all built different though, so it’s not unheard of for a woman to enjoy it. If someone likes it it’s fine imo, just do it responsibly and in moderation.

Anonymous 289265

1 june 23_beluga.j…

>Check to see if Mugi is able to drink
>She would be 33 right now.
It's the Lucky Star reboot with Konata in her 30s all over again

Anonymous 289266

Now, it's basically a thread of female farmers complaining about Lolcow on Kiwifarms. For them, Lolcow is too politically correct and full of SJWs; not very funny or interesting to read. But the first pages are full of butthurt scrotes complaining about women being weird or just having fun.


Anonymous 289267

>Sickened but curious if it does anything for you?
NTA but anal stimulation kind of stimulates my gspot better and the pressure feels good, I'm not sure if it's the angle or what. I can orgasm from vaginal sex but the angle has to be so specific that I don't bother unless I'm having sex with a man in which case they perform acrobatics to make me orgasm and it's great. I avoid sticking things up in my butt though unless it's a very small vibrator.

Anonymous 289268

I don’t believe you.

Anonymous 289269

I would actually love a slice of life anime with women in their 30s and beyond. Are there anything like that?

I find it hard to believe she enjoys it THAT much too but she’s very overtly sexual so I guess she does then

Anonymous 289270

my absolute favorite cow of all time
I have a ton of her stuff saved because it brings me pure joy to rewatch.

Anonymous 289271

That's not a real thing. You know you can achieve the same effect by simply inserting a finger into your vagina and pushing toward your butthole?

I had a friend like that as well. Now she claims to be asexual.

Anonymous 289272

Tmi but it's so crazy how the vagina can completely change depth depending on what position your body is in and how low or high your cervix is that day. I just put a medicine applicator in my vag and I swear I went deeper than I ever have before. It felt like my vagina "dipped" at a certain point. Vaginas are just super complex.

Anonymous 289273

>I would actually love a slice of life anime with women in their 30s and beyond. Are there anything like that?
It's an ONA but Turning Girls is like that. Episode 5 is the best

Anonymous 289274

>That's not a real thing.
Sure, call it whatever you want I'm not really strict about the terminology kek. It's just a feel good angle that stimulates my nerves well. And yes I do know.

Anonymous 289275

Nta but maybe it doesn't feel as good. Everyone's body is different and no two genitals are the same.

Anonymous 289276

Where the fuck is lolcow

Anonymous 289277

I do much worse things to my asshole and not even for sexual reasons I think putting things in your ass is bad for you though unless you do some like remedial exercise like kegels. I have no medical basis for this I just don't want to shit myself when I get older

I do not consider those people friends and kind of subhuman ideological entities like the religious or sex offenders or men

One of my friends in highschool did that in highschool but with a cat and he was also an effeminate gay guy so I just beat him up. Wasn't really satisfying and he tried to spin it as some sort of intolerance hate crime so maybe get a huge rescue dog that's really aggressive and amp it up to whoever touches it ass is it's trigger and then give it to him to mind. You can train dogs to go for the wanger

Anonymous 289278

These have men too, but I liked them both.
- Nami yo Kiitekure (Wave, Listen to Me!). Woman ranting about her life to a stranger ends up becoming a talk show host.
- Fune wo Amu (The Great Passage, more malecentric). Slice-of-life centered around the creation of a dictionary.

I appreciated these for the older characters and Nami yo Kiitekure is pretty uplifting iirc.

Anonymous 289279


They even have a woman hate thread fuck moids

Anonymous 289280

If the farm comes back, do you think we could get like, a co-admin or something? Preferably someone open to communication?

Anonymous 289281

You're right, I was high and dumb.

Anonymous 289282

i just make sense when i shittalk trannies and my friends have no choice but to agree. just give people facts and evidence and they'l make the logical conclusion themselves

Anonymous 289283


I just hate when they make obvious coom characters but make them 'cutesy and innocent' they did the same shit with Dizzy in guilty gear
Just make them femme fatale types if you want to make them sexy.

Anonymous 289284

it’s up /b/ros

Anonymous 289285

i mean, we have 3 admins atm…

Anonymous 289286

ayrt yeah I agree. Darkstalkers has cool character designs and I really like Morrigan's

Anonymous 289287



Anonymous 289288

I really hate how the default design for sexy women in Japan now seems to be a loli with oversized breasts. I blame Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid.

Anonymous 289289



Same she looks sick as hell, I like Lilith too but my friend brings up a lot that she wishes they kept her as a boy which respect.

Anonymous 289290

Morrigan is based and even more when they remember she's Scottish. It's so rare to see a Scot that isn't "Oh me Bagpipes. Haggis and Irn Bru aye"

Anonymous 289291

Honestly it's pretty clear the one that was in charge of communications is completely mia.

Anonymous 289292

Are there any cows to read about here? I'm having trouble finding any threads..

Anonymous 289294

>I blame Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid.
I don't know how to tell you this anon but loli with huge tits has been a thing since at least the 90s (more likely 80s).

Anonymous 289295

I live in a very liberal state (Oregon) and no one sees trannies the way I do here. All my friends and corworkers don't get my issue with them and I feel like I have never been so right on something, like how can they not see the issue with trannies??

Anonymous 289296

we stopped falling for this bait by bunker thread #4

Anonymous 289297

Moeblob wasn't the default and lolis weren't mainstream.

Anonymous 289298

>Fellow Oregon anon
high fiiive

Anonymous 289299

My boyfriend is saying it's not really that normal to wear heels on a dinner date for women in their 20s. What do you n0nnies think?

Anonymous 289300

who cares what a boyfriend thinks

Anonymous 289301

Tell him to stop being a jealous cunt

Anonymous 289302

moids are retarded and high heels suck. do whatever

Anonymous 289303

Wtf is he talking about

Anonymous 289304

OH. Your boyfriend is short, right? That's the problem?

Anonymous 289305

As opposed to who? Women in their 30s and up or something?

I guess it depends on your social circle honestly. Most of my friends aren't fancy enough to wear high heels to dinner dates and I refuse to wear them full stop.

Anonymous 289306

women shouldnt wear heels to dinner dates or otherwise because it fucks up our feet, not because its "weird". if anything his oddly specific comment is weird.

Anonymous 289307

It’s not really allowed here. In the rules is a paragraph

Anonymous 289308


>Wake up drunk and still a pretty high from a date last night
>Too messed up to drive so I email into work that I'm sick
>Guys still here and wants to get breakfast
>Sorry gotta go to work
>Leave with him then at the first bus stop I see say this is my stop
Why did I pick the longest road in this town to stand at? Come on dude take a corner. I'm want to go back home.

Anonymous 289309

>average "I hate men" lc poster

Anonymous 289310

He's tall, we were discussing this article that said women are only open to men 5'8+ on dating apps. I said that's likely because a 5'7 man can lie that he's 5'8 easily, but a 5'6 or below man can't, and it'd be awkward IRL, and look even more obvious and awkward on dinner dates if they're wearing heels (which I said is common). He said it's not normal to wear heels on dinner dates.

Anonymous 289311

lolcow will never return I know it

Anonymous 289312

nonas i'm in a pickle. i feel like a retard because every time i start to like a woman (i don't get crushes often so big deal) she's always either a) straight or b) a tif. i can't take this shit anymore how do i rewire my brain.

Anonymous 289313

I’m trying to lose weight and I’m supposed to go to an event tomorrow and was slightly confident i will look cute because I’ve lost definitely a bit of weight already. Everything i have is still ill fitting or at least feels uncomfortable. I feel so miserable now. At least i found one dress that will work.

Anonymous 289315


This is making me laugh so goddamn hard

Anonymous 289316

I'm starting the believe it

Anonymous 289319

This reminds me that I wanted to pickle eggs

Anonymous 289320

good luck with your eggs 'non i hope they turn out yummy!

Anonymous 289321


he's kinda cute

Anonymous 289323

There was one anon who said "Site maintenance is still ongoing, and has been extended until Thursday 5th September" means that maintenance ends on the 6th. This is my final cope.

Anonymous 289324

You don’t. Statistically, you’re just out of luck. More than 95% of the female population is straight, and about 50% of the TIFs are lesbian or bisexual.

Anonymous 289325

status.lolcow.farm in case you didn't know that it's from there

Anonymous 289326

The 5th is over in the us no? Correct me if I’m wrong because eurofag

Anonymous 289327

The 6th starts in the US when normal work hours start

Anonymous 289328

I thought I hated milk I just hated skim milk, full fat milk is delicious.

Anonymous 289329

Why? Is admin gonna fix lc from her workplace?

Anonymous 289333

Exact same experience here nona, I don't understand how so many people voluntarily drink reduced fat milk. Same goes for dairy products in general.

Anonymous 289335

kek maybe she clocks in as an admin 9 to 5

Anonymous 289336

They are not going to stay up all night to fix it, I'm certain they'll push it back to the 10th and then go completely silent

Anonymous 289337

I grew up with skim and it made everything above 1% taste really rich. That 2% and fat milk should be limited to a 6oz with a cookie or used in baking.

Anonymous 289338

I don't go out of my way to mention how I feel about transgenderism but the handful of times it came up in conversation most people seemed to be fine/indifferent with me thinking that way. In fact I think most people are actually pretty indifferent and don't feel strongly either way. I don't live in a liberal area though.

Anonymous 289339

both taste the same to me. The only milk that tastes different is straight from the farm nonprocessed milk.

Anonymous 289342

>>289174 kekkk

Anonymous 289343

I just don't talk about it with my friends and when they bring up their retarded TRA arguments I pretend I'm not aware of any of this and I don't keep uo with the news. I swear to god though they get more and more into this topic and if this keeps up they'll probably annoy me so much I'll have to out myself of a terf or whatever. I'm even avoiding them more and more irl because they bring that up out of the blue all the time. Last time was when we went to the cinema to watch some MCU crap and during the ads they were sperging over JKR and the Algerian boxer exactly when a trailer for a fun movie started so I couldn't even hear or see the title.

Anonymous 289346

because cope

Anonymous 289348

I can tell when it's amateur writing (fanfiction)

Anonymous 289349

Does anyone remember some retarded reality tv show about a hipster girl in HS with red hair and her fat a beta orbiter, and her blonde stacy friend? I vaguely recall them dressing as deer.

Anonymous 289350

Saw a moidlet comment on Instagram calling women the version of moid that begins with f. KEK where are they getting this from

Anonymous 289351

I feel you. I think what happens is that you kowtow too much to other people initially that it pisses them off that much more. You need to establish boundaries all the time so those "missteps" (which are usually just offending oversensitive crybullies) so they know you don't give a shit and haven't done anything wrong. Defend yourself.

Anonymous 289352

my life as liz?

Anonymous 289353

incel rhetoric and vocabulary has become the mainstream for moids ages 0-30 it seems

Anonymous 289354


Could Cerebmin have taken the boards data, sold it to and data farm and ran. ChatGBT didn't used to know what lolcow was at least in reference to the site. But like

>Write me a standard post in the style of lolcow.farm

>If you’re looking to craft a post in the style of lolcow.farm, it typically follows a snarky, critical, and often misandrist tone. The format often includes gossip, commentary, and reactions to public figures or internet personalities, with a focus on exposing e-drama or controversial behavior. Here's an example of what such a post might look like:

Check it out yourself. It even knows common reacts.

Anonymous 289355

Why do so many studs/butch lesbians get into relationships with single moms?

Anonymous 289356

It’s an anonymous board what precious data could they possibly sell

Anonymous 289357

My tinfoil is blake lively didn't like the heat I was giving her eyebrows.

Anonymous 289358

I don't know but I feel a bit exposed when lolcow doesn't even have a wiki page. It's not a leap with all that data someone could go "give me all posts that are typed in this style" and "from that where do you think they are". I'm paranoid but I'm occasionally right.

Anonymous 289359

oh dear.jpg


Anonymous 289360

I will literally never date a man who watches porn and plays video games. Better single than with a immature degenerate.

Anonymous 289361

How far gone one need to be

Anonymous 289362

I probably have to go to the Amish to find a man who doesn't watch porn

Anonymous 289363


Not that n0na but most attractive.

Anonymous 289364

I don’t think even the Amish. If the Barbara Weaver murder taught me anything, it is that even Amish men engage in depravity. This shouldn’t surprise us though as the problem lies with them being men.

Anonymous 289365

>comic books
??? I’m a big comic book fan so I would want to date someone into them as well… (EXCEPT if he’s into marvel slop. fuck those)

Anonymous 289366

Do you think the Amish have their own form of porn?

Anonymous 289367

Yes seeing accidentally an ankle kek

Anonymous 289368


Lotta cute decent boys in the Amish.

Anonymous 289370

I have mommy issues

Second one kind of looks like human Shrek

Anonymous 289371

they look like shrek x the beatles hybrids

Anonymous 289372


I don't trust these surveys unless the question is actually there. It's so easy to fudge. Like the other one that was making the rounds had video games over taxidermy and online trolling.

Anonymous 289373

Alright, I'll rather die single

Anonymous 289374

Bird watching is cute

Anonymous 289375

Samefag the most unattractive “hobby” should be pornography
This is awesome n0nna

Anonymous 289377

Magic tricks is the absolute worst

Anonymous 289378

Gross inbred looking dudes

Anonymous 289379

>Magic Tricks

Anonymous 289380

IDK manosphere definitely isn't something I'd want my partner to be into either. I'd probably rank it as bad as porn

Anonymous 289382

my cousinn was always into magic tricks and he's gay

Anonymous 289383

I never knew thinking gaming is an unattractive quality for men was such a popular opinion. (I agree)

Anonymous 289384

I'm not gay I think but raising a child with a woman you love/like sounds nice. If my bff would decide to get pregnant, I'd help her wherever I could.

Good chart

Anonymous 289385

Ayrt, yeah that too

Anonymous 289386


I had a bf who could do the finger click thing with a credit card like picrel and I thought it was neat. Anything beyond that pure ick

Anonymous 289390

when will it fucking rain this year has been so hot and dry i hate it

Anonymous 289391

The fact that it’s well past the 5th and the outdated status message has not been changed is… concerning. There’s no good reason for that unless you’re scared to give an update.

Anonymous 289392

Or maybe they’re just lazy, just like the mods who tell you to take your complaints to /meta/ but they never read them kek. I honestly think the site will be abandoned or they’re trying to find somebody else who’s not the admin who can fix it, cerbmin is an absolute incompetent retard.

Anonymous 289393


Admin is doing something because there's been updates on the LCstatus github. I suspect that Admin has a job so if it's something major that needs a lot of work, she probably wouldn't have enough time until the weekend.

Anonymous 289394

>I do much worse things to my asshole and not even for sexual reasons
Kek anon

Anonymous 289395

human shreks are real….

Anonymous 289396

i just hope lc comes back safe and sound i have so many threads i wanted to catch up on………

Anonymous 289397

If we had to get a new admin I hope it's Minecraftmin. She was really cool and kept helping my dumbass when I kept falling off stuff kek.
I'm pretty sure thats automated but the other branch in the repo had some weird stuff going on.

Anonymous 289399

I don't want us to get ghosted by LC - I miss you guys and all the milk too much

Anonymous 289401

I want a LC dress to impress server not a minecraft server pls

Anonymous 289418

>the noncow boards talking in a day shouldn't matter at all.

Anonymous 289421

I would actually love this kek

Anonymous 289425


computer science nonitas do any of you have a strong theory on lolcor server currently?

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