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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 7699[Reply]

Don't make new kpop threads. All kpop-related posts go in >>>/media/16016


Anonymous 36645[Reply]

Any anime recommendations that isnt fan service 24/7?
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Anonymous 36664

Natsume's Book of Friends

Natsume Yūjin-chō

Anonymous 36667


Adventure of Sinbad and Magi-Labyrinth of Magic. Both are fun adventures shows. Sinbad is a prequel to Magi, but you dont really need to watch Magi to enjoy it. There fantasy shows that use a mix of middle east and Asian folklore as a backdrop so it makes it pretty unique, Magi starts out pretty lightharted but gets serious half way through the season. Theres some fanservice but its mostly for gags rather than coomerbait.
the Sinbad show is basically the origin story for the antaganist in Magi hes pretty much a gary stu in it lol, still worth a watch tho.

Anonymous 36668

Anonymous 36670


Read manga

Anonymous 36715


Princess Principal


Anonymous 36547[Reply]

Did Griffith ever actually like Casca? What exactly were Casca's feelings towards Griffith? Where does Guts fit into this?

Anonymous 36548

Griffith was gay for Guts but was willing to settle for Casca if his goal of becoming a king didn't come true

Guts idolized Griffith but wasn't gay for him

Casca liked both Griffith and Guts during the Golden Age arc

Anonymous 36551

Casca is just like me. My taste in men also keeps shifting from twinky to very masculine

Anonymous 36563

Griffith thought of Casca the way you might think of a very loyal lap dog, she was useful to him as a general and he enjoyed the power he exerted over her, moreso than the rest of the Band of the Hawk becauseshe was clearly so enamored by him. It's part of why he was so mindbroken that he started having cuck fantasies just before the eclipse, the idea that Casca would abandon him for Guts meant that he had truly lost everything he valued about the life he had made, and was utterly powerless. I don't think he ever really loved her in the way he was obviously gay for Guts, and the Eclipse rape only happened as a way to get back at Guts for his perceived betrayal

Anonymous 36714

Before Griffith's fall, his feelings towards Casca were completely pure.
He valued her as an excellent and faithful soldier, and although he understood she was completely in love with him, he cared for her in a very "professional" way - while still considering her his inferior, and being guilt ridden by the fact she will probably one day die for him, just like everyone else.

Casca was obviously in love with Griffith, but it was a love that transcended romance and bordered into worship. There is no doubt Casca would have done basically anything Griffith ordered with little regard for herself. The romance part kind of fizzles out as she gets closer to Guts, but the worshipping element never really dies out until the Eclipse.

Guts is the only person who Griffith considers a true friend, his equal, but that only happens when he leaves him to chase hiw own dream- that breaks Griffith because
1. he cared about Guts, genuinely
2. he understands the paradox of only being able to be friends with people who, by HIS definition of "true friend", will typically never be at his side
3. his more controlling instincts rebel at the idea of losing his best warrior
4. Guts was a foundational element to the success of the Hawks and he hasn't achieved his dream yet


This anime aged like milk Anonymous 36712[Reply]

Anonymous 36713



Obscure music general Anonymous 36224[Reply]

This thread is for discussing and sharing obscure, little-known music. Post hidden gems and talk about your favorite musical obscurities.

I'll start with a few:






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Anonymous 36360

this is obscure in the UK lolol

Anonymous 36415

whoa, didn't think i'd see this band here. i found cold fish a couple years ago and loved it. check out this album, it's more punky and scuzzy but it hits some of the same notes for me
that c89 song is so cute :-) i love all that twee stuff.

Anonymous 36448

love die Welttraumforscher

Anonymous 36450



#22 | CaptainBlackbeard Radio | To William, With Love


Anonymous 36694


Chappell roan Anonymous 36671[Reply]

What do you think of her? Annoying or talented?
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Anonymous 36675

Pretending to be lesbian for clout when she's bi

Anonymous 36678

how is drag culture disgusting

Anonymous 36685

1. It's basically womanface
2. They love to insert themselves everywhere, especially where they shouldn't be e.g. drag queen story time with children
3.It personally bugs me when I see the white ones adopt AAVE

Anonymous 36692

She’s alright I guess. I felt bad that people stalked her once her music started blowing up last summer, I don’t believe the fakebian claims because I’ve seen no proof just tinfoiling. I will say that I do miss the era where her music was first getting big if for no other reason than I was feeling better at the time. I’ve listened to some of her album and liked what I heard, my favorite track that I heard was Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl. From her new album I like Good Luck, Babe but the bridge admittedly carries the song and The Giver is catchy and fun enough but her releasing The Giver months after having already performed it live was a marketing nightmare

Anonymous 36693

Cindy Lauper for the gender dysphoric


Anonymous 36690[Reply]

How do you feel about Asa?

Anonymous 36691

She is just like me

91Nb7zhVH S._RI_-3…

Is the Madoka Magica spin-off any good? Anonymous 36676[Reply]

I just found out Madoka Magica has a spin-off series called Magia Record with three seasons

Anonymous 36686

It’s fucking awful, wish this garbage was never made.

Anonymous 36689

>Season 1
>Season 2
>Season 3


Anonymous 36565[Reply]

Why is the dirty old man trope so common in Japan and anime? As someone who has been SAed in the past, Roshi stuff with him perving on various women, especially Bulma who is underage, is disgusting

Anonymous 36566

roshi saved the planet a couple times let him have his pafu pafu

Anonymous 36567

Old people are expected to be respectable, so it's funny when they're not. Same joke with King Kai, which is enhanced by how serious his Japanese voice is.

Anonymous 36568

To show the reality of m*les

Anonymous 36631


If Japan were a person, it would definitely be a dirty old man, even though most people see it as a catgirl waifu. I was shocked when I found out that Bulma was underage, this anime has always been very popular in the shithole where I live, and as a kid I always thought Bulma was at least 23.


Fighting Games Discussion Thread Anonymous 30930[Reply]

Which fighting games are your favorites? Which are your least favorites? Why? Please discuss!
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Anonymous 36354

Bloody Roar, Dead or Alive, and Soul Calibur!!!!!!!!

Anonymous 36452


Tekken Tag Tournament was so good.

Anonymous 36680


I'm kind of a girlgooner for this but I love dead or alive 5 I still play it online on my ps3

Anonymous 36684

You ever play the older ones? They're so fun.

Anonymous 36687

I used to play DoA 4 years ago. I love the amount of thought put into the stages. I even got Venus Vacation on Steam; the volleyball gameplay was made worse sadly.

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