>>11036The question isn't really "will psychopaths stop doing psychopath things." More "why don't women do any justifiable or comprehensible vengeance killing."
There was a movie made a long time ago about a true story in which an Indian woman killed her abusive husband by restraining him and using gasoline to burn him to death. This story.
https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-47724697But that was a time and place before modern forensic methods and forensic psychology. We have many, many modern takes on this story. So many that I ran over at least three different husband-burners from India on the way to collect the above link. Such as this one:
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2578006/Woman-27-burned-husband-death-luring-bathtub-massage-NOT-GUILTY-capital-murder.html>Police said they found a 10-gallon bucket of gasoline, lighters and candles in the apartment, along with pieces of evidence that suggested Patel had tried to prevent the fire from being extinguished, including a disabled fire alarm and sprinkler heads covered in plastic bags.As these spouse ignitions move towards modern criminology they tend towards a very different look regarding the motivations and actions of the women in question. And that bothers me.
I'll agree with you that yes, modern forensics and investigation look at school shooters and see psychopathy rather than victimization as a root cause. And I'll agree that this means we need to reevaluate why we wanted school shooters to be anything more than that, going all the way back to the victimization narrative of Brenda Ann Spencer. But schools are insanely traumatizing for insanely large numbers of young women, not just days of trauma but years and years of being expected to sit in a classroom with your rapists or taught by your rapist and to just shut up and accept physical violence, threats and sexual violence. If we never find outbursts of school violence associated with that trauma then when we do see women resort to violence it looks less and less likely that it was reactive violence. If the husband "not-mu
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