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What are the darkest thoughts you have? Anonymous 5684[Reply]

Tell CC what you can't tell anybody else.
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Anonymous 10984

What's my job?

Anonymous 10988

I don't know, but it's clearly not good for your wellbeing to be working there.

Anonymous 11157

Misa Misa right?

Anonymous 11166

i need to stop being schizo i need to stop being schizo i need to stop being schizo i know literally everything about her it fucking scares me i wish she would leave my head i hope i’m just being delusional i HOPE

Anonymous 11167

I’ve read so much about the paranormal and conspiracies about the afterlife that I’ve seen some horrifying theories for what happens when we die (like that it’s possible to be trapped as a ghost for eternity and never reach heaven/reincarnation). I think a lot about the concept of eternity and how huge numbers can get or all the things that could happen throughout infinite time. I don’t know if any of it’s true but after thinking so much about it you begin to wonder how no one else has lost their minds thinking of the possibilities


Anonymous 10390[Reply]

Anyone have a tulpa? I've had a tulpa for about 8 years now but lately I've been feeling very strange. That being said I have a question. Are tulpas demons? Did I summon a frickin demon?

Anonymous 10391

Tulpas aren't real.

Anonymous 10392


Kek, what's your tulpa like and what do you mean by feeling strange, nona?

Anonymous 11165

>That being said I have a question. Are tulpas demons?
yes Tulpas are psychic entities which feed off the energy your brain is formed by, turn to God and banish it, ask politely first tho, maybe get a psychiatrist


Female Creep Thread Anonymous 2475[Reply]

Has anyone else here just done unabashedly creepy things in their life?
Recently, I saw a really cute guy in one of my Zoom classes, and I feel guilty, but I took a bunch of screenshots of him. Every moment felt like something that needed to be captured and collected. Him holding a cup, standing up, turning to the side, closing his eyes. He looked like a painting or something. The more I think about it, the more I realise that wasn’t a socially acceptable thing to do.
I feel like I should delete them all out of common decency, but then they’re gone forever, and it’s not like I intend to doxx him or anything. Plus, the Zoom itself was recorded, so he might be shown there, anyway. I still feel wrong for doing it at all, though. I know I wouldn’t want to be recorded or screenshotted. Am I the only one like this?
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Anonymous 11159

i think here is a good place to ask this: does anyone know how can i find a spotify account if i know the email?

Anonymous 11160

I fed a stalker the home address of a celebrity and he turned up at her house.

Anonymous 11161

heyy the imgur boards down, no way you see this but what if. also if anyones here rare jermas appreciated

Anonymous 11163

i found this girl’s spotify by stalking her easier to find irls. some of them have really unique names so they’re easy to search. after that it was just deduction from the followers/following list (the username referenced a hobby and her playlists had meme pictures i had seen her use before). I guess this only worked because her circles seem to share Spotify accounts.
i still don’t know how to find accounts directly from email and i wish i did… all i have is username searching sites. let me know if you find one haha

Anonymous 11164

i gave into stalking and it feels so good


Lucid Dreaming For Dummies Anonymous 11143[Reply]

Advice, dream ideas and how to get started

Anonymous 11144


Anonymous 11147

Have you had any success? I've tried to lucid dream for years now–although I've never kept a steady routine which seems necessary for it. I've had a couple of dreams–at random, although they happen after I've been sleep deprived–where I was aware of being in a dream but couldn't "be in control" or it which felt very frustrating.

Anonymous 11148


I mostly have anime and cartoon characters go on dates with each other while lucid dreaming

Anonymous 11152

that's so interesting. how long have you doing this for? any tips?

Anonymous 11162

>any tips?
Try writing a fanfic and act it out in your dreams

images (1).jpeg

Irrational fears Anonymous 499[Reply]

What are you scared of?
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Anonymous 11075


>he tried to shock/exposure therapy by putting it in my bed which was a surpressed memory from 5-20
sorry nona but this sounds funny as fuck

Anonymous 11076

Yeah I’m with you, that great unknown of whatever is after we die is enough to scare me away from ever killing myself at least. When I see big numbers it also causes me to spiral into that existential fear and any idea of the afterlife or lack thereof is scary to me and makes me want to meltdown honestly

Anonymous 11134


had one crawl into my hair as an 11 year old. it crawled off my head and onto my bedroom floor and i just cried and cried and cried. now i dont even play minecraft on anything but peaceful. sometimes i get over it, but then i get “emotionally taxed” and it comes back full swing.

fucking hate that shit.

Anonymous 11137

Walking on sandy beaches barefoot.

Ever since I was little I had this fear that there are knives or needles hidden under the sand's surface… I just can't get over that thought. I hate sand anyway, touching it makes me cry.

Anonymous 11156

Big things. Even just pictures of big things, especially when they are next to something smaller like a picture of a person.


fucked up websites Anonymous 10412[Reply]

what are the most fucked up websites you've come across? what made them fucked up to you?
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Anonymous 10641

probably a pedo image website disguised as another instagram. it was like the pedo pinterest. reading the comments made me gag. the amount of creepshots made me never want to go outside again. and the amount of kids being posted by the men they were supposed to trust in their life made me distrust every male family member. some of them were just children being posted on social media and it made me hate any parent who acknowledges that people like this exist and they just don’t care and continue to post their kids on social media

Anonymous 11060

>Self mutilation
Can't you just see that normally on the open web by going on twitter under the #shtwt tag, like some of those posters there are quite the eyesore, I once saw a women who had raw red meat as breasts, they straight up look like they were cut with the chainsaw I would feel terrible if they didn't suport the modern internet culture so much and most of them participating in witch-hunts as well

Anonymous 11067

fucked in the sense of creepy schizo rabbit holes? Or criminal kind?

IMHO facebook.
Facebook is a shithole, I've seen everything there and sometimes their AI sucks when it comes to reporting shit. I've reported so many things but somehow "this doesn't infringe our community standards", even if its CP with a few red lines drawn on it.

Worse part is that people are usually stupid, so they end up sharing shit screaming "PLEASE TAKE THIS DOWN HELP US TO REPORT" instead of, reporting and not sharing it directly into your feed.

Picosita posting is an example, they just share random links, so they rarely take them down, usually the links are porn or grotesque shit, like people dying, suicides, more porn, bestiality, etc.

Anonymous 11068

The only thing weird I stubble on there was that one of 30000 "friends" shared a picture of what seemed to be softcore vaporeon x human

Anonymous 11154



What's the worst thing you have ever done? Anonymous 4763[Reply]

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Anonymous 10990

A close friend of mine had a huge breakup that ended with a sex video of her being released in college. I supported her through it but secretly I kept the video for months to masturbate to. I finally erased it all in a moment of clarity but I regret doing that so much

Anonymous 11024

I used to swear a lot when I was young

Anonymous 11140

Damn you are fucked up I have never done anything bad

Anonymous 11145

I physically abused my sister growing up

Anonymous 11150

used to lie excessively and spread rumors as teenager


Pineal Gland Decalcification Thread Anonymous 11149[Reply]

Post tuning fork frequencies and binaural beats to help decalcify pineal glands


How To Manifest Someone When You’re Unattractive? Anonymous 11136[Reply]

Hey, so I don’t know if any of you are into Neville Goddard.

But I don’t think it matters much?

There’s this guy that I am into but I think he wouldn’t be physicallly attracted to me.

For instance, he’s shorter than me and Asian (et cetera) and I’m HUGE and brown with an afro.

Sometimes I fool myself into believing we have a connection but nowadays I think that maybe I’ve allowed fantasies and mysticism to take control over the reality that maybe he’s just a really nice guy, in general.

I was wondering if manifestation ever covers this topic? On how to attract someone who you think isn’t attracted to your physical features AT ALL.

Any stories, examples or advice is welcomed.

Anonymous 11141


I’ve done it before and it succeeded. I wasn’t as precise as picking a specific person just a guy with certain traits I needed (loyalty, loving, dedication etc).
The major barrier to manifestation is your own perception of barriers in life, what I wanted to manifest I knew was logically achievable. The less barriers you have the easier to manifest. Examples:
- you feel too ugly for him, so unconsciously while you try to manifest him wanting you, you got that thread running thru your manifestation. Then it never comes out. You need to debate with yourself how that Asian guy can all of a sudden realise you’re really hot and just his type after spending time with you, coz tbh men can find things you personally find unappealing, super appealing (see every kind of porn imaginable)
- you think you’re too dumb to get PhD acceptance, then you win a chess game and think about getting the PhD again immediately and voila, you got your acceptance letter.

I’m probably never gonna manifest 1 billion dollars because my limitation barrier is too thick, but I’ve manifested $10k in a scholarship (I didn’t even specify it was a scholarship, just earlier that year I needed an extra $10k and then this scholarship popped up months Later, applied for it, and got scored for the $10k one rather than the $15k one). I’m gonna do it again coz for everything with no limitation barrier, it’s worked 3/3 times.

Anonymous 11142

I love these stories. I discovered Neville just before the pandemic and I was so sceptic but I tried the ladder experiment and that week I had to climb a ladder, something that I had never done ever! So I kinda believe more, but I guess I'm very limited yet… Any tips?


Female killers general Anonymous 429[Reply]

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Anonymous 11041

The question isn't really "will psychopaths stop doing psychopath things." More "why don't women do any justifiable or comprehensible vengeance killing."

There was a movie made a long time ago about a true story in which an Indian woman killed her abusive husband by restraining him and using gasoline to burn him to death. This story.

But that was a time and place before modern forensic methods and forensic psychology. We have many, many modern takes on this story. So many that I ran over at least three different husband-burners from India on the way to collect the above link. Such as this one:
>Police said they found a 10-gallon bucket of gasoline, lighters and candles in the apartment, along with pieces of evidence that suggested Patel had tried to prevent the fire from being extinguished, including a disabled fire alarm and sprinkler heads covered in plastic bags.

As these spouse ignitions move towards modern criminology they tend towards a very different look regarding the motivations and actions of the women in question. And that bothers me.

I'll agree with you that yes, modern forensics and investigation look at school shooters and see psychopathy rather than victimization as a root cause. And I'll agree that this means we need to reevaluate why we wanted school shooters to be anything more than that, going all the way back to the victimization narrative of Brenda Ann Spencer. But schools are insanely traumatizing for insanely large numbers of young women, not just days of trauma but years and years of being expected to sit in a classroom with your rapists or taught by your rapist and to just shut up and accept physical violence, threats and sexual violence. If we never find outbursts of school violence associated with that trauma then when we do see women resort to violence it looks less and less likely that it was reactive violence. If the husband "not-muPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 11043

Screenshot 2025-01…

This is a fucked up one, but she did kill males

Anonymous 11051

Jodi Arias 29-3429…

The queen

Anonymous 11052


Sarah Boone

Anonymous 11132


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