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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Lolcow Bunker Thread #30 Anonymous 290009

Check status.lolcow.farm for updates.

Don’t reply to bait. Report and ignore.

Previous bunkers:
#29: >>>/b/289405
#28: >>>/b/288793
#27: >>>/b/288185
#26: >>>/b/287549
#25: >>>/b/286819
#24: >>>/b/286074
#23: >>>/b/285425
#22: >>>/b/284684
#21: >>>/b/283962
#20: >>>/b/283399
#19: >>>/b/282862
#18: >>>/b/282280
#17: >>>/b/281721
#16: >>>/b/281147
#15: >>>/b/280589
#14: >>>/b/280053
#13: >>>/b/279524
#12: >>>/b/278937
#11: >>>/b/278386
#10: >>>/b/277804
#9: >>>/b/274951

Before bunker #9 was made, we initially used this thread:

Anonymous 290010

Don’t reply to bait. Report and ignore.
Don’t reply to bait. Report and ignore.
Don’t reply to bait. Report and ignore.

Anonymous 290011

i just got denied for social security

Anonymous 290012

Admins, blink twice if you are still alive.

Anonymous 290013

i found lc from the margo drama back in the day. was a simpler time

Anonymous 290014

If lolcow doesn't return, what would you all want to happen?
>New lolcow.farm is made and the userbase migrates there.
>Userbase of lolcow.farm immigrates to CC and we merge as one.
>Userbase of lolcow.farm immigrates to CC and we merge as one, but we get a /cow/ board here.

Anonymous 290015

The first Sam Hyde thread. I hated him so I was looking for snark kek

Anonymous 290017


I can’t believe how many of you are already giving up on lolcow like please stop affirming its permanent shutdown

Anonymous 290019

I seriously need my appetite to come back, oh no…

Anonymous 290020

i am irl friend of a cow and heard rumors about her getting "hate" online (i didnt knew she was a content creator) so i decided to dig in more and found out what she did online and her threads on lc.(we arent friends anymore though)

Anonymous 290021

same. im mexican and want to trash the california-mexicans for being condescending, entitled, gentrifying, privileged faggots.

Anonymous 290022

I found LC through Holly Brown’s threads. Miss her, ngl. Her terrible yaoi comic was my favorite cow arc.

Anonymous 290023

I think I googled the name of a youtuber + problematic.

Anonymous 290024


To every female gendie and nonbinary and trans man and TRA here: I was like you once. I thought I could separate this cool woman-only board from the user's hatred of trans people. I thought I was smart hiding the TIF and TIM threads. I thought I was a good ally by ignoring what anons were saying.
The sad reality is that you cannot hide from the truth if you stay on CC and LC for long. At some point the incessant talk of the hatred of gender ideology will make sense to you. At some point you will realize that trans rights are nothing but privileged males in skirts and the handmaidens wearing he/him pins who would lay down their lives for fetishistic males.
You can infight and hate terfs all you want. But if you stay here and on lolcow, eventually you will see the truth. And you know what? All the women you pushed away, laughed at, called ugly, called misogynistic slurs for being unafraid of acknowledging biological reality will still welcome you with open arms.
Never forget that.

Anonymous 290025

Anonymous 290026

I'd go full extermination mode if I could nona but I'm waiting until I'm in my elderly years and I have nothing to lose, why am I going to waste my youth? I'm gonna go off the wall one day though, it's inevitable.
I'd just migrate here and become a miner, but that auto mod thing needs to fuck off.

Anonymous 290027

Found it by googling PnP. I think I was looking at her IG posts one day thinking "this girl is insane there must be others that think the same right?" I was absolutely correct

Anonymous 290028

6 years ago I was browsing about geheichou, discovered her thread and that she was actually woman and my life took an upside down turn.

Anonymous 290029


Hey, is neocities working like shit right now?
I'm trying to get back into an old account I made a some time ago and it just won't send the confirmation email. The address is definitely correct but there's nothing in my inbox, not even in the spam folder.

Anonymous 290030

i haven’t received an explanation letter yet, they said i’ll get it within 14 days. i feel stupid for telling all of those strangers about my struggles just for them to laugh at me and say no

Anonymous 290031

True this happened to me too. I was an LC user for a long while before it but once quarantine hit and I wasn't having gender critical sentiment countered by IRL social pressure to accept the irrational, I peaked. Haven't looked back since then and honestly much happier for it.

Anonymous 290032

Eh, if I had to migrate here I'd just integrate, it's sort of bullshit to force other spaces to accommodate us like certain cryscold groups out there.

Anonymous 290033

Looking up a certain tumblr ana cow on Google in 2014 (I don't want to get banned for brushingly naming a cow again).

Anonymous 290034

Should lolcow never return then cc gets actual mods, drops the auto mod, lolcow users migrate here and we get a hidden /cow/ board as to not stink up the place

Anonymous 290035

恰恰 劁 超級超級可愛
漂漂亮亮 綺麗な 好好 嘘嘘
恰恰 劁 超級超級可愛
漂漂亮亮 奇麗な 好好 嘘嘘

Anonymous 290037

Ugh I want to talk about the current Hololive EN event with my anons from the LC vtuber thread. I miss you girls

Anonymous 290038

Has anyone tried emailing admin?

Anonymous 290039

Im sure lolcow will be back on tomorrow.. dont sweat it

Anonymous 290040

emailed twice, no answer

Anonymous 290041

The first one. I can't get used to the way things work here sorry miners.

Anonymous 290043


i was trying to herd a spider into a bowl to take it outside but it fell in the trash can and i feel so fucking bad that it's just gonna die in there. it's been hours and i still can't stop thinking about it, if the can wasn't so full i would try to get it out. also nutty putty cave freaks me out so much. i never feel bad for spelunkers and dare devils tho.

Anonymous 290044

For me, it's personal. I grew up on Tumblr and 4chan and had a lot of terminally online friends, both male and female. It was really frustrating to be 14 years old and watching your hyperfeminine, cosplay-obsessed fujo friend start talking about her male soul all the time and "educating" you about binding. Then 4 of your other friends do the same thing. And as soon as you're completely sure that it's all a crock of shit, it's completely socially unacceptable to question anybody's motivation for transition. Even when the first ones start detransitioning, you are not allowed to criticize the movement, you cissy, despite easily being more gender non-conforming than most your "trans" friends. You grow apart from all your artsy female friends, and the Tumblr fandoms you used to love have been strangely taken over by identity politics activism and a bunch of retarded gendie bpd-chans, so you stop using social media for teenage girls.

And then your porn addict male friends that would send you gore while in queue for another csgo match start taking horse piss pills. The few female-centric spaces you were in that weren't flooded with FtMs are now being invaded by MtFs, and most people don't know better and welcome them with open arms.

I imagine a lot of farmers have had similar experiences.

Most trans people don't actually believe they're the gender that they say they are. They hope that they'll believe it one day, or they're cynically pretending to believe it. Very, very few actually buy the shit they're trying to sell you. And it offends me greatly that they derailed almost every community I've never been a part of in order to convince others of something they don't believe themselves.

Anonymous 290045

It took me years of visiting lolcow to peak. To every TRA, gendie, and nonbinary female reading this thinking but it won't happen to me!, I thought that too. I thought I would never understand radfeminism, I would always disagree with evil terfs.
It took me years. Years of denying. Years of deluding myself. Years of being dishonest with myself to please the imaginary male in the room. Years of pretending so that nobody could "cancel" me.
But it happened. I got it. I understood it. I understand the gender critical and radfem movement so intensely that I couldn't keep up the delusion.
It will happen to you too. Even if you hide the gender critical threads, even if you hide the TIF and TIM threads.
It will happen to you. It might take days. It might take weeks. Months. It might take years. But you will understand.

Anonymous 290046

I'm 7k in debt with my health insurance despite being a neet and not visiting a doc for longer than a decade.

Anonymous 290047

Have you ever considered a consumer proposal?

Anonymous 290048

From the Orange Citrus (PULL Mod) Drama. It was a banned topic within PULL, so the thread was made at lolcow. This was around 2014 or 2015…. I

Anonymous 290049

I need a sanic totem substitute. Should I try reviving the 3D men thread again? The only other moids I like are the same 3 googly eyed weirdos that already get posted.

Anonymous 290050


how was her aura so powerful? it's a shame she decided to die for such an absurd reason

Anonymous 290051


Here's a pic of my friends Aibo that you didn't ask for

Anonymous 290052

from what i've seen, a record of being on psych hold at least a few times streamlines the process

Anonymous 290053

Just looking at the thread pic makes me anxious as fuck

Anonymous 290054

The first one, CC already has a reputation and I bet cc-only miners wouldn't like us here longterm either.

Anonymous 290055

Imagine taking YEARS to understand males in dresses are a danger LMAO couldn't be me

Anonymous 290058

Migrate here. It's easier to migrate to an existing ib that's already known within the community than to launch and populate a complete new one (who's going to do that?). CC was made by LC users anyway.

Anonymous 290059

It simply doesn’t add up. Gender roles are socially constructed and vary across different cultures and historical periods. These roles are shaped by social environments, not biology. The brains of men and women are monomorphic in both structure and function, not dimorphic. Believing otherwise is as unfounded as religious conviction in having a soul and a direct connection with God. I'm simply an atheist and a feminist.

Anonymous 290060


I miss my nønnies in /m/ so fucking much….

Anonymous 290061

Don’t reply to bait. Report and ignore.

Anonymous 290062


Here, just for you.

Anonymous 290063

Should I get up and do something?

Anonymous 290065

Anon, it's literally a cult that grooms children. It's pretty easy to understand hiw some tumblrfag kid that's been on tumblr/etc since they were eleven would be sucked into the TRA cult and gendie politics for years. It's not an easy think to just snap out of. The people into TRA shit since childhood will be some of the hardest people to be deprogrammed.

Anonymous 290066

should i kill myself

Anonymous 290067

is she thinking about me right now?

Anonymous 290068

New status update. Can't post pics but they said the maintenance will be over by the weekend and that the problems with the site were really bad

Anonymous 290069

This doesn't really work on a slow board..

Anonymous 290071


Anonymous 290073



Anonymous 290074

Are they ever gonna tell us what happened

Anonymous 290075

integrate into what? how? there’s nothing here but 5 minute cooldowns and duplicate threads

Anonymous 290076

waa. cool.

Anonymous 290077

I said couldn't, I'm fucking working! Bitch asshole.

Anonymous 290078

Will lolcor be back up TOMORROW?

Anonymous 290079


Not surprised.

Anonymous 290080

Probably some troon tried to hack and delete lolcow for good

Anonymous 290081

omfg i thought this was fake but it’s real! we’re gonna make it n0nnies

Anonymous 290083

We are so back.

Anonymous 290084


Anonymous 290085

im actually relieved, all the doom posting from n0nnies was starting to get to me

Anonymous 290086

Does anyone remember last time we were holed up here or maybe during the /g/ migration when we thought hackers were recording our IPs and were going to dox each and every one of us. Kekkkkkk.

Anonymous 290087

I wonder if it was a legal issue

Anonymous 290088

I want to play space marines 2 but I earn not much money and it's 90 dollars in my country I'm not ebegging but just feels bad I hope lolcow comes back up soon

Anonymous 290089

oh lol meant for >>290032
”flood detected” SHUT UPP

Anonymous 290090

What’s the first thing you’re posting when LC is back?

Anonymous 290091


>suffering awaits

Anonymous 290092

I can't give up on my one true love.

Anonymous 290093

No, Sunday. After yesterday, I'm not letting my hopes get TOO high

Anonymous 290094

Sonic was right

Anonymous 290095

>also nutty putty cave freaks me out so much. i never feel bad for spelunkers and dare devils tho.
Same I will never understand men who do spelunking or scuba dive in caves so narrow they have to remove their tanks and push them through first, etc. I don't think it's a sense of adventure or discovery, I think it's a fetish. Was it the Nutty Putty guy or someone else who filmed himself turning his head to the side and exhaling to squeeze through places? Holy shit it makes me so anxious and claustrophobic. Gotta be something wrong in the head to want to do something so incredibly dangerous and stupid.

Anonymous 290097

Posting in the lc/anon appreciation thread about the minecraft server. I didn't check it out but the updates were cute.

Anonymous 290098

Psychopaths need to do extremely crazy stuff to "feel" it, that's why a lot of them are addicted to high adrenaline sports and sometimes risky behavior

Anonymous 290099


my older sister had one of those. toys in the early 00s were actually cool. kinda wish I studied something relevant to toy design in college. toy design fascinates me. and I shouldn't have given my younger sister the Gizmo Furby

Anonymous 290100

What's your favorite song to listen to lately, s?

I've really enjoyed the new Magdalena Bay album. Cry For Me was a standout.

Anonymous 290101

I was into that shit since I was 11 but it only took me a week to peak, kek.

Anonymous 290102

My job is very strict about cursing on mic and I just cussed….on mic. Hopefully no one heard me Jesus.

Anonymous 290103

This in the awful songs thread

Anonymous 290104


any sengoku basara aficionadas itt

Anonymous 290105

>Posting is down
Does this mean that I can read but not post?

The site is still down for me.

Anonymous 290106

hmm fingers crossed!

Anonymous 290107

Salvatore by Lana del Rey. Didn't know such a pedo baiting pickme retard could produce that type of music

Anonymous 290108

right underneath it says browsing is down…

Anonymous 290109

literally read the box below it

Anonymous 290111

>nutty putty
I recently saw a true crime doc about the guy who took the wrong turn all while he had an infant and a new baby on the way. Absolutely horrible. I hope the lady moved on and got the guy shed deserves.

Anonymous 290112

Nonas with cats; my cat 1 yo cat is going to be by himself for about two nights during christmas. How often/for how long should a pet sitter stop by? I'm considering doing long visits (a couple of hours) twice a day.

Anonymous 290113

Listening to One Inch Punch by YĪN YĪN currently. I've been strangely reluctant to tune into new music as of late.

Anonymous 290114

Moo's bullshit

Anonymous 290115

Shit wrong video sorry s

Anonymous 290116


My ex-moid would bring up how I looked a lot like Sephiroth. To the point he would also bring it up to acquaintances and friends. I once asked if he just meant my face looked similar to the models and that I also probably looked like Aerith, which he denied and said no it was only Sephiroth. I’m still not sure if he was just negging me but I don’t have anywhere else to share this where people would even remotely care.

Anonymous 290118

what would you like us to say

Anonymous 290120

It's been down longer (see: Christmas of 2022/the shaymin nucow disaster)

Anonymous 290121

Don’t tell kelly eden kek

Anonymous 290122

There's no autism thread but this would belong on it. It's cute though.
Fuck CC won't let me embed.

Anonymous 290123

this is your sign to start a final fantasy house cult and become the queen sephiroth kinnie (no doubles allowed)

Anonymous 290124

Are we all forgetting tempcow… that was like months long.

Anonymous 290125

Anonymous 290126

Kek you must not have been around for long.

Anonymous 290127

stop asking this

Anonymous 290129

I followed micky moon on tumblr and she name dropped lolcow and her thread (I'm old)

Anonymous 290130

it was down for a few weeks once, i believe

Anonymous 290132

I’m not expecting anyone to say anything. It’s just a comment that I think about occasionally years later and I can’t really share with most people since I try to pass as a normie. I figured a bunker thread where it would be inevitably lost in the shitposting was most appropriate.

Anonymous 290133

Screenshot 2024-09…

I'm so bored can someone suggest some real hobbies

Anonymous 290134



Anonymous 290135


I mean… Sephiroth is really, really pretty (if you leave the whole murder and total destruction thing aside).

Anonymous 290137


take up embroidery

Anonymous 290138

/tttt/ mtf troon i was in a discord server with mentioned it in passing and talked shit about it being a terf site so i checked it out and here we are kek. first thread i read through was on that "madame blush" sw cow

Anonymous 290139

I’ve been reading griffguts fanfics all day. I also miss lolcow.

Anonymous 290140

I’ve never played any of the games! But yeah he is very obviously designed by a Japanese game studio.

Anonymous 290142


Anonymous 290143

Thank you at this point I literally will

Anonymous 290144

>Posting will resume by September 3rd
>Wait no I mean September 5th
>Actually we'll have it fixed by this weekend
>Give us until the 20th

Anonymous 290145

When is it acceptable, if ever, to talk to an ex? She pulled my bi ass out the closest so I owe her the world for it but she's being weird. Replying at to whatsapps at 5AM and sounding manic af weird. I keep asking if she's ok in a non direct way but she's dodging. I'm meeting her on Sunday for coffee but I don't think it's going to go well.

Anonymous 290146

What the hell happened to this site? Any n0nnies have any idea of what it could be?

Anonymous 290147

This should be a banner

Anonymous 290148

Something broke. Site is old and run on spaghetti code.

Anonymous 290149

My guess is that one of the server disks that were being used to host the data for the entire website died/got partially corrupted.

Anonymous 290150

don't do it

Anonymous 290151

They discovered either a major vulnerability or deprecated code, or (what I prefer to believe) they haven't paid the server bill yet KEK

Anonymous 290152

I first discovered LC in 2016 when I was like 14 and was a lurker for a bit. Came back to LC in 2020 when the Instagram spam drama was going on with jaelle and the other thots and started posting in other threads since.

Anonymous 290153

At least for now, I really think you shouldn't meet up with her.

Anonymous 290154

When you guys have both gotten your shit together.

Anonymous 290156

Anyone here playing the Sims 4?

Anonymous 290157

My mother is the type of person who thinks other people need to show her their achievements to prove they're doing something with themselves. Im very quiet about my life and have been since I became an adult so she doesn't even know anything about what I'm doing unless something big happens and she figures it out (e.g. when I moved out). And it's not just because I'm her daughter either, she does this with other people where she thinks they must not be doing anything with their life because she doesn't know about it. I think it's projection because she's too mentally ill to make any progress in her life.

Anonymous 290158

i've been playing for nearly a decade now, i'm gonna reinstall it soon, i'll probably pirate the packs though kek

Anonymous 290159

i've played since 06 and unfortunately still spend hours of my week playing 3 & 4 (can't find good source for 1 & the gameplay in 2 sucks dick)

Anonymous 290160

for the past few days i constantly have had this 24 hour long youtube video of rain sounds looping

Anonymous 290161

ive got a screenshot from 4chan about balding men im ready to drop in the ugly man psyopp thread

Anonymous 290163

is there a drought where you live?

Anonymous 290164

ya no im replaying strangetown in the superior sims 2

Anonymous 290165

Anon just misses lolcow a lot and those videos mimic the sound of a milk shower

Anonymous 290166

the opposite, actually. it's hurricane season and it's been raining a lot. i've just been extra stressed lately and rain sounds comfort me so i want to hear rain all the time.

Anonymous 290167

the fact and fiction are both tragically beautiful…

Anonymous 290168

sims 2 does have the best lore

Anonymous 290169

At least an update!
Also sounds like someone tried really hard to take the site down.

Anonymous 290170

Back in my teen anachan days I found the ed snow thread while looking for thinspo. Reading the thread was great recovery inspo tbh

Anonymous 290171

does anyone have that one personalityfag's nudes saved by any chance?

Anonymous 290172


what do you do with all of your female rage? where do you find an outlet for it? how do you not let it spill over and become a fucking tyrannical bitch? i actually can’t stand it, lolcow was my refuge for letting it out but even there the puritans and fingerwagging moralfags think it’s immoral for a woman to be a bitch or mean. does exercise help this or something give me some tips please this rage is killing me

picrel would have had me banned on lolcow for (ai outside of containment) even though this is just a really skilled artist kek

Anonymous 290173

Capture d’écran 2…

>be me
>passionated by animal rights
>wants to fight for animals rights, like be involved in an organization or something
>contact the first one i see in a brochure at my favorite vegan restaurant
>a man answer my call, he propose i open a student organisation in my university
>it fells off
>i try again
>i'm really motivated to mae it work
>a woman send me an emal and a lin to ressources proving he's a pedophile

why the fuck are men awful ? why are they everywhere ? can't i fight for a cause without them trying to get their dic hard ? I feel like i can't do any social fighting without looking away from degenerates who rule EVRYTHING

Anonymous 290174

I just wish I was happy, why is my brain so fucked up

Anonymous 290175

Exercise and torturing misogynistic chatbots

Anonymous 290176


im going fucking crazy without my lolcor

Anonymous 290177

i started going on LC for the ED thread too and it made me realize that i need people to bully me out of being an anachan, it was extremely cathartic for me to read

Anonymous 290178


I'm about to lose it

Anonymous 290179

i’ve been so sick all day. i thought going on a walk to buy a lottery ticket might help my stomach feel a little better but a) they did not sell lottery tickets and b) it did not make me feel better

Anonymous 290180

Sometimes it's not even chemical, it's literally the world around you sucks and you're too much of a realist to pretend things aren't. You have been in this state for so long that being upset or depressed is a comfort, so when you are happy, it probably feels short lived or barely there because it's not something you're used to. I'm working through trauma that has helped me realize that I know what happiness is, but my mental state only knows how to be 'normal' when there is some kind of upsetting or chaos to fill a dull void where my mind isn't over thinking something.

I think I'm just rambling, I'm pretty high right now, but I miss you s so much.

Anonymous 290181

What kind of irl groups / spaces do you even find likeminded women in?

Anonymous 290182

exercise definitely helps! give lifting a try. however
>even though this is just a really skilled artist
this is definitely ai nona kek

Anonymous 290183

I just, I fly off the handle at everything privately and bottle it up whenever I’m infront of others, I’m not dating him anymore but my moid would actively think less of me during road rage incidents, of course it was just me yelling into the void like a sperg and never actually driving dangerously but I don’t know why I can’t stop myself from being mad and angry all the time I fucking hate it I don’t know what to do anymore.

Anonymous 290184

i miss lolcow. im starting to miss even the infights on lesbian threads.

Anonymous 290185


Picrel is us

Anonymous 290186

i got banned from lc for saying its fair to cheat on your bf if he watches porn (which is just lazy, simulated cheating anyway)

definitely a moid/troon on the farmhand team

Anonymous 290187


vigorous cardio, envision that you are training yourself to go to war with moids

Anonymous 290188

Nta but this is so cute I wish you were my friend

Anonymous 290189

I hate that my overweight and obese coworkers keep criticising what I eat for lunch.
>This is why you're so skinny
I'm literally in the mid-range BMI for my height. Stop pestering me about my food choices and how "little" it is.
I was reading old milk on BTB and then came across the pixielocks thread. Since then I started reading a bunch of cows threads.

Anonymous 290190

i write books about killing and raping men and then i feel better

Anonymous 290191

fagmin .jpg

i draw male ryona

Anonymous 290192

milk OD.jpg

The milk will resume. Thank you admin if you're reading this.

Monthly bleak report of Sh*y's earnings.

I play TS4 and TS2, both heavily modded with GBs of CC. I'm currently creating a custom save for both games. In TS4 I'm rebuilding all the lots and adding items to the world with TOOL. In TS2 I've created my own custom maps in SC4 and I'm planning what I want in each hood.

Anonymous 290195


I love her so much

Anonymous 290196


>Period cramps got me like

Anonymous 290197

get a bf who is into being whumped and abused

Anonymous 290198

based. male ryona is female victory

Anonymous 290199

81NiTzm vsL._AC_SL…

i want to pavlov my sister's cat into loving me by feeding it a treat whenever i visit. which churu flavor do cats like the most? i was looking at picrel

Anonymous 290200

she's so endearing, i wish things had turned out differently for her

Anonymous 290201

how do you make a dress so pretty look so ugly?

Anonymous 290202

These recently appeared in my country for the first time. I bought a pack of churu rolls and one of my cats inhaled it and the other one wouldn't eat it until I had broken it into pieces.

Anonymous 290203

>old men
That's an oxymoron

Anonymous 290204

dumped my bf and the last message i sent to him just says 'benjamin reichwald' kek lmao

Anonymous 290205

Because the dress itself is hideous?

Anonymous 290206

I browse through comment sections to look for hideous disgusting perverted men and privately dm them from a burner account. I harass them until I'm bored. Most men are worthless and they need to know it for once

Anonymous 290207

Working out helps me. I need to get back into martial arts

Anonymous 290208

thank you for your service shayccountant…

Anonymous 290212

based fellow drainer

Anonymous 290213

So bored I've been spamming dr disrespect livestream calling his fans incels hoping my bf sees it in the chat cause he's a gay bastard that's getting dumped tomorrow

Anonymous 290214

draaaaain gaaaaaang

Anonymous 290215

You should fox them and send their degeneracy to their wives and girlfriends

Anonymous 290216

>Walled moid in troon era
Get better taste n0nnie. I would agree if you obsessed over young Bladee

Anonymous 290217

I love his songs but I never bothered to look up his real name and this is how I find out.. I'm heartbroken that's such an ugly name

Anonymous 290218

People with cats, do you let them watch nature documentaries of like lions and cheetahs and stuff? I imagine it's like watching a superhero action movie for them?

Anonymous 290219

Anonymous 290220

Yin yin were one of my fave gigs in the past couple of years. The other was L'eclair, if you don't know them you might enjoy!

Anonymous 290221

I miss you my lolcor and my lovely anons.

Anonymous 290222

>/r/showerthoughts bunker thread

Anonymous 290223

tbh if lolcow does go down permanently (or for a longer period of time), it might have the benefit of purging all of the horrible newfags who have invaded in recent years. like options 2&3 means only the older/more involved userbase who knows about CC will be left…but the CC users might also hate the sudden influx of a frankly less chill userbase, let's be real.

the thing I would be most annoyed about is losing the thread history, when it comes down to it, so i do hope it gets resurrected, but not the end of the world if not.

Anonymous 290224

I've thought about that, but it requires too much energy and effort. Maybe if I was a deranged dygenic scrote, I would probably do it. Otherwise, the scrote's filth will rub off on me and ruin my day

Anonymous 290225

My cat likes when I put the Eden channel on. Absolutely fascinated by marmots. She also enjoys the aristocats and lion king and she was very into lady and the tramp mostly I think because I call her lady so the film was talking to her a lot. She also liked Tramp taking on the dog warden she was up following the action. She also likes stardew. She only likes nature realism or cartoon animals lol

Anonymous 290227


Just pull the plug already and end it. Keeping the slivers of hope alive is just cruel

Anonymous 290228

5 years ago when i stumbled upon the kpop hate thread, and because i was in my edgy anime phase i lurked other threads like fetish-shaming thread and i remember when gimpgirl was first being posted on reddit. I also lurked the pinkpill but didnt have any strong opinion of it. I left because my mental health got bad and i didnt want to see anymore weird stuff. In early 2023 i peaked because trannies kept shoving their girldick in fandom spaces and ships like CaitVi (lesbian ship, but i dont think im a lesbian anymore) and i just started to get fed up with misogyny, libfem and gendies and started to use lolcow again.

Anonymous 290230

>it might have the benefit of purging all of the horrible newfags who have invaded in recent years
>only the older/more involved userbase who knows about CC will be left
your theory is already in the shitter because 80% of the anons itt are those very newfags who need purging. knowing about cc isn't an oldfag thing anymore than actually knowing what pt stands for.

Anonymous 290231

witnessing this girl i follow peak in real time kek she keeps making tweets shading trannies without explicitly naming them. she made a lesbian joke that excluded troons and they got pissy at her. wished it happened earlier but better late than never

Anonymous 290232

You can't just not share one of her tweets and the ensuing reactions tho

Anonymous 290233

if you want to see true anger, tell a bald man "you have no hair"

Anonymous 290234

autism. date me next im a woman but i can cook some mean spaghetti kek

Anonymous 290235

Sounds like regular farmhand retardation to me

Anonymous 290236

did you also see that tiktok lol

Anonymous 290237


>Couldn't make sense of the URL of the video you tried to embed.
>The server failed to handle your upload.
this stupid fuckign website is broken as shit

Anonymous 290238

this post was based on something i told a former classmate who approached me, kek. in highschool he had fantastic hair, but 8 years lately he's so incredibly bald. a shame because he was handsome but

Anonymous 290239

My cat likes to watch the weather channel and American Football. I put a game on for him sometimes before I have to leave the house.

Anonymous 290241

who's your cats favorite team

Anonymous 290242

the real reason why cc is dead was never because of troons or moids or what the fuck ever, it's because it's a dysfunctional shithole with mods just as retarded as the ones on lc and bans delete entire post histories.

Anonymous 290244

No beer and chips to go with the game? What type of wife are you?

Anonymous 290245

i couldve saved her and we wouldve lived on a farm with a outdoor gym

Anonymous 290247

You're not alone

Anonymous 290249

this happened to me, came onto lolcow wanting funny drama about jillian and being all "ugh these terfs are so stupid but at least they're funny" and then one day my nigel trooned out and i finally decided to see what the n0nas were saying instead of blindly believing all that shit and realized i never did. lolcow peaked me in less than 3 hours over ideology i've never questioned for years but innately never agreed with. then i proceeded to peak my nigel and he realized he was being a complete retard who just wanted to coom and had insecurity over being a wimpy ass fail male. now we both talk shit about troons when we see one. i love u n0nas!!

Anonymous 290250

distinct difference between just being new but able to integrate and being a newfag, i think.
no way to tell what demographic of the userbase ported over tho it feels like i haven't seen nearly the same amount of vitriol here as on /snow/.

Anonymous 290252

I'm begging the lot of you to stop mentioning your boyfriends/husbands, the second hand embarrassment is killing me.

Anonymous 290254

nigeltards just can't help themselves, the center of their entire world is a moid. you wouldn't be able to say the same about them for the pet scrotes though

Anonymous 290256

Mundane shit post: I remember my mom's boyfriend when I was in high school didn't believe in draining noodles and would let them sit until each strand was as thick as a bootlace. He was a friendly guy but let's just say I never ate anything he cooked whenever he was over.
My friends told me I was no better because I ate pizza with milk, which is probably true

Anonymous 290257

Anon drop the names! I wanna read

Anonymous 290258

it reminds me of the nigelfag who mentioned in the unpopular opinions thread that american dad is for smart people. i stg if a woman said the same thing they would be scoffing at her and calling her a retard but if her beloved scrote says something as mind numbing and braincel killing as that they take it like biblical gospel, i absolutely can’t stand them interjecting their ugly bastard in the convo where no one cared to ask. it made me laugh so hard when the anon thinks we cared about her nigel comparing her to sephiroth, god it’s so narcissistic like nobody caressss

Anonymous 290259

wild that newfags are latching on to that youtube shooter lady. i still remember how desperate anons were to prove she was a tranny back then just so they could "THEY SAY IT NEVER HAPPENS" some troons, there were no whiteknights everyone was convinced they'd find proof and when they didn't just kind of moved on to the next troon cringe moment of the week. is iman's future going to be corny ~terf icon~ edits of her beating up men as if the majority didn't see her as a woman beating tranny?

Anonymous 290260

On god, it's getting embarrassing
>Look I peaked my useless moid!! Now we're so based teehee!
Stfu idiot nobody gives a damn about your walking dildo

Anonymous 290261

>thread that american dad is for smart people
She's right though.

Anonymous 290262


I feel this post so hard holy shit, sorry for the late reply but here goes. I sometimes go on 4chan too for nostalgia or boredom purposes and I'm completely sickened every time I go. Every single board is filled with porn generals and gay scrotes erping and trying to hook up. I love touhou and the /jp/ board is so fucking disgusting it's unreal. It's literally just a bunch of gay men and troons jacking off together even though it's a blue board. /v/ is nearly just as bad with the porn generals (like the plant fucker and cartoon monkey fucker generals, I'm not joking go look) but at least it's fast and can be funny sometimes. I went to /cgl/ a couple months ago and the first thread I saw was a bunch of scrotes talking about fucking people at cons, I peaced out from that board real quick. I used to go on 4chan in the late 2000s and early 2010s and it was so different. The internet was just so different. I really miss it. I think that's one reason I like lolc because it reminds me more of the old internet and I feel like we can actually be honest there, whereas anywhere else including 4chan now you get insta banned for saying anything that can be construed as mean against men or trannies.

Anonymous 290263

your cat is cool as fuck

Anonymous 290264

>walking dildo
kek using this

Anonymous 290265

Damn this makes me wonder how many TIFs we have on lc, probably a shitton. My guess is the ones who always get mad about stuff like that pokemon TERF meme are definitely TIFs (or worse, TIMs)

Anonymous 290266


It's time to get fit

Anonymous 290267


Anonymous 290269



Anonymous 290270

i always hated this autistic bitch

Anonymous 290271

nta but why would you want one that excels at the homoerotic concept that is "masculinity?"

Anonymous 290272

What the shit? I didn't fucking know her nigel said it. Calm down.

Anonymous 290273

Someone probably won't like me saying it but honestly the manhate and anti-nigelfag anons talk about males more than the nigelfags do. Not even a nigelfag cause I don't fuck with moids, it's just true.

Anonymous 290274

Not a tif or tim or moid, hate all of them in fact, but the pokemon terf meme is retarded and embarrassing. It actually screams uno reverse'd autistic tif/tim humor.

Anonymous 290275

True. One or two posts mentioning someone's nigel is enough to trigger impotent tard rage and derail the thread. Just scroll past it and ignore it. If it's bait, report it.

Anonymous 290276

Anon, the rule is that male posters aren’t welcome. Not that posters with men in our lives (you know, the majority of women) aren’t welcome. Please relax.

Anonymous 290277

images (16).jpeg

And Family Guy is for the goofsters and those first four seasons are a goofsters dream come true

Anonymous 290278

that early thread was incredible. god his boudoir nudes were hysterical

Anonymous 290279

Early Family Guy > Nu American Dad > Nu Family Guy > Early American Dad > Cleaveland Show

Anonymous 290280

NTAYRT but that anons were scoffing at that post and calling it retarded, and I’m a woman, so I don’t really understand what point you’re trying to make? All I said was something along the lines of “my husband says American Dad is funny for smart people and family guy is funny for dumb people”, harmless.

Anonymous 290282

something very troony indeed about unironically forcing a political narrative into weeby children's media you consume as an adult, be it vocaloid, pokemon, moomins, sanrio, or whatever. but one of the most active pokemon thread users confirmed herself as autistic and troonery and autism go hand in hand so not surprising, it's an autist thing like crying 9/11 edits more than a troon thing.

Anonymous 290283

let me guess you think jodi arias fanposting is "newfag" behavior too? or are you too autistic to realize what shitposting is

Anonymous 290284

I wish 4chins was gone

Anonymous 290285

> In effect, mentioning boyfriends and husbands, and thus continuing the conversation about male counterparts

Anonymous 290286

>trying so hard to be contrarian
Its not trying hard, it's just my opinion. Plus I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who feels that way, so it's not even contrarian either.

Anonymous 290287

NTA but you are just embarrassing yourself. Liking Seth macfarlame cartoons AND being a moid’s wife… pick a struggle. As the kids say.

Anonymous 290288

Before this gets deleted I want you to know you gave me a hearty laugh with some of these insults kek, thank you anon

Anonymous 290289

she doesn't get posted anymore but unironically yes they were kek no one who got here before the pandemic was posting those

Anonymous 290290

ntayrt but the one dating a former tranny is still kind of embarrassing though..

Anonymous 290291

Take your meds

Anonymous 290292


If I lied to you and told you he was my wife you'd be all over it sucking my ass dry, 'oh n0nnie I am so happy for you' 'oh nona that's so sweet!' And you know what? I have. I have talked about my husband as my wife just so I could talk about him on lc without some sperg shitting herself. So now every time you think you're reading about a cute lesbian couple, you'll have to wonder if it's me just talking about my wonderful husband.

Anonymous 290293


i used to work as a student assistant at an esteemed business school in my country and one of my coworkers would browse 4chan on the work computer all the time. like i would constantly see him on /lit/. i never said anything because watching him use it, in public, thinking no one knew what it was, was such a bizarre experience. especially because illegal shit might pop up on that wretched site at any moment. he gave me strange vibes from the start, but i wouldn't have guessed he was a legit freak.

Anonymous 290294

>zoomer clapbacks

Shitposting is newfaggotry. The whole trend of shitposting on image boards was something that originated out of boards such as /sp/ and /pol/. It was never accepted on weeb boards, including /cgl/ and therefore LC.

Anonymous 290295

>If I lied to you and told you he was my wife you'd be all over it sucking my ass dry
kek anons take notes, this should be the new strat to appease the surrounding lesbian master doc victims

Anonymous 290296

I’m not really sure what kind of response you’re looking for? I’m happy

Anonymous 290297

this is genuinely psychotic

Anonymous 290298

I like American Dad more because in Family Guy I get irrationally upset when the family bullies Meg whereas in American Dad Steve is the one who's bullied.

Anonymous 290300

im not, really. mentally im out. im planning on breaking up with him as soon as i can. he's a good friend but as a partner he sucks dick and lolcow also helped me realize i dont want to be around a male 24/7 for the rest of my life
(we're both in a shitty situation rn and we live together so as soon as i have money again im out)

Anonymous 290301

agree wholeheartedly, and they criticize nigelfags for "centering men" as if they aren't doing the same thing
of course admitting to having a "gay bastard bf" "pornsick retard nigel" etc. is equally cringe and sad but lately i just assume both categories are 16yo tiktok newfags because that's 99% of the site nowadays

Anonymous 290303

the very least a man can do is be an actual fucking man kek

Anonymous 290305

Anon have you considered maybe politely asking them to just not bring their boyfriends? Or….maybe find friends who you have more in common with? You’ve gotta try to find solutions for yourself

Anonymous 290306

Ha, you caught me. I'm addicted to cringe, it was all part of my plan.

Anonymous 290308

>and therefore LC.
But early LC was way less serious compared to now and had at least dabbles of shitposting. So many things in the older threads would get redtexted now.

Anonymous 290309

>every time you think you're reading about a cute lesbian couple, you'll have to wonder if it's me just talking about my wonderful husband.
Least homophobic nigelfag. You have the whole internet to gush about your “wonderful husband” and receive praise, but you’re such an attentionfag you feel the need to ruin lesbian stories with it too.

Anonymous 290310

nah that shit is gross, it's the same as being a tranny, he's living a performance at that point

Anonymous 290311


This is true and backed by YEARS OF INTENSE STUDY

Anonymous 290312

>they criticize nigelfags for "centering men" as if they aren't doing the same thing
This. Whether you suck off men or shit on men, the mere fact that you put tons of emotional energy into thinking and talking about men means you're centering them in your life and are no better than the other. It's two sides of the same coin where both sides believe they're morally superior and aren't male centric and obsessed with men. Yes, 2D counts as well.

Anonymous 290313

can one nona tell me to go fucking study instead of procrastinating?

Anonymous 290314

>sperg defending unfunny shitposts is the same zoomer sperg alogging le 'nigelfags'

Anonymous 290315

I can tell you camp out on lc /meta/ to whiteknight farmhands kek

Anonymous 290316


im sorry but how do you function in the real world with so much vitriol for like 70% of the population (men + women with men). do you piss yourself with rage when a man passes within 10-foot diameter of you like an over-excited dog. im not half as antagonistic as you and i carry a handgun designed for scroteblasting if the need arises. i hope you at least walk the walk and carry a glock with a full-auto switch wherever you go (or else ur a pussy)

Anonymous 290317

nayrt but i wish you realized what a loser you are. women like you make me ashamed to be heterosexual because you act like an oppressed class every time someone says something slightly negative about your nigel. like oh nooo the evil lesbians on lolcor and cc are attacking my sweet little prince! kek do you think your nigel is on reddit and protecting your honor whenever he writes about you? i would rather chew off my own foot than defend my boyfriend's honor in the lolcow bunker thread.

Anonymous 290318

I’m none of the anons you replied to but hating men so much to the point where it makes you hate other women (even your friends) doesn’t make you better than or morally superior to them, at all.

Anonymous 290319

His favorite NFL team is the Miami Dolphins. I don't think he has a favorite college team but he seems partial to the Clemson Tigers.
I like to think of him as a dad who is five years from retiring from his middle management position that he has held for decades. He's been thinking about buying a boat.

Anonymous 290320

go study stupid

ok now tell me to clean my house

Anonymous 290321

nta but no one does this besides mods themselves, get new material

Anonymous 290323

can't wait for your WonDedfUL hUSbAnd to cheat on you, but in a nice way kek

Anonymous 290324

Ntayrt but
> act like an oppressed class
> oh nooo the evil lesbians on lolcor and cc are attacking my sweet little prince
Responding to bait like this only feeds them, anon

Anonymous 290325

Kek I know it’s a joke but tbh you speak the truth. It really is so similar. That’s why they’re all sperging out at this post so bad, they can’t admit it to themselves.

Anonymous 290326

it always boggles my mind how certain bans make sense and when anons agree it's whiteknighting lol

Anonymous 290327

It was very sunny today where I am and there's an airshow tomorrow so loads of cunts were out and about. I got stuck in a slow crawl of traffic and this topless man on a bike stopped by more car for no reason and my windows were down and he went good music and I said put your shirt on and put my window up. Fuck men

Anonymous 290329

im gonna use this term
tysm and clean your house! itll make you feel better… you will be proud of yourself later on

Anonymous 290330

How many men have you shot?

Anonymous 290331

Women like her align themselves with scrotes too much that they feel personally offended when a moid is insulted, whether its a scrote they find hot or if its their own nigel

Anonymous 290332

Anon; why don’t you go kill a few men instead of continuing to shit up the thread? Maybe it’ll make you feel better

Anonymous 290333

You missed my point. I wasn't criticizing whether or not one's better than the other. I'm saying I'm tired of manhaters pretending they're not as obsessed with men as mansuckers.

Anonymous 290334

>shitposting isn’t newfaggotry
Trying to shitpost on a /cgl/ splinter is post 2016 newfaggotry.

Humour isn't shitposting.

Anonymous 290335

>women like you make me ashamed to be heterosexual
Even the fake dykes have pickmes now… So little self awareness around here, autism must be real

Anonymous 290336

>Humour isn't shitposting
The new farmhands don't see a difference.

Anonymous 290337

I don't use "the whole internet" anon, I use lc and that's it, besides YouTube and making blingees. When I found lc it was for making fun of goofy people who posted embarrassing garbage online and now it's full of angry spergs. All the fun has been sucked out of it. Maybe I'm ruining lesbian stories for you nona, but the fact that you wouldn't be able to tell unless I told you proves that it doesn't matter.
That's a lot of projection , I don't remember saying anything about lesbians bullying me for having a husband. I said I was avoiding spergs like yourself. You know, in real life, the place that matters, my lesbian friends are also friends with my husband kek

Anonymous 290339


Anonymous 290340

thank u we will be productive tonight no matter what

Anonymous 290341

i dont go by male count i go by testicle count; so probably around 12 testicles (if you must know)

Anonymous 290342

Rather a woman bitch online about men and let it out than accidently maiming some frail male cunts ego and getting stabbed

Anonymous 290343

do you two see the state of this fucking thread? there is more value in studying/cleaning. you both wouldn't be missing anything. go!!

Anonymous 290344

Ntayrt but why would you get stabbed? If you hate men wouldn’t you just not speak to them

Anonymous 290345

outing yourself as a gun owner and being PROUND of it is insanity, you just prouved our point

Anonymous 290346

you were right, thread has gone to shit

Anonymous 290347

>Yes, 2D counts as well.
Hey now, back off of me and my husbando

Anonymous 290348

If I made a imageboard I'd make mentioning men or male centered posts outside of a containment thread a bannable offense.

Anonymous 290349

Wow NTAYRT but this is so anti-American. Fuck you!

Anonymous 290350

>i carry a handgun designed for scroteblasting if the need arises. i hope you at least walk the walk and carry a glock with a full-auto switch wherever you go (or else ur a pussy)
That goes hard as fuck n0nnie, bars >>290341
Damn you're a hero
Then you'll just have undercover hetties pretending to be the lesbians, you can't escape it now girls

Anonymous 290352

Why don’t you make your own IB though

Anonymous 290353

Does your husband cum sparkles and glitter

Anonymous 290354

But what if I dom him every night because he's a cute little hairless twink? We only have sex when I want to. Not all scrotes are big scary hairy rapeapes. And my husband knows I hate men, hates trannies just as much as I do, and HE'S the one who introduced me to lolcow because he was sure I'd like it. And he was right.

Anonymous 290355


Another topic change: Who're your fave cows? And how were you introduced to them?

Anonymous 290356

Ohh I see the problem, you’re too afraid. Well, I guess all you can do is alog on crystal cafe!

Anonymous 290357

Starting all my posts with "as a lesbian" from now on even though i have a bf to get free asspats and act like a martyr when anons are mean to me. I am kikomimaxxing and taking the female transbianpill.

Anonymous 290359

Men are a danger to women, so gun ownership is necessary for the protection of women. Every rapist deserves to have their dick and balls blown off at close range.

Anonymous 290361

dogshit thread

Anonymous 290362

momokun due to her theft in the community. stealing the french designer's design and having a seamstress she knew copy the design because moo personally couldn't get a custom made version by the real designer fascinated me at the time. I googled her to see if anyone on tumblr was talking about it because I wasn't having luck with tags and instead found lolcow.

Anonymous 290363


i bet you're the first to complain about snowflae liberals, i hope you're trolling otherwise you're not fit to being alive
salers, they live near my farmhouse

Anonymous 290364


Anonymous 290365

im not PROUND of it , im stating facts. maybe you have never been descended upon by a literal flock of men pigeon-style while walking down the street or heard gunshots in your neighborhood but allow me to explain to you, there is a world outside CC and scrote psychosis doesnt actually increase your IRL safety rating. grow out your nails and scratch some boys queen

Anonymous 290366

no one would use it. these anons are just as if not more obsessed with moids, troons, and nigels as the nigelfags themselves kek

Anonymous 290367

So you would go out of your way to use a new no-male-posting IB created for that purpose and lie about being a lesbian just to insert your nigel stories into it? That’s kind of unhinged. Reminds me of something…

Anonymous 290368

>Every rapist deserves to have their dick and balls blown off at close range.
do any of you have any stories of this? i think it sounds like a nice fantasy but id like to know its happened irl

Anonymous 290369

Anonymous 290370

Of fucking course it's the blingee avatarfag

Anonymous 290371

cute drawings vs baby fuckers
which is worse ? vote NOW
they're like passport bros : racists but they marry foreigners

Anonymous 290372


KEK yeah that's part of his "unicorn" status.
>act like a martyr
I really don't get what you mean by this anon, I don't see myself as a victim of bullies for having a husband kek. I pretend he's my wife on lc so I can mention him in context of replies to other posts without it setting off an infight because there are unstable spergs who lose their minds at the mention of a heterosexual relationship. I am just avoiding those interactions by lying on the internet, which is allowed. I know how much that offends you, and that's why I said it. You should listen to other nonas when they tell you to ignore bait.

Anonymous 290373

Ok this has to be a real newfag because…have you read the Amerifags thread?

Anonymous 290374

Samefag (thank you automod for making me wait like 5 min). Mine was Phoebe Tickner. I miss her every day she was so entertaining. I was introduced to her through lolcow kek, but before that my face cows were Micky Moon, Dasha, Venus and Onision. Mentally I'm in the late 2010s.

Anonymous 290375

no but i can write you one if you want

Anonymous 290376

never ask a misandric woman what the gender of her partner is

Anonymous 290378

You're missing the point too. I'm not saying 2D men are the exact same as real men. I'm saying that being male centered applies to women who center their entire lives around 2D men too.

Anonymous 290379


Official cupcakes of Cowtown's Shroom colony

Anonymous 290380

True facts I also carry a gun for scroteblasting and dogblasting. If it means I'm not raped, mauled, beaten, or killed, then I'll gladly carry it forever. I've had multiple retards have meltdowns at me for carrying a gun, once a couple girls freaked out at me because they said I was implying they don't protect themselves since they don't carry guns. But all I was doing was explaining why I do. Why are antigun people so mentally ill? Gun nuts aren't exactly sane but I've never seen them have freakouts at people for not carrying.

Anonymous 290381

>Reminds me of something…
oh don't worry, your theoretical lesbian only imageboard with no mentions of moids allowed would have many, many more of them than any real women be they straight or lez kek.

Anonymous 290382

speaking of amerifags, did you all hear how there was yet another school shooting today? it's been like what, a day since the last one?

Anonymous 290383


American anons, Am I the only one who really loves the meat from Firehouse Subs? It's just so fresh and clean tasting, and doesn't have too much of a meaty flavor. Especially the ham, I feel like pork can often taste too porky. It's also so soft. And their chocolate chip cookie has such a nice texture. If they had the same sauces as subway, I would eat there more.

Anonymous 290384

what's wrong with owning guns for protection?

Anonymous 290385

Anons I can’t tell is this someone larping as a nigelfag to make fun of them, or if one actually typed this out and posted it without understanding how extremely embarrassing and copypasta-esque it was. They’re generally stupid but this is another level so I really can’t make a call on this.
Wow…sometimes I feel like a loser but then lolcow helps remind me that I really could be much, much worse. Thank you.

Anonymous 290386

>doesn't read a thread centered around a contry she doesn't live in and has no interest in / isn't concerned with second amendement and gun policies because her contry has problems beside children being shot
wrds have no meaning hu

Anonymous 290387

We're not the same anon, I just also happen to make blingees. I also did not make the frog picmix I just thought it was funny.
That's so immersive

Anonymous 290388

nta but stabbings can happen by people you never talked to anon kek you think it's only done by men women personally know?
>t. lived in a city

Anonymous 290389

im just jealous bc i cant easily acquire one in my country and honestly i wouldnt trust myself with one because i struggle with violent urges

Anonymous 290390

I love guns. I love when women have the ability to defend themselves. I wish all women worldwide had access to guns.

Anonymous 290391

what gun u got , i carry a cz p10s (but i wanna get the new cutest smallest version)

Anonymous 290392

Wait, there was another one? I only know there was a school shooting in Georgia

Anonymous 290393

So…you’d talk to a random stranger about how much you hate men and you fear that they’d stab you? Why not just not talk to strangers to begin with? Is buying a diary not an option for some of you?

And side note off topic I’m not gonna fucking post twice FUCK you flood detection but oh my god I’m so physically ill it’s making me want to scream at the top of my lungs. My favorite foods smell and taste like fucking cast iron and I keep vomiting and diarrheaing even though there is 0 food in my system.

Anonymous 290394

A lesbian image board would be a magnet for AGP transbians.

Anonymous 290395

My last moid didn’t “get” pearl. Glad I’m not with him anymore for other reasons but still.

Anonymous 290396

I'm a loser for changing the sex of my spouse on an anonymous imageboard so that I can avoid infights derailing a thread? There are so many other things I could be doing anon. Have you seen some of the things posted in the TMI and confessions threads? This is honestly innocuous as fuck. But cope however you have to nona.

Anonymous 290397

Oh right my bad! I should’ve assumed she was…british? Canadian? Oh, of course: Indian.

Anonymous 290398

Some posts are tongue in cheek anon, not everything is 100% serious but some posts will have nuggets of truth in them. The post they replied to is extremely silly so they're being silly too.

Anonymous 290399

>So…you’d talk to a random stranger about how much you hate men and you fear that they’d stab you? Why not just not talk to strangers to begin with? Is buying a diary not an option for some of you?
anon i literally said the OPPOSITE of that wtf
>stabbings can happen by people you never talked to anon
most stabbings are not done from conversations

Anonymous 290400

screenshotted and sent to my husband b/c i do this. hes also my best friend so i talk to him about lc almost daily

Anonymous 290401

Oh my fucking God I just verbally and physically cringed out loud. You fall for that dumbass tumblrina “X” trilogy bullshit? Anon, you still have time to delete this post kek. Thats just embarrassing. Those movies are written and directed by a group of MEN!

Anonymous 290402

confession but even though i think im superior to men i still want to know good ones exist out there so if women are married to genuinely good, selfless men it also gives me hope……

Anonymous 290403

does anyone have one of those galaxy flip phones? I was going to switch from an iphone to one of them cause i think they're cute but i dunno if its worth the gimmick

Anonymous 290404

I think it’s interesting that when anyone talks about decentering men from their lives and hobbies, the nigelhavers immediately sperg out and accuse it of being lesbianism. Reminds me of the debate where nigelfags call all separatists “lesbian feminists” instead because they can’t conceive of living their lives not focused on men and assume no one else can either, unless they’re a lesbian boogeyman. The phenomenon needs a name I think.

Anonymous 290406

I like the movie and relate just to the Pearl character.

Anonymous 290407

Dude, do you not lurk at all? Do you read the posts I’m responding to? Because I am talking about discussing your hatred of men with others, which you’d know if you read any of the posts I am responding to. Anon claimed she did not want to “risk getting stabbed” for talking about how much she hates men to their faces, so I asked how she’d end up getting herself stabbed; because if she hates men so much, why talk to them at all? You responded claiming that you can get stabbed at random, and I reaffirmed that that is nonsensical in this situation, because we’re talking about this anon who (for some reason) is afraid of getting stabbed if she talks about men.

Anonymous 290408

Oh I bet you also love Possession too. And Girl Interrupted.

Anonymous 290409

It's a Smith and Wesson 38 special snubnose, it's kind of heavy but it fits very snugly in the front pocket of my purse. In winter I can put it in my jeans waistband since I wear baggy hoodies but during summer it's gotta go in the purse

Anonymous 290410

I don't know what you were reading but my reply was lamenting that women, including lesbians aren't allowed to have their own spaces because it will get invaded by trannies

Anonymous 290411

Straight women hate lesbians a lot for some reason

Anonymous 290412

ten inches deep, suckin on my neck, tellin me that he loves me

Anonymous 290413


You deserve to have hope anon. I've been married a long time and it still feels like that "honeymoon stage" people say only last a few months. A decade long honeymoon. I'm gonna stop talking about this now because I'm sure anons would like to move on from the male talk.

Anonymous 290415

I haven’t seen either of those and don’t really plan to.
I’m not talking to you again after this because you seem really hostile. Have a nice life.

Anonymous 290416

Sperging because some nona likes a movie is so autistic. You people are so bitter it’s embarrassing.

Anonymous 290417

Anon you’re lost, this isn’t the “cow yourself” thread. We’re in a bunker right now.

Anonymous 290418

Ntayrt but anon if you bring up a movie that gets made fun of on the farms regularly and claim that you like it then you’re gonna get made fun of kek, come on lighten up I’m sure she’s just tugging your pigtails

Anonymous 290419

who’s sperging though there’s like a singular back and forth that happened

Anonymous 290420


My last one hated Ladybird and said the main character was just a spoiled brat. This was after I told him it was one of my favorite movies that I deeply identified with.

Anonymous 290421

I think that might have been sarcasm.

Anonymous 290422

i'd say most feel this way. or at least i do.

Anonymous 290423

>teehee anon don't you know if you don't fall into the lolcow groupthink you're going to get made fun of hehe don't take it so seriously

Anonymous 290424

Kek stop my sides noni. I’m imagining you walking out of the theater after seeing Lady Bird as if your life was totally changed keek

Anonymous 290425

Sorry, am a crystal user first and just like coming in here to talk bc yall are active. Didn’t really know that it got made fun of on the farms
Appreciate the defense but it’s really not important enough to keep this convo going. I posted without seeing what the thread was actively like at the moment and didn’t realize it was verboten to talk about moids right now without getting talked down to.

Anonymous 290426

hating men is based, frothing and seething over it is centering them. most of us aren't total separatists and have to interact with them, some rage is bound to accumulate, but you have to get to the point where it isn't a detriment to your well-being (bj-chan is a great example). by being so affected and malding, you're letting their existence control you. you should be at the point where you would choose to exterminate them not as revenge, but as you would a bug. that's how they think of us—as lesser beings—they don't deserve to be given the energy and consideration of that one poster's pitbull analogy insult screed

Anonymous 290427

i mean we all know we're not talking about lesbians, we're talking about straight women who hate themselves for being straight or heavily bihet and hate straight women who don't also hate themselves even more

Anonymous 290428

i get purse carrying, especially when the clothes disallow, but tbh its also like the highest risk carry position because a) it triples or quadruples your draw time b) you could easily get your purse ripped out of your hands and c) god forbid you set it down somewhere and forget it. a) is likely game over, b) and c) are definitely game over. not only do you not have your gun anymore, but someone else has it. i haven’t mastered this holster and its kind of uncomfortable to me tbf but theres a specific holster thats far more versatile than basically anything else on the market and you can wear it with skirts/dresses and stuff, its called the philter holster.
tl;dr im biased against purse carry but also i understand why girls do it

Anonymous 290429

What are you all watching? I'm watching a funny MLP abridged series.

Anonymous 290430

Did you read the words of my post? I said “If you bring up a movie that regularly gets made fun of and claim to love it you’re going to get made fun of too” which is the truth kek, that’s not ‘falling into groupthink’ that’s just reading the room and knowing how to gauge what kind of response you will get, you fucking autist. Not surprised you love the movie Pearl considering you’re stupid and need your hand held and everything explained to you.

Anonymous 290431


SO does anyone else have something really bad happen, and while the bad thing is happening, you can't really feel anything and you just buckle down and take care of it or whatever, and then AFTERWARDS, you feel get this retroactive feeling of anxiety or dread or whatever? Because basically I noticed that when shit hits the fan I can deal with it, but after things 'go back to normal' or calm down or whatever is when all the emotions hit me and I feel super weird and awful? But like, it's super delayed.

Anonymous 290433

Relax, fag holy shit

Anonymous 290434

yeah, all the time. i think its quite normal, it isnt something to be worried about. its just how our brains work.

Anonymous 290435

so are you guys just naming the most embarrassing films you can think of

Anonymous 290436

Nayrt but that's not equivalent. Changing your life to revolve around a person you might not even like/conforming to gender roles and societal expectations/risking pregnancy and being linked to a male for the rest of your life VS. liking hot character(s) where what you do ultimately centers around getting yourself off, we know which is better mentally and physically.

The absolute state

Anonymous 290437



Anonymous 290438

You have far too much faith, n0na. There are many farmers that really are just that cringe.

Anonymous 290439

Weekly knitting podcast. It's my favorite way to start the weekend.

Anonymous 290440

i’m neither of ayrt but i dont think the male produced ‘female rage’ movies are worth defending kek

Anonymous 290441

That's what I'm always thinking, why expend all that energy on the seething? Channel that hatred into living your life free of moids and doing everything you want to do.
So cute

Anonymous 290442


My dryer isn't getting hot. I think I'm gonna have to buy stuff to fix it. At least it should only be about $20, but my laundry room is so small idk how i will get to the back of the dryer. I'm gonna have to turn into picrel and actually fix something myself. What if I electrocute myself????? Sigh…

Anonymous 290444

taskmaster new zealand

Anonymous 290445


>me refreshing every other board on cc every 20 minutes waiting for a reply so i can get the fuck out of here

Anonymous 290446

what is with the state of the past couple of bunker threads

Anonymous 290447

That's adrenaline, it's a normal response. Your body goes into hyperdrive to protect you and you can feel very numb and strong. Then when you're out of the bad situation, adrenaline leaves and only the stress hormone cortisol is left, which is why breaking down after you're safe again happens. Long term exposure to excess cortisol is very bad for your body though.

Anonymous 290448

anons are probably really angry about the website kek, just an assumption

Anonymous 290450

this thread makes me feel less lonely… its dangerous

Anonymous 290451

Search for your make and model of dryer on youtube because there's probably a video of it being taken apart and repaired.

Anonymous 290453

Damn why is everyone hating on the anon who likes Ladybird now kek. I get so embarrassed that I hang out on lc when I see interactions like this. Are we not all over the age of 18? Isn't that one of the rules lmao
Because the longer we're stuck here the more anons get desperate and start googling for other imageboards and gossip sites or remembering that cc exists. In the first few days it was just a group of pretty relaxed anons who already visited cc often enough or used to.

Anonymous 290454

I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way, but I've been suffering my whole life to the point where I just got numb to it. I just bottle it up or forget about it and move on, because there's truly nothing I can do and I'm slowly physically dying probably with all the health issues I'm forced to suffer. I know I'll probably never get out of my situation and will never have a chance at a better life, and things will only keep going downhill seeing how my mom ended up both mental and physical health wise, the same goes for my dad, and I'll probably be stuck taking care of them for the rest of my life until they kick the bucket. I won't get anything out of their deaths other than more burdens to bear. So I sort of gave up and decided to kill myself when I feel like it's finally time. Because that's the only real practical solution to it all. If it was an on and off thing that happened rarely, I could see myself having some rage I need to let out, but it's been the same monotonous noise everyday for the past 22 years or so, and it will continue for far more until I'm finally deaf (figuratively). I can't say I made peace with it because that's a lie, and I can't say I actually get angry enough to express my feelings by screaming, crying or writing about it even, I'm in some limbo in between. But I find listening to music and singing help, they're my only pleasures in life and my coping mechanisms.

Anonymous 290456

Why do you think women who decenter men “hate themselves”? It’s actually an act of self-love imo to value yourself enough to go against the grain and find a better life, even if people may judge you for it. A woman who hates herself would never get that far. She’d be looking for any small scrap of love an abusive scrote could throw towards her, no matter how he might treat her.

Anonymous 290458

Thank you for saving us from having to imagine some subhuman moid, please continue to do so in the future. It's nicer when all of the disgusting things that moids call into mind aren't brought into the picture.

Anonymous 290459

>aren’t we all over the age of 18?
Kek it’s always younger faggots who think that you’re supposed to become a stone wall the moment you become an adult. You made an embarrassing post, we all laugh ha ha ha, and boom then you move on.

Anonymous 290460


If i manage to not spend a lot of money this month I might treat myself into trying a new recipe I saw online

Anonymous 290461

I just had a Pepsi for tt first time in a while and it feels like I really tasted the full scope of flavors. I think eating something too much fries your taste buds and makes you imperceptible to the true taste..

Anonymous 290462

ladies i dont want to google it bcus i have horrific health anxiety but do u get like a low grade fever when ur ovulating? i feel hot but not sick and i dont wanna go into a panic over it

Anonymous 290463

oh that looks amazing, whats the recipe??

Anonymous 290464

Calm down youngsters

Anonymous 290465

I'm the LadyBird anon and I am not surprised, what movie it was wasn't really the point of the post anyways.

Anonymous 290466

Screenshot 2024-09…

>how ye doin?
>i'm survivin!

Anonymous 290468

Nta but Girl Interrupted book > movie.

Anonymous 290469


Can this be the next bunker image please

Anonymous 290470

its kimchi jjim!

Anonymous 290471


should i eat the extra spicy ramen for breakfast before my driving lesson

Anonymous 290472

Late but why are you lying? That pic is definitely AI, not a “skilled artist”. Look at the background details that don’t make sense. If it’s really done by an artist then they seem to be mimicking AI artifacts. And you would be able to tell me the artist’s name.

Anonymous 290473

A nonnette told me to channel all of that energy into winning once and I've honestly been fine ever since then. You can't get rid of it but you can decide what to do with it and it does show results
Kimchijigae? Nice! I like it best with spam as the meat and extra tofu (they soak up the broth's flavor really well overnight and make the leftovers even better than when its fresh off the stove)

Anonymous 290474

This face should be a bannable offense how can you inflict this tripe on ANY living woman

Anonymous 290475

kek I don't know if you're confusing me with another poster with this bizarre accusatory post but anyone sperging about moids and women with male partners on an imageboard where they're already banned 24/7, like most of the vocal anti-nigel spergs itt, is doing the opposite of decentering moids. this is what mgtow moids used to say as they sat obsessing over women on leddit all day.

Anonymous 290476

If you wanna shit yourself in the car

Anonymous 290477

Depends on if you can tolerate it. You don't won't diarrhea or indigestion in a car.

Anonymous 290478

Stop responding to her. It doesn’t matter. I like a shitty movie.

Anonymous 290479

Nooo eat something nourishing but light feeling. I like smoothies

Anonymous 290480

Just a lesson right? Live your life, but don't do this before the exam

Anonymous 290481

yeah, but I mostly get that before my period starts and during it, plus hot flashes. My highest temp was around 104

Anonymous 290482

My grandma keeps calling kombucha kimchi and I think it's adorable
N0nnie please look carefully at the fingers and notice how the hand closest to the viewer has one too many fingers and how one of those fingers melts into the opposite arm and tell me that's not ai kek

Anonymous 290483

simple! bunker thread #30 has been absolutely terrible and no one in it deserves peace

Anonymous 290484

I'm also a lesbian who is "friends" with my friends' husbands and they like me well enough to ask for my advice but to be honest I secretly hate the husbands and think less of my friends for lowering themselves by marrying them. It's something you just politely don't say anything about even when you think it. Straight women can't reall6 help that they have a disability that causes them to seek men.

Anonymous 290485

Anonymous 290486

Who the fuck is responsible for loading this ugly face online again

Anonymous 290487

What? I’m responding directly to what you said about a hypothetical no-mentioning-males IB being for straight women who “hate themselves”. Anyone can read you saying that for themselves. Idgi. Are you just baiting?

Anonymous 290488

hmm yeah im like 100.6 but itfeels bad and im achey too. i hope to god im not getting sick i have so much shit to do

Anonymous 290489

I hate AI fags so much. I hope you never find a way to deal with your anger

Anonymous 290490

Then you're not a friend, or a healthy minded person for that matter. Because what kind of thinking is this? I personally don't go to my lesbian friends for advice about my husband, because I don't have any issues with my husband and if I did I'd be talking to him about them, not other people. My friends aren't chronically online like I am and are just normal people. We go to restaurants or play Mario party and shit. They aren't secretly man haters, one of them is best friends with a man. It's just you anon. You aren't the queen of lesbians.

Anonymous 290491


anons please…we cant let what has happened to lc break us…look in the mirror. this isnt you. we cant turn against each other. not now.

Anonymous 290493

…does water count as nourishing..i dont have anything else in the house..

Anonymous 290494

Tomato soup is the best soup

Anonymous 290495

NTA but I feel the same way as anon. It doesn’t make you “not a true friend” to dislike your friends bf… like what sort of kooky logic is that? Most women wouldn’t be able to have true friends if this was the case since most women have shit Nigels. It’s actually a sign of a really good friend imo if they stay your close friend even if you’re bringing a nigel around they don’t care for.

Anonymous 290496

Go back to TikTok please

Anonymous 290497

Let me be clear lol the husbands for some reason come to me for advice about arguments with their wives behind the wives backs, which I am not okay with and don't understand why they do considering that I'm their wives' friend first and foremost, and always have to disclose to this to the wives. This has happened with more than one couple and the experience is what informs my stance that the men aren't actual people while I continue to be friends with the wives because I care about them as people even if I don't agree with their choices to stay with subhuman moids.

Anonymous 290499

Honestly I want to move to the US if it is ever financially possible for me to do so for the sole purpose of owning a gun for my protection. Is this ambition retarded when I can stay here and enjoy my free healthcare? In my country guns are only allowed for hunting/sport and kept at home.

Anonymous 290500

okay i've been gone for days now. can somebody tell me what happend to lc?

Anonymous 290501

i cant stop crying

Anonymous 290502

Anonymous 290503

>It doesn’t make you “not a true friend” to dislike your friends bf… like what sort of kooky logic is that?
That's not what she said and that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying she's not a real friend because she "think less" of her heterosexual friends for being married. Wouldn't it be upsetting if her friends thought less of her for being a lesbian? It's just not a healthy way to think about people you call your friends, in my opinion. I don't have any friends I look down on, do you? That just sounds like a superiority complex to me.
Okay, thanks for clarifying, I misunderstood

Anonymous 290504

please dont anon…thats super retarded the US is a shithole. Granted it could be worse but the only reason we need to even consider having guns here is because insane moids walk around and shoot each other with them. dont give up true freedom anon…enjoy your free healthcare

Anonymous 290506

Guns are not good for personal safety statistically speaking. You'd have just about as much if not better luck with self defense classes that'll inform not only how to defend yourself but also your decision making processes in adverse situations. Remember that a weapon can always be taken from you and used against you while your body and mind, if trained, are reliable. Also, in a gun owning country the moids also have guns.
>t. I'm American and work with sexual assault crisis centers

Anonymous 290507

is lc gone forever?

Anonymous 290508

it lives on forever in our hearts

Anonymous 290510

What happened !!

Anonymous 290511

>Remember that a weapon can always be taken from you and used against you while your body and mind, if trained, are reliable. Also, in a gun owning country the moids also have guns.
This really needs emphasis. And the argument for guns never takes into account that you could be taken by surprise. Learning self defense is really the way to go.
I actually got her right here in my shirt pocket, but she doesn't wanna come out

Anonymous 290512

including you?

Anonymous 290513

Anonymous 290514

No worries, I think we just have different lived experiences. If you're truly happy with somebody who doesn't treat you like shit, then I'm happy for you– I do believe it can happen in het relationships, but I think it's very rare from what I've seen. Out of my friends (and the majority of my friends are straight women) I only have one who I'd say married a moid who truly respects and properly cares for her. Maybe you're one of those. But I hope you can similarly understand where I'm coming from.

Anonymous 290516

but you’re here too….

Anonymous 290517

This, "I think less of every woman besides myself and a dozen other schizos online" is straight up narc misogyny KEK

Anonymous 290518

>straight women's disability
kekkk the projection

Anonymous 290519

Nobody knows what happend to LC if they tell you they know they're lying

Anonymous 290520

I definitely can, because I've had plenty of friends and even my own mother go through really shit relationships. Maybe I'm using empathy to a fault, but women go through a lifetime of indoctrination and it's a hard cycle to beat, many women are trained to see themselves as second class, but I don't think less of them for that. Some women go through most of their lives before they break the cycle, like my grandmother. I'm glad you care about your friends and that you still are there for them even if you don't agree with their choices, I don't know your dynamic, I just hope you can have some understanding and compassion for them rather than just thinking they have some hettie disease. It is something that can be unlearned.

Anonymous 290522

This is why i wont date a moid, look at a moid, marry one, or have any child. How is anyone even capable of looking at them? It doesn't matter how nice they are IRL, they always still reek of some kind of entitlement

Anonymous 290523

me neither babe im sorry im there with u

Anonymous 290524

i have nothing to offer

Anonymous 290525

i was crying and my aunt texted me out of the blue asking if i was okay… how did she know…

Anonymous 290526

You both sound right. I hope to train to feel as safe and strong as I can under the circumstances. Do self defense classes really work on the mind and flight/fight/freeze response? Because I personally always go into freeze when threatened and always thought I had to work on that with therapy, but it would be really liberating and preferable if I could train myself to stay calm while also training my body. What keywords or modalities should I look for to target this?

Anonymous 290527

And they're always trying impose their depraved "morals" on you. But pretty much anything they say is gauranteed to be based in a lie, or some twisted perversion of morals. Its like they're so deep in their lies they dont even realize they live for lying 24/7

Anonymous 290528

I don't want to sound like a spicy straight, because I am not any percent of gay, but I don't understand how you can't understand lesbianism? You can acknowledge that women are beautiful, right? Like the curves of a female body are really pleasing to the eye, I even peak myself in the mirror. You can't understand how a woman could be sexually attracted to another woman based on that understanding alone?
Kek what a specific and personal post anon

Anonymous 290529

>How is anyone even capable of looking at them?
normal people arent nonverbal autists and can actually make eyecontact with strangers

Anonymous 290530

I spoke harshly out of anger, at the end of the day I will always be there for them because our friendship goes beyond our other relationships and I want them to know they always have somebody in their corner. I know that lesbians aren't immune to these sorts of shit relationships either. It's just a large source of frustration that when it comes to men a lot of the abuse comes from systemic enablement and many of my friends are programmed by society to not disentangle themselves from that and often to continue to suffer for it. But female solidarity will always be my priority at the end of the day.
I'm glad we can have a somewhat civil exchange on this even if there's some bad faith springboarding off of our replies from other anons.

Anonymous 290531

Oh i pretend to tolerate them all day long, but actually believing anything they say? Its like peering into the void to listen to them moralize about anything.

Anonymous 290532

Men are the enemy class. Trannoids are males. Therefore they are the enemy. Never forget.

Anonymous 290533

Men are the enemy class. Trannoids are males. Therefore they are the enemy. Never forget.

Anonymous 290534

>at the train station
>have trouble getting my ticket at the machine
>line keeps getting longer
>girl behind me tries to help
>show her the ticket on my phone
>accidentally switch the browser tab to yaoi
>try to go back to my ticket
>accidentally switch the browser tab to ao3
i’m going to kill myself

Anonymous 290535


>I'm glad we can have a somewhat civil exchange on this even if there's some bad faith springboarding off of our replies from other anons.
Same nona, I actually really appreciated this conversation <3 I take back what I said above, you definitely sound like a really great friend

Anonymous 290536

Show us what yaoi picture it was I need the full context kek

Anonymous 290537

initial gun here. training hard in grappling arts like jiu jitsu or krav maga can give you a decent chance in a female-on-(unconditioned)-male wrestling match, but that’s really one of the only forms of bodily “self defense” training that can allow women a chance against an opponent with greater size and muscle mass. and that’s IF the woman trains a lot, and IF the man is a noob when it comes to physical altercations. ive taken self defense classes and all it took was a guy grabbing my wrists and holding me in place to incapacitate me. the cute little wrist twist technique they teach you in basic self-defense did jackshit. like theres just nothing a woman can do physically against a man unless she gets really lucky. a woman with a gun who’s caught off guard is no better off in a fight than a woman without a gun who’s caught off guard. yes, the gun can be wrested from you in theory and you could get shot and killed, but if the man has an intent to kill or maim you he can strangle you quite easily and strangulation is a much more unpleasant way to go than a gunshot. a woman who regularly dry practices with her daily carry weapon can have a draw time of 1 second. that’s fucking fast. 5 minutes a day of dry practice will make you a better shot and a quicker shot than 90% of male gun owners, especially since the men who commit crimes with guns often have obtained them illegally and criminals don’t really train themselves. they have terrible aim compared to police officers and police offers don’t have great aim compared to someone who shoots and dry practices regularly. or you can train krav maga and lift weights for 6+ hours a week and just maybe have a chance against adam lanza.

the reality is that most people with guns don’t practice using them. especially the crime-committing ones . it takes relatively minimal daily practice with drills you can easily do at home to create a reflex arc, a draw time that’s shorter than a cop’s. i agree that guns are dangerous and a woman who doesn’t practice regularly shouldn’t be carrying one as it will be more of a liability than an asset to her. but self defense classes are a joke. ive experienced that first hand.

Anonymous 290538

Do you think lcf will really go up after weekend? I dont buy it.

Anonymous 290539

>a weapon can always be taken from you and used against you while your body and mind, if trained, are reliable
so just train both? this isn’t an “either or” situation. you can train your body and have a weapon. and the weapon will help you in physically unmatched situations. I feel bad that uk women can’t even carry pepper sprays.

Anonymous 290540

ahahha it reminds me of the time i had to use my sisters computer (previously the family computer) to look something up while my mom was present and the first thing we both saw was a discord server she was in that had a ton of nsfw yaoi pictures there

Anonymous 290541

~ I’m forming my own cloud here ~

Anonymous 290542

why not just screenshot the ticket

Anonymous 290544

Why are troons suddenly being brought up. It's rent free with some of you I swear to god.
Yes, a good women's self defense class will specifically train you through the freeze response because it's a common response. The classes themselves also inherently help to lessen that because they'll train a more automatic response to adverse situations through practice into you. Best of luck on your journey, !

Anonymous 290546

With my luck we would start sperging out over that happy accident

Anonymous 290547

Well written post gun nona
Yeah that's why we hate the whites too right nonnita

Anonymous 290548

God i would kill to have this sister

Anonymous 290549

the us and china are the only countries that matter and they're great

Anonymous 290550

Sweet Bears Hug.gi…

I dont know what your situation is but i hope you feel better !!!

Anonymous 290551

oh yeah im fully on board with training both. i personally havent taken any martial arts (yet) but a woman who has both martial arts training and a honed draw is the definition of a badass

Anonymous 290552

Troons could never live rent free in women's heads as much as women live rent free in troons' heads. Fuck off tone police.

Anonymous 290554


Thanks , you sound like a pleasure to know as well. I hope you have a good weekend, spend some quality time with your loved ones.

Anonymous 290555

When is LC coming back

Anonymous 290556

Please give me time to escape Canada before you nuke, just like an hour I'm really close to the border

Anonymous 290557

word up my fellow hetsis! if we just keep saying it surely one day we'll wake up and it won't be true

Anonymous 290558

trust me it’s not what you think

Anonymous 290559

It is "either or" for me, which is the question anon was responding to. Do I move to the US to be able to carry, giving up my free healthcare and other citizenship benefits, or do I stay and train without a weapon, because I do live in the UK where yes we cannot carry even pepper spray, so what am I supposed to do? Like I said before, guns here are only allowed for sport, so think the huge shotguns and such which must be left at the club or locked up at home. You can't carry so much as a butter knife without risking arrest. So you tell me, n0ni.
If I gave up my life to train with a gun, I would do all I could to make it a useful weapon so if that means training every day I'll do that. Everything you've described is why I'm considering the move to the US because it's ultimately disheartening how nerfed I am by my biology. But if training martial arts helps, I can try. Anecdotally most moids are ugly sackless pieces of shit who rely on their testosterone to give them strength and haven't trained since they were a teenager in school sports while the gym freaks conversely have a healthy outlet for their emotions which makes them more docile. Or maybe this is just cope.

Anonymous 290560

It isn't true anymore. Scrotes are toast we will live for cats and solitude in the end and the shitty ones will die out because we'll stop breeding with them.

Anonymous 290561


We're playing bas-ket-baaaall we love that bas-ket-baaaall

Anonymous 290562

Can you read?

Anonymous 290563

girls would you get back together with a guy if he broke a promise abt not watching hentai while dating you but then tells you he'll never do it again and that he will never fap to anyone but you until the day he dies even if you break up

Anonymous 290565

Its already happening as we speak. The birthrate is in the toilet kekekekekek

Anonymous 290567

Girl it's so pathetic of him that this is even an issue, you can do better lol

Anonymous 290568

I wish I could ban you for even asking this. Go find the definition of the words "lip service" and write it down three times.

Anonymous 290569

Read what, where im trying to find the thing to read

Anonymous 290570


Anonymous 290775

Men who hang around spaces for women's passion projects tend to be looking for prey. This is why it's important to be a bit standoffish and cold to them, until they prove that they're genuinely there for the cause.

Anonymous 290832

>I have ADHD and I need lolcow, NOOOOOOWWW
I sincerely hope we get our beloved cozy cow pasture back before the weekend is up. I'm kind of excited to see all the milk s are curating and waiting to drop on our cows. I wonder if Shayna is finally homeless? Tuna I'm guaranteeing nothing has changed. Has Venus lost even more teeth?? I must know!

Anonymous 290975

i've left my cats for 2 nights max without a visitor and theyre fine, just a little annoyed with me. i got a cheap pet camera for 20$ to check on them. if you can get someone to visit at least once to top off their food it should be totally fine :) they will just sleep most of the time and await ur return anyway

Anonymous 291008

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