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Anonymous Admin 49939[Reply]

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Self harm addiction general Anonymous 98173[Reply]

A place to talk about and vent this particular issue.

I suppose questions to get started (don't feel obligated to answer any of this though, venting is fine too):
>How long have you been self harming?
>What made you start?
>What types of self harm?
>are you trying to quit?
>any effective alternatives/ways to minimize harm?
>why do you self harm?
>how does this effect your daily life?
>any other places you go for support?
>Treatment for old scars/damage?
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Anonymous 114803


I was never able to live normally as a teenager because of mental health issues. I'm in my 20s now and I'm trying to turn my life around. I recently got a job, which is a big step for me. But still, every few months I'll go into a tard rage where I get unreasonably upset and cannot think rationally. That's usually how the cutting happens these days. I have scars all over my arms from when I consciously chose to cut in my teenage years. My most recent cutting was a few months ago. They were bad, worse than I thought. Thankfully it didn't come to infection, but I was afraid it would. The freshest ones are very visible and I'm terrified that my place of work will notice, see me as unfit, and fire me.

Anonymous 115436

One thing I’ve always wondered with self harm is why they don’t just go to the gym instead. An hour on the assault bike is more agony/endorphin release that those lil papercuts will ever be. Plus you’ll get a really sexy body too instead of barcodes you have to cover up all the time.

Anonymous 115450

>sexy body
I would much rather keep my barcodes, thank you.

Anonymous 115462


I thought I posted a response to this and maybe I forgot to press send

either way
>is clean five months
>still ended up relapsing
>explain to me why endorphins from exercise aren't enough
>"w-why don't you just stop"
>its an addiction you dipshit

Anonymous 115463

I have dermatillomania and I feel like it'd be less embarrassing if I cut myself all over like the girl in sharp objects
I know that's horrible to say and isn't true but derma is uniquely disgusting and makes me look like I have scabies or leprosy or do drugs


i am seriously considering suicide Anonymous 115460[Reply]

I am a senior in college doing STEM , yeah real original woman in stem. I love research the lab i am a part of is fun but no matter how much work or time i put in for the post doc its never enough, ive stayed til 2 am in the lab helping her and trying to get my own experiments done. Ive tried my best these past few weeks but have been unable to submit work on time due to her not providing me the data i need to complete it. She has been driving me insane and its made me feel worthless, i keep regretting this field now shes actually draining the love for it out of me and its making me reconsider everything in my life and if ive made a mistake putting too much time and money into this degree. I have not felt happy for months and i actually missed 2 of my periods just from the stress of it all i cant sleep i keep throwing up and im constantly shaking and every muscle in my body feels tight. I cant do this anymore and i dont know what i can do to get out of it, i dont want disappoint anyone and i know this might be me being dramatic or weak but its so hard

Anonymous 115461

nona would it be possible to let your teacher know about this if you haven’t already? I would also suggest talking to a student counselor


sexual dimorphism and diet Anonymous 112769[Reply]

why does it seem like sexual dimorphism fails at enhancing both genders? like, if a country produces tall men, they must also produce tall women. or vice versa. that's kind of sad. i feel like in an ideal world, all the women would be tiny and the men would be muscley and bear like. it's just hawt, i dunno.

i can only really imagine that maybe diet can enhance both genders' sexual dimorphism. apparently, sexually dimorphic diets do exist in nature, with the siberian ibex's (a type of wild goat) eating behaviors containing more biomass, while the female siberian ibex eats lesser foods, but with higher nutritional quality. it's interesting to think how sexually dimorphic behaviors evolve in different species of animals, and how humans have unconsciously (or consciously) adopted these types of behaviors as well.
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Anonymous 114492

if you want women to be more like men you hate women. if you want men to be more like women you hate men. you're not talking about 98% of the problems on earth, you're talking about your one personal problem which is that you hate everyone on earth.

Anonymous 114498

Cool conclusion. How did you come to it?

Anonymous 115155

thats what i mean. i just like size differences for some reason

Anonymous 115156

>I want patriarchy to be enforced on a biological level because it makes my pussy tingle
To be a feminist is to try and free those who enjoy their imprisonment

Anonymous 115459

but lots of guys and women like it


Anonymous 115451[Reply]

i am obsessed with my bf, just looking at him brings very much joy. but here is the issue, i am very depending on him, cant do much on my own and my mood changes based on his mood. im clingy, overly hugging/kissing. idk i just fear that he losses intrest in me and thrn im alone. he is my first kiss and sex so it would be very damaging mentally if he left or so. he swears he doesn't but still i think of this. since we statted dating we have spend almost 24/7 with each others.

Anonymous 115452

For some relationships a dynamic like this works out, but it's not healthy. You should have hobbies and interests you can keep yourself busy with alone. There's so much you can do in life, you could make great things just by dedicating yourself to a meaningful hobby. But it doesn't even have to be something with a deeper meaning really, just have something that gives you joy outside of the relationship. Also make sure to still spend time with friends and family if you have the possibility.
You don't have to drastically reduce the time you're spending with him for now (or at all if you don't want to), just make sure that whenever you are on your own you'll have something you can do, something that brings you joy. Or maybe you can even pick up a hobby that involves crafting something and you can make stuff for him? Just make sure you're not an empty shell of a human being without him.
Maybe work on why you don't want to be alone too. And be careful, you're giving him a lot of power over you but I assume you already know that and if that's what works out for you I'm not going to tell you to stop. Take care nona.


Anonymous 115453[Reply]

I recently visited my long-distance boyfriend, and at first, everything was great intimacy wise. But on the sixth day, when he initiated, he started to get soft, and we didn't end up having sex. He said his dick was hurting and I was upset, so we stopped. For the next four days, we didn't have sex at all, and today I left. We were drinking a lot and doing physically exhausting activities, so maybe that was it. What worries me the most is the fact that he said he has never had this problem before with other girls. Is it over?

Anonymous 115454

>he said he has never had this problem before with other girls
Why would he bring that up? Did you ask about it specifically?
Overall no, it's not over because of that. Just make sure to communicate and ask him directly if it's an attraction issue or something else. Sometimes it just happens to guys for no specific reason I think. If you still want to make it work just calm him down and make sure that he knows you're not going to judge him or be disappointed if it won't work another time. If he thinks you will, he'll be under a lot of pressure and that'll make everything worse.

Anonymous 115456

>other girls
It was over before it began. Imagine wasting time on a long distance slut.

Anonymous 115458

Moved to >>>/nsfw/13621.


Consequences of actions Anonymous 113496[Reply]

So when I was 19 this old man raped me and purposefully gave me a lifelong sti. It’s called ‘gift-giving’ and the most fcked up thing I’ve come across. This man David happens to be a Singaporean billionaire I believe in the hotel business with his sister. What makes this even more sketchy is the fact that he goes by two names I think. Peter and David? Nothing about him on the web. 1 photo. His friend was there and he was staying at the como hotel so pretty sure he’s got something to do with that. Now I’m 27 now and I want fckin justice. It’s actually more than just the rape and sexual assault. It’s the fact that these ultra-wealthy people think that they can just do as they please?! I just messaged him and he is saying that he’s going to sue me for defamation of character lol like I have nothing to sue. He also got off on the fact that I was covered in self harm scars and the fact that my father had raped me whilst growing up. Are men just not the most repulsive species?! I just honestly want no one coming near me ever again I think they are fucking vile the lot of them. Also I can’t be the only girl that this has happened to. He showed me all these girls he was talking to on his phone. I just hate men I can’t explain how vile I find them. So I’m going to report him to the Singapore police department because honestly I’ve had enough of men thinking they can do as they please with no fking consequences. I’m not from Singapore btw I’m from the uk but going to file a report online. These ultra-wealthy people think that they are untouchable it’s a joke. Probs got a whole legal team but I don’t give a shit like bring it bitch
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Anonymous 115357


Is it this dude by any chance?

Anonymous 115416


Thanks for the support guys the whole thing has been really isolating :( I’m pretty sure it was this guy. Fuck all information about him on the internet though

Anonymous 115417

I’m pretty sure it was something to do with the como hotels. There was another guy there who was his ‘friend’ with another girl and he was staying there. The whole thing was so fked up they were both sort of taking turns with her too. I know he had just got divorced as he was whining about how hiis wife got the house in London I think

Anonymous 115418

Also he has like 5 dogs or something insane and was showing me vids of him horse riding. I wish I could go back in time and just have stayed in bed. Meeting this man was my biggest regret. The amount of emotional distress this man has caused me, let alone the physical. I really hope he dies soon so I can be left alone. Funny you say about the parasite thing I’ve had some wild pain in my lower right had side for the longest time. Think you are right about the police I was thinking more TikTok or Twitter, also because I want to find the other girls this has happened too

Anonymous 115449

There's gotta be at least pro-bono lawyer who wants to take on a billionaire.


Loneliness Anonymous 114684[Reply]

I'm 18 years old and this is my first time on Crystal Cafe. I currently have no friends in person and barely any friends online. I feel very lonely and unmotivated to do anything. I live with my dad only and we never spend quality time. He's always on his phone even when I try to spend time with him and we never had a good relationship anyways. My mom lives in another country and she never tries to genuinely try to talk and connect with me
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Anonymous 114689


join the air force

Anonymous 114706

Go to college and get the hell out of there.

Anonymous 114715

leave image boards and never look back

Anonymous 114739

True. Loneliness can suck sometimes, and it can feel like you're missing something important. Friendship is kinda like happiness though; you don't get happy looking for happiness, and you don't get friendship looking for friends. You just kinda go about life and do things that you think are important, and gradually people will be drawn to you. You're a good person and I'm sure there are plenty of great qualities to like about you, but no one's going to be able to see that if you're just seeking friends. I'm not trying to say that's what you're currently doing, you're probably just pointing out that you're lonely and it sucks. It does suck; it sucks away your motivation. You've just gotta make little goals for yourself. Go on walks during the day. Find a job. Read a book. Something other than rotting away here. Best of luck nona

Anonymous 115448


Why not try joining any online communities? Look for some discord servers related to your interests, I recommend the ones with around 50 members or less if you find it difficult to get into conversations with lots of people you don't know.
>no friends in person
Have any plans for the future? Interested in taking any sort of classes or picking up some hobby? If so, that's another way to meet people and make friends.

Sorry, this is kind of pretty standard advice but it really is the best way to meet people and make friends.
Try to invest time in those things you wanna do or have been meaning to. For those things you get really into, try to set little goals for yourself related to said activity, and use them as motivation. Wanna read more books? Make a goal of reading a new book each week. Wanna try drawing? Make sure to find some time during the day where you focus only on drawing. I think you get the idea.
And lastly, make sure to go outside every once in a while, better if you can do it every day. Take a walk, relax in a nice spot, take pictures of things you like or do whatever else if you are able to do so safely, I know some places aren't the best for talking a walk.


I hate the “evolutionary explanation” for homosexuality. Anonymous 113784[Reply]

Around when there was a big cultural push for gay normalization in the mid/late 00s, to pair with the “born this way” idea, this trash sprung up. That gay people exist just to supply resources and parenting to the other siblings. I hate it. For one, it’s only ever brought up with respect to males even though I have literally never heard of any gay males helping any of their siblings in any manner whatsoever. The richest gay men on earth generally have distanced themselves from their “loser” siblings. It’s only even plausible with lesbians. And in that case, it’s not some instinctive evolutionary drive to help. It’s literally beaten into every XX with an XY sibling since birth that they don’t matter and should fawn to and help the scrote at all times. If lesbians are more helpful to their siblings, it’s only because being a “dead end” makes their parents push them into being sacrificial meat for the grinder to help the others.

The spread of this stupid lie doesn’t affect gay males since they’re basically psychopaths; their reaction is to pat themselves on the back and say “yeah I’m helping” while not doing anything but get AIDS and be a burden or terror to their family.

It only affects XXs, who have souls and internalize that shit in a way that affects their behavior. The idea that my only purpose in life was to drag my brother far enough into adulthood to breed is disgusting and nightmarish on an existential level. Especially since the implication is then that as soon as they stop providing resources to the other siblings they are worthless. Unlike gay men where being XY means they have inherent value.

Humanity is so evil that I don’t know what to do with myself.
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Anonymous 113996

honey i'm not straight, i just like 2D males
also if that's true where exactly would those straight women be getting their STDs from? you sound like a faggot moid

Anonymous 113998

>if straight men were able to have all the unrestrained sex they want
this doesn't argue against her point though does it? men with unlimited access to sex (gay males, alpha males) always have higher std rates than women who have unlimited access by default. so if men had sex whenever they wanted, its natural to see how std rates would spike x100 higher. trying to say otherwise is cope against male sexuality.

but even if we're talking about the population at large, straight incels wouldn't count as men since they're barely humans to begin with.

Anonymous 113999

slow damagee.jpg

Anonymous 114004

Anonymous 115445



So sad it's too late and that in a way, it was maybe always impossible Anonymous 114018[Reply]

to find a nerdy self destructive incel type guy who somehow magically isn't actually a raging misogynist (or at least isn't a threat to you) and into hentai or any other degen shit (besides femdom eventually), and make him fully obsessed about you, dependent on you, hard the moment you touch him, etc… I'm already way too old for that shit anyways but recent memories have me pondering and longing.

picrel only to me, but that is my shame to carry…
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Anonymous 114433

So? are you forbidden to enter the uni ever again?

>>114019 is right, they're not super hard to find.

Anonymous 114506

>or any other degen shit (besides femdom eventually), and make him fully obsessed about you, dependent on you, hard the moment you touch him
wtf that's so nice

Anonymous 115429

Oh man I thought I was the only one who has the hots for Shkreli.

Anonymous 115443

Fuck off.

Anonymous 115444


If he's obsessed enough, his interest in other degenerate media will probably decrease. I have a pathetic man fetish though.

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