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Anonymous Admin 49939[Reply]

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Anonymous 119780[Reply]

i literally cant maintain sexual attraction to men i am into romantically. its like a madonna whore complex for girls i h8 it so bad man. i can only love a man when i have a desire to protect him but i only feel arousal for a man when i want to ruin him :<< i only rly had sexual attraction to my most recent ex when we argued or when i was just mad at him

Anonymous 119784

So what? Sorry to be a pickme but being repulsed by a guy is literally how women put up with scrotes. Sexually not attracted but maybe emotionally or intellectually.

Anonymous 119799

>being repulsed by a guy
That's the exact opposite of the problem she described.
She said:
>i only rly had sexual attraction to my most recent ex when we argued or when i was just mad at him
Now, imagine someone who has sexual attraction triggered specifically by shitty and abusive behavior. Is that person going to avoid shitty and abusive people and situations that make them mad? Is that person going to take every bit as much care with their personal relationships to select only people who are good for them and heckin wholesome adequate frienderinos? In real life?

Anonymous 119800

thank you yes i was not sure how to explain better 2 that nona


How can I 'fix' my life? Anonymous 118867[Reply]

I don't want to work and times I feel like being productive, I still end up doing the same thing every day; being online either browsing the web or playing games.
I stay up late and have tried changing my sleep schedule, and it stills ends up being the same. I heard those already with mental illness are more prone to being online a lot, like an addiction. I don't have the money for therapy, so I just have to find the will to do basic tasks and take care of myself, but don't know how.
I know the typical answer is to just "remove yourself from your devices and put yourself in a better environment" but I don't quite understand why I can't do something as simple as that. If you've ever been stuck in this kind of lifestyle and mindset, as severe as mine is or just for a short while, please help. I need your honest advice but also serious answers.
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Anonymous 119785

I did some work not enough and now I’m tired again. Why do I never get tired from being on the inter web

Anonymous 119788

Writing my thesis

Anonymous 119791

good job! academic work is way more effort than other things. you should try getting your blood checked. low iron or vitamin d is common in women and could be why you don't have a lot of energy.

Anonymous 119795

I do know I have low d (lol no not that)
Iron hmm I love spinach that can’t be it.
Thanks for the encouragement and it is also not academic because it’s college but thanks for thinking I’m a brainy. Really kind of you. TT-TT why are people kind to me this is why I love people after all

Anonymous 119797

image0 (1).jpeg

you seem really sweet. i'm in college too and I think its more work than people give students credit for. i'm glad you seem to be doing better.


Unsent Letter Thread Anonymous 115657[Reply]

Previous Thread >>2119
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Anonymous 119465

i didn’t die i just gained a new dark secret tonight. cool.

Anonymous 119769

your obsession with me makes me uncomfortable. i don’t want to talk to you i want to be left alone.

Anonymous 119781

All you ever did was try to cut me down to your level. You say I was your best friend but you were only nice to me when we were both miserable. I hope you are still watching, because I am going to become better than you in every way. Your jealousy will rot you from the inside out.

Anonymous 119783

Sounds like my ex friend but I had two best friends at one point. Sooo I don’t think you are her.

Anonymous 119796

Why am I weird for liking Sex and the City, I put up with your Chinese dramas


Anonymous 118981[Reply]

Why do many people who offer social skills advice act as if simply listening and asking questions is the right way to go?

A good connection happens very naturally between people making a genuine effort to understand eachother. You can't just ask questions like a job interview, otherwise it's totally one-sided and there is not really a connection. If they only talk about themselves and don't care about you, then you should just walk away.
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Anonymous 119761


I do this to try and get to know people and their social lives a little better. Mostly coworkers by asking them what they like to do on their days off.

Anonymous 119770

I kinda have an issue with that, I fail to 'connect' with someone, but my questions are so good they usually start opening up about very personal stuff with me. I've found stuff about people that they haven't said to their family or long-time friends after just talking to them for a bit.

It's a bit frustrating. At some point I get bored but I just keep asking well-placed questions and they're loving it, completely letting it all out. Like g'damn, shut up lol.

Anonymous 119792

I think its a good strategy but its a lot of work. if you keep asking people about them, eventually someones going to wanna talk to you also.

Anonymous 119793

I’m good at this too but bec I hate surface level questions and it feels like ive know someone I met 5 mintues ago my whole life.
Yet they get scared by my power and realise theyve said some personal stuff they don’t even want to talk about well … just life questions not even super deep stuff yk. Just like what do you wanna do for work study etc.
So yah.. idk it’s a super power but you have to control it but on the other hand it’s really boring to just talk about mundane sheit. I also get turned off though bu talking deep stuff with people I have only seen a few times or sometimes only once.

Anonymous 119794

I find the walking away part difficult sometimes but it also manifests in ways like they do listen to me but if I wanna hang out they will blow me off or they will hang out with me but have other friends to hang out with me later (I know they aren’t making them up) but it still hurts because I have no one I can just hang out with.
And this one girl I wanted to be her friend. She was one of the I hang out with my friends later after this girls. I already clocked she wasn’t really a friend friend maybe not intentionally she was really friendly though but idk I saw who her friends were. They are the ones who ask her to go clubbing and do activities etc. And they wear makeup style their hair, she in particular has a new hairstyle every week. It’s normal if you have tight curly hair sidenote so nothing wrong with that but I wish I could wear makeup etc etc. But man why do I not look. Stop. I’m incoherent and starting to digress.

My point is I just knowwwwwee that I can’t ve her friend. She has other friends they seem like “popular type” girls. And idk I know they are gonna think I’m weird and I like hanging one on one mostly. And she and her friends hang out weekly, yeah she can hang out with me a bit but like…. It doesn’t feel like she appreciates the friendship enough if she can’t just block out time for us as friends so that if we want to hang out longer, there’s nothing in the way to hang put for hours because we want to yk.

So she did msg me but I didn’t reply back. I don’t think she and I an be friends even though she is kinda nice. Also we have the same major and I don’t want to talk about school stuff at all. It gives me anxiety. It feels like we are comparing ourselves to each other yk, it sucks.

Another reason is I don’t want to invest in the friendship knowing she has enough other friends, only to be left hanging. I’ve had this before happen to me and she didn’t have other friends it was just her cousins she didn’t even hang out with them often but tell me why she hung out with them instead of me … when I really needed to hang out with someone. (Overuse of the word: hang out sorry)
But yeah I don’t want to invest in something knowing that I’m not gonna be important to the other person anyways. Sometimes you just have to take a loss yk, so I didn’t reply back because no I’m not investing in friendship that I won't be hPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

The28thidiot - 183…

Lonely life Anonymous 119497[Reply]

Who would have known. Turns out that my paranoid unhealthy bullshit is a detriment to my character. I have lost my only true close friend because of a falling out and it seems that I have lost contact with them so no matter how much I want to try to make amends, it won't happen. It takes a lot of conscious effort for me to truly be close to someone because I am scared of not being in control of my feelings and letting my paranoid delusions get to me, and I thought maybe this would be different despite the issues between us (we both don't have the best mental health.) But it turns out, not really. I've always been isolated from my peers ever since childhood. I don't work; I got an informal job before but my cognition wasn't up to it. My hobbies are mostly isolated like drawing and writing. I've always had a lonely life. Friends come and go, but it seems they always go in the most painful ways possible. I always had looming dread whenever I had this close relationship, even when my friend was as nice and understanding as possible, like I was not enjoying it at all or being conflicted about being happy or scared. But at least despite that, I was a bit more in control of my emotions and my friend made me smile a lot. But now, everything is a mess. It might take a while to be more stable, but this is nothing new to me. Maybe I should just keep to myself more, and I should just be more accepting of an isolated life.
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Anonymous 119512


shit nona, seems from what I read we have the same issue. I'm paranoid schizo. I don't have many people because I shut everyone out. When I do allow someone in, I am quick to ruin it because of my paranoid episodes that they are out to get me like everybody else. I was a lonely child growing up, had early diagnoses of conditions that impaired my ability to stabilize and understand my emotions. Nobody enjoys being around me because one wrong word can and will set me off into extreme distrust and make me spiral. Everyone feels as if they are walking on eggshells around me. I'm working on this issue with my partner. Your paranoia is just that, paranoia. Whatever happens, happens and that is what needs to be accepted. It's true that everything happens for a reason. I wish you luck!

Anonymous 119513

I used to have the same issue. Getting a bf cured my loneliness, no joke.

Anonymous 119552

I don't want a boyfriend. I don't think I'll even want a friend.

Anonymous 119759

Unfortunately thisss but he can be a moid sometimes ugh

Anonymous 119789


NTA moids can only take so much.
I lost mine due to my paranoid episodes.
I also lacked confidence completely so we had little to no sex life.
I am my own worst enemy


Vent thread Anonymous 117577[Reply]

Previous >>115513
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Anonymous 119772

Oke I was gonna write my heart out but I should just put it in the drafts and start on a novel or on a comic instead. Sooo sorry nona’s no fun story to laugh at my life. I’m gonna write something everytime I feel sad. I know this dumb girl that wrote a bestseller this way.

Anonymous 119773

Is it a good idea to write my novel in the form of a fml crying terminally online shitpost? Idk. Is it?

Anonymous 119774

I have yet to watch the handmaidens tale is it really depressing? I can’t watch depressing shit rn my life is already shitto

Anonymous 119775

What job do you recommend for me I mean her… I’m an almost neet so can relate a bit and if begging that hard is more accessible kek then maybe she can’t work a normie job. So influencer? Artist? What job.

Anonymous 119786

she's not a neet, she works at a call center though so you can try that. but she has called in for a month straight and somehow managed to not get fired bc of her "Disability", POTS (symptoms: Dizziness, Fainting, Fast or slow heart rate, Anxiety, Excessive sweating, Fatigue, Headaches, Chest pain, Shakiness, and Brain fog.). so she requested to work from home bc she ultimately refused to go in bc she just hated working (don't blame her but its an easy ass job) and it was approved but even her first week of working from home she's called in.
anyway tldr, call center.

BPD Blues.png

What now? Anonymous 119395[Reply]

A few months ago I was diagnosed with BPD. And more recently PTSD.

It's nice to have answers. For over a decade I thought the brain fog I felt was due to malnutrition or something, but apparently it's because of depersonalization. That's just one example of many things.

I don't know very much about BPD. Every time it comes up in conversation it's either in reference to someone's abusive ex or as an insult.

Of course I crave love and intimacy. I've never been in a relationship before. I've never even had anyone ask me out. I have a lot of very complicated, very mood-swing-ey feelings about that. I feel like I'm almost trying to find shitty things about the human race to make me hate being around people, so that it hurts less to be alone. I think it's working. Right now I'm in a state of mind where I feel fine being alone. I'd rather be alone than risk hurting the people I love.

Anonymous 119733

You can't make everyone happy

Anonymous 119782

I would say the next step would to probably go to a therapist to work on managing overwhelming emotions and thoughts. As well as addressing any issues stemming from your trauma. Just try to be open and honest with yourself and be receptive to change.

Good luck, try not to forget about the good people <3 (but still be mindful of the bad ones)


Anonymous 118725[Reply]

No idea what to study or do with my life, I’m just working half time at fast food

I have a good head but got burned out and after going to a psych ward after graduation my mental health only declined

Would like to know what kind of job or study y’all have

What even is a good career this days??
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Anonymous 118777

Just find a devoted moid paypig
Worked for me, no risk of cheating, he is smitten by me

Anonymous 118785

I really want to write smut but I don't thik I am going to be good enough. I really don't like some of the books that are out there and think I could do better but I am so embaressed about getting published and people seeing what I write in my spare time.

I wanted to go to school for biochem but i was a bad student kusogaki brat and got to stressed out.
Checked, you hit the jackpot sis you scissoring with lady luck. Keep the moid on a short leash for me.

Anonymous 119767

Please do write smut follow your dreams nonnita

Anonymous 119771

I work as an admin assistant. Pretty easy work with lots of downtime. I work remotely so I just read & scroll on my phone for the majority of the work day. I also like categorizing my inbox so that is also a perk.

Anonymous 119779

Sounds like a dream, I really want a wfh job but no luck so far. I’m considering working in office or even at a supah.


Are lesbian relationships more empathetic and loving than het ones? Anonymous 119649[Reply]

Bisexual nona here, since being pinkpilled and observing male behavior ive wondered if lesbian relationships are more kind and understanding than heterosexual ones. It seems like women(myself included) to prioritize bonding and emotional intimacy and a deep bond.
(talked to moids before never gotten to even dating just some interest ig and self inserted into f4f fanfic and have sexual/romantic feelings for other women.so i have no experience just wanted to put that out there.)

Anonymous 119776


Anonymous 119777


Anonymous 119778


lol no

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