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Breast binding and reducing breast size Anonymous 21329[Reply]

Any advice for someone that wants a smaller chest?

Anonymous 21330

Learn to love yourself.

Anonymous 21331


there is no way to safely bind your breasts. you cannot reduce your chest size without surgery.

Anonymous 21332

Tell yourself bigger breasts are masculine the same way bigger testicles are thought to be. If you are doing it for the high fashion look then its not worth it.Don't experiment with weird shit breasts can develop cancer just keep them healthy.

Anonymous 21350

a-cup nona here you don’t want small tits idk maybe you have back pain

Anonymous 21352

Compression / high impact sports bras if you just want the "look" but be careful it's not as harmful as proper chest binding but it's not really…good… for you either.


Veganism Thread Anonymous 21300[Reply]

Have you tried going vegan? What are your thoughts on it?
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Anonymous 21333

Anonymous 21338

Same. The Zizians troon cult has also made me go anti vegan aka eat all them nutrient rich meats from factory farms. Don’t forget to eat your omega 3 eggs too :)

Anonymous 21339

Will just stop oil make you become an oil baron? Will peta make you purchase two unspayed/neutered cats to create a kitten mill? Get a grip. It's pathetic to abandon your principles for such a ridiculous reason.

Anonymous 21340

I just like meat. Simple as.

Anonymous 21351

That's really petty and sad, ngl.


Anonymous 21335[Reply]

How do you fix being anorexic/under weight/eating disorders?

Anonymous 21336

You need to turn yourself into a gym girlie and deal with your issues that have caused this

Anonymous 21337

The opposite of how fat people lose weight.

Anonymous 21341

I went all-in. It was really hard mentally but helped me create a healthy relationship with food. I'm back at a normal weight and eat "normally" but I still count calories.

Not sure if the other nona was being genuine but a lot of fitness influencers started as a way to combat eating disorders.

Anonymous 21345

Yes I'm serious. I had BED and restricted eating habbits that I overcame by working towards a nice toned muscular body

Anonymous 21349

Sorry, Nona. I just have a distrust of the word "girlie." Good for you and I hope you're enjoying your healthy body. <3


Anonymous 20973[Reply]

Anyone else feel like they can't compete with these young, filtered, IG models? It feels like Instagram makes body images worse, especially for young women
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Anonymous 21028

>It feels like Instagram makes body images worse, especially for young women
The opposite for me. I used to have cripplingly low self-esteem until I entered a phase of following IG models and listening to kpop. Seeing how hard they all tried to be beautiful made me start pitying them instead of envying them or wanting them. Now I feel superior to them simply because I don't participate in or care about their sick game. You can free yourself too, anon.

Anonymous 21262

Why do you need to compete?
I stopped using Instagram/almost all social media (LinkedIn for work is the exception) years ago, and I've never been happier. I get all my fashion inspiration from older Japamese mooks, and it's refreshing to see less heavily-edited women enjoying fun clothes.
Why would you even want to attention of someone that finds AI-tier instagram models attractive?

Anonymous 21274


Anonymous 21303


You know you don't have to right

Anonymous 21347

i wouldn't envy this woman… imagine being a nordic goddess and throwing it all away to be a weeb

kyua moonrightoh.j…

How do I make my chest grow? Anonymous 19456[Reply]

Yes, I know, we're only obssesed about our chest size because of men running society, and backpain, and all that, I get it, I do.
But you gals don't understand what's it like to be flatter than an A cup
Please don't suggest implants, nothing that requires surgery please
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Anonymous 20338

>unpasteurized milk
retard spotted stopped reading

Anonymous 20339

you're the fucking retard. Literally everybody drank unpasteurized milk before 1947. The only thing it does is give milk a longer shelf life and it was only made law was in order to push small dairy farms out of the industry who couldn't afford the pasteurization equipment.
Are you going to pasteurize your breast milk before giving it to your baby??

Anonymous 21217

>breast milk produced specifically for your baby is the same as raw milk from a random cow that you have no way of knowing how it's fed or how many diseases it has
okey retard

Anonymous 21219

ok but life expectancy was also single digits back then

Anonymous 21346

Flat boobs are so adorable and sweet and feminine. Most cute fashionable south-east asian girls on instagram are super flat and they wear clothes that look good and cute on them, that would look weird on anyone with over a B cup. Maybe take some inspiration from them? (Like thailand and vietnamese girls) (I'm a lesbian) (btw)


Diet Thread Anonymous 6210[Reply]

Who here is on a /diet/?

I'm 5'4 and 165lb and trying to lose some weight. I started a diet yesterday. Trying to eat lots of veg and lean proteins and keeping my total calorie intake below 800.I'm so hungry tho
How's your diet going?
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Anonymous 21287

Not eating meat is really weight loss on easy mode.

Anonymous 21294

It's only when I went from portion sizes to calories/100g that I realized just how heavy meat makes you. I remember what a trip it was to eat more and gain less. I agree, its easy mode (if you can get into that mindset/make the sacrifice)

Anonymous 21295

anyone else on weight loss meds in addition to dieting? any good experiences? bad ones?
i'm going to a weight loss clinic in a few days and chances are they'll give me ozempic or something. i'm fat due to a binge eating disorder (and bad/lazy lifestyle) and i'm hoping this can get me to a place where i can get up and exercise without immediately being in pain. i'm tired of being fat, nonas. please tell me medical intervention can help me get a place where i can help myself T_T

Anonymous 21343

So far my monthly deficit is at 4,170 calories. It's looking like I'll lose another kg this month if I keep this pace. Yesterday I realized I'm a lot happier with how my stomach looks.

Anonymous 21344

800 cals for a day is too low you will wreck your metabolism. Use a calorie calculator


Disability general Anonymous 11446[Reply]

I don't think there has been a thread for those who might have some form of disability here. This thread is for discussing any problem related to a disability, it can be a mental or physical problem as long as this thread can help you feel less alone in this struggle it is all that matters. I personally have issues related to my hearing, I am curious to see if other anons do too here.
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Anonymous 21277

Im guessing your ok with your husband speaking to you like that, because your still with him.

Anonymous 21279

Honestly I'm in my 30s and yeah, it's embarrassing. Everyone else at the rehab center is elderly. My memory and recollection is only like 85% of what it should be. I got assigned a care manager as if I'm a person with Alzheimer's. But I need it.

I guess I appreciate that he's honest with his frustrationsinstead of hiding it and emotionally or physically cheating on me or leaving me. When we got together he didn't sign up to be a caretaker in his 30s, but now he is. I understand that's hard for him.

Anonymous 21280

I have an iq of 85 which means I'm only borderline mentally functioning.

Anonymous 21297

FND sucks. outside of the neurologist that diagnosed me, i've had to describe it to every other medical professional since they just don't know what the hell it is. really makes me feel like i'm just making shit up even though i've had to be hospitalized multiple times from FND symptoms.

Anonymous 21342

I looked up FND and the symptoms sound awful. Stay strong.


Anonymous 21307[Reply]

Why are there so many women with unbelievable fake lashes that are like the size of orange slices, are people meant to believe that those /aren’t/ just glued on with Chinese chemical goop?

Women actually tend to have shorter/thinner eyebrows than men, normally. We wear makeup like mascara, or wear fake eyelashes to extend them and make them more prominent.

Anonymous 21308

I plan on buying castor oil toregularly on my lashes and eyebrows as soon as I get my salary.hehehe cannot wait…it will take 3-6 months but better than eyelash serums ( to me )

Anonymous 21309

I'll never forget when I was in my 20s and out drinking with a mixed group of men and women. At the time I wore verrry heavy makeup. A guy said he like natural/minimal makeup "like mine." When askedcwhat he thought I had on he was like "uhhh mascara and lipstick?"

Anonymous 21321

wat makeup makes your eyes bigger

Anonymous 21325

You can find youtube tuts. One small tip to use lashes that are heavier on the outer side.

Anonymous 21328

i think big eyelashes can be cute. No one is under the illusion they're real aside from maybe moids who don't know any better


Artificial Wombs Anonymous 21078[Reply]

The technology behind artificial wombs has made leaps and bounds in recent years and we will soon see human trails. Right now they are only for premature babies that need more time in the womb, but someday they could fully gestate a baby from zygote to neonate. Personally, I think this will be the technology to end sexism once and for all. When childbearing is no longer associated with womanhood we will be valued for more than our reproductive systems. I can't wait, but I want to know how the other nonas feel.
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Anonymous 21322

why don't women just create a system around beating up underaged, disabled, sickly, and elderly moids?

Anonymous 21323

Why do you think we work mostly in childcare, social services and aged care?

Anonymous 21324


>bro women are totally the ones raping children in childcare roles trust me bro female nurses are actually the ones assaulting comatose moids

kek. there isn't a "we" scrotey. truly the matriarchy exists in a cripple's balls gawd bless.

Anonymous 21326

My mistake, I forgot for a second that women are a magical divine species somehow immune to basic human psychology

Anonymous 21327


go do a basic psychology and stick your dick into an Alzheimer's patient retard

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Water Water Everywhere But None To Drink Anonymous 21306[Reply]

So I finally calculated that I need 3L of water every day to stay hydrated properly but it is such a task actually. I have been only able to do 2.5 everyday. On days I'm less stressed drinking 3L is easy peasy but on strewsful days even drinking 2L feels like a task. How am I supposed to be a proper adult if I cannot even manage this. Hopefully summer will make it easy.

Anonymous 21314

Staying hydrated properly is a joke. Keep a bottle next to you and sip only when you feel thirsty. That's all you need.

Anonymous 21315

I will keep that in mind ^^.

Anonymous 21319

Also keep in mind the color of your urine. If it looks like pure water you're drinking too much, dirty yellow you're drinking too little. The ideal is a light yellow.

Anonymous 21320

I watched a youtube short about this.If I remember correctly the white means the body is passing protein. Now I don't know if this is excess protein or the protein the body felt like passing

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