
Lolcow Bunker Thread #31 Anonymous 290574
Anonymous 290575
>>290563Please stop dating coomers kek. They don't stop just because you ask them to. Don't force yourself to stay any longer and learn the hard way.
Anonymous 290577
One of the most cautionary tales of /snow/ history has got the be the Commander Holly saga. That shit was crazy. Suzy had popping threads for a hot second, everybody compared her to Holly, awww look at her and Ross's relationship. Then Suzy's threads die off and Holly was outed as the world's BIGGEST self-pitying pickme. She literally gave up her online reputation and fame to double down on being a cheating, back-stabbing pickme for a guy who totally wiped his hands of her after he was done. I just know Suzy was feeling great about herself when it was all unfolding.
Anonymous 290579

I'm heart broken, but somehow this thread pic seems more appropriate for the current vibe kek. I guess we can save picrel for the next thread
>>290563Absolutely not.
Anonymous 290580
>>290563Please get some self esteem. Dating someone who likes hentai is pathetic. Also, when men say they'll stop watching porn for you they're lying.
Anonymous 290581
gun n0na from previous thread please dont move to the US just because of guns for self defense, thats the most retarded thing you could do. Like not only do you have to worry about stabbings also in the US you also have to worry about moids with guns.Dumbest move ever. Don't be retarded, please. im saying this for your own good
Anonymous 290584
What is everyone's favorite moment in lcf history? Pretty basic but mine is Luna smearing her face with ash KEKKKK
Anonymous 290586
>>290582kek dont worry the creator has other games on his profile i doubt thats true
Anonymous 290589
Do you guys self identify on job applications? I do but I'm starting to feel like I shouldn't.
Anonymous 290590
>>290589maybe if youre a minority, i dont have enough refrences to get a job :(
Anonymous 290591
>>290579ah I’m sorry nona </3 your threadpic is cute too
Anonymous 290592
>>290584keekweek was fun, mystery's post reveal and the birth of nemu's thread was also fun. fought with anons shilling nemu as just some innocent but quirky yume uwu and got very smug when her thread blew the fuck up.
Anonymous 290593
>"cheating" on your boyfriend with a woman
Anonymous 290594

>>290584When shoe went on to get married and have a baby after getting dumped by Preggory. Around this time, Preggory started doom posting and ebegging on his yt community page, and his channel is pretty much dead while shoe is still doing well for herself on yt kek. Say what you want about shoe's husband, I still think it's hilarious how this turned out for armoredfupa.
Anonymous 290595
>>290593I don't get it, what's funny about that.
Anonymous 290596
every time i see art from this faggot it's just the most horrid faggotry to have ever graced my eyes.
Anonymous 290598

>>290584It's pretty recent but the Kaitlyn Tiffany thread was just a really magical moment. The thread was going so fast the site was crashing. I love when anons come together to be really wild and silly together.
Anonymous 290599
>>290559I'm sorry n0na, I can't even imagine living someplace where I couldn't even carry something as inoccuous as a pocket knife to cut loose strings off my clothes or slice a sandwich in half. I read about a lot of violence in the UK and it's scary, unless you live in the countryside I'd be terrified every time I left the house. The USA is really nice save for a few crappier cities which are easy to avoid, as long as you stay out of the denser city centers and live a little ways outside of downtowns, you're good. Smaller cities are best, think around 150k pop or lower. I live about ten minutes from a largeish city's downtown and it's so clean, I see women and children out walking alone, everyone feels safe here. And we can also carry as much protection as we want. If you choose a state without strict gun laws, you don't even need a license to carry, such as Texas or Montana. I have visited Europe and I loved it, but I truly love America the most and I think you'd like it here. And plus, people here are really friendly, so much friendlier than Europeans who are honestly quite cold and rude compared to Americans. Of course this is regional and depends on where you go, but in a lot of places people wave and smile and want to get to know you. Maybe I'm just used to it but I think it's nice.
Anonymous 290604
I got some pumpkin spice and chocolate cookies this past week. I can’t decide if I like them but I keep eating them.
Anonymous 290605
>>290584Kiki's unhinged spam and post reveal, when nonis shitposted about the background moid(I forgot his name by now) in one of Aly's numerous Instagram posts,
>>290598 and Elaine's initial haxxor spergouts over her own thread.
Anonymous 290607

Nick came back from his break thin talking like a Disney villian
Anonymous 290608

OH. MY FUCKING. GOD?? What is happening I feel like I'm tripping out
Anonymous 290610
>>290607I know he used ozempic but that settles it. I can lose the weight.
Anonymous 290611
>>290594shoe is still a pickme dumb bitch, i pity her baby and her cuckolded husband. im happy to see she looks fat as fuck from the baby weight
Anonymous 290612
Lucinda tier bulimia
Anonymous 290613
>>290610im wondering if he spent even longer losing the eight and his more recent uploads were old videos. so instead of losing it in 7 months its actually been a year or something…or drugs. or surgery. i dont think ozempic can do this in 7 monhs can it?
Anonymous 290614
>>290602>>290607I was so focused on the bald head I didn't even realize he's skinny. Ozempic claims another soul.
Anonymous 290615
>>290607nonas don't say the word
cado. raiders use to post porn of him here
Anonymous 290616
Status says they’re going to try to fix lolcor over the weekend. I’m so tired. Why can’t they just be transparent?
Anonymous 290617
>>290616hahaha the site was supposed to be up on MONDAY
Anonymous 290618

I feel like I fell into an alternate dimension
Anonymous 290619
>>290616Lies…. anytime the farms go down this hard I expect them to stay down for two weeks MINIMUM.
Anonymous 290620
>>290613at the start of this video he says he hasn't made a video in 2 years, he was posting old videos
Anonymous 290621
>>290618I love how all the comments are just utter shock kek.
Anonymous 290622
>>290620I wouldn't completely buy what he's saying though, especially after calling he called that shit a social experiment kek
Anonymous 290623

>>290618My edible is fucking hitting right now oh my god this is surreal.
Anonymous 290624
>>290620Personally I don't care what's real or what was recorded when, this is a really great troll regardless. The way people are reacting is fun to watch and it definitely shocked me
Anonymous 290627
why does this shitty website ban you for no reason
Anonymous 290629
any n0nas know how to keep press on nails on without totally demolishing your nails? took a set off today and my nails are thin as paper and jagged at some ends… I may have filed too much? I attempted to take them off nicely with a bowl of water and oil but I think they still got ripped off.
Anonymous 290630
excuse you? i was just making a statement on shoe. i think shes pathetic for this trad switchup bc her being gregs sexdoll is still archived (well.. if lolcow comes back.. now i have a massive hankering for a reread.) i think her and preg both have made fools of themselves and neither have truly matured. i was shocked to see her fat pig nose ass gave birth. i have not kept up at all with her
her hubby is a short overweight ugly dude, love to see it
Anonymous 290631
>>290629You will have to take breaks from wearing them, there's really no other way.
Anonymous 290632
>>290598omg no…. azur lane, idolmaster, touhou
Anonymous 290633
>>290620hasnt he been posting weight loss videos for a long time? i remember him posting a video about how he lost 150 or some shit
Anonymous 290635
>>290629what are you using to attach them? the sticky tabs are better than the glue and get soft with heat.
Anonymous 290636
>>290633he gained it all back after that one
Anonymous 290637
>>290614There's nothing to claim. Pretty sure he stopped having a soul a long time ago.
Anonymous 290638
>>290635are the sticky tabs good for long-term wear? the other n0na is probably right, a break would be best, but I just enjoy the ease of having cute nails for a long time at a cheap price. I filed too much since I wanted to wear the nails for over a week and that was the main advice, they pretty much all fell off within that time anyways though.
Anonymous 290639

why do historical photos of women make me so sad
Anonymous 290640
>>290629For your damaged nails, start taking zinc if you aren't already. Apply jojoba oil regularly, too. Biotin is also supposed to help with thin nails but it makes me break out in fucking acne so I don't take it.
Anonymous 290641
>>290632I wanna know why the hell touhou is on there it doesn't belong. I know moids like it and moids are gonna moid but the actual games have zero coom
Anonymous 290643
>>290641anon, the characters are a bunch of little girls. you already know what kind of audience that tends to attract.
Anonymous 290644

>>290639Do these happy girls from my home town make you feel sad nona
Anonymous 290645
How do I get over a shitposting/trolling addiction? Moids have such good meltdowns if you hit the right spots and I end up spending my evenings trolling them…. It’s fun but everything needs to be enjoyed in small doses. I want my evenings back
Anonymous 290646
>>290643Yeah, that's why I said moids are gonna moid. But the games themselves aren't coomery at all. I feel like whoever wrote that couldve picked a better example idk.
Anonymous 290647

I need to take a shower but I don’t want to
Anonymous 290648
>>290638try those clear nail strengtheners they sell
Anonymous 290649
>>290647please shower n0nny, you're stinking up the thread
Anonymous 290650
for my minecraft nonas and all others whom it interests
Anonymous 290651
>>290647The take a bath like your picrel, much more fun and relaxing.
>>290645You have to practice self control n0nnie, the only way you can improve is to just do the thing. You can install extensions on your browser to block websites and all that nonsense but you can always circumvent those, so what it comes down to is developing your discipline and learning to take things in small doses as you said.
Anonymous 290652

>>290647I'll go to bed early tonight if you take a shower in the next 20 minutes.
Anonymous 290653
last thread hit post limit so i couldn’t reply, it was a shiki x akira picture. i closed the tab after being humiliated so i can't post it. i can’t stop embarrassing myself today.
>buys a bottle of water
>open my coin purse to pay
>it falls out of my hand because i’m retarded
>all coins get scattered around
>i hold up the line again
>the cashier helps me pick them up
i seriously can’t do this anymore
Anonymous 290658
I just want the admins to tell us what went with the site. Like technical details. The curiosity is killing me. All I remember are all the broken image files and wanting to go ask on /meta/ to see if it was just me but the site went down. I want to know what fuck broke
>>290618I wonder how how bad his skin flaps are
Anonymous 290659
>>290658You think he doesn't have enough money for the surgery?
Doesn't he make a TON on ad revenue?
Anonymous 290660
Screenshot 2024-09…

>>290574The lolcow downing has got me going back to pinterest. I'm so sad when will lolcow return from the computer hospital?
Anonymous 290661
bnuuy heart.jpg

>>290657Glad to make business with you. I hope you enjoy your shower!
Anonymous 290662
Ever since I made the decision to stop wearing makeup I've been struggling with my self-esteem (doesn't help that I got a nasty bout of adult acne at the same time, which is now finally in the mend after a couple years of suffering). But recently I've been taking a language class that requires me to record a video of myself speaking every week. And at first I dreaded having to look at myself like that, the way other people do, week after week. But you know what? I realized I'm actually cute and there's nothing hideously wrong with my face. I just had this overblown spectre of what I should look like stuck in my mind for so long that the glimpses in the mirror were unrealistically painful all these years. I'm fine. I like my face.
Anonymous 290663
now I want to start phentermine
Anonymous 290664

>>290662That's lovely, n0nna. I have had a shit day and I like to hear good things so please know I'm proud of you.
Anonymous 290667

>>290662That makes me so happy anon! You deserve to love yourself and appreciate your cuteness
Anonymous 290668

had a party with 8 middle/older aged women today (not my party). Drank like four or five glasses of wine and then came home and drank almost an entire bottle of sake and puked in the shower and bathroom two or three times. ate two frozen dinners in a row. woke up and I'm thirsty and my vape needs to charge. daddy want gatorade
Anonymous 290670
>>290666the devil's digits, and rightfully so
Anonymous 290672
>>290665what was the point of these again? they're just creepy and grotesque
Anonymous 290673
>>290672It's her fetish kek. I followed that nona on tumblr a while ago before she got termed
Anonymous 290674
>>290668sounds like my ideal friday night. i keep wanting to join clubs with older women but i dont know what kind of clubs to join (in all seriousness i hope you feel better).
Anonymous 290675
I'm talking to a guy on a dating/hookup app and it feels kind of obvious that he just wants a quick fuck but he's bi and I have an unfortunate strong liking for bi men so I'm tempted to just go for it and meet him. What do I do. Should I make any demands
Anonymous 290678
>>290673You are an obsessive schizoid and a compulsive liar. None of this is true and this is all considered criminal libel. See you in court.
Anonymous 290679
>>290676What about all the anons who always post about how cute and feminine their bi bfs are. Or are they really talking about soy-type men who've never actually fucked another man?
Anonymous 290683

>>290646Also the games are super hard, gacha games like azur lane are just slop that require no brainpower to play but touhou games take a lot of effort and practice to beat even on easy or normal mode which most coomer scrotes would find too much effort to put into a game with zero coom. They would just consume the porn or fan porn games and nothing else. And many of the characters are older women or teens, not little girls. It's that the creator does not have a very good drawing ability and he couldn't draw non-chibi women to save his life. Moids call his art "loli art" but I find that totally repulsive and misleading, his style his more cutesy, chibi, and cartoony than anything else
Anonymous 290684
>>290681If you're looking for comedy go to a stand up show
Anonymous 290685
what was that imageboard that had a y2k anime board. did i dream that existed or was it real
Anonymous 290686
>>290664>>290667Thank you nonnettes, I love you too! I hoep you have wonderful weekends regardless of how your weeks treated you
Anonymous 290687
>>290675arent bi men infamous for their high likelihood of cheating? since they know that dating women is difficult but getting penis is the easiest thing in the world. as a result they might have high body counts and get greedy
Anonymous 290688
I think that none of the absurd rules for royals actually exist (shit like no running in public) but are invented by PR teams so that royals can deliberately 'break' them and appear more humanized than they would've if they hadn't had those rules 'forced' upon them, it's a ploy to generate empathy as if they are somehow oppressed by their royal status
Anonymous 290690
>>290685What is it?
I remember a really cluttered somewhat trashy ib with a goth board I found a few years ago, but I could never find it again.
Anonymous 290691
problem with bi moids
>the chill autistic ones fuck troons (mtf)
>hot ones are bihomo sluts
>most of the ones who date women are immasculine 6s
>if he has friends they'll all be shit
aside from that hnnng
Anonymous 290692
But what happens if you tell Alexa that you want to kill yourself?
Anonymous 290693
>>290691girl you can't just list 4 irredeemable qualities and then go "aside from that"
Anonymous 290694
>>290691you would still fuck a guy knowing he put his weenie inside a troon’s crotch wound…
Anonymous 290696
>>290687yes. its insane to want to fuck a man whos dick has been shoved up another mans dirty asshole, please have some standards for yourself. if youre into the idea of your man being somewhat gay just peg him at that point. but in general bi men have the degeneracy of being both a straight man, and a desperate dirty gay man who gets freaky with other desperate dirty gay men
Anonymous 290697
i miss lolcow so much those blackpilled ladies were everything i needed , i feel so depressed now
Anonymous 290698
>>290694>crotch woundmoids fuck troons for the dick
Anonymous 290700
>>290687I might ask him his body count women vs men and see what he says. He seems kind of autistic so I honestly don't think it'll be super high at least for women
Anonymous 290701
>>290699I do, that's why I only date suicide watch wagies
Anonymous 290702
>>290662Keep going anon. You will soon realize people don't see you any different and they will begin to admire your confidence!
Anonymous 290703
nigel is still talking about the kendrick lamar drake beef
Anonymous 290704
>>290703whoever he thinks "won" determines the fate of your relationship
Anonymous 290705
>>290703Drake is so ugly and full of shit
Anonymous 290706
>>290691You forgot the ones that act like effeminate faggots and sluts but still expect women to be attracted to them and get mad when they aren't.
Anonymous 290708
>>290584Pheebz's thread. I watched her start in personal cows. Rest in peace, you were one of my favorites.
Also Lillee's first threads were fun. Now they're a bit more stale but still worth checking on because they're both so unhinged.
Anonymous 290710
My pussy doesn't stink anymore! I can smell myself without wanting to commit suicide!
Anonymous 290711
>>290704obviously kendrick. the link to that breadtube dude's 3 hour long video about the beef was the greatest gift I've ever given him but he I wish he'd let go of those stupid songs already.
Anonymous 290713
>>290696nta and agreed with the rest of the post BUT what if it's the type of bi moid that isn't on top? (and thus has a slightly cleaner dick)
Anonymous 290714
Where is lolcow when i need it. I fought with my best friend and i need to vent.
Anonymous 290715
I just can't believe that probably some time next week, I'll be taking brain medication. I'm so nervous but also excited for what this could mean for me. I've always had bad anxiety, but will I finally be able to live a somewhat normal life again without being plagued by anxiety every waking moment? Will I no longer have instructive thoughts? Will the symptoms be so bad that not being on the meds will be better than being on them? Will I have to stop taking them and try something else? Will I get serotonin syndrome? Idk. It's so scary but hopeful.
Anonymous 290716
>>290714Same. I had a fight with a friend a few days ago and now my anxiety is too much of a coward to open the damn app and see what she replied
Anonymous 290717
>>290716What did she do? I blocked my friend. I am never being vulnerable with men again. Blackpill anons were right.
Anonymous 290718
I can't believe there are unironically people in the world who think Drake is good looking. It's like thinking the scrote who made Euphoria and The Idol is hot. Just complete masochistic delusion
Anonymous 290721
>>290718hes a white pretty boy with a justin bieber haircut, its like catnip for women with shit taste. No matter how many minors he raped hes always going to have fangirls, sadly.
Anonymous 290722
>>290721are you confusing drake from drake and josh with drake from degrassi
Anonymous 290723
>>290721Are you talking about Drake Bell?
Anonymous 290724
>>290721he's not even white, he's a jewish guy with connections and millions, that's literally the only reason.
Anonymous 290725
speaking of drake bell, this is so bad
Anonymous 290726
>>290725how is danny devito still alive?
Anonymous 290727
what happened to nick, I don't get it and can't bear to watch the video because of cringe
Anonymous 290729

>>290715I have been on an SSRI for my ocd for years. The difference is night and day, I never thought I could function in life the way I do now. I hope you have a similar experience n0nny.
Anonymous 290730
>>290725what's crazy is how this video/song has massive dan schneider vibes
Anonymous 290731
i hate TIMs so fucking much
Anonymous 290732
s help
so i've been single for years (never really had a real relationship), and this week i met this guy and he's really cute/exactly my type (6'2, big biceps, dark hair/eyes, pale, looks like he could be in a vampire romance novel), but he really likes me a lot already and it just kinda scares me?
I enjoy talking to him a lot but I'm kinda autistic and need to decompress when I've been social for too long and I just feel scared he might want to date.
Also he's sorta inexperienced in bed but he's really big down there and it wouldn't fit inside of me at all and he ended up thigh fucking me 5 times last night which wouldn't be so bad except I think he thought he was actually fucking me even though I told him the first few times and idk how to make him better at sex, or to get it in me.
What do I do?
Anonymous 290735
i ate hot cheetos after a loong long long time tonight and i regret it immediately. i dont know how i used to down bags of these things every day in high school
Anonymous 290737
>>290732demand he sext you super smutty shit to read to get you wet first. or just made him read a fanfic you like or something.
t. cooms to words and phrases cuz aspie
Anonymous 290738
Drawing faces is so hard, dare i say harder than drawing hands and feets. I am having the hardest time stylizing the nose specifically. Its like i cannot find the right mix between animu and realism. I dont want my art to look like moe shit cookie cutter garbage, but also i dont want it to look like stiff western comics or manwha. I hate that i know how i want it to look in my mind, but i cannot translate it to paper.
Anonymous 290739
>>290732you people are fucking moids you've only known for a week?
Anonymous 290740
>>290739it's not ideal but im going to cheer anon on and her vampirekun scrote
Anonymous 290741
>>290715Please tell me youre in therapy alongside the meds? Your outcomes will greatly improve if you do both. I believe in you nonuchka.
Anonymous 290742

>>290732no offense but reading this made my moid hate flare up. i can't take it no more
Anonymous 290746
shouldn’t things be the other way around with lolcur. shouldn’t most the cows be men and most the non cow board discussion like ot or the bunker center women?
Anonymous 290747
>>290738same issue. I've been trying to learn how to draw the face realistically and learn 3d shapes in general. But the more I study the more I feel like I can't stylize my faces correctly anymore. It's a struggle
Anonymous 290748

What kind of fruits and veggies can you serve with a charcuterie board? I'm planning a girl's night with some of the girls in my uni class and one of the things I wanna serve is a charcuterie board but I've never actually put one together to serve myself. I got most of the other stuff figured out
Anonymous 290749

>>290747It really is. I dont want to rely on shading either, i want to be able to convey form with only lines, as autistic as it sound.
Anonymous 290750
>>290741This is gonna sound bad, but no. A big reason I put off seeking treatment for my medical issues is because I thought I would need to discuss in great detail my problems which is most unappealing to me. I was very grateful when I found out that it's actually pretty issue to get anxiety meds, especially if you do it through a telehealth service as I did. I'm open to the idea of therapy in the future though.
>>290729Thank you anon. I have pretty awful OCD symptoms (although I've never been diagnosed) and that's one of the things I hope medication will help with.
Anonymous 290751
how to make my boyfriend feel insanely bad for continuing to talk to a girl ive repeatedly asked him to stop talking to(and rubbing it in)? breaking up is on the horizon but i'd really like for him to feel guilty for throwing out our 2 year relationship first.
Anonymous 290752

>>290732you met a week ago and you're already having sex? did you at least check if he has stds?
Anonymous 290753

I'm going to start telling tall tales like this in yt comments I chuckled at the helpful retard force feeding her mountain dew. What possesses people to think this shit up
Anonymous 290755
>>290746No, newfag. Kf is mostly moids and most of the cows are male, lc is mostly female and most of the cows are female. We come across cows like pt from seeing them somewhere in the orbit of our own communities so of course they're mostly women or make content targetted to women and we're less invested in moid cows. /ot/ only became moidshitter general when other newfags who don't understand how the site works made it that way.
Anonymous 290756
>>290752what's crazy is she said THIS week so it's been an even shorter amount of time, kek.
Anonymous 290759
its not funny dumbass. it's dangerous. men are out here infecting women with all kinds of diseases. condoms don't protect you from all of them.
Anonymous 290761
>my second shift bartending at family friends bar
>patron comes up to me “im stephanie”
>extend my hand to shake hers, execute ‘introduce self warmly’ script perfectly
>she looks at me in bewilderment, her friends laugh
>friend says “i think she meant, to get her card back and close her tab”
how am i the social reject in this situation, i wish people communicated concisely
i take responsibility for the rest of the embarrassing things that happened to me that shift though
Anonymous 290764
giphy (3).gif

Whenever my roommate tells me the snacks in the kitchen are free for the taking I always scutter in there like a gremlin, take my pick, and put it in a little stash in my bedroom for those days when I'm having really bad cravings or need an anxiety snack while studying. Am I a human squirrel?
Anonymous 290765
>>290753 are Mennonites even allowed to drink Mountain Dew? Also yes please come up with some Youtube commenter lore!
Anonymous 290766
>>290750I hope it all works out for you. I've been on an SNRI for years for anxiety/ocd stuff, it's been great for the intrusive thoughts and rumination.
Just keep the hopefulness up, that's a great mindset to have. With that, you'll do great.
Anonymous 290767

>>290584In terms of impact, it has to be creepshowart’s exposure. She had a well-followed yt channel that’s uprooted her and her deadbeat bf and subscribers who adored her shitty art and woe-is-me sob stories. But no matter what she achieved it was never enough, and she had to hop on LC and shit on her bf’s ex. No one ever would have put 2 and 2 together that she was copying Emily Artful’s whole flow if it weren’t for her LC posts, and EA never could have made her allegations stick if it weren’t for her posts being exposed. Truly the Icarus of lolcows. So thrilling to watch live as well.
Anonymous 290768
>>290584anons doxing the pedo karate teacher and the groomer in shay's thread.
Anonymous 290769

>>290767*Supported her and her ugly deadbeat bf. Pls no bully I’ve been drinking kek
Anonymous 290770
I went to the job interview I was planning and it was smooth. I wasn't asked anything crazy and the pay is decent. I arranged to go next week to see if I vibe with the team and if they think I'm fit and I'll get payed cash for that. The thing is that now I have to tell my father for whom I've been working for and I can't tolerate anymore. Idk how to approach this as he won't listen no matter what but I'll try WISH ME LUCK
Anonymous 290772
I would like lolcow to come back so I can post in the Canada thread kek. In my city some schizo went on a machete spree and ended up beheading one guy and cutting another's hand off. The same response coming from everyone is "This guy will probably be released in a month". Honestly, living here you can commit murder and live with no consequences. It's starting to feel sketchy living here and I've never felt that way before. All these judges are being paid off and us citizens have to pay for it. Fuck this corrupt province
Anonymous 290774
Anyone else's cat knows how to open doors? mine scares the shit out of me
Anonymous 290776
>>290771thanks nona…I'm extremely terrified of his moidsperg and how he may react(maybe something unexpected)but I can't let him dictate my life any longer
Anonymous 290777
>>290584Anons softdoxxing Corpse Husband kek
Anonymous 290779
Lolcow being down helped me read a bunch of books and finish a video game that were in my backlog. Maybe I should see the positive side of things more often. Once I'm done with my books I'll sell or give away some of them if I didn't like them enough tl read them again later.
Anonymous 290781
>>290620I checked his channel yesterday because I was 1000% certain that he would post a video like this one for years. I have no idea why I was convinced of it for so long.
Anonymous 290785
Anonymous 290786
I saw an ad for a menstrual cup with an "anti,-overflow edge". Has anyone tried that? Is it good? My cup always leaked despite not being full so I stopped using it, I"m wondering if a cup with an edge like that is worth trying
Anonymous 290787
>>290786So they just made the rim a flex disc basically why not just get them instead
Anonymous 290788
>>290786its probably low cervix problem if u've never managed to fill it
Anonymous 290790
>>290770Just tell him once (or not at all of you can get away with it) and don't argue, don't discuss, don't defend yourself. You're getting a new job end of story. Walk away and refuse to engage in any discussion.
Of course that only works if he doesn't get physically threatening or threatens to kick you out or w/e, which I hope isn't the case..
Good luck!
Anonymous 290792
>>290772i wanted so badly to post in the Canada thread today, in my area we had 2 or 3 province wide emergency alerts because police were looking for an active shooter. They made it sound like he was on the loose killing random people but it turns out he killed a known rapist and pedophile. He will get a harsher sentence than the rapist he killed ever did.
Anonymous 290793

>>290787I've never heard of a flex disk before honestly. It looks like it holds next to nothing?
>>290788No I don't think it's that, I don't pass the knuckle test for a low cervix.
Anonymous 290794

how long is this gonna be still I want to laugh at pixielocks in her mom's dress with my fellow s
Anonymous 290795
>>290790that would be ideal but unfortunately we live in the same house and it's not like I can be away for the whole day and avoid him constantly. He is also going to complain to everyone else and tell how horrible I am or something and nag to my mother(who also work in the business) about me and shit. He will fuck up the mood as always but he does that no matter what. But it's not the first time this happens. Last year I did something similar and was abroad for two months and he told me to kms and then he was like "did you really think I meant that?" He has his way to make me feel like shit but I think I can manage it
Anonymous 290796
>>290795At least ignore him then when he talks about it. I know it isn't easy, I've had to deal with a family member in a similar situation. But giving him the satisfaction of trying to argue with him doesn't do anything for you either.
Anonymous 290797
>>290770How old are you? What business of your dad's is it where you work jfc
Anonymous 290802
>>290748Get on Pinterest and look up a few boards, as it will depend on what complements your cheese and meats too. Usually grapes, olives, sundried tomatoes, dried fruits are good options. You could do crudités like carrot/cucumber/asparagus as well! Hope you have fun hosting
Anonymous 290803
For some reason youtube recommended to me these therian, trans kids with insane pronouns and alt styles and it got me wondering. Does bullying not exist in schools anymore? Even if they dont dress like that for school, they post with their face, surely the bullies could find that. I got my ass beaten 15 yeas ago for liking girls and wearing too much eyeliner. Not saying bullying is good but I sadly feel like it is in the nature of children/teens and wouldnt change easily.
Anonymous 290805
>>290796That's usually what I do but he keeps talking and talking…I'll just say it and leave
>>290797I'm in my late 20s. It's a car related family business and tbh we are struggling a little but my father ALWAYS complains and never listens. Since much of my family is involved there's family drama and shitty situations that aren't totally his fault but on the other side he doesn't listen to suggestions or at all. And since he can't control his anger he takes his anger out on me and my mother usually. If he just realised his faulty behaviour and was actually responsible with our issues, I'd stay but I can't. It's not even like I do much I just fill in roles when needed and when I don't I'm just there.
>inb4 why didn't you leave soonerI've had a severe depressive episode and chronic social anxiety. I've been in therapy for years and the past few years I can say that I present normie most of the time. If I wasn't there, I'd be a NEET. I did a couple of courses to learn some craft but I failed terribly cause I honestly don't know what my calling is. Also my name is legally tied to the business so I felt obliged to be there.
Anonymous 290807
>>290803I graduated a few years ago. Bullying still exists but it’s less extreme. Nothing physical happened from what I remember. Everyone has phones now so if they want to be mean to you, they’ll just take a picture of you without your knowledge and post it on TikTok or something.
Anonymous 290808
I am dl a movie from an extremely shady place, pray i dont get super computer AIDS
Anonymous 290809

I told chatgpt about my relationship with my ex and then asked if it would choose him or the bear
Anonymous 290813
>>290793Menstrual discs usually hold more than regular cups. I have Nixit cup which has worked perfectly with the hellish combination of low cervix and heavy flow.
Anonymous 290814

I dreamt I owned a kitten and now I'm heartbroken she isn't real. She looked like this and her name was Freyja
Anonymous 290818
>>290815cerbmin was caught using lolcow's ko fi donations to launder cocaine money
Anonymous 290819
I feel mentally and physically so drained. I want to cry. I want to play a game or read but I can’t focus or find fun in it. Drives me nuts that I can’t do anything i feel so useless. I’m on my period so maybe that’s it.
Anonymous 290820
>>290815They forgot to change the lightbulb in the server's room. She is afraid of the dark.
Anonymous 290821

Very retarded ask, but can any nona suggest languages/tech skills I can learn that will help me make ez money? For context, I am a lowly QA tester who has been stuck in the same job for almost 4 years and the pay is absolute dogshit. I am well aware that it might be too late for me to make a change but I have thought of trying a little before I eventually give up and an hero myself. I've been "trying" to learn frontend stuff like JavaScript for almost 3 years, but my effort has been very on and off, so I haven't gotten anywhere with it. Just a few days ago, I thought about starting fresh, but then I saw some posts on random websites mentioning that frontend is something everybody knows, so it doesn’t hold much value - learn Golang instead. So I researched a bit on Go and saw some people saying it doesn’t have much demand in the current market and suggesting I pick up Rust. But then I saw complaints about Rust as well. I also hear that if coding isn't your strong point, you should consider becoming a QA tester/bug hunter/UX developer or something like that. But almost every other day, I hear how QA is a dying job and that you won’t earn much money there. All this has made me extremely indecisive, so I’d like to know from others what would be a good thing to learn if I want to make money from it?
Anonymous 290822
>>290751make a tinder account and match with hotties in front of him
Anonymous 290823
>>290821QA here too, did u get some certificates? Istqb and so on? Otherwise I’d look for getting into automation qa
Anonymous 290825

I wish lolcow was back so I could laugh at the "you will never be a final fantasy character" image
Anonymous 290827
>>290772>you can commit murder with no consequencesonly if youre an ill-intentioned crazy moid. god forbid women kill in self-defense, even if some scrote literally breaks into our house. i envy castle doctrine havers so much its not even funny.
Anonymous 290828
>>290825This gif is driving me crazzzzzyyyy.
Anonymous 290829
>>290814Don't be sad .You could get a kitty irl who looks like her.
Anonymous 290830
I have to go to work but I only got 4 hours of sleep for this 8 hour shift so now I have to kin a random fictional character to get me through the day. It's Dennis Reynolds this time.
Anonymous 290831
>>290821learn chinese, the future is there
Anonymous 290834
I have terrible neck pain. How can I blame cerbmin for this
Anonymous 290835
>>290834If, over the past 7 days, you had read something on /snow/ that made you sit up in rapt attention, your neck wouldn't have ended up in this state.
Anonymous 290836
>>290825Can someone repost it, please?
Anonymous 290837
>>290729ntayrt but what ssri specifically? im curious to know which meds are the best for ocd
Anonymous 290838
Is Lolcow gone for good?
Anonymous 290839
>>290834due to cerbmin not paying the rent, you haven't been able to access lolcow. the sudden departure of the site as well as the fact that you can't laugh at cows has likely cause a buildup of stress. too much stress in a short timespan causes muscle tension, which most often results in neck and head pains. therefore, cerbmin is at fault.
Anonymous 290840
>>290814i had a very similar dream yesterday, i saved a tiny kitten and was trying to ride a bike home with her in my hand. I even felt her soft fluffy fur in the dream, i never feel anything in my dreams
Anonymous 290841
>>290761you were obviously unaware of how things work there
Anonymous 290844
Why do lc admins always manage to fuck things up
Anonymous 290846
>>290844LC is running on outdated and customized board software. When you deal with archaic software it's bound to get fucked in many ways.
But even an imageboard as large and probably decently maintained as 4chan got half of it wiped about 2 weeks ago so this isn't indicative of anything. Considering LC is funded by the admins exclusively, it functions well.
Anonymous 290848

It's only 1pm and my day is great so far:
>great weather
>I finally figured out the right color combination to get the perfect peach pink hair I want
>went to a local small festival
>had my favorite festival treat and soft serve ice cream
>talked to a really sweet high schooler that was selling her really cute crocheted jewelry and bought some to support her startup
>found some tea flavors I haven't tried before
>my cat is really cuddly today
>roommate and I are considering turning our dinner into a picnic and eat outside later
>now I'm gonna make myself a cup with one of the new teas and read a book out on the balcony
How is your day going nonas?
Anonymous 290851
>>290848That sounds so nice, i wish i had a balcony. My day has been fine:
>woke up early for a change>had a yummy mozzarella and tomato ciabatta breakfast>finally washed my hair>trimmed my bangs but they turned out a little uneven>gonna go grocery shopping and frisbee golfing with my moid later in the sun>gonna get a bottle of wine to have with a nice steak dinner tonight Anonymous 290853

>>290751Just break up with him calmly and give him no room to beg. Women think that dramatic measures make moids regret things but really they just think it’s embarrassing when women express emotions, even if they deserve to get chewed out. Half of the reason they pull these things to get a reaction out of us so when you stay calm it takes away their fun and makes them actually reflect. They’ll never admit it but internally they’ll know they fucked up. Picrel is genuinely how they feel when women express themselves.
Anonymous 290854
>lolcow down
>c.ai soon will shut down the old site, which is the good one
>my favorite fujo pair now is full of aiden fanfiction
how I can cope in this cruel, cold world?
Anonymous 290855
>>290853I second this, he feels like this gives him some weird power over you, and he obviously doesn't take your feelings seriously. You don't deserve this, anon. Love yourself more.
Anonymous 290856
s, I could use a bit of advice on how to deal with my current situation. It's mostly about insecurities I have with myself and my body. I am currently on a one month vacation with my boyfriend and a friend I have from high school. This friend is really fit and thin. I didn't think that it would affect me this much but in the last 2 years or so after a break up and a stressful time with my bachelor's thesis I gained about 20 kilograms. It makes me really unhappy and at home I tried to eat healthy and exercise/go jogging regularly. I'd say I was pretty consistent but on vacation I can't really do that now. That in mind I can't stop thinking about how much better she looks and how thin she is compared to me and how much she conforms to the beauty standards. She also studies medicine and is almost done with it. I will change my field of study after my bachelor's in psychology because it was too stressful for me and I still feel burnt out from my bachelor's thesis and the field of study as a whole. But that means that I will start from scratch again with my academic path. She seems smarter than me, more educated, prettier and whatnot. The fact that we are constantly in one place together makes me think about all of this a lot and I feel so much worse in comparison. I don't know how to deal with this really as I can't blame her for any of this. My boyfriend is very supportive and I have already told him that I feel insecure but we have very little time just for the two of us and I feel this also adds to the stress. We have about two weeks of vacation left and I would like to enjoy it and not think about this so much. Do you have any advice for me?
Anonymous 290859
>>290846>4chan got half of it wiped about 2 weeks agoHoly shit, what??
Anonymous 290860
>>290859Yes, 2 weeks ago half of the boards that were presumably stored on the same datacenter got completely wiped, some of them had threads going as far back as 2017. No explanation from the admin team besides a "oops we fucked up" from one moderator, although I doubt a mod had access to such a thing.
Anonymous 290861
>>290860No archive of them whatsoever?
Anonymous 290862

>>290620You’re not supposed to touch parrots that way ewwww does he know he’s basically jerking it off ?
Anonymous 290863

Men be saying "this character is so relatable!!" and it's just a criminal
Anonymous 290864

>>290861Unless you count external archives like desuarchive and similar sites, nope.
Anonymous 290866
>>290751You suddenly dump him and cut him out of your life to be happy without thinking about him ever again. If you do anything else to try to "get even" or get revenge on him, you'll only feel worse and he'll think he's justified in what he's doing plus he won't take your feelings seriously no matter what you do. The best you can do is simply remove him from your life because there's no winning with a scrote like that. Kinda like trolls and how you're not supposed to give them any attention.
>>290860Oooh, thanks for explaining. I don't use 4chan anymore so I wouldn't have known. I never heard of something like this happening before.
>>290861Most, if not all boards have most of their threads and posts archived on external sites by third parties.
>>290863Kek true
Anonymous 290867
i have to shit so fucking bad but my dad is showering right now. please pray for me.
Anonymous 290871
>>290755not a newfag kek. it’s just never really made sense to me why more cows aren’t male. id rather shit on moids than women.
Anonymous 290873
>>290814You just had a premonition . Freyja was so excited to meet you that she visited you in your dreams first.
Anonymous 290874
never raisins .GIF

Nonas, do you like muesli or granola? If so, which is your favourite combination of ingredients? In case any of you makes your own, care to share your favourite recipe(s)?
Anonymous 290875
>>290871It's because our hobbies and interests tend to attract other women as well, so it makes sense most of the cows anons are interested in are female, unlike KW, where there are more threads on males
Anonymous 290876
>>290871Nta but I assume because people tend to gravitate to cows who remind them a bit of themselves or people they know IRL. I think it has something to do with understanding the cow's psychology and motives and getting a bit assmad that said cows are making all the wrong decisions in a public way. Personally male cows are only fun to follow if they're the retarded narc Onision type, because those men are a dime a dozen in many normie circles. Cows like Daniel Larson and co don't hold my attention because they're like mentally challenged retard predators which I, and just assuming here, many other farmers have no real understanding or connection to IRL, so watching them is almost sickening in a way that a male cow like Onision just isn't (though he is incredibly disgusting in his own predator narc way). That's just my two cents, I'm sure many farmers don't operate this way wrt to cows, but it's just what I've noticed.
Anonymous 290877
>>290873NTAYRT but this is such a sweet sentiment. I hope you have a lovely day, Nona.
Anonymous 290878
I cannot take it anymore. I need my daily scrote hate thread.
Anonymous 290880
I did my nails home. I'm never letting any nail tech coming anywhere near me again, the last times I paid one my nails looked like shit. I did an ok job from the comfort of my home for ay cheaper right now, it's not perfect but nobody ever does a good job anyway so whatever.
Anonymous 290881
Why are media targeted towards males so full of casual or direct misanthropy? Like, why are males so entertained by the concept of humans dying, suffering and getting killed in masse? Not every human deserves to suffer, for example, roughly 50% of the population (women) have a direct positive influence on society, either by protecting the vulnerable (children, elderlies) or indirectly by simply not being a potential threat and generally neutral/benevolent. A lot of humans deserve to live and prosper, and those humans are women, but they literally ignore our efforts and the way our existence keeps society from falling apart even further
Anonymous 290883

Has anyone here gone to AA meetings? I'm starting to seriously consider it, but I feel like it will be a lot of bs/religious stuff(in my country at least.) Have any anons successfully gotten sober? What helped you? I'm super high functioning and I think that stops me from taking my problem seriously.
Anonymous 290885
>>290874I'm on a huge müsli kick these days. What part of the world are you in? I'll try to recommend something you can buy where you are.
Usually I gravitate toward fruit-heavy müsli, sometimes with nuts added, or dried coconut. I like to eat my müsli dry most of the time, which is sacrilege, I know. I'm taking some medicine that makes my mouth dry so sometimes I add soy or almond milk, which feels weird, since normally I'm an unabashed dry cereal freak.
Anonymous 290886
>>290883That's an apple head Chihuahua, I love apple headed Chihuahuas, they look so goofy
Anonymous 290887
>>290886Yes, anon, and I am an alcoholic - there is more important things at hand! They are very cute though.
Anonymous 290888
>>290883If you think the support there will work for you, go for it. You can ignore a lot of the stuff, but it is very cultish, and there's a lot of misogyny that goes on in it. Let's not get started with the whole "13 stepping" bs.
Anonymous 290889
I can't bring myself to open my student email and see if I passed the exam or not. I feel so sick
Anonymous 290890
>>290874I like to make this gingerbread granola in the fall. You can of course add more stuff to it, like apples or chocolate bits.
Gingerbread Granola
1 1/4 cups pecans or walnuts
4 cups rolled oats
2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp. ground ginger
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 cup brown sugar (packed)
1/2 cup coconut oil (preferably virgin)
1/4 cup molasses
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/4 cup crystallized ginger (finely chopped)
Preheat oven to 325°F with a rack set in the center. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper.
Coarsely chop pecans. In a large bowl, combine pecans, oats, pumpkin pie spice, ground ginger, and salt.
In a small saucepan, stir together brown sugar, coconut oil, and molasses. Cook, stirring, over medium heat until coconut oil melts, 2-3 minutes. (Mixture does not need to be blended.) Remove from heat and stir in vanilla.
Pour molasses mixture over oat mixture and stir with a rubber spatula until oats are evenly coated. Spread oat mixture into an even layer in the lined sheet pan.
Bake granola, stirring it every 10 minutes, until it’s a shade darker and nuts look lightly toasted, 30-35 minutes.
Let granola stand undisturbed in the sheet pan on a cooling rack until it’s completely cool, 45-55 minutes. Sprinkle crystalized ginger over the top and break granola into large clusters.
Serve granola, or store it in an airtight container at room temperature up to 1 month.
Anonymous 290891
My guts are quite pissed at me so today I had something very simple for breakfast: bread with butter, didn't want to risk it by eating something that could give me the shits again, now I feel guilty I didn't eat right or enough. Plus dad keeps stealing my ham chops and lemons, so not even that
Anonymous 290892
>>290888What misogyny? What are the flaws you see in the 13 steps thing? I am very interested in your experience, if you don't mind sharing, of course.
Anonymous 290894
>>290883an acquaintance of mine went there a couple of years ago.
she was pretty lonely after her brother had died and didn't have anyone to turn to.
She met an entire new friends group there, and has been quite well since. So it worked for her, at the least
Anonymous 290896

Been aware of lolcow since 2017 but only posted recently because a lolcow I actually was interested in dropped.
Am I the only one who doesn't care about troons as long as they admit that they are fake women and will always be crossdressers? Idk outside of that I do not care about aloging men in dresses , plus regular moids act worse usually and there is more of them
Anonymous 290897
>>290891I'm sorry you are sick, nona, but I smiled when I imagined an Elsie-esque anon surrounded by hams and lemons
and then an angry one looking for her gd hams and lemons
Anonymous 290898
>>290896If you have been around, you'd know we regularly get the whole "omg i just hate agps!!! body dysmorphia iz riil gyuz!" every other day. Doesn't make you right or "above things". There just are a lot of normies on here nowadays. Just go to Reddit or something, nobody cares.
Anonymous 290899

>>290898>am i the only one who doesn't mind troonsIt's fucking groundhog day here, someone put me out of my misery
Anonymous 290900
>>290896Coming from alt subcultures, no, i don't mind if a moid crossdress, o wears clothes meant for women. I have the mentality of wear whatever makes you happy AND FASHIONABLE. But when they put in their little troon act trying to be bimbos, that's another things and i despise it.
Anonymous 290901
>>290889Don't make yourself ill with worry - make a tea, deep breath, then just open it! There's nothing good that comes from not knowing the result.
Anonymous 290902
>>290896please n0nna troons are always misogynist coomers, even if they admit that they're not women
Anonymous 290903
>>290899Feeling this so hard kek. Please release us from the retardation.
Anonymous 290906
>>290903>>290899this + the whole "misandry is bad guys! stop obsessing over men" posting really puts things into perspective about lc's userbase kek
Anonymous 290908
>>290900Can't relate, troons in lolita are a fcking plague no matter what level of agp they are.
>>290896>regular moids act worse usuallyPathetic coomer moid is pathetic coomer moid, there is no difference since they're all men.
>>290906More like CCs userbase
Anonymous 290909
>>290905??? From a technical standpoint this art is good, it just happens to be flavor of the month horny husbandoshit.
Anonymous 290910
>>290896you'll care about troons once you live in canada and have to share a multi stall bathroom with them and other moids. my worst fear is them sneaking cameras in there
Anonymous 290911
>>290899>>290898i dont visit the troon threads
>>290900i hear you
>>290902i agree to an extent but i feel that if they reckognise that they are not women and that they are gnc men then they reject the sexist gendie ideology
>>290906never said that
Anonymous 290912
>>290896This isn't gonna save you from browsing le Big Bad TERF website, honey. You're already guilty of wrongthink just by being here. I suggest you leave before your gendie friends find out and make you see hell.
Anonymous 290913
>>290905i dont see whats bad about this, the anatomy is above average
Anonymous 290915

>>290732>6'2, big biceps, dark hair/eyes, pale, looks like he could be in a vampire romance novel4/6, close enough. Welcome back, Peter Steele
Anonymous 290916
>>290904Imagine how badly this will ruin statistics once they file the tims as actual women.
Anonymous 290917
>>290912not true for me this is my genuine thoughts you are projecting , just because you are groupthink driven doesnt mean i am
Anonymous 290918
>>290905is this supposed to be bad art or did you post an unrelated picture?
Anonymous 290919
>>290908yeah i fucking hate most moids in lolita, only i stand vkei dudes in very artistic context or photos. But wearing make up, corsets, skirts, traditional femenine jewelry, heels/platforms, long natural hair, it's a different matter if it looks stylish/fashionable and not a fucking mess.
I agree with Vivienne Westwood when she said "It is not possible for a man to be elegant without a touch of femininity"
Anonymous 290920
>>290918Gonna second this, not much you can do when the subject is awful
Anonymous 290921
>>290725Jesus he really hit the wall HARD.
Anonymous 290922
>>290896I have only met one IRL troon that seemed to be not batshit insane + actually hygienic and they were working while dressed like a normal woman. The rest of them are all freakish sex pests dressed in teimu crap that watch too much anime and obsess over mental/eating disorders
Anonymous 290923
>>290905This is not bad art, the character is just ugly.
Anonymous 290924
>>290662I had the opposite experience KEK. All because I saw myself on a digital camera footage. Tbf it's a 10 years old camera, but all my friends look normal and like themselves in the footage, and I look like a goblin.
Anonymous 290925
>>290922yeah that is my point, as long as they are aware that they are men and they arent pervs or sexists idc
Anonymous 290926
>>290917>>290911>>290896>thinking troons are somehow different from "regular moids"Troons have
>invaded high contact women's spirts to beat the shit out of women>taken championships and scholarships from disadvantaged women who deserve it>gotten women's shelters shut down for "transphobic" policies>uses their high suicide rates to get what they want, IE emotional manipulation>thrown bricks through a restaurant window owned by a person who voiced support for JK rowling>have demanded law changes to recognize their male delusion so now they often get transferred to WOMEN'S PRISONS>This is after many of them have committed VIOLENT CRIMES like rape>then proceed to sexually assault and rape the women in prison>speak over women on women specific problems IE misogyny>modern TRA movement has rejected biological sex, so now calling a tranny a male is transphobia, which is a cult-like mindset that rejects observable, objective realityDo not fucking act like troons aren't just "regular moids" in skinny skirts. They all posses the XY narcissism and hatred of women. They hate women so much they see them as just a set list of stereotypes to perform.
I am so fucking sick of you handmaiden. I know for a fact that some of you are fucking/have fucked trannies too. Get some fucking self-respect and a backbone. Males are not your friends just because they paint their nails and train their voices to sound like limp-dick faggots.
Anonymous 290927
Please bring my lolcor back already, I can't take this retardation anymore.
Anonymous 290928
>>290925Cool, shame those are an endangered species nowadays and 99.99% of farmers criticism still applies to 99.99% of troons
Anonymous 290930
>>290925All moids are sexist, it's inherent to the fucking patriarchy that pervades nearly every society on planet Earth. Are you 14?
Anonymous 290931
>>290710How did you do it? Was it the labia that stunk or the pussy juice?
Anonymous 290932
>>290926literally said the ones who dont believe that stuff
>>290927my opinion
>>290928i do not think they are that rare but agree
Anonymous 290934
My friend invited me to her baby shower but it falls on a day that I am going out of town with other friends who invited me (for free) to vacation for an experience that usually costs thousands. Basically, if I don't go now I will likely never go myself.
Meanwhile I've attended my friend's wedding, countless birthdays, gender reveal party, etc. I feel like I could just send her a gift and not have my presence needed at this shower–that's what I did for my long distance friend who had a baby recently as well.
I'm not a monster for this, right? Just want the reassurance because my friend sometimes has main character syndrome and I'd really hope she wouldn't make me feel bad for not attending. She has so many blessings and has way more stability than me, I just want this stupid little trip for me and don't wanna cancel the entire thing for a 4 hour event.
Anonymous 290936
>>290932Anon there is a negligible amount of trannies nowadays who openly admit to being males who cross dress. You are either sheltered from the reality of troonism, are a child, or just plain fucking retarded. All trannies are just "regular moids" in womanface. They all do the same shit "regular moids" do, because there is no fucking difference between them. "Regular moid" degeneracy and misogyny and homophonic is the reason "regular moids" now go by Alice and wear temu fast fashion polyester carcinogenic skirts.
Anonymous 290937
>>290932Your opinion is trash, go back to reddit so you can suck moid dick.
Anonymous 290938
>>290919>But men wearing make up, corsets, skirts, traditional femenine jewelry, heels/platforms, long natural hair, it's a different matter if it looks stylish/fashionable>"It is not possible for a man to be elegant without a touch of femininity"Wrong and fucking gross. Delete this.
Anonymous 290940
>>290934Go to your trip, explain that it was planned in advance to the future mom and plan a present for her to give it once your trip is over. That seems like the most logical solution to me and if the future mom gets upset then too bad.
Anonymous 290941
>>290936I agree I know that most believe in the retarded gendie stuff , I mean i would my position was what more held.
In my opinion instead of telling them that stop being GNC to push for less delusion. My opinion is not that against most people here minus the extreme stuff. I am not trying to tone police nonas who wants to talk shit on them I just don't agree with it
Anonymous 290942
>>290919>>290900I agree with you. Anyone can see the difference between some ugly sissy/AGP German scrote squeezing himself into a Lolita dress and forcing himself into comms because he knows dumb handmaidens will allow it and scream at anyone who (correctly) calls it out as creepy, and a visual kei musician.
Anonymous 290944
I will never not take the chance to be transphobic and dunk on trannies. I will never waste the chance to be horrifically mean about some autistic retard's lesbian porn addiction. I don't care if they are mentally challenged, or the based faggot type of troon that admits to being a male in a skirt. I hate males, and I hate their audacity to claim to be women, their misguided belief that their raoe ape XY fail gene self could ever come close to being female. I will never shut the fuck up about how trannies suck. And no amount of browbeating by handmaiden pickmes will ever stop me.
Anonymous 290945
I will never not take the chance to be transphobic and dunk on trannies. I will never waste the chance to be horrifically mean about some autistic retard's lesbian porn addiction. I don't care if they are mentally challenged, or the based faggot type of troon that admits to being a male in a skirt. I hate males, and I hate their audacity to claim to be women, their misguided belief that their raoe ape XY fail gene self could ever come close to being female. I will never shut the fuck up about how trannies suck. And no amount of browbeating by handmaiden pickmes will ever stop me.
Anonymous 290946

I have a tinfoil that big websites are slowly working towards making bots unrecognisable for almost a decade now. It's why youtube disabled dislikes and being able to see other user's favorites playlist (features that prove the user or video stats to be more natural), why twitter disabled being able to see other user's likes and keeps hiding buttons like the quotes, why 4chan disabled their poster counter, why pinterest keeps hiding more specific search functions, why google removed their page navigation in favor of endless scrolling and generally fucked up their search abilities etc etc.
The goal is to not be able to tell bots apart from people so authorities can eventually enforce mandatory digital identification.
I also believe the llm technology we know now has been available to the government for much longer and that language-imitating bots have at least been around since the 2016 elections in a large scale. I think the reason that places like youtube and tiktok comment-sections sound like 4chan now is only partially because of the people, and partly because of the amount of bots.
Anonymous 290947

>>290823Damn, so I really do need that ISTQB cert. I have been putting it off, being the indecisive tard that I am. Thanks for the advice anon!
Anonymous 290949
I wish I could just work on something like a chocolate shop or stationary shop
Anonymous 290952
>>290946>digital identificationi was at the airport recently after a long time and i had no idea the TSA literally just uses biometrics now to check your face/id
Anonymous 290953

>>290934You're allowed to do things for yourself nona, especially if it's special. If she's really your friend then she should be happy for you.
All those made-up american parties (aside from the actual birth ofc) are retarded anyway.
Anonymous 290954

In response to the Korean deepfake Telegram scandal, Telegram has allegedly changed their policies.
Guys, don't lose hope. Report any CP< animal abuse, revenge porn, etc you see on that shit app. Never keep quiet about it, always seek to expose and shame it. Campaigning works.
Anonymous 290956
>>290932>i do not think they areCan't even be mad at you because you just sound underage and naive as hell.
Anonymous 290957
>>290885Oceania, Nona. I also love dry muesli.
>>290890This sounds amazing, Nona. I’ll make it as soon as I procure crystallised ginger. Thank you so much for sharing!
Anonymous 290958
I recently came across a youtube channel that interviews young Americans who "made it" by having a great career with high salary (150k+), are set to retire early as they've been able to save so much, and have it all figured out. It just made me feel shit for my current situation. Although I've been feeling good about myself for a while (finished uni, decent job, own my own place) watching that made me feel like I never did enough.
Anonymous 290960
>>290958owning your own place is already so much more than what most young people have achieved or will be able to achieve. How did you do it? It's my dream but it seems so far away
Anonymous 290961
Is it bad that I think it's kind of weird how my friend's mom and my friend's little sister have been trying to be included in things we do together?
Like if I invite her to my home, they want to come too, my birthday is in a couple days and they also want to come with my friend. Like I wouldn't mind if I had more friends and such, but it still means spending more money, which is a luxury i can't really have all of the time.
So instead of a meal for 6 people, it's a meal for 8 people.
I know my friend lost a brother of hers, he was literally deformed and retarded so nothing of value was lost, he was a huge money and emotional sink, but like, doesn't the mom have friends of her own? I know her sister is friendless which is sad and I pity her because I was there too, but I still had some dignity and preferred being autistic at home instead of going out with my older brother's friends, which are all trash btw.
I still will invite them for those things, and they're lucky I'm not some wacko into doing drugs or getting drunk, but it's still quite awkward.
Anonymous 290962
>>290958Dw their lifestyle inflation will eat that money up quickly. Earning 150k outside of the US would mean a lot more. Americans spend sooo much money on garbage and disposable goods. Watch Caleb Hammer videos if you want to feel better, there’s literally people earning 150k and in 50k+ debt. Americans earn and spend a lot of money in general.
Anonymous 290963
>>290892It's a literal "old boys club." Very few women are there, and you are treated like a piece of meat. You just have to look at the history of AA to see what it's like. Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob used to have literal meltdowns over women coming in seeking sobriety.
The "13th step" is not an actual step: it's a term used for an old member of the AA group to hit on new comers: particularly an older male hitting on women who are vulnerable. I don't suggest it at all.
Anonymous 290964
>>290958i hate how our country is so hyper focused on career success to attain relaxation in retirement when we're old. every thing is a competition but life is so short and death really does equalize. whenever i see those types of videos i never think i want that life.
the only life i've ever been envious of is people who get 3 hours off for a lunch break every day and a month's long paid vacation every year
Anonymous 290967
lolcor is up but it looks kinda broke
Anonymous 290968
>>290848Probably going to commit suicide today unironically
Anonymous 290970
>>290967Looks like a lot of images are broken
Anonymous 290971
Oh shit, it's actually back.
Anonymous 290973
>>290966I actually had no hope, I don't know what to do now
Anonymous 290974
ok it's back but posting does not work
Anonymous 290976
aaand it's down again kek
Anonymous 290977

>>290945amen sister, I will forever hate disgusting men for invading women's spaces, hurting women, and taking away their rights. I will always defend real women over any men.
Anonymous 290978
It still gives me the webserver down message?
Anonymous 290979
Any idea why it says status operational on the status page but it still gives the host error?
What a rollercoaster ride
Anonymous 290980
It was up for a second but now i’m seeing error 521 again. Did anyone else see the Brian from Family Guy image, imagine that being one of the last images posted to lc.
Anonymous 290981
>>290946This isn't tinfoil, it's facts.
Anonymous 290984
Down again. Ian's spaghetti code fucks up again.
Anonymous 290985

>>290983BLEASE let me post again please please pleas. Let me leave this place.
Anonymous 290986

>>290983kek what are they doing with the status page
Anonymous 290987
>>290986Ok seriously, what are the chances it's some tranny trying his hardest to take down the site?
Anonymous 290988

>>290986They marked it as being up for a minute, before changing it to that. I just know there's going to be yet another issue that they need to work on.
Anonymous 290989

Trannies will never be women. They're sick in the head.
Anonymous 290990

>>290986i think it's updated automatically when a new incident emerges and the admins just edit the info in
>>290988kek at uptime going from 0.00 to 0.08
Anonymous 290991
>>290848Took my sweet ass time waking up, hung out with my hedgehog, ate food, drank coffee, took a shit, now I will read hp and make my todo list for the weekend. Overall decent morning, I'm hoping it warms up so I can read on the balcony as well.
I need lc mundane shit thread back.
Anonymous 290993
>>290988Yeah, during the 5 minutes it was up many images were broken as
>>290970 said so my guess is that's why it's down for maintenance again
Anonymous 290994
200w (5).gif

I always watch the same shows over and over again, I usually cycle through New Girl, Glee, and The Office. Recommend me something similar pls.
Anonymous 290996
>>290837nta but i am also diagnosed ocd. i put off taking medicine due for years for dumb personal reasons and have now been on prozac for ~2 years. difference really is night and day. it doesn't feel like my brain is constantly 'whirring' anymore and i so genuinely feel like i have more time in the day.
Anonymous 290997
have any of u used that dating app raya? or know someone who has? im curious what is on there
Anonymous 290998
>>290995How is succession similar to any of these kek
Anonymous 291000
>>290995>Drama…I want a fairly lighthearted comedy series, of it wasn't obvious somehow.
Anonymous 291003
>>290996nta but I've had nothing but problems with SSRIs. What surprisingly helped was Lamictal.
Anonymous 291004
>>290994The good place, abbott elementary, arrested development
Anonymous 291005
>>290989This was conducted in Iran ten years ago
Anonymous 291006
i can't wait for lc to be back, fuck cc for banning me for no reason. retards
Anonymous 291009
>>291003ntayrt but lamictal has done wonders for me. i did notice that for a month or two now it hasnt given me as much clarity or stability but increasing it made me worse because i was falling asleep behind the wheel and unable to do my course work. i cant tell if its the lamictal or something else because all of my bloodwork is good. just curious if it causes you fatigue and brain fog. i have been tied to bed lately.
Anonymous 291010
>>291004>>291002>>290999Thanks you noñas! I always forget about Parks and Rec but it seems right up my alley.
Anonymous 291011
They took away the estimate of maintenance ending this weekend on the status page…. Now it just says posting and browsing is down. This is looking really grim.
Anonymous 291012

I keep furrowing my brows without realizing it and I’m getting 11 lines between my eyebrows. I’m still fairly young (27) but I don’t know if I want to get Botox. What do
Anonymous 291013
>>291009It doesn't for me, but I'm still on the baby dose twice a day. Since the low dose works for me, I never bothered to ask my doctor to increase it.
Anonymous 291014
>>291011this is making me even more depressed
Anonymous 291016
>>291012i've had those + smile lines since i was a teen. embrace it nona, don't let that shit get you down. they're a normal part of life and putting your money towards a hobby or something else you like rather than an industry that makes bank off of women's insecurities will make you feel way better.
Anonymous 291017
>>290837ayrt, I have been on Prozac off and on for a decade now. It does take a bit to build up in your system before you see any effects, I think it took about six months for me. Other than a few days of nausea when I started I have had no negative side effects.
Anonymous 291019
>>291011An image board is basically a series of databases. If they brought the site up, it's likely that the issue that was keeping the site down was resolved. Now they just need to rebuild the databases so that images work. LC archives 10 years worth of content so that might take a while.
Anonymous 291022
>>291015pushing daisies was so cute. lee pace is one of the few irl gays who i find attractive
Anonymous 291023
Yo is this shit actually ever going to be back up? How am i supposed to get any rest if i can't nod off reading the shaynus or polyretard thread.
Anonymous 291024
>>290983 looking at this screenshot wistfully with tears….please return from war my dear cow
Anonymous 291025
Any anons on Wellbutrin/bupropion? Has it helped your depression? Any side effects? I've also got really bad anxiety and read that drug can make it worse.
Anonymous 291026
>>290983>the first imagesame…pls comeback lolcor i promise ill be good and wont bait
Anonymous 291027
Overdosing on valerian root pills cause I can't fucking sleep
Anonymous 291028
>>291025Yes and it didn’t work but for context I’ve been on dozens of antidepressants and none have ever done anything. I guess I’m treatment resistant. Once I get too tired of pushing and pushing I will have to kill myself which sucks but that’s my lot in life I guess
Anonymous 291029
Think itll be up today? The update page just says posting down, nothing about maintenance
Anonymous 291030
All videogames are now
>ghibli inspired
>a mix between animal crossing and stardew valley
>if pokemon and animal crossing were mashed together
>stardew valley and ghibli inspired
>animal crossing and ghibli inspired
Get a new fuckinf aesthetic already.
Anonymous 291031
A married friend couple had a child earlier this year and like I guess I feel bad for not really giving a shit about the baby when they send pics or they bring up that we should go meet the baby. It’s not even “I hate children” type of apathy but more so that I’m holding a grudge against them bc they never checked in on me when my dad died a few years ago. It was so hard and alienating. I cried alot and nobody except my longest bff and family checked up on me. Then this couple tries to act like we’re that close when they left me out to dry while dealing with the scariest life experience. Fuck their baby pictures. Idc about meeting the kid.
Anonymous 291032
>>291011I was talking to some miners/farmers on discord, apparently a nonas ex bf is who ddos-ed the site because he found posts about him in the relationship thread and got triggered. It was a malicious attack and afaik there’s no signs of it letting up.
Anonymous 291033
>>291006no wonder this website is so fucking dead. unusable fucking garbage.
Anonymous 291034
>>291032No way this is real, this is the most retarded thing I've ever heard
Anonymous 291035
>>291032But isn't Cloudflare supposed to protect against that sort of thing? And why would the images be broken?
Anonymous 291036
>>291035>protectno they only do that for the cp sites they host not a "twansphobic tewfs" one
Anonymous 291037
>>291035Technically yes cloudflare is supposed to protect against these things but it’s still very much possible to ddos LC and here (she was saying her ex has a degree in computer engineering and programming so I’m assuming he knows how to do it). This board and LC don’t have as much protection as other imageboards like 4chan (that have way more servers and is therefore much harder to ddos but it has been pulled off before).
>>291034Never underestimate the pettiness of a scorned scrote.
Anonymous 291038
>>291012Nobody has a smooth face free of creases nona, we all have them, it's part of being alive. If you waste your money and youth on botox and fillers you don't deserve and ounce of respect. Sorry to be harsh but it's true. Putting chemicals into your face to put off the inevitable is peak retardation.
>>291032I don't even take this seriously, this nona was probably talking to the same anon who posted yesterday saying she thought her bf was the one who took the site down. She's either paranoid or attention seeking.
Anonymous 291039
>>291037>4chanDoes anyone else remember when a single Australian hacked 4chan and leaked /j/?
Anonymous 291040
>>291036can you not be a schizo for 5 minutes
Anonymous 291042
>>291032Calling bullshit on this. Where's the proof?
Anonymous 291043
>>291032wait so is this because of the girl who posted herself shitting on the toilet on ot?
Anonymous 291044
>>291028Thank you nonnee. I understand how you're feeling but please don't kys
Anonymous 291045
>>291036>no they only do that for the cp sites they host not a "twansphobic tewfs" onethis fuck cloudflare and their pedo, tranny-cock sucking owner
Anonymous 291046
>>291032Highly doubt this, show the caps
Anonymous 291047
>>291040NTA but Cloudflare does protect at least two websites now that post illegal content (bestiality, zoosadism). They were notified of it, and did not care, but they dropped KF because of that tranny from Twitter and his friend starting a whole campaign and hashtag about it. They're a disgusting company.
Anonymous 291049
>>291037lc really should have captcha tbh its behind how most imageboards are nowadays
Anonymous 291050
>>291043Sounds like it may have been her bf posting those pics as revenge porn. He may have had a shitting fetish or sth then leaked the pics she sent him.
Anonymous 291051
>>291047Cloudflare is a host. Its impossible and impractical to think they can police thousands of sites at once unless something is reported. Thats like blaming google for every website on their listings. Theres too many to manage so it relies on users and 3rd party takedowns to help remove sites
>>291049Cc doesnt
Anonymous 291052
>>291006>>291034The perm bans without reason specified are apparently system errors, or that's what another anon said. I've asked my perm to be manually lifted (since it's a system error) only to be met with ANOTHER perm ban of a more recent date. THREE TIMES.
Anonymous 291054
>>291051So, they can drop Kiwi Farms without any real due process, but
once notified, they can't drop an animal rape site that doesn't even hide what it is because it's "too hard to police"? Is that what you're saying?
Anonymous 291055
>>291030I enjoyed New Horizons as much as anybody else but I despise what it did to modern gaming. AC-adjacent elements contribute so much unnecessary bloat nowadays
Anonymous 291056

have any of you had any luck posting on the friend finder thread? im seriously considering it (IF lolcow ever comes back lol), i feel like its the only way im gonna find like-minded female friends
Anonymous 291057
>>291054They dropped KF because of troon pressure you know this.
Anonymous 291059
>>291049Captcha doesn't help with spam nor DDoS attacks, at least not anymore.
Anonymous 291060
>>291050damn, that makes more sense
>>291052I got banned instantly with no reason given on pc, appealed it like a week ago, and they haven't lifted it yet, I can only post from my phone, sucks
Anonymous 291061
>>291028If you've tried everything else and nothing has worked, try a keto diet or other low carb diet.
>>291049While I don't disagree, a captcha works against bots and can help mitigate low quality posting because it takes more time and effort to post. It doesn't do anything to stop anyone posting if it's an actual person. A captcha isn't a security measure because a captcha is designed to be easily solvable by humans.
Anonymous 291063
>>291016>>291038Thank you guys. I’ve always had bad self esteem and it frustrates me that these lines feel premature bc I’m always scowling without realizing but the idea of these clinics making vulnerable women feel worse to make a profit does make my blood boil.
Anonymous 291064
>>291054Kiwi farms had more actual issues than 4chan considering 4chan does kick out people who are crazy, their userbase also has vigilantes, so unlike kiwi that is also full of scrotes, 4chan has a record of not being complete shit. KF, however, was always shit and full of revenge porn, doxing, personal army harassment.. Also due to it being a US company, there are some states that allow animal abuse like this. It's disgusting, but they can't police overall what is allowed in some places. However, doxing, revenge porn.. Those tend to be illegal in all states. Hawaii, New Mexico, West Virginia, and Wyoming did not have laws against bestiality.
Anonymous 291065
>>291051>Cc doesn'tand cc is a dead shithole that's as bad as, arguably even below lc if you haven't noticed.
Anonymous 291066

My hand hurts like this and i found something lumpy in my boob, is it a swollen muscle related to back pain or…?
Anonymous 291068

>>291056Personally I made all my lc friends in the movie room, the friend finder nonas I add usually don't answer me or stop answering my messages. It's a shame because some of them seem cool, but I guess we just didn't click. I don't think there is any harm in trying though anon.
Anonymous 291069
>>291065but you're here? you could always go to 4chan
>>291066please call your doctor. unless you have something that developers cysts randomly, there should never, ever be a lump in your breast tissue, not even from a pulled or strained muscle. even when you pull your sternum, the fatty tissue in the breasts will never develop little irritations. as far as the arm goes, that could be a symptom or it's just two things at once, but the breast, again, will never have random lumps like this.
>>291067That's not something in 40 years of living I've ever seen or heard of being a side effect of ovulation. That's not a thing, anon.
Anonymous 291070
>>291025I took it for years for ADHD/depression. I can’t say if it really helped with those things. It mostly helped me minimize my apetite and stay underweight, however it made my jaw clenching worse to where I was straining all of my neck muscles every time I’d smile in a photo. I was on the lowest dosage at some point and still having that hideous jaw clenching in pictures. If you don’t have a strong jawline and bruxism then clenching probably wouldn’t be as apparent. But YMMV, it was very activating and I liked being thin without worry. I’ve only gained like 5-10 pounds since coming off of it too so it isn’t like ozempic or anything extreme.
>>290675I’m bi but I do not date bi men. Please never date a “bi” man. One of my first relationships was with a guy who said he was bi and then admitted to me he offered to suck his best friend’s dick (who rejected him kek). God I was so disgusted I just tried to forget he ever said that, then he immediately said he was so happy with tears in his eyes that he could share that stuff with me. Then if he ever mentioned he was bi or said he would be a twink I would instantly try to change the subject. I never told him I was into women because I felt like he would pornify that or ask for a threesome. He later cheated on me with a woman (and tried to monkey branch into a new relationship with her). Then after I told her that he was a cheater & ruined that relationship for him, he immediately started dating another woman. So he’s “bi” in that he’s perverse and wants to suck other men’s dicks but he only dates women… hm… he also was a “dom” and a rapist. The main reason I dated him was my shit self esteem and out of control BPD at the time. Let this tragic tale be your lesson to not ever date a bi man, ever.
Anonymous 291071
>>291069>but you're here? you could always go to 4chanbecause lolcow is down, are you retarded? no one will stick around after it goes back up just like every other time lc goes down. not even the ones who swear they will. this dump is only good for using as a bunker.
Anonymous 291072
>>291057Yes. My point is that "It's too hard to police all the sites!" is a bullshit excuse. They do see reports and act on them. Bringing up Google is dumb, too, because they delist fucked up sites once notified (they also delisted KF, funny enough). They don't even have to be illegal things like CP, you can just tell them "Hey this result that comes up when you Google my name is my copyrighted property shared without my authorization", and you can have them removed.
>>291064I'm not talking about 4chan. I'm talking about sites that literally reference zoophilia in their names and make literally no effort to hide what they exist for. I won't name them here since this site has psycho scrotes too, but they've been discussed on KF and reporting them has also been talked about. From a legal standpoint, they do have reason to "police" (ie not patronize/protect) websites like this because of the PACT act:
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9219431/>Bestiality has been a crime at the federal level since the 1950′s under the United States Armed Forces Code. The Code states that individuals who engage in “unnatural carnal copulation with an animal” are guilty of bestiality and will be punished through court-martial [41]. In 2019, the U.S. Congress passed the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act. The law criminalizes the creation, sale, and distribution of “crush” videos, or videos depicting cruelty with animals being “crushed, burned, drowned, suffocated, impaled, or otherwise subjected to serious bodily injury” [42] (p. 2) in interstate or foreign commerce. Though some have identified the law as a federal solution that closes a loophole in animal maltreatment legislation [43], others have criticized it as the federalization of what should be state criminal law [44].They just don't care because they have no ethics, and money is more important to them.
Anonymous 291073
my bf confessed to me that he has a fetish for old ugly fat bastards fucking teenage girls and it's also his favorite porn genre. i feel super disgusted, should i break up with him?
Anonymous 291074
>>291028ntayrt but have you been assessed by a psychologist for ADHD? There’s growing research that treatment resistant depression is oftentimes undiagnosed ADHD in adults. I also thought I had treatment resistant depression until I was diagnosed and treated for my ADHD.
Anonymous 291076
>>291069>there should never, ever be a lump in your breast tissue, not even from a pulled or strained muscle>the fatty tissue in the breasts will never develop little irritations.Wait, isn't there supposed to be little round-ish thing that you can move around right beneath your nipples?
Anonymous 291078
why are there so many r/relationship_advice-tier posts here
Anonymous 291080

Nonas who recieve random bans, clear your site data in your browser setting for cc and start using a free vpn. The bans are automated in some way and I don't think appeals are being looked at.
>>291073This is really bad bait kek
Anonymous 291081
>>291056I've had several scrotes contact me (some more upfront about it than others) when I posted in it
Anonymous 291083
>>291078bait from blackpilltards that other retards take everytime
Anonymous 291086
>>291073manifesting your bf to die of a heart attack
Anonymous 291087
>>291069anon, just look it up. developing lumps while ovulating is normal and they will go away on their own after a while.
Anonymous 291088

I wish normies didn’t infiltrate the anime community, I’m tired of conventions having insane queue’s, artists alleys getting so packed I can’t even look, and random moids coming to oggle at ethots.
Anonymous 291090
>>291073Please break up with him, it’s disgusting.
Anonymous 291091
>>291072I hate to tell you this, anon, but laws need to be hyper-specific. That's why they can get away with it.
Anonymous 291092
>>291030Honestly, there are so many games that I look at and think "but why shouldn't I just play SV instead?"
Anonymous 291093
right on cue they're taking the bait again
Anonymous 291094
>>291066A lump is rarely cancer (if you can move it by pressing on it with fingers, it's probably a cyst) but you should see a doctor still. Especially if you have armpit pain.
>>291064KF is trash but this really just means that Cloudflare values 'reputation' (the reputation of troons and connected cows, its own reputation as a host) over actual moderation.
Anonymous 291096

>>291093Let’s talk about something else. What is everyone having for lunch today?
Anonymous 291097

I keep having strange connection issues with cc and it's giving me a heart attack. This is all I have left, if I go to heolkek they'll spot me immediately.
N0nnie you're replying to bait
Anonymous 291101
>>291091Cloudflare isn't guided by the hardest, most precise definitions of the law, they're guided by greed and their reputation lol
Anonymous 291103
>>291096I don't have time for lunch. Coffee in the morning and then dinner.
Anonymous 291104
>>291074Can you tell me more? I do have ADHD but have not been medicated for it because I can’t afford the regular psychiatrist appointments required to be on a controlled medication like adderal. (Psych appointments for me are $210 each, even after insurance, and I would have to have monthly check ins for the first six months which I cannot afford)
Anonymous 291105
>>291096already had lunch, took my dad to a paella restaurant
Anonymous 291106
>>291084Don't worry, will do.
And for what it's worth, I always had those lumpy-like things ever since I was 14 (so, over a decade ago) and they were never reported as cause for concern during previous check-ups.
Anonymous 291110
>>291088You're implying that there's still something there for dedicated fans in the cons you go to. My local con became a normie shit hole. I'll never forget getting in a queue to order some bubble tea and some normie middle aged woman trying to start a conversation with me about how weird and disturbing everything is and how annoyed she was that her preteen sons made her go there with them as if I was going to say "haha yeah me too it's shit". There aren't anymore karaokes, panels, Japanese band concerts, etc. and almost all the guests are literal whos from tiktok. Everytime I want to go to the biggest con in the country there's something preventing me from doing so and the last time I managed to go there it was so badly organized that it ruined all my plans. God just take me back to 10 or even 15 years ago but without the extreme poverty so I could enjoy some good cons again.
Anonymous 291112
>>290958Anon you own your own home, that's literally all you need, that's my biggest dream. If you have housing then you're set for life.
Anonymous 291114
Holy fuck I'm so tired of having to cycle through VPNs just to make a fucking post on this shitty site. I wrote a whole ass paragraph on my computer (using my mobile now) and I can't even send it because it says I'm banned. I want my Lolcor back
Anonymous 291115
>>291096one whole 10" sugar-free reduced-fat angel food cake from kroger
Anonymous 291117
>>290958you have no idea how lucky you are. You own your own place? You make good money? You already have it better than most. Owning my own place is my dream, and it's so, so far away
Anonymous 291118
>>291104>>291074As someone who was diagnosed twice, it doesn't matter if you have meds or not tbh. Depression and anxiety are linked to it regardless and due to one thing being an actual imbalance [ADHD], doesn't mean anxiety and depression are. ADHD medication doesn't fix it absolutely and in a lot of cases can exacerbate the symptoms.
In ADHD, depression is usually just linked and not even chemical. It stems from the other issues associated with ADHD that can mentally degrade your self-esteem and other things that will cause you to overthink and hate yourself. Depression medicine actually made me start to want to SH/KMS and that's when I knew that my depression was stemming from other aspects that I needed to work through in therapy such as severe familial abuse and harassment at school. They just wanted a quick fix by giving me all these meds and when its your body, you can tell when something is wrong.
I've been ADHD med free and in therapy for 2 years and it's really helped with my depression and anxiety. It's like having to learn to work around your ADHD. I'm not anti-med, there are chemical mental issue that due need medication, but in my experience, medicine for ADHD side-effects are not effective at all. It's not even resistant depression IMO, it's shit you need to work through depression.
Anonymous 291120
>>291114you'd think the banning system would improve after seeing a influx of so many users..or maybe snail just wants this site to remain barren
Anonymous 291121

>>291104https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/861929?form=fpfPicrel is from the above article that discusses one study. Stimulants are just one treatment option for ADHD, there are non stimulants as well. Strattera is the common one and in about 50% of of patients it works just as well as a stimulant medication. There are options out there n0na that can help you.
Anonymous 291124
>>291118Ayrt I’ve been in therapy with different therapists since early childhood. I have no trauma to work through and my depression doesn’t come from a place of self loathing. It’s just an all encompassing anhedonia with no clear cause. I’m that person who has done pretty much everything people recommend for over a decade and never seen any results. So you’re probably right that ADHD meds wouldn’t do anything for me either. That’s just my lot in life and I have to accept it as long as I can bear it and then clock out.
Anonymous 291125
>>291076>>291106My gyno has told me that fibrous breasts that have a "lumpy" texture that may change with time are normal, but specifically round lumps that suddenly show up are the dangerous kind to look out for (makes sense to me if you think about a cancerous growth as a mutation that nucleates and then grows outward from there).
Anonymous 291126

How do you feel about taking on your Nigel's last name in case of marriage? The more I think about it, the stupider it sounds and the angrier I get. It's a remnant from the origins of marriage which meant making a woman into a man's property. I think children too should have the mother's last name only because we are the ones who birth them. Males have always been an accessory at best and absent at worst so it's completely unfair they get to put their last name on a child. I think compounding last names is the most palatable solution like they do in Latin America but in many European countries for some reason it's illegal for a child to have a compound last name.
Anonymous 291127
>>290988They don't manually update the status page anon. It automatically reflects if the site is up or not, and admin can add messages.
Anonymous 291128

>>291088Also samefag but I hate seeing zoomers getting into it (or any subculture) solely because it feels like they’re only getting into it for superficial reasons to match an “aesthetic”, they drive up the prices of merch/clothing brands only for them to abandon it and throw it away in 2 years when it’s not making them TikTok followers.
I go on Pinterest and realized this was why there was a sudden influx of K-On! fans and the reason why so much “cute core” anime merchandise has been getting so pricy in the secondhand market. Sorry anons, it’s just annoying.
>>291110I’m so sorry anon, it sucks to hear when other places barely have anything to begin with and it gets ruined too. We will survive somehow
Anonymous 291129

You're in the shower with me s. I never go in the shower without my phone.
Anonymous 291130
>>291126i would never ever do so. i love my last name because it's unique and the same as the people i loved the most (my grandparents). taking your husbands name is a loser move, unless it's really cool or something kek.
Anonymous 291132
>>291126The issue is that in most of the world, "your" last name is also just your dad's last name.
Anonymous 291133
we both a had our hearts broke uh huh
Anonymous 291134
>>291126My family name means nothing to me and likewise with my husband so we just made a new last name for ourselves. I really love it and it sounds way cooler with my first name too kek
>>291131Don't worry I keep you nice n dry
Anonymous 291135
>>291126It depends on who's name is cooler. If he has an awesome last name, hell yeah I'm taking it. If his is ugly or wouldn't sound good with my name, then no but I would consider hyphenating it with my name depending on what it is. I think I would actually prefer for us to drop both of our names and pick a new last name. I feel like it's very romantic that way and shows true union, especially if we have children with our new last name. Most people's last names come from men regardless of if you're married or not, so I honestly I don't care about the feminist aspect of it at all. All the stuff I wrote above would be my philosophy if I married a woman too tbh.
Anonymous 291136
Dumb question here but I hate facebook and I hate that I was basically forced by my classmates and teachers in university to use it: is it normal that I hate that my friends never ever wanted to move to a better messaging app and all decided to keep using FB and Messenger because of retarded reasons like "on my phone I can reply and not be interrupted on youtube at the same time"? Mind you, we were using Line before I made a FB account and some of them also made a FB account with me or after me so saying that they just wanted to not use too many apps at the same time is a shitty excuse.
Anonymous 291137
>>291132nta but i'd rather have my father's last name than take it from my husband's father
Anonymous 291138
>>291126I'll agree in most cases but my mother was a narcissistic abusive piece of shit so nah. (I have her last name cause she is divorced) Haven't spoken to her in 6 years. Maybe we'll have our own new surname idk.
Anonymous 291139

>>290938What are you talking about? pic related is hot as fuck. Men should dress beautiful and stylish, not in a t-shirt and skinny jeans with fucking vans. Also they should take care of their skin and hair, and wear make up to flatter they features.
Anonymous 291140
>>291126I'm engaged and we both agreed to keep our own last names, although he said he wouldn't mind taking mine. We don't plan on having kids so at least that's not part of the equation.
Anonymous 291141
>>291136I didn't like using messenger before either but the messages are encrypted now so there isn't any reason to not use it if your friends are already there. Discord is ass and the limit they put on file sizes is excessive and WhatsApp is owned by Facebook anyway.
Anonymous 291142
sparks fly…it’s like electricity
Anonymous 291145
>>291096Why is the baby wearing coloured contacts?
Anonymous 291147

I really like the mod style from the 60s, I wish more guys dressed like this
Anonymous 291148
>>291141My issue isn't with Messenger but with FB as a whole. I never wanted an account and as soon as I made one I remember some friends tagging me in everything, posting pictures of me without permission, and made it basically easier than ever for my family to harass me and ask stupid questions. They could have put me in danger with that shit and acted like I was weird and paranoid for asking them to remove all of these posts. Then there are a few minor things I really dislike about Messenger but it's dumb shit like not being able to change a theme without everyone also having this theme in the same conversation, how compressed pictures are when we send them to each other, etc.
>>291141>WhatsApp is owned by Facebook anyway.I hate that shit too. My family is a bunch of third world boomers so they know nothing but whatsapp. I use it when one of us is abroad in cases of emergency.
Anonymous 291149
>>291145i think that baby just has coloboma
Anonymous 291150
>>291124Like I said, it's not always, but can be. Mine isn't a chemical depression and that's my experience. I'm sorry you are struggling with this anon. Even now, almost 40, I still struggle with balancing what I know is paralysis due to my ADHD, but the medication made me bedrot due to it flaring up my depression and anxiety. Could be you're developing nihilism like me, I sometimes ask my therapist if that has to do with ADHD [luckily she says yes and not even specifically autism which I was worried about]. It's not BPD either.
The world sucks.
Anonymous 291151
>>291018I never got comments like these when someone likes something so popular. If it's popular to begin with, that means most people like it.
>>290946First paragraph I agree with, but second paragraph I don't. My tinfoil on why they're making bots less identifiable is because too much money is wrapped up in social media nowadays. For a long time the people in charge of large companies were only going by likes and follows because they didn't have a lot of familiarity with how the internet worked. People like Lillee Jean were very common in the mid 2010s because it was so easy to scam companies if you just bought followers and likes. It's all to do with the capital involved in the influencer market strategy that a lot of companies favour to target the younger demographics.
Anonymous 291153
>>291012Get a cheap face roller to rub in-between your eyes in the morning and at night. It helps me with tension headaches. You can also get silicone tape and put it between your eyes at night. Like others said, embrace them, but you can minimize how deep they are and train yourself to relax your face.
Anonymous 291154
>>291137My father keeps begging me to have kids and how I'm taking away the chance for him to have a grandparent moment and I would be losing our name. He has no legacy. I don't give a fuck. If anything, I want to change my bf and I's last names to something we want. We've talked about it and we actually joked about going through with it when we get married. Honestly, out of spite, I will never take my last name and I never, veer want kids. I want to travel and not worry about a 3rd fucking cost for a baby that I know I'll never love. I'm fine with other people's kids, but I personally never, ever want one. I hate my father for his constant push about this and him getting all teary-eyed and bullshit to try to guilt me into thinking about wanting kids.
Anonymous 291156
>>291148Do you know that you can deactivate your facebook account but keep your messenger account separate?
Anonymous 291157
>>290620I'm not surprised about the videos being recorded in advance because a lot of people have been saying that for a while, but why does he talk like an evil anime villain
Anonymous 291158
>>291032And the only reason he could ever find out about her posts of him on lc is if she told him about lc 8n the first places. That's why I don't like the retarded bitches who tell their nigels about lc
Anonymous 291159
>>291156I remember something like that being possible years ago, then it was impossible and it became possible again fairly recently. A friend of mine deactivated her FB account a few years ago and could still use Messenger. Until Meta changed that feature which meant she had to remake an entirely different account and we had to invite her back to the group chat. It became possible again only after she remade her account so I don't think deactivating my FB account now is a good idea, I'm waiting to see if this will change again but hopefully that won't be the case.
Anonymous 291161
I adopted a beautiful beefy 5-year old English bulldog from a shelter and I've found he's great at protecting me from Muslim men in my city. They're terrified of scary-looking dogs
Anonymous 291162
You guys see nickado? Im shocked his thread is going to be revived
Anonymous 291163
>>291012If you do start getting Botox, you'll have to dedicate a yearly budget it towards it. For the 11 lines, usually it only takes 15 or 25 units to treat. Where I live, a unit costs about $10, so you're looking at a rough cost of $150-$250 twice or thrice a year. If this is something that you can comfortably do, then I'd say just go do it. If you like how it looks after the first time, you can keep going, and if you don't like it you just have to wait a few months and then you know whether or not it's for you. If the lines are just beginning to form, Botox can help them from getting worse. As a side note though, if you're concerned about wrinkles, make sure you're drinking at least 3L of water every day and abstaining from smoking. Those two things make a big difference too!
Anonymous 291164
>>291159I have a deactivated account that I can reactivate at any time without issue so I wouldn't worry about it.
Anonymous 291165
>>291161Aww, I'm happy for you n0nnie. Dogs are great at protecting against abusive scrotes
Anonymous 291166
>>291032But why wouldn't admin just say "some literal who is ddos-ing it"?
Anonymous 291167
>>290630sorry, i read it wrong and deleted my post. my bad
Anonymous 291169

>>291163You're garbage for encouraging her to do that. I get you just want to flaunt your knowledge but you know exactly what you're contributing to.
Anonymous 291170
>>291164Nevermind I thought you were talking about deleting your account. Yeah no I want to fully delete mine, and the friend I was talking about did exactly that because it was possible. iirc it was because you could keep using Messenger on your phone thanks to your phone number and then months later Meta changed its mind on that and forced people who deleted their accounts but kept using Messenger to remake FB accounts..
Anonymous 291171
>>291147I’m pretty sure there’s at least 5 yaoi manga based off this image.
Anonymous 291172
>>291155>>291143>>291160oh no, the ugly dudes defenders patrol came. How dare a man wear nice clothes and accessories and not look like an unga unga from the caverns.
Anonymous 291173
Group suicide on monday if LC is still down?