
Lolcow Bunker Thread #34 Anonymous 292350
Anonymous 292353
Has there been any word from the admins or is it still radio silence? I haven't been keeping up
Anonymous 292354
I’m so tired of being sick.
Anonymous 292355
nasim thread was better
Anonymous 292357

The world is very bleak today. I miss all my art nonas.
Anonymous 292359
>>292338i dont want to shit up the g bunker thread like that out of respect for the innocent s there, plus every piece of art that she draws cy in somehow manages to be more triggering and upsetting than the last
Anonymous 292361
I dreamt that I was roommates with a n0nnie. When she made threads, she'd see me typing out my responses to them because we were on the couch or in the kitchen, and reply to me IRL. We once argued about a female musician as she saw me replying to a post she made, and we got into a misunderstanding, but sorted it out pretty quickly.
One time, I walked into the middle of our living room, and watched some sort of stop motion animation play out telling these two men's historical stories IRL. One of them looked up, addressed me as their "first cousin", and asked me something poignant. The other asked me where some place he did labor for was. Neither me nor my roommate could tell if it was somehow "real" or if someone had managed to set up a beautiful, intricate and semi-interactive animated scene in our apartment, and by the time she left, one was having full-on conversations with me. She didn't believe me when I claimed he was talking to me, but then they grew to full adult size and took realistic human form when they realized their "time" was long, long in the past (the laborer looked out our window, saw a blue light disappear and realized his workplace was gone). I filmed myself talking to one of them and hearing him discuss his life on Snapchat to send to my roommate, but he tried to kiss me and lick my mouth. It was weird and gross.
Eventually, there was a timeskip of us living with both them. The younger one "accidentally" partially shaved my roommate's head, but she was like "It's okay". It kind of sucked. Then, I woke up.
Anonymous 292362

what video game should I play next nönnies
Anonymous 292363
lolcow please come back this isn't even a joke anymore
Anonymous 292365
>>292352which is technically only 14 lolcow threads
Anonymous 292366

I need the reddit hate thread back I need the reddit hate thread back
Anonymous 292368
>>292356I wonder if they'll ever tell us what was wrong or if they just won't acknowledge it
Anonymous 292372
One time I had a dream that youtuber Scott Cramer killed my sister and her bf and her baby with a crossbow. I had to stop watching for a while after that.
Anonymous 292381
How is your Sunday going so far n0nnies? I assembled a bookcase, made some tea and now I’m currently putting my books back in alphabetical order.
Anonymous 292382
>>292357Post your art itt or at /media/, anon!
Anonymous 292383
>>292359>plus every piece of art that she draws cy in somehow manages to be more triggering and upsetting than the lastFanny's a retarded cow and it was hilarious to watch her scramble after getting doxed but am I the only one who isn't this sensitive? It's obvious the bitch wants to upset and freak people out with her ultra autismo degenerate pornsick tumblrina style hentai. Looking at her drawings is funny to me, because I'm just imagining the heccin chonker monkey-armed froggy voiced loser drawing it and getting turned on by it. Her drawings communicate a level of patheticism that is gratifying to me because while I am terminally online, at least I was never groomed into that kind of retarded degeneracy kek. Like honestly if you are actively being triggered by fugly fat fuck Cartman instead of laughing at the fugly heifer behind the drawing maybe you should just take a break. I wouldn't even put her on Nemu's level of autism kek. Fanny wishes she was Nemu. She's in no way as much of a horror cow as anons are making her seem.
She's just an annoying, pathetic pickme handmaiden trying to get her pedo incest tranny groomer cult points by freaking out ~le normies~.
Anonymous 292385
>>292236>>292248>>292254>>292262I think you guys are misunderstanding— I’m not eating cereal for dinner! I just use cereal bowls because they are the perfect size. I cook my dinners from scratch and they have lots of vegetables and legumes and spinach and other healthy stuff. And I take dinner as leftovers for lunch around twice a week so it isn’t adult lunchables every day. And I seriously eat until I’m full at dinner, and I don’t feel hungry during the day either. It’s not like I’m starving myself. I can’t tolerate being too hungry so I couldn’t tbh. I just have a small appetite and when I started matching my portions to my appetite instead of what my larger family members eat, the weight just naturally comes off. I used to eat to the point of being overfull at every meal, now I stop as soon as I’m not hungry. Tbh I don’t know why it’s so easy for me to eat less and not be hungry. But I’ll never go below 100 pounds because that would be fucked up.
Anonymous 292386

its a heatwave 95+ degrees. been fighting off some kind of cold/infection since last friday. period started today. i'm feeling like absolute shit today
Anonymous 292389
>>292385Nobody said anything about cereal, you gave a list of very crappy eating habits and anons provided feedback/concern
Anonymous 292390
>>292385You keep not mentioning eating pork, beef, chicken, oreven fish. Stop eating only veggies and filler. Also stopping to eat just when you don't feel hungry is an ED thing, you aren't supposed to be full, but you can not feel hungry after 2 bites because something has hit your stomach and that registers in your brain. I used to do this with something else which I won't share because I'm not looking to give you ideas. If you thought what you were doing was normal you wouldn't be asking for us for advice if it is. Most of the users you replied to have said you are on your way to developing one, which was your concern, but you keep brushing it off with excuses.
I think you know you know you have a ED developing and you're trying to get some of us to normalize your eating habits when they are not. You need protein and that shouldn't come from drinks with veggies and legumes on the side.
Anonymous 292393
>>292247>Here's my second choice to ReviewbrahTOPKEK
>>292387Kek, i was scared a cc miner was bullying us out at first.
Anonymous 292394
I miss lolcor but these bunker threads have a unique sporadic quality to them that I enjoy
Anonymous 292396
>>292383same i find her fgm shit repulsive but i dont' find her actual art disturbing to look at bc it just looks so cartoonish, ugly and unserious. and it's abvious all her fetishes are just to shick the normies. she comes across as a turbovirging trying too hard to compensate.
otoh some anons in the fanny thread on lc mentioned being fgm survivors so it's understandable that it could be triggering for them.
Anonymous 292397
>>292393I had to reread the post 2 times before I realized that it wasn't a miner telling us to fuck off lol
Anonymous 292400

>>292377>Raidou sucksOh, he does…
I do prefer Dante over Raidou in Nocturne tho
Anonymous 292402
someone i know irl mentioned hating null/fanny and i thought that meant they were at least somewhat 'in the know' but didn't even know what a lolcow is
Anonymous 292405
so why is lolcow down to be exact?
I don't really go there, just browse once in a blue moon for girl talk related threads
Anonymous 292411

happbee sunday farmers and miners!! i’m not sure why but it feels so nice that the girlies on cc let us sleep over every time lolcow goes down
Anonymous 292413
I have been starting to lose the motive to make breakfast so in the mornings I just sit at the table and wait till my head hurts or my hunger gets unbearable for hours
Anonymous 292418
>>292413just leave your breakfast ready the night before. Like overnight oats
Anonymous 292419

>>292412thank you n0na, that’s made my entire day!!!!
Anonymous 292420
The former tumblrinas don't want to understand this because they still think talking bad about certain religions means you love Hitler, so you'll see them brush it off with their unfunny nonchalant humor schtick.
Anonymous 292422
If the previous anons are still here from last thread can I ask out of curiosity how old is everyone for many of you to have bizarre drug addictions and drinking problems? I thought younger generations were scarred by apathetic millenial binge drinking culture and gen x parents drug use. Alcoholism isn't real nor addiction to weed. Depression is real but being a loser dependent on minor substances shouldn't be treated like it's a physiological ailment.
>>292366Wow is this about the recent shooting in Georgia? And anons here and lc way their terminally online spastics. Imagine being this empthetically crippled. Males should be euthanized.
Anonymous 292423
>>292390Ok I hear what you’re saying. But I just want to mention I don’t drink protein drinks, I don’t know where you got that from. I only drink water. I follow vegetarian recipes for dinner because I grew up that way so it’s not like I’m making up weird eating disorder meals. It’s proper food that many vegetarian people eat. I added deli meat to my diet for lunch after growing up vegetarian because I felt like I needed more iron and protein but I am disgusted by having to cook meat still. Is deli meat really that bad for you that I shouldn’t eat it at all? I’m never going to be a person who eats like, pork tenderloin or steak for dinner. I just don’t like it, it’s not how I grew up eating. I don’t think that makes me unhealthy. But yes I could probably stand to add something more to my breakfast or lunch, I just can’t figure out what.
Anonymous 292424
>tried to instead catch up with cows on KF
>threads get derailed every 5 seconds with shitty jokes, /pol/ tier takes and overall waste of time posts
I know it's the moid farms and I should've seen it coming but, it makes me hate that that's the only site with good archives of most cows. Threads in lolcow get derailed all the time too but idk, it feels less annoying.
Anonymous 292427
>>292422>alcoholism isn't realExplain? Are you referring to the rebranding of alcoholism as "AUD" (which felt a little cringe to me)? Or have you never known any alcoholics? I grew up around heavy alcoholics and still know a few around my age who are really suffering. It's definitely, definitely real.
Anonymous 292428

I'm moving out of a place with roaches (the landlord never stated there was a bug problem), how do I pack to ensure I don't bring anything with me to my new place? I'm not taking any furniture, just my clothing, pc, and other misc things and throwing away everything else.
Right now my plan is to wash my clothes and immediately put them into moving boxes like picrel.
Anonymous 292429
>>292402What did they say? I'm starving for Null snark… i miss that thread sm
Anonymous 292432
>>292422even after getting thru undergrad/grad using adderall to study/complete papers i dont have any addictions because im just built different.
i like to drink but only socially and its never been a problem, like i need it or something. i havent smoked weed since undergrad.
i also don't understand substance addiction. i think my brain is just wired to not depend on those things, though alcoholism and depression does run in my family.
Anonymous 292433

Got some fresh and great looking blueberries for a great price, going to be a perfect addition to my afternoon meals the next couple of days
Anonymous 292434
religious animal sacrifice is legal in the USA
Anonymous 292435
>>292428Take apart pc and blow with canned air. Wash clothes multiple times in HOT water. Dry in HOT air if you can. Wipe every misc thing in rubbing alcohol. Those are the only things coming to mind.
Anonymous 292436
does anyone else always get diarrhea after breakfast no matter what type of food it is, like literally any type
Anonymous 292438
kek why don't you go back to tiktok or tumblr where people care about your stupid chicken sacrifices
not a chicken btw
Anonymous 292440
>>292436Do you drink coffee with breakfast? That always gets me. I've heard similar things with cigarettes.
Anonymous 292441
>but this? Who gives a shit
Is this bait? Torturing animals "just 'cause" as some sort of enlightened practice is insane and shouldn't be allowed in developed societies.
Anonymous 292442
>>292427It's not even about culture. Animal cruelty is wrong. No one is above the law. Animals have right too. This dumb debate reminds me of people saying that it's wrong to ban porn because it's judgemental and completely ignore the fact that women are getting raped.
Anonymous 292443
stop replying, that's one of those highschooler faggots mentioned in the last thread
Anonymous 292444
>>292422>Alcoholism isn't real Alcoholism used to be a far worse problem globally and women were the ones who stepped in to try getting it under control.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temperance_movement Anonymous 292446
Exactly. It's tiktok and tumblr where trannies and other retarded gendies collate and cry about the meanie women telling them that functioning humans have a basic ethical framework that includes not supporting shit like rape, pedophilia or animal torture.
Anonymous 292447
>>292442The law says they can sacrifice animals for their religion.
Anonymous 292448
Scrotes are such retards. I'm having a moid cry and freak out because he found out I've done sexting before I've sexted him
Anonymous 292450
>>292423Why didn't you start out with telling anons you were a vegetarian? Also you're not a vegetarian if you eat lunch meat, those guys eat zero byproducts, cheese included, so are you a vegan? Honestly sounds like you are making excuses still. You are developing an ED, anon. You're hype focused on not going below 100, but seem to want to be near 100. You seem to enjoy bragging about losing weight. Also how the hell do you come from big family if all you guys eat is veggies and were raised that way? That doesn't make any sense. You can't be eating sweets with byproducts either. A lot of this isn't adding up and if you were raised that way, you'd know the difference between vegan and vegetarian and not get them confused. You need fish or something, jesus.
Anonymous 292451
>>292447The law also allows moids to goon to rape porn, your point?
Anonymous 292452
>>292447NTA but
>appeal to the lawIn the southern parts of the US, the law also states that it's okay to marry children for one's religion. Bestiality is also legal in some states, from what I've heard. Should we be supporting that too?
Anonymous 292453
>>292439please tell us why you think only a tranny wouldn't care about some dead chickens
>>292443wrong again. you know normies don't care about this either unless it's a celebrity doing it, i.e. azealia banks.
Anonymous 292455
>>292440nope no coffee nor cigs, just plain water
Anonymous 292456
wtf kind of infight is this kek
Anonymous 292457
Nónnies, I'm about to re-paint all the walls, because instead of worn out but cozy it's looking like nobody cleans here. Any tips and tricks to make it easier? Or just more enjoyable because I already did one wall and it took me forever with all the layering and stuff, and it kills my carpal tunnel too.
Anonymous 292459
>>292453>usIt's just you, we don't care about your self-diagnosed DID
Anonymous 292460
>>292456Normal people vs edgy 12 year olds and "radqueer" trannies
Anonymous 292462
>>292459Nta the jump from
>you dont care about chickensto
>you're a sociopathic trannywas so ridiculous I thought you were joking
Anonymous 292463
>>292436Anxiety, nerves, IBS-D? Or maybe that's just your body's schedule?
Anonymous 292464
>>292428Clean everything like the other anon said. My suggestion might be a bit extreme, but before you unpack anything, spray every nook and cranny of your new place with roach Raid. On the off chance anything came with you, it will make it a very inhospitable environment for them and they'll die upon arrival. (If you are moving into a place with roommates, maybe it's not such a good idea tho, they might not like the smell and it might fuck with their heads seeing the new arrival spraying Raid everywhere … )
>>292444Definitely agree with that and am aware of the connections between the temperance movement and feminism already. Just wondering why someone would say alcoholism isn't real today. The way it's treated, like in A. A., is really outdated and not helpful to a lot of people. And the rebrand to AUD is not helpful either. But it's still a real thing.
Anonymous 292466
>>292456just the losers who want to bring everyone down, nitpick, start fights, etc. by the looks of it. I came here hoping for nice conversation but open the thread to this?? disappointed.
Anonymous 292467
>>292411cute-non, you're our only hope. Please come and save us from the race sperging
Anonymous 292468
>>292462It's peak "morality is fake" radqueer retardation regardless of whether or not they're a tranny, it's the new internet mind disease.
Anonymous 292469
>website that hosts dog and cat hate threads packed with years worth of alogging animals actual zoosadists and serial killers target most
>2 petafags lynch me for not caring about livestock
>directly compare me and other women to livestock
>accuse me of being an underage psycho troon
not sure what I expected
Anonymous 292470
shut the fuck up already no1curr
Anonymous 292471

What do you think the farmhands are doing with their vacation?
Anonymous 292473

Thank you to the miners of this site who tolerate our retardedness. It's probably been already asked, but what is your preferred theme n0nas? I can't help but go back to the keekweek theme, it just brings back so much nostalgia.
Anonymous 292474
Anonymous 292477
had a seizure yesterday like a dumb sperg
Anonymous 292479
>>292448Dump him. He'll never forget this and will always bring it up.
Anonymous 292480
>>292471Being here with us perhaps, kek
Anonymous 292482
>>292450What? I’m obviously not vegetarian because I said I eat meat. I said I was raised vegetarian. My mom is a Buddhist hippy. When I said “bigger family members” I didn’t mean fat, I meant physically bigger. I’m like the runt of my extended family, everyone is much taller and bigger than me. I’m not disagreeing that I should be eating more but I’m bothered by you misinterpreting me and then suggesting I’m lying or something.
Anonymous 292483
I want to take a break from everything. I want someone to hug me. I want to be small for a minute and crawl up in someone's arms and be held. I want someone to stroke my hair and tell me everything is going to be alright, that I'm doing my best, that I'm not responsible for other people's mental health. That I don't need to become the support system for those that don't have any just because my moral compass tells me so, that I don't need to be the hand that reaches out to those in need and that it's fine for me to prioritize my own health. I want someone, as genuinely as possible, tell me they are there for me just as much as I am always there for others. I just want to be taken care of for a little bit, instead of being the carer. Is it selfish of me to feel this way?
Anonymous 292484
>>292473dark crystal cause the light themes hurt my eyes and also i like the striped background and purple color theme
Anonymous 292485
>>292448Weird. Have you had other relationships before him? How does he feel about that? Probably stop talking to him completely, he is jealous and oversensitive and weak
Anonymous 292486
Giving all of my plants a shower to rid them of earwigs from the balcony. Why do I insist on this every year I'M TIRED.
Anonymous 292487
We call ab based for making good music and her contribution to the elon grimes thread
Anonymous 292488
>>292473Darkcow on lc, Dark Crystal (old) here
Anonymous 292489
still kinda sad the AB grimes collab fell through
Anonymous 292491

>>292435Canned air specifically? Or could I use something like picrel? I'm even paranoid that the air picrel would use would just blow roach contaminated air back into the pc, kek.
Anonymous 292492
>>292482I think the problem is that you are making excuses for suggestions. Just eating more isn't the problem, it doesn't even sound like you're meeting basic daily calories as is. Yes veggies and legumes are great, but you need something more. Do you eat things like chickeas at least? Lunch meat isn't bad, but overprocessed meats you'd think is something you'd want to avoid.
Anonymous 292494
Cerbmin could you please hurry the hell up I'm losing my fucking mind
Anonymous 292495
>>292491Canned air, it's specifically for cleaning keyboards and pc's. If you don't already take apart your pc regularly it's probably dusty as fuck in there already, so it probably best to take it apart and blow tf out of it with canned air.
Anonymous 292496
i really miss the vent thread
Anonymous 292497
>>292456the lc withdrawals are really getting to some anons lol
Anonymous 292498

i rarely watch new tv series and rewatch the wire and mad men every other year kek. i'm currently on my 6th mad men rewatch and it's so good.
Anonymous 292501
reported for gore, troon.
Anonymous 292502
>>292498>rewatch the wire and mad menWhat do you like about them? I tried watching mad men but Diaper annoyed me so much.
Anonymous 292504
I have diarrhea because I keep drinking coconut water, but it's so delicious.
Anonymous 292505
I'm so glad summer is over. Worst season ever.
Anonymous 292506
Screenshot 2024-08…

It's almost Monday here, so I will try to be optimistic about the new week. Will it work? Probably not. And yet, we march on
Anonymous 292507
>>292429he was talking about being upset at a twitter artist who follows an artist he hates, i ask who and he absolutely described her
>"Also I found out she follows an artist who I overtly fucking despise with every fiber of my being - Want to hit them with hammers kind of hate - This artist has a comic series about a husband and wife but she is like Overtly beaten and R* and like cucked Also the husband is a groomer canonically and shows his wife thag shit"when i was like ooh i know who you're talking about she's my cow, he was confused and surprised that null is a woman. TLDR normies hate her lol
Anonymous 292509
Are we still going to have movie night even when Lolcow's down?
Anonymous 292513

>>292467sorry for the late reply!! i hope your weekend was hamtastic!! it’s gonna be halloween soon, the best time of year!!!
Anonymous 292514
Papa I know you’re going to be upset
Anonymous 292516

Me stumbling upon zoomie "farmers" tumblr blogs. Take "femcel" out of you bio and stop being cringe.
Anonymous 292518
>>292511Spring is so mild and milquetoast what's there to even dislike? Besides allergies
Anonymous 292521
>>292515>>292518Spring is the worst season by far where I'm from, it's nothing but mud and dirt build up from the salted roads over the winter, there's allergies and it's still too cold to enjoy swimming yet. The one week of flowers on the trees is nice but it's my least favourite season by far. It's just got so little going for it compared to Summer Fall and Winter.
Anonymous 292522
Do you think the /meta/ spammer integrated or fo you think she left?
Anonymous 292523
Anonymous 292526
>>292492Yeah of course, chickpeas are a staple for me. And I wasn’t trying to make excuses I was just trying to clarify misunderstandings.
Anonymous 292527
>>292452Sorry that you live in burgerland.
Anonymous 292528
>>292518Everything people think they like about Spring is really what's enjoyable about early Summer where I live. Spring is never as sunny as I need it to be.
Anonymous 292529
>>292521I hate the blinding light, the heat, the sweat, everyone goes outside so it gets noisy as hell. The bugs, the mosquito bites, the humidity. I HATE IT ALL. Summer feels like vacationing in hell.
Anonymous 292530

doing my assignments yay…! i love chatgpt for helping summarize things for me
Anonymous 292531
I'm out of the loop, does milquetoast have another meaning now?
Anonymous 292532
>>292457I want more info because I like the idea of giving my apt an accent wall I re-paint before I leave. why would your walls have looked worn out but cozy before? what colors? why are there layers involved, just multiple coats?
Anonymous 292533
How the hell do you romanticize studying when you work and study exclusively online??
Anonymous 292534
>>292529Understandable. I love summer since I love being warm, and I like the food as well. People making a lot of noise doesn't really bother me either since my family has a camp we all go out to that makes that noise go away. What season do you actually prefer?
Anonymous 292535
>>292529I almost said hello fellow southerner until I remembered that's every season in the south not just summer
Anonymous 292537
>>292533You could go to a public library or cafe, or decorate your desk. I like to make my uni laptop really cute (rainmeter, cute case, stickers) so you could probably do the same from your home PC/laptop! When you study online you can kinda study anywhere so you can romanticize that
Anonymous 292538
One thing I miss about LC is that you can report multiple posts at once. Here it seems like you have to go in to every post, write out the reason, then report, which is kind of frustrating.
Anonymous 292539
>>292527NTA, bestiality, child marriage and incest are legal in multiple European, South American, Asian countries. CP for "personal use" is also legal in parts of Eastern Europe. You don't want to play this game because all your moids are subhuman and they're running things, don't even get me started on MENA or Africa in case you want to LARP you're from those parts and that they're good kekkk
Anonymous 292540
My cat is dying, put to sleep this month and I'm fleeing on a holiday next month because I cannot handle seeing his stuff whilst he is not here and it almost feels as if I'm putting him so that I can go but I'm not!! I love that cat so much and this hurts so bad
Anonymous 292541
>>292483You're not responsible for anyone's mental health, and you might want to consider cutting ties and/or stepping back from the people who are demanding so much of you. You deserve to feel strong. Your "moral compass" could actually be trauma telling you you have to give too much of yourself to feel like a good person. I had the same issue. I realized I was actually being selfish by believing that I, and I alone, was uniquely moral and equipped to handle the needs of mentally ill, rejected, bullied, and otherwise lonely people. I ended up feeling exhausted and unappreciated, and having a terrible realization: Sometimes people don't have a support system because they treat people in their support systems badly. Sometimes they need to be left alone because even though you feel like you're helping, you're really enabling.
Anonymous 292542
>>292533You keep your desk clean and cosy. As cringe as it sounds, making a "feel good" board is a good idea. You can put pictures, to do list, anything on it. Having a real clock is a good idea too and please, if you can, put your desk in front of a window or not too close to a wall. If you can't, get a cosy lamp and a small plant not too far away.
Anonymous 292544
What kind of longform youtube videos do you n0nnies like? I like ones about lost media, video essays about old obscure games and movies, dark internet/media history and murder documentaries.
I typically to list a couple for when I go to bed since it helps drowning out my night anxiety and lulls me to sleep but youtube's algorithm seems for some reason believe I'm a hardcore penguinz0 fan and keeps redirecting me to random old streams of his whenever what I listened to is done.
Anonymous 292545
>>292544all of those that you listed plus iceberg videos. biggest guilty pleasures
Anonymous 292546
>>292540I don't think it sounds that way. What it sounds like to me is that you really loved your cat and your cat really loved you. I think your cat would be happy knowing that after the grief of losing her, you'd have the courage to try and help yourself heal. The love you two shared is strong and it outlasts time, so it'll always be with you.
Anonymous 292547
>>292452Beastiality is not legal in the United States, spreading misinformation isn’t going to dethrone us kek
Anonymous 292549
>>292518how do people like this even find lolcow or cc?
Anonymous 292550
>>292534Fall hands down. It feels cozy and warm. You can walk outside without sweating or having a cold. The colors, cooler weather, the crisp and fresh air, pumpkin spice and of course Halloween. Sadly autumn feels like such a short season which makes me treasure it more.
Anonymous 292551
>>292544I like those lost media and conspiracy videos about ARGs. The youtubers always make the subject matter more dramatic and scary than it needs to be.
Speaking of youtube, does anyone remember the channel gabbytheclown? She used to make weird PSA compilations but her videos were taken down due to copyright. I loved her editing style, it was subtle but memorable. I think there’s some reuploada if you search up “gabby the clown reupload.”
Anonymous 292553
>>292544schizo ramblings from conspiracy theorists
Anonymous 292554
I wish I could delete my post but it says the site cookies don't match up, please just report it kek. I truly didn't know there was a bad meaning/association with the word, I don't use twitter or other social media or listen to redscare I'm sorry.
Anonymous 292555
is it a bad idea to work a part time job while finishing my degree online? or should i just take a break from school to work?
i have about 3 semesters to go and the classes i have left are higher level classes so they might take a bit more studying.
Anonymous 292556
>>292544I love Esoterica's videos on religion and the occult
Anonymous 292558
>>292537>>292542Thanks for the suggestions. I usually put some music on and change the colored lights so I can set the mood but these sound good too.
Anonymous 292559
you don't get it i hate the feeling of "nobody understands these characters like i do" because what choice are you left with?? i should have become a review blogger so that people were forced to read my autistic ranting and pay me for it. and infight about my opinions in the comments.
Anonymous 292560
>>292555no. i just had two parttime jobs while in grad school and everything was in-person.
Anonymous 292562
>>292560do you have any advice you could give on how you managed working while being in school?
Anonymous 292563
>>292550I agree that Fall is the best season. If theres one thing I dislike about summer its the bugs, and having them fuck off in Autumn is great. I know pumpkin spice is the basic white bitch flavour but I love it too. I have an addiction to carrot cake.
Anonymous 292564
>>292503pls why is this so funny to me what a shitshow
Anonymous 292565
>>292555An easy part time job that requires no thought or time commitment outside of the job would be good. It's really nice to have some money while you're in school. If it gets too stressful, just drop the job.
Anonymous 292566
>>292541>Your "moral compass" could actually be traumawell… you're not wrong. Grew up with a mom that kept calling me ugly, useless and selfish no matter what I did so I guess I am "overcorrecting" by developing a way too strong sense of empathy (I get anxious for other people's sake way too easily and pick up on even the smallest signs that something is wrong) put a lot of pressure on myself to be a selfless and caring person.
>Sometimes people don't have a support system because they treat people in their support systems badlyI try to keep this in mind as well, I've ended up with some crazies getting overly attached to me because I reaching out to check in on them and making me regret every decision I made that led me there. But whenever someone I know is struggling and I don't know if they have someone to turn to I think back to those times when I've desperately reached out for help right before or after I've attempted suicide and people either didn't take me seriously or considered it "someone else's problem". I don't want anyone else to ever feel that sort of loneliness, so even if they end up harming themselves or attempting suicide I want them to know that - at least for a moment - that someone in this world gave a shit about them.
Perhaps all of this just boils down to me being self-righteous.
Tbh had I lived during medieval times I would probably have been the type of person who would routinely whip herself for not being pious enough kek
Anonymous 292567

I know going out is good for me but I sort of wanted to spend the rest of the weekend being useless and depressed. Who knows, while I'm out the servers might come back up and I'll miss the celebration…
Anonymous 292569
wtf did joe burrow do to his hair he used to be cute
Anonymous 292570
>>292564C'mon n0nnas we need to hold hands and sing Imagine together.
Anonymous 292573
>>292567I'm spending my weekend like this, doing some small chore, going back to the pc, doing another chore, interrupt it to going back to the pc, continue with the chore and like that all these two days
Anonymous 292574
>>292544Anything, as long as it's well-made. Sometimes random channels have hidden gems. Please share if you know of any. I need something to keep me busy. I miss you, my lolcor. This one is super interesting. I really recommend it. 10/10 content for gamers.
Anonymous 292576

My sister just entered a maniacal state out of the blue and it's barely been like 14 months since the last time she did .
I just want some comfort because I'm feeling nothing right now. I don't know when my sister will be back to being normal and on top of it she very possibly lied to me about her mental health these days.
The worst part? I felt like I was finally returning to feeling better after her last episode.
Anonymous 292577
>>292573Sounds comfy and not useless at all noonny
Anonymous 292579
The formal definition is a shy/feeble person but it is often used informally to describe something as “boring”, I can’t speak for the other anons but I think it’s a really dumb word to try to use in an attempt to sound smart and saying boring is just more sensical
Anonymous 292580
>>292562well i think it helped 1 of my jobs all i did was send emails. the other was working at the uni library which was also chill and my coworkers were so cool so it was fun.
my days were like 9am to 9pm every day tho. i didnt have any social life and free time to myself.
i feel like the pressure of having those jobs also somehow made me produce even better work academically, somehow. once i graduated it felt like a loss, like i could be doing so much more than sitting around all day. but now i'm lazy as shit again and i hate it
Anonymous 292583
>>292573are you me? This is exactly what I did all weekend and I loved it
Anonymous 292584
I want to try baking, do any nonas have any recommendations?
Anonymous 292585
>>292428Microwave whatever possible when you are in your new place but add a cup of water for saftey
Anonymous 292586
Do you think cerbmin is reading these threads and laughing at us collectively going insane
Anonymous 292587

I thought I was retarded until I saw this. And yes, this is who you think this is.
Anonymous 292588

>>292533it's called notion and it's a work of art. just get a cute template and put all your assignments in and you're set for the semester. also get a cute waterbottle or mug, decorate your desk, wear something cozy and put on music. you can also study outside if it's a nice day
Anonymous 292589
>>292586No I think Cerbmin is eating chicken tendies and playing Movie Star Planet 2 right now
Anonymous 292590
>>292587it took me a minute to realize kek
Anonymous 292592
>>292584I baked an apfelstrudel today. It's super easy, you just need 4 apples, honey (or brown sugar, if you prefer), butter and a pre-made puff pastry dough from the supermarket
Anonymous 292593
>>292589There's 2 MovieStarPlanets now? Whoa.
Anonymous 292596
>>292584Brownies are pretty much what I started out with. Very simple since you pretty much just mix everything into a single bowl and then put it in the oven!
Anonymous 292597
>>292592Sounds delicious baking . Is it baked like an open pie or layered like mille-feuille?
Anonymous 292598
does automod ban you for using certain phrases? i've written longish completely basic posts about general topics and gotten banned.
Anonymous 292599
>>292511No you're right anon, the post said summer! So it's not spring! Good observation.
Anonymous 292602
>>292598Yes it does but it's not clear what phrases are targeted by the automod.
Anonymous 292603

i hate these little faggots. you will never be san x.
Anonymous 292604

>>292588ntayrt but this looks exactly like what I need right now. Thank you for sharing
Anonymous 292606
>>292588NTA but this might be exactly what I've been looking for, some kind of cute customizable calendar program. I was getting frustrated searching around and only finding ugly bland purely functional stuff, I was on the verge of trying to set up a convoluted html calendar instead. Any templates you would recommend?
Anonymous 292607
>>292603Creep how Nabkov's Lolita is thrown in….
Anonymous 292608
>>292586They’re infighting because one of them has to update everyone again about lolcow being down, with no clue how many days it will last. The one who knows how to code is probably banging her head against the wall because the code is likely the most disgusting thing ever written. You fix something and it brokes something unrelated. They don’t even have the silver lining of not having to moderate, since they probably check this thread and think we’re all ungrateful idiots—though the rare cute anons probably warm their hearts.
Anonymous 292610
Does getting banned for an unspecified reason mean that it's an autoban? Or are the jannies here too lazy to type out the reason
Anonymous 292613

Nonarellas, can you recommend chinese (fan)artists that blend anime with realism and render really colorfully? I'm creating my mini inspiration gallery, they really have been my favorite.
Rkgk artists are also welcome as long as they render with a lot of creative colors.
Xie xie!
Anonymous 292614
>>292610Yes, if you get a reasonless permanent ban that means it was automatic.
Anonymous 292616

>>292597it's very delicious! You actually just wrap it with the dough like pic related, so even easier
Anonymous 292617
>>292613What is this style of art anyway??? Like what would one call it when describing it?
Anonymous Moderator
All baiting and infighting from here on out will lead to a permaban. Too many chronic baiters are constantly ban evading, samefagging and begging for infights all day long and it's not worth putting up with. If you see bait, report and ignore it. If you're itching for drama, you have to wait until lolcow is back up. We don't have to host bunker threads and you have other imageboards to go to. If you choose to be here, stick to the rules.
Anonymous 292622
>>292350I'm so tired without my morning lolcow… How will I make it through the day?
Anonymous 292624
>>292618Thanks for putting up with them mods, we appreciate you for doing everything especially after the past two days. Sorry you have to do so much extra work, but thank you again for hosting us farmers and letting us have fun.
Anonymous 292628
>>292622I've been visualizing the threads in my mind.
Anonymous 292629

>>292617Ayrt and honestly I just call it "Chinese fanartist style" kek
My native language is gendered so I make sure to point out that's a
female chinese style.
Anonymous 292632

>>292613Might be a bit more anime than you’re looking for but I have been pretty enthralled with @zhongerweiyuan
Anonymous 292633
well it was until bunkers 27-33
Anonymous 292634
>>292381Like shit. tried playing oblivion it’s buggy so I quit. Try playing other games in my switch which non of them do it for me so now I’m laying in bed browsing
Anonymous 292636
Today was the only day in a while where I didn't take an afternoon nap yet this is also the first night in a while I have trouble falling asleep. And I've been active all day deep cleaning the apartment and food prepping so it's not like I haven't spent any energy.
Anonymous 292637
>>292613sorry nona I can't think of any off the top of my head but I'm aware of the artist from picrel and they are very talented however their fav ship is so weird to me lol
Anonymous 292638
>>292577>>292583Yes it's supposed to feel comfy and it felt like that some time ago, now i just do it to evade staying all the weekend in my bed and hoping it'll make me feel a little better. At least tomorrow i'll be grateful with myself for not wasting my time at bed
Anonymous 292640

>>292632Another pic. She’s a hetafag but her work is so good it makes me want to get back into it kek
Anonymous 292643
>>292629Thank you, I'm just curious if the Chinese people have a specific word in their language for it. E.g., the Japanese's ukiyo-e.
Anonymous 292644
>>292613Who is this artist? I love the style!
Anonymous 292646

can you all stop deleting your posts, you're scaring me
Anonymous 292648

>>292544eurothug4000 and tangomushi!! they’re both woman who do long-form essays about horror games! they both covered siren which is an autistic hyperfixation of mine but they also talked about silent hill, fatal frame, clock tower, and some more indie horror titles!!
Anonymous 292651
>>292381Moved into student accommodation for the first time yesterday (I'm a third year in college and had been commuting from home previously) so I spent today doing a bit of shopping for the room and getting to know the area. I'm so happy to be living on my own! My flatmates are really nice too. College starts back tomorrow for me so I've also been doing some reading in preparation. All in all it's been excellent and I'm really excited about the new academic year.
Anonymous 292652
A faggot left a bad review about me on Google because of a mistake I made at my job. I think I'll get fired.
Anonymous 292655
There's nothing that I love than a person who likes being sent on little quests. I just have my gf run errands for me or do random shit I don't feel like doing.
Anonymous 292660

>>292653time to join the drawboard through my linkedin, i'm sure this will have no repercussions whatsoever
Anonymous 292661
TBF the issue doesn't come up that often and it's easy to miss if you're not constantly in the bunkers, or if you don't show up at the right time.
Anonymous 292662

I’ve been praying and manifesting that my brothers would drop dead and it hasn’t happened yet. I want them to drop dead of symptomless blood clots and nobody finds their disgusting bodies after a week of it rotting. I hate them both. I hate their useless existence. Fuck them and fuck scrotes all the way to flaming hell
Anonymous 292664
>>292003I think it's called virtual autism or induced autism. Look it up
Anonymous 292665
>>292491NTA. You can use an air compressor or canless air system as long as it's anti-static. Static electricity can damage computer components.
Anonymous 292667
>>292660clear your cookies / open incognito. i have no idea why it makes you signup when u can anonymously
Anonymous 292668
>>292658I work in a restaurant. He complained about me because I got his order wrong.
Anonymous 292670

>>292662I have a shitty brother who recently trooned out so I empathize n0na. I wish it was him and not my dad who died last year. I am honestly curious if anyone here has a good, close relationship with their brother
Anonymous 292671

why is posting so slow now? everyone in the thread got banned
Anonymous 292672
If it's not clear to anyone else, trolls are trying to get the bunker thread kicked off of CC. They're acting up because they can't bait and infight on LC and they hate seeing real farmers have fun, so they want to kill the threads. It's gay.
Anonymous 292673
>>292652that’s so retarded, is your workplace that strict? i bet they made that review because you’re a woman too so they’re extra sensitive over female employees going above and beyond and being perfect, ugh
>>292660nobody is seeking you out or cares about you that much to harvest your information and go after you. being that paranoid about signing up for an online art room that you don’t even need to sign up for like anon here
>>292667explained is genuinely making me piss myself laughing
Anonymous 292674
what phone does everyone have and what do/don't you like about it? my iphone x is on it's last legs and instead of just getting another iphone I'm considering other options.
Anonymous 292677
>>292672i think cc mods genuinely just don't want us here anymore honestly even though we literally just stay in this thread and the rest of the website is dead af anyway
Anonymous 292679
>>292532Personal preference maybe, I prefer the "well-lived" look as in it can have some chipped paint here and there etc. No need to be pristine. But it had some ugly humidity stains and other stuff so a re-paint was in order. And yes, with layers I meant multiple coats, otherwise the stains weren't fully covered. I like the idea of an accent wall too n0na, I'm thinking something pale that still keeps the room light like a soft sky blue.
Anonymous 292682

Her art is pretty good but she does have very questionable tastes.
Anonymous 292683
>>292638if it works for you and you don't feel guilty because you did something productive, even a little bit of it, then you did great. Weekends are for resting and sometimes you have to listen to your body and just rest
Anonymous 292687
>>292670Our relationship was close and good, he was pretty much my parent, except he later turned out to be a retarded little bitch who made my abandonment issues even worse. Still miss him though.
Anonymous 292688
Anyone watching the paralympics ending ceremony
Anonymous 292689
>>292618Sick of the censor. Echo chamber we go.
Anonymous 292699

>>292674Get that cute little modern Android flip phone people are getting. iPhone can be super annoying to have especially if you get the 64gb one and need to have constant updates with the phone. What I prefer about iPhones is that all of their phones are relatively fast while Android phones the speediness and camera quality increases with new expensive models unfortunately. God it looks so fucking cute I almost want to save up to get this eventually, I would advise just looking at video reviews/asking around for recommendations before you make a huge purchase though, also think about other uses for the phone (like if you’re wfh, etc.) something personal that makes you want to buy it
>>292670I’m sorry for your loss even if you didn’t like your father and he was also a POS I completely understand. I absolutely hate sharing DNA with brothers who act like goblins that came from under a bridge, it’s like a curse placed upon women to carry until death. Let us both manifest them a natural death that paves us a happy and healthy life~
fuck scrotes and fuck trannies it absolutely makes me seethe knowing that them not existing and me having more money would automatically solve 90% of my and other people’s problems. Sorry to blogpost fuck your disgusting brother, stay away from him you’re great
Anonymous 292700
>>292516why is farmer and femcel such an aesthetic as if theres not an insane amount of farmers with nigels
Anonymous 292701
Anyone else watching post links turn green in real time? The janny won't answer to us, will continue to wipe our posts because they hate their un-paid slave job.
Anonymous 292703
>>292682Tf I just checked her tumblr terminator tag what a waste of talent noo
Anonymous 292705
this heat wave is killing me…. i dont have ac
Anonymous 292706
Someone will make lc2 if lc never gets fixed, right?
Anonymous 292708
>>292706I hope so, if not idk where i'll hang out
Anonymous 292710

>>292708>>292706They’ve definitely been testing the website behind closed doors. I don’t know why they won’t reopen it to us.
Anonymous 292711
>>292701I've been refreshing the page and seeing posts disappear, including my own. Not sure I understand what's going on, I've never seen this happen in any imageboard before
Anonymous 292713

>>292710Idk the percent hasn't went up from that 5 mins it was live yesterday.
Anonymous 292714
>>292699NTAYRT, do these phones still have the problem where the middle of the screen gets wrinkly/goes dead after a few months of use? I want one because the cases look so fun and it would be so much easier to store, but I also read on my phones a lot…
Anonymous 292716
Cerbmin if you see this please update the status page and let us know if the site will come back soon…
Anonymous 292718
Did that tranny janny finally get the fucking boot kek?
Anonymous 292720
I wish I could better relate to normie women. Dating while being a retarded lesbian fucking sucks. All the cute nerdy women are already in established relationships or married.
Anonymous 292722
>>292674my heart was set on one of those flippy androids but i went from an iphone 12 to 15 instead just because i could get 256gb. the only reason i swapped was because i was out of room, but its a cute mint green and will last me several more years!
Anonymous 292723

>>292699the galaxy folds are cute, I had actually been looking at those. I love the idea of snapping them shut lol also being able to fit one in my pocket securely would be a plus. I've had bigger phones before and they are always half way hanging out of my pockets and digging into my leg. Oh that's true, I absolutely need more than 64gb storage cause I have a huge mp3 library I've been collecting since I was a teenager and I like to have my music with me. will definitely check out review videos, I'll be buying secondhand but still a new phone is a big purchase for me.
Anonymous 292724
I love eating unhealthy salads. I don’t care if it defeats the purpose. It’s so good.
Anonymous 292726
>>292670While my brother and I aren't very close due to the large age gap (he's 13 years older) he is still closer to being a father figure to me than my dad ever was, he is always there for me in a heartbeat the few times I muster up the courage to ask for help and even supported me economically during an entire summer while I was struggling getting a student loan last year due to a mistake in the system and denies my attempts at paying him back. He also on occasion sends me texts saying how proud he is of me.
He still has his moments of being an absolute idiot, because he is still a dumb moid after all.
Anonymous 292727
>>292502Nta but I really emphasize with Draper's view on life: we are all alone, the universe is indifferent, his views on youth and change, modernity vs tradition. I feel like it's very relatable to what we talk about on cc and lolcow. This scene I linked made me burst out laughing and clapping, it was so good.
Anonymous 292728
>>292725Romaine lettuce base mixture with a little bit of bacon bits, hard boiled eggs, generous on cheese and ranch. Honestly if I wasn't such a bitch for cheese and ranch it wouldn't be so bad.
Anonymous 292729
>>292714I have no idea but I did here that a lot of people got faulty ones..it is cute though but a risky buy kek
>>292723Picrel phone case is so cute! Yeah, for example if you want to research iPhones the ones with larger storage space they’re more expensive but they also offer iCloud, another downside is if you don’t own their other apple products like their MacBooks and stuff it’s kind of hard to crossover and exchange files if that makes sense. I would just search up phones with good storage space and goes fast, slow phones ruin the overall experience, I hope you find the right phone you’re looking for anon
Anonymous 292730
>>292724I hate mayonnaise as a condiment but I go absolutely feral for potato and pasta salads lol
Anonymous 292731
there's no confession thread so i'll post it here:
i thought i had autism for years but i don't. i was one of those annoying self-diagnosers who was rabidly championing for disability rights when i was not disabled at all, in hindsight i was at most just incredibly anxious. the mention of "virtual autism" reminded me of my cringe audhd phase. i was super active in the self-diagnosed autism tumblr circles, and then i later transitioned over to twitter. me and other probable non-autistics would bully actually diagnosed autistic people for daring to challenge our delusions. i had tons of fake friends that would self-diagnose with a new affliction every other day, and i saw other friends eventually absorb those new afflictions over time, so we would all end up with the same mental disabilities. i say fake friends because once i discovered lolcow and had a place where i didn't have to self-monitor everything i said and thought, and actually had like two anons tell me straight up that i was probably not autistic when i sperged about my fake autism struggles actually allowed me to reasses myself. i had two autism screenings that came back negative and their best guess was that i struggled with anxiety and low self-esteem. after lolcow i had to take some time to really accept that i just was not an autist kek. it was a long process but eventually i made anmends with the fact that i was following an internet induced delusion.
to expand on the "fake friends", about half of them tried really hard to guilt me into believing i was autistic again when i told them that i realized i most likely wasn't autistic. the other half were accepting but very quickly stopped engaging with me as much. i abandoned that circle of people, was inspired to stop going on the internet as much, tried very hard to listen to my own likes and dislikes and honor them so i could know the real me better, ended up making real life friends and getting an actual nigel along the way, and now i look back at all the struggles i faced and cringe at how eager i was to write off these very fixable problems as autism and ocd and adhd and dyslexia and etc just so i wouldn't have to be uncomfortable while improving myself.
sorry to all actually autist nonas here. i can't imagine how hard it must be now there's a whole community of fakers.
Anonymous 292732
The American anthem is so cringe
Anonymous 292733
>>292682isnt this the artist who drew a child fucking a deer? (or maybe a centaur i dont remember)
Anonymous 292735
>>292730what are your thoughts on mayo mixed with ketchup?
Anonymous 292736
>>292714I did some very quick googling (because I know I would get disappointed that I can't afford one kek) so take this with a grain of salt but it seems that work on the durability between each release. So if the quality issues haven't been fully resolved yet they're at least actively working on it I guess?
Anonymous 292737

>>292735I'd probably eat it because my only mayo exception is putting the kewpie mayo on these tomato rice cakes
Anonymous 292738
>>292731are you one of those young zoomers who just turned 18 because this is actually just sad
Anonymous 292740
>>292722I was gonna go mint green for the 15 too and I wanted 256gb for my offline music library (which I have to have with me on my phone no compromises) and moving up from the x it felt like a safe bet for quality (if I didn't think about the hit to my finances too much lol) but since I looked into androids I realised they might be worth a look considering they offer so much more for cheaper. for example, I knew nothing about screen refresh rates until recently and now finding apple's base iphone 15 only has 60hz refresh rate (which feels laggy if you try someone else's phone with 120hz as I did) at the prices they charge it just feels like such a rip off. I know it'll be smooth sailing with an iphone but I know I'm missing out on better features.
Anonymous 292743
>>292739>Hawaii, New Mexico, West Virginia and WyomingWasn't expecting that
Anonymous 292744
the cooldown? posts get filtered before posting on cc
Anonymous 292745
>>292731Tell me about your fake autism struggles
Anonymous 292746
i wish kamala would win but i just dont see this country ever electing a woman, leave alone woman of color, as president. i don't know why democrats deluded themselves into thinking she can win.
i really have to leave this country if trump wins
Anonymous 292747
>>292731Honestly, I'm less annoyed by the fakers themselves however what grinds my gears is how their larping and spread of misinformation enable actual mid-functioning autists to never improve as people and blame everything on their disability, causing a lot of presumptions about even the most us that are very high-functioning and just trying to live as normally as possible. Those people are what makes it hard to come clean to employers and other people about my diagnosis (I try to be quiet about it because I'm embarrassed but I eventually have to be honest because of how my anxiety causes me to have low stress tolerance and brain fog). It was so much easier when they didn't put everything under autism umbrella.
addendum: got my aspergers diagnosis when I was 12, and have been actively working on how to not be visibly autistic since because I just want to be normal.
Anonymous 292750
>>292670My brothers are cool and nice, one gives me clothes and the other gifts me steam games for christmas. Very grateful they’re not as fucked up as they could be
Anonymous 292753

>>292699Thank you n0nny you’re so sweet. I hate that I can’t talk about how my brother treated me without inevitably being told that that is just how brothers and siblings are. I hate that it’s so normalized for them to treat you like actual shit that people just accept it when I say my 7 year older brother would
routinely beat me as a five year old, broke my arm, and attempted to drown me. I told a shitty moid therapist about it once and he just shrugged his shoulders like “brothers amirite?” Why is this so normal for people? The Y chromosome really is a disease.
Anonymous 292755
>>292740i get that!! and i super agree but i also find the android ui so ugly. i know people say you can customize it easily and stuff but that’s so much effort i don't wanna do when an iphone looks so nice out of the box. plus migrating everything is so easy.
Anonymous 292758
I hate playing video games with moids, the second they learn you're female they genuinely believe you're actually brain-dead retarded and feel the need to hand hold and explain every tiny detail, including the obvious ones, to you.
Anonymous 292762
>>292753NTAYART I really want to know why do therapists truly not give a shit or gaslight whenever women tell them about our abuse/trauma/struggles? I had the same experience with a therapist but she was a female one, she basically excused his behavior
(he posted on twitter about raping people and killing the recent president) and all she said was “well, he’s neurodivergent tehee you should just be aware that having autism = you being a disgusting fat moid talking about raping people! autistic people always talk about rape and killing apparently to this fucktarded licensed psychologist with a degree and to this day I have boiling rage for all of his enablers except my mother who has no choice because if she just decided to dump his ass somewhere her female empathy would make her feel massive guilt[/spoiler] He should drop dead, fuck his ass. I hope you find genuine happiness I wish I could make you smile and feel better because I bet that was awful and your parents who allowed it to happen are incredibly shitty parents, not all parents deserve their innocent children
Anonymous 292763
my family calls my dog ugly so much and it’s not fair because yeh he’s a lil silly looking but he’s so handsome. he’s such a pretty colour with loose curls and a lil curly tail and a chubby lil body. plus he’s the only moid i tolerate because he’s neutered and doesn’t do anything males do. but i love him and i hope he knows i love him so much.
Anonymous 292768
>>292758What game were you playing? I feel like this is pretty common in games like Valorant or League sadly.
Anonymous 292770
>>292758Depends on the game really. Any shooters you just get called a bitch, sometimes in a lovely rainbow of languages. Putain was my favourite.
Anonymous 292771

no it’s weirdly just working for me, try reloading a few times you might just skip through the cracks
Anonymous 292772
This is why China's treatment of immigrants is the superior way.
Anonymous 292774
>>292743Yup, and it's annoying when people don't know the law and then make schizo theories at anyone who does and talks about it. Some places are just shit and backward, that's reality and no country's rules are perfect. That's why only retards would ever solely use the law for their morality.
Anonymous 292775
>>292768>>292770Nah, I'm playing Mario Party on NSO. I wish we could go back to talking about ships and fancontent cause holy shit.
Anonymous 292779
as usual my family went out to do fun stuff today without telling me. i even asked last night, is anything going on tomorrow? and they just said ohh nothing. i always tell them i wish they included me in things more but i guess they really don't care
Anonymous 292782

looking forward to mario party jamboree
Anonymous 292783
Is lolcow even coming back?
Anonymous 292784

>>292783Nope, you're stuck here with me forever now!
Hope you enjoy talking about whatever i'm fixating on.
Anonymous 292786
I miss the chatbot thread on /m/…
Anonymous 292787
>>292783I'm starting to wonder if it ever existed
Anonymous 292788
>>292784I could listen to you for hours
Anonymous 292792
Everyone is so dramatic. Oh an unexpected issue on a website running on spaghetti code is taking a little longer to be resolved than initially expected, big shocker! Admins have been communicating, there's no reason to believe LC is going offline long term/permanently.
Anonymous 292796

>>292762AYART, mine is autistic too!!! It’s caused me to have no patience for autistic moids. I don’t care about neurodivergency. If you are unable to exist in society with the rest of us then there is no place for you and you can just rot for all I care. It’s never female autists either who have this difficulty, it’s always the males who believe their super unique and special worldview is valuable enough that everyone else should accommodate and coddle them. Fuck that, join or die you mong.
Thank you for replying. Hearing other people also have shit relationships with their sped brothers is more valuable than any counseling I have had up to this point. I wish you and the other n0na nothing but happiness and good things in the future, free from our vile y relatives.
Anonymous 292798
Fuck you jannies. Give me a reason for the initial ban and I'll stop posting, wtf is this "unspecified reason" bullshit. Fucking overkill.
Anonymous 292799
>>292762My brother is a piece of shit whose entire personality is made of violent threats, too. When I was 15, he kept asking me to have sex with him until I tattled to our parents. They didn't punish him or anything, but he stopped talking to me as part of his "wrongfully accused" narrative. Due to female socialisation, I made up with him in my early twenties. He said preying upon me as a child was his greatest regret, and then within 3 months he asked for sex again. To this day I'm still outraged over it. Ultimately, I moved to the other side of the globe to get away from his retarded gun-toting ass. I want him dead so he can't hurt anyone ever again. Women and children are not safe around him.
Anonymous 292800
Beautiful photograph
Anonymous 292805
>>292674Samsung is very customisable, which I love. You can change fonts, themes, etc.
Anonymous 292806
>>292546Thank you n0na, it made me cry it was very sweet
Anonymous 292807
has anyone ever watched Daria? she sparks me as a female character that would use imageboards.
Anonymous 292808
in the time lolcow has been down i broke up with my bf of 1 1/2 years and got into a new relationship
Anonymous 292809
>>292807I discovered Daria when I was 11. While I was searching for gifs from the show I ended up on this site. I didn’t know what it was then.
Anonymous 292810
how do you s turn a very bad day around? due to health issues and life circumstances, i have been out of my normal routine for over a month.
there are a few hours left but i dont wish to spend the rest of it half-assed cleaning up or sitting around snacking and scrolling. its really hard to push myself to do anything fun or healthy because the day feels so off and i havent had the time or energy to engage in things i usually love.
Anonymous 292811
>>292807i loved it back in the day. trent was so fine
Anonymous 292813
Was depressed and tired so I ate some tomatoes, broccoli and grapes and I feel better now thank you tomatoes broccoli and grapes
Anonymous 292814

>>292796I feel like I’m not alone for once, you’re right about everything. Have a great , love you <3
>>292799Anon beat his ass up like Amber Heard!!!!! Beat him up fuck him, they all should be automatically shoved into an asylum or group home far away from families neurodivergent or not. Pray for his death to be shootout with cops, manifesting for you
Anonymous 292815
>>292807>>292811Daria really spoke to me as an angsty know-it-all teen. And Trent was one of my first crushes, that guy really was fiiine
Anonymous 292816
>>292471I love this image. I was big into Babymetal in 2017 and had a female orange and white cat that I named Yui just for the sake of it, she got lost though and never returned. True to her name, I guess.
Anonymous 292817
>>292731>there's no confession thread so i'll post it here:>>>/feels/63992>>292807Yes.
Spoilered because no one else will care, but she actually first appeared in Beavis and Butthead! If you're bored and want to go down that hole. Anonymous 292818
>>292814>>292799>>292762Not joking, mental asylums should not have ever been phased out in the west. Violent sexpest male autists all deserve to be dumped in asylum, forcibly medicated out the ass, and subsequently lobotomized if the medication proves futile in keeping them docile. I fucking hate male autists with my entire being.
Anonymous 292820
How the hell can other people stand working almost everyday until they're old? I've been working for one year and I already wanna kill myself
Anonymous 292822
im in my late 20s and im back at my parents house bc im currently separated and havent decided if i want to divorce my husband, i only have 2 friends and i estranged myself from 1 of them, and i dont go anywhere except work. my 2 younger siblings each live in different states and are living life to the fullest and we all got raised in the same way kek. im so far behind them (and the average person) in the sense of being fulfilled and i dont feel like bothering 75% of the time. i wish i had the balls to commit going off the rails because i cant visualize myself as ever being the kind of person they are. the only thing i have thats worth anything is my career and if i didnt have that i would actually want to kms
Anonymous 292823
>>292820like a post grad job? or a retail job?
Anonymous 292824
>>292674Samsung and I love it. Only things I dislike are the lack of compatibility with my ipad (samsung's tablet game isn't quite on par so I have an ipad for school and art) and how awkward messaging with iphone users is.
Anonymous 292825
>>292820I feel like nobody of the working class in our (millennial or Gen z) generation is getting a retirement … it’s my opinion that you HAVE to find a job that you actually like or that fulfills you in some capacity, even if it means lower pay. I know that’s an unpopular opinion, but idk how anyone makes working for the weekends cut it on a long-term scale. I’d go insane
Anonymous 292826
>>292784tell us what you're fixated on
Anonymous 292827
>>292457 you need a primer! It creates a layer on the wall so that it doesn't suck up paint, so that'll cut down heavily on the needed layers!
Anonymous 292828

>>292733I don't know… Haven't seen that. Awful if true
>>292632>>292640I really liked some of her pieces! Thanks, anon
Picrel is quiruiqing
Anonymous 292829
Lolcow Farms Cowlo…

Minecraft nonas!
Tonight, we are fighting the Ender Dragon! The server event will take place tonight at 9:30PM EST. If you can't make it tonight, we're also hosting rematches on the 9th of September at 4:30PM EST, and the 14th of September at 11:30AM EST. If you're able, you can come to every rematch! Some foodstuffs, potions, and building materials will be provided, but please bring some of your own too! Armour will not be provided, so make sure you come decked out and ready to fight.
To give an update to anyone interested, Cowtown has recently cowlonized another territory! In the northwest, we've founded the agricultural compound of Lolcow Farms. Our newest territory was first scouted two days ago by a brave explorer, and since then cowlonists have begun to develop farms, homes, and storehouses for the produce. Cottage County in the southwest continues to flourish with community gardens, docks, and campfires dotting the verdant river-isle. Someone has also built a large rainbow, although no gold has been sighted beneath. so it really does have a good atmosphere. Shroom State's church, Our Nona of Perpetual Sorrow, nears completion as the premier holy site for fatigued miners toiling away in the coal mines located nearby.
Thank you again to all the farmers that joined the server! It's been such a blast playing with you all and having fun! Long Live Cowtown!
Anonymous 292830
>>292381Went to a festival. Ate some spring rolls. Am now canning some relish while watching/listening to old episodes of CSI Miami. Good times.
Anonymous 292831
>>292829i have never experienced fomo like the fomo cowtown has given me ever in my life. i hope you all have fun tonight!!!
Anonymous 292834
how do people use iphones
>no youtube revanced
>no spotify xmanager
>no access to region locked apps
>no autoclicker apps for games
>cucked customization
>cucked file management
>super cucked browser options; webkit gayness forces you to use shitfarti
>new ios releases retard your phone to push you to buy new ones
>shit ui
>they glow brighter than any other devices
phones for kids and lobotomy patients
Anonymous 292836
Samefag from this post
>>292802I just found out papa don’t preach was written by a man. My feelings are personally hurt
Anonymous 292838
>>292834Because it fits in my pocket and I can use LTE out of my house
Anonymous 292839
>>292811>>292815his voice was so so so hot. need to look up his voice actor and see if he’s voiced any other characters.
Anonymous 292841
>>292834due to owning a macbook, ipad, and airpods, i am locked into the apple ecosystem
Anonymous 292842
>>292834i've had mine for over 5 years and its fine. only ever watch youtube in the browser version (but usually on my puter). i don't love it but it's just a phone.
Anonymous 292843
you have a very low view of women if you think caring about tech or playing minecraft is "scrote coded"
Anonymous 292844
I was just about to go break so I could masturbate, and a customer killed my whole mood. Ugh I'm so mad.
Anonymous 292845
>>292838My samsung does both of these things and my husbando is hotter than yours
Anonymous 292846
>>292834if there was an android phone with the same screen size and technical specs as the 13 mini I'd buy it BUT I CAN'T
Anonymous 292847
>>292845Don't y'all have a containment thread for that
Anonymous 292848
stop promoting survival of the fittest demiurgic propaganda on my internet REEEEE
>cute dress up game with limited items
>clever and creative players manage to create amazing outfits out of the games limitations
>adorable design and layout
>cute music
>game created by females unless these zoomerlings are trannies in disguise
I swear people in this world are so threatened by femininity
Anonymous 292849
>>292844you masturbate on breaks? surely you work from home, right…?
Anonymous 292850
>>292843NTA but I want to play DTI without having to interact with children or men.
Anonymous 292853
>>292818Agree n0nny. Some people just aren’t fit for living in society. It’s one of the concerns as well with more and more jobs requiring a specialized skillset. People find meaning in work, no matter how inconsequential and small it may be. What do we do with the sizable portion of the population that isn’t able to contribute?
https://youtu.be/j4PTf7LgsIE?si=7qImvhuegSXea4dnVidrel is a grim snapshot of what we are currently accepting as just a fact of life. CC keeps refusing to embed the link so sorry about that
Anonymous 292854
>>292837>>292848Nobody cares about your autistic game, it looks ugly and the outfits are shit, play a real fashion game.
Anonymous 292855
>>292848>stop promoting survival of the fittest demiurgic propaganda on my internet REEEEEyou are deeply misguided if you think feminine women don't compete with one another
Anonymous 292856
>>292848why can stuff like this stay up but the rules got deleted each time someone posted them?
Anonymous 292858
>>292845Oh I thought you said phones not iphone, I have a android. and how do you know my husbando
Anonymous 292860
not what i said but ok
Anonymous 292861
I'm calling retardation
Anonymous 292866
can you explain to me how enjoying minecraft over dti makes you an nlog that hates femininity
Anonymous 292870

I need a new nona for this black cloud to follow,
'Cause while it's over me, it's too dark to see tomorrow
Anonymous 292872
Have I switched realities? I thought Nicholas already came out as skinny once. I have a distinct memory of it. Hasn't all of this already happened? Is this the Mandela effect in action?
Anonymous 292873
>i just explained it
Anonymous 292874

there's so many weird new subgroups of feminism and trannyism emerging that they're beginning to rival each other in retarded gender takes. some "TERFs" on twitter are borderline traditionalist
Anonymous 292875
hope all the men in the world are having a terrible day!
Anonymous 292876
>>292873up above
>>292874I didn’t know being against degeneracy is being traditionalist kek
Anonymous 292880
>>292876you didnt explain shit you just sperged like an autist. all those chemicals in the cosmetics you use have melted your brain
>degeneracykekkk you cannot be serious
Anonymous 292882
ignore the tard, i love all of you cowtown nonitas and the server has kept me sane during a stressful week (irl and lolcow KEK.) dti sperg stay seething that you’re too lazy to organise a fun community for women like minecraft n0nnies have.
Anonymous 292884
Screenshot 2024-09…

what the hell happened to infighters/baiters getting permabanned? MOOOOOOOODDDDDDSSSS
Anonymous 292885
>>292834I've had both Android and Apple a few times, and I just hate how ugly Android's UI is. Even when i tried to customize it I still didn't like the UI. Apple is really clean with it's UI and app icons and it's nice. Android is also getting overpriced too, I want a Z-flip but they are pushing as much as iPhones.
>Region locked gamesI made a JP Apple ID and that took me like 5 minutes.
That being said, the free spotify premium, easier access to manga, and emulation was the best part of having Android. I'm annoyed because I got an iPhone SE 3rd Generation last year and I can't even update it because of storage and I only have a few gachas.
Anonymous 292886
>>292874>>292876There's self-proclaimed "terfs" on twitter who also are tradwives who think girls should be married off at 10.
Anonymous 292889
>>292807There's an episode where she and Jane do "social experiments" on the internet
Anonymous 292891
>>292883This reminded me. Today I found this youtube channel of some psycho gymbro Chud who makes fun of various people's videos.
He was roasting this 22 year old young woman who made a video talking about how she is depressed. He claims the reason she's depressed is because she doesn't have kids by age 22.
All of his followers were saying the same too, (mostly zoomie Tatebro incels and disgusting Indian moids from the looksmax community who were complimenting her on her 'Chad/Stacy features') and talking about how she deserves to be depressed because she doesn't have children.
I seriously hate these forced breeder fetish fucking retards. Why does women not having kids trigger moids like nothing else? And why are men trying to give women advice on what makes them happy, when male suicide rates are higher than ever? I hate men so much it's unreal.
Anonymous 292902
NTAYRT but leaving your child with a single father is not only against human nature but would also put the child in serious danger of being abused, murdered, etc
Anonymous 292903
Moids think their presence and sperm can fix someone and god I wish I had that level of entitlement. Confidence? Delusion? I remember when I was 17 and I thought I had a multitude of PDs or mood disorders and dared tell a moid "friend" about it. He suggested to get a boyfriend to fuck. Like… not a psych? Turns out I didn't have any of the shit I thought I did and was just depressed as hell, but a moid's reaction to a bunch of crippling mental issues is to just get a boyfriend to fuck. Hilarious
Anonymous 292905
>>292834My family uses them so its simpler for me to as well.
Anonymous 292907
>>292544Same as you, as well as celebrity gossip related ones, the history of some big pop icon I wasn't there for and missed out on, educational content about language and especially English, cooking and food videos that teach about the culture behind the food and its history, and music related topics.
Anonymous 292910
Have an exam in 3 hours and it's only for one hour so if I don't remember the specific topic it's gonna be on then I'm fucked. I am so cooked as the new slang might call it.
Anonymous 292912
>>292902I don't normally defend scrotes, but
>put the child in serious danger of being abused, murdereddepends on the moid. There are plenty of good dads out there. Not all women have a maternal instinct, much like how many scrotes lack a paternal instinct.
Anonymous 292913
I thought I was dumb as a teen but maybe I wasn't so bad after all.
Anonymous 292914
>>292891I am also 22 and I've been in the process of reclaiming my femininity for a long time since always being outcasted by other girls since childhood and eventually diagnosed with PCOS, but one thing will never change; me never wanting to have children. Ever. I refuse to be part of some gross breeder's plan as I am also vehemently antinatalist. I'm glad more and more women are also choosing to be childfree and tangentially discovering antinatalism. I hope it pisses off men so much that these women aren't going to ruin their lives and lives of a human baby and reproduce. Some people are simply not meant to be parents and bless those who understand and refuse to procreate. Bless my condition that makes me somewhat infertile.
Anonymous 292917
>>292912Anon, those are dads you see in public. You don’t know what they’re doing to their child behind closed doors with no co-parent (or better, the actual mother) there to protect
her child.
Anonymous 292918
>>292891Another thought, 22 is a baby to me and also who can afford children in this day and age, why don't these moids try and raise a kid with their shitty wage food service jobs.
Anonymous 292921

>>292152I can't believe I missed the generposting n0nny in the last thread
I feel u n0nna ween is forever
Anonymous 292922
I love blueberries. I can't afford the fresh ones so I buy a 500g bag of frozen ones every few days and go to town. Why have drugs when you can have berries?
Anonymous 292923

>>292921Luckily I'm still here cause I have no life, kek. Ween is unironically my favorite band, I am glad I got to see what might have been their last show. Gener is my eternal husbando, even if he is a little ugly. Ween is forever!
Anonymous 292924
I LOVE RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES. I keep watching it over and over again. Caesar is so adorable
Anonymous 292927

>>292926The first one is a pretty popular photo of the band Ween, its used in a lot of articles and promotional materials. The second one, not so much. Both are fairly old photos.
Anonymous 292928

>>292923That's awesome! I had tickets for the eugene show I was so freaking devastated when I got the news. I've been lucky to see them as much I have though over the last 10 years so I can't really complain and I'm glad deaner is doing what's best for himself. Sick awesome to find another fan in here
Anonymous 292930

>>292928I actually had tickets to both of the Oregon shows but I wound up selling them because I had a school internship conference thing at the same time, and instead wound up going to the Spokane show instead. Crazy how it worked out like that!
>Sick awesome to find another fan in hereThis is awesome!! How many times have you seen them live? I have only seen them twice, I was so hyped up for the Philly show but that's OK.
Anonymous 292935

>>29293024 times. I saw them a bunch on the west coast cuz I live here and I've traveled to see them at the Met opera house in Philly and the Capitol Theater in New York, plus I got to catch Deaner's invitational at John & Peter's in their home town New Hope which was really special. That's nothing compared to some of their superfans (with mad money) though lol. Did they play anything you were extra excited for in Spokane?
Anonymous 292941
I only check this place to see if lc's back up. What happened? Tranny doxx?
Anonymous 292945
Screenshot 2024-09…

>get dumped
>try to numb myself with shortform video content
>instagram somehow knows and only shows me reels about getting dumped no matter how many times i refresh
Anonymous 292948
>>292917What are you talking about? Do you assume no one was raised by a single dad to know any better?
Anonymous 292951

>>292945It’s been six months since I was dumped and I feel you n0nny. I hate him now but it’s still rough
Anonymous 292952
im kind of getting really tired of having a bf that doesn't wake up until 5 pm every day. and then saying he has to get up earlier and never making an effort to actually do it ew…….
Anonymous 292953
>>292948All of the women I’ve known who were raised by single dads experienced abuse. Men are not meant to father children by their lonesome, it is unprimal.
Anonymous 292954
>>292951So what was this kitty's story why was her ears so silly
Anonymous 292957
If I started a cool goddess-based religion, who would be in to help spread it? I'd use Minoan goddess cults as a kind of starting base but no animal sacrifices, just maybe male sacrifices.
Greek monks have a misogynistic outpost on Mount Athos that is somehow allowed by a government (no women or female animals can enter - yeah, not even animals) so I want us to have a women-only mountain too. Any suggestions?
Anonymous 292958

c'mon lolcor i need the bad art thread already
Anonymous 292960
>>292953Well, all the women you know raised by single dads are not representative of
everyone who was raised by a (single) father. I don't know anyone who has been raised by an abusive father, including myself. Both farms have an assortment of mothers who are neglectful/abusive (won't name any names because of da rulezzzz). I'm not going to generalize based off of anecdotes. Yeah I get scrotes are more violent but still.
Anonymous 292961
>>292608KEK i love how you wrote this, bless you n0nna (or undercover admin)
Anonymous 292962
Should we move the bunker to /cgl/? Maybe if we don't mention lc and just call it SR instead, the moids who overtook cgl won't get the hint.
Anonymous 292963
>>292960Ok, I understand this perspective. However I do not think that women should abandon their children with men and that’s what the post I was replying to was encouraging, I cannot think of any situation that would be appropriate to do that.
Anonymous 292964
>>292608>The one who knows how to code doesn't exist
Anonymous 292965
>>292962it might be a bit too late for that
Anonymous 292966
>>292962That's a silly idea, anon, may as well just go to fujochan.
Anonymous 292967
https://strawpoll.com/GPgVYD25znan0nnies vote on my when will lc be back poll, jannies don't ban pls this is just for fun
Anonymous 292968
>>292966I thought fujochan closed down? Otherwise that might not be too bad of an idea.
Anonymous 292969
>>292962If anons are complaining about resident trannies and scrotes on cc
now, just wait until they're forced to post on 4chan KEK
>>292963Yeah, I agree with you on that part. I think if your original rebuttal were worded something like
>leaving your child with a single man raises the likelihood that the child is abused, murdered, etcI would've fully agreed with your OP.
Anonymous 292970
>>292966no farmers on fc it's peaceful and nice and we don't want anti fujo spergs on our beautiful bishie yaoi board
Anonymous 292971
>>292966Hopefully no one thinks this is a good idea. god i don’t wanna see drawn faggots all over my screen when i’m trying to talk to my s
Anonymous 292972
>>292966>>292968Fujochan would lock that shit on sight
Anonymous 292973
>>292966Might as well try tf2chan. Nobody is on there but the site is still up.
Anonymous 292974
>>292935That’s amazing nona!
I have to admit I’ve only been really into Ween for a little over a year, so I feel that I have missed a lot. Very glad I had Spokane at least though! I am really into The Pod, and one of my favorite tracks is Mononucleosis so when they played that I lost my mind! Well I knew they’d play it because I showed up early to wait in the line before that show, so I heard them sound check it and I was so so excited. It was a tremendously hype experience! It was a stellar show, especially for some old ass mentally ill men. I was also super thrilled to hear Mable Tulip Juicy Tree, Object, Buckingham Green, Spinal Meningitis. The whole set list was good! I actually did get marooned in Seattle because I had intended to go to the Seattle show too but they ofc canceled the day before, so I wound up spending the day hanging out with some other Ween fans I met, and meeting some of those older people who like, live the life and travel to every show. It was cool!
Have you had any super weird or interesting experiences at Ween shows? Do you do the balloon thing nona?
Anonymous 292975

>>292962>/cgl/went on just now there out of curiosity because of your post and holy fucking shit kek…
Anonymous 292979
>>292971Skill issue tbh.
>>292970>>292972Why though? It's not like CC wants cow spergs anyways.
Anonymous 292981
>>292978enjoy getting banned immediately while no one follows you kek
Anonymous 292983
>>292981i can't imagine they have more than 2 jannies, they won't be able to fight our mighty autism. they have no choice and we'll finally be free
Anonymous 292984
>>292972Bummer. I just want to see what others write without the random deletes/bans.
>>292975I remember when shit like this got deleted immediately.. If that one schizo scrote who was convinced some japanese idol/lolita model was actually a yakuza would post nowadays, his threads would stay up for months.
Anonymous 292985
Usually TIFs, piss is safe edgy. TIMs like shit farting more.
Anonymous 292986
>she doesn't know about fujochan's iconic 5 minute cooldown between posting
Anonymous 292989
>>292987>2 years agotime to try again
>>292986same here but i doubt their jannies are as active
Anonymous 292990
>>292988Retard this just looks like spam.
Anonymous 292991
>>292988>/rules>404 errorthey don't have any rules. everything goes
s let's go, we found our heavenly pastures
Anonymous 292998

Minecraft nonas!
End Dragon fight is in an hour and 20 minutes! See you all there!
Anonymous 293000
>>292998whats the ip? is it a whitelisted server? sorry i wasnt in the last threads so idk
Anonymous 293002
>>292872Nona have you seen his video? I was also convinced of it, but then again the words he uses in the beginning are very similar to the ones he used in that deleted video where he says he's always two steps ahead (though he was still fat in that one). Perhaps it's something like that?
Anonymous 293003
>>293000go through the last couple threads and ctrl+f 'minecraft', admin has posted the ip a few times. it's a bit tedious but i think it's better that way, less obvious = less trolls and moids can join
Anonymous 293005
>>292991I'll go when I get permabanned for no reason again
Anonymous 293006
>>293003i just found it thank u n0na
i dont know why i didnt think of doing that lol Anonymous 293008
>>292988Oh I absolutely hate how compact and shoved everything is in the catalog.
Anonymous 293010
/ot/fags shitting up the fujochan bunker with their autism and refusing to integrate is the entire reason that cow board users want the off-topic boards purged.
Anonymous 293011
>>293010The only person I see refusing to integrate there is Rancefag. /ot/ is unironically the best part of the farms especially since it is almost impossible to find non-cow centered anonymous imageboards for women. I'm also not a fujo so fujochan wouldn't apply to me either.
Anonymous 293012
>>293010well well well how the turn tables…
Anonymous 293013
>>293010>otfagsAnons are literally talking about cows.
Anonymous 293014
>>293011>farmsreal farmers know why this gives you away
Anonymous 293015
>>293013Not all of them. Many are engaging with this Rancefag personalityfag that no one but the most habitual /ot/fags would know.
Anonymous 293022

if anon still wants to know it's room no 9, really good psych horror bl it's like saw but yaoi and the porn is peak
Anonymous 293023
Not even the fujos want us. Damn.
Anonymous 293027
crying, i was trying to reply when it got locked. where can i sperg about guzma now?
Anonymous 293028
>>293021Ikr, we should've offered more images of malesluts.
>>293026Don't spam, that's just a waste of time.
Anonymous 293029
>>293022>it's like saw but yaoiI feel like that's overselling the edge a little. I read it based on that premise, but it's decidedly mickey.
Anonymous 293030

>>293027i was just about to reply to you… it's so funny seeing a guzma girl right when i randomly got hit with a beam of milo thirst
Anonymous 293031
>>293026It's just gonna get locked even quicker since they're on high alert now.
Anonymous 293032
>>293026I feel like the farmers raiding fujochan are fat, it just seems like a fat thing to do. Corpulent and greedy.
Anonymous 293033
>>292998I just got my minecraft account set up! Can I ask how to get added to the whitelist?
Anonymous 293035
>>293026This is a waste of time, we are already here
Anonymous 293036
>new ones don't even have a headphone jack>can't use cracked apps>took years for them to play webms (without downloading another app to play them) Anonymous 293038

>>293030i love my grimy bastard so much,,, my headcanons for him are almost as endless as my affection for stinky bug man. milo looks like such a sweet boy though, when i was on rptwt a milo shipped with my guzma and they were so cute together!
Anonymous 293039

fujochan snitch ruined everything. why are newfags so fucking obsessed with getting rid of fun and entertainment on every single imageboard??? holy fucking shit. i think i’m unironically going to get into husbando culture even though i hate scrotes of any kind i desperately need some type of escapism, it reminds me of the same reason of sportsball fans going to sports events and cheering for their team i’m cheering for the husbando team
Anonymous 293040
>>293038are you a yumejo? i'm glad guzma is getting loved on by someone!
Anonymous 293041
>>293039It's because people don't have the self-control to simply not acknowledge a namefag.
Anonymous 293042

Pouring one out for all my s who got catapulted back to autban jail. Maybe we should've tried cgl after all.
Anonymous 293043
>>293039I'm just glad it's currently keeping all the dumbasses from the BL discord away from here.
Anonymous 293044
>>293039lets do heolkek next, they have a gazillion dumbass shit threads, we can just take one of them over
Anonymous 293045
>>293040strangely i’m not! i prefer seeing him be topped by older men and beautiful women ( nanu, giovanni, and rika ) heheheheh
Anonymous 293046
>>293039I wish I could join the husbando team but I'm going through this weird phase where the sight of any male, even cartoon ones, make my blood boil.
Anonymous 293048
>>293041Nitpicky but a namefag is when someone manually enters text into the "name" field while creating a post so that it no longer says "Anonymous"; a personalityfag (i.e. Rancefag) is an attention-whore who tries to make themselves a celebrity on the board by crafting deliberately identifiable posting styles or signing off their posts with a specific nickname (they don't have to enter anything into the "name" field to do this).
Anonymous 293049
>>293046That’s not a weird phase, you’ve just reached true enlightenment
Anonymous 293050
not to whine about lolcow like a little retard but I need to be in moo’s thread like yesterday. the hate building inside of me is unprecedented and scary. I have to share it with like-minded others or I don’t know what will happen
Anonymous 293051
>>293042what does s stand for in this context
Anonymous 293053

>>292653>>292653I accidentally scribbled over some of the first drawing board trying to look at it on my phone and it only let me undo some of it. I'm sorry
Anonymous 293054
>>293051n0nnas spelled properly gets censored, if you see a random s or a weird space in a post thats why
Anonymous 293055
should we go to /CGL/?
Anonymous 293056
>>293055im literally trying to make a thread rn but i’m waiting for the capcha to load kek, if you make one post it here but just name is “bunker thread” and don’t say anything about lolcow or cc
Anonymous 293057
>>293042Please no /cgl/. That board is pretty much all men with nothing but cosplay ass threads anymore.
Anonymous 293058
>>293050moo’s thread is the one i’ve kept with the longest, she’s such a train wreck.
ot but i’m sad there seemingly hasn’t been any new lucinda threads in months, i miss the unicorn queen
Anonymous 293060

>>293046Same but I need a distraction
>>293044I was going to do cgl but i’ll check that one out kek, if someone doesn’t make a bunker thread there I will
Anonymous 293063
Will the staff ever bring the site back? I'm worried they're going to shut it down forever, it happened right as the Vocaloid Drama thread finally got milk so I'm a bit antsy.
>>292931I love frogs so much, perfect amphibians
Anonymous 293064
Agreed. People already shitfling and schizo out about men posting on LC, going to an actual honeypot for coomer men is horrid.
Anonymous 293065
>>293055No. This would only draw more troons to LC if/when it ever comes back online.
Anonymous 293066
>>293065>ever comes back onlineKek that's not happening.
Anonymous 293067

why do newfags act like this. fucking embarassing
Anonymous 293068
>>293064Lc originated from cgl.
>>293067Maybe it's just rancefag having an episode again.
Anonymous 293069
I watched Challengers. The blonde moid was weird looking but in the way I find cute, the brown hair moid was vile. It would have been cool if he wasn't ugly, I definitely see the appeal in the concept. It did make me sad when the cute blonde one kept getting cucked, his character was such a sweet simpy type.
Anonymous 293070
>>293067Agreed and she probably ruined our chances at seeking asylum there, but after seeing how immediately bitchy fujos' response to our single thread was I kinda think they deserve it now
Anonymous 293071
>>293067This is why LC has also gone to shit. Cerbmin needs to purge these spastics.
Anonymous 293090
>>293067i can’t believe they’re hating neetfags who are probably oldfags kek
Anonymous 293136
>>293022warning for nonas looking to play the game it has
scat CGs, you can toggle the effects off the scene will still proceed as usual