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Please help Anonymous 120188[Reply]

i'm having trouble trusting my boyfriend. it's like everything he does is unpredictable or just simply delusional at times. He doesn't actually have a clear carreer path he wants to take and it feels like he just goes with the flow. And he doesn't want to go to a university either. Now, this is a person i am SUPPOSED to trust with my future and everything else but I'm unable to trust him fully. We have the same goals for life but with his current job and qualifications our goals for life (a family) is delusional and absolutely stupid. I feel so embarrassed telling stuff about him to my family because he changes his plans and everytging so impulsively and this way it also embarrasses me. And I can tell my family doesn't take either of us seriously, especially my mother. I seriously need some advice on this. I'm desperate. How do I encourage him to be motivated about something? Or how do I talk to him about this?
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Anonymous 120200

Also, make sure to clearly communicate your thoughts and feelings as well. Communication is key and if he reacts with apathy or anger, then it's a problem.

Young people don't always know what to do in life or what career to choose. I only realized this when I was in my late 20's. Though, if he is a deadbeat and has no plans to change anything, being guided only by his hedonistic tendencies, than it would be best to move on.

IMHO, trusting your partner to be there and support you when you will need it is different than trusting him to provide for you. If you are independent and can provide for yourself, you won't have to feel like you need to be tied down to a moid. That way you know that the reason you are with your partner is because you love him.

Anonymous 120201

>Also, I can't just drop him. He was my first everything…so it's not an option

This is called sunk cost fallacy. In the old days you'd be stuck with him forever, now you are allowed to say you made a mistake and move on.

Anonymous 120203

But I'm ruined even if I just go and leave. I have no good qualities to offer to anyone, and not that I could love anyone other than him. There is no one for me but him. I'm lucky that I even have him.

Yeah, I'll try talking to him today about this. I just have to gather the courage and get my thoughts in order.

Anonymous 120204

Sounds like you have problems to work on before getting in any relationship, or you'll always be in for a bad time.

Anonymous 120212

>We were talking of getting married
>To a moid with zero impulse control
Have you considered the possibility he is a moron and so are you for even entertaining the thought of marrying this retard?


job feels Anonymous 120175[Reply]

people treat me like shit at work.
why can't I have a job where I don't go home and feel like crying?
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Anonymous 120193

Hospitals are shit. Take your skills elsewhere.

Anonymous 120198

Pivot into something else nona, become an X-ray tech or mri tech. At the very least the load of people you have to deal with will decrease significantly

Anonymous 120207

Industry is filled with 40+ people taking out their midlife crisis frustration on younger coworkers.
You need to memorise key phrases so that they leave you alone, deepseek gave me some pretty good ones, also write down everything and write a email to HR as soon as necessary, I hate snitching but when the bully puts you in a position where you know he's gonna tell a bunch of bullshit about you to management, you gotta snitch to protect your ass, people that act like this in the work place are usually used to making people quit.

Anonymous 120208

Nta but ye that’s what made me quit my job, had a snarky old lady making snide remarks to me and petty passive aggressive comments on a daily basis. Not my fault you messed up your life and have to slave away until your 80s grandma

Anonymous 120211

I had a really good friend group at work last year, but this year a new guy has joined our workplace and ruined the dynamics. He's a textbook narcissist, and I don't use that term lightly - he displays all traits described by the DSM 5. He constantly needs recognition and thinks that doing an act of kindness means he can boss me around 30 minutes later because "I owe him". Sadly, the other girls in my friend group are caring, kind human beings. They buy his pathetic sad-clown act and give him endless supplies of attention, to the point where they're exhausted after talking to him. To contrast, he gets mad that I don't react to him and give him the attention he craves.

He's started making an effort to talk to my friends when I'm not there and I've now noticed a gradual shift in everyone's attitude towards me (barring my closest friend). I've been told to stop being mean to him, this fucking jerk who regularly makes fun of me and everyone else; he's clearly been playing the sad act behind my back to make me the villain. Heaven knows what the fuck I've even said that is worse than his typical 'banter;' my guess is that my "meanness" is really just a complete lack of empathy and will to be his therapist. It pisses me off - anything mean he does against me is smoothed-over, because he traps my friends in an hours-long conversation that explains why really he's the good guy in this scenario.

I've just been biding my time, hoping that my friends will eventually smarten up and realise how exploitative he's being, but I think they're charmed by him rather than repulsed. I'll need to start subtly pointing out his manipulative behaviours as they appear.


Anonymous 119842[Reply]

When was the last time you went out on a date and how was it?
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Anonymous 119872

I don't want to see ugly women on the streets either but you keep walking outside lol

Anonymous 119874

Said ugly moid

Anonymous 120205

Sounds cute!! How did it go?

Anonymous 120206

Got 'em

Anonymous 120210

People still go on dates in 2025?


dropout loser Anonymous 120178[Reply]

I got my ged and left highschool because i couldn't deal with the work even though i didnt study for the test and passed with a 3.8 gpa. went to college and its the ame as highschool. had to drop out because it was kinda the same thing… is it over for me? i have a part time janitorial job i never sign up for and no asperations in life. i know my parents are dissapointed in me and i really think ill live with them forever, i just hate the endless monotony of work and school. im perfectly happy living online, but i know eventually theyll get sick of providing for me

Anonymous 120181

Similar boat. If I were you I'd just take the jany job because some money is better than no money, if nothing else you can feel less like a piece of ahit by atleast paying your own phone bill or something, maybe take them out to eat everyother week. Go on indeed and look up different kinda jobs, save anything that even remotely interests you and research it. At the moment I'm an overnight baker for a supermarket which is pretty monotonous but atleast I'm not screeched at by geriatrics all day like most service jobs and the pay is decent. My goal is so save up to buy a cheap ass piece of land and homestead, maybe you can do the same. If you live with your parents and save up all your checks you can probably buy yourself a pimped out trailer in like a year, or maybe a cheap condo if you move to bumblefuck nowhere
Last resort you can save up for a pc and vtube. Seems pretty lucrative if you can stand stroking moid ego for money.

Anonymous 120192

I was in a similar situation to you. Now over 10 years later I drive trains in my state and make decent money. Never give up.

Anonymous 120199

How'd you get into that? I always wanted to be a train driver but it always seemed like something you needed to know people to have a shot…

Anonymous 120202

I was in a subway adjacent role before this that kinda sucked, so it helps to get your foot in on the entry level. Probably works the same for traditional trains, get in on the entry level and keep a lookout for openings.


confessions thread 2 Anonymous 63992[Reply]

>>51270 previous bread

I never brush my teeth for the full 2 minutes
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Anonymous 120177

All attraction died for my now ex bf when I found out he was sexually abused during childhood, he cried and shook like a leaf during sex and I couldn't help but laugh, I feel as cruel as the moids I spent my life shitting on but I can't help my emotions, like I wouldn't laugh at a woman that has been through this yet I ghosted this dude because of his trauma. Then again a moid that can't even have normal sex is pretty useless imo.
I know it's a meme but I just get turned off so bad when I see a man cry, like a repulsive reaction going up my throat, anyone else feel like this or am I just a bitch?

Anonymous 120182


Anonymous 120184

You are just trash as the same level of moids you complain about

Anonymous 120185

Holy fuck you are a depraved and heartless cunt and I don't think I've ever read something so horrible on this site before

Anonymous 120187

I've always given things to other people in my life. I remember looking out for my older siblings, but where are they now? After everything I'm lonely and they don't even care. I feel like I missed my chance to do anything with my life and no one notices or cares. My best friend moved on in life without me, they left me like yesterdays trash. I'm on the ground and everyone steps over me, even though I'm the one that picked them up, got them to where they are. I don't think I'll ever find someone who'll love me, and if they do I don't deserve that type of person. Is there a point in still going? Not many people would miss me, and not for long.


lace and cement Anonymous 120173[Reply]

Here I sit
The sky cries
Afternoon Darkening
Cold air whisks around my head
Frosted breaths as they die
There on the stage, standing
words breathlessly flow
Completely absorbed
Eyes fixated
Here I am
Fixated eyes
Absorbed completely
Flowing breathlessly, words
Standing on the stage, there
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tryharded life but failed maybe Anonymous 120115[Reply]

>be me, young girl
>not really sure what i want to do in life
>figure that if i work hard in school i can get a good job, make money, and raise a family
>do that
>date a guy my age for 6 years, doesn't work out
>start dating a new guy my age, i love him but he's kinda broke
>graduate with a STEM degree, 4.0 GPA
>no jobs hiring STEM undergrads, want higher degree/experience
>start grad school as a PhD student
>doing a good job
>exhausted from working on my thesis every day
>paid crumbs, live in shitty apartment
>realize i'm 25
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Anonymous 120167

>He didn't want to have children before dating me
OK, now the story is clear.
Your bf doesn't want kids. He says that because of your words now.
He will be an absent father.
Your kids NEED a man who provides and raises and loves his kids.
There are men out there who can be that they just can't present themselves as good fathers.
If you want kids, break up with your bf. Your wasting time.

He grew up rich and you didn't and now he doesn't even value money. He grew up too rich to care now and that will make him a bad father.

I'm sorry that your struggling. You should leave him now. Trust me this guy won't lead you to a happy relationship.

There are a few men who actually love playing, talking and learning with their kids. If you want to find them, maybe look for a man who "would be willing" to be a stepdad, but who's single. Look for a "provider" type.

Anonymous 120168

Normally it's the man who takes the lead in driving the childmaking. Your bf is unfairly luck to have you.

Usually it's men who push towards childern and women who just agree.

You desreve at least a man who wants kids as much as you.
If your bf doesn't REALLY want it he won't be commited to his duty as a father.

I promise you, you can find a man who makes money and loves you for being his kid's mother.

Nothing less.

Anonymous 120170

He is lazy and doesn't want kids.

Anonymous 120171

Okay op, so basically sounds like you need to leave. Your BF, for better or worse is a bachelor, he's comfortable and has no intention of becoming uncomfortable. Of you love him, I would give him a another 6 months, try to prod him in the right direction, make your desire to be a mother clear. I can tell you 40-50k isn't enough to raise a family on unless your willing to perma-rent in a bad neighborhood or move to nowhereville. If he's not willing to make any changes the year out, you need to walk, or you will wind up being those 30 year old couples still dating like teenagers posting furbabies on your timeline, or worse you get pregnant by him and then resent the fuck out of him for making the family live in poverty because he had no aspirations beyond what his bumble fuck job is now. A real man should want to provide and plan ahead for the nest, his "I don't want our kids to be snobs" is pure cope at best and bullshit to shut you up at worst.

Anonymous 120172

That's not a good situation nona, when I told my fiance I wanted kids he almost immediately started looking for better work. We're even downsizing our wedding to save for a bigger house because we're both nerds and want space for kids and for our hobbies. Have you tried looking at jobs adjacent to your fields? Try checking Indeed, there's lots of jobs that literally just want a random degree and will train you in a complete different career, they just use the degree as a retard filter.


Anonymous 120056[Reply]

What do you think of the drama surrounding this comic?
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Anonymous 120152

Drama? I thought it was funny
People need to stop taking cartoons seriously

Anonymous 120153

Id argue the omegaverse stuff you described is more degenerate because its trying to brainwash people actively, trying to make a nightmare into reality by describing it "realistically", and not just getting them off.

Anonymous 120156

>trying to make a nightmare into reality
Women already live in a nightmare reality. Using art to express and understand that fact is one of the higher purposes of art. It is also a fact that women's nightmare reality is sexual in nature, that the illegal crimes committed against women and the inhumane laws and social structures built to exploit and harm women are overwhelmingly sexual and sexually motivated, and must be artistically captured by deliberately sexually expressive media. The stiflement of sexually expressive media created by and appealing to women is part of society's defenses against the liberation of women by preventing the acknowledgement of the nightmarish structure of real life social and sexual dynamics. When normie women read Dworkin's work, especially "Intercourse," the most common attack they mount against her is that her horror at everyday sexuality seems "fetishistic" and fixated on the rapine - this is not because Dworkin was incorrect nor because she was a fetishist. We have been robbed of the language with which to describe reality by social taboo.

Anonymous 120158

illegal crimes committed against women and the inhumane laws and social structures built to exploit and harm women
Pick a lane

Anonymous 120169

I'm just hearing a lot of blah blah blah mpreg is actually very deep blah blah blah.


i genuinely dont think love, friendship, any kind of human companionship is possible for me Anonymous 120144[Reply]

who relat

Anonymous 120145

i feel chronically empty all the time i feel nothing at all and it is everything at the same time at once . im literally biblical depictions of the devil incarnated into a girl

Anonymous 120164

I used to feel the same. Getting professional mental help helped me.

Anonymous 120209

Me for love. I can't fathom living with someone or not having a bedroom to myself. I want to be in love but I can't imagine myself pursuing a relationship in the way that others do. I get very irritated when around someone nonstop for over a week, even if I care for them. I always joke that I should date a pilot

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