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Anonymous Admin 49939[Reply]

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Anyone else “icked” out over males dressing “feminine”. Anonymous 119046[Reply]

So, I have always thought myself to be someone who was interested with the ideas of the left/progressives.

Likewise, that extends to the LGBT community — especially as a member, myself.

And it has always been taboo for males to dress similarly to their female counterparts though I believed that shouldn’t matter.

Clothes are clothes and whatever.

However, I hate to say that today my opinion on this has changed.

I hate to admit that it seems as if boys and men are even more creepy with their skirts and blouses on.

There is a certain uncannyness to it and no it’s not the fact that they are wearing “feminine” clothes. But wearing these clothes makes them more invasive, entitled and they talk in such a way that feels so ghastly and unreal, et cetera.

Again, I don’t know if this is being explained properly but it’s like they are a performance of a performance, you know? Like, their mimicry of something as illusory as femininity is uncomfortable. Even the more “lowkey” or subtle ones emit massive creep / predatory vibes…
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Anonymous 119064

This could just be poor application. Light foundation by itself washes you out and tends to make a face look a bit uncanny regardless of gender, though I guess with men this might have a greater dissonance.

Anonymous 119069

yeah, i realized this when i imagined men wearing skirts just out of practicality, because skirts are comfy. but i realized the mental image of a man wearing a skirt just is inherently repulsive to me. not sure why since it's just a piece of fabric but there's just something very gay about it.
i like it when men take a genuine interest in femininity, but when they bastardize femininity into a product their own flawed perception, and pretend like they're a part of the female experience after putting on a skirt, then that's when it becomes gross and creepy.
femboys who do it out of perverted pleasure are obviously lost creeps

Anonymous 119070

>Is it bad form to wear underwear while wearing a skirt?

Anonymous 119323

Screenshot 2024-12…

What do you nonas think of 'male coded' historically feminine things that moids use to get around the feminine association? Like e.g. tights that have dudebro brand names ('gymshark,' 'tap out,' 'underarmour') written on the waist in bold masculine lettering to make it more acceptable for a moid to wear them? Does this mitigate the ick at all or nah?

Anonymous 119332

I've only ever seen gay men or trans women dress in feminine ways. Trans women are always uncomfortable to be around, because the point of dressing in feminine ways is to invade female spaces. Gay men don't really do that, and so I don't really care. I think femboys lean between them, because from what I know, many are twinks that eventually get egged into transitioning.

I don't really care. Most male hygiene products that do it turn out to be shit.


Unsent Letter Thread Anonymous 115657[Reply]

Previous Thread >>2119
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Anonymous 119309

i honestly would never be in a dynamic where i am defending a man and he isn’t defending me. just hiding behind me. but i also have never been bigger than my boyfriends so they can’t hide behind me like you could completely obscure his body. what a romantic life. how are they so tiny and pointed straight down and saggy btw.

Anonymous 119312

also how was that the point in the song you wanted to cut at are you fucking kidding me? the powerpoint ass effects at the end? that is a literal slideshow transition???

Anonymous 119313

and btw i know you took inspo from 2-d’s art style you’re a fucking idiot for using a song and ripping off an art style at the same time. this made you “busy” - so much so there’s been no new art cosplays whatever at all? you guys really just drink all day huh. i thought nik was wasting away from guilt but it’s fucking liver disease isn’t it lol.

Anonymous 119322

“i hope you learn a lesson i hope this haunts you” and then you put on little outfits??? yeah i was um. shown. you got my ass!

Anonymous 119331

i hope that helps you to become famous :)


Vent thread Anonymous 117577[Reply]

Previous >>115513
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Anonymous 119314

how does anything in my post indicate I’m a troon? Butthurt auto response much

Anonymous 119315

lol shut the f*ck up n i gger

Anonymous 119319

not the person you’re replying to but uhhh
grow up. you’re not special because you find normal people cringe or say NIGGGERRRR holy shit

Anonymous 119326

I am an ascended being
you are a shit eating maggot beneath my existence
Do NOT reply to me fucktard

Anonymous 119330

That’s not me >>119305


If you have ZERO interaction on a dating app…. Anonymous 119273[Reply]

… does that mean you’re ugly as hell?

I’ve thought myself to be cute and at least able to attract some woman’s attention by now.

But I decided to create a dating account (done so about twice in the past with the same results) and I rarely, if ever, have any likes or messages.

Not to mention, I notice that most of the women there are CAKED in the face and I wonder if being bare is hurting my image more than I expected it to. I’m not someone who wears cosmetics and I’m not wanting to start for two seconds of attention on some dating app.

But damn. I’m starting to wonder if I’m actually not as beautiful as I had thought.
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Anonymous 119298

You're probably both ugly and uninteresting. Ugly people can get action if they show an interesting life in their photos. But since you're posting on this website I assume all your photos are depressing grainy selfies in your drab bedroom.

Anonymous 119299

I think people just have distorted views of what women online look like since they can easily put on any makeup and edit away flaws making it look perfect. I don't have any advice on dating/dating apps but I hope you don't worry about it too much nona, such apps are often rigged anyway

Anonymous 119301

You might just be too picky rather than ugly.

Anonymous 119302

Which apps?
A lot of them aren't particularly good places for lesbians.
Often the dating app interactions that actually exist for lesbians are either men impersonating women for fetish purposes or men impersonating women for financial scamming purposes.
This is not a terrible thing because it means that life outside of dating apps is usually sufficient for most lesbians to find a real partner in normal space.

Anonymous 119329



Subtle Pick Me Girls Anonymous 117405[Reply]

maybe this post is stupid or redundant but I don't see this particular topic covered in much of the "pick me" discourse. I believe there is a subset of pick me girls who present in ways that don't immediately read as pick me, possibly even overtly touting feminist thought or social justice or being a "girl's girl" or the like that you can just subtly tell they're still looking for male validation, attention, possibly even go for taken men (might see this type of pick me in the "female best friend").

it's like sure they may not be tradwife Tate apologists or "im so one of the boys im le gamer gurl teehee" but there are subtle gestures or comments or you notice the content they like online or you see what they post and it just reeks of male gaze or male-centeredness. it's hard when you know they're aware enough of the pickme concept to not be overtly bitchy or competitive, but you just get this gut feeling they'd throw you under the bus anyway or try to steal your man to live out her "she wears high heels I wear sneakers" fantasy. it's the modern "cool girl" who doesn't know it's a death trap yet. the manic pixie who still thinks her magic is for attracting men. the indie/alt chick who only hangs around guys but never admits the real reason why. the artsy coworker who tries really hard to get your bfs attention outside of work. the "mom friend" who tells everyone about it, especially men she's just met. etc., etc.
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Anonymous 119104

Given it's prevalence, is it brainwashing or is it the nature of those women?

Anonymous 119258

I think the point is OP doesn't like girls who center their lives on the male gaze but act like they don't or identify with cultures/philosophies that are supposed to decenter men

Anonymous 119325

Since this thread has expanded beyond pickmes to include all women who get shitty with other women over men:
Have you ever seen the dynamic where a less popular girl in a group becomes like a target for having some validating experience with men/a man?
Something like this happened among my friends years ago. The girl who was easily the least popular/confident/respected among us nevertheless became the first to get married. Right after she got engaged she became a subject of malicious gossip way more than she had been before. Most of us got over it as the years went on but I'm pretty sure this one girl is still bitter about it. like she takes every available opportunity to post unflattering pics of the less popular girl and her husband, or just post unflattering pics of her in general. Is she jealous that the less popular one got married before she did?

Anonymous 119327

my theory is she was only "less popular/respected" within the context of your friend group (i.e. maybe the rest of you are kind of shitty?) and outside of this hierarchy she might thrive, especially in the context of relationships with greater intimacy (marriage) which of course would set off the person or people who internally know how much they're lacking in that department or feel the clock ticking on traits they might've felt were their ticket into social success.

Anonymous 119328

also, how "unpopular" is she really if she's still being talked about to this day? even respected. no one punches down. not really.


sooo… I farted in front of my 3 year boyfriend Anonymous 118617[Reply]

…in my sleep nonetheless. When he openly lets it rip in front of me in the day and night. The next day he let me know, acting like he’s bringing it up randomly as a joke. He followed it up by claiming that “I shouldn’t worry about it” but he would prefer if I didn’t (as if I have control over it when I’m passed out). I’m at a loss of words because I legitimately thought this man was in love with me and this feels very distinctly not like love. Am I overreacting?
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Anonymous 118656

I think he likes you but doesn’t love you. The other day I farted repeatedly like a pig in my bf’s room because I had a stomach ache. We ended up laughing like idiots. Yeah the smell is bad but when the gas leak comes from someone you love, it doesn’t affect you like it was some strangers fart you know?

Anonymous 118681

It isn't an issue of love. He's a type of "high" maintenance. Suppose you had a friend you took out to have dinner with, and you found out they were really picky about their food, so like they'd absolutely refuse to eat stuff like mushrooms or onions or fish and make a fuss. Would you bring them out to eat at non-basic places again? Would this stop you from being their friend? What if this friend is also the type to not take a sip of a drink when offered? Is it bad that they're not the type of person to want to sip from a vessel that has already been sipped from even though most people don't care? Is it bad if they're "germaphobic" in this way?

Is it bad for somebody to not like farts? Of course not. But not being able to take em? I was in middle school when I scolded a boy to grow up for mentioning out loud when some other boy next to us farted. As an adult, it's not up to us to force non-harm-related preferences onto others (nothing wrong with being vocal against racist/sexists ideas, and ideally you'd want to push good habits onto your children), but we do have a choice on who we hang out with and when. Good habit to not eat out with picky eaters. Good habit to not hang with party poopers when you want to have fun. Your bf not liking farts isn't bad, per se. But would I want to be with someone who is super fussy about farts or picky food or basic sharing or etc.? Nope, couldn't be me.

Also, for your situation, your bf could also be against farts because he has a vision of what is "proper" for a woman, e.g. clean, couth, no farts. Also a preference, but would I want to be with someone with this vision? Nope, couldn't be me.

Talk with him about why he feels this way. Gather info first

Anonymous 118682

idk i really don't like it when my mom or any family member does it in front of me. i think if you really can't help it its fine but you should try not to.

op i think obviously you didnt mean to, tell him that you didn't mean to and thats it rude of him to bring it up and then just let it go if he doesn't have any other major issues.

Anonymous 118708

idk. i fart on my bf of 3 yrs on purpose.

Anonymous 119324

What does it mean if your BF/husband is really (pardon the pun) anal about not farting on or around you? Mine basically is like an inverted version of yours: really weird about sleeping together due to fart related issues, only he's more concerned about farting on me than me farting on him. He is pretty serious about this as he insisted on us having two beds in our bedroom when we bought/furnished our house. When I asked him what made him so shy about farting in front of others he said he grew up with his Mom telling stories about his grandpa never farting or going around the house shirtless, and it stuck with him as the right thing to do. His story seems to check out but nevertheless sometimes I worry that he's actually concerned about my farts and is saying he is trying to protect me from his farts just to be polite.


pros/cons of your bf Anonymous 105405[Reply]

can we please start a pros/cons list of the bf you are dating.

i am sick of seeing bf brag threads, we need a counterbalance with the crappy things your bf does on top of the good things. can be as little as pet peeves!
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Anonymous 119274

I’m pretty damn happy with him. Just haven’t had the luxury of living with him to see if we’re actually able to live together. One thing I wish I understood when I was younger was you can love each other and get along well but have fundamental differences in values that make you incompatible as a couple. Stuff like agreeing on wanting children or even just some basic ways that you conduct your daily lives (think cleanliness standards). In those cases it’s better to just split amicably if you can and stay friends. It’s not reasonable to expect someone to change just because you ask them to.

Anonymous 119275

> femdom
Gross, stopped reading right there.
Kinks are disgusting

Anonymous 119291

>scizo rants about the government, and the supernatural
>His life revolves around magic
>Makes you feel stupid… makes you think the intelligence gap is huge

Um, nothing wrong with anyone practicing witchcraft or whatever - if anything we need more witches out here - but based on how you're describing him, he doesn't seem like the epitome of intelligence in the highest sense. I don't mean to put him down, because literally most people aren't, and everyone has their own best version of intelligence, like EQ or being empathetic or being autistic about the Sino-japanese wars. But I just don't want you to feel like you're a stupid person or something - or at least any more than the average person undoubtedly and uncontrollably is, which includes your bf.

If he treats you right and loves you well, I'm all for this relationship, really. But if he sometimes says things that makes you feel put down in an I'm-stupid way, you really need to talk to him about it. If he truly is smart, he should be able to self reflect, and work with you to better communicate information in the future.

Anonymous 119292

>goes to the gym
Can't choose both as a con, lol

Anonymous 119317

He's a powerlifter, one of his hobbies.


Anonymous 119260[Reply]

I've always been in one sided friendships and relationships where I'm the one carrying the entire thing, and the moment I stop, everything just stops. They just don't care. I am often called a people pleaser as well.

They aren't there for you like you are there for them. You make excuses for their behavior and just try to understand where they're coming from. They would rather talk about other people, ex-drama or their life can even ask how you are doing or what is going on in your life. If they talk about their day, you have to be invested. If you talk about your day, they don't care and will change the topic to something they prefer instead.

As a person who really cares about people I tend to always just be reminded to only care to the point where it can affect you negatively. But it's hard to make any kind of friend or relationship because it's just me caring about their life, problems, and being empathetic while they don't care about mine. Some people will tell you everything about them while not knowing anything about you, and they're fine with that.

I think that if you are genuinely good, kind, or caring then you are definitely gonna be used and taken advantage of. Making friends is hard.

Anonymous 119262

Maybe you're just a really boring person

Anonymous 119270

Omg are you literally me? You should add me on discord pls. I'm avsn33d

Anonymous 119316

Weird, I've been feeling the same way recently. It makes it hard to care about anything going on in life.

Anonymous 119320

im actually here rn cus i feel this way. from everything ive been watching/reading on this topic the solution is to detach from being the initiator and to naturally attract the people who are right for you by treating yourself so well that your confidence becomes attractive etc. like by not caring whether people want to be around you because youre so full of yourself they will start wanting to be around you, which i guess if you think about it is what other people are doing when youre interacting with them and theyre just focused on themselves.


i want a gf or bf so much T_T Anonymous 119288[Reply]

i crave love so much… i feel so lonely i just wanna be held or hold someone close to me and share some type of bond with them why is everything so hard or even really a platonic soulmate would be enough as long as we could hug..

Anonymous 119289

Go on Tinder or Hinge or Bumble

Anonymous 119306

I feel you, nona. I want physical intimacy really bad and to share a meaningful connection with someone but it will take a lifetime before anyone chooses to pursue anything serious with me.

Anonymous 119321

fuck no

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