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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 49939[Reply]

Do not make threads about the following topics or you will be banned:

- Race/Ethnicity/Nationality (including stereotypes & preferences)
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- (Why) do guys like [insert preference here]
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Vent thread Anonymous 112803[Reply]

Previous thread 109995
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Anonymous 112814

do you guys think people should start acting publicly cringe on purpose? i feel like it gatekeeps power hungry literalists and people who actually take stupid things people say as an excuse to behave badly.

Anonymous 112836


random thoughts at 2 AM
i ordered more late night sweets. i am also mildly drunk
fellow miners, is it just me or does everything on the internet feel soulless these days? here's an example-you can't say the word suicide in youtube videos, and the people who create media content will avoid saying the word "suicide" out of fear of getting demonetized, or similar capitalistic repercussions.
isn't that kind of dystopian? you can't say the word "suicide," because you might not be able to make more money than you already have. and it makes me wonder, how many topics do we avoid in society because it is "soft-censored" by corporate and political entities, as opposed to outright banned?
i sometimes think people should just make an internet 2.0, except instead of everything being mass surveilled by the FBI and carefully constructed by capitalistic motivations, people just fill the new internet with passion projects and unmonetized media. who the fuck, CARES, whether or not google or whatever SEO trend likes what you have to say? why is everything these days, so fucking, soulless.

Anonymous 112844

I hate u

Anonymous 112849

Someone make another thread pls…

Anonymous 112853

thinking about how ugly i am


pros/cons of your bf Anonymous 105405[Reply]

can we please start a pros/cons list of the bf you are dating.

i am sick of seeing bf brag threads, we need a counterbalance with the crappy things your bf does on top of the good things. can be as little as pet peeves!
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Anonymous 112792

>Insanely hot without trying, women check him out constantly which is a major plus for me.
>So smart I can't believe it. Learns stuff insanely fast.
>Long conversations about interesting/weird topics.
>Amazing dry humor.
>Wants and gives constant non-stop hugging, kissing, fondling. (huge plus for me)
>Decent career
>Very creative, artistically talented

>Turbo sperg
>Lazy, messy
>Chronically online
>Doesn't make efforts to socialize IRL
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 112795

Post one of his anime boobs drawings pls :3

Anonymous 112796

No, he's semi internet famous and I love him

Anonymous 112797

Classic larp.. take ur meds he isn't real

Anonymous 112852


>>112792 here, getting a comment like this is the best. he's my titty sperg. miiiiine.


moid hate thread Anonymous 85163[Reply]

doesn’t have to be about your boyfriend. I just hate fucking men at this point.

>everyone of them has failed me

>any moid I’ve dated either had a rape kink, or raped me
>porn/hentai addiction
>used me for my body
>always had an alternative motive
>manipulated me into insanity
>abused me if I didn’t do anything they wanted
>even my own dad has failed me

I have no fucking hope in this world.
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Anonymous 112827

Girl go live in a women's shelter or find some female roommates. Try hitting up Craigslist or something

Anonymous 112829

>Men have that you cuntoids dont ruin.
Such as? Women "ruining" something for men is usually just them participating in a space/activity while minding their own business. It's more often than not the men who can't control themselves at the sight of a female.

Anonymous 112831

fuck off to /r9k/ faggot

Anonymous 112832

i dont know why people assume r9k is this site's femcel counterpart. cc is just a small female imageboard. honestly we need to separate from the idea that this place is just "incels but women" cause that's just not true.

Anonymous 112851

Society is emotional, not rational. And society at large has a deep emotional need for there to be equivalence if not equality across the sexual divide. For example it is obvious that there are far, far, far more women who are sexually aroused by other women than there are men who are sexually aroused by other men but we pretend that this is due to some massive traumatic repression of teh ghey in men and that such repression is due to historical patriarchy wherever present. The irony of citing ancient Greece where women were chattel as a homonormative society and at the same time saying patriarchy represses male bi-gay tendencies is lost in any such conversation because we need it to be lost or else we'd need to face the reality that male sexuality is inherently and necessarily harmful to women generally and to lesbians specifically and that this harm is entirely one-sided rather than mutual because there is no way for male sexuality to be expressed on a demographic society-wide level that does not impinge on women's sexuality. Women's psychological wellbeing at the very bare minimum requires a living environment where one is not constantly reminded of male sexual predation but society can either be structured to apply constant wards against the male gaze, with hijabs and censorship and strictly enforced space segregations and interaction norms, or it can be structured to permit the male gaze in its infinite rapacity. There is no alternative which can be applied at the large scale. The solutions we can choose from are personal and individual solutions which places all responsibility for social sexual pressure on the individual male and the individual woman and since males are inherently irresponsible that means society inevitably tells all women "you are personally responsible for any and all socially received male sexuality."

Likewise the world at large requires there to be some female equivalent to /r9k/. One does not exist. Even if every single TIF from tumblr were to pull an Audrey Hale there could never be a female /r9k/ equivalent. So every place at which women gather is tagged with that label regardless of observable reality.


Anonymous 112764[Reply]

im tired. I will never get taken serious BY MY FAMILY (put it in caps bc i think this only applies to my family :( if you are struggling like me you should seek help, really you are valid trust me.) when it comes to my ED, they just see me as someone insecure and make fun of me for that. They never took me serious because i have been maintaining for long, there was a point i lost 7kg within just 2 weeks and they got really worried but after i started maintaining they stopped caring and they just bodyshame me still im struggling so bad i dont know why they cant see it are they just ignoring me?? Im so confused. How do i get them to TAKE ME SERIOUS without losing a crazy shit amount of weight
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Anonymous 112798

Its not for attention. I just want them to take my ED serious ive been struggling with MIA for 2 years

Anonymous 112805

I'm ngl if you are able to lose 7kg in two weeks at all it means you're still relatively healthy..

Anonymous 112837

There are other EDS than anorexia. Most people with bulimia are in the healthy weight range but that doesnt mean they are healthy itself.

Anonymous 112845

Expecting common ppl to gaf about your invisible mental illness is first world entitlement at its finest lol

Anonymous 112850

Wow, everyone is being an asshole to this nona for no reason. EDs are a real thing people struggle with.

Sadly, your family are assholes. I really hope you can get the support and help you need and


Anonymous 112839[Reply]

I have ruined everything because of my stupid actions. Everything I do just causes harm to me, every single of them.

Anonymous 112848


Congratulations, you have self-awareness. The next step is to get professional help.


sexual dimorphism and diet Anonymous 112769[Reply]

why does it seem like sexual dimorphism fails at enhancing both genders? like, if a country produces tall men, they must also produce tall women. or vice versa. that's kind of sad. i feel like in an ideal world, all the women would be tiny and the men would be muscley and bear like. it's just hawt, i dunno.

i can only really imagine that maybe diet can enhance both genders' sexual dimorphism. apparently, sexually dimorphic diets do exist in nature, with the siberian ibex's (a type of wild goat) eating behaviors containing more biomass, while the female siberian ibex eats lesser foods, but with higher nutritional quality. it's interesting to think how sexually dimorphic behaviors evolve in different species of animals, and how humans have unconsciously (or consciously) adopted these types of behaviors as well.
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Anonymous 112801

it’s advantageous for males and females of the same species to consume similar resources because that way they can share them. obv there’s gonna be a lot of animals that go against that, but for mammals and birds and such it’s generally true just because of their mating strategies

Anonymous 112822

>Unfortunately it seems that in real life an overwhelming supermajority of men instinctively prefer taller women over shorter women, and have to be socially conditioned out of this preference by a wave of formative sexual rejections from taller and generally older women during puberty
This is the weirdest nonsense I have ever read. Men have always preferred shorter women.

Anonymous 112823

When men say that they mean 1 to 2 inches shorter than themselves. They do not care that this sounds like they want someone shorter compared with other women.

>Men who are taller than 6’0” generally prefer women of about 5’8” to 5’11”, while shorter men in the range of 5’8” to 5’11” tend to prefer women in the same height bracket.
Very, very few women are above 5'7". And yet somehow that 1.5% of the population of women by height receive numerically as many swipes as women whose height matches 30% of the population, meaning that being significantly above average provides 20x the attention.

Obviously there's more to life than dating apps. And that means more spaces in which tall women have a serious advantage. Tall women can reasonably expect to get away with murders for which shorter women would be convicted:
And get significantly better pay and more frequent promotion along the way:

Anonymous 112838


A common theory is that there was less selective pressure for women. When women were pregnant it was up to the man to wait at a watering hole, hurl a javelin and chase down injured game over 15 miles in the hot sun, so the survival of their child depended more on the man's performance. Evolutionary psychology seems to be a point of contention among feminists, but I see the logic in this.

However at the olympics men are only about 10% faster in the 100m and the marathon while 40% stronger in weightlifting. Strength seems to be more significant, while the extra power and range using weapons is useful in hunting, there might have been selective pressure due to tribal warfare or perhaps controlling women and social dominance. There are certainly some grim elements of human nature, on the internet the edgiest theories will float to the top, though I'd like to know the truth. I'd rank all this as speculation.

Anonymous 112847


I feel like it's also neurological to a degree, even if you have the raw physical speed and strength, you still need the right brain to pilot the 'ole flesh golem around in a way that is able to outdo prey that has evolved to avoid you, figure out the best way to be lethal to enemy tribes, etc.

Just look at how much men sperg over combat in videogames and its strategy and details. They're hardwired to desire to become efficient hunters and murderers.

I don't think it's a bad thing, specialization is useful, but it might be overlooked if you only look at speed/strength performance.


/goodfeels/ Anonymous 51045[Reply]

post about something positive that happened to you, even if it’s small
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Anonymous 100484


After getting my 3DS stolen by some ghetto thug from one of my classes in high school several years ago, I lost my whole digital ACNL copy with it. My village wasn't that good-looking, but that game was my happy place so I've never been able to live it down. I recently bought a Switch and a friend got me a e-shop gift card so I decided to use it to buy ACNH. The novelty of playing has worn off and it doesn't quite feel the same, but it's nice to have a comfy game where you can just do things like plant flowers, explore, and build things.

Anonymous 103460

I'm starting a new crochet project and I feel very comfident about it! I can't wait to finish it and wear it all the time in winter

Anonymous 103529


omg whats ur friend code?? I play it too

Anonymous 103706

I have been so extremely nostalgic for the past few days. It feels like I'm in middle school again. The weather is really hot and school has just begun again. I also started reading a webcomic that reminds of something my 12 yr old self would love. I love this feeling, its's been making my life feel so much brighter.

Anonymous 112846

I've met my best friend today after long time of not seeing her. We got under heavy rain, so we retreated to my home, we spent good time playing board games, drinking tea n' shiet. After rain was gone we went for a walk in local park. It was very pretty in all fresh green young leaves and grass, also there was a lot of birds, we fed them and some of them even ate right from my hands :> Besides birds there was a lot of squirrels. I love spring and I love my best friend so much, I wish we hanged out more, but both of us are busy


How the fuck do you get over burnout. Anonymous 112833[Reply]

In my sophomore year of college, I would sit at my desk for more than 12 hours a day doing school work. I would get 4-6 hours of sleep and did not have any hobbies or friends. I would also pull at least 1-2 all-nighters every week. As a result, I produced a lot of great work and was directly competing with my peers.

Now that I'm a junior, I can't give a flying fucckkkk about school. I can barely sit in my chair for more than a couple hours and I regularly get eight hours of sleep. All I do in class is day dream about my girlfriend. I work out for several hours a day, spend a lot of my time going outside, and hanging out with friends or my girlfriend. My grades are now shit and I've produced some of the worst shit imaginable for my classes. I couldn't even bother to go hunting for an internship this year.
My friends admire me because they still think that I have the same work ethic that I did last year. But I don't.
I am so ashamed for wasting my time to do all these stupid things like sleeping and working out. But at the same time, I can't bring myself to do homework all fucking day. I just can't. I can't even pull all-nighters anymore.

I am so burnt out. I miss the old me. I want to bring them back, but I don't want to sacrifice the relationships that I have now.

How do I get over this burnout? How do I start feeling the want to do school work for that fucking long again?

>tldr version: I used to do schoolwork nonstop last year but I can't bring myself to do it anymore. I wan't to go back to the person I was back then,but I don't wan't to lose the people I love.

Anonymous 112835

I used to be in a similar situation, I won't go into it because I vented about it in an old thread.
In fact, there it is if u want more context >>>/feels/98310
I was both burned out AND clinically depressed. In the end it resulted in me failing a semester of my school year. I'm surprised I failed only one exam, I didn't study at all.
Since the exam I failed was in the second semester I could stay at home until it then. I took almost 6 months off school, did nothing but take my depression meds and hide from my problems with life. Now I'm back to school, I'm taking only 4 classes out of 13 and the workload is very light so it's manageable but I am able to study again as you said for 8 hours non stop, I'm able to focus again. Still not motivated emotionally, but I am physically able to perform.
I wish there was a better cure, but everyone in my life simply told me to "relax"
I didn't even take additional classes in that 6 months period of "rest and relaxation". And ofc I got medicated for depression.

Anonymous 112843

First of all nona I'm sorry for traumadumping on your thread kek but I feel like this is kind of related. I was also burnout towards the end of last year (November) because a lot of things were happening in my life and I didn't think anyone could help me. I was at a pretty good position at my job and I didn't want to mess that up (lol) so I decided to just quit.

After I quit I just didn't want to work at all. I just wanted to take a break, even though my parents gave me so much shit about it. I am feeling better now and I'm looking for a new job but still haven't found any lol. I was thinking of going back but that would be embarrassing lmao even though the HR said I could contact her if "anything happens".

I don't think this is regret but I feel like maybe I could talk about my burnout problem to my HR but idk I just think it's bullshit when HR wants to help me with my personal mental problems? They never do care about you they just want your time and energy.

I think the "cure" that you're looking for is just time. Time will heal, at least in my case. I managed to take some time off and take care of myself and now I do feel better because of it, and ready to get back to work, I think?

Good luck nona!


Nice Guys Anonymous 112773[Reply]

"Nice" guys are always some of the most dangerous men out there. Yes yes violent criminals yadda yadda but we're talking average joe here, not convicts (though you see how some do end up in that category too). Most women aren't going to interact with a serial rapist, but they WILL likely bump elbows with or even befriend/date a "nice guy"

I always think of the quote from Nietzsche: "Hilarious are the weak who think they are virtuous because they have no claws."

It's not about remaining "pure and good" but about knowing what you'd do when you're tested. These men develop unchecked "benevolent sexism" or what I might call Misogyny of the Devotee (aka men who worship women as objects/idols but do not respect or see then as people). They all have a transactional attitude about things, probably in part because of absorbed masculine money-car-bitches culture where the right numbers mean you got it. They deal too much with the material and get stuck in it when they're denied the presence of women for whatever reasons. It's a shame, but karmas karma I guess. Cause and effect. They're left without and this unfettered sexism ferments beneath their doting, servile attitudes until it breaks on the edge of unmet expectations. Entitled, needy, predatory. Constant messaging like attrition warfare. Virtue signaling cutesy sweet hobbies or memes or clothes to read as "safe". They lie and are so unassumingly judgey/angry people. So scary. They buy women with their time in porn and with money paying for games/movies or more porn/streamers. They think this is how it should be with real women. Buy the upgraded skin pack to impress the lady. Complete the quest. Defend her against the dragon. Get your princess. Insufferable men. They masquerade as weak when they have an iron core of ego and superiority to compensate for a deeper emptiness.

Anyone here have any fucked up nice guy stories/experiences?

Anonymous 112783


Anonymous 112841

All relationships are transactional to begin with, you don't love someone unconditionally the moment you first meet. The problem with "nice guys" is they are naive, their view of women is based on anime, porn, internet echo chambers and "redpill" tweets and YT videos.

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