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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Terfposting #33 Anonymous 249460

Anonymous 249719

yeah. I'm thinking troons are cringe.

Anonymous 249734

Any youtubers recommendations for this topic?

Anonymous 249741

ot but there's this mutual I have, who I assume is a ftm, that liked several of my transphobic posts. Are there a lot of red pilled ftms on TiMs? I'm a bit confused by this behaviour.

Anonymous 249747

Screenshot from 20…

Anonymous 249769

from what I've seen, a lot of tifs complain about how misogynistic tims are and about how tims are bad trans allies or whatever. basically a lot of tifs hate (male) troons because they still view tifs as women and are misogynistic towards them. so it's likely she's getting sick of dealing with male troons - either that or she isn't actually a troon despite seeming like one online

Anonymous 249772

It's not exactly about troonism but I think her videos are great, she touches on that topic slightly in the video.

Anonymous 249792

I just noticed she unliked that post and unfollowed me kek this is so strange

Anonymous 249793


Maybe she misread them, got tipped off by another troon that the post was le bad and invalid terf dogwhistle talk and then had to cut off contact with the mean transphobe lol.

Anonymous 249797

Probably, she would also like my posts where I would dunk on TiM's hypocrisy and stupidity which made me think she peaked on them. We've been following each other since 2021 and I rarely ever make fun of ftms so I'm slightly upset that showing just a bit of misandry would be enough to burn bridges according to her. Well, it's whatever, we barely talked anyway.

Anonymous 249801

maybe she's afraid she'd be outed as a "terf"? idk

Anonymous 249804

I wish this post was longer, it reads like a Kurt Vonnegut short story

Anonymous 249861


do webms work on here. shit this is so cringeworthy

Anonymous 249862

The way the actual males tower over her

Anonymous 249875

>needlessly freaking out
>assaults strangers
>defaults to "whore" as an insult
he actually passes

Anonymous 249878

it's supposed to be an image board with 0 dicks, but of course there are a few lurking trannies. not hard to spot though

Anonymous 250044

from my personal experience, tims
there's no group that hates women more than them, mtfs make abrahamic religion look feminist by comparison lol

Anonymous 250045

What's personal experience with a tim like? most tims I've seen are like "uwu i love girls!!" But I have never actually conversed with a mtf tranny beyond twitter screencaps.

Anonymous 250053

Trannies are called Tims, which is a guy name.
It will never fail to make me laugh.

Anonymous 250063


there's a tranny on twitter making disgusting porn edits.
i was seeing brett cooper tag on twitter and i saw this bs. disgusting.
ohhh the misery of not being able to tell this troon that he will never be a woman

Anonymous 250067


TIF art is really deranged.

Anonymous 250068

Lol'd is that Matt Walsh

Anonymous 250069

Why did they feel the need to draw the characters at the left with erect dicks?

Anonymous 250073

Much like how many MTFs transition based on porn and fetishes, FTMs transition because of their obsession over dicks

Anonymous 250089

Tifs tend to be the more vocal in fandom spaces than tims in their weird headcanons about characters' gender, race, sexuality, etc. Mainly because tifs are the biggest shippers, although the pro-ship and anti-ship wars are mostly fought by afabs in general. I believe this is because tifs still value emotional gains from putting labels on characters rather than actually drawing them in the ways they see them as.

Tims tend to make and jerk off to futanari porn and ERP as female or futa characters. Tims are generally just coomers and when they're not coomers they're being typical moids politically, focusing less on reclaiming fiction and media than trying to be loud in IRL politics.

Anonymous 250090

This is such a perfect snapshot of everything wrong with both sexes right now.

>tif shoulderchecks moid

>moids unironically labels it as "assault" in phone call to authorities
How absolutely dickless can you be. As childish as it is, the tif actually going "Am I assaulting you now? :)" is just like toddlers playing a game of "I'm not touching you"/"she's touching me!" while holding a finger in his personal space is the funniest shit I've seen in a while.

Meanwhile, you can see the visual confusion on the males as they realize they know they could easily overpower her but then don't want to be accused of hitting a woman, even if it's a tif. Classic.

And "tif" sounds like it's short for tiffany, a girl's name.

Anonymous 250101


Anonymous 250102

Whats with the tranny racemixing correlation? I don't get it at all.

Anonymous 250104

I'd say that they aim at humiliation

Anonymous 250105

This somehow feels like the equivalent of a moid going on hormones and trying to become the biggest slut, except the girl goes on hormones and tries to become the biggest thug, wanting to bully and physically dominate people, but like the TIM, with a cartoonishly bad understanding of the behavior they are trying to emulate, and absolutely not having the body to succeed at it.

Anonymous 250134

How would you define femininity? I am dating a skinny white boy who keeps telling me the being desired by me is very important for him but he refuses to accept that being (passively) desired is typical feminine. He also moans kinda highpotched when we do foreplay. Do you think he is in the closet gay?

Anonymous 250136

its because of the polcel to tranny pipeline

Anonymous 250144

I don't think man having sex with a woman is proof of him being homosexual, nоnniе.

Anonymous 250158

>fellas is it gay to demonstrate pleasure while having sex with women?

Anonymous 250159

who was that tranny who used to spam here all day (may still spam I dont check CC as often). there was a funny meme of his face photoshopped someone cornering a someone against a wall saying "let me tell you about my period"
if anyone has that it would be appreciated, they are spamming elsewhere again and I want to spook them

Anonymous 250161

terminally online
how is wanting to be desired feminine?

Anonymous 250163


Anonymous 250165

yisssss thank you

Anonymous 250166


?did it look like this

Anonymous 250184

I have been told by many people that by natures design women are passive castles that want to be stormed and moids are the battering rams that want to break in our gatehouses. Women are passive and moids are active and that guys who like being taken and desired are misguided fags. (I come from a religious family in eastern europe…)

Anonymous 250186

tims explained.png

I think so.

Anonymous 250187


That explains things. Yeah its not like that. Boys can like to be dominated without being gay. Feminine men and masculine women exist and they are both still men and women and it has nothing to do with being gay or straight. Obviously there are trends to do with that stuff but yeah.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to be desired when in this era everything is about validation.

Anonymous 250188

Shit like this why we have trannies. Someone hears this and says "I don't wanna be a 'passive castle', i must be a boy".

Anonymous 250192


Anonymous 250195

Not that Anon but this is a pretty typical specimen
> https://archived.moe/lgbt/thread/32420020/#32420616
>speaks over tifs
>makes a rape joke
Not even surprised.

Anonymous 250197

Anonymous 250207

THAT'S the tranny that spams here????

Anonymous 250208


4chan based for once.

Anonymous 250296

wait until you see what populates r/actuallesbians

Anonymous 250300

are you surprised? its reddit

Anonymous 250346

r/TwoXChromosomes and r/actuallesbians sounds so terfy, maybe they were made to exclude trannies, but trannies took them over anyways?>>250296

Anonymous 250390

>created in 2009
It was a different time

Anonymous 250418

r/actuallesbians was created because r/lesbians already existed as a porn subbreddit (and of course that one still gets to stay "cis women only" go figure), while r/twoxchromosomes was as >>250390 said created in a time when trannies were hardly on anyone's radar except maybe as "man in dress" jokes and weird fetish porn

Anonymous 250419

the fact that r/les was the first and a porn subreddit is a testament to how scrote brained the internet is.

Anonymous 250438

a friend of mine just come out as a trannie, not shocking since he is almost 30, dates a tif and is depressive to the point of no one being able to give a shit anymore.
god, i now so much man and woman who troon out, this shit is not normal.

Anonymous 250450

Do you believe trannyism will fail and being a TERF will be normal in the future? What are your predictions?

Anonymous 250451

Because that's what gets them off. These gigacoomers are mere steps away from sexually assaulting someone because they felt entitled to do so.

Anonymous 250454


Since surgery leads to a ton of complications and hormones do too, yes I think this is a weird moment in culture that will pass.

I don't see it as being sustainable and there are already people who transitioned in middle/high school who have grown up to speak out against it.

Wait till some real high profile "trans kids" start writing tell all memoirs about their shitty parents.

Anonymous 250455

I want to see it end soon, I am hoping detrans is the key to end of troonism. I am getting troon fatigue.

Anonymous 250457

Most normies cope life on pills, anyways. I mean for example, every other woman is used to be on the pill since her teens. Just like this. It had popped up and was completely normalized. Think of the money you can make by targeting half of the population. Or think of the meds they feed kids to make them fit into the school system. Kids that grow up taking meds. And now we have a similar situation at hand. Think of the money you can make by offering treatments that amend to the psyops you have been fed. I don't believe that they allow some sob stories to fuck up their business

Anonymous 250461


NTA, but I have spent time around several troons (mostly HSTS) and I had a tabletop roleplaying game with one once, of the autogynephile variety.

Honestly? He acted just like your classic weaboo/anime dweeb. He was just a guy in a dress and wig. Kinda autistic, fairly funny, and behaved himself. I kind of liked him, actually. For a weeb. One of the people at the table called him bro on accident and he got really butthurt but another friend deescalated.

The real issue was when I went home and added him on Twitter. His Twitter, which he shared with me freely, was fucking plastered with grotesque futa hentai. I later found out that his bedroom is plastered with hentai art prints, and when I was at their (he was the roommate of my friend) place it really was filthy. Harder levels of bad. It was just so off-putting that this guy was living in squalor, cooming 24/7, but managed to be relatively likeable (if kind of autistic) in public situations. I think it's why there are so many handmaidens. These guys kind of seem like harmless, awkward autists until you see what they are doing online/in private. The experience is part of what started my peaking.

Anonymous 250465

omg the cult behavior
>have you been reading TERF-y stuff?

Anonymous 250472

are you for real

Anonymous 250491

all mods on reddit are scrotes.

Anonymous 250494

LMAO IS THIS REAL where tf do you find this

Anonymous 250497

It's an actual BBC doc

Anonymous 250501

uk womb transplant…

Thoughts? Troon receives a womb from his sister and it's deemed as a "success". Here is iink to article below:

Anonymous 250502

The recipient wasn't a troon, though.

Anonymous 250513

>links article without even having read it

Anonymous 250520

the way the top comment is something trying to dissuade them back into
accepting trannyism, and then victim blaming????
>troon fatigue
so real nona, so real
ive been forced to spend time with trannies and so
i would joke that i was a terf but one time one got so mad one time they went on a rant
about how terfs should be mass raped and murdered. they come in a great variety
of offensiveness but they all have the same disdain ive garnered from
studying the side effects of being in their face about such things
it's helped me blacklist them from social circles and show me who actually supports women
womb transplants will never work on males
bugger off please

Anonymous 250528

I think womb transplants are a terrible and pointless idea even on actual women. The article already says that it won't last her more than five years and she'll have to take immunosuppressants the whole time so she doesn't reject it. It's just a waste and you know damn well trannies will see this and will gloat about how "their turn is next!"

Anonymous 250530

Yet another stunning example of peoples refusal to adopt. Seriously, I feel like this is going to cause major pregnancy complications, and I feel there are many better ways to "have" a kid which don't involve potentially dangerous surgery.

Anonymous 250531

The field of gynecology has such skewed priorities in research. We still don't exactly understand the causes of endometriosis or even the full functionality of each organ in the female reproductive system. Hell, only quite recently it was discovered that the clitoris also has an intricate internal structure. Or that the uterus also helps in hormone regulation and it's not completely useless when not gestating. By the way elective hysterectomies have also been linked to higher rates or early onset dementia. But they'd rather pander to narcissists who ~need~ to get pregnant and even males with fetishes over research that would actually benefit women. Such a waste.
On a lighter note I know this is South Park but it's quite eerie how this 2005 episode was so ahead of its time, now we have actual unironic pregnancy LARPing trannies and even people unironically cheering them on

Anonymous 250540

the cognitive dissonance…

Anonymous 250552

is this that annoying obese misogynist whiteglove tif? she spends every single day on /lgbt/ circlejerking with the pedo incel trannies about how evil the meanie feminists are and how much she hates lolcow/crystal cafe, I'm pretty sure she's trying to get the demented trannies there to raid us

Anonymous 250554

the final form of pickme-ism

Anonymous 250571

Im so out of the picture, please give me context n0nnies

Anonymous 250579

long lore post incoming kek there's this obese female tranny lolcow (originally from kiwifarms I think) named rita aka whiteglove who spends her every waking moment posting on imageboards. she acts like a incel thinking it's justified since she hates other women and is super misogynistic and nasty despite constantly coming here and to lolcow. she would talk about herself in third person, samefag, personalityfag, derail threads etc so she had her entire post history revealed by the admins on lolcow because of how insane she is.
now she uses the 4chan board /lgbt/ (known for being infested with far right misogynist pedo trannies) where all she does is namefag and personalityfag there with the other deranged trannies - usually her posts there are whining about lolcow, crying about terfs despite all the time she spent socializing with them on lolcow, sucking up to the male agp trannies on the board, and just victimizing herself to try and get more attention and pity.
whenever anyone makes fun of her or says anything slightly critical she schizos out and makes up a bunch of crazy stories about how they're her personal stalker. I think she's bpd or has some other severe personality disorder.
you can easily find her posts on lolcow since they're all marked with giant pink text and on 4chan /lgbt/ archives just search lolcow and scroll until you find her namefagging there (as glove or whiteglove I think) to see more of her spergouts

Anonymous 250607

thanks! :]

Anonymous 250653

Male privilege? Or something else?

Anonymous 250779

Probably dropped for lack of evidence.

His mother apparently has dementia, so is likely useless as a witness. It was all over the internet for a couple of days before the police got involved, so probably too late for any forensics. If he managed to avoid incriminating himself to the police, then all they have is his confession in the recorded conversation with the girl that exposed him. That could easily argued as a mere fantasy that he invented to impress her. She was, after all, basically running a "honey trap" and encouraging his warped delusions. As repulsive as he is, he could actually be innocent for all we know.

Anonymous 250802

I agree, my understanding is that it's a case where most of the edvidence is Chris self-admitting. Clearly there is sonething there otherwise it wouldn't have gone to court, but if the lawyer can call Chris' reliability into question I'm sure the case jusut crumbles.

Anonymous 250871

line 15.png


Anonymous 250889

>be male
>lie and make up extreme eccentric shit all the time
>admit to raping my mother
>dont go to jail
fuck this world

Anonymous 250899

they now consider the last three points "outdated" and will get mad at you if you say TIMs are anything other than "biological females ~incorrectly~ assigned male at birth"

Anonymous 250911

Screenshot 2023-08…

Can I talk about MTF mutilation "humor" here?

I never understood why "jokes" like these are so popular, and it always involves MTFs. I have yet to see one involving FTMs. Maybe they're too scared to make one about cutting a woman's breasts off or damaging their genitalia and then jokingly declaring them a man.

Anonymous 250915

I think that joke is about fellatio rather than cutting the pp off

Anonymous 250916

the joke is that homie2 has to suck the venom out of homie1's dick

Anonymous 250919

in the last 30ish years we invented the internet while closing down all the insane asylums in america. it explains most things.

Anonymous 250930

cock and snake both mean penis in this joke if I get the meaning correctly

Anonymous 250966

i don't think you do.

Anonymous 250971


An ex friend of mine trooned out to escape accountability of being outed as an abusive and narcissistic moid.

Who would've thought that maybe women really just don't want a severely mentally unstable, mean and nasty asocial schizo tranny prostitute dwelling in their home.. you know.. like it's supposed to be a safe space or something? colour me surprised.

Anonymous 250978

If Michael Jackson were still alive, he would have cut his dick off and come out as tranny

Anonymous 250980

And why in the fuck would he have done that?

Anonymous 250989

It would become illegal to call him a pedo rapist

Anonymous 250995

>Those fleeting feelings that you're a boy even though you were born a girl? 100% valid listen to them unquestioningly
>Those feelings that you're actually a girl? 100% incorrect stop listening to them consume more propaganda
How did something this obviously insane obtain mainstream acceptance

Anonymous 250997

nta I read somewhere that he also had a borderline skinwalker obsession with Diana Ross

Anonymous 250999

>terfs should be mass raped and murdered bc they dont want to suck my girlcock!
much fembrained such uwu

Anonymous 251063


Anyone else had to deal with gender bs in university? It crops up from time to time and usually I just ignore it or feign confusion (people assume I'm a foreigner) but I'm now in a class where it's so baked in that it's unavoidable.
>taking social sciences course for credit
>instructor is stereotypical libfem lady from nyc
>constantly patting herself on the back for being le inclusive to the point of obfuscation
>constantly asking us to share our pronouns, can't just say you're a woman or, you know, be seen as an obvious woman
>enforces gender neutrality, not allowed to refer to each other with gendered pronouns unless that person explicitly declared pronouns before you speak
>this is despite 95% of the class being female, we have 1 TIM who dresses like a fetishist however
>besides this she's also just really unprofessional and makes the whole class about her personal opinions and interests
I want to drop the class purely because of the female erasure and forced compliance into this pronoun crap, but I also kind of need the credit. We usually submit anon course evaluations at the end of the semester and I feel like it could be a fair opportunity to send her scathing criticism, but I'd have to walk on eggshells in my feedback to avoid being disregarded as merely some transphobe.
Just makes me feel awful to not be recognized as a woman every class (especially when I had a lot of issues accepting womanhood growing up) for the stupid reason that the door needs to be left open to men who, unlike me, are objectively not women.

Anonymous 251071


I go to an art school studying animation and there's a surprisingly low amount of trannies here, I even became friends with a girl and ended up discovering she was a radfem too(really cool and positive experience).
Though sometimes you do get to see trannies walking around the hallways, disgusting little ogres trying to emulate female behavior, it's not so often that it ruins my day.
I have a very similar teacher! We're in a spanish speaking country so you're basically forced to use gendered words when talking to someone, so she refuses to use anything but the gender neutral e to everyone unless they particularly specify otherwise, including the normie males who don't even know what trans is.
(drew picrel to kinda represent how it's like)

Anonymous 251072

Cute drawing :) and I wouldn't have expected that from an art school! I am in an American state that's more conservative so I'm surprised at the prevalence of trannies here.
We often have guest speakers come to do presentations, and one time this guy who was critical of trannies was here and they came out in droves to scream at him. Pretty scary, I passed them while buying food and they glared at me menacingly. We also had a really prominent tranny come, don't want to say his name because of location privacy but I've seen him be linked to pro-kink statements about children (a trait that sadly doesn't narrow it down much), and nobody batted an eye…
I think part of it is that we are a tech school so a lot of the incel porn addict turned tranny guys come here

Anonymous 251112



Anonymous 251113

oh also you might want to take your reddit name out of the pic since trannies like to lurk here and might look at your account

Anonymous 251115


The screenshotter is the tranny

Anonymous 251123

holy shit that sounds like actual hell, why does it seem like there are a lot more trannies in the US than in any other place?

Anonymous 251150

truly a hero

Anonymous 251152


Everytime I have a positive interaction with a troon that makes me feel slightly bad about being a terf and reconsider my stance it is then followed up with an awful experience that makes me feel foolish for ever reconsidering.

Anonymous 251153

i dont terfpost often anymore but i actually cant believe my fucking eyes when i watch how drag queens behave. How do more women NOT get offended when they are acting like the most grotesque caricatures od womanhood imaginable, it is quite literally female blackface with no exaggeration.

wont let me embed a short;


Anonymous 251154

Fucking ew, kys ugly moid.

Anonymous 251156


Holy cow yes. It's so frustrating when you have all these people tell you how drag queens totally aren't sexist and it's actually a powerful celebration of femininity. Especially when you try to explain why you find it uncomfortable. It's incredibly frustrating. I've known some guys who do drag, and one of them was really nice and invited me to a show, but it makes my skin crawl so I had to politely turn him down.

There was this garbage youtube video I watched a while back where this 20 something man was responding to some republican congresswoman who called drag "Blackface for women." He talked about how blackface had it roots in keeping black actors out of films and was avoiding employing them. Which is true, but then the guy goes on to talk about how drag has a long history in theater listing examples like Shakespeare plays. You know, plays which exclusively cast men as a way to keep women from participating.

Ridiculous, to pretend it's anything other than old-school sexist humor. You do you, but don't be shocked when people get offended.

Don't be, I've only ever had nasty one-on-one interactions with trans people, but there are plenty of artists, musicians, and youtubers I like who ID as trans.
There is a huge difference between wishing somebody was dead and disagreeing with the lifestyle choice somebody chose to pursue.
I see so many trans people talk about how they need to "win" the approval of "cis" people and "terfs" but that not really possible now is it? They'll never be a man or woman and I'll never see them as such, but I can respect the art or content they create and acknowledge that they aren't a bad as an individual person even if the movement they are in is harmful.
The end goal should always be that maybe someday they'll reconsider, if they're young they probably will. But I mainly see it as someone with a different political opinion than myself. Unless of course it's a sex pest like >>250446 those people are skeevy and need to be avoided with a 10 foot pole, if they weren't trans they'd be the incel opposite end of the spectrum I try to avoid.

Anonymous 251157

nayrt but in response to
>There is a huge difference between wishing somebody was dead and disagreeing with the lifestyle choice somebody chose to pursue
>acknowledge that they aren't a bad as an individual person even if the movement they are in is harmful
As much as I resent the movement and broadly believe that TiMs are creeps, I have known one person who was alright as an individual. The important trait was that he's fully upfront that he's a man and that it's not possible for him to become a woman; he admits that he's just mentally ill and/or brain damaged and had no qualms about me referring to him as male or being anti-trans. He is gay but also not interested in porn/sex. Ironically he was actually much less creepy about women than the average guy and even said TiMs who seethe about real women are stupid.
This person was in a gaming group with me, we'd play together sometimes and he was actually pretty fun to play with since he was cooperative and wouldn't troll or act rude like others did. But eventually he got booted for a silly reason
Not to discount the many more predatory slimy TiMs I've had the displeasure of encountering, just sharing an outlier experience with someone that wasn't so bad.

Anonymous 251158

Why is there a slur for women
but men don't have their own, even as they hate trannies way more than women do?

Anonymous 251159

Men are hostile by default so there is no need for a label

Anonymous 251167

Gay men that hate tifs also don't have a slur, like the other nona said men just get away with everything meanwhile women are shunned down and harassed by the slightest opinion we have, it's just misoginy, they hate seeing women stand up for themselves.

Anonymous 251169


Male trannies get "dysphoria"(lose their boner) when women don't participate in their narcissism and agp fetish. so le evil terfs are to blame for all the world's ills even though it is men that primarily pose a threat to them. AGPs dont want to poke the sleeping bear by going after men who actually have violent tendencies.
Normals go along with this because it is fun and easy to make fun of women for objecting to being mocked and dehumanized.
Female trannies hate women so much they mutilate their bodies in the hope that they'll no longer be women. Its only natural for this group to play along with the misogyny.
AGPs don't care what gay men do. Tifs are socialized as women so they wont harass gay men en masse over not wanting their frankenweenie.

Anonymous 251171

Nothing I posted suggests that I'm a moid

Anonymous 251173

I'm talking about the reddit tranny.

Anonymous 251174

TERF is not a slur even in twitter. Is more of a very bastardized descriptor and more akin to people intent to lump us with the baddies rather than trying to offend with words (see how people call commies or alt-right or post modernist or whatever to random people)

Anonymous 251182

i love u nona

yeah i guess the modern day version of a platinum record
is trooning out so you can rape children and/or kill women via vehicular manslaughter

still livid from how bruce jenner openly admited to
panty raiding his 10 year old daughter's wardrobe
and there's yet to be anything to accost him

idk i want to become an endo at this point
so i can stealth genocide troons

yeah privledged basic ass wonder bread women really like to pander to trannies without a second thought
to whether not they are even an actually tranny or so,
ive had a professor like yours but for a modern technology and social welfare class
and i was open about my upbringing which is considered "non-traditional" or whatever now
and she failed me over misunderstanding the submission methods for the assignment because
i honestly have had like no prior experience in school at the time and all
(still upset cause the assignment was about how technology is structured to negatively affect poor people)

its all just so they can pat themselves on the back, and then they are also cultisted enough
that if you even give a hint that you think TiM's have a history of abuse and what not
they will consider you a delusional extremist and what not, baffling so

isnt it crazy how many troons there are at tech schools now!!??
i unfortunately missed a riley gaines tour at my school because of lab
but its amazing how pressed crossdressing faggots get over women speaking their mind

Anonymous 251203


In the next 15 years after enough people sterilize themselves and become dependent on bigpharma for hormones the price of HRT will skyrocket, as a response insurance companies will stop covering it and a subset of the population will forever be enslaved to these private companies.
>t. I come from the future

Anonymous 251206

They get engagement. Whether it’s supportive or negative, they get clicks and views that turn into money. MSM doesn’t necessarily care about troons, they care about the engagement.

Anonymous 251226

This is kind of what I meant in a previous thread. They'll argue that sex and gender aren't the same thing, but they're also always the first to toss that out the window.

Anonymous 251236


Anonymous 251248


But a lot of them also have an ideological bias towards trannies. A lot of them are either trannies themselves or they are liberal, egalitarian leftist in some way. These news companies are heavily politicized nepotists and the "journalists" working there hire only each other from their woke bubbles.

Anonymous 251256

Journalism definitely leans towards that type of leftist but also TRAs have created an environment where it's practically suicide to even suggest hitting the brakes on them. In many groups, even if there's just one rogue person shilling the trans agenda, nobody else can really speak out against it comfortably so it goes through without complaint. This is especially true in female-leaning spaces as women are generally conditioned to stay out of conflict.
I suspect a lot of corporations and such aren't actually stuffed to the brim with tranny fans, there's just a few vocal troons or handmaidens bringing it up excitedly and everyone else is either just like "eh whatever as long as it's profitable" or can't criticize it so they keep their head down.

Anonymous 251258

They do and it's frustrating that there is such an invincibility shield on TIM.

I also hate that most majors sources that don't bend to trans ideology are instead full of alt-right racism and other hateful stuff.

Anonymous 251268


>does anyone need to remind men that sex is not a right?
That's kinda why feminism exists nona.

Anonymous 251271


I will never stop being impressed with the lack of self awareness among trannies.
>"as if I could never be seen as a lesbian, like there's not even a possibility."
He describes the exact reality of his situation and frames as if it is the most outlandish hypothetical. He is completely departed from this world.
I feel sorry for the redditors that make these posts. They obviously know they won't get through to anyone but they feel the need to say the truth regardless. What a mess.

Anonymous 251286

Anonymous 251295

evil hehe.jpg

>be me
>butch lesbian
>tims and tifs see me out in public
>they instantly stop smiling
>i make them lose confidence while doing normal ass shit like walking and shopping and while never speaking a word to them

Feels great lmao

Anonymous 251296

kek I kind of have my own version of this. I'm east asian and I wear j-fashion, and on occasion I run across TiMs wearing trashy kawaii clothes from amazon. I almost instinctively cringe at them and they look a bit distraught when I do

Anonymous 251299


What the fuck

Anonymous 251300


ewwww those look like tonsil stones

Anonymous 251329


Wow. After all this time on the internet there's still images that can make me feel physically ill.

Anonymous 251364


I'm masc but I wear makeup so troons and leftists won't stop fucking asking me for my pronouns.

Anonymous 251374

this but i wear alternative fashion so i cannot escape the tifs and people think im one of them because of it. its really fucking annoying how alternative styles are now associated with them

Anonymous 251375

yes, i forgot to add but i had a tif and tim do a presentation in one of our lectures and they were clearly flirting. it made me feel so grossed out and this would not slide otherwise. also the bringing up of tranny “issues” when its completely unrelated to the subject at hand for woke brownie points. even worse when trannies in lecture raise their hand to go on a tangent about their “experience as a trans person” when again, its not even fucking related. i hate it when normal people raise their hand to go on a retarded rant wasting class time but its hundreds of times more annoying with them. ive also seen hulking trannies wearing the most horrible outfits like long rainbow socks around campus

Anonymous 251458

One of my gay-leaning bi guy friends is starting to troon out and I could not be any more disappointed in him. I will never see him as a female peer. Never ever. He can be as feminine as he wants, idc about that, hwnbaw.

I'm so sick of lgbt and like, cute twinky boys ruining themselves by deciding they need to go the whole way. A lot of troons are ugly manhons but some of them are genuinely attractive as males but think being even slightly feminine means they need to troon out as women.

Men need to just invent reverse tomboyism that doesn't have the homo implications of being a femboy.

Anonymous 251459

Quite literally looks like wound slough rather than anything that would ever come from a natural, healthy vagina. Troons are absurd.

Anonymous 251462

truly awful.

Anonymous 251471

You know I have no fucking idea? I think about that lately, maybe it's a gateway for deeply insecure people who lack self identity to find a community, despite the fact they have no real personality or hobbies to go along with it.
At least with TIFs what seems to cause it is a mixture of being gnc(aka a disconnection from womanhood and feminine things), body dysmorphia (aka self hatred),dissasociation and a good handful of internalized misogyny.
If I had to list some other random things then:
>open and diverse community that invites everyone in
>aap and agp (I say this genuinely)
>Being an oppressed minority is alluring
>misinformation about what gender is and what it means to be a man or a woman (this one's a big one)

Anonymous 251544

It’s so angering that baggy shirts and baggy jeans (usually associated with being more “tomboyish”) are trendy now during the same time that women identifying as anything other than a woman is trendy. We finally have some more gender nonconforming clothing options but now the women that wear them get “they/them”’d by idiots

Anonymous 251739


>be autistic
>regularly visit subreddits about female autism to ask for advice and to cope
>all of them invaded by trannies
Life for autists is already hard enough, we don't deserve this

Anonymous 251742

Are T4T autogynephiles gay if they are obsessed with mtf, feminine-presenting "transbians" like themselves ? Or do they repress their heterosexuality ? I can't figure it out.

Anonymous 251747


i cant with these people

Anonymous 251751

How are butches trans? If anything lesbianism has an history of being gnc more than anything, transness and crossdressing started with faggots and is tied to them.

Anonymous 251764

Stupid question: Since lesbianism has a history of being gender nonconfirming, does this make the gay male flag enbyphobic? It implies that only men can be attracted to themselves and enbies can't unless they're bi.

To support this theory, I've only seen enbies with the lesbian or bisexual flag fused on their profile picture and never one with the gay male flag. Should we normalize the word vincian or uranian to fix this problem?

Anonymous 251768

Picture 1.png

these people make my skin crawl especially when they start talking about their fucking "eggs"
okay we get it you're emotionally dysfunctional and you need to larp as a woman to feel happiness but you can keep it to yourself

Anonymous 251778


>cute twinky boys ruining themselves by deciding they need to go the whole way. A lot of troons are ugly manhons but some of them are genuinely attractive as males but think being even slightly feminine means they need to troon out as women.
I'm a cuteboy appreciator and this is the bane of my existence. The attractiveness in the first place comes from the fact they're male with a pretty face ffs

Anonymous 251902

>i'm also aware that there's no finish line
so he knows that no amount of surgery will be enough and he's still doing it anyways? that's pretty grim.

Anonymous 252039


Anonymous 252049

imagine the cringe actual chemists must feel whenever they see cis and trans used this way

Anonymous 252053

the jokes write themselves

Anonymous 252068


how do you feel when fags steal twinks? lol

Anonymous 252071


OP is the same freak that was convicted of sexual assault. Of course no woman would want to date this TiM, let alone be near him.

Anonymous 252100

not her but that's a little hot. more than a little.

Anonymous 252107

boy kisser mind co…

You VILL not get the twink!

Anonymous 252166


Hmm, I wonder what a murf is…

Anonymous 252191

Kek, I just read some of his comments.

>Misogyny. Females have always had their boundaries pushed, their spaces invaded, and rights trampled, because males have always gotten away with it.

>Eat my girlc*ck bigots.
>Wait, what's the issue with gay men not liking vagina? Isn't that a given?

What a hypocrite.

Anonymous 252193

What game?

Anonymous 252207

>>Wait, what's the issue with gay men not liking vagina? Isn't that a given?
>What a hypocrite.
'Lesbian' TIMs tend to act quite TERFy in regards to TIFs. Seen it a dozen times.

Anonymous 252250


lol @ this 6'5 skinwalker complaining about not getting a gf

Anonymous 252262

Haven't seen any lesbians dressing like that outside of Tinder.

Anonymous 252298

to be clear i just meant the existence of gay twinks, not the agp fantasy greentext.

Anonymous 252313

>Gay sex

Anonymous 252321


Anonymous 252326

make this the next thread pic!

Anonymous 252328

>autistic incel
Pick one or the other, not both. Autistic and twink do not mix, and there is no reason for a nice looking twink to be an incel unless his personality is just complete doodoo garbage.

Anonymous 252329

Man-unbelieving radical feminist?

Anonymous 252331

it means terf

Anonymous 252333

you couldve saved them from the fate of poopy butthole sex

Anonymous 252336

"Could've" doesn't matter if he is already ruined goods now. Moids love labeling women as "used goods" but don't realize it goes both ways. :)

To his credit, he saved himself from the horrors of troondom from the actual problem moid, the one that enjoys smearing his genitals in literal shit and has obvious mental issues. Homos are still not women.

Anonymous 252347


This women felt like the only possible way she could poop in an empty restroom was by becoming a man.

Anonymous 252360

It could also imply that he's already there and everything else is cream of the crop from this point on.

Anonymous 252368

At least she's not Jamie…

Anonymous 252414

That was extremely hot, do you have more greentexts like that?

Anonymous 252435

A few actually
Be sure to leave a bump!

Anonymous 252454

Are you adminjo?

Anonymous 252455

Anonymous 252487


Anonymous 252498


Anonymous 252502

only moid ones tbh

Anonymous 252503

Anonymous 252516

From what I've seen, fakebois are typically traumatized women who think removing their body parts while claiming to be trans is going to fix all of their problems or they've been groomed by another troon to think they're trans over something stupid like enjoying hot wheels or not wanting big boobs

Tims though are extremely creepy and fetishey, they tend to be more unhinged of the bunch and always insist on raiding women's areas where as you never see the same from trans men. From what I've seen they cause most of the fights and tensions, always trying to dox and stalk young girls for calling them out even if its not trans related (yet never the moids that actually wanna hurt them)

Anonymous 252526

The replies called OP out for talking about her shit like other weirdos that do that, but nobody else commented that emphasizing how expensive your beverage was is generally also feminine behavior, especially uptalking how much you spent vs how much you saved. I have never known a man to emphasize the price of his beverage than what the "sports beverage" actually is and its ingredients, but also beveragetalk in general is such a shitty TikToker thing.

Anonymous 252737

Ah but they can not internalize it, it stops being real if they don't get constant validation from other sickos.

That's why it's truly just autogynophilia.

Anonymous 252738


if it was a joke about ken getting his balls checked they wouldn’t care. so pathetic

Anonymous 252743

Screenshot Capture…

Anonymous 252744

Screenshot Capture…

Anonymous 252745

Screenshot Capture…

His post that started it all

Anonymous 252748

>it was giving transphobic
What does this mean?

Anonymous 252752

My guess is that that person is saying the movie had transphobic undertones because at the end of the film, Barbie becomes a real woman and the first thing she does is nervously go to see a gynecologist for the first time, highlighting female reproductive organs as a defining aspect of womanhood. While an exemplary female experience, it's certainly very biological and not inclusive of males who claim womanhood.

Anonymous 252754

No, I mean, the word transphobic is an adjective, so how do you give it?

Anonymous 252755

oh, "it's giving x" is a sort of slang phrase that's shorthand for "it's giving me x vibes," "it's giving off an x feeling." In this case, "giving transphobic" means the ending's themes are suggesting transphobic connotations.

Anonymous 252756

>top/bottom lesbian
Is there even such a thing? I'm not a lesbian so correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the top/bottom could only be applied to some gay male couples.

Anonymous 252757

Yeah we do have "tops" and "bottoms."
"Top" or "bottom" is just another way of saying "giver" and "receiver."

Anonymous 252760

I hate zoomers so much.

Anonymous 252772

I'm a lesbian, and that's gay male slang. Not lesbian.

Anonymous 252774

"Transbians" are not lesbians

Anonymous 252780

read these posts and comments and see how far you can get without vomiting and trying to kill yourself challenge

Anonymous 252799

Why do trans women try to force their way into women only safe spaces?

Anonymous 252818

>why do trans women
sexual gratification

Anonymous 252822

Men hate women, but many are cowards in the face of other male aggression, especially trannies. All these sick twisted tranny pedos / murderers who all want to transfer en masse to women's prisons are afraid of their much deserved fate in a male prison. They also want to be able to abuse and harm more women. The governments of the world are allowing it, so of course every shitty male out there is gonna take advantage of it. More and more of them are coming out every day, wanting to reap the benefits. It really does feel like end times to me. I'm just appalled at how much the world hates us.

Anonymous 252835

is there any feminist literature that have terf-y ideas? recently read irreversible damage by abigail shrier and id like to find more similar readings.

Anonymous 252837

Look at this slideshow Dr. Sibdh Gallagher put together herself, or better, don't.

Anonymous 252839

The Transsexual Empire by Janice Raymond is an old school example that still holds up today

Anonymous 252840

"Trans: When Idelogy Meets Reality" by Helen Joyce was my favorite.

Anonymous 252849


Anonymous 252856

just use women

Anonymous 252858

>just use women
I'm sure he does

Anonymous 252859


Anonymous 252863

??? is hulk hogan trooning out now

Anonymous 252865

I don't care about trannies attacking conservative scrotes but how exactly are anyone else's rights "next"?
Giving kids troon shine isn't constitutionally protected, guns and tranny hate are though.

Anonymous 252869


This sounds like a thread for grooming kids.

Anonymous 252872

Being asexual and reading this is confusing because I don't understand how much of it is weird because of male fantasies and how much of it it has some truth to it that is unfamiliar to me because of my asexuality lol

Anonymous 252879


it just looks like its calling troon men still, without context

Anonymous 252907

Homeboy thought putting on a dress would widen his dating pool. He could have just kept being a man instead of playing pretending and have a wide group of women for the heterosexual relations his little heart desires.

Anonymous 252927


Anonymous 252934

>highlighting female reproductive organs as a defining aspect of womanhood
This whole trans thing has to be a distraction; there is no way an enlightened society would waste time arguing this fact. The thing that always aggravates me is:
>gender is a social construct
Ok so let's do away with these social constructions
>No no no, you misunderstand; it's a social construct and I want to perpetuate it to its grotesque conclusion.

Seems reminiscent of phrases like "waxing eloquent", "wax poetic", etc…

My only gripe is that a different verb should be used, for example "it's vibing transphobic." This way it doesn't sound like an incomplete sentence.

Anonymous 252942

His dad figured it out. It tells troons if you align with their cult

Anonymous 252946

So, one person gives cunnilingus while the other doesn't return the favor like an asshole?

Anonymous 252950

It's nothing similar to the sensation of being horny as a girl lmao
The wording they use, ugh. "Bratty", wtf? Their agp has never shown harder than this.

Anonymous 252958

why do transes have corporate sponsors? Am I misunderstanding that slide?

Anonymous 252962

>that last paragraph on the first one
He described himself then said it's absolutely not him, amazing. These idiots think they have any room to criticize other men horning in on lesbian dating apps just because they crossdress and try to pretty it up with weird language. He goes from "I'm not like other guys" to trying to convince women that he's female just because he says "girl" in front of "dick". You are a man, "Ellie", you have a penis and XY chromosomes and think like a man and have been raised as one and so much more, get out of womens' spaces. Ugh.

They're men with mental illness. There's also ones who have openly shared that they get turned on by hearing women share their abuse experiences in those groups, so take that how you will.

Anonymous 253058

encountered a troon greeting me at sephora this weekend. he asks if I need any help, immediately notice his

>frizzy, mousy hair that looks like he just rolled out of bed and came here

>puzzlingly bad makeup application…it reminded me of when I first was learning how to apply eyeshadow and didn't understand blending, shape, etc

I do need help sir but not from you. I went and found a different worker.

Anonymous 253077

Trannies were talking about this site earlier and bragging about how they post here while simultaneously expressing their violent male tendencies, so this is just your daily reminder that trannies are violence-obsessed males who do not belong here. The women you idolize hate you too, they just haven’t had the chance to say it to you because you are irrelevant. Don’t blame us when you kill yourself, brainless moids.

Anonymous 253094

where are they talking about this site?

Anonymous 253205

+1. where did you see this??

Anonymous 253212

Angelica Ross has accused Emma Roberts of transphobia, Emma teams says that she her freedom of speech.
Angelica Ross is no longer a member of future American Horror Story cast, she was asked to leave.

Anonymous 253225

Anonymous 253226


kekking @ troon wound sulphur rocks

Anonymous 253236


Not her, but I see them brag about it on 4chan sometimes, since invading womens' spaces is apparently a badge of honor for some men and trannies wither into nothing if they don't get to attention whore.

Anonymous 253237

Over one million people came out in protest today against all the tranny shit they have in elementary schools now.

You love to see it.

Anonymous 253238

To clarify, this was in Canada btw.

Anonymous 253240

Damn, I had no idea this was happening or I would have gone.

Anonymous 253430

>gay men describe gay anal things and try to pass them off as ""girl horny""
Revolting. Also, funny how there's one comment that says "male horny is like feeling the urge to pee" when that is also what actual female orgasm is like. But hooray to homos and misguided straight scrotes for attempting to wear womanhood like a costume and boldfaced lie about what real female experiences are like, while also going "hnghhh im so lesbian!! the most lesbian that ever lesbianed!! (dick fapping noises)"

Anonymous 253431

They need to realize the urge to infiltrate places like this is inherently masculine, like peeping toms. But troons don't actually care because they know deep down they'll never be real women and don't care about making the internet a nicer place for women.

Anonymous 253432

Lol, you're right I do forget that ayydens really shouldn't count as "men" and are delusional for wanting to identify as something they'll also never be. But yes, talking about shipping and headcanons is something mostly women do and men don't do because they just jerk off to porn and only care about coomshit.

Anonymous 253495

Peak moid narcissism

>be male

>be catered to in media for centuries and even now
>women are usually seldom main protagonists, always side characters or in traditionally feminine roles
>a female creator rewrites a show about an adventurer boy with princesses to be about an adventurer girl with princes
>have to somehow steal this W for women by making the girl protagonist male (tranny)

Troons would argue "wahh but there's no good transwymmin protags in pop media :'(" and that's because transgenderism is not a topic for children to be exposed to and only pedophiles disagree. And, they can just make their own characters like how Natasha Allegri made Fionna and Cake.

Anonymous 253520

so I’m just wondering at this point— I try to be really open-minded when it comes to progressive ideology (I came from an insane alt right family and thus had a ton of internalized misogyny and self hate, religious issues etc), but the ONE thing I cannot wrap my head around is tranny shit. I’ve heard the arguments, I’ve read the papers and articles, I’ve watched interviews….none of it makes sense. In the end it’s just cultural dissonance and aesthetics. Why can’t they just be happy being masculine men or feminine women and OWN that instead of chasing something that cannot be? It makes me sad and angry to deal with, and increasingly so.

Anonymous 253521

They hate their bodies basically, that's what it boils down to.

Anonymous 253531

thats fucking obnoxious

Anonymous 253534

Tbf it looks like an edit of a pre existing comic. But it’s still incredibly cringey and obnoxious, yeah.

Anonymous 253562

Most tifs have eating disorders and many tims look like skeletons no reason to be surprised

Anonymous 253565

this is dragqueen slang.

Anonymous 253568


Once again moids will always side with troons against women

Anonymous 253571

Clearly a jealous fagot. Most trannies are grotesque and degenerate, those who have a better appearance make their money from prostitution. I have never seen an ugly TERF in my life, they are always beautiful and elegant (and rarely single)

Anonymous 253572

Well it looks like that r9k thread found out about us too

Anonymous 253576

tranny cope

Anonymous 253581

Looks like it

Anonymous 253582


i don't know where this fag has been looking because terfs are some of the hottest women i've seen. i'm not surprised that moids and transwomen are always siding with each other against women though, they're both males after all.

Anonymous 253585

they're misogynist for thinking masc women are ugly, but also, note that beauty is how he's judging women on the whole. that's misogyny too.
tims see themselves performing femininity so hard to pass, and then there's women who don't do that and have no worries about "passing" and that just makes them seethe to the point they have no better argument than to call us ugly, OR try to do a clever uno reverse card and say smthn like "you could pass as trans if you wanted to!" (which ive seen a couple of troon memes of, in the past)

Anonymous 253596


I saw the same happening on a forum actually, the person was shaming Megan thee stallion's body.

Anonymous 253599

I am incapable of possibly giving a single fuck of whetever a literal tranny thinks I'm attractive or not, I don't need to "pass" when I am(female).

Anonymous 253604


An ugly fat incel or a fag with a tunnel sized asshole/axewound wrote that btw

Anonymous 253605

Stop replying to an obvious bait posted by a r9k scrote, nonas.

Anonymous 253606

I hate troons so much …

Anonymous 253607


Anonymous 253612

Have some sense of humor nona

Anonymous 253620

Plus, 'nona' ends with 'a', which signifies a feminine noun in most Romance languages.

Anonymous 253630

how the fuck did fear of being called transphobic take over society
everyone is thinking the same thing but is afraid to say it right

Anonymous 253648

because these people are genuinely deranged sociopaths who will attempt to ruin someone's life for any minor slight against them by harassing their family and trying to make them unemployable

the whole hogwarts legacy fiasco, while benign in comparison to some of their other actions, showed their love for intimidation tactics, harassing a girl to the brink of tears for playing a video game

i don't think it's hyperbole to call these people cultists

Anonymous 253649

Internet. Specifically the universal need for westerners to broadcast their entire lives 24/7 online for the world to see, forever. The places where tranny shit isn’t encouraged or tolerated are areas where social media pressure and presence is far less prevalent, though that gap is shrinking rapidly in any place worth living.
The problem is that the gap created between the internet and real life is both very wide but very shallow and it can ripple into real life now much faster than before because jobs, relationships, families, health and education history— are all public for freaks and psychos to use as leverage. Paired with the irritating PC, corporate lean in America especially with sue-happy lawyers ready to financial ruin individuals and business for any perceived slight, and it has created the perfect environment for egocentric identity cults like troonism to flourish.
The internet was a mistake.

Anonymous 253652

>coming across more than 1 post of this exact phenomenon
Kek ig this is a very real occurrence. They hate to see biological women comfortable in their own bodies.

Anonymous 253661

uhhh yeah i'm thinking based

Anonymous 253683


4chan tranny jannies confirmed

Anonymous 253686

I’ve been on 4chan before and some of them say the most misogynistic bs I’ve ever seen about how women are evil and should get raped but this person gets banned for this? what a joke.

Anonymous 253691

The site that literally allows moids to describe in detail how they sexually abused toddlers in their life supports troons, not surprised

Anonymous 253697

I think it's a fair ban. It's the video game board not LGBT.

Anonymous 253698

I thought it was common sense knowing that trannies took over 4trash, it's been like that for a while.

Anonymous 253701


welcome to blue boards

Anonymous 253703

From what I recall, both /v/ and /tv/ didn't do this, otherwise most of them would be empty.

Anonymous 253724

a bit off-topic, but which generals do you tend to use? i post on /sthg/ from time to time and, to steer it back to the thread's topic a bit, there's this one annoying incel (or more likely, 3 different people larping as an incel) who hates women but also posts about wanting to be one

Anonymous 253729

Looks like the scrotes from sthg found about this thread

Anonymous 253732

oh, really? sorry then, disregard my question i don't want to get people from /vg/ obsessing over us and possibly raid

Anonymous 253756

NTA but I was using the yugioh general (/dng/) for a bit but stopped because
>Barely any anons played the game
>They like shitposting and seething at other people playing the game
>get angry at people people for playing meta decks
>Whenever yugioh has female monsters (be it new archetypes or just one-off cards) it turns into a seethefest with a bunch of moods circlejerking about how women are inherently more evil than Jews
>But they are a-okay with simping for trannies and gay men
>Also for whatever reason if someone asks for help with the game or have to look at guides for something people get mad about muh spoon-feeding
I don't know what's been happening on that site but another thing I noticed is that if a mood dares to say he's interested in a woman or isn't a complete misogynist he'll shamed into oblivion almost as if they aren't allowed to like women anymore or something because "hurr durr women bad! Sigma grindset based!"

Anonymous 253757


Reminds me of the time I was in my local bookshop, looking in the manga section for anything new like I usually do, and a very obvious tranny came up next to me, I glanced over from the book I'd picked up, ignored them, and then soon after they stormed off in obvious embarrassment that I was actually a woman in their presence. I felt so fucking smug.

Anonymous 253763

i use a lot of different generals but most of the posters are either pedophiles, sex pests, or trannies
in comparison the waifu posters are not that bad

Anonymous 253767

the waifuposters and, to some extent coomposters I personally don't mind. It's always the three things you listed or hyper incel shit as >>253756 described in her post is when things get unbearable which is even funnier when the incels start shilling and simping for trannies to own women

Anonymous 253768

Someone just posted this in a Discord server I'm a part of:

Anonymous 253778

Is it possible for the troon movement to fail?

Anonymous 253782

at this point troons are the only ones who can defeat themselves. i think they're doing a pretty good job. the sports issue peaked a lot of people

Anonymous 253784

notice how majority religious countries don't have this problem, if trans people exist they are not taken seriously

Anonymous 253785



Anonymous 253786

Glorious. Absolutely glorious.

Anonymous 253791

I got out of my house and I realised "I'm a feminist" means they're something under the T umbrella, and they don't even know what a terf is I'm confused. And a little unsettled

Anonymous 253805

isn't it amazing? scrotes are so desperate to cram themselves into everything that they even found a way to twist feminism to make it about themselves.
a majority of men have NPD.

Anonymous 253808

what if your mothe…

Why is this issue ignored? Why is biological reality ignored? It feels like all common sense lost

Anonymous 253813

>a man specifically doing man's idea of sexualized female fetish shit makes my peepee hard
>therefore, the man is more of a woman if I find the actual woman ugly
>if you think this is retarded you must be ugly
That sure is some "logic", and I see it often enough to know the person probably believes that. Women who hate trannies aren't majority butch at all, it just seems to be what people who disagree will concentrate on because they think it helps paint their opponents in a negative light. It really shouldn't, even if it were true. Even some of the most masculine-looking women I've seen don't need to try to pass as female and others can just tell. What she is biologically isn't defined by whether or not it turns men on, regardless if said man cross dresses or not. A woman isn't clothes or makeup or acting a certain way that men like. They don't seem to get that (trannies in particular since it's all they have). It applies whether or not you think someone is pretty. Having factual information about your being that ALSO helped form who you are as a person get denied, and also by someone who doesn't share any of that as though they know better just so they can badly larp as you, is going to anger or disgust those on the receiving end. Painting it as some shallow surface jealousy is disingenuous, but it's also likely the only thing simple enough for them to understand. It's pathetic to watch.

This one's depressing… I think it's because lots of the people pushing unisex bathrooms don't care about the consequences so long as it gives them positive attention, and we know some even look forward to doing this shit themselves. The track record for people in power hasn't exactly been pristine. Maybe someone can come up with something else or add to it, but it just makes me sad.

Anonymous 253814

Libfeminism only benefits scrotes. Pornography, hook up culture, troon idelogy all come from libfeminism

Anonymous 253816

It's a cope, most men won't even fuck or date troons, but would an "ugly" woman. Porn addicted scrotes are even worse than normal scrotes and porn gave them a very messed up perception

Anonymous 253825

The first time ever posted to Crystal cafe about two years ago I got banned the same day for being “anti trans”. Am I allowed to openly be a terf here now? Getting tired of 4chan

Anonymous 253826

yeah idk who banned you but you're openly allowed to criticize and shit on trans people here

Anonymous 253828

Wow, I didn’t come here for YEARS after that. Guess I’ll stay tho

Anonymous 253829


Hating troons is not only acceptable, it’s the right thing to do.

Anonymous 253830


these are dangerous individuals

Anonymous 253831

The moid entitlement is shocking frankly

Anonymous 253837

emotional blackmail is a troon’s greatest weapon.

Anonymous 253855


Serious question and sorry in advance for the longish post.
How would I gently start prodding my boyfriend towards peaking? We have discussed trans issues off and on and he has said himself that “rad lib” gender shit is discouraging and dangerous for everyone involved, has mentioned that he agrees that regressive gender roles are being pushed as a metric for “being trans” but still insists that trans identities are valid and need protection.
I feel like he’s close to getting the picture but I lack the resources to really convince him of the insanity that is transgenderism.
he’s also a very petite mousy guy with a bit of a feminine lean to his sensibilities, which I adore, but frequently worry will lead him to trooning out someday if he doesn’t learn the truth. I can only hope he peaks before the contagion gets to him.

Anonymous 253856

he’s so close to peaking, this was me not long ago. I understood that trans people were reinforcing gender roles to explain how they felt like a man or a woman. I think you should explain to him how gender is oppressive and has been used to push sexist ideas for the longest time e.g that woman belong in the kitchen and should serve men. modern trans ideology and women’s rights can not co-exist by pushing gender roles that rely on patriarchy. there is no “feeling” to being a man or a woman. and if you’re worried about your boyfriend potentially becoming trans then explain to him how you can be gender non conforming without thinking you’re a man/woman. masculine women exist and so do feminine men, but that doesn’t make them men/women.

honestly I feel like most people who claim to be trans supportive are aware of the absurdity of their ideology, but it’s really looked down upon especially for women to express their views. It’s mainly fearmongering in my opinion.

Anonymous 253858

Ty for the support nona, and yeah that’s what I’ve been trying to do. His mindset seems to mostly water down to “well if someone wants to be called she/her or whatever we should respect their wishes, it isn’t hurting anyone”— which I used to agree with and sometimes still agree with on occasion, mostly out of pity/sympathy. But then I remember how literally all trans rhetoric is constructed around purely social stereotypes and misogynistic trends and that feeling goes away. Thankfully the topic rarely comes up anymore and when it does the conversations are less argumentative and much more mutually settled, I just need to dig a little deeper.

Anonymous 253859

Aren't they just Greek or Latin prefixes? I don't think chemists think of them as theirs any more than Catholics think "trans" belongs to them because they have transsubstantiation.

Anonymous 253872

The T in LGBT stands for TERF.

Anonymous 253918


>and yet how many countries kill or imprison you for being a woman

sick of trannies and tranny lovers completely ignoring how significant the rates of femicide are. women are literally being murdered all the time by men and these mfs just ignore that to push their “cis women want to be oppressed so bad!!” nonsense. like misogyny is literally one of the oldest forms of oppression and it’s so normalised that it’s not seen as anywhere near as big of an issue as other forms oppression, completely ignoring how misogyny is engraved into society. when I mentioned the high rates of rape and sexual violence women experience, their response was “happens to men too”. like these people are actually horrible and have honestly changed how I view trans people and the trans right activists. there’s absolutely no empathy from them, they don’t empathise with us women and what we go through. why would I accept any male who identifies as a woman when they’re not even willing to acknowledge how brutal misogyny still is in today’s society? they also brought up their jewish ancestors who have been raped/beaten by the germans during the holocaust which is awful obviously but what I don’t get is why you’d use that to invalidate what women go through and act like we barely face any oppression for being women?

Anonymous 253921

>>and yet how many countries kill or imprison you for being a woman
i can name one, actually!
women have been imprisoned in iran before for taking off their hijabs, one being sentenced to 24 years.

Anonymous 253922

It IS the oldest form of oppression. Women were there before humanity split into different races and social classes

Anonymous 253923

Only when you speak about women's issues and oppression you'll see this amount of deflection

Anonymous 253940

Tranny sycophants have emboldened these men into being this shameless.

Anonymous 253972

at what point can we make a movement calling out trans activists for discriminating against women?

Anonymous 253976

If he would just stop molesting kids they wouldn’t put him in jail. Feminists need to stop carrying water for everyone except women.

Anonymous 253982

it's good that elon bought twitter because he allows accounts calling out trans people. a really popular one is Males in Disguise

Anonymous 253985


Anonymous 253986

Good, let them 41%. Retards
I know this is a meme but frankly I don’t care. If a troon threatened me with killing himself I’d say “do it pussy”

Anonymous 254012

>"hur dur women not oppressed like trantran hadurr"
Has this retard never read anything historical, or even just stuff like the Iliad? The entire first chapter alone is nothing but trading women around like pogs and crying to mommy when they don't get the one they want from the other men. Then Jove threatens to beat his wife in front of everyone, and her son begs her to do what Jove wants so he doesn't almost kill them both again in a fit of tard rage. Moids hold this story up as an important cultural cornerstone to be looked up to. The culture to which it was attached treated women as things to use in every way you can conceive and lock up if you pleased, it's pretty fucking "imprisoned" unless you happened to luck out. This has been going on since time immemorial, from the caveman days to even now in some places.

Did these people miss the move in India and China to abort as many female fetuses as possible so they don't grow into female babies? That's as close as you can get to trying to get rid of all women, and it happened in modern times. Both countries still have a shortage of women, and so both emigration and sex trafficking are booming. Young girls go missing off the streets of China and their neighbours all the time to be kept by families to raise into wives for their sons, all while their parents search helplessly for their missing children. I'm not sure if the dystopian camera stuff has stopped any of this or not, but I can only hope some good came from adding that awful tech. There was a story a while back about a woman in India who was kidnapped, taken to a village of men where she was kept locked up in a house, raped constantly and forced to give birth. She lost two daughters because she wasn't allowed to keep them and forced to abort. She got rescued along with her third daughter that she later gave birth to, but she's permanently traumatized and her story isn't even unusual except in that she got away from it.

But no, it's the same as a guy in a dress rightfully getting punched for trying to molest little girls in public bathrooms and calling it "trans genocide". I cannot possibly express in words how disgusting these vile creatures are and how much disdain I hold for them.

Anonymous 254014

That was a woman recieving the uterus, did you even read?
Transplanting a uterus into someone who's body is already built to have one would be much easier than translplanting into a male. We are no where near close enough to having surgeries advanced enough for that, and thank god for it.

Anonymous 254033


Sad news :/

Anonymous 254034

Samefag, but basically a viral video of a TIM moid violently assaulting middle school girl

Anonymous 254038

Anonymous 254042


This is horrible.
>Viral video has emerged from a middle school in the Portland, Ore. area @Hazelbrook_MS showing a trans teen pulling a girl to the ground and beating her. A parent has shown me evidence of the school promoting trans and sexual propaganda with its students.

Anonymous 254043

I have posted about this earlier, why are they pushing this in schools? Why has all common sense been lost to the troon movement? Do scrotes secretly push this because they hate all of us?

Anonymous 254047

They shouldn't be pushing this anywhere, "gender dysphoria" is not even a thing, it's either AGP porn addicted weab sissies or sexually abused gay men.

Anonymous 254049

Is it reasonable to conclude that the entirety trans idelogy is misogynistic? That the entire trans movement is founded on misogyny?

Anonymous 254051

From what I see on the internet, most troons are jealous psychopaths who wear a grotesque and vile woman's costume, so yes

Anonymous 254059


>TIM proceeds to fuck anything with a pulse


What T does to a mf.
Troons will be the new playground bullies.

Anonymous 254069

the way he was sneaking up from behind and dragged her to the floor like a coward. fucking tranny i genuinely hope the worst for him. and of course TRAs are supportive of male violence when it's progressive "erm well axctually how do you know the girl wasn't bullying them" always turning it against the girl, and even then i don't give a fuck. no male should ever be doing this to a female especially when she wasn't even fighting back she was just simply walking through the hall. shit makes me so mad.

Anonymous 254072

Begone troon

Anonymous 254074

she was literally being ragged by her hair and getting slapped by a moid, it's male violence. stop defending trannies you retard.

Anonymous 254102


I use the fediverse because unlike twitter there aren’t people that brigade reports to get you suspended for calling troons men. Something I notice is a lot of troons are on there even though they’re protected on mainstream platforms and so many of them identify with lain for some reason.

Anonymous 254109

This drawing is atrocious why would you post that.

Anonymous 254110

2023-09-30 18-16-1…

KF section on this

extreme CW

Anonymous 254111

I bet he has standards though. She has to meet his fuckability treshold, which usually means that she must be hyper-femme, and not black (also not fat but I think that one's reasonable). Nothing else matters.
It is just like it is with the regular scrotes. Femme and not black.
As a WOC I notice how racist trannies tend to be, in certain spaces they breach into. Such as /r/witchesvspatriarchy (the discussion about this problem was censored there, but the regulars were so racist that /r/bitchesvspatriarchy was made).
It makes me worried because I don't want ciswomen to adopt their mindset through their "aryan witch UwU" psyops.

Anonymous 254124

Troons are obsessed with technology (probably because of the 'tism) and are usually some kind of communist so they hate corporations/big sites. So yeah they're into stuff like fediverse and Lain.

Anonymous 254125

Is there a motive or just a random act of violence? Watched the video and it seems so spontaneous, did she call him a man off-screen?

Anonymous 254129

Whatever she said, it wouldn't excuse his behaviour

Anonymous 254130

Totally agree, this is completely unacceptable, just trying to figure out what's going on in the video.

Anonymous 254134

confucius would be proud

Anonymous 254135

Probably looked at him the wrong way lol. He just kind of forgot that he's not around other scrotes anymore where violence is normalized.

Anonymous 254136

That, or he knows he has a free pass to do whatever those cumbrain incels in their mom's basements fantasize of.

Anonymous 254137

If that were me that goblinous tranny tried hair pulling like that it would be LGBTQ+Wheelchair for the rest of its life.

Anonymous 254159


youtube keeps recommending me this shit

Anonymous 254160

they let troons get away with their delusions for too long to the point where they think they're above real women :3c

Anonymous 254163

>Why has all common sense been lost to the troon movement?
Was there ever common sense?

>Do scrotes secretly push this because they hate all of us?

Yes. They hate troons but hate us more.

Anonymous 254176

I'm really struggling holding my tongue at FemSoc at Uni. It's literally all just Troon and race shit now and people just spout completely contradictory buzz slogans.

They are my friends, but I know if I go against the grain they will jettison me into the sun. They literally use TERF as an insult and call people "Terfy" from just how they look.

I might just turf (lol) myself out of FemSoc at this point, it's genuinely becoming insufferable how everyone is so brainwashed by clearly AGP fetishists. How does everyone else not see them for the narcissist victim signalling manipulators they are?

I literally have more sympathy for Incels than Troons.

Anonymous 254178

funny how they hate corporations but let them inject them with random shit and cut their penises off kek

Anonymous 254180

Red here.(>>254176)

The only reason they are Communists is because the left has always had an issue with boundaries and gatekeeping. Most leftists aren't particularly strong in philosophical or theoretical basis of their worldview and simply view the world through the lens of oppressor/oppressed. Troons are "oppressed" so it becomes the duty, in the eyes of most leftists to defend them no matter what.
Troons are narcissists and borderlines so are attracted to anything that gives them narcissistic supply, because they can so easily play the victim to leftists and because most leftists fetishize victimhood, it becomes an endless energy well for narcissism for the Troon. Also because the left hates "oppressors" by calling out what Troons are doing, it will likely get you purged from the org.
Because Troons are almost universally narcissitic borderline as well, they actually hold no real concrete political or strong views, they simply switch to whatever gives them the most supply.
Troons are pretty much wwdits energy vampires.

Anonymous 254197

Trannies infuriate me to no fucking end and it’s starting to creep into a general dislike of vocal gay/“queer” communities simply due to the fact they feel the need online to constantly comment about it, joke about it, or otherwise talk about it.

And am I crazy for feeling really uncomfortable with how callous they are towards people who are confident in themselves without being a member of the alphabet club? I went through a really hard period of growth as a young adult where for a few years I struggled with my own gender and sexual identity because I’m a very masculine woman but I’m not at all attracted to women. I thought I was trans for a while but eventually phased out of that, and I am very comfortable with myself now… until people start ribbing me about how being straight and cis is boring, unfortunate in some way, or otherwise undesirable. Like, sorry, it’s not something I feel I can choose, unlike some of you freaks out there. This happens with startling frequency and it’s genuinely starting to get on my nerves, especially when people imply the men I like must be gay because I’m so masculine or that I’m a lesbian in denial because sometimes I prefer more petite, feminine men. This gender shit culture war is starting to wear me out and I feel so trapped

Anonymous 254202

I'm sorry nona, I can relate. No one ever throws gendie bs at my face directly, but I hate the fact that if you don't adopt female gender roles you're just "not a woman anymore". History should have learned that woman = person of the female sex that can have any type of personality. Instead now deviation from the norm has to be medicated. I fucking hate it.

Anonymous 254218

I've lost a lot of sympathy for LGB over their undying support for T. At the end of the day, you can be a masculine woman and there's nothing wrong with being a feminine man (just don't be one here, males get out reee). Just be who you want to be and be less obsessed with labels and belonging to a certain group.

Anonymous 254224

>sympathy for Incels than Troons
tomato tomato

Anonymous 254225

There is nothing wrong with being a TERF. It's being a true feminist, and anyone that disagrees is a misogynist

Anonymous 254229

How do you cope with losing friends about TRA issues. My best transed in high school and I was onboard with the whole thing, though I never really understood the non-binary thing in all honesty. I understand being GNC and not fitting in with the idea of what it means to be woman, but all the pronoun shit was getting retarded. She was pretty much a truscum at the time and even criticized friends in our online circle for transing over fujo shit. Me and her fell out about other things but I still considered her a good friend to me. The trans thing finally came to a head for me when I had a another friend I partied with who kept on bringing her shithead TiM boyfriends, all who were creepy freaks who creeped on me. After that, I basically peaked overnight. My party friend's group of enbies and queerios were some of the meanest and shittiest people I've yet to meet in this life and that's true pretty much wherever I go these days too.

I brought this all up to my old bff and we got into an argument, and we haven't really spoken since. I still care about her a lot, but I know she'd probably skin me alive if she saw me referring to her as she. She was relatively passable when she ided as a trans man, since she was big and tall, but I know why she transed in the first place. She just suffered from the problem of being outsed as a masculine girl and straight high school mean girls and boys bullied her about it. Same shit happened to me too, but I have my own issues outside of playing with the idea of being something I'm not. Anyways it's just sad, I'm pretty lonely these days since I pretty much ghosted all my "queer" friends and left leaning friends who supported all that stuff, not just because of that but because I wanted to quit partying and being a fool with the lot of them, I also moved back to my hometown. Tried making friends in this city, but the types of people I tend to hang out with are all into this shit. I wish I could find some downtown terf friends, I wish we had some kind of secret codes irl that we could use since it really seems that bad that we can't be blatant about it.

Anonymous 254233

To think that all TIFs, yes all, have extreme internalized misogyny and being a "trans man" is them trying to erase their own women hood. A toxic cult convinces other women to try to erase their women hood by mutilating their bodies and taking testerone. The trans movement really is one of the biggest misogynistic movements currently around. I wish there was a way to stop or even discuss this without being shut down. Being a TIF is taking internalized misogyny to it's extreme conclusion.

Anonymous 254307

Anonymous 254312

I'm glad I'm not the only one whose been keeping up with this. The society for woman engineers in Los Angeles is coming up in Oct and will probably have the same issue. I think ticket prices are a lot cheaper too ~$200. This all happened because moids are moids and they anyways include "non-binary" garbage when talking about women. I hope men get banned from the career fair going forward.

Anonymous 254320

It seems like all common sense was lost due to gender identity related stuff. Will we ever return back to a time where common sense returns?

Anonymous 254328

>I wish I could make some TERF friends
Recently I started casually mentioning I'm a radical feminist in conversations (not umpropted, only when relevant) and already two friends came out to me in private on how they are also radfem but afraid of openly talking about it.
There are more rad women than you would think, having terf friends is awesome so I really wish you can find some too, stay strong nona.

Anonymous 254329


Anonymous 254331

I doubt it, our options are
Blue state: hostile to women, friendly to trannies
Red state: hostile to women and trannies

Anonymous 254341



Anonymous 254342

TIMs can go, doesn't mean they'll get hired ;)

Anonymous 254366

came here to post this lol
terf island go

Anonymous 254386

Screenshot (266).p…

i don't like conservatives, but this is actually such a win from rishi. and speaking of wins, i hope this happens.

Anonymous 254388

sadly we need male conservatards help to get anything going against trannies

Anonymous 254399

yep very true unfortunately

Anonymous 254400

i find scrawny men to be sexually attractive. what now, scrote?

Anonymous 254477

as a britbongigan hes just saying this for votes due to his low approval
he most probably doesnt care about trannies

Anonymous 254478

Is misogyny the foundation of conservatism?

Anonymous 254489

conservatism now means something much different from ten years ago. it's called the overton window
i would venture to say that most sensible, hard-working people who contribute to society are conservative in some way

Anonymous 254492

to add onto this, misogyny is endemic in "liberal" spaces too. how do you think the trans agenda started
if feminists want to achieve change for women then they need to operate as their own block not as liberal or conservative

Anonymous 254494

one step forward, ten steps back

Anonymous 254495


>troon tells me that he thinks men are disgusting.
>follows up with telling me he wants to mating press me.
>I google it and it’s related to hentai.
>he’s a literal porn addict.
I hate troons.

Anonymous 254498

What the fuck was the context? Did he just say all that to you unprompted?

Anonymous 254499

yeah you’re probably right, I still hope this happens regardless though.

Anonymous 254509

Just out of nowhere like a weirdo.

Anonymous 254522

Anonymous 254529

Obviously the male body is not equipped to take an increase dosage of estrogen long term

Anonymous 254538

I'm not an atheist anymore

Anonymous 254570

>picrel average tranny twitter user irl

Anonymous 254620


Anonymous 254637

Yeah it's very ironic, troons are the peak of male consumerism

Anonymous 254650

Why do troons say things like "I knew who I was when I was a toddler". How can you possibly know things like that at that age??? I can't remember a single thing from when I was that young.

Anonymous 254651


Anonymous 254660

They are told to say such things by tranny groups

Anonymous 254668

why talk to him?

Anonymous 254682

Wanted to read this, the article is paywalled. Fuck this shit

Anonymous 254684

When a news source is paywalled I just use wayback, whatever they use to archive just bypasses that. This articles been archived so many times already


Anonymous 254686

Isn't the fact that TERFism is associated with the UK, because not having a crazy evangelical right, there are more leftish women comfortable to confront woke leftism dogma?

Anonymous 254721

bro I saw this thing in real life. I was volunteering in the area where that creatures from and it fucking had the most manly voice ever. But obv high pitched and squeaky. I almost died bc bro was.. 6'3 ish. It was surreal

Anonymous 254739

why are you typing like that

Anonymous 254753

tiktok syndrome

Anonymous 254760

No cap fam that's deadass highkey lowley highkey how it be frfr bro tbqh.

Anonymous 254764

I think and type like this frfr

Anonymous 254767

no why is blud deadass thinking like that skull emoji skull emoji

Anonymous 254794


>god loves men more than women but make it woke
>tumblr, surprisingly, doesn't like the post and flags it
>NOOOO why is my post flagged? There's a violent, genocidal terf that hates precious trans people in the staff!!!!11!1 This is OBVIOUSLY a joke and only a HATEFUL TERF THAT I HOPE GETS RAPED AND MURDERED would think it's serious!

Guys, this is totally different from a moid saying something so misogynistic that not even pick mes find it funny, then backpedals it with "it's just a joke calm down"

Anonymous 254795

Also, if god really loves trannies more, why is he making them cut their dicks off, makes them suicidal and mentally ill, and most off all, why are they all so fucking ugly?
Maybe because god doesn't actually love them more and they only think that because they're narcissists.

Anonymous 254796

let's be real. god loves surgeons.

Anonymous 254801

I'm gonna refer to myself as a fuming raging terf now

Anonymous 254802

you can also use https://12ft.io

Anonymous 254804

Christ almighty.
Who's this streamer?

Anonymous 254810

He's wants them to visit him sooner. He wants that 41% to become 100%

Anonymous 254811

pretty sure its from Mad At The Internet

Anonymous 254812

its Joshua Connor Moon, the owner of KiwiFarms

Anonymous 254824

These people are the same people that cringed at fangirls and fujos btw

Anonymous 254849


abort every single male baby on the fucking planet

Anonymous 254850

Have you guys seen those subs like r/malesuperiority, r/patriarchyparadise and other misogynistic fetish subs just filled to the brim with trans saying women are inferior and need to be taught their place?
How do people seriously believe a large portion of Trans aren't just pathological coomer sub misogynists?

Anonymous 254858

Why do you need others to tell you what to think. You either are ok with troons or you are not and you have your reasons for that. Make up your own mind.

Anonymous 254875

Why aren't subreddits like that banned, but r/GenderCrtical is banned? It also sucks when subreddits like r/TwoXChromosomes become infested with TIMs

Anonymous 254900

troon sadly made '…

Why is a biological male declared woman of the year? I am sick of this twisted form of misogyny

Anonymous 254901

Bc we live in a mans world my fellow nona

Anonymous 254903

I'd let moids play their little "hottest fuckdoll of the year" game with trannies as long as no women are involved. Shame they can't do that and have to seep into every female only space.

Anonymous 254912

Scrotes gonna scrote

Anonymous 254943

>Why can’t they just be happy being masculine men or feminine women
Men are not women. Simple as. Some boys are girly and that's weird but still more tolerable than lying that they're something they're not, and then expecting everyone else to give them special treatment.

Anonymous 254944


"Male feminists" being problematic was a thing long before tranny behavior saw an uptick. A wolf in sheep's clothing has a better than to kill the livestock than an undisguised wolf.

Anonymous 254956

It is weird, especially when said men are hyperfem.
Lolcow was defending a guy (of course) wearing lipgloss and toddler hair clippers.
Don't be surprised that's an early sign of dysphoria.

Anonymous 254959

If they were not suffering from severe psychological pathologies, they wouldn't be trans in the first place.

Anonymous 255019

While looking through Wikipedia articles, I came across the one for one of the sons of Ernest Hemingway, Gregory Hemingway, who is referred to as Gloria.

Just like all the other trannies he stole his stepmother's underwear to wear for his own sexual gratification, would use the name of a woman he knew (he would sometimes go by the name Vanessa, which was the name of one of his daughters), and when arrested for indecent exposure he used a woman's name to be sent to a woman's prison.


Runa did nothing wrong and needs to be freed.

The trannies in the comment section crying about how this is transphobia and transgenocide under a video of a woman taking revenge against her crossdressing rapist who had a history of sexually assaulting women need to be monitored by their local police.

Anonymous 255026

racism and transph…

It feels like people care more about "transphobia" than misogyny nowadays :/

Anonymous 255038

Samefag, but what I meant is it is sad people focus more on "transphobia" than misogyny despite misogyny being one of the oldest forms of oppression and a way more serious issue. It's like people are okay with misogyny, but transphobia? That's a big no no for these people and that crosses the line for them, but misogyny is ok for them? Why is this? Why do people like these, or subreddits worry more about hurting the feelings of trans people over real forms of oppression (misogyny)?

Anonymous 255039

What do you think they are?
My guess would be bisexual submissive men who watch too much hyper misogynistic fetish/kink porn and Hentai and then internalise that women are all ultra submissive fuck dolls and to justify their own bisexual tendencies they push towards that identity. Throw on top a large amount of Autism and Borderline personality disorder and you kind of have a identity time bomb waiting to happen.

Anonymous 255057

I hate how not shaving feels more like supporting trans rights and regressive stereotypes more than liberating women from useless money wasting rituals, it's the same as how everyone is going braless but for underlying porn views

Anonymous 255061

I'm deleting reddit. There are no safe spaces online for just women. Men have to insert themselves in everything. If you're browsing a "female subreddit" Most if not all of the posters, commenters, and moderators are trannies or intellectually challenged moids shitting up the thread. So tired of it all

Anonymous 255094


Anonymous 255095

the way he stares at the camera lol

Anonymous 255097

what the fuck is that thing

Anonymous 255098

a mistake working at Cloud Imperium Games in the UK

Anonymous 255150

I just got banned from reddit for "hate" because I said that making up more genders just reinforces male/female stereotypes.
I actually wasn't rude at all and didnt say anything bad about trannies in that particular interaction.
Previously in other threads for weeks I had actually been hateful toward moids and just generally trolling for shits n giggles.
But once I say something that contradicts trannies mods piss themselves. Speaks volumes doesn't it?
Its insane how unwilling they are to engage with anything that contradicts their beliefs.

Anonymous 255154

All made up genders are just variations of male and female. What is the point of multiple genders anyways?

Anonymous 255155

I'm not sure what the context was but aren't most made-up genders generally hobbyshit? It was only 10 years ago when tumblr teens were trying to invent shit like crayongender and faekin, all kinds of "not like other girls" type of bullshit. I think most of that died out for people finally just accepting the binary and "they/them" as neutral, and anything else is just special snowflake cringe.

Anonymous 255156

Pro-trans, and especially pro-Tim content, is generally very misogynistic. Nobody really cares about our rights or happiness except ourselves. Men are generally self-serving only.

Anonymous 255157

It depresses me, feminism was hijacked by males to serve their interests (porn, hook-up culture, trans movement).

Anonymous 255163

Trans ideology is …

The more I think about it, trans ideology is what moids consider being "inclusive" despite it being anything but

Anonymous 255194

Interesting how TIMs "discovering" they're TIMs wear women's underwear so often, but TIFs don't wear men's underwear. They might say they preffered pants over dresses but it never goes that far. And TIMs constantly talk about their euphoria boners, but TIFs never talk about getting wet or turned on from "euphoria". Well, I know why…

Anonymous 255213

Everytime you can't help but feel sympathy for these womanphobic colonists, take a stroll to this website https://terfisaslur.com/

It will slap you back to your senses.

Anonymous 255214


This site keeps records of crimes by TIMs

Anonymous 255217

Is there anything remotely similar that exists for men? Seriously. Never seen trans men demand to be put in men's sports, prisons, etc, nor do they ever demand to call men sperm makers or something weird like that

Anonymous 255253

>because men simply don't give a shit what you call them.
Well, they do. Trannies don't like being called men. To put it mildly

Anonymous 255269

transgenderism is a psyop to reinforce gender roles

Anonymous 255276

Anonymous 255287

*regular men don't care what you call them

Anonymous 255288

I would hesitate to put moids and trannies in the same level of the hierarchy since they at least men understand their value is entirely relying in their output and hard work, trannies just kinda exist and disrupt existing working spaces and circles

Anonymous 255294

>hard work

Anonymous 255297



Anonymous 255310


Ethel Cain seething because he doesn’t have a vagina

Anonymous 255315

I’ve been thinking of this too nona

Anonymous 255361

This reminds me: since I always used the female side of the internet, I took aidens at their word. Gendercrit women are extremely gender essentialist. Gendercrits are the ones putting men and women in boxes. Idealistic aidens believed their cope that transness is breaking down gender constructs. Once I stepped onto the male side of the internet—once I engaged with what TIMs say in their own words—I peaked instantly.

Anonymous 255383


I swear you can tell if trannies are AGP based on how clown-like their makeup is.

Anonymous 255403

>Reducing women to small 12 yearold waiting to be fucked by old men
A bit of a Freudian slip there, huh? Nasty scrote

Anonymous 255412

small w, but my school had put up a bunch of "gender-inclusive language helpers" (essentially instruction manuals on how to placate trannies) on most doors, and they've now been quietly discontinued.
enough people thought they were silly and moids were constantly pulling them down when teachers weren't looking.
just goes to show that sanity can still prevail.

Anonymous 255587

saw a tiktok where this tif says she flirted with a girl for months, took her to a dance, and confessed to her only to realise a month into the relationship that she didn't like girls and just got 'gender envy' from the idea of being her boyfriend kek tifs are so pathetic

Anonymous 255596

“Transphobic” is a word invented by men in order to shame women into ignoring their safety concerns and dropping their boundaries so that men can have access to vulnerable women. It’s a word invented by men in order to intimidate women into accepting the absurdity that any men can literally become a woman, just by declaring he is. It’s a word used by men (and some women) in order to get women to ignore reality and accept what men say is real.

Anonymous 255614

Anonymous 255667


this shit came up on my explore page on ig, is all these goons do insult women on appearances

Anonymous 255668

>the username

Anonymous 255680


This peaked me today. If they cast a moid to play a girl in a movie where her bullying scene is PERIOD related, I’m gonna bash my head in.

Anonymous 255683


Classic. Always proud of their girlcocks. Obviously no intent on getting a mangina anytime soon. No muh dysphoria.

Anonymous 255684

Quick rundown?

Anonymous 255687

That’s a lie they tell themselves to cope.

Anonymous 255689

I've had them proudly say most never get the surgery, as if to prove that they are comfortable and not self-conscious or self-loathing. Inadvertently, this just proves their entire identity and "dysphoria" is illegitimate.

Anonymous 255692


Next thread pic suggestion

Anonymous 255694

I push for anti-trans student policies at uni and I like to think I've managed to stop the useful idiots in the LGBT lobby from pushing through some very damaging and dangerous motions, but it angers me that moids are my only allies in it. Not a SINGLE other woman is willing to put their name to anything if it means defending it publicly. Sure, I can get signatures from over half the female population, but only if it stays confidential. This leaves me to look like a token TERF among a procession of trad-larping moids. Besides being damaging to my reputation with feminist groups who might help me, it's enraging to hear that people think that I'm just a mouthpiece, ignoring my hard work and dedication for the last 3 years that moids have just supported passively.

Anonymous 255729

>(essentially instruction manuals on how to placate trannies)
No wonder they got removed. Anyone who's interacted with troons knows they can't ever be placated because their entire existence revolves around wishing they're women when they're not. Hopefully those don't come back.

That's how it is, sadly. Most are too scared to risk ostracization or to put in the time. Considering even suggesting that troons aren't what they say they are gets you socially lynched, I can't really blame them; you could lose jobs or get removed from the school, depending on where you are, or at least possibly ruin future prospects. It's a more overt version of the usual thing where men exploit power positions over female students to get away with molesting them, making them choose between reporting them or fucking up their future careers. It just so happens that these men wear teenaged girl clothing and include thoughtcrime in their witch hunts. "Sit down and shut up" is hard conditioning to break sometimes.

Anonymous 255749

This show was actually really funny.

Anonymous 255751

if you don't make it clear it's about gender only or you're actually homophobic and hate LBG too then you have it coming and I hope your reputation gets ruined.

Anonymous 255760

Not everyone likes the L's, G's, and the B's either. It's fine if some people don't agree or like things

Anonymous 255765


>Not a SINGLE other woman is willing to put their name to anything if it means defending it publicly

With the onslaught of "Kill and rape all TERFs", I'm not surprised. That's why I'm not willing to speak out publically either. These are still men that are a physical threat to women. I'm surprised JK Rowling can go anywhere in public without being surrounded by bulletproof glass and followed by bodyguards tbh.

Anonymous 255772

How can I harass irl trannies safely? If I meet a tranny on the street, what can I do or say to him that would hurt him, but will also leave me with no repercussions? I was thinking of saying "Good morning, sir" as he passes by, but that's too tame. Or maybe I should just say "you will never be a woman". But that might piss him off to badly and he starts yelling at me. Any ideas?

Anonymous 255773

>Introduce me to literally every single woman you know until one of them gives me sex or else I'LL KILL MYSELF AND IT'LL BE YOUR FAULT
I still don't see how we haven't acknowledged as a society that this is just mental illness

Anonymous 255774

nothing hurts a man more than a woman actually laughing at him, true superlative laughter, if you can manage that.

Anonymous 255783

Videos like these would've gotten me to empathize with the TIM in my pre-TERF phase, but now they just phase through me.

>lonely, degenerate coomer men think being trans will fix all their problems

>"that's not true at all!"
>"anyways, I was a lonely degenerate coomer male and transitioning saved my life"

The worst part to me is the self-label of "failed male". I might reply with a longer post about this later on this thread, but that's such a stupid term.

Anonymous 255784

Making derisive faces and chuckling. He WILL KNOW.

Anonymous 255788

jk rowling.png

I saw this as soon as I opened reddit… Is it entirely TiMs upset over JK Rowling? She did nothing wrong or said nothing offensive

Anonymous 255798

> The worst part to me is the self-label of "failed male". I might reply with a longer post about this later on this thread, but that's such a stupid term.
I wanna hear this.

Anonymous 255802


They can't jerk themselves off to lesbians and tampons with their dicks cut off. No surprise there.

Anonymous 255803



>failed male

No word makes my blood boil quite like this one.

Every time I have the unfortunate pleasure of arguing with a chronic masturbator or a TIM, I'm struck by how completely blind they are to hypotheticals.

>"I'm a goony coomer coombrain!! Coom coom!"

>"Wow, my life is miserable! I want to start living on 'easy mode' (transitioning). It's my destiny!"
>Ok, but imagine if you'd never been addicted to porn/ingested microplastics/been subjected to restrictive gender stereotypes/etc…

Before I go any further, I want to accentuate the link between transvestism and male perversion and pedophilia. How many times have men openly admitted that a spiral of pornographic degeneracy has brought them to start appreciating "traps"? Throughout history, powerful degenerate men were known to start taking young boys who were "feminine" as sexual partners. Unlike women, cross-dressers are INSEPARABLE from their sexuality (read about John Money and his various experiments, alongside nearly every other "gender" sexologist's seeming support for pedophilia).

They are blind to this.

(Some studies have found that people with lower IQs don't even understand hypothetical scenarios (eg. "Imagine if you didn't have lunch yesterday" and they reply "but I did!") so that might be related; on the other hand, the brainwashing could be so strong in TIMs that their brain just blanks out at the sight of anything contrary, so as to not interrupt the dopamine flushes coming from their various addictions.)

At it's core, "failed male" isn't always a useless designation: Assuming a man was completely in control of his own actions, he should be held accountable if he doesn't contribute adequately to society. There is such thing as a genuinely failed man, albeit these are extremely few and far between and truly the lowest of the low, the sorts of people that would never even WANT to be better.

The problem is that "failed male" is never used like that.

It's never about being responsible for others, or doing the "right thing". You're not a failed male if you masturbate all day and do nothing good for the world, so long as you're rich, confident and """attractive""". Their gauge for "failure" is based off a self-constructed misogynistic worldview which, instead of placing men in a position of equality and responsibility, treats life like an uncivilized fight for might.

Men are not told anymore to value the love for the people around them, their accomplishments and (to some extent) their parents. One of my favorite things to bring up with TIMs is their relationship with their parents, one which is either enabling or of derision.

This explains the series of "alpha male" (and worryingly, the advent of glorified male findom) influencers and celebrities online. All of which have ZERO redeemable traits and only showcase a false, hollow, bastardized image of masculinity (the 3 toxic Ms: Money, Muscles and Misogyny). Men are clearly not losing any of those 3 toxic Ms, but rather everything that held them together (character, discipline, morality) is being thrown aside.

I hate to bring personal experience into this (and trauma), but nearly every single male I've met who identified as "incel" was just as insufferable as the stereotypes, but not for the reasons most people think. It wasn't their rampant misogyny or porn-addled minds that got to me (most men are like this, just more secretive about it) but rather the tendency to completely refuse all forms of help and meaningful improvement. "Self-Improvement" is a stupid meme because nearly no one actually follows through with it. Why would they? Any anxiety they have will be "cured" the second they open porn or start up their video game.

But eventually, even that isn't enough. A life of vice and messing with their brain chemistry coupled with no social circles inevitably leads them to depression. "Transitioning" is never treated as an affront to women (it shouldn't surprise us that the interests of women nearly never cross these transvestites' minds) but instead seen as this end-all solution for all of their perceived "problems". The most dramatic aspect of all this is that these problems, created nearly entirely by (influential) males, end up hurting women and children far more.

What fascinated me most is they seem to feed off the idea of "female privilege" and the aforementioned "easy mode" women are supposedly on. I'd say this is twofold: Modern generations aren't properly taught about the sexes in a meaningful, non-utilitarian matter (schools will teach about rape and the pay gap, but they'll never divulge into deeper emotional and social differences, in fear of offending the TIMs), and secondly, the sexes are withdrawing from each other more so they lack first hand experiences from women in their own lives. It's funny to me how much they obsess over the image of women, when they are among the least exposed to them (not in a "you've never touched a woman!" way, but in a "you've never had a meaningful connection and understanding of women" way.)

If you take nothing else from this post, at least consider the following: Assuming everything TIMs say is true, that men who feel effeminate should have the right to be treated as women and live out their dreams of living through the "female experience", is it really reasonable to assume that most people have the cognitive ability to realize the implications of their actions? What about the myriad of ways this mental state could've happened "by accident"? Why are we letting people mess with the very fabric of the sexes and gender when we don't even know the long-term effects of something like microplastics, or the horrific concoctions in our food, etc… Call me a schizo, but it might very well be systemic.

I might reply with more if I feel like it.

Anonymous 255811

I'm not certain that the blindness to hypotheticals is legitimate in the case of chronic masturbators. One of the most offensively dumb conversations that non-trannies of that particular male type launch into is conspiracy theory regarding media impact on sexual development.
E.g. "I only became a degenerate because children's cartoons gave me a fetish for [something stupid, vile or immoral that few others and zero women who watched the same show turned into a fetish]. I WOULD HAVE BEEN HAPPY AND NORMAL AND HAD GF WIFE JOB DAMN THE JEWS."
That is not an exaggeration of how those conversations go, just a distillation. The idea that the male without pornography would be particularly different sexually may hold water, but from the conversations I've witnessed in male spaces regarding pre-pubertal sexual impressions led me to believe that they would generally be worse, ungrounded and unhinged. The private writings of men from pre-internet ages tend to confirm this, when not directly rapine they are desperately degenerate, James Joyce's scat/fart letters etc.

Anonymous 255812

I was thinking about this the other day, and I thought about how we say the word man, as in "Man, what are you doing?" or "Man, this bus sure is late…" etc. Would be a subtle way to remind a tranny of what they are without giving them a way to retaliate.

Anonymous 255813

Ask for time/directions like "Excuse me, sir. Do you know […]?/Thank you very much, sir".

Anonymous 255814

You're right about the feelings of male entitlement latching on to any possible excuse (like media), and I personally believe there's a genetic aspect mixed in there making some of these perversions predisposed. Also the spiral of degeneracy wasn't invented by porn or modernity, like my example with the cross-dressing sex slave boys from antiquity. Male degeneracy is rapacious if allowed to grow.

With that said, the general hyper-sexualization of all media (outside of pornography) and the worsening health of the population is definitely increasing the incidence. I'm not denying there will always be predisposed degenerates, but culture and media overall certainly makes it a lot easier to act on your "desires" rather than reap what you sow.

Anonymous 255815

TL;DR no one is inventing new degeneracy, it's merely being spread across to more men.

Anonymous 255822

I think that right now the TERF cause is being undermined by the tendency to consolidate all enemies of women into a single enemy. Consolidation can be helpful in propaganda but it can also be harmful when counterexamples are abundant. Bruce Jenner's transition was on the cover of magazines, Jazz Jennings' developmental years were shown to the whole of the general public, etc. There is crossover and convergence between the incel and the tranny, but there is also crossover between the olympian athlete and the tranny. The fact that the incel and the tranny are both necessarily enemies of women and the olympic athlete is not will not convert Bruce "vehicular manslaughter" Jenner back to using a masculine form of address, nor for Laurel Hubbard, Renee Richards, or any of the other sexually and athletically successful bodybuilders and other hypermasculine types. The proclamation that there is an "incel-to-trans pipeline" seems like it is more than anything else a matter of incel propaganda. Incels have spent decades trying to create overly elaborate fictions in which their incel status is important or harmful to anyone other than themselves. Their web communities tried to take credit for the crash of the Germanwings airline flight, and they were briefly successful in convincing a small number of media outlets that that was the case before the truth came out and retractions had to be made. Incels at the community level, if not the individual level, seek infamy and notoriety more lustfully than the damned True Crime fandom. We should exercise skepticism and caution before validating them.

The one male in my family who became a tranny had been married for 45 years before he "came out." He had been a college athlete, gotten a masters in philosophy, joined the Peace Corps, returned to finish his doctorate and spent the rest of his life in academia married to one of his former grad students, and spent the last 5 years of his life LARPing at old-woman femininity while increasingly disconnected from family and reality before a heart attack ended the farce. There is nothing about his string of both failed and successful romances early in life, collegiate football scholarship, wide experience of the world, successful academic career and marriage that would suggest any association with incels. But I have had a conversation about him elsewhere before, and the fact that he became a troon in the end while his brain was old and dying was enough to make someone say "that just proves that even if an incel were to succeed at everything and get everything they wanted they'd still troon eventually." That's nonsense, and it's nonsense that harms women.

I see three ways that this harms women.
1. It confuses the issues and dangers of incels with the issues and dangers of troons, despite the risk profiles and risk management of each requiring very different approaches. We need laws, public restrictions, statutes and regulations limiting troon access to women's spaces and women's resources, with particular suspicion of methodical sexual violence. Incels have a risk profile of sudden and explosive nonsexual (conventional) violence which is usually given a papering of sexual targeting but very curiously keeps happening in nonsexual spaces and contexts (college campuses, business places, community gatherings), suggesting a fear or disgust of entering the genuinely feminine. Most claims of incels committing sex crimes turn out to be sexually-active men, at most prostitute-users, and this seems like it's probably going to be important in understanding incel violence as something specific and particular rather than a catchall excuse for all male violence in general.

2. It discourages taking action in spaces where troons are particularly invasive - women's athletics and women's prisons. The male athlete and male career criminal are exceptionally harmful invasive species when trooning. Ignoring these in favor of targeting a less-invasive, less-harmful variant who spend their time being bald and impotent on twitter or at most manage to displace women in videogame speedrunning tournaments is practically sabotage.

3. It creates manifestly false expectations of particular male types as "safe." A majority of rape in America is committed by college athletes and members of organized crime, and this turns into almost-all if only stranger-rape rather than date- and marital-rape are considered. Pretending that troons wouldn't troon if they lived conventionally masculine archetypal lives despite the numerous athletes and career-criminals who troon out.

Incels may deserve all the harm and restriction that society can throw at them but it has reached a point where we are ignoring blatant, monstrous behavior from non-incels by preferring to blame incels for their acts. There was even a rather famous case of Puxton Park in Britain banning single men from attending a public exhibition as a matter of "public safety" in the wake of sexual abuse stories hitting the newspaper-but the perpetrator of the actual crime was a married high ranking local politician who molested his own daughter for years until she committed suicide, who was arrested for collecting massive volumes of child pornography (3d) and said that it was his way of psychologically coping with her death (yes, he said that, and yes, that implies he was molesting her). It sometimes feels as though if Bill Clinton had raped Jennifer Flowers and other underage interns today, we would blame incels for the crime of rape or a minor and celebrate Mr. Clinton's sexual prowess as proof that he was not an incel and therefore had not committed the rape he had just done. If ever society figures out a way to manage incel public violence sprees/attacks it will not be by giving every man in a relationship a license to beat his girlfriend, mistress, wife or daughter through a frequently repeated narrative that violence against women is only performed by incels.

Anonymous 255832

Incels are not innocent and are typically something of the most misogynistic males. Just look at places like 4chan.

Anonymous 255834

>incels are not innocent
That is true, but not contested in that post.
>and are some of the most misogynistic males
That's questionable. Their misogyny takes on a notable color of resentment and disgust but when I look at sexually successful men including male women's studies professors like serial sexual abuser and attempted girlfriend-murderer Hugo Schwyzer I do not see less misogyny, I see different misogyny, sometimes masked as sexpositive feminism.
>Just look at places like 4chan
All males congregate there. The presence of incels there and in similar spaces lets all the others act at their most misogynistic while having neither personal nor even group accountability as the incels will be the only ones whose transgression is subject to notice. Elliot Roger was most prolific in posting on bodybuilding.com. When someone on bodybuilding.com posts something misogynistic it is attributed to incels and the place collectively shields the egos of men who lift larger weights than Elliot Roger did, but it's not usually true and non-incels who are serious about lifting weights are still misogynistic. Even without online communities involved, Ray McNeil still beat and attempted to murder Sally McNeil. Ray wasn't beating his wife because nogains incels brainwashed him across a then-marginal internet.

Anonymous 255840

So you are saying that failed males are real, but they are very rare, and only qualify if
> the lowest of the low, the sorts of people that would never even WANT to be better.
But that is incels to a tee! They subscribe to the idea that basically they are genetic refuse, this is blatantly visible to the outside world, and no matter of self improvement will change any of that. So they are instead bitter and raging about the Chads who are hoarding the women and the Stacies who wouldn't touch them with a 10ft pole.

You may be conflating misogyny with inceldom. Listen to me: Every man is misogynist. Every single last one. Especially the ones that aren't openly, many will just sit on their mouths about what they really believe, especially the "male feminists", they all look down on you. Not just the sour grapes incel types, this is what shocked me the most. It's the good looking, ostensibly successful guys, who were nice and helpful friends, to me and to other women, whose misogyny shocked me much more. To Men, you are at best some kind of pet, a retarded chihuahua that they can pamper and fuck, at worst a breedable maid, but that is approximately how much respect they have for you.

The difference between incels and "successful" men is not the misogyny, the difference is that incels are mentally ill enough to have stopped pretending they aren't misogynist.

Incels are a very specific, and somewhat small, subgroup of men, and they are a subculture, and while they do believe some weird ass things that normal healthy men generally not believe (I actually have read through some of the incel wiki), because those other men have at some point interacted with a woman in real life, the incel subculture is primarily about the incels themselves creating copes, rationalizations, why they should stop trying to improve themselves, all based on laughably bogus theories about how women function.

And that is exactly your definition of a "failed male". Arguably, if you call yourself a failed male, you already have stopped trying, and thus by your definition, someone who calls themselves a failed male, is a failed male.

What the incels who troon out do, is not "try to improve themselves", they are trying to change the rules that apply to them. They are not improving themselves at all by "transitioning". They want the rules of women applied to them, the measuring stick of women. And yes, there are different rules for women than there are for men, whether you like it or not, or argue it shouldn't be that way, it still is that way. To an incel, being a woman means being weak and stupid, but hot losers, and as it happens, they themselves are already weak and stupid. So very stupid. By applying this "womens yardstick" to them, all they need to do is "become hot" and thus, as long as they are still measured by their metric for women, they are no longer worthless losers, they are just women. And naturally, the more worthless women are, the more they themselves qualify to be a woman. They got worthlessness out the ass!

Next point, short one: You are arguing that the incel to tranny pipeline isn't real - but it absolutely is, just as much as the tomboy/lesbian/GNC-AFAB to Aiden pipeline is real, and is absolutely a pipeline, a conveyor belt, created intentionally by the medical industry, to make money off young peoples suffering and confusion. Incels, if nothing else, are always young, and suffering. That a lot of trannies were ostensibly successful, grown ass men before they suddenly trooned out, doesn't change that.

And yes I agree with you that the tranny problem is doing more damage to (actual, non-terminally online) women than some losers on the internet arguing why they can't get a girl. But the tranny problem has a simple and straightforward solution:
"You will never be a woman. And nobody can be forced to participate in your makebelieve bullshit, where you are the girliest girl who ever showed her "girlcock" to children in the bathroom."

Apologies for weird grammar and spelling, medication is giving me a headache

Anonymous 255842

Whenever people talk about incels, there is a motte-and-bailey of the vague demographic and the hard subculture of specific and highly distinct sites and self-labeled influencer personalities. In discussion of an incel-to-trans pipeline, any such pipeline is rejected with vigor by the subculture and influencer groups, and is only floated about by people with profiles and histories that suggest kiwi farming. Trooning would only make sense in the unaffiliated demographic. The hardened subculture already serves to grant its members place, position, purpose and connection which would be stripped away at trooning. But in the vague demographic of socially unaffiliated men-who-are-involuntarily-celibate, your failed male definition is extremely rare, since it is only psychologically sustainable when the person has some social rooting to a community that makes it endurable, as provided by incel pseudoreligion.

Embedded you will find what was once a viral video about 8 years ago. It was made by Dr. Malcolm Sutherland, a PhD. in Analytical Chemistry, who recently lost the last bit of hope that he had that he'd ever work in the sciences. He spends much of it lamenting being a 35 year old virgin who never dated nor had any religious principle for his virginity. He was hard doxxed and the usual suspects tried to lolcow-ize him, so his curriculum vitae became well known; the charities he was volunteering at for years, the (well above average) GPA at graduation, recordings of his public jazz performances, the failed attempt at starting a zine and a social media tech company and failure to create lasting social attachments, lengths and breadths of failure upon failure and defeat upon defeat. Most places thought that they'd find some evidence of academic fraud so digging kept up for longer than it should, since the funny wasn't coming. And the result was: nothing. Just a miserably unhappy old virgin who went viral because he said the "v" word at about the right point in the zeitgeist for that to take off, who subsequently wasted hours and hours of his own life making political and social videos telling community-incels and MGTOW groups to fuck off and that they're bad people for hating women. I think of the time I wasted trying to find reason to hate him, sure and certain that unaffiliated incels would match precisely to the pattern that can only exist in a community, in and it's just gross.

Anonymous 255843

>not available anymore
goddammit malcolm if you're going to kill that part of your life at least post an autopsy, there are still interested non-malicious actors even if most of us were cunts.

Anonymous 255847

So what you're saying is not all incels are bad, only the ones who are in the subculture/hate women are bad, and the PhD guy is one of the good ones. I disagree. No one is a virgin at 35 because they are good people or lovable. I'm convinced there's another side to the story. Nerds like him are usually assholes and mega autistic. Autists should die honestly.

Anonymous 255850

> motte-and-bailey
> In discussion of an incel-to-trans pipeline, any such pipeline is rejected with vigor by the subculture and influencer groups
And yet I can immediately point to the incel wiki
which does not only acknowledges the pipeline, but also helpfully sends you to specialist pages for incels who want to turn trans.

Why are you so wrong on the face of it?

> Some incel 8 years ago

What's your point? Elliot Rodger made inceldom a thing known to the mainstream 9 years ago.

Anonymous 255854


I feel like this is written by ChatGPT what the fuck?

Anonymous 255862

>So what you're saying is not all incels are bad, only the ones who are in the subculture/hate women are bad, and the PhD guy is one of the good ones.
No. It is only in hindsight that I see how my post could be interpreted as saying that; pointing to a once-prolificly male feminist socialist who was also an incel was not done with the intention of being interpreted as either male feminists = good nor incels can be good. A few posts upstream I had already posted a tirade about male feminists being snakes, and assumed that would be carried through. The point overall which I think I must now repeat is that enemies of women are enemies along a few axies but almost never along all axies at once since their forms and points of enmity are mutually exclusive, and that addressing the trans menace requires isolating the specific trans axis instead of relying on association between the popular hatred of incels to peak liberals into the politically undesirable position of supporting trans-exclusionary legislation. The point of bringing up Dr. Sutherland was with respect to a specific and particular socially useful definition of "failed male" which has to be stretched past the breaking point to apply to him, even though he was a clear and obvious example of an incel, with the example meant to show that it would also most likely break when applied to others, so the failed male to trans pipeline would not be an effective predictive model and does not help guide anti trans activity especially not at the important points of peaking mainstream liberals and assisting the most important legislative efforts (and those legislative efforts are best spent on athletics and prisons which are being invaded by conventionally masculine men rather than failed males anyways).

Anonymous 255875

I couldn't bring myself to watch the video in full, but from what little I seen, he isn't an Incel, he is just a good little boy who did what he was told and then learned the world doesn't work the way he was told it would. Who also happens to be a virgin.

Again, Incels are an actual online subculture, with their own idiosyncracies, not just every individual that is having less sex than they would like to have. Otherwise, something like three quarters of the population would be "incels". Neither is every male virgin in their 20ies automatically an Incel. It is an online subculture, a very toxic one at that, that copes and rationalizes a lack of sexual success. It is historically normal for men to have, say, very limited sexual experience by age 20, and only slightly more so than it is for women. But for the Incel subculture, if you haven't banged 50 stacies in high school, you are a loser, and the whole subculture is about coping with that in the most toxic fashion.

Anonymous 255876

I disagree on several points, and must refer you back to >>255847
>No one is a virgin at 35 because they are good people or lovable.
However this is far too much incelology for a thread about the largely if not entirely unrelated Trans Problem. I believe the Pink Pill thread would be more appropriate to continue this line of discussion I will try for my part to stop feeding my (you) addiction here.

Anonymous 255878

what do people hate about trannies here

Anonymous 255879

Firstly, the fact that they are statistically significantly more likely to be rapists and other (worse) forms of sex offenders than the goddamned male prison population. But despite being such massive perpetrators of sexual terror, attempt to take on the role of victim of sexual terror through concerted media campaigns and through blackballing women's advocates into silence, even to the point of demanding access to women's shelters and women's bodies.

Secondly, that they are statistically far less likely to actually kill themselves than normal heterosexual males-but use the threat of suicide as a bludgeon to silence criticism, based on statistics that transgendered people overall (mostly FtM transgendered teenagers) are likely to report THOUGHTS of suicide when compared with the general population.

No-one loves liars, manipulators, or rapists. A society of them?

Anonymous 255880

honestly I thought most of the hatred came from the generally autistic traits

Anonymous 255887

Disagree on what? I did not say he was good, I simply said he wasn't an Incel(tm)
The reason incelology came up was because of the incel to trans pipeline >>255783 or in that case the fail-male to tranny pipeline.

Because they are legally and socially trying to force us to play along with their make-believe bullshit. You are not a woman and you never will be a woman, I will not refer to you as a woman, and I do not accept you in female bathrooms or sports.

Anonymous 255888

NTA, it has literally nothing to do with autism, maybe women who post on imageboards like cc are autistic themselves. It's because troons are inherently predatory, not to mention regressive and homophobic. Trying to force lesbian women to have sex with them by saying they are transphobic for not liking "girl dick", calling themselves lesbians when they are just het men. It reenforces sex based stereotypes, that women like pink, frills, dresses and feeling pretty so an AGP must be a woman because he gets his rocks off wearing a skirt and having his ball sack hang out. Why would it ever be about fucking autism? It's about the males in female locker rooms learing at little girls.

Anonymous 255889

I hate the forced inclusive language and that we have to accept them in women's spaces. Wouldn't give a shit if they didn't do this, I'd just see them as weird autistic males with a fetish like the rest of the other crossdressers.

Anonymous 255895

I honored your request, nona
Here is Terfposting #34 below:

Anonymous 255916


Their very existence.

Anonymous 255921

ok, so I replied yesterday but I deleted it because it was low effort.

I think for the most part society is just confused on what to do about them, so each side is overcompensating in different ways. Nobody actually believes that they should play in sports other than their biological sex. But you're right in the sense that they aren't women or trans people aren't [preferred sex] obviously, because certain labels are decided mostly by what other people think of you, not by yourself. They're obviously a third sex.

I was wondering if it was about autism because people tend to do crazy shit if you don't pick up on the social cues around you. A lot of what you describe seems to me anecdotal but I 100% agree with you about sex based stereotypes. I'd rather them be destroyed than just reestablished, but that's just me. Some of what you described though does sound autistic level batshit crazy. I don't think trannies are inherently predatory though but I don't know any personally. Any man has the ability to do what you're describing

I don't know what this means

Anonymous 255936

Gender Dysphoria V…

It is possible that "hatred" - liars, manipulators, or rapists - comes from antisocial traits, not autism.

I've taken this image from a biased website but I agree that gender dysphoria could be a symptom of something else, and trannies who troon out aren't doing it because they're exactly transgenders, but to manage the dysphoria that manifests as a symptom of something else, like identity disturbance in BPD.

Anonymous 271616

can u recommend some actual terf channels? im tired of hearing trans ideology

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