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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


ban appeal Anonymous 11355[Reply]

a few months ago, i got banned indefinitely and for an unspecified reason. i don't post often so i only noticed last week but i know admin doesn't check appeals often

i don't think i've ever posted anything inflammatory or retarded here so i'm very confused why i got banned

am i doomed to just lurk forever

Anonymous 11356


i got banned for using the email field. this place is nice but not worth ban evading, ill just go back on 4hims

Anonymous 11361


stop forcing me to ban evade and just remind me of what I did wrong so I don't so it again??? I love it here and I have no friends

Anonymous 11369

I got banned for no reason too


auto banned? Anonymous 11362[Reply]

tried to post a thread and got banned instantly, are there certain trigger words that just auto ban? it didnt specify a reason for ban
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Anonymous 11364

I'll test it: blackpill.

Anonymous 11365

Ok so the word is not autobanned.

Anonymous 11366

well then im not sure what i did, saying retard certainly isnt bannable, i guess ill try and make the thread again

Anonymous 11367

blackpill feminist

Anonymous 11368

not op but i got autobanned for saying youre too p0​or for the​rapy


Anonymous 11281[Reply]

who is the admin of this imageboard

also is do you guys datamine?

Anonymous 11351

there are google trackers here

Anonymous 11359

the admin used this boards tracking software to find out where i live and she paid me a visit randomly about 4 weeks ago.

you won't believe who she is even if i tell ypu

Anonymous 11360


I believe you, nona

comments and comlp…

Comments & Complaints Pt. 3 Anonymous 9259[Reply]

because the last thread is full
212 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11328

why are they deleting random ass threads that dont even break rules

Anonymous 11333


I am once again asking for my ban to please be reduced from forever to, something shorter. I am sorry for being racist. I promise not to do it again. Please unban me, or at least reduce the ban. I miss it here.

Anonymous 11338


Raid in /b/

Anonymous 11348


cp in /b/

Anonymous 11357



Do you ever spot people you think use this site? Anonymous 9614[Reply]

I see women all the time and wonder if she might use CC. Have you guys ever experienced this?
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Anonymous 11315

I don't think the women who use this website would act in a particular way that might show that they use CC

Anonymous 11350

wait just got here is cc like 4chan but for women?

Anonymous 11352

no, cc is not "4chan for women".

Anonymous 11353

you're right, links to CSAM wouldn't have been left up for 45 minutes on any other chan

Anonymous 11354

not every imageboard is 4chan


Cece the lizard Anonymous 1255[Reply]

Meet Cece the lizard - or the lizbian - crystal.cafe's answer to Pepe the frog.
Based on an article about a certain type of lizard that is female only.
feel free to make your own versions of her or even edit mine, anything's a contribution.
By the way - this does not snuff out the miner waitress mascot girl. She would be the wojak equivalent.
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Anonymous 11340


Anonymous 11341


his shirt could use a moid tee-design to drive home the point

Anonymous 11344


Anonymous 11346


Anonymous 11349



Anonymous 2780[Reply]

How did you all find this website?
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Anonymous 11300

It was being discuss on another chan.

Anonymous 11302

4chan unfortunately

Anonymous 11303

a friend of mine told me about it

Anonymous 11304

No way, this place is way better. I'm never going back.

Anonymous 11329


s4s? s4s


crystal cafe discord Anonymous 11284[Reply]

i used to be in the crystal cafe discord years ago, but i can't find it anymore. does it still exist? i'm trying to get in contact w an old friend from there :(

Anonymous 11285

nvm just saw that it got deleted like 4 years ago. okay:

hello [blank],
you were a teacher in brazil and moved to canada to be with your e-bf (his online handle started with a B and ended with a N, 6 letters long). i'd love to get in contact.

Anonymous 11301

Anonymous 11342

Lies, it is full of creepy /soc/ people, lots of violent incels, chuds and everything in between

Anonymous 11343

I hate that we can't have cool stuff like that because there's that many moids lurking. Just frustrated about it rn.

Anonymous 11345

Males keep spamming their shitty groomer discord servers in here


Anonymous 4776[Reply]

How can we grow this community while avoiding moids?
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Anonymous 10078

hire ex-nsa counter-intelligence to keep men out

Anonymous 10101

Tell your girl friends about it in person, put links to it in women's bathrooms

Anonymous 10145

Same for me. Moids on 4chan actually made me discover CC

Anonymous 10775

true but i hate having my identity tied to a specific tag/account

Anonymous 11330

Trannies go in women's bathrooms. Be careful where you write stuff, it stays a long time.


Sites like Crystal Cafe Anonymous 2957[Reply]

Are there any more imageboards or forums like this? Im pretty new to CC but it seems like its not very active so I was wondering if there are some other sites only for women and with little to none lurking moids
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Anonymous 9522

yes it is true and dont go on that site or post on it he loves to malware the shit out of anyone who calls him out. hes 100% the same faggot who spams awful shit everywhere too. BEWARE

Anonymous 11314

What is LC?

Anonymous 11317

You really shouldn't be replying to a necro post but it's an women's image board like this but more geared around gossip for internet disasters.

Anonymous 11319

this isn't lc you can reply in any thread lol

Anonymous 11320

thank you mods for removing the recent soishit shill ITT

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