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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 11382[Reply]

why does crystal cafe leave up such old posts? how far back does the site actually go in terms of currently-surfable content?

thank you

Anonymous 11383


also: how does this board feel about posting in years-old topics??? i am not sure how talking to someone in the past is supposed to go, it seems a lil schizo (but i love it)

Anonymous 11709


I don't know, I think forums are supoosed to be like bathroom walls, scummy.
But some people don't like necro'd threads? Much confuse. Just think of it like leaving a little stinky for someone else to find.


Anonymous 11721[Reply]

/b/ is being spammed with cp again.

Anonymous 11722


Thank you for the bird.

Why does this site keep getting spammed with this stuff? Do we think it's one person, or this site got marked as a place to share that?

Anonymous 11723

Pretty sure it is one guy. I’m pretty sure we’re known to some other imageboards. Do the admins track when we get spammed/how many spammers we get and what they’re spamming with?


fate zero sucks Anonymous 11719[Reply]

fate zero is garbage rant​
fate zero is a edgy emo pile of fucking shit is a overrated shitty pseudo philosophical nihilistic garbage.
the characters are fucking shit.
kiritsugu is a fucking nihilistic edgy emo faggot his ideals and philosophy are fucking horseshit his backstory is a fucking edgy emo pile of shit nothing but misery-porn the zombies thing was fucking retarded and edgy also the plane bullshit was but edgy bullshit and emo garbage to
increase the shock value.
saber is a fucking edgy emo bitch her backstory is edgy shit.
lancelot is emo faggot and a edgy crybaby fag.

iskandar is dumb and have a dumb idealogy.
also the banquet of kings is the most pretentious pseudo philosophical boring pile of steaming shit.

the philosophy of the anime is cringe cancer retarded emo and fucking stupid if kill someone you are a bad person so if i kill someone evil and
save a lot a innocents i`m evil this is fucking dumb and that is one reasons i fucking hate fate zero this dumb shit makes wanna punch the screen. gilgamesh is a pretentious shitty vegeta wannabe.

kariya is there because of shitty edgy scenes shitty suffering and shitty shock value.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 11720


why all the bitterness nona?

comments and comlp…

Comments & Complaints Pt. 3 Anonymous 9259[Reply]

because the last thread is full
369 posts and 47 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11696

Anonymous 11697


Why are random threads disappearing despite not breaking any rules? Is the site testing an anti-spam bot or are jannies just randomly selecting threads to remove?

Anonymous 11698

Yeah it feels like this place is turning into reddit.

Anonymous 11714

Raid in /b/

Anonymous 11718

Sorry if this is the wrong spot to ask, but if I wanted to make a thread for general accountability and wasn't sure where to put it (like you write down what you're gonna do that day and come back with if you did it or not or things of that nature). I was thinking /hb cause it's technically health I think but it could maybe also go in /feels cause I guess it's almost like a diary?


Anonymous 2780[Reply]

How did you all find this website?
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Anonymous 11542

huh? this place is anonymous why would she even care if someone called her a troon kek

Anonymous 11543

needed source of female pepe

Anonymous 11546

someone on dc sent me a link to a post on r/4tran which gave me a link to cc. ironically i found out about this place when i found out about trannies

Anonymous 11579

I know at least one male from here (not me) who's straight and cis. He said he comes here because he legitimately likes the discussions and because 4chan is getting spammed to hell, and the mods aren't doing anything about it. Pretty sure 4chan got bought out by some Jew and they are slowly turning it against its users before shutting it down completely.

Anonymous 11580

what would he even talk about though like the threads here are so dead


why cant we say "n0nny"? Anonymous 8776[Reply]

:( i will delete if i get an answer. i really liked this word.
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Anonymous 11454

maybe she wrote it using a different keyboard?

Anonymous 11458

Nonas and miners

Anonymous 11471


CC and LC userbases used to be hostile towards each other. I haven't been here in months (maybe a year) but it seems to me that's starting to change

Anonymous 11473

i've always called everyone anon

Anonymous 11474


CC help a LC out in her time of need. I will always love CC


Cece the lizard Anonymous 1255[Reply]

Meet Cece the lizard - or the lizbian - crystal.cafe's answer to Pepe the frog.
Based on an article about a certain type of lizard that is female only.
feel free to make your own versions of her or even edit mine, anything's a contribution.
By the way - this does not snuff out the miner waitress mascot girl. She would be the wojak equivalent.
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Anonymous 11574


I wanted to see if I could redesign Cece.

Anonymous 11575

It's funny how different screens on different devices have different contrast.
On my PC she was a lot lighter but on my phone her colors are darker.

Anonymous 11576

The species of lizard cece is can only be female, therefore I don't think there's a need to give her those typical female furry "femininity" signifiers like pink colors, makeup and big lashes to yell to the masses "look everyone she's a girl". She doesn't have to perform traditional femininity. Bad redesign, sorry.

Anonymous 11577

I didn't know that. I just saw brown lizard and wanted color.

Anonymous 11617


Screen Shot 2024-1…

Anonymous 11669[Reply]

Official request for an lolcow board or an ecelebrity or online personality board to discuss streamers, YouTubers, and internet drama?

Anonymous 11670


Anonymous 11713

We don’t want any drama


Anonymous 4776[Reply]

How can we grow this community while avoiding moids?
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Anonymous 11686

I wonder about this too, I come here as much as possible. I get tired of lolcow sometimes and here it’s more down to earth. But yeah it sucks not many users are here with olds threads and we need more and better mods (appreciate the current decent ones we have but I’ve seen some shit here, but alas keep reporting.)

I guess the best thing to do is keep posting and engaging with others and make good threads, that might attract female users via search engines keywords or nonas telling fellow like minded women.

Anonymous 11687

Same nona, also make threads only women would could care about and are interested in, that would keep away moids. Husbando threads, cute males, boyfriend threads, (mental) health advice, fashion, self care etc

Anonymous 11703


99%? Ok I guess we can keep the hot moids or enslave the ones with no balls.

Anonymous 11706

By "attractive" they mean hairy roidmonkeys

Anonymous 11712

No. Fuck all moids.
We don’t want any of them


future meet up? Anonymous 4997[Reply]

I acknowledge the potential dangers to this, especially considering we’re a women’s board, but is there ever a possibility of a crystal cafe miner meet up happening? preferably in texas because that’s where i am <3 hehe
i’d be willing to set it up (location, time, etc) if people would come (i’m in Houston fyi, but we can have multiple in different places).
where would we have it? i was thinking a park or coffee shop…
what do y’all think?!
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Anonymous 11178

Glowing hard, OP.

Anonymous 11682

god dammit we should be the ones most likely to cause a shooting.

Anonymous 11684

>Be me
>Show up to nona meetup at designated time/place
>See a large group of men and trannies.

Anonymous 11707

This its like asking to be raped

Anonymous 11710

Yes anon there are other nyc metro users here

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