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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 11585[Reply]

I need actual genuine real advice
I have no woman irl who I can ask these things
Is it even possible to be friends with men or will they always end up trying to use women for their sexual pleasure

Anonymous 11586

Wait this doesn’t belong this this board fuck fuck fuck fuck

comments and comlp…

Comments & Complaints Pt. 3 Anonymous 9259[Reply]

because the last thread is full
310 posts and 39 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 11573

Why did you delete my technology thread from /b/?

Anonymous 11578

Why was the antidepressants thread deleted? Didn't make it just wondering. Literally all my posts get deleted for being "too offensive", "slightly dissident", or some other reason, and I see more and more childish posting styles and threads up than I do quality posts creating discussion on this site anymore. Kinda sad.

Anonymous 11582

I was the nona who was hurt by your post and reported you. I'm not a mod lol.

Anonymous 11583

ah, okay. I hope you know I am legitimately sorry about what happened and hurting your feelings. If you ever want to talk it out on discord or something so you can hear me say it over a vc if that helps you know I mean it and I'm not bullshitting, just lmk. I'm more than willing to.

Anonymous 11584

I know you're not a mod but I still want to work things out with you regardless, I feel bad. If you're willing to talk and stuff. I get it if you don't want to.


Anonymous 2780[Reply]

How did you all find this website?
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Anonymous 11542

huh? this place is anonymous why would she even care if someone called her a troon kek

Anonymous 11543

needed source of female pepe

Anonymous 11546

someone on dc sent me a link to a post on r/4tran which gave me a link to cc. ironically i found out about this place when i found out about trannies

Anonymous 11579

I know at least one male from here (not me) who's straight and cis. He said he comes here because he legitimately likes the discussions and because 4chan is getting spammed to hell, and the mods aren't doing anything about it. Pretty sure 4chan got bought out by some Jew and they are slowly turning it against its users before shutting it down completely.

Anonymous 11580

what would he even talk about though like the threads here are so dead


Cece the lizard Anonymous 1255[Reply]

Meet Cece the lizard - or the lizbian - crystal.cafe's answer to Pepe the frog.
Based on an article about a certain type of lizard that is female only.
feel free to make your own versions of her or even edit mine, anything's a contribution.
By the way - this does not snuff out the miner waitress mascot girl. She would be the wojak equivalent.
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Anonymous 11570

Is it wrong that I think Cece needs a redesign?

Anonymous 11574


I wanted to see if I could redesign Cece.

Anonymous 11575

It's funny how different screens on different devices have different contrast.
On my PC she was a lot lighter but on my phone her colors are darker.

Anonymous 11576

The species of lizard cece is can only be female, therefore I don't think there's a need to give her those typical female furry "femininity" signifiers like pink colors, makeup and big lashes to yell to the masses "look everyone she's a girl". She doesn't have to perform traditional femininity. Bad redesign, sorry.

Anonymous 11577

I didn't know that. I just saw brown lizard and wanted color.


Anonymous 11432[Reply]

how many posters here are actually men
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Anonymous 11440

too many but they get deleted and defeated fast enough!

Anonymous 11441

the internet is run by moids and staffed by moids and traversed by moids nowhere has a majority female population

Anonymous 11539

Probably 30%+ but I dont care anymore

Anonymous 11559

Im pretty positive that atleats 20% are women. Im saying that because NSFW is not riddled with porn and people usually dont talk about sexual stuff and there is very little agp larping, or atleast it gets deleted pretty regularly.

Anonymous 11560

It should be a requirement on CC to attach a PG-rated yaoi picture to every post.


Anonymous 4776[Reply]

How can we grow this community while avoiding moids?
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Anonymous 10101

Tell your girl friends about it in person, put links to it in women's bathrooms

Anonymous 10145

Same for me. Moids on 4chan actually made me discover CC

Anonymous 10775

true but i hate having my identity tied to a specific tag/account

Anonymous 11330

Trannies go in women's bathrooms. Be careful where you write stuff, it stays a long time.

Anonymous 11552


I think about making a "water cooler" thread. Just a thread to make small talk in. They can talk about their day or current thoughts without having to make a whole new thread and so on.
but I am afraid of making the thread because it might be a stupid idea.


Anonymous 5785[Reply]

I highly recommend using cloudflare's csam scanning tool to stop illegal images from appearing on your site. It also helps to block proxies as well. I think as an imageboard community we can stop this shit but we need to start taking measures to put an end to it. If you want to step away from your board for awhile don't leave posting open. It will get spammed. Just put it in read only until you come back.

And yes, I'm posting this on all the imageboards I find. No I'm not a bot.

Anonymous 5788

>If you want to step away from your board for awhile don't leave posting open. It will get spammed.
>And yes, I'm posting this on all the imageboards I find. No I'm not a bot.
Oh wow, I've actually had the same idea for my own hypothetical imageboard. Glad to know more people think the same.

Anonymous 5791

What would the cost of cloudflares tool be, do the admins know? Curious if the person who posted this uses it on their imageboard and if it actually works.

Anonymous 11544

Cloudflare is ruining the internet. Seek an alternative, there are many.


auto banned? Anonymous 11362[Reply]

tried to post a thread and got banned instantly, are there certain trigger words that just auto ban? it didnt specify a reason for ban
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Anonymous 11368

not op but i got autobanned for saying youre too p0​or for the​rapy

Anonymous 11465

so are there words that. get autobanned or something because i got banned on my computer and my phone both for “unspecified reasons”

Anonymous 11487

I don't know but I'll never appeal mine because I know I did nothing wrong and I'm not a jannie bootlicker.

Anonymous 11528

maybe it was the specific combination of words that got you autobanned??

Anonymous 11534

I was banned for the first time during the lc down week, i dont know why as the reason is still not specified and i didnt really say anything baity or offensive


ban appeal Anonymous 11355[Reply]

a few months ago, i got banned indefinitely and for an unspecified reason. i don't post often so i only noticed last week but i know admin doesn't check appeals often

i don't think i've ever posted anything inflammatory or retarded here so i'm very confused why i got banned

am i doomed to just lurk forever
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Anonymous 11499

how could they possibly do this

Anonymous 11500

this terrified me because if i sent an appeal mods would have to acknowledge all my schizo sad posts

Anonymous 11515

Am I unbanned yet?

Anonymous 11516

free me

Anonymous 11526

Unban meeee


why cant we say "n0nny"? Anonymous 8776[Reply]

:( i will delete if i get an answer. i really liked this word.
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Anonymous 11454

maybe she wrote it using a different keyboard?

Anonymous 11458

Nonas and miners

Anonymous 11471


CC and LC userbases used to be hostile towards each other. I haven't been here in months (maybe a year) but it seems to me that's starting to change

Anonymous 11473

i've always called everyone anon

Anonymous 11474


CC help a LC out in her time of need. I will always love CC

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