
Anonymous 270112
Does anyone else think the current trans shit is reaching an extinction burst?
Anonymous 270122
>>270112I dunno. Maybe? I dont even know what is going on in the trans community anymore or the world in general anymore.
Anonymous 270124
>>270122same i've checked out of everything tbh
Anonymous 270231
>>269991it's funny to me how a lot of trannies love video games that have a large male fanbase. u see them argue about which Civilization game is best or easter eggs in Fallout games. like can't they be better at hiding their maleness?
I'm not saying that females can't play those games, it's just that why would trannies wanna play those games if they don't wanna be associated with any male stuff
Anonymous 270255
>>270124Same nowadays my dream life would be living in a small house in the middle of nowhere, growing my own food and my only contact with society would be when I get to the nearby town to buy necessities every month or so
Anonymous 270256
>>270255imagine this not being your dream from the get go kek
Anonymous 270288
is that an axewound
Anonymous 270300
>>270288it does not look like a true and honest female vagina. i think one of the spammers posted it
Anonymous 270330
idk who this is.
Anonymous 270331
Ok you are gay we get it
Anonymous 270332
>We are not attractive enough to an incel retard
Oh no what will we do… It's OVER ladies
Anonymous 270343
That's a man and you are supa gae
Anonymous 270344
why is there a seething incel troon literally shitting up the board? I really think we need a war draft specifically for incels and TIMs. Front of the line.
Anyways I literally just talked to a girl online and she said at 14 she was spammed dick pics by a grown ass woman THAT SHE KNEW IRL. I politely explained to her that if someone is sending you pictures of their cock they are a man and need to be prosecuted for sexually assaulting a minor. It's really upsetting to know this shit is happening and people will STILL respect the pronouns of their male assailant.
I fucking hate this world for blindly accepting trans people. Women have been literally raped and murdered 100000000x more than trannies but trans people can earn pity points by threatening suicide.
Anonymous 270372
>i hate troons
>b-b-but this 46 years old scrote cosplaying a young girl is fine cause he looks good
Fuck off ew
Anonymous 270402
tbh I don't think most trannies even kill themselves as much as they claim they do.
Like sure, I think their rates are higher because dedicating so much of yourself to living a lie is going to fuck your head, but I think trannies probably have a rate of self banning about as high as the average loser incel since most of them are practically the same person. I'm actually surprised at how a lot of TIMs are not school shooters. Like there are a ton of AGP school shooters but it seems like when you put them on estrogen they settle down and instead of killing kids en masse they settle on becoming rapists/groomers instead.
Anonymous 270410
1 yes they did lmao you felt called out?
2 after you troon
Anonymous 270415
Are you the moid that keeps spamming the site? or are you a simp woman?
Anonymous 270481
>>270415It's a tranny that spams this board
Anonymous 270581
I actually hate tranny’s like Blaire White and their annoying ass kissing. They try so hard to prove that they’re one of the good sane tranny’s, as if they aren’t one and the same with the mentally ill copers that they love to criticize. If they were so self aware they would’ve checked themselves into a psych ward instead of cosplaying as a woman. And shame on the republicans in his comment section who claim to know better, yet continue to affirm this mentally ill man’s delusions by referring to him with feminine pronouns. They’re all up in his comments lying to him, telling him he can pass as a real woman and that he looks “pretty.”
Anonymous 270582
>>270581When I was younger I thought Blaire White seemed sensible and every once in a while would say shit that seemed rational (Like saying trans women are a subset of men) but these days Blaire is a fucking asshole and just goes around calling everyone who disagree with them ugly and its just so catty. Also Blaire is getting too much work done and it's starting to look kind of gross. I don't want to hate anyone strictly because they are trans but Blaire just comes off the same energy as the really mean gay men I've met in my life.
Buck Angel is also annoying too, I find the Annoying Tranny the least obnoxious and most self aware but they are new to the scene. The big thing about them is they are a Zionist which I just can't get behind.
I feel like most of these "not like the other trans" youtubers also generally feel pressured to be far right. Like maybe they will defend TERFS but if the realized radical feminism was actually a leftist movement they would change their tune.
Anonymous 270584
>>270582you mean The Offensive Tranny? I didn't know they (she?) were a Zionist. Eh, makes sense because they probably think they'd get killed for being a tranny in Palestine or something like that
Anonymous 270585
>>270584oof shit yeah got them confused with the annoying orange. Pretty sure that was the exact reasoning, that they'd get killed for being a tranny.
I know the middle east hates homos but I actually don't know the finer details about how they treat trans individuals. I'm guessing if they don't pass they will kill them. I would assume there would be a lot more TIFs in fundamentalist muslim countries because that would work to their advantage in the sense that they would have more economic opportunities without having to deal with a wifebeating scrote and less risk of sexual harassment if they pass. I don't understand why anyone in their would want to be a TIM in the fundamentalist islamic parts middle east unless they are a homosexual male who wants to be a prostitute or some shit.
Anonymous 270589
>>270585In some parts of the middle east, transition is the only way to be allowed to be homosexual with some degree of acceptance. I knew a Palestinian TIM who id'd that way for that reason
Anonymous 270593
>>270589>Palestinian TIMOk I'm curious. Was he still in Palestine? If so, what were his experiences like.
Anonymous 270610
>>270593He was raised in Saudi Arabia, but him and his mom left to and before he died, her and him moved to the Philippines (he was mixed with Filipino).
Anonymous 270611
>>270610So wait he left saudi arabia because he was a gay tranny and moved to the philippines? It was kind of hard for me to understand what you wrote
Anonymous 270614
>>270611He left with his mom to live in the Philippines bc the only other option was living with his dad.
Anonymous 270668

>>270112The trend subset of it, yes. It’s currently at the point where if I see a lesbian flag online and click on the profile, it is a man 100% of the time. Not exaggerating. I don’t follow any LGB stuff, so in the past year it has been every time, probably up to fifty individual times. That’s just not sustainable. I’m thinking it will be like bronies. They still exist, but they burned out after about ten years. We’re coming up on ten years since this became the thing low-functioning psychopathic and intellectually disabled males (both typically misdiagnosed as autism) latched onto.
The gay ones will probably always exist and I don’t really care about them. But the “lesbians” will stop. Either detransing or more likely just no new ones and the rest getting too old to matter culturally, as with bronies.
Anonymous 270669
>>270402They just threaten it 24/7. People that will kill themselves just kind of do it. It’s a cluster B thing.
Anonymous 270670
>>270585If you’re anything but the average white dude the resurgence of interest in the Isreal/palestine thing (is it just me or is this a thing that’s always been going on and is only now coming up again because China is pushing it via TikTok to sow division?) is the most “let them fight” scenario in the history of the earth. Creating a country based on schizophrenic delusions (“religion”) was stupid, but also the only better outcome for women than them fighting for eternity like the Blood War from DND is to glass everything within a thousand mile radius of Jerusalem and put some caution tape up.
Anonymous 270673
>>270668>Mr. garrison is gay>Mr. Garrison becomes Ms. Garrison>Ms. Garrison becomes a lesbian (we are here)>Ms. Garrison becomes Mr. Garrison Anonymous 270676

The "Dead By Daylight" trans VA is dead now.
Anonymous 270677
>>270668You're naive if you think "lesbians" will stop. These are psychotic men desperate for sex with women who have aligned gaining it with a political crusade like banning Australia day. They will continue supporting it single mindedly and grow more and more vitriolic until the political climate progresses just enough for the government to capitulate and legislate denying sex to them a crime. It may take generations but their crosshairs are firmly set on this single unmet urge. Sex is a far stronger drive than race or religion and these people are more steadfast in their beliefs than the most radical Jihadi. Their numbers are too small to organise mass rallies or coordinated terror attacks but they grow each day. You will live to see weekly trans sex riots burn down cities and rape hostages in the name of total tranny revolution.
Anonymous 270681
>>270677The issue is that non trannie men will gun them all down. They outnumber them and aren't cucked by artificial estrogen.
Tale as old as time, moids will fight moids because both see women as a prize to be won
Anonymous 270684
>>270676was it by the autoimmune disease or was it 41%ing?
Anonymous 270689
>>270677Maybe. If they turn out to be more than keyboard warriors then I guess it’s time for the real fun to begin.
Anonymous 270696
It makes me happy that maybe karma is a tiny bit real sometimes, also also reinforces my belief that autoimmune disease is basically your brain punishing you for lying to yourself by fucking your shit up.
May every troon have just the worst MS decline and die quickly to minimize the healthcare burden.
Anonymous 270697
>>269991If I see a lesbian flag and click on the profile and it’s a scrote one more time I’m going to fucking lose it.
Not your word. Not your flag. Fuck OFF.
Anonymous 270699
>>270698Nona!!! Martyr a disgusting AGP AND give moids a reason to fear women?!
Take me with you, I'll be the backup in case things go wrong.
Maybe we'll go to the same prison and start a terf gang
Anonymous 270700
>>270698God I wish. Violence is the only language these animals understand.
Anonymous 270760
>>270758>rubs tar on my face and puts on a shitload of red lipstick>changes my name to sheeneequaSo anyways, as someone who has lived as both a white and a black person….
Anonymous 270799
>get a tiktok from a tif saying she passes
>she doesn’t
>get a tiktok of a tif saying she passes
>she doesn’t
every time. how do they not see that they look like women with flat chests?
Anonymous 270800
>>270799flat chests and scraggly facial hair.
Even the ones who 'pass' on camera don't pass irl because they are 5'2 with wide hips and narrow shoulders.
I get why you could hate yourself for being a girl, especially in a patriarchal society, but you're just shooting yourself in the foot when you put yourself on test and chop off your tits to try to pass as a scrote
Anonymous 270804
>>270799they'll be like 5'1 and say shit like that lmao
Anonymous 270805
>>270758This has to be fake right? There can’t be people like this. It’s just not possible.
Tangentially I was thinking about the “my friend so and so was falsely accused!” thing, and I think the math works out that if your “friend” got accused of rape it’s more likely that this isn’t their first rape than that they were falsely accused.
Anonymous 270813
>>270805> There can’t be people like thisAn MRA/MGTOW/Incel what troons out? More likely than you think
Anonymous 270831
>>270822>Spends hours putting expensive makeup on>can't be bothered to at least line his ugly stubbleMany such cases
Anonymous 270870
>>270869Oh wow,another deluded man pretending to be a girl winning in the women's division. What's the count on that now?
Anonymous 270894
>>270676What's crazy to me is just how little people talk about the link between hormone replacement and autoimmune diseases. The amount of people who start taking hormones only to have a complete collapse of their immune systems as a direct result of those hormones is actually pretty fucking high, so even when they aren't 41%ing themselves their life expectancy is super low.
Turns out "pink pills" aren't just magic girljuice medicine that turns you into an anime protagonist, hormones are seriously powerful chemicals that have far reaching and largely unmitigatable consequences. But you're not allowed to talk about the real serious health risks of any of this, or how "puberty blockers" will lead to them being so underdeveloped their lungs collapse and their brains don't form properly. It's all about muh heckin validation. At the end of the day, I pity them. But, it's going to take a lot more cases like this I think for normies to acknowledge reality.
Anonymous 270898
>>270894> autoimmune diseasesI'd be more worried about cancer. Every sort of artificial hormone introduced causes huge amounts of cancer. Whether it's hormonal contraception or HRT.
Anonymous 270904
>>270896He's certainly hetero because that character looks like a generic blowjob sex doll, complete with unrealistic uncanny body proportions that not even real women can achieve. But transitioning totally isn't about living out a terrible, trashy fetish or anything… it's
human right!I hate coomer failmales so much.
Anonymous 270906
>>270758>look up user>he got suspendedEven Reddit knew this loser was irredeemable shit lol. I hope he got told off before he got banned m.
Anonymous 270962
>>270961>72cm hips>child-birthingThese are the hips OF a child
Anonymous 270964
>>270961what the fuck is that? Is that his weird neo vagina? It looks scary
Anonymous 270967
>>270966OMFG I didn't realize it was the back his ass is so flat I thought he had really fucked up SRS
Anonymous 270969
>>270961>hormones will change my already set bone structureTrannies are stupid.
Anonymous 270975
>There’s genuinely no way someone could be this deep in without being in some way psychologically female
Well, they could just be, yknow, crazy. I think you're overthinking it.
Anonymous 270976
>>270961It's posts like this that make me wonder whether trannies are tricking themselves with a kind of powerful wishful thinking or if they literally do not see the things the rest of us see. Like when dysmorphics see themselves as fatter than they are in a mirror, does the trannoid look at this and actually see a more wide-set pelvis than a sane person does.
Anonymous 270995
>>270696are you retarded?? most people with autoimmune diseases are women. u are no better than all the male doctors that say "you're just making it up." this is literally a sexist talking point, with the brain "punishing you". only difference is here youre saying its because theyre liars, men say its because theyre not homemakers or wives etc
Anonymous 270996
what the fuck does this mean??
> no way someone could be in this deep without being in some way psychologically female…
are you retarded?? what the fuck do you mean by psychologically female ?? you sound like a moid. implying that madness/insanity must surely be "female thinking" is like one of the most obvious ways to tell youre a man. gtfo
Anonymous 270998
Anon TIMs are always psychologically male, they just morphed their misogyny into cosplaying their idea of being psychologically female.
At best, they are feminine men, but they are always male, even mentally.
Anonymous 270999

>>270995>most people with autoimmune disorders are female>mostClearly he was the exception and not the rule.
Anonymous 271002
>>270995Dude there are some serious retards on this site as of late
Anonymous 271004
>>271002>as of latetrannies are always raiding womens spaces, nona. They hate being left out even though none of us care about their tranny exclusive places
Anonymous 271012
>>270995idk how you got sexism from what she said but go off
Anonymous 271027
>>270756Jesus they're not even hiding it.
Anonymous 271060
>>270231the metal gear solid fanboys are the worst to deal with, and they tend to believe themselves to be quite smart and extremely ~aware~ of the toxic meta narratives that supposedly plague society
one kojimasucker literally corrected me when i decried 'the medical industrial complex' to the 'military industrial complex' bc his knowledge of such a thing was only ever in the context of pervy games that fed him tom clancy talking points with man ass. he could not conceive of the very thing that preys upon him.
im pretty pleased to see someone so stupid be punished so much for his willing blindness to this shit. plus he screamed at me and threatened me despite being six foot something and having at least 30% more muscle mass than i did bc i wouldn't tolerate him berating me for not responding the correct way to twitter tranny talking points.
Anonymous 271063
How does that follow? It’s just delusional. There are people that think they’re dead.
Anonymous 271065
>express a genuine wish that at skinwalking low functioning psychopaths fucking die, as they should
>get called a tranny
Yeah ok
Anonymous 271266
I find pics of old Tims in make up funny
Anonymous 271525
>>270585I don't understand why anyone would want to be a woman in the first place
It's fucking miserable
Anonymous 271644
>>270975I mean that's what she said isn't it?
Anonymous 271656

New Troon study: Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery
>With the growing acceptance of transgender individuals, the number of gender affirmation surgeries has increased. Transgender individuals face elevated depression rates, leading to an increase in suicide ideation and attempts. This study evaluates the risk of suicide or self-harm associated with gender affirmation procedures.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC11063965/Tl;dr troons more likely to attempt suicide or self harm after their surgeries than before.
Anonymous 271664
Honestly don't understand why everyone is mad JK Rowling compared being trans to trying to become black because one likes stereotypically black things. Not sure if it's actually new or not but it just showed up in my tumblr feed.
Anonymous 271665
>>271664Why is it always black people getting dragged into these weird comparisons and hypotheticals though? Trannies randomly bring up black women, too.
Like, I've noticed it's never Indians or the Chinese people use for these things kek
Anonymous 271895
>>271656What's the new number to replace 41%?
Anonymous 272035
Earnestly: who are there so many male troons in computer science?
Anonymous 272036
>>272035It's either because a lot of trannies are on the spectrum and gravitate towards typical autist interests or because online nerd culture is where they become acquainted with the concept.
Anonymous 272037
>>272035companies have female quotas and it's easier to turn men into women than women into programmers
Anonymous 272039
>>272035AGPs have higher rates autism/aspergers. Also high IQ
Anonymous 272040
>>272035Prison gay is unironically a thing. I was friends with a very short unmanly moid, like 5'2, who could not grt a girlfriend. He became a they/them then a troon. Whether it's because of some subconscious imposed idea that he wasn't a man or just a desperate attempt for affection, most troons are unwanted males. It's why they're also often the most disgusting. You'll almost never see a hot guy troon out.
Anonymous 272041
>>272039Doesn't explain why they are so absent in other high IQ fields like law, medicine or chess.
Anonymous 272044
>>272041Those all involve far more social interaction than programming.
Anonymous 272082
>>272035Autism, which can be understood as self-absorption. Non-auto-gynephilia can be assumed as the default state of a man. Man + autism = AGP. AGP + Internet = Trooning out. It's simple math.
>>272041Autism spectrum does not mean high IQ at all, quite the opposite: They are literally retarded. Law and medicine as fields are about dealing with people, and people react negatively to autists. Computers do not.
Anonymous 272093
>>272035I remember reading an interesting case study done back in the 70s that showed that many MtF's were into technology and computer science. I think this study was conducted in a university too but I may be mistaken. A lot of them were nerdy soft spoken stem dudes before trooning out.
Anonymous 272128
>>272041I used to date an Ivy League law student and the 2 things I learned from that experience that you are getting wrong is that law is definitely not a high IQ field and that there are a lot of trannies in it.
I remember one party I was dragged to where the person everybody kissed ass to was a tranny involved with Harvard.
Anonymous 272148
>>270344>STILL respect the pronouns of their male assailant.reminds me how i was describing my abusive ex… mid conversation i was corrected by my crush "it's she! me correcting pronouns does not mean i respect or agree with her tho but you must say she!"
well, i gave him the analogy "if someone was raped, would you also correct the pronouns of her rapist?" and he got the point and apologized sincerely. also wtf, who the hell cares, literally the tranny will never know he was "misgendered" anyway
also my still crush/best friend/ex has considered trooning out himself too. i am going to cry so hard if this comes true and he ruins his life. certain people he's with have been brain rotting him lately. he bought and wore eyeshadow in private too. fml.
Anonymous 272149
Want some rage, nonas? Check out this Wikipedia troon/autist drama, in which self-professed autistic anarcho-communist Dronebogus calls a gender-critical columnist a "transphobic wackadoodle" (in complete violation of Wikipedia's so-called rules against personal attacks), then gets another user permanently banned for making very light anti-troon comments:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Reliable_sources/Noticeboard/Archive_436#Student_newspaper_for_controversy_on_a_BLPhttps://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Talk:Gender-affirming_surgery&diff=next&oldid=1221435817https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Administrators%27_noticeboard/IncidentArchive1155#LadybugStardust_and_transphobic_remarkshttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:LadybugStardust#May_2024https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:Ponyo#LadybugStardustScreencaps of the drama on Imgur:
https://imgur.com/a/sRHjGRtTroons then started leaving messages of support on the TRA sperg's talk page:
Wikipedia has been completely taken over by these troon autists.
Have a look at this guy's pages:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Dronebogushttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User_talk:DronebogusI think I may have stumbled across the next great lolcow.
>self-inserts as Wikipedia-tan and probably goons to her
>describes himself as autistic, "a mentally ill child", and "a leftist commie POS"
>uses the phrase "submissive and breedable"
>cripplingly addicted to userboxes, collects them like they're fucking Pokemon
>one of them is about that Nyanners girl who sings cutesy songs about wanting to be raped as a little girl
>three of them are about his waifus
>the other five hundred and thrembo are standard troon humor
>one of them says that he "wants to turn America into a GAY COMMUNIST ANIME."
>has a second section at the bottom for userboxes that don't even apply to him; I didn't even notice this at first
>they're also cringe-inducing troon humorNonas, this is truly the perfect specimen.
This appears to be yet another case of an actual natal woman being driven off of the site by an overbearing autist man.
Anonymous 272160
>>271665There are people who claim that they are transblack
Anonymous 272179
>>272139Should've underlined the unironic "I'm a ginger so it might just be that" too, pornsickness at its finest.
Anonymous 272219
>>272149Wikipedia is a tranny circlejerk. The user you posted about is very much the typical Wikipedo editor: a porn-obsessed tranny activist neckbeard.
Anonymous 272235
Troons are gross but at least they're getting themselves voluntarily sterilized right?
Anonymous 272240

FYI this is the endgame for troons lmao. The straight ones anyway
Anonymous 272247

>>272149Good god, this is bad lmfao. Ladybug's comments on "gender reassignment surgery" were honestly a little too nice and she still gets banned.
I'm so sick of this moid shit, they already have everything now they have to take over everything women have to. Just so done lol
Anonymous 272265
images (1).jpeg

>>272240Sorry for the pixelated meme. I had to post it.
Anonymous 272266
>>272240they are disgusting, selfish narcs in life and this is the tortured last leg of it that they deserve.
Anonymous 272300
>>272240>80 in 2024>transitioned in 1974doubt
Anonymous 272311
>>272300you do know trannies and gender reassignment surgery existed back then right?
Anonymous 272401
>>272040tbh a friend of mine had an ex bf who's pretty hot, was thinking abt trooning out, it's just a question of self confidence
Anonymous 272414
me if i drank.jpg

>scroll around some sites to chill for a bit and even out my mood from stressful life stuff
>run across the troon flag or some unfunny "meme" about eggs or "girldicks" or cringey tranny logic every 10 minutes
>some cool art, engineering stuff, pet pics–"GUYS MY EGG CRACKED"
>any time I come close to forgetting about it, another one comes up
>mood is now even worse
>realize it's almost June which will only multiply this crap
>remember this place exists, stumble back to scream into the void for a sec
It's like going for a walk in a nice area, minding your own business to take your mind off things, but every 50 steps a sexual predator in a dress flings rancid feces at you and screams about how you're not respecting his genitals enough. Like, fuck off, I wasn't even thinking about you, but I suppose that's a crime to entitled narcissists. You just HAVE to shove your crap in everyone's face, god forbid you just be a person and exist without going "EVERYONE LOOK HOW TRANS I AM, HAHA I AM SO TRANS, BIOFEMS WISH THEY LOOKED THIS GOOD LOL IGNORE MY STUBBLE THO". No no, can't have that, gotta manpost about how "girl" you are and show off your latest plans to look more like a sex doll marketed toward men.
The moderation teams are all trannies, so you also can't say anything against them or you get dogpiled by a bunch of seething scrotes for not going along with their sex fantasy roleplay. Even YouTube keeps doing this; there's no troon shit in my watch history and I continuously junk recommendations that have troon shit in it, but they keep popping up. It's like the worst game of whack-a-mole I never asked to play. No, I don't want to watch a video about a "transing journey" or some guy doing voice training to sound like a guy failing to sound like a woman, or how hard "Jessica" has it because she wasn't allowed to fap in the womens' bathroom when a mom kicked him out so she could let her daughter pee in peace. I just want to live my life and not think about horny men in dresses that steadily keep erasing what little rights and progress we've managed to get back from them because they failed at life. Maybe I just want to see someone's cool crafts for a while or hear what someone thought of a book without someone going "HEY LOOK, THERE'S TRANNIES" or whatever inane shit they're doing and whining how oppressed they are over their AGP.
Oh, and they don't recognize your marriage because they think you're "a girl", it's because you're a deranged abomination whose entire identity is his junk and sexual orientation. I just want to stop being reminded this shit exists. Can I not have a month, a week, a fucking day, SOME PLACE where there isn't a constant drip-feed of troon propaganda or getting raided by them for not having troon propaganda? If you septic smelling pill-poppers and child groomers have nothing to do with my everyday life, then fucking prove it and stop shoving the fetish that amounts to your entire personality into my facealldayeverydayholySHITfuckoff. Just fuck off, keep to your weird chats where you compare each other to how much you (don't) look like an anime character, shove frozen tomato juice in your surgery holes, and try to find other mentally ill men desperate enough for sex that they'll say you ~definitely don't look like a man~ if it means getting what they want from you for a while. Low quality male attention is the cheapest shit in the world, that you keep bragging about getting any for cross-dressing for gooners just speaks of how much you struggle to get it and how little attention in general you received in life. You're a male and you fail, yet advertising this and how pornsick you are is somehow seen as a brave accomplishment. Congratulations on being a man with a twisted brain, I guess? Making your whole personality estrogen doses and shit that reinforces gender roles, furthering the idea that actual women can't be women unless they wear the "hyper feminine" shit men get turned on by? I'd tell you to eat a dick, but you'd probably like that. Hell, if you're a "transbian" then you'd probably eat your own as a rite.
I'm so tired of all of this. Trannies themselves are what keep me peaked even when I'm minding my own business and not thinking about them. They're this tiny percentage of the population and I can count the number I've seen in person with my hands alone (and they've all been weird and gross, so the number is also low due to not wanting to see even more), yet everything fucking revolves around them and you're not allowed to think of anything else for even a second or you're being a "transphobe". They're also absolutely everywhere online and I can't stop running into them there. The closest I can get to avoiding it for a while and getting a peaceful break is to avoid all internet, but I do a lot of online work and can't dodge ALL of it, and even outside they have those fucking flags up everywhere in business windows or whatever.
>"Go along with it or else we'll ruin your life! We'll also beat, rape and kill you, which is definitely not something men do and have always done to get their way. I'm definitely not a man, shut up. Watch as I am more of a 'real' woman than you because I think and act exactly like a man."
No, I'm not going to fucking pretend you're a woman, Patrick. Fuck off Michael, naming yourself Lily and cleaning your face a bit better doesn't make you female. Yes, Robert, I've seen your leaked Discord logs about how you want to be a sex slave object because it's "a proper girls' role" and so know all your ignorant pro-feminist rambling on social media is ignorant for a reason, since it's just you LARPing to feel "euphoria" and you don't actually give a shit about anyone's rights except the ones you can use to get sexual gratification. Posting pics of yourself wearing striped socks and injecting drugs to ruin your immune system doesn't make you a teen anime girl, Walter.
All of your disgusting bullshit is negatively affecting laws and medical care for people and setting back our rights and freedoms–no, we are not allies, you are actively eroding the small island we managed to pile up just because people rightly see you as repellent and aberrant, it's not the same thing–all because you have something wrong with your head and need to make it everyone else's problem. Actually being a woman vs being a man who wants to be one are not comparable in any way that matters, stop flattering yourselves and looking for connections where there are none. Other men are the ones beating and killing you, and that's normal male behavior that they do amongst themselves. You are ill men, we are not allies. It's not my job to make you comfortable in spite of your sexual deviancy, nor is it my job to cater to your delusions and provide a constant stream of reassuring lies about you being what you aren't. No woman's life should revolve around ruining their own just so you get a date with her, just so you don't feel bad about how your ideas of being a super hot porn star prostitute just MAY not line up with reality. That the lie you tell yourself may not be true.
Unlike the men, I accept that these cretins being everywhere is reality even if I absolutely despise that this is the state of things. I can't change this on my own, and I can't make it actually all go away, as hugely positive that would be for everyone. I'm just one person, and when the world is run by men no one takes you seriously unless you're also one. Or, rather, they'll seem to take you seriously if you say the things they want, if it gets them "good boy" points for possible benefits. All I'm asking for is some fucking PEACE AND QUIET so I don't have the most obnoxious Straw of Back Breaking being waved in my face constantly. Just talk about something else. Do you not have any other interests? Are you just incapable of posting content or having a conversation without throwing the troon flag out there and talking about how gender euphoric you get when you see yourself cross-dressing in a mirror? Keep your retarded fetish flag shit where it's appropriate and not literally everywhere else. The world's shitty and full of moidery as it is, at least give me a break from THIS. Let me have some fucking PEACE. HOLY SHIT, I'm so tired of pornsick men.
Anonymous 272455
>>27189511x more likely to attempt suicide
3x more likely to be dead
9x more likely to suicide/self harm
7x more likely to have PTSD
Anonymous 272580
>damaged afab
What does this even mean? Women who are tomboys or victims of assault are damaged? That's literal moid rhetoric. Also, most FTMs aren't autoandrophiles. They're just traumatized, autistic, or lesbians, but that doesn't make them "damaged" aside from the damage the do to their own bodies and minds.
Anonymous 272581
>>272580i think they are mentally damaged from the misogyny theyve experienced or from some level of sexual abuse that caused them to want to chop their tits off in order to never be sexualized by men again. its these types that are lulled into the aap troon cult.
Anonymous 272582
>hateful echo-chamber
>justified disgust and anger is "hateful"
Anonymous 272584
you sound so annoying
Anonymous 272918
>>270670>If you’re anything but the average white dude the resurgence of interest in the Isreal/palestine thing (is it just me or is this a thing that’s always been going on and is only now coming up again because China is pushing it via TikTok to sow division?) is the most “let them fight” scenario in the history of the earthI don’t get what you mean. Are you talking about white moids who hate both jews and muslims?
Anonymous 273267
>>273232female inmates should all band together to castrate scrote trannies
Anonymous 273288

Had this moid show up on the front page of Reddit while I was doomscrolling. Based Toronto airport employees clocked him instantly lmao. The comments are like “omg but you pass so well” like cmon. The shitty wig and man jaw are so obvious. He’s using instagram poses to hide it too. I had a good chuckle scrolling through his profile.
Anonymous 273440
>>270896Am ashamed that I was once subscribed to his channel.
(At least it was in the beginning, when he wasn`t political and just wanted to share what he learned in uni)
Anonymous 273478
>>272035Little to no physical activity messing with brain chemistry. Causes men to latch onto stray thoughts, based on the reoccurring thought this usually causes depression but for autogynephiliacs it usually causes "gender dysphoria"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7kh8pNRWOo Anonymous 273665
Do you think Empress (the Denuvo cracker) is actually a woman? Her terfposting sounds like what a moid would come up with tbh but if the boss of piracy was actually a woman I could die happy
Anonymous 273670
A Christian church I have driven past for years put a rainbow piece of cardboard in their window a few years ago, and just recently there is a tranny flag planted right by road like it's a conquered territory. It's grim, and I have to drive past it almost every day and be reminded of trannys.
Anonymous 273695
>>273665It's not unlikely. The sci-hub creator is also a woman.
Anonymous 273699
I'm not sure about empress but fitgirl reacts like how I would expect a woman to online (uninvolved, defeated, shy, but open to talk about whatever). I learnt at some point she's bi tho so maybe she's a tranny after all…
Anonymous 273702
>>273701I'm sorry but if a woman says she's bi the chances of "her" being trans go up. Not saying all bisexuals are troons
Anonymous 273703
>>273699i understand if you said gay since the chances of it being true are suspicious but many women identify as bisexual nowadays
Anonymous 273925

Why are tims always so arrogant about their appearance with the whole "replacing real women" thing?
Anonymous 274029
>>273925Why do you think? A woman is only a "woman" when she's presenting as sexually attractive for a man. Right wing men are open about comparing non-sexually attractive women to trash or crazy cat ladies, other men are just more subtle about it.
Unrelated, been musing a bit to myself lately, and looking into narcisstic parents. A lot of what I've learned mirrors a lot of what you see in trans communities. Not every trans identifying person is a narcissist but there's almost at least one narcissist among them.
Every slight criticism is an attack against them, you're not allowed to question anything (that counts as criticizing as well), any misdeed that they do can be brushed away with an excuse like "because of living in a transphobic society" (look into the Audrey shooting), and of course, imprinting it all onto their children that they must believe what they believe, down to having mini-mes.
Getting out of trans communities was probably the best thing I had ever done, I'm just grateful that my own family never actually believed in it, despite it also being a dysfunctional mess. Maybe writing this out will help someone else, I don't really know.
Anonymous 274296
>>274203He 100% has an annoying effeminate scrote voice and thats why they make fun of him
Anonymous 274516
>>272414I physically cringe whenever I hear or read "girldick". It's ALWAYS posted about by a gay man talking about his ferishes, or by a troon bragging about how big """her""" dick is. It can't be anything but a fetish.
Anonymous 274517
>>272414I physically cringe whenever I hear or read "girldick". It's ALWAYS posted about by a gay man talking about his ferishes, or by a troon bragging about how big """her""" dick is. It can't be anything but a fetish.
Anonymous 274697
>>273925It's pure cope and wishful thinking, they wouldn't say it if it weren't. They want to believe it's possible, or that they somehow have some other qualities that puts them above. But they know they don't. They hated women before and they hate women even more after. They want to pretend they can determine what defines womanhood since they know they're not women and can never be. They pathetically pretend that this reality is proof of being distinct and above women, while at the same time their whole thing is that they're just women like any other. But clearly even they know that's not true in any way.
In the case of the homosexual ones, they know men despise them, yet they specifically want a straight man as proof. That combined with trooning out because of porn, their whole transition being shaped by porn, means they define womanhood like so
>>274029. What else would they have to define it? Well if they weren't pornsick to begin with it would be bizarre to them. That's why there's no real troon, no good ones. Because they wouldn't exist otherwise.
Anonymous 274770
>>273925Honestly, I don't think it even is misogyny. For trannies, they have the reality of their existence reinforced into their minds every day, that reality being that they will never be women. It's so stark and obvious that even just claiming they are women is a political act that, thankfully these days, gets a lot of push back. They literally cannot argue that they're just women because they clearly aren't. Every time they stand in line at the grocery store next to an actual woman and are forced to confront their freakish proportions, their fake voice, their moid body odors, the facial hair already regrowing by noon, it's a reality that is too apparent.
And so ironically I think they just break and shoot for the impossible, because the category ABOVE women isn't real, so how can you deny them? At least, so it goes in their delusions. Sure I'm not as attractive as a woman - I'm actually MORE attractive! And and and… we're even BETTER at socializing with men and they'll enjoy us MORE and… well, it's cope at the end of the day, but it's a level of delusion that is at least safer from every day challenges. Now they don't have to feel like less of a woman when they're in line at the grocery store, because they're comparing themselves internally to something else. He doesn't have to be a woman anymore, he can be better because he says the n word on imageboards or some other stupid criteria. Like every other kind of narcissism, they're shielding their low self esteem with delusions of grandeur. It's actually very consistent with the mental illnesses we all know they have.
Of course this will fail too eventually. The literal only thing a trans "woman" can bring to the table that a real woman can't is a penis, so the only men they attract are homosexuals, which drives them completely insane. But that's life. In a sane world they'd be given medication to treat the dysphoria instead of just indulging it and mutilating them for tens of thousands of dollars.
Anonymous 274771
>>274770> thankfully these days, gets a lot of push back.but nona these troons are getting emboldened because of the fact when it comes to identify politics, they're literally at the highest on the totem pole and have the highest victim points. it doesn't help that women are too nice to say anything about it so there's no pushback
> only men they attract are homosexualsi've seen way too many AGPs in relationships with lesbian women but at that point can you even call those women lesbian? but still, the fact that these women identify as lesbian yet still date these trannies just affirms the trannies delusions
>In a sane world they'd be given medication to treat the dysphoria instead of just indulging it and mutilating them for tens of thousands of dollars.what a fucking insane time we live in . i really hope we can look back on these times and laugh
Anonymous 274814
>>274771>when it comes to identify politics, they're literally at the highest on the totem poleI don't think that's the case anymore, thankfully. There was a time where they were untouchable but even now they're being barred from women's sports and it's not uncommon for people to just flood any event with trannies involved with angry comments. Not saying they don't have power, but the tide is turning I'd say. The absurdity of it all is collapsing in on itself. Too many people reporting a collapse of their immune system due to hormones, too many young girls growing up and regretting their surgeries, too many weird trannies getting locked up for sexual crimes. They're still absolutely powerful, but they're not untouchable like they used to be.
Here's hoping that trend continues till all of it becomes illegal. I'm still amazed doctors can make money off convincing young girls to cut their breasts off.
Anonymous 274824
>>274770I think it's a kind of power play. They are forcing you agree to to their obvious lies, and enjoying their power and your humiliation that comes from being forced to accept their lies.
Anonymous 274832
>>274771>>274770>In a sane world they'd be given medication to treat the dysphoriaBut there's no a drug to remove real gender dysphoria currently? Quite the opposite it's called gender-affirming care. The problem if gender dysphoria is genuine and not internet-meme-induced, it can't be removed by pills or even conversion therapy(a method moids use to try to fix lesbians btw). You surely can detrans some of them with fake dysphoria but not everyone. Unless I'm missing something
Anonymous 274834
>>274832idk I have a theory that if you gave them their own sex hormones instead of cross-sex hormones they might detrans. But this theory has never been tested because they call it conversion therapy.
Anonymous 274847
>>274834Their own body was already giving them their own sex hormones, so I don't get how this would work, the purpose of hormones is just to get corresponding sex characteristics so they wouldn't feel bad. This sounds similar when moids say to lesbians that they should have more sex with men to fix their sexuality.
Anonymous 274856
Rule 41: if it exists, troons have already ruined it.
Anonymous 274859
>>274832Pretty sure there actually were trials for drugs that would directly treat the dysphoria that seemed to be fairly effective at removing the dysphoria specifically, but the studies were small in scale and ultimately got defunded for being transphobic once trans became a legitimate identity to the average normie. I forget what it was called though so fair enough if I'm wrong about that.
>>274834This has also been tried with somewhat promising results.
Anonymous 274860
>>274859Just wanted to add that half the problem now is that people CAN'T look into medical fixes for dysphoria because of the political implications. Finding funding for it is impossible and even if you did, it'd be defunded after a while due to the controversial nature of the research.
If you don't endlessly reinforce these peoples' delusions you get unpersoned, even in scientific circles.
Anonymous 274865
>>274859> Pretty sure there actually were trials for drugs that would directly treat the dysphoria that seemed to be fairly effective at removing the dysphoria specificallycan you give any links about this?
>>274860>people CAN'T look into medical fixes for dysphoria because of the political implicationsit still can be researched like in china and russia without any political implications, but they're not doing this
Anonymous 274867

>weird fetish post on the front page of reddit… must be a tranny
>checks user history
“Actual lesbians” lol
Anonymous 274894
>>274865>>274865>it still can be researched like in china and russia without any political implications, but they're not doing thisAt least in the case of China they make it illegal to be too feminine as a man and have straight up jailed men for being crossdressers online, so I don't know that they have any interest in a serious or normal approach to the issue.
Anonymous 274899
>>272037And that's even though women make for better programmers than men.
It's just that most of us understandably don't like to punish ourselves even more by suffering overtly hostile (male dominated) environments.
Anonymous 274902
>>273288no amount of makeup can cover up those predator eyes
he triggered my fight or flight response
Anonymous 274909
>>274127Why, thank you, Moid William Golding
Anonymous 274995

>>274902>Implying you can tellOkay bigot, whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night ;) if you sincerely think you can tell which person is trans by an image alone, the only person you're fooling is YOURSELF.
Look at this one, not so easy is it HUH? Bet you can't even tell which one is trans… CIS pig…
Anonymous 275135
These threads have really slowed down lately. Wasn't too long ago where a thread would hit the bump limit in a reasonable timeframe, now they're lasting months and months every time.
Anonymous 275158
>>275135this place in itself has really slowed
Anonymous 275159
>>275135Everyone that posted on here went to the lc one, it's faster.
cc is dead in general.
Anonymous 275324

>women go throu menopause
>men don't
Anonymous 275327
>>275324Mtfs are already masculine and hairy, so they will never "age gracefully".
Anonymous 275345

>>272414I used to think they were only mentally ill but don't I see now; They are evil. Never forget it.
Anonymous 275417
just saw on reddit that the troon in Mr Beast group is a hentai lolicon gooner, a pedophile and shared revenge porn of a icarly girl, after years of people defending that he was a woman and should be respected… dude was actually a perv, disgusting man.
I hope he become a %
Anonymous 275428
>>275417He's been one for awhile, you could literally tell it was going to Troon out by what it's interests were.
I've always been curious at how these things reach critical mass considering this was the norm for it from the start.
And imagine being fabulously wealthy, having a family, a business you liked and still doing these things. These "people" are truly mentally ill.
Anonymous 275439
>>275159true kek i am a lolcow tourist coming to check out what terfy content cc can provide me. enjoying the discussion on the narc tranny mind, sad to see how slow the site is now
Anonymous 275456
sorry to interrupt the ongoing convo but,,, what made you guys turn to being terfs? i don't really view trans girls as women totally, but i don't care much about them generally. bathroom discourse is silly to me, i don't really care about them using the same bathroom as the rest of us. but, i do think that some radfem views are understandable.
Anonymous 275457
>>275456I ended up peaking after interacting with a transbian TIM. I'd moved to a new small town and tried to establish new friendships. On a local forum I gathered a group chat for "young women wanting new female friends". He tried to join that, but before accepting I asked the other women their opinion since the way he talked was a bit unstable. Turns out the women knew him.
He had harassed them previously, acted a fool in other group chats and - most shockingly for me at the time - did not even try to look like a woman. Like the dude literally had a long beard and looked like he was unfamiliar with the concept of personal hygiene. Looking back it isn't surprising that he also was (a specific type of) a communist and autistic.
Later on the same local forum I formed a meetup group for local lesbians. Guess who tried to join once again
Anonymous 275459
>>275458Pretty much. Only visible difference between them is probably the fact that this TIM might be a bit more intelligent (using the term very lightly) since he did some of the harassment at uni before dropping out.
On some level I feel bad for these individuals, but on the other hand I'm so done with being harassed by intellectually disabled males. Too bad we are not locking them up in institutions.
Anonymous 275461
>>275417>Did you know he's a pedophile that sexually harasses women with revenge porn, masturbates to lolicon and has a porn addiction?Well you did say he was a tranny so I kinda just assumed most of that anyways
Anonymous 275463
>>275457This is pretty common. The people that are most pro-trans only seem to encounter them online where they're seeing the 3 of them that can present well and behave normally enough on camera to not be viscerally disgusting, but what turns people is when they meet one in real life or see one in a sports match. Once they're forced to actually witness the undeniable differences it's hard to go back.
Anonymous 275469
>>275463true. i was trans myself until a male close to me turned trans and i saw how they only did it to "trans-max" because they couldn't get a boyfriend as a male and coveted straight men. i saw how he was still a misogynistic person, believing being a woman was a set of regressive stereotypes, he didn't even view women as full people, and loving that he was no longer a ciswhiteman. once you can analyse the psychology up close of these people (aka be abused be a narcissist) you peak pretty quick.
Anonymous 275677

I was reading a thread where someone asked "Would you rather be an attractive transwoman or an ugly cis woman?" And the answers were like 80% in favor of being a pretty transwoman.
Then I remember reading a different thread where trannies were making fun of Older women, saying how they look worse than young transwomen. of course this is silly because you're comparing two different age groups, and trannies only look good in photos.
But it still confused me. Isn't being a woman what they want? I mean you can either be a woman or not be a woman and they choose to not be a woman in exchange for being pretty/youthful. Is it more that trannies want to be Young and cute and not necessarily women? sometimes I wonder if this is all an age-regression fixation. Like trannies associate being a woman with being youthful and baby-like, and that is what they really want, to not grow up, to deal with whatever trauma that makes them hate growing older. You also see them really focus on what they call "male-aging" which I'm not sure is different than "female-aging"? Like women and men both age, and maybe they age at different rates but it's not as if a man who takes estrogen will not age. If you're taking estrogen and you look like a man at 20, why would you not look like a man at 50?
over and over I see it. Nobody wants to be older but trannies REALLY hate it. Puberty Blockers are a big issue with them, but is it not because they want to avoid becoming more masculine but they perceive puberty as the gateway between "youth" and "adulthood" and they wish to stop it to avoid becoming an adult? You see it again with the diaper fetish. The bimbo fetish also has elements of youth fetishization. The bimbo wants to be "Dumb", that is to have no responsibilities, to be taken care of, to be a child, in essence.
I want to go back to the puberty thing because it's so fascinating to me. I've heard them talk about something called "Second male puberty"? What the hell is that? Human beings only have 1 puberty. But I think it comes down to not wanting to be "fully-grown". As long as there's another developmental milestone ahead of them they can say they're not an adult, they're still young.
And note you see all this as well in FtMs!!! They want to be Young twinks, not adult men. Young young young. Is it all just peter pan syndrome?
Anonymous 275679
>>275677I think part of it is just that they know they wont age like the gender they want to be. Old trannies are a miserable sight. You can get away with a certain level of androgyny when you're young, but time takes its toll. "Passing" trannies are already basically unicorns, but trannies that "pass" above a certain age are on another level of rarity.
Though it's worth noting virtually all the data we have (and also basic common sense…) shows extreme overlap between tranny brains and people with all kinds of mental illnesses, so I don't doubt there's an autistic obsession with youth as well. ESPECIALLY since virtually everyone that develops this desire to transition has been molested (ie, had their youth stolen) as kids.
Anonymous 275695
>>275677Many of them choose to transition with the belief that they will become more attractive (HSTS aim to attract straight men, while most AGPs are "former" incels who fell for the transmaxxing meme). Younger people are more attractive than older people, which leads to the goal of looking as young as possible for trannies.
Not to mention that most AGPs are pedophiles, but I think everyone knows that.
Anonymous 275742
>>275677“attractive transwoman” is an oxymoron 💀
Anonymous 275763
>>275677> trannies only look good in photos. hunter schafer is seen as the like paragon of a passing tranny and in every pic of him on google he looks like a tall white dude - the masculine, beady eyes, sharp male jaw, rectangular body etc. even blair white doesn't pass. they're masculine looking down to their brick-like forearms. I never realized how much grace the natural female body had until I saw these mentally ill men try to emulate them.
Anonymous 275764

nothing says “i’m a real woman guys for real” quite like defending dog porn on a subreddit dedicated towards deplatforming violence against women, admitting you participate in unnamed “taboo” paraphilias (taboo often = illegal), and then further antagonizing the woman who posted it to begin with.
they’re getting too hard to clock these days, ladies. it might be over for us.
Anonymous 275767
gotta rant. there's this trans-identifying woman i keep coming across thanks to mutuals that i can't stand. bad enough that she's sexist (calls herself a man), homophobic (calls herself a fag), and dresses like a suicide girl with a pube beard (i think she's imitating postal dude this month?), but her art SUCKS. it's the same "man's" face and hands in the same 3-4 poses over and over, just decorated differently to show it's supposed to be different characters. and her composition is ass so she usually just puts a red circle behind his head and calls it a day. she seems to get a lot of attention from other fujoshi who also call themselves gay men.
anyway i learned today that she has a twin sister! who also pretends to be a gay man and dresses the same way! how much of a FAILURE of a parent do you have to be to have your daughters turn out that way?? i'd imagine both parents were ultra conservatives who hammered in that girls' place in life were to be pretty incubators. well gosh, i wonder why they didn't want to be called women /s i'd be rooting for them as weird but cool gnc women if they did all the same things but admitted they were women.
Anonymous 275768
Anon this is a bio woman with high testosterone. She competed in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and lost, Kellie Harrington wiped the floor with her. If she was a moid, she would’ve destroyed Kellie, and every other female boxer. Pls don’t be retarded and listen to moid rumors
Anonymous 275770

>>275769Even an amateur moid boxer has a significant advantage against a female professional boxer. Do you think a moid would lose 5-0 with a female boxer while they’re at the same professional level? Use your brain.
Anonymous 275772
>>275770Kek. He looks like a faggot, so I absolutely believe a faggot moid with faggot arms could lose against a woman, yes.
>Aggressively and manipulatively shills against antitranny sentiment that no else on this site gives a fuck aboutWhy is your type always this obvious? 41% it is.
Anonymous 275773
>>275772there's a certain irony in telling people to provide proof and then telling them to kill themselves when they do lol, least obvious moid post
Anonymous 275775
>>275772>”post proof or kys”>posts proof>”I don’t believe you, kys” Can you at least pretend to be a woman when you’re on this site? Nobody here is defending trannies, I just don’t like when ugly bio women get caught up in tranny bullshit.
Anonymous 275777
Do you happen to live in socal? Wanna hook up?
Anonymous 275779
Difference between an ftm and a radfem is six months.
Difference between a radfem and an ftm is also six months.
The existence of dimorphic sexes in an intelligent species is almost proof of god, because it's hard to believe that something that cruel and evil could happen by chance.
Anonymous 275784
Question, what decides ones sex,their genitals at birth or their chromosomes?
Are these people women or not?
>born with XX chromosomes.>born with a penis and testicles.>can't produce sperm.>over all, look like moids.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XX_male_syndromeAnonymous 275804
>>275773>Posts "proof">Debunks proof>Uhh it's ironic you tell me to 41% after I posted proof though!!Why do you troons have to infest this site?
>>275775He was found to have XY chromosomes after he failed entry into the olympics in 2023. It's either a tranny or an intersex male.
https://www.politico.eu/article/culture-war-women-boxing-angela-carini-olympics-imane-khalif-testosterone-giorgia-meloni/ Anonymous 275809
>>275784personally i have no real opinion about intersex people other than that i hate it when people use them to make transgenderism seem more valid. the two really don't have much to do with eachother.
Anonymous 275844
>>275768It means that even with that fucking advantage she has she is still shit lmao
Angela was right to ditch.
That was no fair fight.
Anonymous 276162
>>275763>never realized how much grace the natural female body had until I saw these mentally ill men try to emulateThat is such a good observation
For a long time I felt lacking in grace and femininity. And even though everyone would tell me otherwise I found it hard to believe because my brain apparently chose to compare my body to drawn illustrations of women or instagram type models.
But what actually helped alleviate my body dysmorphia is seeing the grotesqueness of TIMs. That shit really reset my brain lmao
Anonymous 276172
>>276162> But what actually helped alleviate my body dysmorphia is seeing the grotesqueness of TIMsBruh you just found the first real purpose for TIMs
Anonymous 276299
>>273665Would be pretty based if she only cracked games that put tranny shit in
Anonymous 276300
>>274894Jail might actually be an effective treatment. You don't get to be a retard, say stupid things to people, or get anime/internet/discord in jail.
Anonymous 276301
>>275010Omfg look at them big ass hands around the tiny little phone. He needs an ipad mini for the same effect
Anonymous 276307
>>275456That troon up in Canada that got a women's rape crisis center closed down because they were women only. Then I learned my home state of California allowed men in women's prison since the 'civil rights' bill passed which includes gender identity. in 2022, 39 men were approved to be sent to a women's jail. Men are allowed in women's changing rooms, gym showers, and other places a woman or girl could be vulnerable and alone. I don't want these predators anywhere near a woman where she could easily be assaulted.
Anonymous 276374
>>275345I think about this post often. I think everyone should see this rant at least once in their life, it verbalizes all the thoughts I have
Anonymous 276385
>>275804>Found to have XY chromosomesYup, this is the only "proof" we have so far, and it's pretty solid. It has never been refuted, no counterarguments against it. No proof that it's a female, whereas the available proof we have says intersex or male.
>>275768And now he won the gold. Not just anyone can win the gold, what are the odds that someone who failed a gender test before and was found to have XY chromosomes happens to be the best in the world, beating all other competitiors?
50% of the population is female. Less than 1% of the population would have this one particular intersex trait that would actually help them win an olympic level boxing competition. People accuse him of having the trait, his chromosomes are checked, he goes on to win the gold. The odds are just so astronomically low that everyone is lying and it's a biological female.
In fact, it's MUCH more suspicious that he was losing all previous competitions with 5-0's and getting stomped but suddenly gets accused of being a man, the IOC now takes over with their looser rules, and suddenly he wins.
Anonymous 276386
>>270972Close but the word they're looking for is "misandry", you can't be misogynistic towards males.
Anonymous 276387
>>272041>>272039Most autists do NOT have high IQ, they typically have depressed IQ somewhere around 85 (though it varies greatly.) It's only extreme fringe cases where one of them has "high IQ", so fringe that it's 1 in every 100 at most.
The reality is that it's just about socialization, it's a job where you don't talk to anyone and just do little things in your head all day, and it's a stereotype that they shill to each other. Trannies have grown up online and their population has exploded thanks to all this new tech, they go from their tech echo chamber that makes them a tranny in the first place into another tech echo chamber.
No, the intelligent ones are hardly ever out there. It's autism, and usually the negative form of it. Those pictures you see here of trannies posted are the average, and they are not intelligent. That's the main reason so many of them lack self-awareness, they're functionally retarded and literally cannot understand that as an abstract concept. You're most likely to find the intelligent ones in pro gaming or speedrunning (male hobbies btw), and even then they're so rare that you can only name a handful of them, they're just VERY loud.
Anonymous 276388
>>274809>and while it only feels mildly painful, I bleed a lot for the next three days>While this might be affirming, it's awful to deal with>I have to wear padsHuh? Did he just want the "period" to affirm himself but without the bleeding or the pads? I don't get it. And yes, some woman's periods are just like that, usually periods happen because a woman is just pushing a hard piece of silicone inside of her and bleeding to keep her pussy open. You go girl!
Anonymous 276394
Im a laydeee.jpg

How are Aus s handling the Tickle vs Giggle outcome today? The court ruled that Roxy Tickle, a transwoman whose primary motivation for transitioning was so he could use the women's hockey team's changing rooms, has the right to use a female-only app because of his "gender". Sall Grover raised over $500,000 to be told that sex isn't real. Thanks, Gillard.
Anonymous 276442
>>276394Just more insanity, Aus is a nanny state bordering on police state (see UK for the future of Aus). The logical next in being unable to discrimate based on sex is for non trans males to be able to join women-only spaces and jerk off their disgusting moid dicks in women's toilets
Anonymous 276465
>>276442I don't know about the rest of Australia but in Victoria all new public toilets are unisex, so any outrage at men jerking off will be met with a shrug from the politicians who designed this. Just moid things.
Anonymous 276549
I hate all moids no matter what if they wear a dress or not. Trannies are just the latest weapon to kill women. Crush all moid skulls with stones
Anonymous 276567
>>276465>All new public toilets are unisexIt's completely ridiculous too, unisex toilets make sense for small businesses. What happens when you're at any large business where they actually NEED to have a large amount of toilets?
Oops, get fucked, haha, now every toilet has to be its own separate room, raising the cost of construction 2-3 times higher than normal. Now the guy cleaning can't just mop the floor and change the garbage, he has to mop 10 floors and change 10 garbages.
Short-term you can sort of justify it by saying that they're big businesses and they can afford to make a few more discrete shitting rooms, long-term it just means the janny now has to take care of 8 times the number of restrooms, so you can expect everything to be covered in piss and shit. Discrete rooms? More like places where people will smoke and shoot up and fuck. Bored men will jack off in their completely private rooms. Alcoholics will get drunk. There will literally be piss all over the floor because the janitor now has to do several times the amount of work.
Anonymous 276610
>>276567I'm very concerned about how easy it is to film women in unisex toilets.
Anonymous 281805

Fuck off, Ms Honey does not deserve this.
Anonymous 281913
>>281805>even trying to achieve the looks and natural charm of ms honeyScrotes are insane
Anonymous 286907
I’m reading the tranifesto and im actually surprised theres nothing interesting about this. Theres like 20 more volumes we’ll never get to see, that prob has the good stuff. If you guessed self-hatred, autism, penis envy, and job hunting on turbo autism + art major difficulty = lmao…you were right. Her raging at boomerdad was a little funny, i’m sure he said all the boomer lines when she was job hunting. It’s on the Tennessee Star website but you have to put in an email and then they send you a link.
Anonymous 286916
>>286907Any ideas about why the police officer said it kept him up at night?
Anonymous 286940
Has it ever occured to trannies that becoming trans only raises their expectations to levels they will never achieve and this is what causes a lot of them to either kill themselves or detransition, and that they'd be much happier if they just accepted their actual selves and not an idealized fantasy genderbent 'sona they made up?
>not saying that transitioning is wrong
who let this retard in
Anonymous 286944
I found a "passing" TiM for first time in my life, that I legit wasn't able to tell and only learn about it because a mutual told me. I wonder how does he do it, is this what people call "intersex"? Because I can't explain how a moid could remotely look or sound female
Anonymous 286973
>>286916He was probably up all night trying to find “paige”, a big booty brown girl MC was obsessed with.
Anonymous 287249
>>286907Some other good ones I found:
ok, this one was funny. she called her dad a faggot for loving the cats (and not loving her, aww). She mentioned wanting to kill her dad too, I wonder if he knew he narrowly avoided a bad end.
Her mom wanting Audrey to be a perfect daughter. They seemed to not believe in the tranny nonsense about changing your…sex?
Being a pornpilled coomer and wanting to basially destroy a brown girls asshole, she mentioned anal sex twice; going slow in the vagina and then pounding the ass. Is she aware that doesn't feel good? i mean, i never did it. does it feel good?
But yeah, the cop had to be new for this to disturb him. There was a lot of 'boohoo i want to die'. I expected to see a lot more white hatred and more things about the church, like a molesting, but it just wasnt there. I think she killed kids just to feel important and targeted kids because kids are innocent and have unlimited potential. People feel worse when kids are hurt, making her even more infamous.
She should have just sperged out online and had the potential to become the girl chris-chan lolcow. Her art was about as shitty as his.
yes, I grew up on imageboards but I don't enjoy seeing trainwrecks or disgusting things online. The surpreme gentleman's manifesto was way more interesting.
Anonymous 287258
>>272039where is this narrative coming from where all autists are suddenly genius? have we all forgotten that autism is a neurological disability? that the vast majority of autists cannot care for themselves, nor talk to begin with? high functioning autists really do seem to believe their own autistism is what everyone autistic goes through.
Anonymous 287685

I think that the psychoanalysis take on trannies is the correct way of thinking about this (or it might be some other field of psychology, I can't remember). Essentially, it's misguided personality exploration. If you're brought up in a household with common sense, you're taught by your parents that people are different EVEN within the confines of their sex, and so you're free to explore your different sides (animus for women, anima for men) and maybe even integrate them into your personality in order to become a more complete person. But if a boy is born into a household where the parents promote very rigid gender roles ("girls should play with dolls, boys should play with cars") and this boy is being shamed for being too feminine, then later in life he's going to believe that "I'm a feminine person, therefore I was born into the wrong body and really I'm a female" while the healthy adult man realizes "I'm a guy with a feminine personality, this gives me strengths like greater empathy and people-knowledge". The latter way of thinking is more nuanced, while the former way is more black-and-white which is why autism is such a prominent comorbidity for trannies.
Obviously in most societies, this self-introspective dissonance (maybe I am a woman after all…?) is no issue, but it DOES become an issue in a society like ours where we're so technologically advanced that HRT is a thing, and we've given the individual such a huge autonomy over their own life. There's obviously no "bully culture" anymore either, for better or for worse.
The reason why gender exploration as a child is a-ok but gender exploration as an adult is dangerous is because the latter becomes sexual in nature, meaning it becomes hedonistic, and at that point we have a problem. Also, besides being fucking gross, transitioning implies sterilization, which is problematic if you want the species to continue on living. It also seems to generate extreme depression.
It's a shame that this perspective is never being brought to light. I think it could fix the tranny epidemic.
Sidenode - I think it's very funny that Monty Python of all people either consciously or unconsciously saw the link between "unhealthy personality/gender stereotypes → transitioning" as evident by The Lumberjack Song, several decades before the epidemic broke out.
Anonymous 287718

Replace the word "more" with "less" and I agree with this post entirely. I want to see less hairy tits and top surgery scars, less "pregnant dads", less romanticization of phalloplasty, less transmasculinity in every piece of media that supposedly failed to consider these people, and definitely way less jumping headfirst into masculinizing transitions. This shit is definitely not a fundamental force of nature and truth of life etc etc.
Anonymous 287746

Posting an oldie but a goldie
Anonymous 287849
>>287685>It also seems to generate extreme depression.This isn't talked about nearly enough. The only time I've ever seen it mentioned is in some lc thread or gendercrit blog post, which had many examples of Reddit Aidens on the FtM subreddit asking if it's normal to feel like shit and hate your body even more after "coming out as trans".
The obvious reason for the high rates of depression and suicide (at least in pre-transition trannies, since the side effects of HRT and surgery seem to be even bigger reasons) is that being trans means inducing severe self-hatred and body dysmorphia.
When you start thinking that maybe you were meant to have a body of the opposite sex, or that you'd like to have that body because you think it'll be better, and other people encourage this idea and tell you that you can actually become the opposite sex, what happens is that you start to look at your own body as trash, and your ideal body as your ultimate goal. And after you set that goal for yourself, thinking that your current body and self are not the real you, you start to compare yourself to actual men/women and start to notice things about your behavior and appearance that you had never cared about before becoming trans. This is what those FtM posts were about, and the others told them it's completely normal, and to try to ignore these new feelings of discomfort, because feeling like this is good, actually.
The way you walk, the way you sound, your height, your hands, etc. None of those were such a massive problem before you started to believe you're actually a man; the worst part is that you can't do much, if anything, about it, because most of those things are innate and impossible to change, let along change them in a way that you like. Becoming trans intensifies your insecurities and gives you even more things to be insecure and anxious about; it makes you hate yourself, your actual self, more than ever before, contrary to tranny claims that it's about "accepting and loving yourself". You learn to reject and hate your actual self and to seek something you'll never achieve.
And when you start to transition, the more you try to "change sex", the more you realize it's futile. You will never be able to be a person of the opposite sex. And then, for the more stubborn who keep going despite it all, after all the hormones and surgery, your whole body is in pain, collapsing even, and it all comes crashing down upon you.
It's no wonder it generates extreme depression, as you said. We can't have it all in life, having opposite sex genitals is just one of the infinite things all of us have to live with, it shouldn't be a big deal. Not wanting to accept that reality speaks of a childish, stunted mindset. Plenty of "cis" people have to live with the fact that they'll never be very tall or very short; surgeries exist, and the results are extremely shitty because you simply cannot transform a developed body like that. I wanted to be a natural blue-eyed blonde in my childhood, but as I grew up I had to accept my black hair and eyes, just like everyone else has to accept things about their physical reality that they didn't like at first. Trannies should just stop fixating on their impossible "goals", AKA stop being trannies, and instead they should learn to accept themselves and live with the fact that they'll never be something else that they physically are not and cannot be, also deal with their actual issues while they're at it. This would stop them from being so miserable.
Anonymous 288260
Screenshot 2024-09…

No amount of women saying “I hate men” will ever compare to the way men hate us.
Anonymous 288269

>>286907it's also all in her thread on the other farms. spoiler for crudely drawn cock in ass
Anonymous 288331
>>288260why the fuck does this shit happen so often in these shithole countries? It's either India, Middle East, or Africa. Although, I guess in western countries, its still fairly common to have family annihilators and what not but I'd rather die from a gunshot to the head than get splashed by acid and all the weird shit these shithole country moids do.
Anonymous 288371
>>288269Damn I could have saved her,s he's not even unfortunate looking
I'd be willing to suck on the strap and pretends it's a dick if that's what she wanted I swear to god Anonymous 288667
article title.png

>>288260>Daughter who didn't want to be named tries to help her>Gets attacked>>288331I thought Kenya was one of the safest places in Africa but they list it happening to two more runners.
Anonymous 288673

>>288371please love yourself nona.. you're talking about a 28 year old retarded ugly woman who killed 3 children. besides, she wouldn't want you to suck on her strap, she only wants to fuck black girls in the ass. she wouldn't go near your pussy because female genitalia is yucky and probably dysphoria-inducing for her or something. if you're fine with being sodomised by an ugly retard then uh.. i'd say go for it but she's already dead
Anonymous 288718
>>288269>too bad i am a sad boy born with a very puny vagina….EVerYth1NG hUR7s yeah so would getting fucked in the ass by that goofy ass cock
Anonymous 288723
>>288269It feels like she saw interracial anal pornography when she was too young, the obsession with dark skinned women and anal sex is so weird.
Anonymous 289193
>>288269She was probably pornsick since childhood
Anonymous 289505
It's so fucking frustrating trying to talk to other feminists sometimes about trans topics, especially large group conversations. "I don't want this discussion to devolve into a hate filled circlejerk!" well I DO and I'm fucking pissed and I need a space where we can rage out and talk about how horrible this shit is and how we've been harmed by it. Hearing lesfems say this in particular is jarring. Aren't you fucking mad? Who cares about optics. Let's have a discussion slot where we just say slurs for an hour, who gives a fuck? Why does every damn thing we post have to be about outreach. "We don't want to alienate any women who might ID as trans or have mixed feelings" I literally don't fucking care! They alienate themselves, for us, every day! They can't even view our fandom blogs if we reblog a post about not liking dick, why do you think it will change anything if we say rude things among women who are majority like-minded anyway? It's even worse when it's not an exclusively radfem space. Some of us are just rude lesbians, sorry about it I guess.
Anonymous 289639
>>289505>a space where we can rage out and talk about how horrible this shit isExactly, it's so ironic that spaces created exactly for that purpose are the ones mostly filled with scrotes (for example the various lesbian subreddit), so jarring.
Anonymous 289687
>>289505The sheer amount of gold star genuine lesbians I've met who are diehard tranny supporters and drag race enjoyers. Sadly being a lesbian does not make you instantly based, even lesbians who agree with other aspects of feminism back off instantly when you bring up your anger about the trans shit. I've had my own lesbian cousin Not All Men me when I tried to talk about women's issues with her. Lesbians need to call 911 on themselves before it's too late kek
Anonymous 289756
>>289687These are actually women who are gender critical, they just want to be nicefems about it and it drives me fucking crazy. They want to have a nuanced discussion about whatever the fuck, and that's great and all, but this is the only irl space I get and I just want to bitch about stuff.
Anonymous 289791
>>269991The OP image is funny because it reminds me of a story I've told on LC's 2X before (TRA friend has a man-hating dog, troon friend of hers visited and it was ridiculous seeing the excuses she made to hide that the dog was being super aggro bc it identified the troon as male).
I have an update to that story. Recently a different troon friend visited and I was shocked to hear that the dog was completely fine this time– in fact, it allegedly "loved" the troon. A few days later, I hear something from a third friend present at this event that completes the story: the dog had been drugged this time, and actually turned super aggro towards the troon at the end of the visit as the drug wore off. The extent to which TRAs will go to defend the fragile fake womanhood of troons is insane.
Anonymous 290754
I had to use Facebook today to find some news. Not even 5 minutes in and I had already witnessed a disgusting display of misogynistic "humor" in the comments getting triple the positive reactions that the woman he was replying to had. And below this piece of shit were two other tiny-dicked scrotes also being disgustingly, openly misogynistic to her for no reason other than she had the gall to worry about a kitten's health instead of laughing at le funny meme (she also got called a Karen, it seems "Karen" just means "any woman that says something I don't approve of" now).
I reported the three of them to both Facebook and the group admins, but I doubt the latter give a shit, they would probably laugh along.
How did we get to this point? Maybe it was this bad before and I didn't notice because I was a pickme? But it's as if any remotely meme-related community on Facebook has been completely taken over by misogynistic scrotes and their pickes who are free to reply to women's innocuous comments in the most hateful ways without anyone batting an eye. Why the fuck is the userbase on Facebook so intensely woman-hating? It's scary as fuck. I guess that'd explain why my ex, who suddenly started texting me last month, wanted to "debate" with me about feminism so bad. He's still using that shithole of a site.
>>275784As I understand it, the terms "male" and "female" refer to the reproductive system. In the case of XX males, it seems that the second X chromosome erroneously receives an exclusively male/Y chromosome gene during the process in which genetic information is copied. So it's kinda like a mix of male and female characteristics, of which the most notable is male genitals. I would say this would make the person male, despite the chromosomes. The only thing cromosomes are supposed to do is dictate how the organism will develop, but sometimes chromosomes have the wrong genetic information, or some other kind of genetic accident happens, so they're not always an indicator of one's sex (in my opinion, since I consider genitals to be the determining factor for sex).
But like the other anon said, none of this has to do with trannies, because trannies aren't about genetics, they're about feelings and dumb ideas about how people of either sex "should" behave. They are never intersex.
Anonymous 290783
>>287746well, he has to go to the hospital to get it taken out. thats almost like childbirth lmao. the doc can even sew up his ass at the end
Anonymous 290826
>>289687I think gold stars are even more susceptible to this, because it's easier to be tolerant when you're not exposed to moid bullshit and just ignore them. My goldstar gf used to be like this (though not an avid supporter), but even she's starting to peak as she sees lesbian places being infiltrated and overtaken by troons as well as having to deal with scrotes at work.
Anonymous 291203
>>290826Once again, exposure and education only drives down support for troons
Anonymous 291402

>>290826I've always been a goldstar and I've deeply hated troons since 2013 solely due to the fact that a man can't ever become a woman. No need to get "exposed to moid bullshit", just simple logic. Maybe women should stop being retarded?
Anonymous 291823
>>289687It's extremely disappointing when women (especially lesbians) defend men. I literally do not get it. I've been harassed by men all my life and saying "I'm not into men/I'm a lesbian" somehow made it worse. I will never defend men. They think trannies and fags are somehow less predatory than straight men, but we all know that isn't true.
Anonymous 291830
>>290754I feel bad for any woman named Karen. I've seen women just existing online get called Karen. It's evolved into just another slang for calling a woman i dont like a 'bitch.' I hate anyone who uses the name Karen to insult anyone. It's uncreative.
>>291402Agree with you. It has nothing to do with being a gold star. I honestly hate that term. Just dont be a pick me retard. Men have never hid their true selfs. Look at crime statistics. It's easy to see men invading women only spaces like clubs, bathrooms, gyms or worse: lesbian bars.
Anonymous 291890
>>291823so unfortunate, i see many lesbians online saying that lesbians can like dick and that women can have penises. then i get called a terf for saying i dont want to date a MTF. now apparently FTM can be lesbian and they're called "lesboys" so retarded
Anonymous 291928
>>286916The pointlessness of it. Like us, he was probably expecting an actual manifesto and not pornsick scribbles from a woman who played with stuffed toys. Why did she have to kill children?
>>287258>Where is this narrative coming from where all autists are suddenly genius?Boymoms.
Anonymous 292116
One of my friends complained about an acquaintance. He is 27 years old and apparently wants kids but his girlfriend doesn't want any. I asked her how old his girlfriend was and she replied with 21. No shit sherlock ofc she doesn't want kids. Seriously men who have girlfriends that are more than 5 years younger give me the creeps. I also cannot help but side eye my male colleagues that are in their late twenties at office parties when they bring their gfs that are in their early twenties.
Anonymous 292257
>>292116Is the man a tranny? If not it's the wrong thread
Anonymous 292261
>>292116every single one of them should just put the shotgun to their faces for intentionally choosing young naive women who wouldn’t put up with their shit if they were older as partners
Anonymous 292301
>>291890>many lesbians online saying that lesbians can like dick and that women can have penisesA lot of bihets pretend to be lesbians so thats why you'd see retarded comments like those by "lesbians"
Anonymous 292510

>>292301This. If you actually go down the post history of women like that you will always find out they have/had a bf, they enjoyed sex with him, they lust after male celebs/characters and they got enlightened by the lesbian(bisexual) masterdoc. Every single time.
Anonymous 293007
Do you guys have any TERF YouTubers that you would recommend?
Anonymous 293221
>>292510My controversial opinion is that if there wasn't the unspoken libfem assumption that all bi women prefer men, less would be wrongfully convinced they're really lesbians just because they prefer women
Anonymous 293230
>>293221agreed. i believe the problem could also be mitigated by the popularization of terms indicating preferences, such as febfem or kinsey scale ids. the misunderstanding of bisexuality as a 50/50 thing really did some damage, i can understand how those "basically gay/straight" people would be hesitant to call themselves bi (though i do believe that some of the types described in
>>292510 arent really attracted to women at all and are just repeating the same stock phrases).
Anonymous 293271
>watching a youtube video about a Pokemon project by some programmers>see obvious male's avatar in the comments, long hair and incredibly masculine facial structure, cannot possibly be mistaken for a woman even with the photo's shit quality>name is "Emma Starr">kek>visit his channel to hear voice>get hit with a hilariously horrible falsetto akin to SSB9's>instanly burst out laughing and cacklingDo they really think they're fooling anyone? Holy shit.
>>292116That kind of scrote is usually worried about not being able to pass down his genes because they're reaching 30 and haven't had kids, so they look for a young "fertile" and of course naive woman. They disgust me.
Anonymous 293350
>>293271Every time!! I just watched a new video (movie review) by this youtuber who randomly had a person on his channel and he was like 'go check her out if you can' when it was SO obviously a big hulking dude with a deep male voice. Like, what the fuck is going on. One comment was like "That's a man though…" I hate libfem women so much, but libfem men are just as bad, if not worse, since MTF trannies dont affect them at all.
Anonymous 293548
>>290826its more understandable when you realize a lot of people can't handle the stress from having a non-mainstream opinion especially when there's negative consequences if anyone ever finds out. They'll have the opinion privately but you'll never find out.
>>290826because they're in the LGBT group they cant say anything about trannies or they'll get ostracized.
Anonymous 294044
>>294026>think potato wedge instead of salt and vinegar chipsHe goes through all that effort of describing his brainrot and then hits you with this line.
How is that the best he comes up with
Anonymous 294054
>>293271I love when mantroons post long videos of themselves talking, because you can skip through the video and hear their voices gradually drop as they tire of (or straight up forget) putting on the creepy nasally falsetto.
Anonymous 294350
>>294026>how affirming it is to the identity…this is insane, how can people talk like this and not realize how insane this sounds.
Anonymous 294452
>>273665kek no. he went into turbo autism mode when hogwarts legacy was released and made it his life mission to crack it. pretty much confirmed hes a larper
Anonymous 294593
>>275456late reply but I'm a "terf" because I won't let myself get memed into getting raped by roleplaying moids. Their handmaidens get really mad at me and tell me I haven't found the right dress-wearing dick yet every time, but I ignore them.
The bathroom debate seems silly to you because you haven't been personally affected by male violence and violation in regards to that yet - for example, South Korean moids are infamous for installing spycameras in women's bathroom stalls to get fetish material. There are copycat cases popping up in other countries by moids who saw that and got inspired. Do you really not care about increasing that non-zero chance?
Sensible men who aren't sexual predators will choose to use the men's bathrooms instead of going into women's ones to see if there's a window of opportunity to commit a misogynistic hate crime.
As for MTFs who fear violence at the hands of other males, I sympathize, but the answer is not "let's make women feel unsafe instead." The best solution for everyone involved is a 3rd bathroom (family use/disability accessible/private).
Anonymous 295269
A TIM flashed me on my way to the store today. I wanna puke.
Anonymous 295306
>>275677AGP aside, a lot of the reason they get drawn to trooning is not wanting to grow up yet and take on the responsibilities of being an adult man. You know, sucking it up, being a provider, being the one in charge, that stupid hierarchical infighting they do constantly, and so on. They can talk about female pressure all they want, but other men and male society is the toughest on men and not all of them can cope.
Women mistakenly get viewed by a lot of men as "pretty things that just sit there and get attention/sex while everyone looks after them and they don't have to work", which gets conflated with their desire to stay a perma-child. They ALSO want to get attention/sex and be more attractive (women are attractive to them, so a natural choice) and have someone look after them while they just sit at home… cooking and sewing or something? Free of all the "real" responsibilities. It reflects a lot of the shitty things men seem to believe about what it is women actually do and how little respect they have for the work they're capable of noticing. So they pound down estrogen and say they're women, and that gets mixed up with their perma-child desires so they're actually "girls", and they spend so long sexualizing women and themselves and their idea of "girlhood" that it not infrequently turns into youth obsession and even pedo tendencies.
TiMs are typically trying to escape abuse, trauma, and objectification, or have been taught to think of femininity as weak and inferior (moid societal conditioning). Unfortunately for them, many are still attracted to men, but men drove them to this in the first place so they gravitate to fiction where the men have no chance of hurting her and can also be thoughtful without it being the act of a stealth shitbag. This media typically has teen anime guys, and that's what you see emulated. Add in that gay culture has its preferred subtypes with "young twink" being a big one, and that most women aren't going to turn into buff and rugged lumberjacks. Not too many choices to aim for.
t;dr: yes but also misogyny
Anonymous 295307
>>294593hes a man, he can defend himself
Anonymous 295309
>>295306To me, its more acceptable to be a single failed male who has a meh job and never gets married. Troons are universally reviled for being degenerates and perverts. They age horribly and most don't good to begin with. They're only propped up by the LGBT allies who are just lying through their teeth until they get peaked. Most guys want kids and don't want to marry a man and if they do. Lesbians can see through that bullshit and even in the dark, a mans body is clearly a man.
Anonymous 295310
>>273699Fitgirl is 100% a man.
Read this article
https://torrentfreak.com/meet-fitgirl-the-repack-queen-of-pirated-games-200604/>While FitGirl was building a personal home archive, she (we will use this pronoun) stumbled upon public repacks released on pirate sites.I also remember reading somewhere he would describe himself as an 'unusual' girl or something.
Anonymous 295364
>>295310what about this tells you he/she is a man?
Anonymous 295431

>>295364>she (we will use this pronoun)Does this not tell you anything? It sounds like they're referring to fitgirl as if it's just a persona thing judging by the way it's worded in this article.
Anonymous 295447
i wouldn't even consider myself a terf… but trans women cannot stop themselves from inserting themselves into spaces where they shouldnt be. i dont mean like,,, bathroom discourse. i mean like, discussions about womanhood online. you are not a woman in the way that i am a woman. you were not born and raised in a society that tells you to be complacent. you were raised as a man. and like, people are calling this "bioessentialism" as if it not common knowledge that men and women are raised differently?
Anonymous 295458
>>295431thats just the articles opinion, not a fact
do you have more info on picrel?
i tried to go through reddit, archive.org and kiwifarms for anything on fitgirls discord and his/her "manchild tantrum" but couldnt find anything
Anonymous 295482
>>295458what? gender is not an opinion kek why are you acting so obtuse?
Anonymous 295483
>>295482are you saying if the article worded it like fitgirl was a real woman youd 100% believe it wasnt a tranny?
Anonymous 295497
>>295496Does he have an anime pfp? If so, weeb men must be avoided at all cost
Anonymous 295509
>>295508pickmes don't understand cognitive dissonance
Anonymous 295511
>>295510the tumblr account says she is cis lesbian but who knows
Anonymous 295600
>browsing videos about people playing music>click one of someone in a dress without looking much at the thumbnail>video plays, instantly greeted with manface, giant man hands, Adam's apple>"That's a man.">he speaks, it is indeed a man calling himself a womanI was doing so well dodging troon content this week, damn it.
First half of the post made a typo happen and I didn't notice until now.
Anonymous 295672
HOW do people say with complete sincerity and big smiles that it's such a great thing that we recognize that some people are just born with a natural instinct to despise their bodies nothing to do about it nothing to see here move along? How? It makes me sick. Thank God I moved back to Boomerton where I can get away from it all and get stared at in the breakfast aisle for having visible tattoos and a healthy weight instead.
Anonymous 295697

The LDR subreddit has been full of troon couples recently. The worst one was where it was a guy dating someone old enough to be his grandfather.
Anonymous 295763
>>295697what the fuck am i looking at. are they both girl trannies or guy trannies what
Anonymous 295771
>>295431I think the idea is that by being vague about their gender they're protecting their identity, as if Fitgirl is some Wikileaks-tier internet criminal being pursued by videogame companies and they're protecting their cover.
Anonymous 295772
>>295771that and/or they just dont want to look dumb if fitgirl turns out to be a man
Anonymous 295775
>>295774its a woman im not fucking dumb
Anonymous 295776
>>295775and not a cc user
a toxic lolcow one
Anonymous 295777
>>295776also its funny how lolcow users never realize theyre the true lolcow
Anonymous 295833

>>295497you know whats funny about this? some TIMs actually look cute, but this was on a "voice training" server where they try to sound like women, and all the selfies were literally just men
Anonymous 295867
>>273925I have noticed gay men who transition hate women more than any other group of tims.
Anonymous 295868
>>275695>(HSTS aim to attract straight men, while most AGPs are "former" incels who fell for the transmaxxing meme).Both are transmaxxing "ex" incels.
HSTS are as bad as AGPs, and even more misogynistic in some cases.
Anonymous 295872
>>295867gay men are very misogynistic so that tracks
Anonymous 295877
>>295876i mean technically i waas born a woman tho im only comfy with lesbians
Anonymous 295878
also tell me what tims are cause ive never heard of what a tim is
Anonymous 295893
>>295872Honestly it hurts my brain when nonas think HSTS somehow aren't as bad as AGP.
If you spend time in troonoid spaces you notice that most of female hate and misogyny actually comes from HSTS.
This is because they want to have a competition with women and want to attract straight men.
This drive them insane.
Did you forget this?
Straight man = man
Bisexual man = man
Homosexual man = man
AGPs and HSTS are equally bad.
Anonymous 295895
>>295878think "trans-identifying male" in this context, not sure
Anonymous 295902
>>295893they're both the same flavor of mentally ill and both disgust me. i think AGPS instinctively disgust women more because it's like despite being a tranny, they still want access to womens bodies and don't even put effort in trying to pass unlike hsts. but yeah they're men at the end of the day
Anonymous 295911
>>295458"fitgirl" has a woody for amelie and talks in "hello fellow girls" speak the way any other tranny would. you're not going to get a concrete answer about the identity of a repacker or a cracker. its just about ego and one upping one another in piracy spaces. why do you think a real woman would admit to being one if it was another thing that could make it easier to reveal her identity?
Anonymous 295934
Fellow TERF here been peaked for a while now and everyday seems to be a new reminder for why I hate trans people. So I am a biracial black woman and I have an Instagram account. Today I posted a really cute picture of myself made up where I felt confident and happy and I uploaded it to my account for my followers to see. Next thing I know, I get a weird comment from someone I don't know saying "Ew why do you look like that?" Usually I ignore such a comment but today I chose to entertain it since I was bored and merely said "Well I think I look cute thank you very much." Next thing I know, this person is tagging me on their account and they've made a whole reel where they used my new picture and put it side by side with a monkey, basically saying I look like a monkey. They continually kept making racist memes and reels of me, even taking one of my pictures and turning it into their profile icon as some sort of sick joke. One of my friends saw this and started to call them out in the comments. And when my friend commented "he or her needs to stop". The troll replied in an annoying cutesy way "it's actually they them! Teehee". I swear to fucking God you can't even exist on the internet as a woman without some chronically online tranny harassing you. I've tried reporting the account dozens of times yet Instagram is not doing shit, even with their so called "strict bullying policy". I guess we can see who the real "protected class" is.
Anonymous 295935
Fellow TERF here been peaked for a while now and everyday seems to be a new reminder for why I hate trans people. So I am a biracial black woman and I have an Instagram account. Today I posted a really cute picture of myself made up where I felt confident and happy and I uploaded it to my account for my followers to see. Next thing I know, I get a weird comment from someone I don't know saying "Ew why do you look like that?" Usually I ignore such a comment but today I chose to entertain it since I was bored and merely said "Well I think I look cute thank you very much." Next thing I know, this person is tagging me on their account and they've made a whole reel where they used my new picture and put it side by side with a monkey, basically saying I look like a monkey. They continually kept making racist memes and reels of me, even taking one of my pictures and turning it into their profile icon as some sort of sick joke. One of my friends saw this and started to call them out in the comments. And when my friend commented "he or her needs to stop". The troll replied in an annoying cutesy way "it's actually they them! Teehee". I swear to fucking God you can't even exist on the internet as a woman without some chronically online tranny harassing you. I've tried reporting the account dozens of times yet Instagram is not doing shit, even with their so called "strict bullying policy". I guess we can see who the real "protected class" is.
Anonymous 295936
>>295935Shit i made this post one too many times and now I can't delete. My bad
Anonymous 295952
>>295837ok this one made me laugh it's almost like this guy slept on his head the wrong way and it got squished into a funny shape
Anonymous 295959
> Met Tranny on a game
> He heard my voice so he said "We're friends now"
> Asks me my pronouns and sexuality, etc.
> Says he can "send" me pics on discord
Wut? I don't want to see your ugly dick pics
Anonymous 295994
i got banned by a tranny mod on lgbt for being realistic when responding to their sexist perverted groomer points and opinions. for "posting child porn"…
i wish there was a way to demod that faggot for such a thing
recently had the displeasure of coming across a crossdresser
like blatantly fake tits, wig and lmao their frame lolol skele-men, when will you learn?
Anonymous 296026
I've seen a lot of trannies who turn into vtubers (dont watch them but they come to my timeline too much ffs get out) that whenever i look at their models, it's always like some big breasted character which i always think they are just being perverts. It might be their escapism but god i find it so funny when their model does not match their awful look at times. Same with other artists that i see on twitter and have to fucking press the "not interested" button so they don't appear anymore.
I feel like they always oversexualize women a lot and are not realistic about their own shit. It's always with them, whenever i see other artists, they draw themselves with a more realistic self image and seems just more natural to see than a moid drawing themselves as as more unrealistic version of themselves that is gross to look at knowing that they look like shit.
Anonymous 296058
look at the bigger picture ladies, this entire trend will just solidify how fucking retarded men are.
Anonymous 296125
Being black and constantly fetishized is suffer from both political ends of the spectrum
Anonymous 296164
>>296059gurl u cant say that. like ur obv white asf thats BLACK PEOPLES CULTURE take it out of ur mouth. like that is not ur word yes some ppl dont need permission but thats BLACK PEOPLE SPECIFICALLY, theyre allowed 2 if theyre comfortable not u. gurl, i hate to break it to u but thats racist-
Anonymous 296165
>>296125 they never said anthing abt fetishization tho?? like what
i think its weird but colored couples arent.. yk it has nothing 2 do abt that
Anonymous 296166
>>296165like i mean what they said was creepy
Anonymous 296167

>>296164>gurl u cant say that. like ur obv white asf thats BLACK PEOPLES CULTURE take it out of ur mouth. like that is not ur word yes some ppl dont need permission but thats BLACK PEOPLE SPECIFICALLY, theyre allowed 2 if theyre comfortable not u. gurl, i hate to break it to u but thats racist- Anonymous 296170
>>296165why do you type like a teenage retard?
>>296164>>296167samefag/go back
Anonymous 296172
>>296170..the r slur AND the f slur with a random ass accusation..!! i BELONG here and seeing an obviously
WHITE woman saying a SLUR meant for ONLY people with dark skin to say.. like the rules said im not allowed to use uppercase letters so ill avoid doing that too much but imagine DEFENDING somebody who is DISRESPECTING a raceial culture, GOING INTO
THEIR personal bubble and just saying the slur like what, how many times was that?? that is off the rails im done YOU should be against whoever trolled us with that video.
Anonymous 296173
>>296172if things on the internet make you this mad just log off it cant be good for you
Anonymous 296191
>>296173She's not real anon that's a samefagging man.
Anonymous 296231
Screenshot 2024-10…

lolcow is down so now you guys have to witness this vomit-inducing garbage. I will never forgive men for what they have done to yuri.
>>296172Go back
Anonymous 296239
>>296231Any "cis lesbian" that
1. Brings a tranny home to fuck, and
2. Is obsessed enough about terfs to mention it during foreplay
Is not a lesbian that is most definitely a bihet or straight woman.
Anonymous 296365

>just one more operation bro. just let me have one more and i'll stop.
Anonymous 296367
>>296365This reads like horror. Makes me think he is gonna steal a woman’s eyes
Anonymous 296368
>>296367yeah, that's where my mind went with it too.
Anonymous 296414
>>295893AGP are more likely to physically hurt a woman, HSTS are more likely to emotionally hurt a woman. I hate HSTS a little less.
Anonymous 296572
as a gentle reminder, most people would just click off if they felt they could. i don't hate other women.
Anonymous 296576
>>296570This honestly reads like someone larping in order to clown on troons. Be more subtle.
Anonymous 296577
>>296570A troon would not have this level of self awareness. They are delusional and believe everything they do is brave and beautiful, including watching cartoons fuck.
Anonymous 296628

Rare footage of some cute trans girls having a swim
Anonymous 296688
The troon thread on lc is raided with jealous dysphoric men who called a pretty girl with a round face, which looked like a doll, ugly kek because they only feel better after gaslighting people, I mean their entire being is just gaslighting so it makes sense.
What a sad existence kek
Anonymous 296785
>>296315Juno like the overwatch 2 alien girl? damn, those dude cannot have a original personality
Anonymous 296799
feeling better after remembering hating trannies is cool now
Anonymous 296800
>>269991lmao john50 no hrt. ofc your dog still thinks ur a man nothings changed. ive never once had this problem in my family's all girl household with my poor formerly abused rescue puppy. sorry for off topic tranny reply just saw picrel and thought it was sad
Anonymous 296824
>>296799is it really tho. like it only seems like it because cc hates troons
Anonymous 296852

>>296849LOL, I've actually had encounters with that particular tranny before.
This is my favorite image to troll him with.
Anonymous 296858
>>296849this troon is a porn addicted idiot but i kinda agree porn shouldnt be banned because it causes the rate of rape and teenage pregnancies to go up
Anonymous 296870
>>295902If you think HSTS pass or anything I feel bad for you. I don't care if man is straight or gay. He is stil a man and being gay doesn't make him better than other males.
>>296414I hate them both.
Both is bad.
>>296861Yeah this is your average "UwU StRaIgHt HSTS trans guwrlll SLAYYYY"
Anonymous 296881
>>296858Yes because there should be a subset of women we should let be abused and raped so the "good" women aren't
Anonymous 296893
>>296881im talking about blocking access to video/picture porn not the porn industry itself which yh should be disintegrated. most pornstars nowadays are onlyfan whores that selfemploy not get raped or abused like normal pornstars do
Anonymous 296929
>>270758>One woman is brave enough to talk about what has happened to her>Receives the help she needs to leave the situation >Inspires others to do the same>Tranny moid wants the same attention w/o the trauma Many such cases. Disgusting all the same
Anonymous 296930
I had a nightmare last night about a tranny I saw at an all-female event I recently went to. This is like the third nightmare I've had with them in the last few months, and each of them I've seen in women's spaces. I wish they would all completely vanish, they fucking sicken me. Women would be so much safer without men invading their privacy all the time.
Anonymous 296966
>>296893You still have the mindset of "Those whores who make bank off of showing their tits!"
In reality most of them don't earn shit unless theyre willing to do some really gross stuff, and be really active in posting "content"
There's also a shitload of broke college students. which is sad and ironic, considering the very thing they try to make money off of will probably prevent them from having a respectable job in the future.
And it's kinda sad when the women that produce porn realize how it affects not only them but people's relationships and their own. One woman comes to mind, she does of but left her boyfriend because of his porn addiction. Make of that what you will
Anonymous 296972
>>296870yea these "hsts" troons are just as smug and misogynistic as agps.
Anonymous 297011
>>297010Not wanting to be seen as a set of body parts to use i guess.
Anonymous 297014
>>297011Self-loathing seems like a more likely explanation. Who else would want to become a moid?
Anonymous 297066
Is it weird that I'm fine with trans men but think that tranny "women" are just a bunch of deviant liars who want to lure real women into a false sense of security? I just think that women (biological) wouldn't really do it for malevolent purposes whereas many moids are degenerate enough to cut their dicks off just to get attention from women
Anonymous 297159
>>296858I think trans men are less scary because they aren't moids. They simply don't have the biology or socialization to be bloodthirsty, apathetic, rapist chymps.
I pity FtMs, I am suspicious of MtF's.
Both piss me off though.
Anonymous 297444
>>286944>how does he do itHSTS and likely under 30. The ones that are after women don't pass.
Anonymous 297512
lena 5.jpg

I can tell that I'm getting caught up in certain radfem eco chaimbers, which I don't really mind because I think it aligns with many of my viewpoints and it gives me a sense of community, esp since many women irl aren't ready for radical feminism (yet) or just want to keep it cute and unpolitical which I respect. It's just that sometimes I feel like no one really shares my views on certain (radfem) topics and those online communities really help with it.
Ikik cc in itself is mostly radfem but I genuinely don't want to be a misandrist but I can slowly feel myself becoming one. There's some great men in my life (specifically my brother, my dad is great too and him and my mom are in a happy marriage but sometimes when my mom tells me about things he did when they were first dating or really until not too long ago I'm wondering what lead him to do such evil things and even more how she's been putting up with this shit for so long, he's a great father to me tho).
It really makes me wonder sometimes how much moids can be trusted. Like being straight up evil to someone isn't anything that would ever even come to my mind and I feel like (other from some gossip and subtle bullying maybe, which most girls grow out of at some point) women just wouldn't be evil like that for no reason. Am I just being delusional here? Is it just because men still see us as "below" them, so they have more accessible/easier targets?
Either way I really don't want to hate men as a whole, I know there's good ones out there and I don't want to fall too deep into my radicalization. My capability of empathy is something I've always been pround of, how do I not lose that capability when it comes to men? Generalization of a group who can't help having a certain attribute has never lead to anything good and it just creates hate… I don't want to hate anyone simply for being male, I don't want to disregard their opinions simply because of that, I don't want to be ignorant towards their words. Has anyone else been struggling with this? I know many nonas are radfems but I also know many of you are in relationships with moids (maybe even simultaneously??), have you just given up on men (and trying to empathize with them) as a whole? What about great thinkers, if you read their books, do you not empathize with them? What if they agree with your opinions and see the partriarcy for what it is? Any opinions?
Anonymous 297527
>>297512its difficult to hate someone just because of how they were born. Women, while judgmental, aren't quick to be bigoted like moids, who will hate an entire group of people just because he thought a girl laughed at him once or a he read a story on reddit about a guy who was divorce raped because he nutted inside a gold digging covert radfem stacy.
There are good men out there who I believe legitimately see women as human beings, I agree. But there are also good pit bulls who will go their whole lives never so much as nipping you its entire life. Doesn't mean its a good idea to adopt one and take the risk of spending your life surgically reconstructing your face.
It's especially hard because of biology. The worst thing about being a woman is overcoming that horrific magnetic pull to be with our own biggest natural predators. But in nature, a lion needs a deer far more than a deer needs a lion.
Just read incel shit enough, and scroll through any youtube video about a woman being harmed and things slowly click. It is a scrotes nature to be a violent rapist. I agree, I wish it didn't have to be that way. I think of moids could overcome their entitled violent autistic chimp side the would would be a much better place. Very likely a utopia devoid of war, hunger, disease, and poverty.
Anonymous 297548
>>297537Well nona men have the courage to rape random children, that's why men do it more.
Anonymous 297549
You know this is a gay liberal statistic where spanking and basic discipline are counted as abuse.
Anonymous 297555
Discipline is the only "abuse" you can hold over women's heads because when it comes to child sexual abuse, violent animal abuse (yes, men are the majority of cases that aren't senile animal hoarders, you soy opinion faggot), sexual assault, murder, male on male rape, men are the ones that dominate fucked up statistics above all. Even in cases when mother infanticide happens, it's almost always due to the mother killing herself and her child to save them from existing in a fucked up society such as in Afghanistan or pre-1960s, or in cases where people are simply stupid and don't know how to look after kids. Whereas for men (which make up most parental killings across the board) it's done for his sadistic pleasure - sorry - I mean his innate "courage and compassion". He is so compassionate and courageous for raping and killing his own child. Of course, I believe you, men can do no wrong.
Anonymous 297563

>>297555The neonaticide shit is only slightly skewed higher towards women because moids don't get a chance to kill the baby.
Every other form of baby/child killing after newborns (which is 97 percent of all child deaths) is dominated by scrotes.
Also the highest cause of death by a pregnant woman is homicide by scrote.
Anyways, the small gametes stats are bullshit. Even with most moids abandoning their babies and women being 8 times more likely to raise a child alone than your average pump-and-dump scrote, moids still chimp out and can't resist beating and murdering their own offspring because they are courageous n shit.
Anonymous 297567
>>297527Thanks for the insight nona, what you say is definitely making sense. Just curious about your thoughts: Have you personally made the conscious decision to stay out of relationships with moids, no matter what? It sounds like it from your post. Many radfems are trying to shill 4b and I kind of get why…
>>297534If anything this is pushing me more into the radfem direction. Why focus on child abuse and bring up some random statistics without any context or source?
Yes, I said that I feel like being evil doesn't come as natural to women as it does to moids, I still acknowledge the existence of some women who are doing evil. So what exactly are you trying to do here? Even if it were about the statistics, this is probably one of the only ones which supports your standpoint of women doing more evil, with all other crime rates showing quite the opposite. Which I highly doubt is just because of women being too shy lmao.
Generally I'm not a big fan of the whole statistics thing, because people always find a way to twist it, just like you did.
>Fathers responsible for 29% of Child abuse cases, mothers responsible for 71%>meaning women are two and a half times as likely as men to commit child abuseYou are saying this as if your conclusion that women are two and a half times as likely to commit child abuse came naturally out of the percentages when it does not. If that percentage were to be accurate, that'd simply mean in cases of child abuse, it'd be two and a half times as likely to be committed by a woman, which is not the same as any woman is two and a half times as likely to commit child abuse compared to any moid.
So either you are purposely trying to misinterpret the data or you genuinely don't know any better, it does make you an unbelievable source either way (even if you hadn't been to begin with lol).
Do I have to explain why it's not the same thing now or can you get there on your own? lmao
Anonymous 297678
https://july13th.com/hate/I noticed that the majority of the edgelords depicted on here are moids and trannies.
Anonymous 297790
>>274995It's very funny how troons are always 180cm or taller. It's as if there was a tranny height cutoff and men under 180cm felt literally incapacitated to troon out when short.
Anonymous 297902
Why are troons obsessed with cat memes and being "silly"? Its just something i noticed.
Anonymous 298203
cripes dude.png

>>297527>It is a scrotes nature to be a violent rapist.SURE IS
Anonymous 298208

>>298203Why do women buy into so much imbecile gender talk, allow themselves to be manipulated so much and let things reach this kind of limit? Throughout this story, the girl narrated several situations of extreme discomfort, and only ended up with this disgusting tranny when he physically injured her. It was clear that this deformed, degenerate thing was some kind of incel turned "trans woman", as it would be easier to manipulate and coerce some liberal girl into being with him and fulfilling his disgusting desires. I felt sad for her, but at the same time angry at how condescending she was to this monster.
Anonymous 298211
>>298208Ime it's usually having low self esteem and being taught to swallow your feelings growing up for the sake of others, especially being taught to do so for those you love and those who claim to love you. That alone bypasses most sensibilities like ones that would indicate the red flags around this man
Anonymous 298217
>>298203i feel bad for her but at the same time go a fucking back bone ffs. i can't believe she went through all of that and still thought that the freak was a woman. i wonder how many women end up dating or marrying troons it can't be that much right?
Anonymous 298220

>>298211>>298217That was all the girl was able to describe in the post, but damn, it seems like this "relationship" was horrible and disgusting from beginning to end, the troon was completely disrespectful to her at all times, and in the end he raped her with a sex toy; It is difficult to understand the reason for so much subservience towards such a disgusting creature. In my opinion, all libfems who are handmaids to these beasts will only wake up when they experience some type of violence, unfortunately
Anonymous 298230
clueless troon.mp4

And here we have a man mansplaining his male sexual proclivities to someone as a means to educate them on what lesbians typically do and enjoy in bed without any self-awareness whatsoever, thinking he is doing the opposite of what he is actually doing.
>>298208Mental conditioning is a hell of a drug. It's why "she said yes" on its own is so insubstantial as consent. Groomers and traffickers break girls and women down all the time to the point they can be coerced into saying yes and asserting they believe it.
Anonymous 298234
>>298208This girl was completely fucked. Like she clearly had a horrible image of herself, she was recovering from an eating disorder which means she hates her body and unfortunately someone used her body dysmorphia as a way to empathize with a tranners 'dysphoria'(aka fetish).
The best we can do as outsiders who are peaked is to never back down from tranny sympathy. You never stop reminding AGPs that they are mentally ill incel fetishists and not fucking oppressed minorities.
You never stop telling TIFs they have internalized misogyny and they need to punish men, not themselves.
Most of all you need to fight the gendies. You need to debate them. Its hard, trust me. But at the end of the day if you do most of this shit online and word things carefully enough you can actually get a debate out of some of them, even peak some.
Anonymous 298242

>>298234>>298230>>298217>>298211One of the main weapons against women is to deprive them of their sense of self-preservation, patriarchy does this, the porn industry does this, gender ideology does this, in my opinion, all these structures perversely solidify in female vulnerability.But women and girls need to learn that they are their own protectors, and they need to start rejecting all the trash that people around, institutions and the media throw at them, in a subtle way, so that they don't end up
>>297902the way the girl in the print ended: attacked and traumatized
>>297902Apparently these people have pedo tendencies in general, and they like to appear "silly", because they think that this way
they will look more like children.
Anonymous 298487
troon offenses.jpg

>>297527>Just read incel shit enough, and scroll through any youtube video about a woman being harmed and things slowly click.Pretty much. It happens no matter how they choose to present themselves or what they want everyone to refer to them by. Men are men and they can't stop being men. Ones that aren't fucked up are incredibly rare, even more than some would initially think since they like to pretend to be decent for sexual access.
https://www.womenarehuman.com/women-in-shelter-forced-to-shower-with-man-who-identifies-as-transgender/>A man's "right" to shower with women because he says its a right he's owed is more important than any woman's right to not be sexually harassed by him. Anonymous 298663

Oh boy, are we posting studies? Here's a fun one
>o-existing problems.7Between 2000 and 2008, 225 children (144 boys, 81
girls) were consecutively referred to the clinic. From
this sample, 127 adolescents were selected who were
15 years of age or older during the 4-year period of
follow-up between 2008 and 2012. Of these adolescents,
47 adolescents (37%, 23 boys, 24 girls) were identified
as persisters
> As the Amsterdam clinic is the only genderidentity service in the Netherlands where psychological
and medical treatment is offered to adolescents with
GD, we assumed that for the 80 adolescents (56 boys
and 24 girls), who did not return to the clinic, that their
GD had desisted, and that they no longer had a desire
for gender reassignment
Numbers made by the Amsterdam clinic, the only clinic in the Netherlands that offers tranny care to kids, shows that with the care they give them ONLY 37 PERCENT of them continue care through adolescents, while 63% of them grow out of it. How does this work into "born this way" stuff where people just stop doing the coomer shit once they get like 4 years older and wiser?
Anonymous 298664
>>287685>"unhealthy personality/gender stereotypes → transitioning" I disagree. Many kids from "post-gender" households troon out, I see no correlation to a conservative background.
Based on personal observation, I'd argue it's a combination of three different factors:
Some of it is just plain autogynephilia and/or pedophilia.
Some of it is sexual trauma in disguise, where they attempt to change their body into something not threatening to themselves, or something not able to be threatened by their past abuser.
Some of it is the desperate attempt to purchase membership in a perceived social in-group that is supposedly better off (many "anime-trannies" fall into this category in my experience, as do those TIFs with a constant chip on their shoulder).
Anonymous 298667
>>298664NTA, I think it's a lack of identity, most trans issues pop up around when puberty starts and they're supposed to resolve themselves as you get older.
Basically when you're 12 you don't know who you are, what you are, what role you play in society, you know nothing. You could, for some reason, think that you're the wrong person in the wrong role, and society and people around you are supposed to say
>No, actually you don't need to inject hormones, you're just confused.Forming an identity is something every teenager does. When something goes wrong with this and it isn't corrected you have these strange identities formed around sex. Many of those other things that you talk about are based on "oversexualization", these people formed their identities around sexuality and naturally they'll be the most disgusting coomer freaks. When your identity is formed around sex there is NO END GOAL besides more disgusting and degenerate sex, what does coomerism grow into? You don't start getting interested in other things, you interpret other things through the lens of your worldview and identity, which is sex.
Oversexualization doesn't just affect one part of your life, it spreads to every facet of it. When you take up an identity it changes how you see the world, and if that identity is based on sex you start seeing the world through sex, you become oversexualized, you start building layers upon this oversexualization as you're pushed further and further.
Anonymous 298678
average scrote.png

Good morning. Another man decided to go full family annihilator, but demands to be called a woman, despite not acting like, thinking like, or being one. Men never mention that male suicide statistics also include murder-suicides, which happen all the time with them. Men will be men, no matter what they call themselves, but if you dare question this then they'll call for your death because that's what men always do! DEFINITELY A WOMAN. DEFINITELY THINGS WOMEN DO. YEP.
https://reduxx.info/canada-trans-identified-male-on-trial-for-triple-homicide-claims-wife-stabbed-herself-to-death-and-framed-him/Anonymous 298681

Any Brazilian TERF nonas? Did american gender progressivism arrived at your city/state? Am from São Paulo, and people in my uni are talking like american wokes, and I've seen some people like left in the pic.
Anyway, critical support for HSTS who stab non-paying clients.
Anonymous 298682

>mfw when the fujos to TIFs become so brainrotted on fetishising the "male experience" they goon over men transitioning as their wives are pregnant
holy shit
Anonymous 298683
>>298682Pretty fucked up. I won't deny that AGPs trooning out is definitely a "male experience", though. lol
Anonymous 298692

>>298681I'm also from SP, but I live with more peripheral people, so I'm not as affected by "wokeism" in real life, but in my old crappy call center job, there were lots of troons. I plan to go to public college in the future, but as I'm going to take a non-glamorous STEM course, I don't think I'll have to deal with these types of people who are detached from reality, at least not much.
Anonymous 298756
>>298692>STEM coursePrepare to meet a lot of TIMs…sigh…
Anonymous 298770
>>298756Fortunately, in the end-of-the-world where I live, STEM courses are not as popular among trannies as in the West, here they generally prefer humanities or arts, or they don't even go to college, as they like to be lolcows in internet or just prostitute themselves. This won't shield me from having to deal with lefties, of course, it seems that all universities in the world are plagued by these types, but around here, in the STEM fields they are less prevalent
Anonymous 298930
nonas, this might be a tinfoil take, but i personally feel more comfortable (if given the option between the two) with a homosexual TIM than a heterosexual TIM.
Yes, both are bad and neither should be in female spaces, but considering one is a self-hating, insecure, delusional gay man, and the other is a degenerate straight male who barely tries to "pass" as a woman and thinks of himself as a "lesbian" I would much rather be near the gay man. At least he wouldn't be preying on me or other women.
the transwomen who are first to be honest about being biological male, that biology is real and feminists should be allowed to say these things are coincidentally homosexual males. Never the straight ones. oh, sorry I mean transbians
Anonymous 298945
>>298770Honestly, I never saw TIMs in my CS classes, it was like 95% scrotes and then me and another girl. The only places I saw TIMs was in the art and music departments.
>>298930I think it makes sense to be more comfortable with a moid that’s not going to sexually harass you. I still think HSTSs are gross because they’re a hollow facsimile of a real woman and are usually made out of plastic and photoshop. For every “base tranny” HSTS who knows he’s a dude, there’s another who thinks he’s what a real woman should aspire to be.
Anonymous 299241
>>298770Please be the case because I want to go back and finish my education
Anonymous 299255
>>299241Don't let trannies bully you out of an education
Anonymous 299287
>>298930>>298945I had a crush on a self proclaimed hsts once. Probably more like a homo leaning bisexual, but they never did anything creepy or weird towards me. They were probably more at risk of being targeted by creepy men or other trans women. They never really acted like a woman, but they also didn't act like a man either. They acted like a caricature of an anime woman, and never once dropped the act. I didn't know how they were pre-trans so I never knew them real "him." I kinda realized that I was just infatuated with a mask of a person, so I just moved on. Maybe if I had stayed longer I could have known the real "him", but I didn't think it was worth it.
Anonymous 299326
>>270676Gendies will say it's transphobic to comment anything that isn't virtue-signaling about a troon's death, but will never consider the misogynistic, disgusting remarks made about Magdalen Berns after her passing.
Anonymous 299401
>>299314I self censor a lot because I'm a paranoid mf. But in this case I put "him" in quotations for dramatic emphasis, not out of some respectability politics. I quite literally never knew "him" because he only showed a shell of person.
>>275456Basically when I realized trans politics were predatory, if not outright predators. During the mid 2010's I saw "protect trans kids" slogans and stuff on tumblr, but it was mostly by teenagers and was confined to tumblr and never spread anywhere. It wasn't until the 2020's that I realized there were fucking 20 or 30 somethings saying this shit, both online and irl, both tims and tifs. There was something genuinely creepy about grown adults being obsessed over kids getting hrt. But I mostly kept it to myself, because at this point all creative fields were basically pozzed.
Despite this I still believed there were "good trans people" that kept to themselves and don't involve others in this. But those are the vast minority, and I learned the hard way that you never even talk about feelings of dysphoria unless you want to be love bombed into transitioning. And I learned that no matter their intentions, no one really transitions to "become the other sex", they transition to become trans.
Anonymous 299412
>>299410Yes anon, this essay is quite silly. It proves my point very well.
Anonymous 300614

>>298945>I think it makes sense to be more comfortable with a moid that’s not going to sexually harass you.hsts will still sexually harass you and steal your underwear kek. any tranny male is a massive misogynist and will accordingly treat you as a subhuman at the end of the day. they will still disregard any boundaries of yours including sexual, albeit in a different way to the agps. let's end this bullshit sentiment that hsts are a lesser evil. in many ways being able to better infiltrate female spaces and seem "safe" just makes them more dangerous.
Anonymous 300631
>>297444>HSTS and likely under 30. The ones that are after women don't passPlease stop implying that traumatised misogynistic gay men can pass.
Anonymous 300632
>>297010Internalised misogyny, disgust by her own female body, and being a woman is fucked up in this society.
Anonymous 300634
>>296929Why do trannies ALWAYS have victim complex and literally think they have it harder than women/ftms
Anonymous 300635
>>296688>The troon thread on lc is raided with jealous dysphoric men who called a pretty girl with a round face, which looked like a doll, ugly kek because they only feel better after gaslighting people, I mean their entire being is just gaslighting so it makes senseThey ruined fuck lolcow. They euin everything god I guck hate scrotes so fucking much. You can't even judge TIFs at this point. Scrotes are disgustingly privileged thy don't even see it. I hate them all.
Anonymous 300636
this was posted before on the gnc thread on lc before but don't think this has been posted on here. anyway this is so disgusting and blackpilling on male depravity
https://grahamlinehan.substack.com/p/this-never-happensAnonymous 300710

why does a lot of TIF's on tiktok look like this?
Anonymous 300726
>>3007101. They're usually unhealthy from the start
2. Testosterone ages them like shit
I've been having to deal with a TIF via her being a friend of some of my friends. She's one of rare ones who actually exercise* and is in good shape, but my god the testosterone has aged her ten years in only two.
*She has a muscle growth fetish and her goal body is the kind she constantly draws. Said art looks like Mr. Macho My Classmate but unironic.
Anonymous 300764
>>300710I saw that woman at a bar yesterday. She was two trannies both well over six foot.
Anonymous 300942
I work for a private company in Education. There's a guy who works under me who has all sorts of issues and has been trooning out over the past few years. I only communicate with him via email so I just follow his pronouns (no gendered pronouns) and deal with his complaints in an hr-friendly manner. Last week I met him in person and holy fuck. Bad, cheap wig he chopped up that looks awful. Bad fitting clothes. I feel so sorry for the people that actually work with him on a daily basis. He must be negatively impacting business but I'm sure no one wants to becthe one to try to fire the tranny. If I was a parent I would definitely not trust my kid with him.
Anonymous 301140
>>301139So close to self awareness but moid ego never dies.
Anonymous 301303
How is the TERF thread so far down when Trump just signed an executive order ending gender insanity?
Anonymous 301438
>>301309>3 days agoLooks to me like there was lots of traffic, then cp spam, then the site went down for like a week right before the election. Now there's no traffic and "why im not an icky terf" is doing better than the terf thread.
Anonymous 301452

Why are they almost always porn addicted?
Anonymous 301458
i might be wrong t…

>>301452i think that woman in question might be draculaura, a teenage character from a popular fashion doll line
Anonymous 301459

>>301458>>301452Not a Maga supporter, but I hope that Trump will actually do something about these guys. This is textbook definition EPI. Using things for children to make pornography is absolutely horrid.
Anonymous 301489

Need to vent, semi-blogpost but I work in healthcare and troon shit is ubiquitous. It's everywhere, you cannot escape it, and I have to do hours worth of mandatory trainings on coddling scrote feefees.
This most recent one re-peaked me, it heavily focused on whatever HR handmaiden's fanfic idea of a mtf is and blatantly lied saying "transgender women" led the riots at Stonewall. Most normies aren't going to realize this is straight up fiction and the training goes in so hard on riding mtf cock, it's ridiculous.
Trannyism cannot end soon enough.
Anonymous 301490

>>301489Samefag but I can't post multiple caps, so these are two of the ones I thought were most egregious. Other parts of the "lesson" included how to correct an aide ~misgendering~ the mtf and how to coddle him crying at a documentary about Stonewall because it traumatized him kek
Imagine your grandma being in a nursing home and having to kowtow to some psycho moid. Insane.
Anonymous 301501
Thank you, I hope you'll be alright! This was technically at the end of last year, I just autistically held onto these caps until today when I was cleaning up my PC. These usually have to be done regularly as continuing education, hopefully getting rid of this bs is the one properly decent thing orange man does.
Blogpost again sorry but IME it doesn't matter public or private, I've had to do similar training for facilities like prisons and VA hospitals as well as private groups, so I think it's just a standard at this point. And if people didn't know, these courses aren't free, we get paid to do them (generally, sometimes we do have to pay ourselves to do these modules) and moreover someone is getting paid to make them. Money pissed away forcing people to bend the knee.
The industry is so pozzed that I don't see this changing on a broad level even with the EO. The abuse staffs are expected to put up with is wild but that's OT. TLDR no change yet and not risking my license for some failmale troon.
It's nice to vent with fellow nonas about how fucked everything is though, a tiny glimpse of sanity in hellworld. Also since it's likely too tiny to read for most people on a phone, I typed out the paragraph in the first screencap (sorry for long) if you were curious. It's some retarded imagining of a totes realistic mtf's life history:
>I vividly remember the Stonewall Riots of 1969, a pivotal moment in history when LGBTQIA2S+ individuals, led by transgender women like me, stood up against police brutality and discrimination.
>For years before the riot, police in the city hassled LGBTQIA2S+ people, pulling them over for minor infractions and arresting them with no cause. The community had had enough. When police tried to load workers from the tavern who were being arrested into a van for "selling alcohol without a license" the police were met with resistance.
>The riot went on for days! Eventually, thousands of people joined to protest the police brutality. The Stonewall Riots ignited a wave of activism and paved the way for significant legal changes and societal acceptance.
Anonymous 301519
i recently visited a browser game from my childhood, flightrising, a dragon pet sim game and one out of 5 to 7 post has he/him in bio, bleak
Anonymous 301521
>>274867>“Actual lesbians” lolthat used to be a sub for bio women before being taken over by trannies
Anonymous 301522
>>2754565 things:
>the whole ''to be better then women'' shit, id seen them subtly imply on social media, including a ''lesbian'' meme saying something along the lines of ''transwomen are the superior lesbians since they have an inbuilt strap on''>one of the tranwomen in my discord server started to behave like a sexist parody of women when she started taking hrt, including saying ''tee-hee'' and ''ew, ew, gross, gross'' all the time also showing shallow interest in women hobbies, id tried to direct her on the right path but she only seem to do sewing to get validation and post scantily clad picture of herself in her raggedy stapler on ''dresses'' and she didnt even learn or had interest to do the most basic shit>i used to be in a discord server about a video game with a feminine aesthetic, most of the users there were trans women for whatever reason and every time id tried to discus some of the hobbies i have be it romance books, bjd collecting, alternative fashion and sewing in the ''off topic'' channel i would be spammed with kawaii anime picture so the conversation would die out but they could discuss programing, shootergames and resource management games without being spammed pictures so the conversation would die out>saw way to many times them harassing and putting down transguys over the most insignificant stuff ever known to man like that one time they were angry that transguy modified a mass produced plushie they liked so it would have top scar marks, like who cares its a mass produced plushie anybody can buy, i dont even like transguys since they are so trigger happy to make call out posts over the most minor stuff within female hobbies but even i thought that was vile>the fact that they hate and advocate for the killing of terfs so much even tho it is guys who kill tranwomen 99% of the time, not to mention i read some of those anti terf messages and some of them straight up advocating for what is essentially corrective rape and seeing those comments and seeing how many likes they had and supporting messages is what broke the camel's back for me Anonymous 301523
>>301521Didn't it always have a problem with creepy men? I swear there was always a post warning users to be careful of weirdo men larping as lesbians to sext/steal pics to then trick other women/etc. and now the weirdo men are just trannies. Reddit skews so male and men fetishize lesbians so intensely I can't believe it was ever even 80% female at any point tbh.
Anonymous 301524
>>301523idk i used it when i didnt knew English that well and when google translate was shit, is still shit btw just less so, i just liked the wholesome memes and never interacted
Anonymous 301545

Not saying I like the guy, but this makes gives me a feeling of gratification.
Anonymous 301551
I need to rant. I’ve officially peaked after more than a decade of dealing with bullshit troons. I used to identify as a nonbinary tif, but in the end it was just autism and lesbianism, as well as internalized misogyny. All of my “friends” are troons, and they’ve made me crazy. The entire community I actually surround myself with is actually heavily trans, and I’m just supposed to accept their bullshit antics as normal. Half of them are furries with diaper fetishes, the other half being AGP weebs, misogynistic, “not like other girls” nonbinary tifs, and confused fujoshis. Over the last few months I’ve just absolutely had it with their bullshit, and I’ve slowly distanced myself. I “came out” to them like two or so years ago that I no longer felt nonbinary after coming to terms with the fact that I had been isolated and hurt by womanhood, by nature of being autistic and highly sexualized from a young age. Since then, I’ve basically been belittled and ignored, despite my personality hardly changing. I’ve been a handmaiden for many weeb troons who want to look like 12 year old anime girls, and I’m just done. I’m pretty politically left but I’m actually happy that there has been a large pushback to trans people. They all deny being perverts and predators publicly, but once they get on their stupid discords they only talk about their degeneracy. I’ve read through a lot of the terf threads both here and on lolcow and it made me feel less alone. I genuinely thought I was crazy. Rant over, thank you crystal cafe for making me feel normal.
Anonymous 301574
dumping rant
>boardgaming club, only place i socialize irl at
>troon hamplanet exists there
>every time i see him i want to throw up
>he speaks with a regular deep man voice while dressing like kikomi
>he is insanely wealthy (buys new warhammers and board games constantly)
>humblebrags at any chance about the stuff he can afford
>he is married
>to a woman that is the secretary of a major political party
>that party's leader is very open on his personal instagram about his romantic love for this secretary
>i stalk the troon's reddit account, he asks for advice for sexual trios and polyamory "unicorns"
>hot new guy joins the club
>secretary talks to him constantly, hunts him down to play boardgames with him
>hot new guy is some sort of artist, 3d sculpts his own (absolutely gorgeous) warhammer
>troon suddenly tries to get into 3d sculpting now
i hate this man so much and it's getting very hard to pretend that i don't.
Anonymous 301590
>>301551nona they’re toxic you need to leave those circles
Anonymous 301594
>>301545>not transferring them to mass graves insteadIts a start but he can do better.
Anonymous 301605

>>301551A lot of us are in the same boat, I think. Lefty but peaked after dealing with trannies first hand. I run in artsy circles, some related to fandoms, and it is crazy how troonshit took over all of it so fast. From 2010 to 2020 is a complete flip, especially for anything related to lesbians, anime, or "nerdy" stuff, picrel. Talking to other women in these spaces, a lot of women feel this way but we can't say shit because we'll be turbocanceled. You're not alone nona. The pushback on trans stuff has been a long time coming.
Anonymous 301606
>>301605I definitely feel comfortable knowing I’m not alone. I’ve been in online fandom and artistic spaces since 2011ish and it was pretty rare to meet someone trans back then (at least it seems that way) and then around 2013 nonbinary and other bullshit things like demigirl started to blow up on tumblr and suddenly everyone was nonbinary. Meeting TIMs in person around 2020 really did just start to ruin everything for me. Before 2020, the only “trans” people I met and befriended were just lonely, nerdy women who thought they were men because they were into yaoi or they were NLOG nonbinary types. Then those friends made more friends and that lead to me meeting multiple chronically online TIFs. I hated them because of how weird and perverted they were, and they took over every discussion to make it about girl cock or whatever. I work in the art business irl and I have like 3 TIF coworkers who are wildly disgusting and inappropriate at work but they don’t get in trouble because of cowardly management. Fandom space is even worse. I can’t look through my art twitter without every character being plastered with top surgery scars. Every yuri relationship has to have a man in it now too. You can’t say anything without getting actually doxxed it seems. It’s just insane because all of this happened so quickly.
Anonymous 301607
>>301590I have started the process!!! It definitely sucks because it’s my childhood friend group and all of my acquaintances but I’m sick of it. I know I’ll be happier without them.
Anonymous 301609
>>301606It started around 2012 after Occupy Wall Street. There hasn't been anything like it since.
Anonymous 301638
>>301606It's like any cult, honestly. Any criticism = you're a heretic, nonbeliever, etc. and you must be shunned and shut up before the cleverer of the cultists realize you have a point.
Anonymous 301666
>>301606>Fandom space is even worse. I can’t look through my art twitter without every character being plastered with top surgery scars. God, yes. When this trans infection first started gaining traction, it was pretty reliably relegated to just the pretty twink "tumblr sexyman" characters. Now it doesn't matter, they will get him no matter what. It's so uncanny seeing a big beefy dude with scars and a pussy abritrarily slapped onto him.
All the m/m ships are now simply straight.
I never bought into the trans stuff, so I continue to draw my favorite characters normally. I still get comments asking me to make them trans.
I also get asked for gender/sexuality headcanons. Sometimes they outright say it when they ask, sometimes they assume it's implied when they just ask for headcanons. Either way I get in a bit of passive aggressive fun by dumping all my elaborate headcanons about lore/characterization while brushing off the gender stuff with a simple "oh idk never gave it much thought."
Anonymous 301672
>>301666The top surgery scars they put on every male character in art makes me feel legit ill whenever I see it lmao. It’s disgusting to look at.
Anonymous 301673
>>301545The US is going in the right way, I wish this was happening in Europe too and banning trannies from womens toilets etc. I mean it's getting better but this is something we can only dream of here. Not a fan of Trump either btw
Anonymous 301703
how would you feel about a detransitioner, who cannot socially detransition due to societal constraints? i feel like it’s impossible for me to look female again no matter what i do. i am a woman, but i am not perceived as one. do any other detrans women hace tips on what to do when you feel you’re buried in the consequences of transitioning and everyone in your life + strangers know you/see you as a male?
Anonymous 301713
>>301703There won't be a return trip, Frodo.
Anonymous 301718

>>301703Blogpost incoming. I'm detrans (ftmtf) and was on T for a year + top surgery. I did play with the idea of medically detransitioning but staying socially male, but it became too important for me to stop living a lie. I don't look like I did before and I definitely don't sound like I did before, but after around 3-5 years off T I sound "lighter," generally I get gendered as a young (high school-ish) male or a female smoker because it's in the androgynous range. I have facial hair, and obviously scars + flat chest, but I shave every other day and can get away with it. The flat chest isn't a big deal to me socially. I also still have short hair and dress masculine, so the line between masculine butch on T and pooner is blurry. The killer thing is I passed very well post-transition, getting over the sunk cost fallacy of being fully stealth was hard. It kind of felt like throwing away something other people would kill for, but it wasn't what it was cracked up to be anyway.
It's up to you, this isn't for everybody. I do get looks, I get asked my pronouns a lot, and many people assume I'm a pooner from look/sound. I bit the bullet and came out of stealth and lost a lot of friends. A lot thought I was coming out as mtf but once they found out I was walking back a transition, they dropped me like a hot potato. TBF my friends were generally the ess jay dubya type but it was still hard. Worth it in the end.
The hardest part was adjusting at work and dealing with family. Dating is not that bad, but I'm a lesbian and if anything it's quite common to see butches who've been on T like I have. The scars are a tough subject but I don't care about the sensation since I never liked it anyways. If you're straight or into men, it might be tougher to make that work as straight men usually aren't into masculinized women. If you've gotten more invasive surgeries it'll be even harder. C'est la vie.
If you feel like it's better to just medically detrans for your health but stay living as "male" then do it. I lost very little in the long run but some people have more to lose. It is frankly difficult to live as a masculine woman which is why so many of us go that route in the first place. If I didn't go full radfem I probably would've done that instead of making a "statement" by detransitioning so publicly. In my eyes it was a way to call out the trans bullshit and hopefully educate some normies in my friend groups, which it did.
Sorry for the text dump. Good luck nona, it sucks ass and I wish we could all go back in time and stop it but we're here and in my mind it's better to live a truth than a lie, even if the truth is hard.
Anonymous 301833
>>118216i am pretty tired so i skimmed though the post thinking the person was talking about those cases where female babies are born with clitoromegaly only to read more clearly and be disapointed
Anonymous 301963
>>301713omg why str8 women r so mean to detrans women (and most of them are lesbians)
Anonymous 301983
Captura de pantall…

I'm so exhausted of the trans stupidity on the Autistic Women subreddit, I can't find any safe spaces online anymore. More and more posts from supposed "autistic women" saying that they hate their gender or supporting those mentally ill MEN . I also tend to depersonalize, and frankly I didn't give a shit about this whole gender thing, until this troop of degenerates tried to get into sports, language, exclusively female awards, etc. I'm fed up.
Anonymous 301985

every artist i followed as a kid now identifies as a trans-masculine/demi-boi/fae/fey/femboi, like why?? these people are probably in their early to mid 30s, i am sick of going back to the forum section of my childhood's browser pet sim games and see a sea of he/him; she/they; they/them; Vam/Vamp/Vampself; Fae/faer and slacktivist bullshit in the signature section, fucking end me
Anonymous 302003
>>301459unrelated but i love your reaction picture
Anonymous 302037

>try to use forums more
the fist recommended thread in my email box is a teenage guy trying hrt behind his parents back and called his transition ''girling Up''
Anonymous 302115
>>302087I watched this video
>I HAVE DISABILITIES>I AM WEAK>I HAVE ANXIETY>I AM SHAKING (literally said this)I have no respect for anyone whos entire identity centers on being a victim. Get over it. Life sucks. Society has offered these people too much support and now they know its the only path towards validation. This is the mentality of failures. Absolutely pathetic existence, and anyone with this mindset should be looked down upon. If youre a loser be a loser in silence. At least then youre a winner.
Anonymous 302139

every time. often they don't even bother with the scars, it is literally just a M/F pairing.
i'm old enough to remember the mockery of seme/uke tropes in which the uke/bottom was essentially a flat chested girl with a penis so it is absolutely surreal to see this shift to him actually being a woman.
Anonymous 302140
>>302087Haha, the resemblance is unreal
Anonymous 302172

>>297010FTMs always look like Rumplestilskin from Shrek
Anonymous 302173
>>302087>>302115I couldn’t believe what I was watching. A bunch of crybullies dressed up in drag, got up in front of an audience, and cried about how scared and oppressed they were while pretending to have anxiety. I laughed so fucking hard I still can’t believe it wasn’t a comedy sketch.
Anonymous 302192
>>297066as somebody whose been in a lot of womanchild fandoms and hobbies, ftm are terrible, they are bad in a mental sense rather then physical, all they do is trying to cancel women over the most mid thing ever and themselves all the fucking time
Anonymous 302202
https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/new-details-bay-area-zizians-death-cult-20165754.php?utm_source=firefox-newtab-en-us>"Death Cult">full of trans-thems>murder folks for perceived antitrans "vibes"what a strange and unexpected thing to have developed, which nobody could have seen coming.
Anonymous 302210

I've drawn terf Kuromi, hope it's okay to post here.
Should I draw more?
Anonymous 302224
>>302192i’m in the same boat, it’s so hard to unwind and enjoy my womanchild activities when it always feels like i’m being watched by HR thanks to the TIFs.
>>302210she’s so cute, !! i’d like to see more, are you sticking to sanrio or will you be doing cute characters in general?
Anonymous 302240
>>302224>>302202I wanted to stick to Sanrio characters for now since they're simple to draw, but maybe I'll be willing to accept more cute suggestions in the future!
Anonymous 302325
why can't there be an online discussion without a troon being like, "ermmm ackshually I'm trans" when it has no relevance to the discussion at hand.