
Lolcow Bunker Thread #35 Anonymous 293073
Anonymous 293074
I think we ought to just take the L. I tried heolkek but they thought ahead and wouldn't let me make an ot thread
Anonymous 293075
the thing is there’s nothing to raid right now kek. if we did go to /cgl/, we should make sure not to mention cc or link it in any way so they don’t raid the bunkers here.
Anonymous 293076
How hard is to understand to not cause infighting?
I don't go on /v/ talking shit about gamerbros
Anonymous 293077

i miss the farm so much, take me home so i can laugh at cows please!! i’m so tired of having to read kiwifarms to sleep!!
Anonymous 293078
>>293039>>293046Please don't then, I hate fake husbandofags who think it's just some trendy club.
You have to have actual love for the character. I'm sure you have some female character/celebrity/whatever you could obsess over if you want.
Anonymous 293079
>>293074just take over one of the dumbass shit threads then.
Anonymous 293080
>>293063are you kidding me vocaloid drama got milk? do you mind giving me a qrd on what happened? i wonder if it has to do with kuraiinu disappearing…
Anonymous 293082
>>293075That's a good point, but I'm not too familiar with 4chin scrotes modus operandi, how likely is it they'll start spamming CP and gore?
Anonymous 293083
>>293082/cgl/ is so dead that I don't even think people would bother spamming.
Anonymous 293084
>>293075They have a 300 second counter on new threads now, no wonder it's a ghost town kek. Is it vague enough?
Anonymous 293085
>>293075AYRT, there doesn't need to be anything to raid, they'll go ahead and spam regardless. And there's also these threads, knowing that LC is down and the bunkers are all farmer's have got it'd be appealing to shit stir here.
>>293082It's not very likely, maybe individual spergs but nothing coordinated. sōÿjak is more likely to organize a raid and shit up the board.
Anonymous 293086
>>293075What should it be titled? I get the idea that cgl is rarely on topic but I can't think what to post without mentioning bunker or getting locked
>>293079No. I think the sperg over on fujo's meta is actively ruining it for us. Now if she could head over to chan…
Anonymous 293088
>>293077kiwifarms is so lame i can’t even with that site, i’ve just been on snark pages on reddit to get my gossip fix and it is very much not the same as lolcor
Anonymous 293089
>>293086The LACE one is supposed to be ours, literally just post about any cow or topic as "What happened to x?" or "I miss x(anything but directly mentioning lc)". God knows whoever is cgl janny now wouldn't check what we're talking about anyway.
Anonymous 293091
i am confessing that i saw a nona posting about my niche husbando on the retarded husbando hornyposting thread and cursed her and one day i never saw a post about him again. it's been over a year
Anonymous 293093
>>293088the only thread i’ve been frequenting is the birdie thread, and it’s only because i followed that shitshow for years on youtube. kinda wish there was a birdie thread on lolcor but im too scared to make new threads.
Anonymous 293095
>>293089"drama" gets deleted on cgl fyi
Anonymous 293096
>>293082this could be a retarded idea but maybe we could make a couple code words. one for “lolcow”, and one for “bunker”
Anonymous 293097
I've made a hidden board on endchan.
https://endchan.net/momo/res/1.htmlThe site is obviously filled with moids so be discrete.
Anonymous 293099
>>293095Kek the whole reason why Stamina Rose/LC exists
Anonymous 293101
i need the stupid questions thread, this is very stupid, but how do you get past tumblr's search bar filtering dirty words? i have all my account settings set to show mature content, show mature results etc. but it's still giving me the "hold your horses" warning.
i think it's because of the word "threesome" but idk any alternatives to show the results. "threeway" doesn't work either.
Anonymous 293102
>>293097searched up the site and immediately saw that. No thanks
Anonymous 293103
>>293098Looks like the site is getting raided with CP like LC does. Oh well.
Anonymous 293104
>>293095I know, but they barely moderate it anymore and the drama rule is specific to shit talking single people per thread (like we had in earlier times).
Anonymous 293105
>>293077kiwifarms is so lame i can’t even with that site, i’ve just been on snark pages on reddit to get my gossip fix and it is very much not the same as lolcor
Anonymous 293106
>>293101Tumblr has a "porn ban" (not really, you'll find nearly every tag is filled to the brim with camwhore tranny spam showing micropeen) and therefore nsfw tags aren't allowed either. they might tag them as something like "#3sum" or something, but nsfw content isn't easily found via the tag system
Anonymous 293107

good night besties, i’m manifesting lolcor’s return early tomorrow morning
Anonymous 293108
only cc tolerates y’alls asses lmao
Anonymous 293109
I think the best thing to do is just weather the outage on CC rather than go looking for random ibs to relocate to.
Anonymous 293110
>>293091i have a kitchen knife and an old body pillow covered in holes that i stab whenever i think about those disgusting whores that deluded themselves into thinking my husbando loves them
Anonymous 293111
>>293108>>293109I ban evaded a dozen times today alone because I was craving infights but I'm done. I'll behave, I learned my lesson
Anonymous 293113
>>293086To be fair, I think someone is also larping really hard as a concerned fc regular that somehow just knows exactly what's happening in here and immediately ran to meta to complain about the thread.
Anonymous 293115
>>293106damn is there any other way to find lost smut fics? the terms "smut fic" itself seem to work but not searching the specific acts/terms within the fic
Anonymous 293116
Men who say shit like "eepy" need to be gathered up and gassed.
Anonymous 293121
>>293113Idk, it seems like multiple fujospergs already had a vendetta against farmers, a single comment from a nona going "lol can't believe you're making me post on fujochan of all places" on a thread nobody even forced them to read was enough to trigger their tard rage and run to meta to snitch to the admin about how toxic and disrespectful every farmer was being despite most sticking to BLposting in order to integrate. Retards who replied to rancefag certainly didn't help either, though
>>293115#[character name] x reader or character x character is the best way, the tag system on Tumblr is much shittier than AO3 so you can't really look up fics by their content, you're just gonna have to look through the main ship tag and scroll
Anonymous 293122
I respect them for being willing to violently gatekeep their comfy community.
Anonymous 293123
>>293119I think lolcow is selling my sage. I used to have a pantry full but now I've given so much to lolcow that I'm all out. Be careful out there
Anonymous 293124
>>293119the 90% confidence really gets me keeek
Anonymous 293125
there is a website we can migrate to but it isn't an imageboard
Anonymous 293126
>>293119who in their right mind is signing up to lolcow farm with their e-mail, especially their personal email KEK.
Anonymous 293127
>>293121The thread got locked because farmers were arguing with rancefag.
Anonymous 293128
>>293126A newfag who doesn't realize that you leave the email field blank except to sage
Anonymous 293129
>>293127I'm pretty sure a lurker reported us before any infighting even happened since they included a CC screenshot instead of screenshotting the infighting in FC. fuck fujos
Anonymous 293131
This is like Lord of the Flies. First it was fun now we are tearing each other apart.
Anonymous 293132
at first i thought migrating would be a good idea but now i don’t think so. we are really contemplating migrating to a different imageboard to get rid of summerfags, newfags, and infights meanwhile those retards can simply lurk this thread, find the link to the new bunker, follow us there, and spam bait and infights all they want while a new mod team has to start from scratch with banning them. we will inevitably repeated the same schizo arguments in the recent past threads all over again. the only benefit would be no auto bans, but that comes at a trade off with a lot of imageboards whether it be we will have to deal with high moid population or undesirable raids.
Anonymous 293134
Scrotes who post CP in this day and age will be raped to death in a Turkish prison
Anonymous 293137
i was gonna say communities.win but this one looks cuter
Anonymous 293139
>>293121My point is that it wasn't actually reported by fujos from fc but certain bad faith people lurking in this very thread. Like
>>293122 who almost verbatim repeated their "comfy" post on fc's meta but is now not bothering to larp as a regular anymore.
Anonymous 293142

>>293110>>293091meanwhile I love when anons share my 2d slut men
Anonymous 293143
>>293139Maybe just take the fucking hint lmfao.
Anonymous 293144
i need friends like me. i need friends like me. if i had just one friend who was like a nona from here i would feel a lot less lonely in the world. but i dont even know how to meet or talk to people…
Anonymous 293145
>>293139It was absolutely tards itt. There'a like one post on FC every five months, no way it was the fujofags.
Anonymous 293146
>>293142i just truly see myself being in a relationship with him irl, kek. very much a yumejo. sharing feels like polyamory or something, i don't know how to explain it. but i respect you sharers
Anonymous 293148
Got home from work and lolcow is still down my heart
Anonymous 293149
>>293148let me cry in solidarity with you, I took a whole week off from work and thought how nice it would be to be scrolling and trolling all day. But alas
Anonymous 293150
Im 70% sure a nona works at my company but I'm scared to be friends with her
Anonymous 293154
>>293150you should try to talk with her a little, lucky… i wish i knew anybody that i could have even an inkling of suspicion that they would be here. i would be nervous to approach too tho.. sadly i am surrounded by the worst soul sucking normie retards somehow even though im in a big city
Anonymous 293155
>>293144what type of things are you into, nona?
Anonymous 293156
>>293134Males are unthinking beasts that prioritize their tiny little dicks and huge egos over the wellbeing of fellow members of the species.
>>293146NTA but I'm a yume as well. You have to accept the fact that since he's not real, real life rules don't apply to him. He's not a sentient being that returns your feelings and willingly cheats on you when someone else falls in love with him. Another hardcore yumejo in another part of the world can also claim she's the only one who gets him and loves him more than anyone else. He's a fictional character, so "sharing" is a given, since he can exist in many people's minds and that's as real as he'll ever get. I wouldn't call it "polyamory" at all.
If it helps you cope, even those who claim to understand him the best will have different versions of him in their mind. I used to feel like you, but rather than getting insanely jealous and wanting to murder them, being indifferent to other people who husbando him is much less stressing even though I'm aware of the fact that they exist. I guess this also happens if you make your entire life and being revolve around your husbando, which honestly isn't very healthy.
Anonymous 293158
Whenever I am at my lowest, the internet is always there for me. Can't say the same for much else.
Anonymous 293160
>>293156i understand where you're coming from but i do not see myself sharing him ever and it's not something i'm changing my mind about. sorry if that isn't the reply you wanted to hear but i wasn't really looking for advice.
>but rather than getting insanely jealous and wanting to murder themi wasn't the stabbing bodypillow nona, lol
Anonymous 293162
>>293144same I wish I could find a girl who gets me and we are each others favorite person kek I’m so lonely
Anonymous 293163
>>293160>i do not see myself sharing him everI don't understand what you mean by "sharing". If you mean happily talking about your husbando with other yumejos who love him, that's not at all what I'm telling you to do (but sorry for thinking you were the other anon, you guys have similar typing styles).
In fact, I think it'd be nice if all the overly jealous yumejos, like the other anon, just learned to respect the existence of the others and ignored each other for their own sake. Cuz feeling so much rage over your husbando isn't pretty, speaking from experience.
Anonymous 293164

I made butter chicken earlier today for the first time, it was really good.
Anonymous 293166
>>293146ntayrt but personally it doesn't feel like legit sharing to me, it's more like different alternate versions or copies of the husbando even though it's still the same character with the same personality. but the smaller details between each husbandofag is different enough that it still feels like my own version in a way.
Anonymous 293167
It's embarrassing how distressed I am over an imageboard being down
Anonymous 293168
>>293146>>293146He doesn't exist, you're not sharing anything.
Anonymous 293170
>>293164What recipe did you use? I just finished making a crumb cake and put it in the oven. Except I didn’t see it took 50 minutes to bake and it’s past midnight
Anonymous 293171
>>293167this thread is better anyway, we'd all be banned by now
Anonymous 293174
>>293171>she doesn't know about the cc automod and mass post deletions earlier welp…you'll see
Anonymous 293175

>>293159Your picrel reminded me of my favorite bad pizza recipe
Anonymous 293176
I just want to sperg about degrees of lewdity dammit.
Anonymous 293177

Before we're potentially scattered to the winds forever, do any anons want to be my gf? I'm a BPDchan, somewhat reserved, bi, not a fujo but fujo accepting. 5'3
Anonymous 293178
>>293170I used this video. Also, I've never had crumb cake. I'll take a look at it
Anonymous 293179
>>293175this looks proper italian to me.
Anonymous 293181

my bf told me he is 5'11 but we went out and i decided to wear my 4 inch platforms for once and we are the same height now…. i am 5'1…. i feel so retarded. even his drivers license says 5'11. i have never used this term but i have caught the ick bad because why do they all just lie lie lie lie lie. i wouldn't even care about the height if he didnt fucking lie, but now i realize he has added 6 inches to his height and either he is living in delusion or he thinks im retarded which i apparently am. i feel even more insulted for not realizing it after all this time, and cause i feel like he thinks he can lie because im short and wouldn't notice as much. its dumb but i feel so disgusted…
Anonymous 293184
>>293181He definitely lied about that. Some guys think they're a couple inches taller than they really are but there's no way he truly thinks he's 5'11 if he's actually 5'5. Sorry nona
Anonymous 293185
>>293121>fujotards spergingThe sperg was that lc cretin who brought infighting, felt obligated apparently to go on fujochan and say how they hate it
>nobody was forced to see itjust like everything on the intent, plus the sperg was not forced to post
Anonymous 293186
>>293181I'll never understand the obsession with height.
Anonymous 293187
Uhm it's not the weekend anymore for me, where is my lolcor
Anonymous 293191
Does anyone know any semi-popular female streamer whose whole shtick isn't being a Vtuber, a pickme, a boob streamer or a girly girl game streamer? (no offense to the last one but that's not what I'm into)
Kinda like Vinesauce and Vargkelethor where they don't have to even show their faces to get fans, but with less scrotey humor, of course. I watch these two occasionally but I'm getting tired of Vinny's and his fans' pornsick jokes.
I know at least a couple of gals who aren't any of those I mentioned, but they do show their face and they're not really the "funny" kind of streamer, they're more serious and chill.
>>293166NTAYRT but this is how I see it and I'm way happier that way kek
Anonymous 293192
>>293187Same but I guess it's still the weekend for admin
Anonymous 293193

>>293178It’s a regional variant of a coffee cake. It’s not very moist and meant to be eaten with a hot cup of tea or coffee. I made picrel
https://thesweetandsourbaker.com/home/2018/1/21/sour-cream-chocolate-crumb-cake Anonymous 293194
>>293163no thanks i won’t sleep well until those whores drop dead. he’s mine.
Anonymous 293195
>>293177I used to dream about finding a farmer gf, but then I learned some of you bitches are masturbating using the toilet seat and the dream died.
Anonymous 293196
>>293181Are you just taller than you think you are? Surely you would've noticed your bf is below average height-wise even without the platforms
Anonymous 293197
>>293194What if another one murders you before you have the chance to murder her
Anonymous 293199
jealous yume hunger games, make it happen
Anonymous 293200
>>293199i will make an alliance with zenosfag
she will betray me Anonymous 293202
>>293174NTA but what happened? I wasn't in the last ~5 or so threads
Anonymous 293203
>>293196im definitely 5'1, i got measured at the doc a few weeks ago. im just an aspie and so fucking gullible and retarded especially when i like someone, plus i wasn't really thinking about it that much cause height isn't that big a deal to me. and i don't go out a lot so don't have much frame of reference. i think im really upset about it because im tired of people lying to me and taking advantage of my retardation. i know it's bound to happen but i thought i was safe from it with him (with a moid HAHAHA yea right) yeah im just retarded
Anonymous 293205
What’s the weirdest scenarios you play out in your head while trying to sleep? Sometimes i’m an actress and I get into an accident that disfigures me and the writers of the boring shows i’m in have to find a way to write my character coming back into the plot looking all fucked up.
Anonymous 293206
>>293200i might forgive you if you assassinate one of the top 3 on my hitlist
Anonymous 293207
>>293205I think about being an ant in an ant colony and doing ant things, like digging new rooms and carrying back caterpillars, or waggling my antennae at other ants.
Anonymous 293208
I tried to go on CC on my computer (that I have not used for CC before) and it said I was already banned. Which one of you used my IP as your VPN?
Anonymous 293209
images (34).jpeg

I need to be at the airport at 7am to pick up some exchange students from China and take them to their dorm reeeeeeeeeeeee fuck this I'm going back to bed later I better not get any work emails
Anonymous 293210
>>293205I fantasize about living within driving distance of my best friend and we routinely get to hang out. We have some sort of entertainment show like a podcast or YouTube channel that we do for fun that has a small but dedicated following. We get to laugh about stuff together and people like to laugh with us. I bring Starbucks or something before we record the show every week. Afterwards we order pizza and have a movie night in. I sleep over at her place, we get brunch together the next morning before we move on with our respective weekends. We still text each other often even though we just spent the night together. Every week is like this and it isn’t special. We’re comfortably living our lives but we can rely on each other always being there.
Anonymous 293214
I feel like i have unearthed unfathomable forbidden knowledge after vyvanse withdrawal, it’s called severe general anxiety i guess
Anonymous 293215
so the weekend is basically over … how long before cerbmin bothers to update the status page to extend maintenance?
Anonymous 293216
>>293215it’s already halfway through Monday in Asia
Anonymous 293218
I wish cytube wasn't so fucked up because I want to subject you all to my bad taste but none of the movies I like are on Youtube
Anonymous 293219
>>293097didn't even last three hours damn
Anonymous 293222
I have a big test tomorrow and I spent $150 on husbando merch. It's my little reward (hope I do good nonas!)
Anonymous 293224

A scrote friend of mine (I know) who I've known for over 10 years (we are late twenties) ghosted me last year after I got pissed we made plans to hang out and he cancelled last minute three times in a row. This was a big change for me and the result of intensive therapy because I've always been a self-esteemless depressed doormat and suddenly expressing a boundary did not go over well, with neither him nor other friends at the time. He was not the only as I also got kicked from an online friend group around the same time so I might have been too aggressive in my quest to become an emotionally regulated person. Anyway after a few months I decided to move on with my life and blocked said scrote on all social media. Lo and behold what did I just find in my email spam folder? A full letter of apology from him saying that he was an asshole and asking for my forgiveness. A whole year later. What gives, nönnies? I'm so surprised at this I don't know what to do or what to think. Part of me suspects he broke up with his girlfriend and misses the sweet emotional support doormat me was so good at dishing out for a crumb of attention, but it's still the last thing I expected from a shitty scrote who left me hanging like an asshole. Should I reply? I don't have anything against him anymore but I also no longer care.
Anonymous 293225
>>293222good luck on your test n0nna! what kind of merch did you buy?
Anonymous 293226
>>293224If you've been friends for ten years and apart for one, he probably feels bad and misses you.
Anonymous 293228

>>293177as long as you’re okay with me being a bpdchan as well then yes…
Anonymous 293229
>>293226Maybe it's true but it's really hard for me to conceive that, maybe it's my trauma talking but I thought once you made the choice to cut someone from your life that choice is permanent. That's always been my experience (e.g. dad walking out for unknown reasons 20 years ago and never contacting me again despite being able to) which is why I can't help being suspicious he is coming back, he is the one who cut me off after all.
Anonymous 293231
>>293222you’re gonna pass noni i can see the future
Anonymous 293233
I just want to moids to fight over my hand in marriage like in medieval times with swords and in a castle. Only thing I got here was a text that there are too many differences between us when I told him to be a little more empathetic after he told me to "control my feelings" when I told him about something that bothered me. It is totally fine for him to constantly complain about his work and his procrastination habit though
Anonymous 293234
I wish the unpopular opinions thread was available right now because I need to talk about how I think Asia won’t exist in a few decades
Anonymous 293236
Pixiv ID 20784982.…

>>293225Shirts, plushies, stationary, little accessories like buttons and pins. I'm thinking about spending my first paycheck of my new job on some keychains for my bag. I love the trend of dangly keychains on bags, I've been doing it for years. He's a pretty unusual husbando but he makes me really happy
He'd probably be disappointed in me spending so much on him kek Anonymous 293239
>>293078NTAYRT but I love my husbando so much that I don’t even post in the threads out of fear that someone else shares or I’ll have an autism moment.
Anonymous 293240
>>293181i went on a tinder date with a guy who said he was 5’9” and he was straight up my height im 5’6” they round up a lot
Anonymous 293241
>>293229You're right to be suspicious to some extent but cutting someone off like that is definitely not always a permanent arrangement. Friendships can mend even after many years. I won't advise on whether or not you should reply but there are many reasons a person might reach out like that.
Anonymous 293242
>>293237I don’t believe that the area we know geographically as Asia now will stop existing or magically disappear; I mean that they’ll no longer be an export power, the majority of their population will continue to immigrate away, and other countries will gain independence from things that Asian countries have offered us over the centuries.
Anonymous 293244
>>293236>I'm thinking about spending my first paycheck of my new job on some keychains for my bagthis is really cute. i'm a neet at the moment but i'd really like to get a part-time job to buy some things for my husbando. i feel like i could use him as inspiration to better my life.
Anonymous 293246
Fuck this shit I'm going back to sleep. Cerbmin better have updated the status page when I wake up.
Anonymous 293247
have to say i cried when a anon linked this in gikopoi when we visted the pastures…lolcow really feels alot how shii feels like..
Anonymous 293248
So much to catch up on when it's back up though
Anonymous 293250
>>293247I don't think I've seen this in 15 years… getting emotional
Anonymous 293252
I kinda wanna post on 4Chan just to troll some men but I’m scared that they’re gonna be able to see past a VPN and end up swatting me or some shit
Anonymous 293253
>>293252What board? I’ve posted to /co/ plenty of times with no issues.
Anonymous 293255
animal abusers/haters of any kind honestly make me sick, especially dumb edgelords who get triggered when normal people tell them it's subhuman activity
Anonymous 293257
>>293253I wanna troll some /x/ conspiratards lowkey, also I wanna schizopost my own conspiracies
Anonymous 293258
>>2932524chan is not a think tank of evil super hackers, it is a crash pad for incompetent loser men. People troll 4chan every day consequence free. Use a VPN you'll be fine
Anonymous 293259
>>293252I post on /x/ and /mu/ regularly. I'll occasionally post misandry on /pol/. You'll be fine.
Anonymous 293264
>>293252do it. and spam them with dysgenic small pp memes before you go out in a blaze of glory.
slight OT but i was lurking a niche interest thread today and the amount of pedoshit commentary & unhinged violence against women was disgusting. 4chodes are scum of the earth. they can't pretend to be normal even on hobby boards.
Anonymous 293265

>>293224Do you want him back in your life? What purpose will he really serve you? If you want to rekindle that friendship then obviously reply but if you're happy without him then there is no need to. Not everything deigns a response, especially from those who have treated you badly. Maybe he really misses your company or maybe he just wants to feel better about himself because he knows he treated you wrong. You don't have to forgive him and you don't have to accept him back in your life just because he apologized. It doesn't mean he's changed or that he regrets what he did to you. All it means is that the current situation isn't serving him.
Anonymous 293266
>>293259>>293252you'd have to sit with hyper misogynistic and coomer posts/threads.
Anonymous 293269
>>293181Whenever a male tells you his height, always subract 3 inches for an approximation of the truth. Lying by a margin of 5 inches is demented though, sorry for you anon.
i know a male who does the opposite of this. he is 6ft2 and whenever another man asks him how tall he is (its always men below 6ft asking) he always says 5ft11 because it makes them freak out and question their own height. Anonymous 293270
>>293181>>293269TIL you should go on a first date with a moid at an amusement park with roller coasters, so you can verify their height against the "You must be this tall to ride" signs.
Anonymous 293278
>>293269i appreciate the advice and condolences nona, i wish i had someone like yall to guide me irl. i feel like ive been so naive and dumb. i am actually so hurt over this lol it's so stupid
Anonymous 293280
>>293078>fake husbandofagsI really don't get husbandofags that think they get to decide who's a TRUE AND HONEST husbandofag and who's not. For some it's just a kind of attraction, for others it's a serious life style that occupies their every thought, and there's a lot of husbandofags that fall somewhere in the middle. I'd get it if the "fake" ones were making fun of you for being "too into it", or if they were obviously being "ironic" to make fun of people who fall for cartoons in general (sort of like how those "ironic dating sims" show a clear lack of understanding of the things they're a shallow mockery of), but as long as that doesn't happen I don't see a reason to judge them for how they think about the characters they like. It's so pointless. Like, you don't own the concept of being attracted to ficional characters, you know? They're allowed to lust after their husbandos without being as hardcore as you are or "committing" into a long-term relationship. Just the fact that they think 2D characters are attractive, and aren't weirded out by it nor call it cringe, is proof enough to me that they're not faking anything.
just my onion tho
Anonymous 293282
>>293279lol living the dream aren't they
Anonymous 293283
I’m on a diet but during the weekend I’ve been eating much more and things I usually don’t eat during the week and today i feel skinnier than before.
Anonymous 293285
>>293280Alright, I made a mistake here and failed to properly read the posts that anon was replying to. Yeah, "becoming" a husbandofag even though you can't even stand to look at cartoon males sounds like straight women who go polilez and aren't actually attracted to women kek.
I'm very sorry for my shitty reply, . I was thinking of something I've seen many husbandofags do when they try to police what other husbandofags do with their lives. But that clearly doesn't apply here.
Anonymous 293290
monday morning and it's still fucking down
Anonymous 293291
>>293290No new status update either, it's so fucking over.
Anonymous 293292
They found celebrity number 6.
Anonymous 293294
>>293242damn that's interesting. Can you share more??
Anonymous 293297
>>293292after only seeing the drawing for so long, the actual picture now looks mega uncanny valley to me
Anonymous 293301

i literally have no friends in my own department and i just spend my time hanging out with my friends from other departments, its misery when class starts up again and im just stuck in a classroom
Anonymous 293302
>>293290It's 2AM on the west coast, at least wait until evening US time before dooming.
Anonymous 293304
>>293280nonas have you seen the mtf femcel fujo agps, not even therians were saved from them
Anonymous 293305
What are you eating for lunch? I'm going to make a cheese sandwich because it's cold outside today.
Anonymous 293307
I wish we had celebricows right now (one of the worst threads but still) because Aaron Taylor Johnson might have divorced his wife and I want to know what anons think
Anonymous 293308
>>293301samefag, theres a girl in my dept that i was friends with since orientation and was looking forward to our second yr together, but then for a while we just never saw eachother on campus again bc we were in different first year batches and bc she was busy and then second yr starts and im just fucking invisible to her.
Anonymous 293309
I wish I liked yaoi more, fujochan has exactly the vibe and pace I like.
Anonymous 293310
>>293307There's a celebricows thread on /media/
Anonymous 293311
Is it contradictory to think loli/shota is creepy, but to be attracted to characters that are technically 17? I feel like that's apples to oranges, but it seems like a lot of people disagree.
Anonymous 293312
>>293177A farmer gf would be my personal dream as a socially inept eternal womanchild.
Anonymous 293313
>>293311Nah I don't think it's contradictory, how old the character looks is more important than a made up age imo
Anonymous 293314
>>293311no. most 17 year old anime characters are designed to look much older
Anonymous 293315
>>293311Anime 17yo and 30yo look the same often, so I don't think so. Drawn characters' ages are pretty much irrevelant to the disscusion, you get 40yo who look 5 and the reverse as well.
Lolis/shota are always made to look like kids even if they're of "legal" age.
Anonymous 293316
>>293314>>293313>>293315Thanks for the perspective nonas, I have some people saying I was weird for sexualizing Denji and was curious for a 2nd opinion.
Anonymous 293317
>>293312Now I want LC back more than ever for the inevitable thread about you two.
Anonymous 293318
just showered
listened to bjork
Anonymous 293320
>>293318excellent, what album did you listen to
Anonymous 293321
>>293320homogenic, specifically bachelorette and pluto
then it was play dead
Anonymous 293322
>>293316I only know second-hand info of CSM (my friend has been telling me whenever a new chapter of it comes out for years kek) but wasn't Denji sexualy abused/taken advantage of?
If that's the case, I understand why some people could feel uncomfortable with others sexualizing him (people tend to think you're doing the same to him for whatever reason), but it's no biggie tbh, that's just on them.
Anonymous 293324
>>293322The entire beginning of the first series is that he wanted a girlfriend and to touch boobs, he's like any other moid manga protagonist that's surrounded by attractive women. There's no abuse other than the author fetishizing manipulative women. Wouldn't he surprise if most of CSM's fanbase is under 18 and that's why they freak out about every little thing while the series creator they worship larps as a little girl online
Anonymous 293325
>>293093omg I'd live for a birdie thread. "It's" current era is insufferable.
Anonymous 293326
>>293324>while the series creator they worship larps as a little girl onlineWhy am I not surprised
Anonymous 293327
>>293207this is so cute antchan… im going to try this for my insomnia
>>293259/x/ has become honestly unusable postcovid. it was bad before but the massive influx of iceberg youtubers and filth of that ilk has flanderised the whole board. its completely worthless. the 4ch userbase in general has gotten much much younger in that time period, or at least it feels like it has. this touched a nerve for me because i loved /x/ so much a decade or so ago… there was still stupid succubus and tulpa shit etc of course but it was easy enough to hide and ignore back then…
anyway. add my voice to the choir anons. i miss lolcow. it was one of the only places online or irl where i could just be a dyke sperg without stress
Anonymous 293328
Anonymous 293329
>>293328he is not a bara nor is he ugly. you are such a tasteful and cultured woman nona
Anonymous 293330
aaaa i keep trying to go on lc out of habit
Anonymous 293333
>>293195>using the toilet seatYou mean on the toilet, right nona? Right?!
Anonymous 293338
>>293330Same. I have a shortcut saved that I always click on. I miss anon gossip.
Anonymous 293339
>>293334that was only one nonner, if that's what's keeping you from your dream it's on you kek
Anonymous 293343

Can a chatbot point me in the direction to setting up a proxy for Janitor AI.. I can't take the LLM anymore
Anonymous 293344
>>293181My ex did this. Claimed he was 6' but he was only ever 5'5 tops, in heels I would be the same height and I'm 5'3.
Weirdly, no one ever corrected him in public when he would make this claim or type it online.
Anonymous 293345
>>293146I'm sharing about mine but only because I can count the number of other yumes I've seen in the wild for for him on my hand, versus a thousand fujos I don't wish to interact with. If it was the other way around maybe I'd feel more threatened but I'm not so I actually enjoy hearing from others who do feel the same way, it's a breath of fresh air
Anonymous 293347
>hear about latest school shooting
>check KF
>from the first page on, bunch of racist moids insisting the shooter had to be from some other group, or that it was a woman from another group
>turns out it's one of their own (male from their group)
Dumb faggot moids always shifting blame, including onto women. I shouldn't be surprised.
Anonymous 293348
lc being down has legitimately put me in a depressive episode, i feel soulless and bored to death. i just sit and stare around, i cant stand this hell. please suggest me something to do if lc isnt up by the time im awake (12 hours approx from now). also we need lc dating finder, i need some farmer best friends and one to get freaky with
Anonymous 293349
I know tempcow was the beginning of the end but damn, having something like it would have been great for the past week. I don't understand why admins didn't just put up a spaceholder site with a low tech message board, long cooldown timer and have the farmhands mod it.
Anonymous 293351
>>293348I'm just hanging around on gikopoipoi waiting for the other farmers and building in the sims instead of browsing LC in my free time.
Anonymous 293352
>>293181How the fuck did you not notice he wasn't towering over you? Do you live in a country with primarily short people or something?
Anonymous 293354
>>293351I feel like I am missing something to do after work without LC, which sucks. I might build some sims, but in general, I just yearn for a female only space again. I am grateful for CC for now. Thank you all
Anonymous 293355
I hate the autoban shit but this thread got so much better after the mod went on a ban spree
Anonymous 293357
For sanity if a post starts with “a scrote” “Nigel” I just stop reading and scroll past it. I wish you could just hide individual posts or start redtexting the words that refer to XY beasts. I’m tired of seeing other women’s retarded decisions
Anonymous 293358
>>293354I was going to say would could pass the time by posting builds in the sims thread but it hasn't been bumped for four years.
Anonymous 293362
i cant agree with you more. the ppl who say shit like "thank you mods! we need another hellweek!" are like 60% responsible for the site going to fucking shit. report shit if you have to and move on, it just creates this uptight nasty board culture where everyone left posting is miserable and unfunny
Anonymous 293363
I have "little ditty about jack and diane" repeating in my head over, and over, and over again. Last night was kind of funny watching the migration from one site to the next. Thoughts and prayers for lolcor
Anonymous 293364

>>293355It really didn't
>>293359based + based pic (although I wish he wasn't a baldie but it suits him)
Anonymous 293365
>>293362kekkk it makes me laugh a bit when they say the unfunniness and blandness is what made it “better”, it speaks testament to the quality of farmers nowadays
Anonymous 293366
Trannycord server is here
Anonymous 293367
>>293364NTA, I thought that post was kinda funny ngl. I've always wondered if that was the case since so many married "lesbians" started popping up on lc all of a sudden
Anonymous 293368
I miss my countries thread in lc. I discovered an open diary of a cow and I wanted to share it w everyone
Anonymous 293369
drawing your husbando taking it up the ass to celebrate when lolcow goes back up
Anonymous 293370
Ughhh I ate too much I feel like I'm gonna vomit
Anonymous 293371
>>293365It speaks volumes that people think farmer culture means 24/7 getting into asinine infights in which they unironically get triggered and spamming KEKEKEKKEKEKEKK like they're not seething behind the keyboard. Le female fight club ecksdee~ I preferred when it was actually fun(ny) and anons posted OC and all that. But newfags wouldn't remember
Anonymous 293372
>>293342>>293369also drawing your husbando taking it up the ass when lolcow goes back up
Anonymous 293374
/b/ is for bunker… we're going to die in this cafe n0nacitas…
Anonymous 293375
>>293370What did you eat?
I'm full on tea right now
Anonymous 293376
>>293348LC being down has been overall fairly good for me. I'm less unproductive at work, and I've been reading actual books more often instead of just old threads about my favorite cows.
Anonymous 293377
>>293351Are you still on that website?
Anonymous 293380
>>293375Spicy noodles with way too much fucking cheese, really regret adding that much rn kek
Anonymous 293381
>>293324>while the series creator they worship larps as a little girl onlinekekk I knew fujimoto was a cow but not to this degree, does he really?
Anonymous 293382
>>293376Same, I’ve been to the gym three times in the past seven days, made my own lunches for work and started a new knitting project kek
Anonymous 293383
Inappropriate use of kek is indeed newfaggotry.
Anonymous 293384
>i hate that “kek” bitch on /ot/
schizo detected, what are you talking about
Anonymous 293386
>>293383kek basically means lol and it doesn’t originate from lolcow, you would know that if you weren’t
lead poisoned you annoying bitch. if something is casual/funny of course you would spam kek you fucking autistic crippling reprobate, imageboards are definitely serious business so true!!!!!!
Anonymous 293387
>>293370It helps to have a bit of apple cider vinegar in water. Help to digest especially fatty things.
Anonymous 293388
>>293357Also agreed, it's ironic nigelfags kept whining about how "anti-male" LC has gotten and not being able to nigelfag when they had entire threads dedicated to nigelbragging. Why even mention it outside containment if you know it's gonna cause infights? I think the worst part of the bunkers is having to mingle with boards/threads you don't willingly frequent
Anonymous 293389
Anonymous 293390
Does anyone have recs for radfem literature? I am very bored and feel like my life is spiraling and maybe I should channel that into something productive.
Anonymous 293391
Is it a red flag if a guy is heavily into roman philosophers and stoicism
Anonymous 293392
Way to miss my original point, now there's infighting about when it's appropriate to kek. This is exactly what I mean. No reading comprehension or abstraction, only jumping onto the first impulse to be inflammatory for the pure sake of it. We're supposed to laugh at cows, not act like them
Anonymous 293393
>>293387Ty for the tip n0nna, I don't have any apple cider vinegar at home but I'll do that next time I'm dying from eating too much.
Anonymous 293394
>>293369>>293372pls draw my husbando but with a pained expression
Anonymous 293395

>>293384spiderman has to be one of my TOP TEN fav emo husbandos especially the spiderman 3 film from 2007 with emo tobey maguire adaption
>>293389kekbitch-chan is like a mysterious boogeyman guest star that would have the seinfeld cast sitting in a diner talking about her, i just know it
Anonymous 293396
>>293388Nigelfags just can't help themselves but brag about their precious boyfriend, who is not like other men
Anonymous 293397

my shoulders are on two completely different levels what the actual fuck, i always knew they were a lil uneven, but it looks so much worse now, even my brother says its jarring, maybe its bc ive been using a tote bag so often
Anonymous 293398

don't insult werewolves like that nona
Anonymous 293399

my job is doing some cringe promotional thing on tiktok and they want me to be in it. i hate social media and i never want my face on it. how do i avoid this fate?
Anonymous 293400
>>293399mask or ai filter for your face
Anonymous 293401
I think I hate my friends. I only hang out with them because I don't want to be alone again, like in highschool. But man, is it exhausting to keep apperances
Anonymous 293402
>>293388they can nigelfag everywhere and get tons of replies it’s so annoying and inaccurate whenever they say stuff like that, they love to dump their nigel rants in the vent thread and people eat it up. i guess being a woman addicted to wanting constant company makes them find abhorrent behavior sexy and attractive and worth having their wombs occupied by a parasite for 8 months to make their nigel breadwinner feel like an accomplished john carrying his god forsaken seed full of rape, abuse and alcohol addiction giving her insane “mom brain” which is just code word for getting mental disability after traumatic pregnancy
Anonymous 293403
>>293386kek is synonymous with lol and many other three letter words such as "lel" and "wew". kek originated in World of Warcraft before being used on 4chan. LC uses kek because it was a popular "lol" alternative at the time of the splinter. It use on 4chan peaked in 2016 and has since declined, while it remains in use on LC.
>if something is casual/funny of course you would spam kekThis particular newfag on /ot/ doesn't use it to express amusement, it's added at the end of posts for reasons that don't make sense, which is why I specified "inappropriate use". Expressing amusement is an appropriate use of kek and is not newfaggotry.
>>293388The seething over nigelfags is honestly a fox and grapes situation.
Anonymous 293404
>>293399Its true, but I dont let my company take photoa of me for even newsletters for hitting stockholder goals. I explain Ive been stalked before.
Anonymous 293405
"blankfag is so annoying" "youre obvs blankchan" etc etc if you paranoid bitches want to be able to see specific users so bad go join a forum. i hate how braindead fucking retarded a vocal minority of you are. seething white hot hate. complaining about infighting and newfags while literally starting fights over nothing. if this applies to you you're going to hell forever
Anonymous 293407
I'm trying to limit my useless scrolling time and ever since LC went down I pirated Duolingo premium and reached unit 11 of the language I started learning
Anonymous 293408
>>293403>The seething over nigelfags is honestly a fox and grapes situationVery male response.
Anonymous 293411
>>293403Nigelfag detected. Rightful annoyance isn't comparable to the constant attention seeking behavior of nigelfags, I barely care about my own friends boyfriends, why would I care about half the thread getting derailed by
>muh husband…>guisss muh bf cheated on me should I take him back? :(>muh ex told me he was 6'7 and…god shut the fuck up already. it's always the same regurgitated stories too. You people need a diary, a therapist, some online friends or just someone to talk to about your mundane bullshit instead of constantly shitting up the threads
Anonymous 293412
shut the fuck up the lot of you
Anonymous 293413
>>293409Why should I get help? Kek getting help is consciously staying far away from a scrote and staying farther away from the women who love being around them
Anonymous 293414
>>293408>opinion you don't like = maleNobody, absolutely nobody could have ever predicted this response.
>>293411Nigelfags are annoying but the endless sperging about nigelfags is also annoying and it's also unhinged. Some neurotypical is having nigel issues and is posting about it on the /ot/ board of lolcow.farm. Who cares? Scroll past it. It's not worth derailing the thread and starting a infight over it.
Anonymous 293416
We've circled back to
>ree normalfags don't belong on my secret imageboard club! NORMIES GTFO
Anonymous 293417
>>293414Male aligned at the very least. Pickme supreme.
Anonymous 293419
>>293407What language? This is impressive
Anonymous 293421
Can you guys stop trying to get the thread locked
Anonymous 293422
>>293416/cgl/ was the cosplay and anime con board on 4chan. Both cosplaying and attending anime cons involves going outside and interacting with people. Now newfags are wondering why everyone isn't a NEET.
>>293417>pick me, nlog, male aligned, handmaiden, internalized misogynyNo one could have ever seen that coming either
Anonymous 293423
>>293419Portuguese, tbh it's not that impressive because they just make you redo the same stock sentences over and over with different foods/animals and I'm good at retaining vocabulary. It's extremely gamified and almost entirely useless, all I can do now is sentences like "the X is Y" in different variations. I can read a lot of Portuguese text now because it's pretty intuitive but I can't express myself at all. I wish they'd do anything to begin explain the grammar rules, they introduced me to different versions of saying "you" but gave not a single hint on when to use which
Anonymous 293424
>>293422You said we were just jealous because we couldn't get a precious, balding, crusty assed nigel. What did you expect.
Anonymous 293425
>>293414>Some neurotypical is having nigel issues and is posting about it on the /ot/ board of lolcow.farm. Who cares? They're not posting it on /ot/ because we're in the bunkers, retard. I have no issue with nigelfags keeping their shit contained in cringe/personal boards, it's bringing it to the bunkers, seething and infighting that bothers me. They should be the ones to ignore the anti-moid anons instead of getting pissed and wking their nigels to no end
Anonymous 293427
>>293414Nobody cares about your centrist opinion, stop labia licking the same women who would’ve bullied your kind in high school kek
Anonymous 293428
>wake up
>check status.lolcow.farm
>return to the mines
Anonymous 293429
>>293423Have you tried into Comprehensible Input? It's probably more productive than Duolingo
Anonymous 293431
>>293428like literally what’s going on
Anonymous 293432
>>293424Why else would you sperg so hard because someone mentioned they're in a relationship with a moid? If you don't care, you would ignore it or report it if it's bait. Instead the response is an autistic tantrum. It's reads as jealousy and not indifference.
>>293427No one cares that you can't get a boyfriend and seethe any one who does but we all still have to suffer through the drails.
Anonymous 293433
>No one cares that you can't get a boyfriend and seethe any one who does
I have tears in my eyes, this is such a terminally underage take
Anonymous 293435
I have six, SIX pair of pants to size down and it's such a pain in the ass. I try very hard to like and enjoy sewing, as it's a necessary skill after all, but often is so frustrating.
For anons who want to start sewing, it's more easy to start from scratch than modify clothes.
Anonymous 293436
>>293432Nta but nonas not wanting to constantly hear people gassing up their Nigels because they washed a dish doesn't mean they're autistic or can't get a bf kek
Anonymous 293437
Has anyone noticed this thing with TRAs and troons trying to get normal people to do troon-adjacent things for mundane shit? like a woman wishes loose shirts would fit her like they do skinny tall men and these tards are like "binder!!!!!", male vaulter gets disqualified bc his knee and dong hit the pole? "he should tuck like a drag queen!! its so totes reasonable bc drag queens hop and dance so much!!", twink faggot wishes he could wear even skinnier jeans but can't bc of his dick? "only solution is bottom surgery!!". Like, fucking stop trying to get more people to engage in your retarded activities just bc you want to make it seem more normal, whats next? im a tad hairy so i should take estrogen?
Anonymous 293438
>>293391It's the equivalent of a girl being really into make-up. It means he doesn't have very many original thoughts, that he just goes with whatever the band wagon suggests and makes that his personality.
Anonymous 293439
Personally I’m never going to forget the boatloads of cringe shit the nigelfags have admitted in these bunkers this time around. Some truly sobering stuff.
Anonymous 293441

>>293437I've heard the estrogen one already kek
it's been this way for a while, they'll try to troon anything that moves
Anonymous 293442
Anons what does it mean when normie women are way nicer and more eager to talk to you than nerdy women? As a teenager I could strike up convos with nerdy women because I was also nerdy as hell, but now as an adult nerdy women are really reserved with me and only normie women are really open to conversation. Does that just mean I look normie? I'm slightly "alt", but not too much, so what the fuck is the deal?
Anonymous 293443

shut the fuck up about moids. send cat pics instead
Anonymous 293444
The weekend is over sooooooooooooo it should be up
Anonymous 293445
>>293437yes they project this shit onto everything and every character.
Anonymous 293446
>>293437Yeah, it's intentional. The clothing stuff is whatever (though binders are unsafe for breathing), just annoying IMO. The really vile shit is when they start suggesting people take hormones "just to see if they like it" or go for surgery
Anonymous 293447
>>293433But if nigelfag haters don't care, why is there always such an intense emotional response? Lack of emotional intelligence, autism, social maladaptation, or jealousy?
>>293436I don't want to read it either, so I don't, I scroll past it. What I don't understand is why it elicits such a heated response when supposedly no one cares? Ignoring nigelfags would reduce nigelposting more than interacting with them. Derailing a thread over it just gets everyone banned.
Anonymous 293450
>>293430Did you not read my post? Or the thread in general?
>a couple anons rightfully annoyed at the constant nigelspergs>nigelspergs instantly REEEEE about how everyone against their constant attentionwhoring, derailing and infighting must be an autistic sperging hateful dyke neet femcel who just can't get a man!!and you people have the audacity to complain about scrotefoiling kek, spoken like a true moid.
Has it occurred to you some of us have nigels ourselves but only speak about them on our personal social media and to friends and family instead of shitting up every thread?
Anonymous 293451
>>293317I'm pretty sure I'm already somebody's personal cow for the autistic fanfics I post.
Anonymous 293452
Please n0nnies… Don't take this bunker away from me, I have nothing else left…
Anonymous 293453
>>293447Why don’t you take your own advice and scroll past the posts YOU don’t like?
Anonymous 293454
>>293439Sometimes I think about dating men (as a bisexual with a preference for women who never tried dating men before) but some of the things nigelfags proudly admit to on here make me realise that it just isn't worth it.
I really miss the nigelbragging containment threads, at least with those we didn't have to hear cold takes from the type of women who turn into zombies whenever they have a man and forget their friends exisy until their moid inevitably fucks up and they need a shoulder to cry on
Anonymous 293455
>>293435>SIX pair of pantsYou are literally in the mines. I hate having to one pair, though I do mine by hand, so that definitely contributes to me procrastinating about it.
Anonymous 293456

my ex who i still have feelings for trooned out and now he’s a 6’9 “woman”. i hate my life, i hate being bi, why can’t i find a stacy lolcow user instead?
Anonymous 293457
>>293442stacies have always been the better friends, movies and tv lied to us. they don't have a complex or chip on their shoulder, they have social skills, and they are more willing to accept new people
Anonymous 293458
>>293456want me to help you kill him noni?
Anonymous 293460
>>293456we truly need the lc gf finder
Anonymous 293463
>>293460NTA and I'd use it, but sadly it would just be full of moids and trannies.
Anonymous 293466
>>293437They definitely get off on spreading their fandom/fetish to others, hence why every mildly GNC person gets called an "egg" nowadays. I'm more surprised by the amount of scrotes who seem to troon out primarily because they think estrogen can stop male pattern baldness KEK. Its incredible how moids vehemently refuse to take care of their appearance, so when they do they have to go all out and become skinwalking trannoids. Couldn't you just have gotten hair plugs?
Anonymous 293468
>>293455I know, my excuse is that its breakfast + organizing my day + searching for material for uni.
The sewing machine is a pain in the ass to set up, I wonder if newer models are less tedious in that matter.
What do you have to do anon? just cinch the waist or cinch all the way down? have you already take the measures and mark the pants?
Anonymous 293470
tell me to not go buy a vape. i love nicotine. what do i do
Anonymous 293471
>>293458we can be like marianne and wanda from goodbye earl
>>293460it’d be a dream, but we all know moids would ruin it instantly
Anonymous 293472
It's funny how farmers ITT are genuinely getting triggered by having to read comments they don't like. How do you survive daily life? How do you have friends? This is veering into unironic femcel larping
Anonymous 293473
>>293470buy nicotine gum/patch instead and slowly free yourself from the curse
Anonymous 293475
>>293470Don't buy the vape because it's what they want you to buy. So don't do it. Nicotine doesn't love you.
Anonymous 293477
>>293470Don't buy a vape because paying someone to give you a stroke from vaping heavy metals is retarded, and you're better than that.
Anonymous 293478

>>293470Why would you buy a vape when you could have a sprite?
Anonymous 293479

>>293464>your nigel has walled before you could ever create a response to thisKEKKKKKK love you
>>293472aren't you also getting triggered by comments you don't like right now? follow your own advice and ignore it
Anonymous 293480

>>293470Vaping is harder to give up than smoking. I know several people who switched to vaping thinking it would be a step to giving up nicotine entirely and now they can't. Vaping is only useful if someone can not give it up because from a physical health perspective it is much less harmful but it's more addicting and trying to stop causes more psychological distress.
Anonymous 293481
i'm missing the dress up games threads so bad right now nonas
Anonymous 293482
>”why do scrotes that we keep saying we’re incompetent and dependent and childish? we’re capable of anything”
>shows how incapable they are of being on their own and depending on a man to survive
>is still confused as to why scrotes continue to treat them like shit it’s because you keep GOING BACK TO THEM
I guess telling be truth makes you a bitch, I rather be an unlikeable bitch than another victim or a stepping stool for scrotes. Nigelfags are all libfems and choice feminists in spirit but if you point this out you’re “retarded” “cant get a man” blah blah your nigel is probably hitting up his ex he can’t get over
Anonymous 293483

ok s thank you i will not succumb to the vape. im going to 7/11 for a slurpee anyone need anything
Anonymous 293484
>>293470Think of your skin and lungs, or just buy a disposable one (i know its shitty to environment) and enjoy it while it last
Anonymous 293486

This site has always been dead as fuck and gets infinitely worse CP spamming scrote raids all the time so I'm pretty sure these aren't miners but some seething lurker that has been following LC refugees to bitch about us on every meta board. Wonder if it's the fujochans
Anonymous 293487
>>293486Why are you trying to start drama? Some of you are absolutely hopeless
Anonymous 293488
>>293482If I was wrong, you wouldn't still be seething about it when the thread has moved on.
Anonymous 293489
If you didn't try raid fujochan like obnoxious newfags this probably wouldn't happen
Anonymous 293491
>>293483i want energy drinks without sugar pls
Anonymous 293492

>>293479They think femcels are real KEK
>>293488Nope, you’re wrong and I don’t have to explain anything to you. Nigelfags don’t care about anything unless it deals with their pet scrote
Anonymous 293493
>>293483My happiness and peace back. I'd also like a slurpee too, please.
Anonymous 293495

My late cat was a snowshoe. She was really smart, cute and tsundere (she got more affectionate as she grew older)
Miss her so much, I think I really did get more irritable and generally angry after her passing.
Anonymous 293496
>>293486How schizophrenic do you need to be to think that nobody else posts here except us and some boogeyman who is following you around imageboards?
Anonymous 293497
>>293486>LC anons go to CC and fujochan>break the rules>refuse to integrate>post spam>insult the users and moderators of the site they want to post onIt's not surprising that they treat us like toxic waste.
Anonymous 293502
Screenshot 2024-09…

LS Mark just released the pilot of his new cartoon and I come home to lolcow to find it in ashes, WHERE IS MY WESTERN ANIMATION THREAD? I NEED TO TEAR THIS TO SHREDS
Anonymous 293503
What if we are being gangstalked
Anonymous 293504
>>293452We need a bunker from the bunker…
Anonymous 293506
i want my bechdel test thread!
Anonymous 293507

I hope it’s ok to share a puppy with my dog n0ns
Anonymous 293508
lolcow please come back these retards haven't stopped fighting
Anonymous 293509
I love when I meow at my cat and she meows back at me
Anonymous 293513
wtf did I do I just wanted to see the OG and replies
Anonymous 293514
>I will come back and act normally
then the ban has worked
Anonymous 293515
i really don’t understand the saying “apple of my eye”?
Anonymous 293516
>>293478I desperately want to try a Cranberry Sprite
Anonymous 293517

my period is due in a day or two and i'm irritated and anxious and my stomach hurts and i just want pms to be over please please please can my it come early this month i don't wanna wait anymore!!!
Anonymous 293520
>Straight women are doomed because being a handmaiden and pickme is weaved into their biological sexuality
I hope the hetero anons on here are at least celibate if not normie women
Anonymous 293521

tfw you end up in a group assignment with someone on the same wavelength so you're done with 1/3 of the assignment on the first day, and might finish most of it tomorrow.
Anonymous 293522
If you are feeling sad just remember that the sun is always alone and it still shines!
Anonymous 293523
>>293516nta but it’s almost sprite cranberry season noni!! get excited
Anonymous 293524
I love laying a big egg on my period
Anonymous 293525
I thought the site was supposed to be back up? what's going on? surely someone can contact the admin and ask them to fix whatever they broke?
Anonymous 293527

Had a horrible vision of Cerbmin making a status update saying "Lolcow is gone…for now. Stay tuned.", explaining that the old site won't be used anymore, and a new one is in the works, predicted to launch in 2027 (2026 at earliest). Some anons requested at least an archive of the "old" Lolcow, and Cerbmin either just told them they're working on it, or that everything on the old site is completely scrapped and we'd have to make do with what's on the Web Archive or archive.is.
I really hope this isn't the case. Please pray with me that I am wrong, n0nnies.
Anonymous 293528
>>293428The mines are dark and cold, I need to be back out on the green pastures as the warm sun shines over me
Anonymous 293531
lc has to die eventually, maybe now is it's time
Anonymous 293532
>>293525I took the time to email
[email protected] twice and received no response
Anonymous 293534
>>293527I'm praying that our Archive stays up. We have so many gems
Anonymous 293535

>>293509the best feeling, even moreso when their meow almost matches how you meowed at them
Anonymous 293537
I love watching this thread, it's like looking at an ant farm.
Anonymous 293541
N0nnies, I am starting to get worried, where I will rant about my de/g/eneracy? Also, that site hates foreign languages.
I will miss lolcor
Anonymous 293542
>>293532Thanks for at least trying n0nnie
Anonymous 293544

>traffic overload on the server
>retardmin claims it’s a serious problem
>too humiliated to just be honest and say we got ddos’d by trannies
I know this is an AI response from Google but I feel like it was effectively DDOS’d kek, I knew it
Anonymous 293546
This is all Elaine's doing
Anonymous 293547
>>293541it’s ok . one time lolcow was offline for like, almost two months and we still came out alive. we’ll all be okay kek
Anonymous 293549
>>293531It's so easy for me to get time warped into LC. If it dies I'll have to find a new primary internet hobby, and that's probably for the best
Anonymous 293550
I am listening to Handel's Giulio Cesare. I love baroque opera.
Anonymous 293551
No one will read this so im finally going to come out and say it: Im gay
Anonymous 293552
>>293544lolcow is experiencing a 521 error, not 522
Anonymous 293553
>>293539No you're supposed to
cover them in chocolate and eat them. Anonymous 293554
>>293497>usYou aren't fooling anyone. Also you posted variations of this post at least 5 times already both on here and fujochan, no one is biting.
Anonymous 293555
>>293544The error code is 521 though. Host is down. 522 means that the host can't complete connections.
Anonymous 293556
I'd forgotten how full some LC threads are of tradthots and e-whores till you mentioned it.
Wonder if one of the nigelfags having a meltdown because nobody cares about her nigel is one of the ass eating camwhores from the Shay threads that shit up the thread occasionally to defend men and whoring yourself out to them
Anonymous 293557
Went to the cinema for the first time ever with my friends. We watched the new Alien movie. It was the most generic horror movie in history, it could serve as a guide to horror tropes. I literally predicted every jumpscare, plot twist, and event from the few lines said at the beginning and the excessive amount of foreshadowing. I want to say that the sole female survivor is based for having a robot husbando she can control, but he's ugly so it doesn't matter.
Anonymous 293558
>>293554This poster must be the one stalking us on fujochan
Anonymous 293559
>>293557Stop predicting shit you're ruining your own fun nostradamus
Anonymous 293560
>>293547Was the Christmas bunker times two months? I don't remember it being that long, but I guess other anons couldn't access it at all for a while..
Anonymous 293561
Wasnt there another two week outage within the last couple years? Im pretty sure lc is coming back
Anonymous 293563
>>293554This is the first time I've posted anything like this. It's not even an opinion it's an observation of reality and more than person is capable of making the same observation.
Anonymous 293564

Drama fades, we wait
Lolcow down, no trolls to bait
Where’s my daily hate?
I NEED MY LOLCOR. Why can’t this retarded website allow cow discussions. I just need my cow threads
Anonymous 293565
anons who’ve been pregnant before was your pee bright orange? im too scared to go buy a test and find out for sure
Anonymous 293567
>>293564I'm worried the Null milk will be dried up and stale by the time we come back. Only cow that's caught my attention in years.
Anonymous 293569

Im gonna go try to be productive, be good while I'm gone, snons.
Anonymous 293570
>>293567yeah she was a really good cow, we haven't had ine like that in a while
Anonymous 293571
>>293567yeah she was a really good cow, we haven't had ine like that in a while
Anonymous 293572
>>293523They've never sold it here. Only regular and zero. Maybe I can buy it online
>>293532The twitter has
[email protected].
Although that hasn't been used in ages.
Anonymous 293573
I miss when cosplay was some weird campy kids dressing as their favorite anime characters and genuinely having fun. Now it's only thots on cheap lingerie. Even in the anime convention I attended recently, it was pretty much the waifu of the month. I even miss the cringe fujos with the yaoi pads. Now everything is so soulless because coomerism took over and you can "cosplay" with photoshop like Skirby does.
Anonymous 293574

I like tall beefy men with chest hair and I refuse to be called a faggot by NEETnonas any longer
Anonymous 293575

Period story time:
Feel free to join. So many years ago I wanted to try a period cup and for some reason thought i put it in the first time at work. I quickly noticed how uncomfortable it made me knowing it’s suctioning to my uterus. The ting itself didn’t feel uncomfortable. I went to the restroom to get it out and I couldn’t for the life if me! I tried minutes and hot super panicked that I started crying while fumbling around to somehow get it to unsuctuon kek I managed it somehow and I left the restroom crying and shacking all before 10 am. Nowadays I can laugh about it but I’m still using pads.
Anonymous 293577
>>293573Companies also pay models and give them the costumes to wear, rather than it being created out of someone’s passion for the anime or game character
Anonymous 293578
>>293573Is it even worth going to cons anymore? People only seem to dress up as FOTM stuff, there doesn't seem to be as much fellowship, and it seems like a money-sink.
Anonymous 293579
>>293415>>293418Idk he is really into this self-improvement "wake up at 5 am and be productive" type of stuff. Also doesn't see any value in most fictional media because you "need to learn something from it" (he is a teacher). Sometimes I feel like I am at a job interview and not good enough because the things that interest him the most are my educational background, how many degrees I have, my job and the quantity of hobbies that I have. He asks questions like "what is your relationship with your work like".
Anonymous 293580
>>293567same, it felt like we were on the brink of milking her for all she's worth when she started deleting and privating old accounts plus the server and having her family do the same, and Kiwifags just aren't as dedicated. Fanny must be resting so peacefully atm
Anonymous 293582
>>293577I would ask back for the badly made Miku, Kairi or Tsukino Usagi costumes if this meant the death of Instagram thots' "cosplays"
Anonymous 293583
>>293579sounds like one of those hustle culture guys
Anonymous 293584
>>293566sorry i took so long to answer but no nona i’m keeping it real kek
Anonymous 293586
>>293579He is addicted to porn and other vices, and instead of untangling his issues, he puts himself in a constant state of "penance" and looks down on those who don't. Internally, he jacks off to those male philosophers and all these meme concepts. It is a pretense, he's managed to learn the aesthetic of discipline and not much more.
You will not be happy with such a person. He will find fault and blame in anything that you do so that he can feel "pure".
Anonymous 293587
>down for 2 months
they will be causing some lolcow neets to suicide because of this
Anonymous 293588
>>293575oh my god I have a similar story but thankfully I was at home, I can't imagine going through that kind of thing at work lol sorry nona that sounds traumatising. what brand was it do you rememeber? for me it was a mooncup and far too firm meaning that getting it out was a nightmare (I now use a brand which is softer and easier to remove) but I remember trying to get my fingers either side of the thing and pinching it closed, or getting it to fold in on itself to slip out but no, it would not budge. everytime I tried to fold it inwards it SNAPPED back out and into place inside my vag which fucking hurt. I could not release the suction and with each snap back into place was painful. I wasn't your levels of panic but I was reading and re-reading over the instructions and trying not to get to stressed imagining having to go to the hospital to get it removed lol. eventually I just tugged it out by the 'stem' and never used it again. it really was the wrong shape/size/firmness for me. years later I tried a lunette and it's perfect for me. maybe you could look into those if you ever wanted to try cups again?
Anonymous 293589
>>293579I dunno why this even needs to be said, but if it sounds like this chimp isn't going to respect you or your interests out of just liking you as a person then it's not worth your time to engage with him. If you always have to "prove" shit to him he's a fucking faggot.
Anonymous 293590
>>293559Not my fault that the writers are unoriginal. But I was the only one actually focusing on the story while snacking, everyone else got distracted or too scared to look. Even though the gore cinematic makeup, CGI, and green screen was very obvious. I usually don't watch any live action things because I can't suspend my disbelief with these for some reason.
Anonymous 293591

>>293585fellow nonita with a love for a man with black and white hair…
Anonymous 293592
Screen Shot 2024-0…

does know that gikopoipoi and play.gikopoi are two different website created by two different people and we aren't using the pedo one
Anonymous 293593
doggone it!.gif

Our blender broke and my dad went out to get a new one, WITHOUT ME. He's not allowed to buy new stuff for the house without my opinion because he has zero taste and always picks the fugliest shit. Our kitchen is vintage and cutesy and he buys some huge, black alpha-male blender that looks like it's used by the military or something to blend up corpses or mix concrete with
Anonymous 293594
>>293573Anime becoming so mainstream and it's consequences
Anonymous 293595
>>293586Damn I think you are spot on. He talked about smoking weed and one time we went to a park and a bird jumped on another bird and said "look a rape is happening there". You might be right with the porn addiction too he once asked if I knew what deepthroating was and I said "no is it a new medical invention?" (That thankfully shut him up). Bitch even went on a vacation to sweden to freaking work even more on a farm. He also once said that he likes to downplay his abilities because it is always good to appear humble and down to earth.
Anonymous 293596
If anyone here in this mess of a thread is a long, loooong time c.c regular, - I'll take my chances that you might be reading this - thanks for untangling my fucked up gender role cognitive dissonance. You made me realize men's opinions don't mean shit, basically the first time i internalized that things can be different is when some random anons on here gently talked me through the bullshit I was spewing. I'm a radfem now and my life is so much better. So, again, thank you.
Anonymous 293597
>>293464>your nigel has walled before you could ever create a response to thisKekked out loud, LMAOOO
>>293565Pls drink water or you ate/drank something super orange. Why are you scared though, just do it, you'll likely will get nothing. I don't think orange pregnancy prediction pee is a thing or we'd hear about it more.
>>293574I love you, nоnnie, but you've acquired a perverted taste. Please seek treatment by exposure to beautiful hairless anime bishounens, the true beauty. Let me save you.
Anonymous 293598
>>293391If he was actually interesting and based he would be more interested in Epicureanism rather than the meme that is stoicism
Anonymous 293599
>>293228Can we have a bpdchan throuple? I can be designated pussyeater
Anonymous 293600

What are some female youtubers you like/would recommend?
Anonymous 293601
>>293597Second ayrt noni; I’m scared because I have a disability and I really really really want to have kids but I don’t want my shitty health to hurt my baby
Anonymous 293602
>>293600tangomushi, eurothug4000, and liss the lass if you like gaming content!
Anonymous 293604
The Trump assassination bunker thread was gold. I want to kermit if I'll never be able to see it again.
Anonymous 293606
>>293601I see, nоnna, completely understandable. It's still better to know than not, i know you know it. It'll probably be nothing, don't panic too much, you're doing it just in case which is unlikely. Don't worry. Perhaps you have other reasons to worry about pregnancy other than orange pee? Because orange pee isn't it, kek.
Anonymous 293607
The most comfortable way for me to browse in the internet is to kneel on the floor and have the upper half of my body resting on the bed with my laptop. I hate sitting up and it's hard to concentrate that way. Is this a sign of weak core strength or something?
Anonymous 293608
>>293594I feel bad for cosplayer anons, but considering it's anime it feels like it was bound to happen. Coomers at an anime con is like forks found in kitchen
Anonymous 293609
>>293595yeah, he sounds dishonest and porn-brainy, really awful combo. The bird remark is especially gross, normal people dont think 'rape' when they see animals procreate.
Anonymous 293610
>>293595Yeah sounds like a freak. The only good use out of a nutcase like that is using him as a dildo for your own enjoyment, but not worth actually having around
Anonymous 293611

>>293605!!!! there he is!!! my stinky bug man!!!!
Anonymous 293613
>>293595Leave him
>>293609>normal people dont think 'rape' when they see animals procreate.I think of how males are always aggressive no matter what they are, but I do not think of "lol rape" the way he does
Anonymous 293614
>>293600if you haven't seen yet you gotta watch vewn's newest video
Anonymous 293615
>>293610>using him as a dildo for your own enjoymentntayrt but that sounds like a bad idea and i wouldnt risk it. Not just because of the violent porn-watching preferences, but he's more likely to be bad in bed and have ED. Besides, you do not want that type of guy to feel resentment towards you for ""leading him on"". Who knows how actually fucked up he is?
Anonymous 293616
>>293595this along with your other posts are very bad redflags. he's a pornbrained moralfag who will take his guilt out on you. please stay away from him, nona
Anonymous 293617
>>293603it's a lonely moid advertising his pedo site, report and ignore
Anonymous 293618
>>293390entry level picks would be dworkin, le deuxieme sexe, material girls, invisible women, trans - when ideology meets reality
Anonymous 293619
What thread are you most excited to see updates for when LC is back up? Not a couple threads, THE thread.
Anonymous 293620
>>293615You’re right. That isn’t a smart idea, I’m ovulating so don’t listen to me
Anonymous 293621
>>293606kek you’re right when i googled “orange pee pregnancy” all that came up was dehydration
Anonymous 293622
>>293619Cow-related thread, honestly the Grimes and Elon thread, but AddyHarajuku too kek(sorry can't choose between them)
Anonymous 293623
>>293582that shit was fun though. I liked seeing everyone's haphazardly homemade costumes, and the process of getting mine together was fun. my sisters and I would make lists of all the items we needed then hit the thrift to see if we could find anything to work with, then the craft stores to make the rest at home. ordering a whole costume online just kind of sucks the point out of it for me, but to each their own I guess. as long as everyone is having fun…
Anonymous 293624
>>293597I’m sorry n0nnerita…I would lick a hairless tall elegant anime moid but they do not just get me going the same way…I am very hairy and sweaty even though I am not overweight and I desire body hair on body hair realness. I have transcended normal het retardation I am on another level of retardation. Being into twinks makes me feel like a creepy old faggot preying on boys. I’d rather prey on a cavemoid and mindbreak him
Anonymous 293625
>>293619Don't judge me but I've got the Shaytism bad. I refuse to look at her socials though.
Anonymous 293626
>>293619My beloved Amerifags thread. I’ve missed her so much
Anonymous 293627
>>293390don't choose radfem lit for when your life is spiraling, theres a significant chance it might make it worse, a lot of the topics and epiphanies you get can be quite depressing. I only read it when I'm in a mental place where I'm ready to be an active participant in my life. But a more life-affirming radfem book is something like Who Cooked The Last Supper?
For a spiraling situation, I would reccomend any active hobby like any type of art, programming, working out, cooking, stuff like that. If you're on low mental energy and you're approaching depression, try reading fiction or - it sounds more impressive than movies or music but it only requires a little more energy than the previous two, plus it's great escapism material if you really vibe with the book.
It's even better if there's a female-dominant community for the hobby that you choose.
I believe in you, nona!
Anonymous 293628
>>293617i'm not a moid retard. you're actually mentally ill
Anonymous 293629
>>293626same holy shit. the debate is this week too wtf where am i supposed to talk about it
Anonymous 293630
>>293619Sonic totem because I feel strange worshipping my god in a foreign temple… female fantasies, the book and movie thread, celebricows, and the mtf thread for thinly veiled a-logging.
>>293629Ah fuck
Anonymous 293631
>>293622I was kekking like a motherfucker when the discord shit happened. Addy is such a goddamn clown I wish her threads didn’t have so many zoomer nitpicking newfags though
Anonymous 293633
what the fuck, why isn't lolcow still back?
I want to post inew material in so many threads…
Anonymous 293634

Some days I forget to check if Lolcow Farm is back up. Even on a deeper level I know this is the end of the farm. Entering the acceptance phase that it's gone.
Goodnight s.
Anonymous 293635
it's coming back today. i have inside information
Anonymous 293636
Is there a male autism epidemic? It seems like 1 out of 10 zoomer males i interact with are painfully awkward and socially retarded. Im getting sick of it .You cannot be an adult acting like embarrassment from Inside Out.
Anonymous 293638
>>293629fucking exactly! we need it!
>>293635omg really? i emailed admins today for the first time and got no response
Anonymous 293641
Would love advice on how to stop liking someone. My friend/co-worker and I blur the lines all too often. Irl and online. We are both in longterm, stable relationships. Nothing physical has happened and I feel immense guilt for basically emotionally cheating on my partner already. However, the guilt alone isn’t enough to kill my crush on the other person. And unfortunately I do believe these feelings are mutual for them too. How can I stay friends with this person platonically, and squash these budding romantic feelings? I love my partner and the life we have, and don’t want to change that at all.
Anonymous 293643
my narcissistic moid father posted photos of me as a child wishing me a happy birthday on facebook yesterday, and yelled at me after i told him he didnt have my permission. told me he would delete them and tell them he hates me instead. i told him he's a fucking narcissist for wanting all the attention for my birthday when i dont ever post shit like that
Anonymous 293644
>>293636I guess it depends which types you're interacting with.
Anonymous 293645
>>293639im trying so hard to stay optimistic considering how hard cerbmin is lacking. absent father vibe
Anonymous 293646
>>293638They don't have "inside information," they just want attention from anonymous strangers
Anonymous 293648
>>293643my parents post ugly pictures of me on facebook all the time. i've given up caring at this point
Anonymous 293649
>>293641You need to ignore each other at work and never communicate with each other. If you don’t, it will just keep escalating and escalating. There’s nothing wrong or bad about crushing on someone else while you’re in a LTR. The spark and fire is good for you. Ideally you’d bring it back to your partner at home. But I know that’s easier said than done. You don’t need to tell your partner, cuz everyone is allowed secrets, and they probably have a few they’re taking to the grave themselves. I don’t think it’s possible for the feelings to die down though. They’re going to keep increasing. The only other option is trying to give each other the “ick” maybe? Be rude to each other on purpose, do gross behaviors, etc so the fantasy dies down? Just warning you that didn’t work for me either. In the end I ended my long term relationship (8 years) because I genuinely realized he and I were mostly just friends that have sex occasionally. Could be that you’re missing something too and just don’t realize it because maybe you don’t want to. Good luck, I do not envy you
Anonymous 293650
>>293643not trying to start an argument, but how is that narcissistic? aren't birthday posts like that normal, especially for a parent?
Anonymous 293651
>>293621Ayrt, kek, anon. I got scared looking at my own orange pee once too, it looks very unhealthy, i can imagine myself having strange ideas too if i didn't know what it really was. Go drink water, queen, and don't stress yourself so much anymore.
>>293624>Being into twinks makes me feel like a creepy old faggot preying on boys.I can tell this is the main reason. You have made yourself into a bаrаfаg out of misplaced shame! You can be saved, anon!!! You're beautiful and you deserve a beautiful hasubando!
Did CC start banning just for vpn currently?
Anonymous 293653
>>293636There definitely is. Gen X parents create almost exclusively autistic creatures, especially sons
>>293643I fucking hate shit like this. Delete his account when he’s not home
>>293650Nta from the original post, but I think asking for attention on social media by posting about your loved ones birthdays and trying to make yourself look good to strangers is not only weird by itself but also narcissistic. If it was the 70s and social media didn’t exist yet, would it be normal to send photos of your loved one to people all over the world when it’s their birthday? Fuck no kek that never happened. It only happens now because people are poisoned by social media.
Anonymous 293654
>>293650Ntayrt but it's the fact that he said he would delete it and post that he :hates" anon instead. It's a selfish, childish reaction unfit from a parent. Especially since it's totally valid for a woman to not want childhood pics of herself up on the internet at all.
Anonymous 293655
>>293636It's the phones. Boomer were right, phone bad, book good.
Anonymous 293656
>>293643fuck my mother does this too. you handled that well. when my sister had her birthday my mom asked her to send a pic to post in her whatsapp status and then she sent me the picture asking if i also think my sister looks like a junkie and that she doesn't want to post it? and then she posted child pictures my sister didn't want her to post instead. she also asks for pictures whenever one of us is on vacation only to repost them to facebook so "she can make it seem like she has a lot going on". tf is wrong with that woman. i don't recall her exhibiting narc behavior when i grew up but ever since her menopause started it got really intense. i can't stand her atp
Anonymous 293657
I'm alone at the gym practicing my catwalk and pretending that i am a supermodel while listening to the club theme from blade
Anonymous 293658

>>293651You can’t psyop me into worshipping twinkkuns Ms. Nonners. You can’t. I like my hairy strong retards!!!!! But I love you for trying
Anonymous 293659
>>293657sometimes i turn on the club music from Vampires TMB and flail around like they do in the game for my warmup, it looks goofy as fuck but I'm at home and I absolutely hate warmups
Anonymous 293660
>>293650He's a narcissist because he threw a bitch fit and said he'd just say he hates her instead. A normal parent would already understand their kids personality enough to know what they like or dislike and not cross the boundary.
Anonymous 293662

i’m decent at lineart/value shading but whenever i try painting digitally it turns out like picrel. i don’t know whether it’s the colors or the blending or the brush or some combination. is there any way i can improve? i use procreate btw. i’ve tried following several tutorial videos/speedpaints but it still turns out like shit maybe i’m just retarded.
Anonymous 293663
Will getting a part-time job give me a sense of purpose?
Anonymous 293665
>>293663no but it can make you hate your life even more. get a creative hobby, do sports or find new friends to inspire you instead
Anonymous 293666
>>293650Because neither my sister or i have him on facebook. My sister is no contact with him due to his narcissism. He screams "fuck you" in my face and told my sister she's dead to him, yet he posts on facebook for attention
>>293648Who said im ugly? He has literal groomers and creeps on his profile. Didnt think id need to justify that one
>>293654>>293660Thank you two for having reading comprehension
Anonymous 293668
>>293662I was like this when transitioning to digital as well. Trying to imitate my traditional style in digital was fucked for a while. Only advice is too keep practising and familiarizing yourself with the program, it's because you're unfamiliar with the new tools.
Anonymous 293669
>>293649Thank you, except for the last bit kek however true bc I don’t exactly wanna be in this position. It’s been building for over a year now.. at first I was bringing the excitement home to my partner and it was fine! But now I feel I’m being stale as I just want the other person so much it’s starting to make me depressed when I’m away from them/not talking to them. I do not want to feel this way at all!
I’ll lean more into the ick shit fr, I think it’s all I’ve got at this point. I went for the out-spoken and obnoxious route but somehow it only made them like me more and call me “unique”. I’m scared to outright ghost them and hurt them, yet I’m also terrified to be transparent and talk to them about all of this because I think it will make things worse for the both of us. Or maybe telling them will burst this whole bubble and we will both get the ick?! Lorde have mercy
Anonymous 293670
>>293667Getting paid and getting a sense of purpose in life are two completely seperate things.
Anonymous 293671
So what do streamers even do? Why do people watch them? I don't get it
Anonymous 293672
could you imagine waking up one morning and your daughter coming to you and telling you, completely serious, that she’s going to turn herself into a man?
Anonymous 293769
any mechanic nona’s in here wanna help me replace my ignition lock in my car? i keep trying to turn the original keyhole but it won’t turn. I lost my old car key and i don’t have enough money for the locksmith
Anonymous 293791
>>293652I want to sperg about sinnabunny wahhhh
Anonymous 293822
Nonas I'm sitting in the sunshine waiting ten minutes to clock in at my wagey retail hell job where I'll be stuck inside listening to a work troon laughing about dumb moid shit in his creepy falsetto
I want to stay in the sunshine and be a secret terf on lolcor
Anonymous 293966
>>293515Because it has no relation to the fruit. The original phrase was "aperture of my eye" but both because people didn't know what that term meant, and because apple went better in flowery phrases and poems, we switched to saying apple of my eye.
Anonymous 294233
>>293191the "plap plap plap" thing really turned me off clicking that latest vinesauce upload
Anonymous 295203
>>294233Me too, holy shit. I think I watched that part live. I dropped the stream instantly.
That's why I'm saying I'm so fucking sick of female Vtubers + Vinesauce. Almost every woman that chooses to become a Vtuber has to say the most pornsick jokes possible all the time to keep her scrote audience, it feels forced and fake as fuck on top of being revolting. And of course their avatars are moeshit characters that moids find attractive, with an equally "attractive", annoying, forced anime childlike voice.
I'm not touching any of Vinesauce's VODs that have Vtubers in the thumbnail. I used to have an interest in Limes' content because ages ago I found her by coincidence when I looked for TMGS streams on Twitch, and found her playthrough where she got Himuro's ending. She complained a lot about him being a pedo teacher cuz the protagonist is a high schooler. But nowadays, she has no problem making constant sex jokes as a Vtuber and revealing private sexual things to make the moids in the audience "laugh"?? It's so fucking sad and gross.
That's why I asked for semi-popular streamer recommendations that aren't Vtubers, titty streamers, or any other sort of pickme, streamers that cater primarily to a female audience with humor like Vinesauce does, but without the scroteyness. They seem to be as rare/non-existent as unicorns.