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Fitness general Anonymous 2106[Reply]

Old thread seems to be locked.

>post fitness related questions

>share your workouts, goals, inspiration etc.
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Anonymous 19546

>Does anyone here know a female only forum like this one specifically for female bodybuilders?
not what you're looking for but iirc lc has a thread for bodybuilding

Anonymous 20680

I have started my fitness journey with a 4 day rotation of strength training and on my off days I do 45 mins cardio.

Currently I weigh 151 lbs. Will report back with results monthly!

Anonymous 20684


I'm few months into lifting (5x a week) and weigh about the same. What do you do for cardio? I have a bad habit of skipping cardio bc I hate most of it, and I need to find something I like enough to do consistently

Anonymous 20690

Just went on a 4h hike uphill and it is way better than the step master

Anonymous 20691

Oops sorry I meant to reply to myself (I am going to reply to Myself every time I do a good exercise to help keep myself motivated & let others see / get inspired by my progress)
But on my 45 mins days I do the step master or elliptical with a good podcast episode so it isn’t as gruelling. I am aiming to do long hiking trips on the weekend.

Being active makes me feel alive. My weights fluctuated over the years (115-200lbs) and my healthiest and fittest I’ve been was 130’lbs where I didn’t count calories but made sure I exercised everyday and I skipped junk food, sugary drinks, and ate whole carbs (rice, potatoes)
I’m aiming to get back there again. Would not recommend starving yourself. You don’t feel as good. When I was 115 lbs I’d easily faint sometimes… I did look good in photos but feeling bad ain’t worth it


Small Breasts Thread Anonymous 3427[Reply]

Let's discuss our thoughts on our small breasts and offer solutions and bra recommendations. Please, no derailing with people saying how we have it "easy" or anything like that.

>How has having small breasts affected your body image and confidence?

>Do you believe breast augmentation is alright?
>Do you prefer going braless?
>What are your favorite types of bras, if you wear bras?
>Do you care about having cleavage or not?
>If you have been berated for having small breasts, how have you coped?
>What are your favorite aspects of having small breasts?
>What's your favorite breast type visually?
>Any other advice for other small-breasted ladies, stories related to your small breasts, etc.
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Anonymous 20248

as much as i hate cops 2, i have the same opinion as them and your neighbours. There IS a difference betweeen a man and a woman going around topless

Anonymous 20644

mine are exactly like that like even down to the weird shape so it only ever looks okayish when its cold. having badly shaped tits are way worse than having super small ones that have a good shape. i think a boob job is my only option :(

Anonymous 20687


>How has having small breasts affected your body image and confidence?

>If you have been berated for having small breasts, how have you coped?
I hung around a lot of online spaces when I was 12-14 YO (male dominated spaces since the internet in general is male dominated). Can't believe my self-esteem got so low that I used to joke with them about being "flat". When I was 17 an ex-bf told me I was unattractive because I didn't fit into Eurocentric beauty standards which I suspect is partially due to my small breasts (I'm Asian). I coped by developing a hatred of men kekw.

Anonymous 20688

I miss having small breasts so much. Back when I was in high school I was 5'9 and weighed 129 pounds and was a B cup at most. Now it's 10 years later I'm 226 and my breasts are fucKing huge. I can't find bras that fit me at Walmart or any of the normal stores and even when special stores have them they are expensive and few and far between. I hate that can't do jumping jacks, I hate that I can't really wear sports bras (I'm autistic and it gives me sensory issues). I remember an ex of mine brought up how small they were in a text telling me off after I broke up with him. It really didn't affect my that much because I liked the way they looked. I guess the only thing that ever really hurt my self-confidence is when people would mistake me for a guy, but at the time I associated that with me just being an ugly girl. In hindsight, it probably had something to do with it. It doesn't matter to me now, I would do anything to go back to my old body. [spoiler]I just wish I could stop overeating. I have like no self-control.Or stop eating for a while in general[spoiler] I guess I like that guys like my breasts and they can be kinda cute in some outfits. I would kill to have small breasts again though.

Anonymous 20689


I miss having small breasts so much. Back when I was in high school I was 5'9 and weighed 129 pounds and was a B cup at most. Now it's 10 years later I'm 226 and my breasts are fucKing huge. I can't find bras that fit me at Walmart or any of the normal stores and even when special stores have them they are expensive and few and far between. I hate that can't do jumping jacks, I hate that I can't really wear sports bras (I'm autistic and it gives me sensory issues). I remember an ex of mine brought up how small they were in a text telling me off after I broke up with him. It really didn't affect my that much because I liked the way they looked. I guess the only thing that ever really hurt my self-confidence is when people would mistake me for a guy, but at the time I associated that with me just being an ugly girl. In hindsight, it probably had something to do with it. It doesn't matter to me now, I would do anything to go back to my old body. I just wish I could stop overeating. I have like no self-control.Or stop eating for a while in general I guess I like that guys like my breasts and they can be kinda cute in some outfits. I would kill to have small breasts again though. Please delete the above post the spoiler text didn't work right


Anonymous 20313[Reply]

I would like to remind everyone that the ladies working at ulta and saphora don't know wtf they are talking about
>in ulta
>ask girl where they keep their CeraVe products
>she scrunches up her face
>"you know, we have some much better skin products for the same price"
>she shows me some jar bottled skincare that's more perfume than product
>read ingredients, has alchohol and a bunch of other shit I know is bad

I should have known, considering she had a bunch of acne under her makeup

Another story
>go to saphora
>ask girl for a gel eyeliner that will stay in place really well and not smudge
>she shows me some popular, expensive brand and I buy it
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Anonymous 20318

Heard the aritzia ones are mean on purpose
In the end they're just doing their work, selling you store stuff. They're not advisors.

Anonymous 20327

I have a story about this as well.
>in sephora
>first time going to that location
>ask girl at the counter to show me where the mascaras are
>she points to a corner with a stand and a bunch of boxes and shit
>"that's the lash section"
>walk over to find its a flash eyelash display

Anonymous 20331

Honestly I think the girls at Ulta are just trolling us pretending to know a thing about makeup

Anonymous 20685

>go to lux beauty store for drugstore brand
>believes cerave doesnt have alcohol

Anonymous 20686

yeah… you have a good point there.


too discouraged to go to gym/work out Anonymous 20676[Reply]

can any fit/muscular nonas help me? i am a recovered ED patient but i still struggle with working out.

i really like the idea of becoming stronger. i have tried to strength train in the past, but faced three main mental barriers that always lead to me quitting early.


first and foremost, i find it extremely discouraging because of how much more easily men build muscle. they barely have to do any work and in the first few months will gain strength extremely fast. the first time i started working out, i would go to the gym with my boyfriend on his membership. he blew past me in terms of progress, improving at roughly double my rate, until i was left in the dust. i got gradually more upset and quit.

some time later, i started to go the gym again. this time alone, so i wouldn't have anyone else to compare myself to. i went to planet fitness, so i used the smith machine for bench, squats, and deadlifts. i also used the bicep curl machine, free-weights, bar for deadhangs and pullups, pulleys, and treadmill. but i stil felt like i was improving extremely slowly. i wasn't noticing any benefits to strength training; everyday objects weren't noticeably easier to move/carry and i was unhappier with myself than before. at that point i felt like the psychic damage and time investment of 3-4 days/week wasn't worth it. some days i could run farther without stopping but that's about it. it gave me the impression that as a small woman, i'm simply not made to get stronger or build muscle. which makes me feel pretty sad and inferior.


like i said, i have a history of eating disorders and i'm about 90% recovered (back at a healthy bmi for years and don't restrict/binge). but when i am supposed to eat a lot of protein and be in a calorie surplus, it still fucks me up. i feel like i can see my body get bigger and am afraid that i'll never be able to lose that weight during the cut. i don't idealize thinness anymore, and would like my body to look more toned, muscular, and stronger. i would feel more proud of a having strong body vs. having my current average office-worker body for the rest of my life.


many people say that exercise improves your mood, but when i go to the gym i just end up feeling pretty bad. i dread going, i don't like feeling the physical pain from running/lifting, and i am disappointed with my performanPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 20677

I've been "only" going to the gym for a year now but I also had similar difficulties when first starting.

I read your post and I can actually see what the problem might be. The good news is that this is completely fixable but you have to put in the mental work yourself.
(tldr on the bottom sorry this is long)

1. There is nothing anyone can change about the rate their body builds muscle. It's not only different for men and women but also for age and overall genetics (even someone who is my age, my gender, my height AND built the same way might get muscles faster just because of having luck with genetics).

So the first time ever you went to the gym, you compared yourself to your boyfriend: he is already off to a better start since his body is stronger healthwise because it wasn't weakend due to an eating disorder and he is a man AND he already went to the gym before you if he already had a membership (assuming).

When you went to the gym again you punished yourself for quitting earlier by overexercising. Yes you probably got actual physical damage from that since 3-4 times a week is waaaay to much for starting out since your body isn't used to exercise.

→ What I mean by your body isn't used to exercise isn't that I think your lazy but that by exercising as a beginner you are putting pressure on certain bones and muscles groupes that haven't experiencend this type of pressure yet. By trying to go to the gym even 3x a week and doing heavy exercise or running you are risking serious injury since these muscle groupes and bones first have to get used and then adapt to this new type of stress gradually, and slowly over time.

This is a cycle many beginners (I did aswell) in running or going to the gym fall into: wanting to much too fast in the beginning and mentally being able to push themselves (which is great), but their bodies not being able to keep up and then getting injured or feeling unmotivated because of the pysical pain/ lack of improvement. Other than injuries overexersicing in general can even weaken muscles and make you lose them.

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Anonymous 20678


thanks so much for reading and the constructive reply. i will look back on this post as reference when i start going to the gym again.

i always have heard people, mainly moids say that "if you're not going to the gym at least 3x a week you won't get any improvement" or something. but i've never really listened to any actual personalized trainers or people with similar experience. you made me realize improvement is definitely more nuanced and dependent on the individual. generalized overrepeated tiktok brainrot advice will probably have major flaws.

being patient is probably my #1 important thing to work on, also thanks for covering diet and outlining the goals, actually helpful.

good luck with your training nona ᕦ(ò_ó)ᕤ

Anonymous 20679

Is pic male or female?

Anonymous 20682

female, rin hoshizora

Anonymous 20683

I'm disappointed.

What is the Soylen…

Meal Replacements Anonymous 20292[Reply]

What are your favorite meal replacements? I like the taste of original Soylent but it expires too fast. Atkins shakes and bars are pretty good, albeit pricey.
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Anonymous 20620

Keto chow is incredible

Anonymous 20640

I sometimes drink slimfast for a meal replacement because I don't always like eating breakfast/lunches but I need something to keep my stomach quiet.
It's fast and simple and I can drink it on the way to work.

Anonymous 20669

>something to keep my stomach quiet

are you in conflict with your body? it sounds like it is bother you and keeping you from climbing the corporate ladder.

Anonymous 20675

>corporate ladder
Lol. Don't care.
I like to keep my body in a state of limbo where it think it gets food only to deny it and gorge later on after work.

Anonymous 20681

>it think it gets food only to deny it and gorge later on after work

that does sound like corporate ladder a bit but feel free to remain in denial about it…

i can tell your relation to your body is out of sync when you feel the need to fool your body. i guess you tried just not eating all day and only eating in the evening but your body rebelled against your management. in theory this should not be a problem, one meal a day. i guess you eat a lot of candy and drink coffee and potentially use medication that also stresses your body.

i just eat fruit all day and when i am eating something heavy, i eat it in the evening. that's almost one meal a day with the added benefit that i don't need coffee to help me poop.

girl, just two bananas (or how ever many) during the day could save your life from this industrial nightmare wrecking havoc on your body and keep you from turning into a muppet with age.


Anonymous 20390[Reply]

how to get more feminine body structure?
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Anonymous 20665

Anonymous 20666

>nothing wrong with cougering
Post disregarded, I didn't state that. You can reread my post again so you understand before you try to reply.

Anonymous 20671

scrote opinions

Anonymous 20673

Seriously though think about it.This woman in france whose husband drugged her and had her raped by over a hundred men??? They're all filth no matter what age. You cannot have me believe the gender that does things like that ever needs protection from anybody. They grow up to dominate everything and overpower everything and make a case to destroy a ton they come in contact with. There are so many things they do, that we cant even possibly know about that they try to hide from us. There is nothing on this earth that we have to protect men from and i find it completely and utterly laughable when anyone tries to imply such a thing. They are worse than the xenomorph from alien.

Anonymous 20674

i think that anon is joking


Diet Thread Anonymous 6210[Reply]

Who here is on a /diet/?

I'm 5'4 and 165lb and trying to lose some weight. I started a diet yesterday. Trying to eat lots of veg and lean proteins and keeping my total calorie intake below 800.I'm so hungry tho
How's your diet going?
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Anonymous 20348

Just eat less.

Anonymous 20349

Try eating normal portions and chewing (sugar-free) gum instead of eating more food. It'll help you get a nicer jawline and might do smth for your teeth as well.

Anonymous 20431


>Genuinely how the fuck do you stop overeating I've been overweight since early childhood I have no self-control.

i recently heard a theory that people in your situation have a problem that i don't believe is ever discussed:

the theory basically said that dishonest people lie so much that they lose contact with reality. the best liars are those that lie so good that they themselves believe the lie. that's how they beat the polygraph or whatever methods of lie detection they have nowadays. they convince themselves and believe the lie themselves. this fucks up their brain.

when you ask those people what they ate, they will lie. they will say they just had a salad all day… but stuffed underneath their car seat are hundreds and hundreds of candybar wrappers that they don't count and some don't even remember. apparently this theory was sparked by some recent study that concluded that fat people just don't report what they really eat.

some lie and know about it, others are so identified with illusion, the consumption of the candy bar happens completely outside their conscious presence. so some actively lie and others lie but don't know that they are lying because they are so advanced in selective perception that their mind does not let them see everything they are doing. very much reminded me of a multiple personality thing. i laugh at the ridiculous psychological effort required to puppeteer the human body by several personalities that sometimes don't know about each other. like 2 or more different crazy moods taking turn controlling this one mindless robot. reminds me about this anecdote that some people with multiple personality have one personality that needs glasses and others that don't need glasses because the identification with one personality changed the inter-occular pressure, bending the retina into needing glasses.

a fat friend of mine in school once said to me: "every time i eat something tasty, i just eat it and then wake up and i don't know how or if i ate it" thinking about this in light of this theory makes a lot of sense. this whole theory i tried to briefly summarize to me makes a whole lot of sense.

if that was true and this was your issue, the solution would be to find alternatives to deal with your life then being a liar. i have not encountered stories aboPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 20667

weight goals.png

Ugh. I need to loose 40lbs.

I'm tired of feeling so clunky and chunky
I absolutely hate how cardio doesn't lose weight and I have to weight train. I can easily run from 30 minutes straight but I can get into the zone while I lift weights. I also hate seeing men in the gym, I know they're ignoring me but I can't help this feeling to get defensive when they take the equipment next to me.
I also need to fix my diet again, I've been eating fast food. I need to go back to eating homecook meals and salads for lunch. I also need to go back to counting calories.

Anonymous 20668

Me too. Hate seeing a bunch of men at the weight racks, it's very off-putting.


Healthy, sensory friendly, & low-effort meal/snack ideas? Anonymous 20611[Reply]

Been struggling greatly with eating, as, not only do I have a diagnosed sensory processing disorder and issues with executive functioning due to neurodivergence and mental illness, but I also have a chronic stomach condition (it is similar to acid reflux but no doc has been able to find the root cause) that will be aggravated if I don’t eat healthily. This has caused eating to be an extremely stressful activity for me and I have lost quite a bit of weight due to this, whereas I used to be a lover of food and look forward to every meal.

Do any nonas have some nutritious, safe, and easy go-to meals and snacks that they’d care to share? Any foods/drinks/activities that you use specifically to help keep your weight up?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out a little
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Anonymous 20617

I work so much I'm the laziest bitch alive when I'm at home, so RICE is my friend. I make a big pot of it and keep it ready in a sealed container in the fridge. You can put ANY canned soup, cheese, meat , canned veggies or anything on top of that rice in a metal or glass baking dish for about 20 mins at 350. My favorite comfort edition is the chicken pot pie soup over the rice, or broccoli cheese. If you put a layer of cheese over the top of it, it's like a big crunchy chip. Hope this helps, and I hope you get some good meals on you. Eating can be stressful when you're low on energy, please take care.

Anonymous 20637

rice cooker with s…

>Do any nonas have some nutritious, safe, and easy go-to meals and snacks that they’d care to share? Any foods/drinks/activities that you use specifically to help keep your weight up?

i'd try peanutbutter but i noticed it kind of digests slowly /clogs a bit so i wouldn't eat it with bread (don't eat bread, it sucks); i'd stir a big spoon full of it into sauces, soups and stews. have you ever had asian rice dishes where they made peanut sauce? they most often used powdered instant peanut packages yet it still tastes amazing. when you make your own with real peanut butter, it comes out even better and it helps with keeping weight up because the peanut butter is heavy.

coconut milk is also amazing for this. just put some tomato paste with spices you like (curry, rosemary, oregano, whatever you fancy) into a pan, lightly toast everything and then drown it in (half a) can of coconut milk and you have an amazing sauce.

i'd also try dried olives (if you can find any, i currently can't) and dried tomato pieces. sprinkle them on a light meal to make it a bit heavier last minute. same with nuts. when i eat raw cabbage salad in the summer, i often put cashews or walnuts on it.

to make it easy and go-to (meaning both easy to make and also easy to clean afterwards), consider using a small rice cooker with a steaming basket. i have one where i can either put the lid on the rice cooker (when it only makes rice) or i can put the steaming basket on top and then put the lid on. it sits in between the lid and the rice bowl. i love it because it makes rice and it steams vegetables at the same time. steaming is so much better then cooking or frying because it doesn't destroy the food as hard.

Anonymous 20641

mix yogurt with hemp or chia seeds and berries and honey. Not exactly a meal but pretty filing and easy to make and tastes great.

Anonymous 20660

grapes and cottage cheese

Anonymous 20662

Pretty much any fruit and cottage cheese. Accept pineapple. Pineapple has some chemical in it that turns bitter when it comes in contact with dairy.


Sterilization Anonymous 20639[Reply]

Has anyone else considered or has gotten sterilized?
Did you get a tubal ligation or a hysterectomy? Which do you prefer?

I've been looking into getting my tubes tied. My nexaplon is expiring soon and I don't want to replace it or go back on bc or iuds. I am afraid of getting hysterectomy because I don't want osteoporosis and going through menopause sooner. I know I would have to go through that anyways, I still feel like I am in my prime. Although I am still on the fence because I get pretty bad periods, like super bad sometimes.

Anonymous 20652

I want to get it done so I can stop relying on other forms of birth control, I have always known that I don't want children and I'm in my 30s now so even if I changed my mind it wouldn't be feasible. I hope I can get it done next year!


Childfree thread Anonymous 102[Reply]


>"but Anon, you'll want them later!"

Yeah no.
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Anonymous 16097


I also think women who keep their mouths shut about how shitty motherhood is are, in their own way, class traitors and collaborators.

Girls deserve to know how bad it is. And guess what - women really aren't ACTUALLY protecting themselves by playing The Good Mommy. Society still shits on them if they perform perfectly. Ok, if someone gets demonized if they say anything about regretting having a kid or that it's a miserable existence. So fucking what?? She wasn't lionized as a mother. She's a socially approved domestic slave and a second-class citizen.

Anonymous 16141

True. I also hate how people talk about how much happier moms are than non moms. Any mother will tell you, she’s not actually happier, she’s just too exhausted to pay any attention to anything else besides the kid.

Anonymous 16303

Overpopulation is a myth. It's a misallocation of resources veiled as a "poor people take up too much space" issue. There is more than enough space and resources on this earth, one multibillionaire's wealth could quite literally end homelessness globally or end world hunger but capitalism says it's okay for some of us to hoard wealth because "Well, they earned it!" By exploiting whose labour, I wonder.

Anonymous 18877

Aren't there studies out there that basically state childless people are on average happier than those with children?

Wealth isn't a resource that determines overpopulation because on a basic level money is not necessary to survive. Arable land, water, and food are. The way we use those resources is simply not sustainable, ergo we are overpopulated. Simple as.

Anonymous 20645


Avoiding picrel is enough to qualify it for /hb/. Imagine you get this and your child grows up to be a 4channer/miner who doesn't care (and you eventually stop caring all that much too).

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