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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 20121[Reply]

Does anyone have experience with this color corrector?


Rate Menstruation Products. Anonymous 14073[Reply]

What is your list to the most usefull to worst menstruation products?
Mine is:
>№1 Sanitary Pads.
>№2 Tampons.
>№3 Menstrual Cup.
>№4 Reusable Sanitary Pads Made Out Of Cloth.
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Anonymous 20050


Cup. I replaced my diva cup with a pharmacy dupe due to price and them no longer using female language. I first started off with discs to test, but swapped to a cup cause at the time it was the only reusable option. Now there are reusable silicone disks I might try next year when I replace my current cup.
Reusable pads
Tampons at subterranean level
My cycle and bleeding isn't consistent so tampons are just the worst. The last time I used them I had bled through 3 in 4 hours to then not bleed for 9 hours after inserting the 4th which was a super heavy tampon. It was so painful pulling it out and I was paranoid I'd get TSS or something. Never tried period panties, tbh as gross as it is, my panties have thick enough lining that when I spot I just let it be. I tend to spot less than I discharge around my ovulation period so I've always gotten or sewn in thicker padding for the lining. Now that laundry machines have good cold functions I just toss my panties in a cold load and no stains for me. Not that I really care cause they're ancient cotton panties but idk, I find it cool that I no longer get any stains on my panties cause of a small tech improvement.
Late but these have been linked with serious illness cause unless you disinfect it right before insertion, you never know what's in the core. Unlike silicone it's going to be absorbing not just blood, but airborne bacteria as well. Not to mention it can get a moldy middle cause it's a thick sponge so when you wring it dry after cleaning it might fester if it stays damp.

Anonymous 20092

An absolute lifesaver. They pair with any other menstrual product. For cleaning can hand rinse or soak in cold water but I usually do a quick rinse in the washing machine in cold water with no detergent before putting it in with a normal wash. I have ones for super heavy flows that are marketed suitable for postpartum. Only problem is I need to buy more as I’m currently just cycling between 4 pairs and end up doing a lot of wash…
Only thing that I can use internally. I was a tampon girly from age 13 to 24 but I only use them for swimming/exercising now. No problems with them, just found that period pants were better. The scented ones can get fucked though
3. PADS (Disposable)
The OG. I always end up bleeding around the pad (even with wings) so it’s more trouble than it’s worth if I have other options. I also put disposable pants in this category.
4. CUP
It pains me to say this but I could never get on with the cup. I bought a size 1 at a pharmacy in 2018 and no matter how hard I tried despite not being a virgin and being in my 20’s. I know there’s other brands out there but I’m pretty sure have a narrow vagina with a high cervix so I think I’m just not built for the cup.

Never tried reusable pads but I am interested.

Anonymous 20106

I really liked my thinx period underwear when I had them, but I threw them out after that lawsuit came out about them and the PFAS chemicals in them. Anyone have a rec for good period undies that don't have that same issue?

Otherwise, for me it's menstrual disc, menstrual cup, tampon, pads.

Anonymous 20119

I have hello girls pants. Brand focuses more on period poverty rather than being super crunchy but they claim to be toxin free as well. Not sure if they ship outside the UK but if you can get your hands on their super soft pants they’re the best I’ve tried.

Anonymous 20120


Forget the picrel

blue eyebags.jpeg

eyebags Anonymous 19349[Reply]

how do you get rid of these?
I've had them for half of my life and barely even notice them. But sometimes when I do I get aware of how creepy I look. My eyebags are basically the biggest ones I've ever seen and even pics on the web don't come close. They are wide and blue with some blue veins being visible on the left and some red veins on the right. It's not actually a bag in that it hangs or is fatty, it's just the color.

Self help sites recommend sleep and low stress but I've had both for at least two years now and it didn't change a bit. Any recommendations please?
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Anonymous 19413


Do you have allergies? They could be allergy shiners.

Anonymous 19426

I have these too and i haven't found a way to get rid of them, but what i do is 'colour correct' the purple undertones, yellow cancels out purple afaik. get some yellow colour corrector and apply concealer over that.

Anonymous 19572

You can't really because they're genetic.

Anonymous 20111

I was just at the drugstore yesterday looking for something to cover my dark circles. They dudn't have specific salmon/yellow cream for dark circles and concealer seemed both too heavy or not enough so I decided to save my money and just try to get more sleep.

Anonymous 20118

If you notice it gets worse around your period it could be iron deficiency not just lack of sleep. Mine get crazy when I'm iron deficient and worse on my period. I thought it was sleep deprivation until I started being serious about supplementing and noticed them mostly go away. It also helped with my mood and lethargy too

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makeup general Anonymous 20112[Reply]

Post anything about makeup that doesn't deserve its own thread!

Anonymous 20114

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I have a very cool-toned face. I went out and bought some bright, warm lipstick and blush and the difference is amazing! I look so much better.

I'm also going for the no makeup makeup look so I got an eyebrow pencil that matches my haircolor petfectly. The powder is a bit too dark for my brows but it's perfect to use to blend out my eyeliner. I'm so happy!

I was going to get some concealer or foundation but I'm on the fence. I don't get acne very often, but my face has sone red areas (looks like rosacea, I've never been to a derm so I don't know if it is or isn't) and some discoloration. I don't really need/want to look poreless/filtered so I may just keep the look as it is and add a tinted sunscreen.

Anonymous 20115

i've never used makeup before and would probably look like a clown because of how bad i am

Anonymous 20117

If you're not interested I wouldn't bother. If you're interested look up tutorials and practice at home.


Psychiatric medication Anonymous 18794[Reply]

ITT we talk about psychiatric medication.
>Do you take any? Which ones?
>When did you start?
>Are you diagnosed with anything?
>Which ones have you tried? Did they work?

Anti psychiatry posts and negative experiences with psychiatric medication are welcome.
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Anonymous 20025

also quetiapine will make you gain crazy weight if you don't keep an eye on it, i've gained 30 lbs in under a year.

Anonymous 20031

>Do you take any? Which ones?
Abilify and Seroquel
>When did you start?
6 months ago
>Are you diagnosed with anything?
Major depression, Generalized anxiety, PTSD
>Which ones have you tried? Did they work?
Escitalopram didn't work, Sertraline didn't work, Duloxetine worked extremely well with negligible side effects.

My doctor's trying antipsychotics because I might have bipolar disorder. So far they're nothing but side effects. I've gained 15 lbs and sleep 12-15 hrs a night. APs suck hard. They keep threatening to hospitalize me on top of it all.

Anonymous 20108

I can't be on lamo anymore because of an allergic reaction but latuda has been the best psych med I've been on that doesn't require blood testing. I'm honestly afraid to try lithium except as a last resort

Abilify WAS poison and I wish I'd never wasted a month on my life on it. Caplyta was shit too given its alleged asymptomatic reputation, made me sickeningly constipated. Only AP that's worked for me is latuda thus far with the downside being I have to dose it with food. I hate being bipolar.

Anonymous 20109

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Latuda saved my life. I felt like I was still unstable (anger, moody, hypomanic-ish) and getting upset which is why I got put on lamotrigine.

I've been getting blood and heartbest (?) tests every 3 months since I statted even on latuda. I'm not sure if that's my dr's policy or a legal thing but it's helped me find other deficiencies haha. Also helps me feel less scared.

Try latuda if you can! It does make you tired. I've been lucky to not have any eeight gain on it. iirc it causes weight gain because it messes with your insulin levels or something (I failed out of biology and I resesrched this years ago, sorry) so I always start meals with low gi foods.

Anonymous 20116

ayrt I haven't gained a ton of weight on latuda if any, the only thing is I'm still adjusting to the way it tired me out when I take it and some of the sleep interruptions, idk what support drug if any id want to add since buspirone no longer works for me and gave me immense stomach issues so I'll just have to see how I function on this for a few months. my body is sick and tired and worn of having been on four diff meds before this so I want it to work


Anorexia recovery Anonymous 19479[Reply]

I'm in recovery because I wanted to commit suicide but all the food makes my stomach hurt. I think it happens because I have gotten used to only eating vegetables and coffee or tea. Could it be that coffee damaged my stomach? Or maybe it's just my anorexia mind feeling guilty for eating?
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Anonymous 19808

Everyone's digestion gets fucked up in anorexia recovery. Try some yoga for stomach pain like puppy pose. I saw doctors for it but after like a year and a half I figured out that most of the pain was just trapped wind

Anonymous 19834

It's not the coffee, you can keep drinking that.

Anonymous 19912

>Could it be that coffee damaged my stomach?

Coffee can cause heartburn.


>Effects of Coffee on the Gastro-Intestinal Tract

Tea as well, I'm sure there's a study somewhere confirming it.

These are the facts, though I don't know what to suggest, I don't want to imply you should stop eating or drinking something. Maybe try other drinks that are not fizzy or wash down the coffee with water.

>Or maybe it's just my anorexia mind feeling guilty for eating?

I don't think anyone here can answer this. Try to reduce the physical pain, eat food like soup and beans that is easy on the stomach.

Anonymous 19930

It takes time for your body to readjust to processing normal amounts of food. When I was recovering from undereating I also had gas problems. It goes away and recovery is worth it.

Anonymous 20107

Are you doing better, nona?


Lifting Anonymous 13775[Reply]

Anyone here lifts weights? I'd love to have a lifting buddy
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Anonymous 20073


sorry for necro but has anybody experimented with period cycling for lifting?
I used to do it a few years ago and was successful with muscle building but couldnt get lean. Unfortunately i got really sad after a breakup and stopped going to the gym for a while so i lost all my gains. I'm doing it again and am a few months into it. I'm going to the gym 3-4 times per week. I can't do anymore without getting extreme lethargy.

here is what im doing:
follicular phase:
bench 3-5 rep max for 5 sets
chin-up lat pull downs 5-7 rep max for 5 sets
lateral raises 10 reps 4 sets
hanging knee raises (for abs) to failure for 4 sets
30-45 minutes stairmaster

luteal phase:
bench 10 reps 3 sets
chin-up lat pull downs 15 reps 3 sets
~1 hour stairmaster
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Anonymous 20080

i follow a pretty simple monkey brained upper body even day lower body odd day routine, i cannot lift too heavy yet since i started a few months ago but i generally feel much stronger before my period compared to after, so i just adjust my weights and my workout is the same. i swim for cardio so i cannot do that on period and i also prefer not running or doing anything that scrapes my thighs because the pad gets all weird. but going to the gym when im on my period and doing fuckall fun bullshit is freeing

Anonymous 20082

oh swimming is fun! how have your results been? what does you routine look like?

Anonymous 20083


i've only been consistently working out for 4 months, but i had absolutely zero kind of any muscle or strength or consistent eating habit before this, i started at 58kg skinny fat, im 5'6 and did some starvemaxxing to get there, felt terrible and my body did not look like anything i wanted at all, in the last 4 months ive actually gained 5 kgs and am at 63kg rn, but its mindblowing to me how i am the same size and actually look and feel better, i am strictly eating very protein heavy so there is definitely some body recomposition going on, i actually fit into a size smaller jeans even though im heavier, it is mind blowing to me. i noticed my base energy levels also increase at about the 3 month mark, now i can get through my day feeling awake without a coffee, and i guess it's because discipline from working out trickles down to other areas in life, everything feels better since i started exercising everyday.

my routine is pretty simple i tried a bunch of splits but it was too much for my beginner mind so i just stuck to a upper body and lower body one, though nowadays as i'm going up the weights i feel like i should split muscle groups properly, because it all feels like too much in one day, i'll probably start doing that from next month

currently it looks like LOWER BODY 3× 12
Good mornings
dumbell/ Barbell squats
romanian dead lift
B stance RDL
bulgarian split squat
Hip thrust
Reverse lunge
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Anonymous 20105

Its so easy to lose track of time in the gym i know the feel. have you considered doing supersets? its where you work an unrelated muscle group while recovering from a set of a different muscle group. I don't do it because i get too tired, but ive heard it helps busy people cut back on time spent in the gym


How to look like Cozy St. Jean? Anonymous 20091[Reply]

There is this girl named Cozy St. Jean and I think she's so pretty… I want to look like her, because she has my literal ideal face and we look pretty similar already. Anyone have any tips on how to alter my appearance slightly so that I can look like her, ideally without a lot of makeup? If there's anyone you admire that you want to look like, feel free to post them here (this is not a thread encouraging women and girls to buy tons of makeup and/or starve themselves to look more "attractive," this is just for fun)
Also, if you want to see more pictures of Cozy St. Jean, click here:

Anonymous 20097

Is this a selfpost?

Anonymous 20099

No its not I promise, I just really want to look like her because I love that style

Anonymous 20103


Well this girl has very smooth looking skin and pink cheeks, so I would recommend that you invest in some lotion to help brighten your skin. Also her eyelashes are prominent so you might want to try curling your eyelashes, and applying some light mascara (sorry) also she wears a lot of pink lace night gowns, baby doll dresses, etc so you might want to go thrifting for some clothes like this.. hope this helps!

Anonymous 20104

Idk what you're asking for honestly because her style is easy enough to replicate. Platinum blonde hair, eyeliner, lots of whites and pastels, baby doll dresses/night gowns, religious imagery, silver jewelry, posing with edgy props or in abandoned or rural locations, pictures taken on shitty old digicams.

Unless you literally just want to look like her facially, then yeah you can't really change your facial features and proportions.

It's very early-mid 10s tumblr nicole dollanganger & co type of style, I'm surprised to see it's still lingering around without having changed much.


What are some trends your glad to see gone? Anonymous 19476[Reply]

That thing in the early 2000s where girls would use too much mousse on purpose and end up with those disgusting crunchy curls. I always hated it, I feel so vindicated seeing people in modern times scrutinize it.

What are some trends your glad to see gone? Can be from any era you lived through
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Anonymous 20071

I always saw that as beach hair tbh. A lot of people where I grew up would try to say they went to the beach and that's why there hair looks like that

Anonymous 20093


As a fat woman with hip dips I rejoiced when the tik tok zoomers declared that skinny jeans weren’t stylish anymore. They only look good if you have nice hips, like pencil skirts, but everyone got gaslit into thinking that it’s flattering as long as you put a sweatshirt or shapeless tunic over it.
Also the distressing is terrible but I literally had a pair back in 2017

Anonymous 20094

i dress like this sometimes lol

Anonymous 20096

I really hate this, both the skinny silluette and the dumb ripping all over, but I still see women wearing these kinds if jeans all the time. I really wonder why they like it in the first place.

Anonymous 20100

I'm not fat, but low rise skinny jeans give me no figure. I don't think they look good on anyone


acrylic nails Anonymous 19827[Reply]

what is everyone's opinion on the expensive habit that is getting fake nails? i dont even do it anymore after thinking, "who am i actually doing this for? i dont really care."
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Anonymous 20070

They look cheap and trailer trash. I think if you can't invest in good nails, you should leave them alone, or paint them with basic nail polish.

Anonymous 20072

>trailer trash
so are all other kinds of ugly thick long fake nails

Anonymous 20085


I struggled filling them down to size but got them on! The other hand's nails look a little worse on the nail bed cause I filled a little too agressive but still they look really nice! They're thin so they don't really look like bad quality acrylics like you'd get done in a mall. Up close you wouldn't say they're customs but they're really cute
I got them at a local African beauty store. They're a brand I've seen around called Miss Yes that's under 10$
You can buy press on nails by real nail artists. They're real acrylics just done to your size on a mannequin then applied later by the artist or you at home. Imo they're a better idea than getting the acrylics done on you cause it's the same quality and will actually last if you remove them carefully. As for mass produced press ons they're nothing like they used to be in the 00s, I think they're better than a cheap nail artist now cause they're thin and come in nice designs you'd be paying so much extra for to get done. Tbh they beat a lot of "artists" in my city from seeing pics online unless you jump to 150$ minimum but I couldn't imagine paying for that to be applied temporarily instead of getting a set to keep at that price

Anonymous 20089

how cute! I recommend brush on nail glue, i can link the one I use. super strong. also you should have pushed back you cuticles and put the nails further up so they looked more real

Anonymous 20095

I would really appreciate the glue recommendation, I used these stickers it came with but the nails popped off by night haha. It did come with glue too but it's probably not great.
Should I cut a bit of the cuticles do you think? I pushed them as back as I could but they're a little long so they moved back into place onto the fake nails. I've had a lifetime nail biting habit (partially why I got the nails) so I don't really know anything to do with nail care lol.

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