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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 20973[Reply]

Anyone else feel like they can't compete with these young, filtered, IG models? It feels like Instagram makes body images worse, especially for young women

Anonymous 20974

I don't really care about em. Ofc I am gonna look different to some women, especially ones online where they can post edited pics if they want to. Besides, I don't really get a lot of women on my ig, just cats and cute little animals. Sorry to hear people struggling with it tho

Anonymous 20983

I stopped using instagram completely and I feel way better about myself and my life. Leave the trap.


Diet Thread Anonymous 6210[Reply]

Who here is on a /diet/?

I'm 5'4 and 165lb and trying to lose some weight. I started a diet yesterday. Trying to eat lots of veg and lean proteins and keeping my total calorie intake below 800.I'm so hungry tho
How's your diet going?
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Anonymous 20863

Dieting usually involves eating less food, yeah. I'm not a big candy person but I still eat pastries/cookies almost daily.

Anonymous 20865

I try to stick to 16-8 intermittent fasting. If you do that youll also start to eat healthier because if you just eat candy and carbs youll burn though your energy and get super hungry during the fast, but if you eat naturally filling food like protein or vegetables that take longer to digest you will be less hungry.

Anonymous 20866

>doesnt my body know
If youre eating poorly and are overweight my theory is youre basically being mind controlled by your gut bacteria who are just making you pig down carbs to feed them and expand their numbers.
Gut bacteria can influence hormones and the brain so yeah if you lack self control with eating it's likely the one in control is the bacteria in your body rather than your own cells and 'higher self'.
Orrr youre just an impulse eater and don't have aspirations to self improve on a deep level.

Anonymous 20868

>basically being mind controlled

yeah and seduced by overavailability of unhealthy food.

i vaguely remember seeing a meme where there were two screenshots of legacy media newscasters 🤮 side by side, lets say the pictures were a year apart. the text underneath read "when a taco bell opens up across the street from where you work" and on the second picture the two casters were noticably fatter. a fitting punishment for spending their life's energy on lying to the people.

some people are such agentless passengers of their own life, so puppeteered by what happens around them, so effortlessly seduced by everything: all it takes for their bodies to be ruined is for conveniencefood suddenly being available close to them. they are so mindless, they don't care that they are getting sick and that the quality of their life will decrease massively because consequences don't apply to them. i noticed this in quite a few disgraceful occupations that are a negative on society. the people start to believe that cause and effect no longer apply to them. they get away with being evil and pretending to the people that something is true that isn't and forcing perspectives on the people that train them to act against their own self-interest, well why wouldn't they get away with eating food designed to make people sick, in consequence they preach self-harm all day long so it was bound to make the round back to them. irresponsibility, not even once.

Anonymous 20982

Currently at a 4k calorie deficit for the month. I should easily lose another 1kg this month. Dieting is one of the few things I'm good at.


Anonymous 20359[Reply]

Why are modern beauty/fashion/makeup trends so toxic for women? Especially the obsessed with being skinny
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Anonymous 20367

>>boohoo i have to strike a pose for pictures that i earn revenue on
That's not the point at all tho?

Anonymous 20368

Short answer: Because it sells products and services.

That picture means to show that most of what you as the consumer of the content sees on social media is fake and doesn't reflect reality.

Anonymous 20923

>Why are modern beauty/fashion/makeup trends so toxic for women? Especially the obsessed with being skinny

i don't think it is toxic at all. if you are active instead of sitting on the couch and eat real food that your body is able to digest instead of constipating you then you will be skinny automatically. just do a lot and don't eat the goo, that is all there is to it. tell me how this is toxic.

it is very easy to be skinny. just don't be seduced by the rot. just don't participate in the childish cultural idiocy of eating and drinking for pleasure and short term stimulation.

all this shit is not meant to be eaten by humans:
energy drink
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Anonymous 20948

>That picture means to show that most of what you as the consumer of the content sees on social media is fake and doesn't reflect reality.
NTA, but feeling argumentative for no particular reason today.
Most of the perception cultivated in any career field is fake. Like teaching, for example. Nobody really thinks the attitudes, opinions, mannerisms exhibited by your teachers were reflective of who they really are or how they live or have lived. There's a cultivated fake "teacher" persona that's considered a crucial part of the job.

There's a thing called "the Influencer Accent" – but that influencer style of speech is practiced by teachers, specifically, in order to retain attention for an hour or more.

We all know or feel on a deep instinctive level that teachers aren't real people even when we're little kids. What's to be learned from showing that internet phoneys are also not real people, when pretty much everyone already had that much closer and much more intense lesson in public school?

Anonymous 20981

>We all know or feel on a deep instinctive level that teachers aren't real people even when we're little kids.
That's just you schizo


looking younger/cuter Anonymous 20483[Reply]

is it possible to look younger or at least cuter with mature features? i got told i look 23 which isn't bad but i recently turned 18.
i try to look cute with makeup but i guess even that's not working. it doesn't help i'm 170cm. help?
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Anonymous 20898

Almost no one will pay attention to a girl if she isn't pretty… most men wont even bother with a girl if he doesn't consider her somewhat attractive, and then people wonder why girls worry a lot about how they look.

Anonymous 20899

Reminds me of those quora "answers" where someone asks a question and someone just says "ummm why would you want to do that?" and contributes nothing but making themselves feel superior by being "beyond" the discussion. Very fail and slappable reddit behavior.

As for your question OP yep it is very possible. Having better skin will make you look younger, so health plays a role, and also doing more cute and youthful makeup and wearing youthful vibes outfits, you can make yourself younger.

Anonymous 20906


>Almost no one will pay attention to a girl if she isn't pretty

what do you mean when you say "attention". when i read your text you almost make me think of an old economist describing the world in macroeconomic terms while being completely clueless about the reality of the human individuals this ideology encompasses.

attention, that is that is another person's time you don't seem to be respective of. there is clearly some non-mutual inconsideration happening on your part by even thinking in those terms. i guess you view the world exclusively in what it can do for you and your unending desire for passive income and rising interest rates.

what do you want with the attention once it is paid to you and how come you even complain about the flow of attention. attention seems to me to be one of the few not yet corrupted expression of humanity. people pay attention to what is interesting to them; unless they are forced which i am sure you don't have that much of a problem with. when you personally, yes you, are not "paid attention" that means the person (that human behind your entitled perspective of considering everyone else a potential customer to your empire) does not consider you interesting. just handle the rejection already.

the fuck is wrong with you when you believe everyone owes you attention, like you are the owner of other people and they are indebted to you and the only way to pay the debt is to consider you interesting and spend time starting at you even though clearly you are not intersting to other people.

no that's not people only paying attention to the pretty ones, that is you not handeling rejection and failing to learn how to earn other people's time. that's you not getting the hint. that's you being so experienced in irresponsibility that it does not even occur to you that people have the choice not to be interested in you and that it is up to you to make them want to. cause and effect. what is stopping you? you could just cease to be this boring generic npc of a person and start living life away from the couch.

make me want to pay attention to you, don't complain that i don't. you have your whole life backwards. is your life incomplete unless other people validate you? are you only worth what other people tell you you are? seems like it. sounds so immature to me Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 20924

Try light makeup like a 'bareface' style, or like how the Japanese do theirs. Use nonvibrant, gentler colors for your make up, like a soft rose or pink peach, and avoid wearing anything very bold. Short nails help too.

Anonymous 20980

Go for ponytails or two side braids
Best not to worry to much though, everyone turns ugly eventually, better to focus on your braid, personality, or physical skills

>most men wont even bother with a girl if he doesn't consider her somewhat attractive
Speak for yourself, I got an attractive, athletic, cute, high income guy 100x out my league after only a few months of meeting while I had messy hair, was overweight, saggy tits, and not shaving. You don't have to shove yourself into some shitty box for a man that will only love you while you're not being yourself. Your sense of what type of people men find beautiful is warped. Most people in relationships look painfully average because most humans on earth are average. You only need to worry about appearance if you are pinning after a man that's a literal super model. Look at the girl friends and wives around you, I bet they just look average physically, even if they dress up kinda nice.

She caims to be 35…

Fake? Anonymous 20935[Reply]

She claims to be 35. Is this a fake troll/filter thing?
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Anonymous 20957

Hollywood celebrities don't count, they have access to andrenochrome

Anonymous 20959

possibly didn't use enough sun cream

Anonymous 20961

she does look sunburnt.

Anonymous 20978

marisa tomei.mp4

Anonymous 20979

When I was in my 20s I had a lot of friends who loved to party and they drank a lot and smoked a lot and did a lot of illegal substances.

They didn't age well. These are the same people that will think about exercising and selfcare when it's too late and then they will blame everyone and everything but their own lifestyle choices. "I'm young, I can do whatever".


Anonymous 20846[Reply]

What's the verdict on body modifications?

>Lip fillers

>Cheek injections
>Fake eyelashes
>Fake nails
>Hair bleaching
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Anonymous 20967

fillers/injections: people notice them when they're done badly or overaggressively; tastefully in moderation they work well. surgery can be more drastic and realistic than not-surgery, but it's also more risky and expensive
the rest are a bit different since they're generally not intended to be 'realistic'. matter of taste

Anonymous 20968

Screenshot_4 (6).p…

b-but nail art is fun

Anonymous 20969


As Radfem as I wanted to be, unfortunately, I still want to make some modifications, like some fillers, and probably a nose job. The rest of the items on the list seem like basic things to me, especially tattoos and eyelash and nail extensions, which are heavily overused due to exhaustion.

Anonymous 20972

if you do nail art once, the one time you do it it'll be terrible; it takes practice. i just do gel nail art whenever i'm not working and feel like it. i'm addicted to buying cute cheap tiny nail art sparkles and charms off aliexpress. maybe it's vain but it makes me really happy to look at cute art that i've gained mastery over and feel proud showing off

i do think gloves look cool though, just might get weird looks wearing them in the summertime

Anonymous 20977

>Lip fillers
>Cheek injections
Fuck no
>Fake eyelashes
I don't see the point unless yours got burnt off, but whatever
>Fake nails
Nail art can be pretty. I've painted my nails before and used those fake nail press on things. Only issue was that the fake nails felt a bit clunky and dull on my fingers (and the nail glue was on my nails for a while).
>Hair bleaching
I've heard it can fuck up your hair if overdone, so something I'd beware of. That being said I've thought about dyeing my hair a few times, but ultimately I'll probably just use wigs.
Ear piercings are nice, anywhere else is iffy.
I can admire the artistry of some tattoos, but I wouldn't want a permanent full sleeve. Been wanting to get a henna kit so I can make temporary designs on my own though.


Anonymous 20299[Reply]

What women's beauty trends do you find ridiculous?
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Anonymous 20952


>rectified by pregnancy aka rebalance of hormons and ofc upkeep by the husband

that would mean a person barely making due healthwise with their regular habits just supporting one body is all of the sudden healthy when a second body is being grown inside through the magic of hormones? make it make sense.

>the decision may or may even not be up to you (not like you assume), also spoiled.

these accident-babies by immature and irresponsible people who just wanna fuck are weighing the species down and ruin the lives of the parents, the responsible thing to do is to have children when the parents are ready and able.

>beggars cant be choosers.

yeah don't be a beggar, look a little into the future and realize that for whatever you are doing in life, your good health, which is a direct result of your habits, is the foundation for it that will help you achieve the impossible and keeping problems out of your path.

>RA°lity is pretty grim. hard struggle, to find a partner from the same ethnic subbranch (multicultural wolrd)

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Anonymous 20953

i see.
it was my mistake to try and spoonfeed the normies occult wisdoms, lest id be trampled
you are right and i am wrong
im sorry to have wasted your time

Anonymous 20954

>my mistake to try and spoonfeed the normies occult wisdoms

i don't see reason to believe the occult has a future in such accelerated times. it might be the case that the rate at which occult wisdom reveals itself to the masses by being used desperately can not be outpaced by censorship and ultimately bringing the entire house of cards to a fall. then there is wasted time. me writing a few lines on the hb, that's not wasted time, it's community service, potentially even benefiting some fortunates and unfortunates.

go get your dance on and find your specific haplotype or however you call it and make your incest babies that are expert blacksmiths

Anonymous 20958

All of them

Anonymous 20976

The lip fillers and BBL shit. Also please stop putting those transparentish corset tops that look like lingerie into dresses or those bondage gear things into fashion


Anonymous 20943[Reply]

35 dpo.
i am 42 years old and slowly going crazy and feel completely desperate. Am I pregnant or not? Or are these just evaporation lines?

please need some emotional support
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Anonymous 20947


Anonymous 20950

we don’t need more humans in the world. be happy you’ll be able to keep your freedom

Anonymous 20951

>What are my chances of getting pregnant at 42?

i know someone not particularly healthy who had a healthy baby at 44

we don’t need more humans in the world. be happy you’ll be able to keep your freedom

speak for yourself, that's a nasty thing to say even though i agree with the sentiment. children of old parents are way less fucked up then children of young parents.

Anonymous 20960

It's a nasty thing to say that you'll be more free?

Anonymous 20970

We don't need more people but we still need some amount of babies dummy

blue eyebags.jpeg

eyebags Anonymous 19349[Reply]

how do you get rid of these?
I've had them for half of my life and barely even notice them. But sometimes when I do I get aware of how creepy I look. My eyebags are basically the biggest ones I've ever seen and even pics on the web don't come close. They are wide and blue with some blue veins being visible on the left and some red veins on the right. It's not actually a bag in that it hangs or is fatty, it's just the color.

Self help sites recommend sleep and low stress but I've had both for at least two years now and it didn't change a bit. Any recommendations please?
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Anonymous 20554

I've also had them my entire life, tried many expensive eye creams, patches, serums. 0 difference. I use a tiny dot of concealer daily, they are still there but not half as bad with a little coverage. If they are genetic there is not much you can do, just something you have to live with.

Anonymous 20596

if u have high cheekbones then the dark circles are caused by the geography of your face, you naturally have less fat under your eyes so the blood shows thru. volufiline can fix this, given that you are a natural responder to it. people have also had luck cutting out sugar, gluten, etc. in our modern day we normalise our consumption levels of these things but really it is too much and has an affect on our bodies. you can also dabble in lymphatic face massage to see if this helps, regular exercise can have similar results. and u can adjust your sleep schedule, everyone is different on what works best for them, eg some people cant get quality sleep if they sleep after 11. as other nonas said, it can also be an allergy, anything from dust to dairy. "genetic" can just mean you have inherited the allergy/issue that can be fixed, not lay down and accept it.

Anonymous 20600

I like my eyebags, I think they're cool.

Anonymous 20609

Try prickly pear oil from Morocco if possible. The vitamin K in it is really good for dark circles

Anonymous 20966

Stop smoking weed


Anonymous 20313[Reply]

I would like to remind everyone that the ladies working at ulta and saphora don't know wtf they are talking about
>in ulta
>ask girl where they keep their CeraVe products
>she scrunches up her face
>"you know, we have some much better skin products for the same price"
>she shows me some jar bottled skincare that's more perfume than product
>read ingredients, has alchohol and a bunch of other shit I know is bad

I should have known, considering she had a bunch of acne under her makeup

Another story
>go to saphora
>ask girl for a gel eyeliner that will stay in place really well and not smudge
>she shows me some popular, expensive brand and I buy it
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Anonymous 20864

western skincare in general is pretty fucked.
maybe it changed recently but i remember there was always this huge emphasis on 'removing oils' from your face with aggressive products and scrubbing, when thats actually the worst thing you can do for acne and dryness (and dryness and lack of oils causes acne).
look to the east, you can do really well with basic level toners and stuff from japan or korea.

Anonymous 20918

Asian products are soo much better. I stopped using some western products. I can't always afford it but those months I don't run out of my fullkit its great. I started using less make up over all too and tried to learn some different techiques. They actually care about keeping you youthful in Korea. You get what you pay for.

Anonymous 20933

They are there to sell you expensive stuff. Look at reviews online instead.
I love asian skincare products and make up. They all feel so light-weight and still do a great job at keeping my dry skin moisturized. I think the only western products that I still bother to buy for my skin are Cera Ve and some cheap stuff from the drugstore.

Anonymous 20962

They don't give a fuck about what you want, they just want you to buy something and leave the store asap

That's why you do your own research and buy the thing you want instead of relying on customer service

Anonymous 20963

their sunscreens, moisturizers and cleansers are great but toners are just useless shit that do nothing for your face, same as serums and eye patches etc

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