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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 39516[Reply]

Do not make threads about the following topics or you will be banned for 7 days:

- Race/Ethnicity/Nationality (including stereotypes & preferences)
- Religion
- "femboys"
- (Why) do guys…
- (Why) do you like guys who [insert preference here]
- (Why) do guys like [insert preference here]
- how to get a bf/gf/platonic friend (who does xyz)
- Fetish bait threads (if you must make a fetish thread, do it in >>>/nsfw/ and don't make it an image dump)
- Discord

If you want to talk about Radfem/TERF/Gendercritical themes, do not make a new thread. Use the existing threads and keep discussion civil. You can read my thoughts on a radfem board here: >>>/meta/2962

General threads:

>>117636 Pinkpill general/complaints about men as a whole
>>44115 Where/how to meet men
>>118214 Trans general
>>114365 TERF Memes/shittalking


Friend Finder Thread Anonymous 218051[Reply]

Please include the following in your post:
>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
448 posts and 158 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 296052


>Preferred age range for friends
>Hobbies & Interests and other details
I'm a person that loves the mundane parts of life or to find the beauty in pauses and silences… lol but really I'm a sensitive person, curious, love to talk. Just interested in people and would be fun to meet up irl if things work out. I'm a stoner, like hanging out with cats, cooking/baking I love to read about nutrition and "alternative lifestyles" reading and watching movies. I never really played games online because I didn't have access to my own pc growing up but I'd love to play games together that can run on my retarded potato laptop. I guess I'm a boring person on paper. I wanna learn more about astrology and different religions, I think it's really interesting learning about different culture's beliefs etc.
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
I'm currently studying full time so I am busy sometimes but message me whenever

Anonymous 296475


21, F, Massachusetts USA
I'm a huge fan of painting and making digital art! I like to be active as well, bike riding, weightlifting, hiking, iceskating, swimming! I'm a comp sci student so I also program and go to hackathons. Picrel is a painting I made
>Are you a busy person or is it okay to contact you whenever?
Contact me whenever and I'll try to respond. I've been busy with work + college and maintaining my hobbies, but if you're interested in talking to me I'll get back to you when I can :0)

Anonymous 296485

what instruments do you play

Anonymous 296587

not sure if you are active still but I reached out to you as well, hopefully this isn't too late to receive a response

Anonymous 296637

I drove through Massachusetts yesterday and the colors were amazing!


Anonymous 296636[Reply]

New Zealand


TERFposting #35 Anonymous 269991[Reply]

Due to #34 reaching the reply limit.

Previous threads:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
367 posts and 71 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 296572

as a gentle reminder, most people would just click off if they felt they could. i don't hate other women.

Anonymous 296576

This honestly reads like someone larping in order to clown on troons. Be more subtle.

Anonymous 296577

A troon would not have this level of self awareness. They are delusional and believe everything they do is brave and beautiful, including watching cartoons fuck.

Anonymous 296628


Rare footage of some cute trans girls having a swim

Anonymous 296631


Anonymous 296403[Reply]

Any hobbies you want to do but don't? Why?
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Anonymous 296615

I used to do HEMA. Classes usually arent too expensive. Like a lot of clubs will just have you pay a monthly club fee and let you attend anything they offer. Most clubs in my circuit usually have a fee ranging from say $50-$100/month.

The real barrier to entry is your equipment. All the stuff you need to fence safely, like a jacket, mask, pants, etc, can end up being $700-$1000 depending on how you shop. A lot of it ends up being bespoke too, so it can take months to arrive. Like when i first started fencing, my pants took something like 3 months to ship.

Swords are also a cost. A decent sword is gonna be like $200-$500, or more if you want something crazy. And swords break. If you fence for 2 hours a week, expect to have a blade failure every year to year and a half.

Now with pole arms like spear, halberd, bayonet – these arent often fought competitively because theyre very dangerous. You can really make one thats flexible enough to be safe, and theyre pretty massive, to the point that striking with them can still cause serious injuries. Since theyre not fought competitively, most clubs dont train with them intensively. Like at my club, we had some spear and halberd simulators, but we mostly used them for experimental work at half pace when trying to figure out how certain things from manuals worked. We didnt really fight with them though.

As for learning from youtube: you can learn some things about guards and form, and can do some exercizes from it, but you cant really learn to fence from it.

A lot of what makes a person good at fencing is being able to judge timing and distance. You also cant really do much oppositional blade work on your own either. To get those elements down, you do need a partner.

Now, if you want to try to learn something like sabre, you could do this "backyard" style with some cheap boffers or singlesticks and some fencing masks for a minimal-gear setup and rope in a friend to help you train. Reasonably, you could learn a decent amount of basic HEMA sabre together like this using roworth and taylor 4th edt + some youtube videos to help iron out things that might be unclear from the text.

Anonymous 296618

I want to play tennis really bad. But I don't have money or classes or anyone to play with meh. I have shitty racquets. I have a tennis court in my apartment complex and it kills me to walk by it everyday. At my old condominiums i also had a tennis court, and a friend who would play it with me but he wouldn't do it everyday. I seriously want to do it to exercise. So I just walk and swim in the pool instead.. meh..

Anonymous 296622


Anonymouse 296625

N64 Controller.gif

Video games. I have a whole collection but get bored fast with the thought of playing

Anonymous 296627

I don't really know if it counts as a "hobby" but my late uncle left behind a collection of old cars. I am freakishly tall and struggle to fit in any of them. They're all tiny european ones, mostly 2 seaters. I rode in one before while my cousin drove and my hair was just above the windshield in the most comfortable position I could make for myself.
I was especially bummed to find out I don't fit in the Mini.
There is a 50s Chrysler I probably do fit in but
>missing impossible to find parts.


It's Spooky Month Anonymous 295816[Reply]

Post something spooky
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Anonymous 296275


Anonymous 296342


Anonymous 296359


Anonymous 296360

Anonymouse 296626



Anonymous 149385[Reply]

Have you ever pretended to be a man online?
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Anonymous 296573


All the time. Makes convos easier. Plus I'm in male dominated communities, I actually have all the incentive to pretend to be a man on the internet. It's not like I particurlarly seek out friends online. I'm just here for the discussion.

Anonymous 296574



Anonymous 296589

Exactly, I don't even have to pretend, they just assume I'm male and I don't correct them.
Based, an inspiration.

Anonymous 296590

why are nu-cc posters such normies

Anonymous 296624


jasmine and filli.…

Whatcha Doin? Anonymous 295275[Reply]

What activities have you been doing or participating in lately?
26 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 296564

Test post to see if I'm banned

Anonymous 296569


Making homemade cheese and sushi

Anonymous 296591

I really really like to cook, but haven't had a lot of money to do so recently. Yesterday I cooked lentil stew for my friends. Today I made cacio e pepe (have been obsessed with it since you only need to buy 3 ingredients), and I will make some pierogi too, as dessert. I like cooking so much, it helps me unwind, that I don't mind cooking for my flatmates even if I already ate and don't get to eat.

Anonymous 296592

lentil stew goes hard

Anonymous 296604

Writing poetry. Here’s the poem:

In the shadows where Gigahon whispers ignite,
Osama plots beneath the cover of night.
Dahmer's grin haunts the corners of thought,
With a Lolita complex, his desires are fraught.

Wired and geeked up, the psychos take flight,
Schizophrenic visions dance in the light.
9/11's echo hangs heavy like fog,
As shotas chase dreams, lost in the smog.

Cubs roam the alleys, innocence worn,
Powder gets you hyper, a new day is born.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

Capture d’écran 2…

Anonymous 295949[Reply]

3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 295976

lmao she's just as into it as he is
i've watched some of this couple's videos, they met on okcupid and he was on there looking for a wife that would guarantee him success or some shit so when they started dating he said he was trying his hardest to AVOID falling in love with her because he needed to logically evaluate her value as a wife. basically he's an egomaniac and she's into it

Anonymous 295978

That's actually hilarious

Anonymous 296562

what is up with their edgy ass glasses lol

Anonymous 296586


Anonymous 296588

do a lot of guys inevitably absorb their gf's nighttime menstrual leakage? are their dudes dating chicks with other chicks period blood already in his system


Anonymous 296497[Reply]

Any tips on how to get free stuff and steal things?
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Anonymous 296556

One time i ordered something on Amazon then called the manufacturer about an issue with it. They sent me a replacement, and all I had to do was return the old one through Amazon and I got my money back. I essentially got the thing for free. Thought about continuously buying their products then getting a replacement , returning them, then selling them online to make money. Pretty sure I would get busted for fraud though.

Anonymous 296560

something similar happened to me. I ordered a cheapo stick vacuum on amazon, and complained about the battery life. they sent me a whole new one. i found out it was turning off because there was too much trash inside and it wasnt spinning.

Anonymous 296578

based retard <3

Anonymous 296583


For the past week I’ve been stealing meals from a university canteen

Anonymous 296584


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