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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 39516[Reply]

Do not make threads about the following topics or you will be banned for 7 days:

- Race/Ethnicity/Nationality (including stereotypes & preferences)
- Religion
- "femboys"
- (Why) do guys…
- (Why) do you like guys who [insert preference here]
- (Why) do guys like [insert preference here]
- how to get a bf/gf/platonic friend (who does xyz)
- Fetish bait threads (if you must make a fetish thread, do it in >>>/nsfw/ and don't make it an image dump)
- Discord

If you want to talk about Radfem/TERF/Gendercritical themes, do not make a new thread. Use the existing threads and keep discussion civil. You can read my thoughts on a radfem board here: >>>/meta/2962

General threads:

>>117636 Pinkpill general/complaints about men as a whole
>>44115 Where/how to meet men
>>118214 Trans general
>>114365 TERF Memes/shittalking


Anonymous 3327[Reply]

Given the option, would you rather be a housewife or have a professional career?
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Anonymous 269803

My dream was that I would be the provider for a housewife or househusband. I hate household tasks with a blinding passion and would much rather work and study so I'd appreciate a partner who enjoyed domesticity. Realistically we're probably both going to work and share household tasks cause I don't wouldn't know where to meet a NEET irl. The plus side is then we can use the extra income for nice long vacations every year.

Anonymous 269848

Anonymous 269852

This here. If I had a really excellent husband (lol good luck with that!), I'd have zero qualms with being a housewife. Otherwise, I'd rather be a career woman like I am now.

Anonymous 269853

If I can pick and choose I'd have a professional career that made me enough money to only work 2-3 days in the week and spend the rest of my time on tending to my home and hobbies. That way I'd get the best of both worlds without having to tend to a home that isn't even mine.

Anonymous 269854

video files list fuck collection dp 4-13



welcome! site:


video files list fuck collection dp 4-13


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Anonymous 261827[Reply]

Why do I like yaoi so much when I can't stand irl homosexual moids?
67 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 268783

Do you think Japanese homosexuals are like yaoi characters?

Anonymous 269226

you might actually be retarded

Anonymous 269270

they absolutely are not

Anonymous 269849

Lmao so does otome, hentai and anime in general you dipshit, btw women hate you.

Anonymous 269851

call me pathetic again~

Rural allround ast…

Anonymous 269839[Reply]

When I look around this site I can't help but laugh at the concept of the Bechdel test. If this imageboard is any indication then it's not even a valid thought experiment. Can anyone here not go five posts without talking about moids or scrotes?

Anonymous 269841

but the cheese thread…

Anonymous 269845

the men do the same in their forums too. i just think everyone should hold hands and kiss but maybe that's just me

Anonymous 269846

>the men do the same in their forums too
On incel forums maybe.

Anonymous 269850


Cheese Thread Anonymous 254701[Reply]

What's your favorite cheese and cheese related dish?
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Anonymous 269831

I'd do this but I really have only eaten a few types of cheeses, and there's a lot of cheese I have eaten but dont know the name of.

I can tell you american cheese is fucking revolting and I don't know why you put cottage cheese below it.

I did make a pokemon game where I named every pokemon I got after cheese, ran out after a while and named them things like "frumunda cheese" and "cheez nutz"

Anonymous 269832

pizza :)

Anonymous 269833

Had a cheese sandwich today, it's the simple pleasures in life

Anonymous 269836

pesto is the shit u put in pasta its pesto!

Anonymous 269847


I knew more than I thought I did tbh
I mixed my slop cheese tiers and my regular cheese tiers, that’s why American is above cottage. I hate the texture but I can respect its existence as cheese while slop is slop: no strong feelings about it. Slop shouldn’t even be on a proper cheese list but I didn’t feel like making my own.
Google says pesto cheese is Gouda mixed with pesto, giving it a green colour. Sounds like it would be good on a pasta actually but I’ve never had it b4


Anonymous 269478[Reply]

Anonymous 269484

what's the point of this, anon?

Anonymous 269485

Meowdy y'all

Anonymous 269528


Meowdy pawdner

Anonymous 269844

meowdy :3


Anonymous 269643[Reply]

If I'm a loser should I kill myself?

Anonymous 269648

No, the measures of success are arbitrary and cultural. Spite the system and live your life, lil' goblin

Anonymous 269794

Nah, don’t do it. You just need a change of perspective. It’s not easy, but we’ll worth putting in the effort.

Anonymous 269834

No, the world needs losers like you

Anonymous 269843

negatory ghost rider


Moid trash thread Anonymous 226855[Reply]

What is one thing that men do (or several things) that just annoys you. Could be big or small, just as long as it’s something that just gets under your skin.
200 posts and 30 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 269823

Are there any liberal moids than are against sex work?

Anonymous 269827

My chickens ate styrofoam they found lying around, couldn't get out of the door of the coop if there was food on the other side because they could "see through " the fence so to them it was the most direct path (they'd repeatedly run around in front of the chickenwire fence and not run through the door they KNEW was open) and when one was injured you'd have to spraypaint them to make sure the other chickens didn't eat it alive.

Outside coop, forage room, ect.

Anonymous 269838

i dunno it goes both ways though, u cant have a functioning relationship without communication, like if u can talk things out and not have an argument its functional, everyone has friction bc thats just being human.

i think love bombing is essentially born out of modern dating, like do u want to talk to the guy who loves u or the one who doesnt, he who hesitates masterbates, if you arent a manipulative weirdo or super good looking your not getting any pussy.

Anonymous 269840

Every time a moid cries about “men’s rights” (kek) I’m genuinely baffled. Men “rights” SHOULD be greatly lessened, this is a good thing. Without the law at their necks men will rape, assault and murder indiscriminately because they are inherently destructive beings. It’s like keeping a rabid pitbull chained, it’s in the best interest of society as a whole.

Anonymous 269842

:O chained? like a dog? thats absurd they would hate that!

what about the black men should they have their rights lessened? think about the years of slavery…

Indie Vtubers pandering to moids Anonymous 264745[Reply]

Please tell me that I am not the only one finding all those indie vtubers being called "based" for supporting loli porn? Everytime I see an indie vtuber there is always a thing about liking loli and using bad words like c*nny and if you are against it you are being called a tourist? The indie vtuber sphere seems to be grounded in pedobaiting and I was wondering why… But when we think about it even the corporations tend to do it. I really wanted to express how bad I feel about it
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Anonymous 265981


Interesting. When I eliminated the English groups from Holo and Niji I had to do some rotations to bring the image in line, not sure if there's a version of the chart with built in filtering abilities. Without HoloEN or NijiEN the two groups look pretty much neck and neck, the difference in viewing hours between the non-English branches slightly smaller than the fraction of the pie taken by "Dokibird."

Anonymous 269771

There are a lot of people who claim to be pre-debut Vtubers but never actually debut or make content, and instead try to just farm and use clout on Twitter. People call them Vtweeters. They got super salty at Calliope Mori a while ago for calling them out in some of her songs. Aa cringe as she is, at least she actually makes content and is pretty successful with it

Anonymous 269772

Cope. The JP market is definitely the bigger Vtuber market, obviously, but the EN market is by no means insignificant. You can see how much it contributes in Cover Corp's financials, and also in how they pander to foreigners as well as JPs with their events like Holofes, and their concert in America and now in Australia (this weekend, in fact)

Anonymous 269783

Jealousy: the thread

Anonymous 269837

see i always chalked vtubers as like aging women or someone who doesnt like their apearance, not so much someone who is super into anime, rigs are fucking expensive and even if ppl spend a shit ton of their money on hobbies.

the weird psychological bit is the way that they are funded similiarly to like how old yt monetization used to work with like syndication channels like machinima, they have like a parent company take over "legal" and pay for the rigs for them to stream, its like pimping except streaming, to me thats bizarre bc u can just stream.

anyways loli is gay and cringe


Soda thread Anonymous 269829[Reply]

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