
Lolcow Bunker Thread #37 Anonymous 294287
Anonymous 294290
I'm making lunch in a bit, going to have some marinated chicken and veggies. I hope it will help my brain work better this afternoon as I've done fuck all in work this morning and the fear/guilt is setting in.
Anonymous 294291
>>294284It was originally supposed to be done by the 3rd. Cerbminn save us plz.
Anonymous 294292
Hello, how's everyone doing? What time is it for you? Eaten anything good yet?
Anonymous 294293
>>294292I haven't eaten anything but I had my morning coffee with a Bialetti Moka shot, double cream, coconut oil and almond milk. I'll probably make char sui duck later.
Anonymous 294294
it said late Tuesday, it's still night so give it another 10 hours. fingers crossed we have some milk tonight
Anonymous 294295
i miss some of my nonushkas in certain thread we sperg in, but these bunkers have been nice. as long as lolcow comes back everything is fine
Anonymous 294298
>>294294they keep moving the date its driving me insane
Anonymous 294300
>>294292I want a chicken tikka sandwich
Anonymous 294303
>>294280I'm still reveling at rancefags face reveal (I won't post it on cc mods pls don't ban me, I'll patiently wait for lc to be back).
For lunch I had a sandwich with roasted eggplant, pumpkin and some tahini.
Anonymous 294304
>>294303Please post it on LC when it comes back, I can only see the thumbnail on the junkuchan archive.
Anonymous 294305
Should I have chicken curry with rice or a burger with fries for dinner n0nnies
Anonymous 294306
i like thinking about how differences between the “”main”” female imageboard (lolcow) and the “”main”” male-dominated imageboard (4chan) prove how superior women are to men. like 4chan is full of horny men commiserating about being total losers while lolcow nonas tend to have jobs, Nigels/gfs, social lives, etc. and even the ones of us who are lonely aren’t nearly as unhinged about it. women are truly the advanced race
Anonymous 294307
>>294306and the unhinged posters we do have are way more entertaining than moids will ever be
Anonymous 294308
>>294292Waking up, showered, have a doctor's appointment soon, drinking a hot caramel coffee
Anonymous 294309
ughhh so sleepy, I have to eat lunch and then go back to class. Im excited for Friday because im planning to make a small daytrip
Anonymous 294310
I got groceries and didn’t buy pads because i thought i had enough still but I’m on my last two please pray for this poor n0nna
Anonymous 294311
i lost my lewdle win streak.. wtf is that word
Anonymous 294312
I'm currently working on a project and to have something to sort of listen to (mostly just for background noise and I'm not in the mood for music) so I put on a video about random tidbits internet history and let the algorithm do it's job. I wasn't exactly listening until it got to someone talking about the twitter of some scat loving furry where they were reading some of the tweets out loud, and while I was sitting there for a moment in pure "wtf am I listening to??" I realized my new roommate was moving about in the kitchen which is right next to my bedroom. This gotta be the worst thing to hear out of context hell, it's bad within context too
Anonymous 294315
>>294292Ate some delicious bibimbap and now I'm getting motivated for an afternoon of work. Can't wait to go back home and take a nap.
Anonymous 294316
>>294306I think it’s really unfair to compare Lolcow to 4chan or Kiwifarms. Men can talk about anything, almost anywhere, and many of them seek out highly misogynistic and racist communities. Lolcow, on the other hand, is one of the few spaces online where women can openly discuss men, society, and their interests. Outside of spaces dedicated to feminine hobbies, the default assumption is that users are male—but on Lolcow, being a woman is the norm.
Anonymous 294317
I'm brewing a mint tea and then in ten mins time I am going to work solidly for 45 mins. I am I am I am.
Anonymous 294318
>lolcow down
>now leftypol down
chuds won
Anonymous 294319
This website is such a shithole. My heart longs for the pastures
Anonymous 294320
>>294305curry with rice AND fries. in ireland we call it 'half and half' and its amazing
Anonymous 294323
Maybe they’re waiting for 9/11 to bring back the site.
Anonymous 294325
>>294316Plus these sites don't even have a microscopic fraction of the population of 4chan, which has like a million daily users on average. Also whenever someone says "4chan is just a site where people complain about being losers" I always get the impression that those people only go there to hatescroll /r9k/.
Anonymous 294327
I just want to use get it off your chest to call a new manager gum face because he's ugly and gets too close to your face while chewing gum. Either that or tomato face because his ugliness reminds me of annoying orange but with more red. Fucking moid egos I swear. This idiot gets promoted to assistant store manager at a retail chain and lets it get to his head.
Anonymous 294328
woke up with weird hurtburn and a stretching feeling when i breathe occasionally. is it over
Anonymous 294329
I wish I had a bunker IRL. They look so comfy.
Anonymous 294332
>>294325It doesn’t matter what board you use on 4chan, the sheer amount of misogyny is staggering. You can’t even discuss something as mundane as cooking without some loser posting about how much they hate women.
Anonymous 294333

>>294292I had breakfast and I will get my nails done, I need to get something simple but cute because my birthday is soon and I have to keep on job hunting. So I can't really get flashy nails like I like to get.
Anonymous 294336
There was someone in the previous bunker threads who was posting about how she wished she had friends and then posted her topster chart. I was going to listen to some of the albums this week on my commute because it seemed like she had good taste, but then I went back to the thread and it looks like she (or mods) deleted the post. Sad!
Anonymous 294338
>>294306>nonas tend to have jobs, Nigels/gfs, social lives, etc.One of those does not fit, kek.
Anonymous 294339
>>294335Just needs some fairy lights and pillow
Anonymous 294340

Can someone tell me who's the blonde one?
Anonymous 294341
>>294329I have one in my basement nōna. You're welcome to it, don't mind all my coats and suitcases.
>t. Swissfag Anonymous 294344

>>294332You're right about the amount of it. But for me misogyny on 4chan barely registers. It's just a result of the site's anonymity, like all of the racism, homophobia etc. I can just regard them as a troll or retard and move on. Whereas when I read it on social media and it's attached to an otherwise normal person, with a public history of saying such things, it appears more earnest and so more abhorrent.
Having said this I barely use 4chan except for a few niche generals where there is not much discussion of politics, and I am too young to remember the site pre-2016. I think for discussion of apolitical topics 4chan (and other similar forums) is superior to Lolcow due to the speed of discussion/amount of autists present, and the age of some of the threads (they have established rules, jokes, resources/links etc.); but for advice and fun LC is clearly superior because its users are not so ardently contrarian and edgy
Anonymous 294346
>>294340I can't remember. I'm out of touch
Anonymous 294347
>>294306eh there are plenty of people with jobs who use 4chan. even celebs/billionaires… i've been on the site since way before 2016 and i've seen the 'generation' change a few times so im not even sure it's worth a discussion tbh plus all the feds on there now… it's SOooooo dead now, i still browse daily, but less and less…/x/ is my home. and the shill threads are majority now…sucks but its the cycle…
Anonymous 294349
>>294292I'm about to order a delicious
McDonald's breakfast fit for a
starving college student Anonymous 294351

>>294332The misogyny is definitely overdone, but that's just men being honest about how they feel. I kind of appreciate knowing their real feelings on women, because now I understand no scrote is ever my friend and it makes a lot more sense how I've been treated by them in the past. The worst parts about 4chan for me are the insane coomerism and the gay shit everywhere. Nearly every board, even if they're blue, are dominated by coom generals (even if generals are banned on said board) and there is so much gay off-topic "discussion" that it derails threads all the time. 4chan always used to have some level of coom, as does every single website, but in the early 2010s it was very isolated and not in your face on every board. And the gay stuff used to be a joke for the most part (it's a trap etc), now they're way too serious about it. It's like I can't go into any thread without men either cooming over hentai/cartoon women, or cooming over weird shit like rabbids and plants and fallout monsters, or trying to groom each other to be gay and do gay erp out in the open. I wish I was kidding about it. It's made me stop going to many boards I used to enjoy, and now I'm isolated to a few wholesome generals that are devoid of all of that nonsense. Sometimes I go to /ck/ or /diy/, but a few threads have pissed me off lately which made me take a break. On /ck/ there was an actually tranny humblebragging in his own thread he made about how he's too skinny and can't gain weight, and wants to gain weight so he can "troon out" in his own words. He was of course posting selfies of himself on the fucking cooking board. Then the piss bottle general, yes, the PISS BOTTLE GENERAL sickened me to my core so I haven't been back to /diy/ since.
Anonymous 294352
>>294351only the extremely niche hobby centric boards were ever worth it for the levels of autism but let's be real, 4chan isn't some haven of secret knowledge anymore, that information can be gathered elsewhere too. the tradeoff of casual hatefulness strewn in everywhere just isn't worth it. i think most of us who ever used it had a period of edginess where we thought it was funny in a way but i grew tired of it 10 years ago and whenever i check a board once a year to see if i missed anything it's just so boring and
bleak. At this rate, even reddit is an equally useful aggregator of info and discussion.
Anonymous 294353
>>294317I did it! Managed to clear a good chunk of my inbox. It makes me feel so basic but sticking on lofi beats to study to really helps.
Anonymous 294354
>>294351just wanted to chime in and say this is exactly true lol…. its weird how trap/trans thing was normalized, then vilified, then normalized again… its a very strange phenomenon and it infects every board, totally taken over /fit/ for example. pretty much every thread on /gif/ is scat or some other disgusting 'fetish' too…i don't want to believe 'thats just how moids are' but well…
Anonymous 294355
>>294341So you are saying that Switzerland is a real country?
Anonymous 294357
>>294345I once showed off my copy of this record at a family dinner and ruined the vibes because my sister had to explain to her friend that I’m not a Nazi
Anonymous 294358
KEK I moved from Spotify to Tidal recently and used a 3p app to transfer my music. Some songs didn’t transfer and it replaced them, just found random Christian rock in my rap/rock playlist
Anonymous 294360

>>294347/x/ used to be my home too, it was such a good board! There's a lot of weird crap on there now which bugs me, like the succubus and nobody generals and then copious amounts of religious stuff which doesn't really belong there imo. I'm not sure when the shift for /x/ occurred because I didn't use the internet for a big chunk of the last decade, but it really is quite different from the /x/ I used to know.
>>294348You already know what to do nona, so go for it. I know it's "time sunk" in a retard that doesn't deserve your time, but block him and move on. If he keeps coming around your house and doesn't leave when you ask him to, legitimately call the police on him if you feel safe doing so. Don't come out of your house no matter what.
Anonymous 294361
Sitting on the roof because its the only open spot overheating under the bright sun in Zoom class while theyre talking about gender identity. Is this hell?
Anonymous 294364
i used to go into LC and say "good morning" on one thread every day but i guess this is the only LC thread now.
such is life, morning nonas
Anonymous 294365
What do you want LC for, just use this place lol, it's ok just happens.
Anonymous 294367

Are we still going tunesdays and movie nights even when lolcor is down?
Anonymous 294369
>>294365there are more threads i like, for example the reddit hate thread
Anonymous 294372
I've had a weird autistic interest in nutrition lately…. if only I could ask other farmers about le evil seed oils
Anonymous 294375
>>294371Spotify was too bloated and had awful shuffle. I'd have my 300+ song playlist and it would play the same 20ish songs in the first hour or whatever every single time
Anonymous 294376
good morning nonitas!!! today is the day, i’m manifesting the return of lolcor!!
Anonymous 294377

men with adhd are so useless, so sick of my retarded roommate leaving his sopping clothes in the washer for days and then getting pissy with me when i throw it back in his hamper. the washer isn't for your personal mold collection retard
Anonymous 294379
>>294353I love lofi beats when I’m reading and stuff. It makes me nostalgic for the early 2010s
Anonymous 294380
>>294365You’re not allowed to discuss cows here
Anonymous 294381
How do you deal with being around friends’ nigels that you hate? I even dislike hearing about him, but I love her and our friendship. I guess my options are to just deal with it or leave, but idk. I just wish men weren’t real.
Anonymous 294382
>>294381you're right you have to deal with it. accept the fact its her decision, nothing to do with you. if you love her just think about it this way
Anonymous 294383
>>294372>>294378are one of yous the raypeat sperg from the rightwing nutrition/carnivore thread…
Anonymous 294384
>>294367Tunesday been happening. No sign of movie night though
Anonymous 294386
Why do/did so many posts on the bunker thread on junkuchan get/got deleted?
Anonymous 294388
>>294386The admin doesn't like drama from what it seems, similar to cc
Anonymous 294389
im really trying to stay positive but i feel like my life will never begin and im so trapped in my situation and where i am right now. i see people going out with friends, doing things and traveling places and i just dont do that even though i want to i feel like i cant. life seems so easy for everybody else and i feel like my brain got crippled and im not really human
Anonymous 294390
Are there deals for Microsoft subscriptions for students (preferably EU)? I checked my university but did not see a good option (also the office is closed so I can't ask for help rn).
I need to get unlinked from my abusive ex's Microsoft account but I have billions of files pertaining to my thesis on this computer so I don't want to pirate it. however MS making the default save to the retarded OneCloud might have just revealed a private legal document to my ex. Hopefully not, I deleted it from there right away but ffs.
Anonymous 294391
>>294368i don't like the sound of that one.
Anonymous 294392
>>294386Posts get deleted automatically after awhile I think.
Anonymous 294393
>>294368Why was he such a misogynistic faggot? I swear if Berserk would have been a yaoi none of that would have happened.
Anonymous 294394
>>294383i think carnivore diet shills are retarded. i don't think seed oils are evil incarnate, but try to avoid them and use EVOO / coconut oil / butter instead
Anonymous 294395
>>294388>>294392Okay thanks n0nnas. I wonder where will the rancefag milk be posted when LC will come back… kek
Anonymous 294396
>>294387He’s just kind of an asshole and she complains about him a lot. But I guess a lot of women do that so maybe it’s normal.
Anonymous 294397
>>294393none of what would have happened?
Anonymous 294398
Do we really believe it's coming back later today?
Anonymous 294399
>>294397Griffith rapes Guts' love interest
Anonymous 294400
>>294398I have to believe it, I can't lose hope!
Anonymous 294401
I'm allergic to egg yolk but I like egg whites so I either separate them before making fried egg or I make hard boiled eggs and pop out the yolk. Something went wrong with my egg cooker and when I cracked the egg it was all soft and gooey and the yolk was flowing all over, only the outer part of the yolk was cooked. It was disgusting and took so much longer than usual to remove the yolks from the whites and now the whites are still undercooked which gives me allergies too. I should just stick to tofu or something
Anonymous 294402
>>294318>/leftypol/ downHow many of them are going to 41%?
>>294344I could write an essay about what changed 4chan for the worse but the two main events were stormfront colonizing /pol/ and gamergate.
>>294372It's not so much that seed oils are bad, it's that too much of it is bad. The main source of fat in the human diet needs to be unprocessed saturated fat. Saturated fat is essential for neurological functioning and hormone synthesis. Lack of saturated fat results in long term chronic illness and neurological dysfunction. Highly processed oils like canola also contain too much omega 6 which causes chronic inflammation because it skews the ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 in the body.
The best nutritional approach is to consume a wide variety of fats and avoid industrially processed oils.
Anonymous 294403
Let's pretend we're rebuilding lc and you're writing the new rules. What's your ruleset?
Anonymous 294405
>>294372Seed oils are too processed to be good for you.
Anonymous 294406
>>294386thread is cyclical and never ends it just keeps going while old posts get deleted. it’s automatic
Anonymous 294408
>>294388Just making stuff up kek, just don't answer if you don't have the answer anon. It's because the thread is cyclical. There is literally a cow board on the site.
Anonymous 294409
>>294403No gore no spam no porn no announcing you’re a moid. Short and sweet.
Anonymous 294411
>>294281ok to be faire they did say
late tonight kek so we can probably expect to see it sometime next week
Anonymous 294412
>>294403>no moids>no male trannies>baiters will get 6 month bans>infighters on random threads get 3 month bans>infight thread is allowed so the infights stay there, like a coliseum>emojis aren't allowed other than the usual heart and uwu>no attention whoring, no posting selfies or body parts>It's allowed to doxx and post pictures of moids as long as they're spoilered and have a context Anonymous 294413
>>294409All infighters get sent to battle in a locked arena thread
Anonymous 294414
The fujo drama was funny but why are all the cuck bunker anons sucking off the Indian moid who's moderating the thread. That place hosts loli foot fetish shit and all of you are acting like 3 mod posts is better than all the cleanup our jannies have to do on the daily. Is it nlogism? I am confused.
Anonymous 294415
>>294409so I can personalityfag, selfpost, cowtip, make threads about hating non-white women, ask for tutorials on how to get started in prostituting myself on 4chan? Nice
Anonymous 294417
"Thank you for your patience." Lmaoooooo we've been everything but.
Anonymous 294420
>>294414we must have some compassion our s have been hungry for days they arent in the right mindset
Anonymous 294421
Narc mom texted me last night. It makes me always wonder why bc it's always the same old photos and nothing more. Last time was my bd in March and the time before it probably my bd before that. After all these years I can't just forget but think what she might be up to.
Anonymous 294423
We should all force our way back to /cgl/. Return to our origins
Anonymous 294424
>>294414he’s just giving us so much and we’re used to so little, forgive me
Anonymous 294425
>>294421Mine does the same. I think she's nostalgic for this "golden era" of life where she had control over me.
Anonymous 294426
>>294423lolcow was made because cgl banned all cow discussion
Anonymous 294427
>>294403We really need a must read legacy page on how the site started and our early cows. I'm tired of newfags not even knowing who PT is or how we came from /cgl/ or that the first admin was a moid.
Anonymous 294428
>>294427Nah, we need to stick to "lurk more". It's a good way of instantly clocking newfags like
>>294423 Anonymous 294429
>>294403>Moids and trannoids are permabanned, except for tifs (they can stay, they're women)>Americans are banned from posting in milk threads for other countries. I'm not american and everytime I was gossiping in my country thread, an american came to ask "what's the best place to visit" like ma'am we're talking shit here, use a tourism thread.>Infighters and baiters get a year ban, fuck off, we're not on 4chins>the only allowed emojis are kaomojis, hearts and ":)" and ":D". Only ascii, no modern emojis crap.>No self posting, rate me threads etc>Alogging related to trannyism and male violence can't be banned, let us be unhinged>Lesbian s using slurs towards bi s should be banned, don't act like moids. Anonymous 294431
>>294425You might be rigth since it's not quite hoovering. I'm still scared she will come after me. I'm having my own daughter soon and she is bound to know so that's also why I'm scared. Can we ever truly forget?
Anonymous 294432
>>294403> no self poasting> no being unnecessarily mean or egregiously backhanded > NO MEN except for Cuckquing Anonymous 294433
i have freakishly small ears so nothing ever fits in them so i bought these weird lil rubber skin things for my airpods and they finally fit! everything is coming up millhouse, nonitas
Anonymous 294434
>>294428I agree with you to a certain extent but at this point the site has so much history that many anons aren't going to bother to dig to the beginning. Sure you can instantly stop reading whenever you see a newfag spouting nonsense but it also hurts my soul.
Anonymous 294436
>>294435i remember spoony getting banned from here too… i wonder where she's spamming these days
Anonymous 294437
>>294435Also thanks to her, CC got raided, tranny infested and abandoned.
Fucking handmaiden pickmeisha.
Anonymous 294439
>>294433Hell yeah! Let hear it for all the tiny eared s out there.
Anonymous 294440
>>294389dont worry n0na i felt the exact way, right down to feeling dehumanised by my inertia and lack of participation in life. this isn't forever. one year can change everything, just keep pushing forward and try your best to take up life on the random opportunities it floats your way, when you can. things will get better, hang in there !!!!
Anonymous 294441
>>294428Not a newfag, I just long for days past. When /cgl/ was good and before moot got cucked and ruined everything with his stupid rules bc of whiny lolcows complaining to him about being "singled out"
Anonymous 294444
Nonas I'm so bored and desperate for milk I decided to finally take on the incredibly daunting task of learning the full lore of Chris Chan; the LOTR Trilogy Extended Edition of Lolcows. I've always avoided reading about this moid because it's insane how much lore one unemployed Virginian tard can spawn.
Anonymous 294445
>>294403Ontop of the usual stuff.
>Shadowbanning for baiters. If they see red text they vpn hop. Lack of attention makes them give up>Thread watcher>Have a view where it orders a thread based on replies>Pinned post for cow games>No one's allowed to be mean to me Anonymous 294446
I just saw my ex in his car with a woman and now I feel like shit. I know that I shouldn't feel anything because he was a pos that constantly criticized me and made me feel as if I wasn't good enough. He told me that my glasses were ugly, that I should go to the gym more and sometimes even pinched my stomach. He also loved to dictate my meals and if a ever ate something that had a lot of sugar he would get mad. He was an athlete and obsessed with the gym. We were together for 6 years (got together when I was 16, he was three years older). Idk it just kind of crushed me today when I saw his car and all of the old feelings of resentment came up. In our last year together a family member died. My mom called to tell me and while I cried he just looked at me without any kind of emotion in his face, ate a waffle and asked me questions about a movie. We broke up after the funeral. I blocked him, but his mom still texts me from time to time because she loved me and he treated her like a servant.
Anonymous 294447
I bought way too much pesto, I'm never gonna get through all of this. Fuck.
Anonymous 294449
>>294306I just hate 4chan because there's basically never any discussion like ever. It's just the text equivelent of screaming.
The users of that shitty site have devolved to a point of being explicitly anti-nuance or depth to any topic they whine about. They don't even have anything interesting to say on the topic of why they hate women. Just the same "double standards" brought up over and over.
Anonymous 294450
>>294403>K-pop thread>Permaban if posted outside of the thread>Baiting results in a shadow ban>Answering to bait, one month ban Anonymous 294451
i had a dream last night that my lolcow came back. i need her
Anonymous 294453
>>294445>>Shadowbanning for baiters. If they see red text they vpn hop. Lack of attention makes them give upLC does two types of troll ban already. One is farmcow.lol and the other is a page that just says "something went wrong" when trying to post. I've never experienced the farmcow.lol redirect but several IP ranges I've tried on LC get the fake "something went wrong" ban page.
Anonymous 294454
>>294446Wait I think I remember your post on lc about this moid. Yeah, it's normal to have those feelings because you're a human. Honestly it's good to remember the bad stuff because it keeps you from missing him. Old stuff I remember from my last (7ys) relationship keeps floating into my memory, and it mostly makes me hate myself for putting up with it for so long when I should have walked away. So try not to dwell on it, unless you're dwelling on it with a therapist or journaling about it with the intention of getting over it. Your ex does seem uncommonly awful.
Anonymous 294455
>>294448Okay but I don't know how long it will keep in an envelope.
Anonymous 294456
>>294403I'd just fix the ban system to ban vpns/public proxies like on 4chan. All the rules in the world don't help if the offenders can evade easily.
Anonymous 294457

idk what's worse, the price or the fact that they put fucking SPEEDLINES on it as if it didn't already look gaudy enough
Anonymous 294458
>>294454Yeah I already did post about it once there. He was a really awful person and I regret not breaking up sooner with him. I think I can relate to your experience, I have similar feelings. I don't feel awful because I want him back, I feel awful because I endured all of this bullshit for so long. I spent a lot of my formative years in his company and I feel like it at least gave me some self-esteem issues. I've been going to therapy for the last two months and I will 100% bring it up this week. Thank you for your nice post n0nanette.
Anonymous 294459
>>294447If you get bored of eating with pasta, pesto makes a good salad dressing. Mix it with some olive oil and use as a salad dressing. I like using it with a salad made up of cucumber, red onion, bell peppers, tomato, cubed mozzarella, grated Italian hard cheese like pecorino, parmesan, and grana padano with cubed pancetta. You can also use roasted peppers and sun dried tomatoes for added sweetness.
Anonymous 294460
>>294389I feel the exact same way. Completely trapped and stagnating. Every time I try to improve my situation I get knocked back somehow. Im 29 and every day that goes by I feel more desperate. You are not alone and we will get there we just have to keep trying <3
Anonymous 294461
>>294423Some seething tard keeps throwing tantrums and reporting threads we make outside of here, probably the second one quoting you.
Anonymous 294463

I visited my mom’s house for the first time in years and found out she has developed a SHEIN hoarding habit. It was rather shocking because she has always been against buying useless shit while I was growing up. In the past years she preferred to come visit me at my home with the excuse that hers is messy. I didn’t know how bad “messy” was. Tons of unopened packages just sitting in stacks… What do I do anons?
Anonymous 294464
>>294463nothing, your mother is an adult responsible for herself. you could suggest that she should see a therapist because that shit is not normal but everything beyond that is on her.
Anonymous 294465
>>294458>I feel awful because I endured all of this bullshit for so longAnd now you're rid of him! Don't let him eat up any more of your time. Everyone makes mistakes and bad choices n0na.
Anonymous 294466
>>294457>vertical stand sold separatelyOf course, they'd sell the buttons separately if they could
Anonymous 294467
>>294446I'm on my way to see my shitty ex that I still love, at least you're doing better than me n0nnie don't feel bad. I wish I was as strong as you can could just block him and get over it.
Anonymous 294468
>>294389I'm in the exact same boat, I don't know what to do anymore. Life is slipping between my fingers and I feel like leaf in the wind. I don't do anything, everytime I even attempt to muster up courage, something goes wrong or I get discouraged
Anonymous 294471
>>294463Spend more time with her if you can, she is probably trying to fill a void
Anonymous 294473
>>294457I still don't really understand the purpose of this box.
Anonymous 294474
>>294447Freeze some of it. Or let me eat it
Anonymous 294475
>>294473Don't worry, neither does Sony.
Anonymous 294476
>>294463Ask her if she needs help with cleaning. She’s probably stopped opening packages because she's addicted to the thrill of ordering, not the actual products. Helping her see what she’s buying might make her think about it more seriously. The fact that she can ignore packages piling up and taking over her home is a serious issue.
Anonymous 294477
>>294475I miss the PS2. Always felt there were weird and fun little games I never heard about for that thing. All these modern consoles feel like they have 2-3 online games for basement dwellers who want to pretend to have jobs.
Anonymous 294478
>>294457worse that they are selling this thing when the ps6 comes out next year anyways
Anonymous 294480
this is the most Ive wanted to kill myself this year and i just saw on reddit that its world suicide prevention day
Anonymous 294481

>>294457I'm not on the loop, judging from the image, are those €800 for a digital-only console? For that price I feel you're better off getting a decent refurbished laptop/PC if all you want is to play digital PS5 games, more useful and 95% of them end up in PC anyways.
Second hand PS5 with disk drive are around €450 over here so I'm just gonna get that, is there even a point for the Pro version? It barely hasany exclusives and game technology has become stagnant, I don't think this machine will run things much differently than a regular PS5 for the average person unless you're aiming for like 6k 240fps & even then most games don't even benefit from that kek.
Probably only moids who think everything is a dick measuring contest will find value in the Pro version.
Anonymous 294484
>>294467You’re on your way there and already having doubts. Act on them. Bail and go back home.
Anonymous 294485
>>294481ayrt, it's just like you say - unless you got an obsessive eye for GPU speeds it's barely any difference imo. Taking a quick look at the second hand market here I can get both a regular ps5 and a steam deck for the same price as a new pro, which is honestly a lot more attractive deal for me as a console gamer (and somewhat collector).
Anonymous 294486
>>294477Agree. The ps2 has the largest category of extremely underrated, not-very-well-known games in console history. I loved Tomba and Blasto.
Anonymous 294488
>>294467Please go back home. You can do a lot better and he doesn't deserve your love.
Anonymous 294490
>>294473To play fromsoft games on loop
Anonymous 294492
I need my lolcow debate girlies.. it's going to be wild tonight.
Anonymous 294493
>>294492damn, a lolcow debate actually sounds really fun KEK
Anonymous 294494
>>294492What happened to lolcow? I asked this yesterday and nobody really gave me a straight answer.
What happened and is it coming back?
Anonymous 294495
>>294494Nobody knows what happened for sure, there are only speculations. The admins post updates on status.lolcow.farm
Anonymous 294496
>>294403I would unban emotes and emoji, idgaf if they’re annoying and against imageboard standards.
Anonymous 294497
>>294494they didn't specify. some are speculating it was a ddos attack because none of the images worked shortly before it went down. it was meant to come back a few days ago but they kept rescheduling it because of the amount of work it takes,it's meant to be back tonite
Anonymous 294498

why do i want to kms right before my period
Anonymous 294500

Do people IRL tell you you're beautiful?
Anonymous 294501
>>294497The ddos doesn't make any sense, though. If it was just that, they'd be putting word out, surely. It was meant to be back a week ago.
Anonymous 294502
>>294497I am so tired of having my hopes crushed that I won't let myself believe it
Anonymous 294503
>>294500Of course, people lie to me everyday
Anonymous 294504
>>294440>>294389>>294460>>294468anons don't you feel like this year was much worse than others?
Anonymous 294506
>>294500no, most people don't even talk to me
Anonymous 294507
>>294500yes and it’s kind of strange because i’m so used to getting called ugly online
Anonymous 294508
>>294494I think they either got backend hacked or they are doing the whole UI overhaul finally which can lead to a crazy amount of bugs and sometimes downtime like this.
Anonymous 294509
>>294498Because of pre-menstrual syndrome.
Anonymous 294510
>>294500A random old lady did the other day but for the most part, no.
In fact the only other time some random person told me I was beautiful, it was an old man. Nobody except my parents or people I date tell me I’m pretty or beautiful.
I have also been called ugly and told I look like a tranny so I don’t know.
Anonymous 294512
>>294437kek remember when she did that stupid elf ears surgery despise being a broke college student?
Or when it was disclosed that irl she looked like a grandma.
>>294428I'm from the school of lurk moar but everyday we are losing data, from text and images to entire websites, so it makes sense to start archiving in some way.
Anonymous 294513
>>294494Thanks everyone who answered this. I hope it comes back soon. I’ve never used this site before, it’s just not the same is it?
I will be low-key happy for some of the cows if it never comes back though. Imagine how happy Shayna will be?
Anonymous 294514
>>294500Yes, but honestly I don't trust it when people do (even though I'm not terrible-looking), because it always feels like they want something from me, usually my attention for whatever reason
Never feels genuine
Anonymous 294515
Zoomer hands typed this post.
Anonymous 294516
Me and the woman in the stall next to me are the only ones in the restroom and we’ve been locked in a “I’m not shitting until you leave” battle for the past 8 MINUTES. My asshole is cramping and my legs are completely asleep and I’m cold. I have to shit so bad but I’m not doing it until she LEAVES!!!!!! Fuck
Anonymous 294517
>>294423I tried posting on /cgl/ and I hated it. Jannies are clearly friends with some anons and protect their autism while banning anyone who calls out the bullshit.
Anonymous 294518
>>294500old men would do that when I was 14-20. not anymore though
Anonymous 294519
>>294500I get compliments on individual features, like my eyelashes and freckles etc, but people rarely flat out tell me I'm pretty
Anonymous 294520
>>294516assert dominance by shitting now, noni. this is ridiculous
Anonymous 294522
seeing all the anons pointing rancefag's long philtrum out has made me even more self conscious about mine.
Anonymous 294523
>>294516Assert dominance. Drop a deuce so loud it scares her off.
Anonymous 294526
>>294515what do you have against emojis!!
Anonymous 294527
>>294485>unless you got an obsessive eye for GPU speeds it's barely any difference imoConsoles don't even have that advantage. A midrange gaming PC will mog any current console when it comes to frame rates.
Anonymous 294528
>>294516ignoring social convention and shitting as loudly as possible actually makes you the alpha female in this situation.
Anonymous 294529
>>294516Just shid anon. Then she'll shid.
And then you both can walk each other to the sink to wash hands and shake merry a good day~
Anonymous 294530
Tunesday is starting in a couple minutes. Tonight's theme is Ragey Tunesday. I'm not sure if I'm allowed drop a link here but it's the same place as moovie night
Anonymous 294533
>>294516unless you and the other women know each other by name there is no reason to be self conscious about that
Anonymous 294534
Who’s going to watch the presidential debate tonight (mainly for burgerfats)? I will
Anonymous 294535
>>294500Used to happen when I was a teenager until age 22, then not anymore. I also gained a lot of weight after that because I was recovering from bulimia so I was pretty fat. I don't get called beautiful anymore but people consistently tell me I look very young last year a shopkeeper lady offered me a lollipop thinking I was 13. This isn't a uwu am dainty loli humblebrag I'm still a fatty and I'm built like a fridge, it's just my face.
Anonymous 294537
>>294500Most people assume I'm 10 years older then I am. It kind of bothers me.
Anonymous 294538
>>294524Who’s this slut? 9/10 would break his pelvis
Anonymous 294539
>>294522Where’s her picture? I bet mine is way longer. My ugliness is hard to beat, no one has ever been successful.
Anonymous 294542
>>294433A dr once told me I had some of the narrowest ear canals she’s ever seen on an adult, yet I don’t have this problem. Maybe she was trying to compliment me?
Anonymous 294543
>>294187if this is zenosfag im scared you'll chimp out on me if i take a glimpse at your husbando Anonymous 294544
>>294537Someone needs retinol/tretinoin and to wear less makeup
Anonymous 294545
>>294537ntayrt but i look pretty old for my age too noni, i’m 22 and everyone thinks i’m in my 30s kek
Anonymous 294546
images - 2024-09-1…

i suddenly lost half of my hair volume in my mid twenties and it isn't coming back and i will kill myself if i get a bald spot
I started using rosemary oil and doing regular scalp massages recently, is there anything else I should be doing?? Do hair vitamins actually work? I want to avoid rogain for now unless it gets worse, but i think I'm losing more hair lately so I'm concerned lmao
Anonymous 294548
>>294524I'm pressing the button but nothings happening, I want to do it.
Anonymous 294549
>>294500fairly often, and not always to my face. im either told im intimidating (im very shy and i tense up a lot) or look very young/innocent (not nlogging, id like to be taken more seriously). its something i'll google from time to time ("why do people call me pretty" kek) because its very hard to believe people call me pretty. maybe they just notice certain features and think it makes me pretty?
Anonymous 294550
>>294500Never in my life, in fact people openly mock me in the street and call me all sorts of names about how ugly I am. Even when I dress my best. Don’t complain about not receiving tons of compliments. Be thankful you aren’t harassed and insulted by random people. It’s no way to live.
Anonymous 294551
>>294546Have you checked if you have a deficiency yet? It really might be as simple as you needing a little extra B12.
Anonymous 294553
>>294551did someone say b12?
>>294550anon this made me cry…
Anonymous 294555
>>294550im sorry anon. i think its really lovely you still dress up despite how cruel people can be.
Anonymous 294556
>>294524Keking at the heavily shooped face. Looks like it was painted over.
Anonymous 294557
>>294550Not trying to start a fight, honestly curious. I am no great looker myself, and I know plenty of ugly people. Most got mocked in school but in the real world, are random people on the street really saying out loud, "Look at the uggo! Ha ha!" that seems weird, like it wouldn't really happen outside sketch comedy or cartoons. Sorry, I am unaware of this happening in the adult, going-to-the-grocery-store mundane reality …
Anonymous 294558
>>294546Vitamin D deficiency will make itself known in the form of hair shedding. Get your hormones and vitamin levels checked.
Anonymous 294559
>>294558>>294551ntayrt but my bloodwork is fine and ive lost hair around my temples years ago. i think its been hormone related but no doctor will get me an endo referral because im young and "look healthy"…keep in mind i have a family history of fibroid, endometriosis and thyroid issues. could it just happen naturally?
Anonymous 294560
>>294559I had the same happen to me (I lost half of my hair mass after 25) and in my case, it's PCOS.
Do you have hirsutism? Insulin resistance? Painful periods? Acne? Bloats a lot?
Anonymous 294561
>>294559>could it just happen naturally?Hair changes with age, you don't have to be old or anything. I'm 24 and my texture is changing from straight to curly faster as time goes on. As long as you're not showing any significant decline in health alongside this it's likely just your body going "lol fuck you I'm different now"
Anonymous 294562
>>294560very painful heavy periods, i think i lose gallons of blood each time! not sure about the insulin resistance but i do have the symptoms. no acne or hirsutism.
did you manage to grow your hair back? i might start massaging with oils like the other …
Anonymous 294563
>tried getting in contact online with someone from my uni (apparently) looking for a friend
>no replies
guess that'll be another yet year spent having zero social life
Anonymous 294565
>>294500yeah, often actually, but I still see something weird and deformed looking in the mirror. I know a percentage of that is just BDD, but farmers would probably tell me I look like a frog. my best friend calls it "weird pretty"
Anonymous 294566
>>294546go to a doctor and get your blood checked because it could be any number of things but if its pattern baldness you will need rogain or something to inhibit dht conversion or testosterone production if your test is high
Anonymous 294567
>>294557Honestly, it’s weird but I am called ugly more as an adult than I was in school, even though yes I was bullied. Recently I had a group of people stop on the street and shout at me (I was IN my car) about how ugly I was when I happened to glance at them. I’ve had strangers tell me I look better with a mask on. Even my friends (when I had friends) would insinuate I was very ugly. I could go on but I don’t really want to.
Anonymous 294568
>>294567where the hell do you live where this is common behavior?
Anonymous 294570
>>294500Yeah, I even actually - very, VERY surprisingly - got scouted by a small modeling company once (she was probably more attracted to my height and fooled by the loose clothing I was wearing that day because I've never been model thin). But I grew up being told I was fat and ugly, and hung out with toxic people that would continually give me backhanded "compliments", on top of always being the "ugly friend" whenever I travel or go out with attractive friends. So even now that I've separated from the toxic circle and I get told I am beautiful/pretty I can't believe it for a second and get filled with a lot of complicated feelings. Guess it triggers my BDD somehow
Anonymous 294571
giraffecow pen.png

I just bought a bunch of stuff online for the first time and its giving me this weird guilt/buyers remorse. I didn't get anything expensive or useless, it's all cheap chinese crap that I'm going to be using every day (pens, journal, hair clips, etc) but the fact that it looks nice and is tailored to my tastes instead of being something ugly I HAD to buy because it was the only thing the store had in stock makes me feel weird. Every time I look at picrel I forget that it was $2 for a set of four instead of $5 for a single pen.
Anonymous 294572
>>294567I have to agree with
>>294568, I've never seen this kind of behavior be acceptable. If I was ever in a friend group and anyone so much as
whispered something mean like that about a stranger, we'd all shame them do to how impolite they're being. Never mind yelling out mean things like that on the street. Total sociopath behavior.
Anonymous 294574
>>294562if you have heavy periods you're probably low on iron - get a blood test!
Anonymous 294575
>>294500I used to get bullied for being grotesquely ugly and whenever I expressed insecurity to my friends they would either not respond or say something like "well I like your face anyway", but the older I get, the more compliments I receive. I get hit on sometimes in the street now (though that's still very rare) and have a really attractive boyfriend and people call us a hot couple. I can only recommend aging. Finding what works for you will do wonders even if you're not conventionally attractive
Anonymous 294577
It’s too bad lc is still down. I’d love to read the shitposts about hurricane francine in the amerifag thread. I just know someone would’ve made a pixmix for it too.
Anonymous 294578

Baking n0nnies, help me out here!
I stumbled upon this recipe and the picture got me almost drooling, but it seems…too easy? Due to the rise of recipe pages made by bots I don't trust websites I haven't seen before. I can usually spot he AI "recipe" when it comes to cakes and cookies, but not yet when it comes to bread. Is this recipe real/feasible?
https://loseweightbyeating.com/low-calorie-focaccia-bread/Anonymous 294579
>>294578I wouldn't trust it, I swear to god I saw this exact recipe when I was trying to make naan bread.
Anonymous 294581
>>294578Why is there no yeast in the recipe?? It’s just a yogurt bread if no yeast
Anonymous 294582
>>294578i don’t think it’s gonna taste very good…here’s the focaccia recipe i use ; loveandlemons.com/focaccia/
Anonymous 294583
>>294581Doesn't self-rising flour have yeast in it?
Anonymous 294584
>>294578ai recipes are a thing now? disgusting.
Anonymous 294585
>>294581There, I thought something was missing, the fucking yeast! Here I got hung up on the lack of kneading and rising since focaccia needs it to accumulate it's signature bubbles but sort of thought of how low-calorie recipes have surprised me before kek. Thanks!
Anonymous 294586
>>294584what makes you think that's AI??
Anonymous 294587
>>294578As someone who makes bread every now and then, I think the reason why that looks so easy is because that's not actually really the kind of bread your used to. It's not made with yeast, but "self rising flour" which has baking soda. When you bake that, it's not going to have that chew, stretchy mouthfeel you're used to with normal bread, but rather it's going to taste like a weird thin savoury cake, and you can kind of see that by the way the bread is all crumbly in that picture. To be honest, I prefer using yeasted doughs even if you have to wait longer for it to rise when baking.
Anonymous 294588
>>294584someone hasnt heard about the ai crochet patterns kek
Anonymous 294590
>>294582NTA But I think I'll make this tonight. Thank you!!
Anonymous 294591
>>294500I'm kind of "unconventionally attractive" so I don't expect to be complimented by irl randos ever, but it has actually happened before a few times even if I didn't really buy it kek. Other than that it's radio silence and it feels kinda bad because I know I look a bit unusual, but my online friends tell me I'm pretty so I choose to believe them
Anonymous 294592
>>294500yes, i tell it to myself all the time.
Anonymous 294595
>>294587thanks! We don't have self-rising flour in my country, so I figured I could perhaps make it myself but you are right that it would most likely not taste like a regular focaccia. I found it while looking for healthy but interesting toppings for the one I got at home, but I'll skip this one and focus on making a proper one when I have time instead
Anonymous 294597
can't sleep.jpg

It's 9pm, I already brushed my teeth and is relaxing on my bed. And of course, here comes the creeping cravings for cereal or something. It's not even like I have a habit of eating at night, I do everything in my might to avoid it except for those rare occasions where I eat dinner early.
Anonymous 294600
Very unbased of them.
Anonymous 294601
>>294567A pretty normal place (for America). Middle class area. I don’t know why people are like that either. It’s all different age groups and sexes too. And thanks to the people who do say things to me, I’m burdened with the knowledge that everyone who sees my face is at the very least silently thinking about how unpleasant it is to have to look at. You can’t escape that. Peoples knee jerk reaction to me is revulsion just due to the face I was born with. It’s like, I got one life on earth and this was how I came out looking. It’s sometimes unbelievable to me that this is all I will ever know. I’ll never have anyone who is attracted to me like I am to them. People would rather look anywhere but at my face. This is it. I used to not care as much but a lifetime of this wears you down. I am so jealous of everyone else that I live as a hermit outside of work and I don’t want to change. Seeing how other people get to be perceived and live normally is too painful for me to witness so I’d rather be alone.
Anonymous 294603
I’m drinking captain morgan coke in bed nönnas I’m finally feeling better
Anonymous 294604
>>294575>grotesquely uglyWere you fat or something?
Anonymous 294605
>>294604No, if I was fat I would have said fat kek
I was skeletal with a really unfortunate face (small lips, upturned pig nose, hooded eyes, no chin) and somehow over the years I grew into my features.
Anonymous 294606
>>294500My family tells me that I'm beautiful all of the time, but I know I'm not beautiful at all, I'm grotesque looking.
Anonymous 294607
>>294597Fuck youtube is now recommending me a bunch of recipe videos, now my cravings is turning into hunger (guess I didn't eat enough for dinner) but I don't wanna deal with brushing my teeth again
Anonymous 294608
>>294500My husband does, and that's the only opinion beyond my own that counts. It actually means a lot to me, because I have always struggled with my self image. He'll tell me I'm beautiful in moments where I don't expect it, candid moments, but he also notices when I'm trying to look pretty on purpose.
Anonymous 294609
>>294500I don’t really get told im pretty. Not even by my husband or friends. My mom is my only fan, you could probably say I got a face only a mother could love kek recently we had a work event were photos were taken and I git a shot of me. A colleague messaged me she thought it was s great picture of me and others said I look very kind in it. That was super rare. I always put an effort into my look, nice make up and shiny hair but nobody seems to notice me.
Anonymous 294610
>>294607try drinking some water instead.
Anonymous 294611
I just had to clean my blinds one slat at a time instead of hosing them down like my other one because whatever retard that installed these made sure you can't get them out without breaking things entirely. I can't reinstall them myself either because the walls are solid concrete so you can't drill or nail anything to the walls.
Anonymous 294612

wtf do people even put on their christmas lists
Anonymous 294613
>>294612Money, socks, gift cards… christmas lists as an adult are very soulless kek
Anonymous 294614
>>294612Say you're saving for a vacation and ask for cash
Anonymous 294615
>>294612adults make christmas lists? I thought only children did, for toys they wanted. don't most adults just drop hints about the things they'd like or outright say 'I've had my eye on X thing. if you want to get me an xmas gift that'd be cool'
Anonymous 294616
>>294612For Christmas I usually just ask to have a meal together to celebrate the holiday season, it's much less stressful and you can still spend time with your loved ones. For the gift route I ask for things that are useful but not an absolute need, I asked for an electric kettle one year and alcohol markers one year for example. Perfect opportunity if you've been wanting to get into a new hobby but can't find an excuse to pay the upfront costs.
Anonymous 294617
>>294612Do adults genuinely give each other gifts on Christmas?
Anonymous 294618
>>294500Only my mum and extended family, but my mum also calls me a fat mannish retard so I don't know. I have a round face that makes me look like I should be fat even though I'm just average and a long Roman nose and kind of droopy eyes and huge eyebags so I look a fucked up facially. I'm also built like a fridge and short but I think my legs look alright.
Anonymous 294620

>>294608My moid tells me I'm beautiful every day, but I don't believe him. I don't think he's lying, more like I'm just way more attractive than he is and he's the one who would be considered ugly, whereas I'm just average. I'm also fat from having 3 kids and being pregnant again which doesn't help my self image. It's nice being with someone who doesn't constantly criticize me though and tell me shit like, "you should cut your hair/shave this part of your body/lose weight/wear different clothes/etc", because I think he is the first moid who has never criticized me once and genuinely thinks I'm beautiful. I just think he has bad taste kek
Anonymous 294621
>>294617Maybe it's the kind of thing that depends on where you live but yes.
Anonymous 294622

I spent all my day drinking mate, watching stupid things on internet/youtube, writing in my diary, writing/bitching for my personal site. I didn't bathe and I'm still wearing my pajamas.
Anonymous 294623
>>294620>ugly husband Damn noni. Does he have redeeming qualities? Did he pass any ugly genes to your kids? Not baiting I am also ugly and my nigel is my looksmatch, and he's actually improving because I'm teaching him how to style himself. Worried about our future since I get fat as I age.
Anonymous 294624
>>294622sounds like a perfect day to me honestly
Anonymous 294626
>>294500No but I get comments on my voice constantly so sometimes I wonder if I should cash in on vtubing lol
Anonymous 294627
>>294612A high quality printer/scanner
Anonymous 294628
it feels crazy knowing that i might be talking to anons that are mothers of three while im just an 18 year old kek
Anonymous 294629
>>294500used to happen all day every day by everyone when I was a teen/ya but it happens almost never now as I approach 30, apart from my husband who tells me all the time. Sometimes I think I miss the attention I used to get, but then I think about it for more than a second and then the thought of just how many people were complimenting me at such a young age just grosses me tf out and I realise I don't miss it at all. I like it when people treat me like everyone else and don't try to lower my guard with mindless compliments or to get something out of me. I really like and appreciate that it's really just my husband, or my close friends/family when I put in effort.
Anonymous 294630
>>294500No, I get "cute" pretty often though, always from other girls. I've never been called ugly by anybody but I think I'm ugly.
Anonymous 294631
>>294628You missed the grandma n0nna who had three marriages one of them lesbian
Anonymous 294632
>>294546Same experience here! Every dermatologist i've had has told me to use rogaine (Minoxidil) specifically the men's kind because it's stronger and you only have to use it once a day as opposed to the women's kind which says to use it twice. I get the liquid kind not the foaming and put it in a little spray bottle and spray as close to the scalp as I can because it does give your hair a weird feeling. I second the other s about getting your blood checked and seeing if you have any deficiencies, a lot of different ones cause hair loss!
Anonymous 294633

>>294500sometimes but it’s mostly from friends/family who are totally biased so i don’t think it means much kek. i was the ugly duckling in my high school friend group…….but i was a hit with the weebs and bronies
Anonymous 294635
>>294624im gonna ruin it studying a bit later haha
>>294625bitter, and you anona?
>>294617it depends on the closeness you have, but yeah, for birthdays, friend's day and christmas i always gift something to my dear ones
Anonymous 294636
>>294402>>294360pizzagate also brought over a lot of insane rightwing boomer schizos to 4chan, a lot of them congregated on /x/ and they along with the stormfront insurgency caused it to decay into bizarre hyperborea-thule esoteric nazi ayran mythmaking a lot of the time, with a tendency to be very anti-gnostic when prior the consensus of the board had been the opposite. so many tradcaths and muslim "reverts" too. i miss late 2000s-early 2010s /x/ a lot, it was way more chaotic and there were genuine schizoposters who were so abstracted from reality that they wouldn't even be capable of making political commentary.
Anonymous 294637
>>294626Ah n0nna me too I’ve heard from people they love my voice and personally I always thought I should do voice acting kek
Anonymous 294638
>>294631The one from the widow thread? I think that was just a troll, tbh. No way there are actual grandmas shitposting on lc.
Anonymous 294639
>>294622Nice to see another n0nny with a personal site. I've been working on mine too since I had some time off. Finally I can draw all the assets for my new gallery section. How is it going for you? Is your site just a diary or do you have other things on there too?
Anonymous 294641
>>294622I've always admired those who have personal sites. Do you have any tips for someone who would like to start their own?
Anonymous 294642

>>294623Honestly nona he's perfect for me in almost every way (besides his bisexuality which is a huge issue for me but I deal with it by seething silently and telling myself it shouldn't matter), we both have super different upbringings but we were both on the early internet at the same time periods and on the same websites, we just never met until we were older. We both still play Neopets together. We joke together often and he never takes stuff I say too seriously or hard whereas most moids are super touchy. He's easygoing. I don't even mind his face, but maybe it's because I'm autistic and have never really cared that much about looks. He smells really good, has long straight beautiful thick black hair, and has NO body hair, and he doesn't run too hot which I find most moids other than him are way too hot and make me sweat when I lay next to them but he just feels warm and comfy.
Surprisingly, our kids ended up with all of our good physical qualities and combined to actually be better looking than either of us. For example, he has that neanderthal caveman brow but none of the kids have it. We're racemixing, so I'm British ancestry and he's Native American. Maybe there's something about that combination that made our kids really pretty, and we also have all girls too. He says it's "all me" that made them beautiful, but his native qualities made them very pretty too and every time I leave the house old women always compliment and oggle over our kids. I think we probably just got lucky on that front.
Anonymous 294643
>>294612this year I'm asking for a keyboard, some knitted blankets, and some candles/essential oils, and maybe some new sneakers?
Anonymous 294644
>>294638NTAYRT, but I can definitely see boomers posting here. Gen X is here, so why not a few extra years older?
Anonymous 294645
why’d so many users come back here ?
Anonymous 294646
>>294642Aw , it sounds like you have a nice life. I am so happy for you!
Anonymous 294647
>>294645what, from the kpop site? its because no one wants to use that shit.
Anonymous 294648
>>294645because the people banned from here were showing exactly why they were banned and shitting up the shelter thread
Anonymous 294650
Why doesn’t ikea fucking ship? I just want this goddamn pumpkin glass bowl but
Anonymous 294651
>>294648NTA but idk why you can't just have fun and ignore the posts that set you off? It's really not that hard to look past them, in fact, I think I've learned more about how to ignore infights during this outage than my entire time on lc. I don't think you can really shit up a thread that doesn't have a post limit.
>>294649She probably means the whole rance/nty/shotafag debacle
Anonymous 294652
>>294645I’m still autobanned here so I’ve not been bothering but I stopped chatting in the other shelter because it started to just feel like de/g/enerates,
and/or underagefags which is weird because it was great last night, way better than any of the other bunkers imo especially with the chatroom style.
>>294648Basically no one that got banned did so for good reason. There’s a reason why cc has been less active as time goes on.
Anonymous 294653
>>294650youre giving me fomo but maybe theyll bring it back
Anonymous 294654
>>294651i am ignoring the posts i don't like, that's why i'm here
Anonymous 294657
Why are people trying to create bunkers elsewhere? Genuine question
Anonymous 294658
>>294657because the moderation here is fascistic, cuckquing is a good mod and isn’t a troon as far as we know
Anonymous 294659
>>294650It pisses me off so much, the delivery size limit is dumb as fuck. Like I know it's for the environment but surely they could cram some small objects in the truck among the big stuff they DO ship? idgi
>>294648I honestly like the slower pace of this bunker better anyway, I had a peek the junkshelter yesterday and it was going a mile a minute with what amounted to basically spam, coom, and infighting, with the creepy male admin hovering over it all to boot. No thanks.
Anonymous 294661
>>294657I mean, CC is the OG bunker anyway, right?
Anonymous 294663
>>294659> creepy male admin that’s gonna be the case no matter where we go kek
Anonymous 294664
>>294657It's because of the random auto bans and the very long cooldown. I swear nona if I have a dollar for every time this question would asked, I'd have enough to order out tonight.
>>294659Sounds like you're not too great at being engaging in your own posts if you can't find any fun in the thread.
Anonymous 294665
>>294642You are so lucky and I'm very jealous. I don't know his face but from how you describe him he sounds hot, my Nigel is hairy as an ape. Race-mixing really makes the most beautiful people, I'm happy for you and your daughters. It's funny because I'm half white myself and from as long as I can remember it my mother and grandma have been pushing me to marry a white guy with blue eyes and blond hair so my grandma can have blue-eyed grandchildren and my mother can get rid of the curly hair she and I have. Both of them love telling me how disappointed they were when I was born that I wasn't blue eyed nor had straight hair like my dad. Idk I'm part of some race whitening program my grandma started and my mother continued.
Anonymous 294666
>>294662>autobanEverytime I read this word my brain reads „Autobahn“ kek
Anonymous 294667
>>294663Yeah but at least on lc he stays shut the fuck up most of the time. None of this hehe yes welcome lovely ladies… show me your culture… type shit.
Anonymous 294669
>>294666Lol I always pronounce it like that in my head. Nice satanic trips btw.
Anonymous 294671
>>294664Can't even delete and repost to correct my typo because it takes so fucking long
>>294667Oh wow he's communicating with the random influx of users on his own board, how awful of him.
Anonymous 294672
>>294667kekk what’s wrong with that nona!! hell he’s been more communicative than cerbmin has been for the last 2 weeks!!
Anonymous 294675
>>294657A lot of the more annoying anons can't handle being moderated so they had a freak out two nights ago and tried to start bunkers on other ibs because they're too autistic to realize that other ibs don't owe us anything. If CC wanted, they could kick us off too, but they don't because they're being nice. These anons don't wanna admit that CC jannies are doing a kind favour to us by letting us have this bunker here, because then they'd have to show gratitude and that's something they don't know how to do. It's really annoying and a lot of the anons that are behaving this way seem like they're younger, maybe around 17-21, and don't realize how immature they come off online.
Anonymous 294676
>>294500yes. I was genuinely really ugly as a teen but I'm in my mid twenties now and I can't go in public without getting complimented at least twice. Only women compliment me mostly though I think I have a gay face kek
Anonymous 294677
Does anyone else remember when this board was made? I posted in some of the first threads, then went back to LC until now.
Anonymous 294678
> 17-21
this is a very generous assumption, anon kek. oldfags can be obnoxious and have fun too especially during a trying time such as this where it can be hard to muster a kek
Anonymous 294679
Anon, we've all been plenty grateful for the bunker threads on cc. I've recieved five inexplicable bans that are all permanent that have appeal rejected but are then lifted at random. I have no spammed, I have no fought, I have no said anything offensive. I don't think you realize how immature you come off when you try so hard to be superior to other posters because you've been fortunate enough to not yet catch a ban.
Anonymous 294680
>>294679>she still hasn't learned about the autobans Anonymous 294683
>>294636your vocabulary reeks of self-importance
Anonymous 294684
>>294679Mods have already said you can evade the auto permban. It's very easy to do this. If you don't have a VPN yet in the year 2024, or don't know how to mobile post, that's on you.
>>294678Well I said younger people, not newfags or oldfags. Since you brought it up though, it does seem like the more annoying anons I mentioned are also newfags. I just don't see oldfags trying to migrate to 4 different imageboards because they want to rapid fire shitpost. That seems like an exclusively newfag thing to do.
Anonymous 294685
>>294672Men on the internet squick me out, I suppose I should be more understanding since it's not supposed to be a women's board but I don't trust grown men who run porn boards, not at all.
Anonymous 294686

So bizarre that we are apparently expected to behave like perfect little ladies in threads with no topic and no organization by anons who don't seem to do much else but complain. Well anons, I'd love to see you write a post that's worth interacting with. Because when I come here to see all of the superior posters who haven't been auto banned, it's just whining.
Anonymous 294687
>>294686So you do think we're the superior posters?
Anonymous 294688
the bans on here are short as fuck anyway, i think the mod shortened them because i got a 1 hour ban. if you cant handle being sent to the timeout corner for an hour you desperately need to get off the internet and go outside.
Anonymous 294690
>>294684it’s ok if you can’t envision it but based off the topics of conversation and the lolcow memories that were brought up yesterday evening i feel like a good chunk of the junkuchan anons are oldfags too, which makes perfect sense because the 5 minute cooldown here is way too egregious and just fucks with the flow of conversation
Anonymous 294691
>>294684>Mods have already said you can evade the auto permban. It's very easy to do this. If you don't have a VPN yet in the year 2024, or don't know how to mobile post, that's on you.NTA but the problem is that the vast majority of VPN ips are banned too, you have to look for super rare locations in order to use one to ban evade here. So that means having to switch over and over and over and
Anonymous 294692
>>294642>Reproducing for a bisexual male>Silently seething about his bisexuality Well, you seem settled in with your life. I think its weird you're with a bisexual man you're not attracted to but to each their own.
Anonymous 294693
>>294686If you like it over there, stay there. No need to come back just to act bitter over your ban.
Anonymous 294694
>>294675It's a combination of two things. There are some underageb& and there are legitimate users that just want somewhere to post until LC goes back up. I've not intentionally broke any rules on CC but I have still been hammered by the autoban a few times.
>>294688>you desperately need to get off the internet and go outsideThis is another major issue with a certain type of LC poster.
Anonymous 294695
>>294691I don't get how this is an issue? It's one click of a button, at least for me on my VPN. The "super rare locations" is just clicking on a button? It takes less than a second.
>>294688This is my thought too. It just reminds me of all the anons that get a 6 hour ban on LC, then ban evade just to spam complaints about the ban on /meta/. I think a lot of anons take bans wayyy too personally.
Anonymous 294696
>>294693Why would I be bitter? It's an inconvenience. Nice projecting though. Did you even post on CC before the bunkers?
Anonymous 294698
can all the ugly ass locals fuck off back to their usual spots and let us have our shitty little containment thread in peace please?
i mean, uh, thank you so much for hosting us. ur so generous. yay moid mod!
Anonymous 294699
>>294688No for real, getting banned is a great opportunity to use that time to take a healthy break and get some fresh air and maybe speak to another human using your mouth instead of a keyboard.
Anonymous 294700
>>294639That's cool anon, did you go for a simpler or more complex/modern gallery? I went for a very rudimentary slider with captions. I'm mainly designing still the different sections because I felt that if I waited for having content to share I'll never go anywhere and kinda is working. For now I only uploaded an old fanzine I made, some fashion related content, two short stories and of course the diary. What about you anon? What kind of content do you have or will like to have?
>>294641For me there's two approaches and one in between: First you can work in putting together aesthetically the site (and mind that the first versions could be very basic and nothing wrong with that, you improve over time) and then start with the content, or you can prioritize the content and design pragmatically around the correct display of it and improving the design over time. And then you have the middle: while you go designing different pages you add content, or left them empty, or make a temporary layout because you want that thing to display so badly.
I guess it depends on what do you want to put on your site?
Also, if you see something you like in another site inspect the code, try it in a mocking html till you understand how it functions.
The IAS can help you when your code don't work too, or you can search if someone had a similar problem or look up to tutorials.
Don't rely on html for your design, CSS will do it better.
Anonymous 294702
>>294695On the VPNs I find you have to actively go through the locations individually, there's no quick button switch. It took me like 20 minutes to find one that wasn't already banned kek.
Anonymous 294703
>>294695Another bootlicking flat earther
Anonymous 294705
>>294695>I think a lot of anons take bans wayyy too personally.It's newfaggotry. A ban on an image board is not that serious and it's nothing personal. The bans are for a few hours and the farmhand or janny has no idea who they're banning because it's an anonymous site. Newfags take a two hour ban as a personal insult when it really isn't that deep.
>>294698>underage newfag throwing a tantrum because the CC mod gave them a two hour ban. Embarrassing, cringe and try hard Anonymous 294706
i don't want lolcow to come back
Anonymous 294708
Why can’t you get it through your head that it’s permabans, not fucking 1 hour bans. For no reason. Not exactly a ridiculous thing to be upset about. I don’t pay for VPN so I have to watch an ad every time I want to post here kek, I’d rather stick to the cuck board and while the anons sucking the admin off are annoying he is better at communicating than both the cc mods and lc mods somehow, despite it being an utterly dead board.
Anonymous 294709
>>294403I would introduce a word filter replacing 'husband' or 'boyfriend' with 'Nigel'
Anonymous 294710
>>294705Most of the bans (the ones for using mystery filtered words at least) are permanent, not a few hours
Anonymous 294711
>>294706Are we trying reverse psychology now?
Anonymous 294712
>>294692I never said I wasn't attracted to him, but for me attraction is different than it is for others. I have never once felt attraction to a random person I've never met, like celebrities or strangers. When I look at people it's like I'm looking at rocks or dirt something idk, I just feel nothing. For a long time I honestly thought I was asexual. I always liked his personality when we were internet friends, but I became attracted to him physically after we met when I smelled his hair and it smelled really good. I really like scents more than anything else and I have tactile issues like not liking the feeling of coarse, thick body hair that most moids have which isn't an issue anymore. I also like soft skin and his skin is very soft. So yeah, other people think his face is butt ugly, my grandma thinks he's repulsive and let's me know any chance she gets. He told me he was always called ugly growing up even by his own mother and family. I can objectively see why but I also don't care and I like him how he is. With that said, I don't like bisexual or gay men BUT I also think some of them choose it, and some of them can't help it. He can't help it and he's told me he wishes he wasn't but still "vastly prefers women." Before we were married and both swore off hentai, I looked through his pixiv favorites and it was all pictures of adult women at least. I just have to take it for what it is and trust him about it. Anyway, it's impossible to find a partner that won't have at least one or two things you dislike about them. Doesn't have to be a dealbreaker if it doesn't affect your relationship at all.
Anonymous 294713
>>294706I wouldn't mind if only the cow boards and /m/ came back.
>>294710I was talking about bans on LC. The post I was replying to is about ban evaders shitting up /meta/ for longer than their original ban. Although I am starting to think that autobanning the word "nigel" would be a blessing, especially on /ot/.
Anonymous 294714
tifs be drawing gore torture porn to be edgy but draw the line at whatever their community is having a crusade against like rape or misgendering
Anonymous 294715
>>294663This reads misogynistic to me. Are you implying that a woman can't create and maintain an imageboard?
Anonymous 294718

Uh-oh the infighting ameritards are awake and ready. I'm going to sleep, have fun in the next 8 hours. Don't clutch your pearls too hard, switch the side your panties are twisting every once in a while and remember to drink water n0nnas.
Anonymous 294720
>>294716I don't know who this gay German Arthur fuck is but he sounds low-functioning retarded from that quote. How would nothing be better than something? How is there more pain than pleasure? Pain is temporary and always the same but pleasure is eternal and always unique. There are more pleasures than there are stars in the sky, but there is only one pain. Animals don't have feelings, they don't know what's going on there brains are the size of walnuts most of the time. Also I doubt the predator animals feel pleasure when they get dinner they're probably thinking something like "ugh it took forever to catch this gazelle God I hate Mondays" or something dumb like that.
Anonymous 294721
Don't bother trying to to explain or be reasonable, there's an obsessed anon hellbent to pretend everyone here was actually deserving of getting banned, how we're actually being banned for newfagottry/not integrating and how we should all be super grateful for being allowed to have a thread on an imageboard that was made by farmers in the first place and that half of the nonas can't even post in. But also, we shouldn't go anywhere else because then we're shitting the place up by staying in a containment thread.
Anonymous 294722
>>294705NTA but personally if I get banned
with a reason I'll go do something else or just lurk threads. It's fucking annoying when there's no reason and you haven't been infighting or posting about topics that are banned and have been trying your best to nice to people but get hit with six different perma bans and now I have to use a VPN that's probably mining bitcoin in the background to post. "Muh take a break" I took a break for like six days because I was so tired of this, I haven't even checked in until the past 15 hours.
Anonymous 294724

>>294718Goodnight. Let's hope lolcow will be back tomorrow morning.
Anonymous 294726
what other cool ibs are there? i only go on like three and need new ones to lurk
Anonymous 294727
>>294722I was talking about LC not CC. I agree that the autoban and bans without reasons here are infuriating.
Anonymous 294730
>>294716Silly kangaroo, you can't use toilet paper
>>294718I'm dipping as well. Night nonno
Anonymous 294735
>>294710>>294722mod already said you can evade those so its really not an issue
Anonymous 294736
>>294735like I said here
>>294691 most vpns are already banned so even evading is tricky
Anonymous 294738

Anonymous 294739
>>294735How do you think I'm posting if I'm not evading? How does that change anything I said?
Anonymous 294740
>>294738I was so bored earlier I read the queen's ED page.
Anonymous 294741
>>294700Another fanzine maker! I've never made my own though, only participated in other ones. What fandom did you make it for? I've been in FE and horror game zines but I really want to publish my own for some niche games I'm into.
Anonymous 294742
>>294720>Animals don't have feelingsOnly animal abusers believe this.
Anonymous 294743
>>294739Ntayrt but then there isn't anything to complain about? You're complaining about getting banned but you can ban evade, so the ban isn't really a problem anymore? I don't get it.
Anonymous 294747
>>294743Some people have limited internet and can't waste it on downloading entirely new VPNs for them to not even work. That includes browsers because some people use Brave and using Brave gets you autobanned.
Anonymous 294748
whatever your alignment I think we can all agree its weird af that there's commercial breaks during a presidential debate. Like all this drama then "buy Stouffer's lasagna!!!" what? why
Anonymous 294749
>>294743nta but you can still be annoyed by the overzealous tranny jannies while still being able to post since you can ban evade or whatever
Anonymous 294750
>>294747>using Brave gets you autobannedI'm using Brave right now, so that's not one of the autoban triggers.
Anonymous 294751
>>294720>Animals don't have feelings, they don't know what's going onThis has been proven wrong so many times that you either willfully ignore it to justify certain fucked up fetishes/predilections (animal abuse), or you are very uninformed.
Anonymous 294752
>>294749just go post somewhere else, jfc enjoy the cuckquean porn haven run by an actual moid
Anonymous 294753
>>294736i know for a fact that nord west coast ips arent banned and thats an extremely popular vpn so idk what you guys are using
>>294739maybe use this time that lolcow is down to engage in some hobbies or something you seem restless kek
Anonymous 294754
>>294750Interesting, I guess they sorted that bug out.
>>294752Rancefag is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy
Anonymous 294755
>>294720he was a pessimist philosopher but there is a lot of suffering in this world but i disagree with him on nonexistence being better. also animals can suffer even if they aren't sapient like human beings lol
Anonymous 294756
>>294753NTA, you're such a snotty cunt kek
Anonymous 294757
>>294752you can still complain about how a website is run and use it. idc that much but im just explaining why anons feel like this
Anonymous 294758
>>294718>picrelI remember you. You’re the self-hating half-black anon.
Anonymous 294759
>>294756NTA, moid language makes you look stupid. why so moti?
Anonymous 294761
>>294757if you felt strongly that this site was tranny ran you would simply not use it, it's not a necessity and there are alternatives. you're just bitter and butthurt
Anonymous 294762
>>294759>moid languageMy bad I better fall in line like a good gorl
Anonymous 294763
>>294741I made a few with my poetry, then there's always the idea of making one about the underground scene of my country with my bestie, and i have a things here and there to frankenstein something.
What games are you into? have you made any draft? I hope you make them anon! the ones you participated could be printed? Imo we are in the best of the times for self-publishing. Also for archiving old zines.
Anonymous 294764
>>294762Because refraining from saying rancid misogynist shit like "snotty cunt" is totally the same as demanding you be feminine, got me there.
Anonymous 294765
>>294756if you wanna bitch and moan on cc all day instead of doing something you actually like and makes you happy thats fine but im going to call you a retard
Anonymous 294767
>>294761it's not either/or. you can still be annoyed with how somewhere is ran while using it. idc if a tranny is running this place or not since i've been using this ib for so long and like it even if im annoyed by the jannies
Anonymous 294768
>>294638we have 50 years old literal faggots posting so everything's possible
Anonymous 294769
n0nna, a lolcor an0n found Luna's secret account , she said in the lc thread that a post by Luna's account was suggested to her on a sidebar and she clicked it on a whim and then investigated the edgeofhell82 account (it wasn't kf)
Anonymous 294771
>>294768kill me if im still on the internet and shitposting at that age
>>294340im literally listening to simon & garfunkle rn and just saw this kek
Anonymous 294772

The Shayna vs Demiurge battle continues for the second day in a row
Anonymous 294776
>>294716This is such a cute picture, too bad it has the ramblings of a retard plastered all over it.
Anonymous 294777
>>294774i thought you were calling boomers faggots and not talking about middle aged homosexuals but no im not
Anonymous 294778
>>294500not really. but i've had people tell me they didn't want to tell me because they already assumed i know that im beautiful. lmfaoo like what the hell i have shit self esteem and feel ugly all the time i wish they would say something
Anonymous 294779
>>294767the backpedaling is off the charts
Anonymous 294781

Me and my n0nnies staring at the status page
Anonymous 294782
>>294779how is that backpedaling lmao. i simply stated that the jannies are annoying and that anons are expressing their annoyance about being banned for stupid shit. using this website while saying that isn't mutually exclusive and saying "why dont you just leave" isn't really refuting anything
Anonymous 294783

Should I get back to drawing? Which is honestly better learning how to do digital art or just doing sketches and drawings in your sketchbook? I really prefer the touch and feel of traditional art ngl but I like the versatility of digital art, I can’t choose lol
Anonymous 294786
ive been avoiding fujochan and other such communities but i made a pixiv and i am ready to start grinding out drawings of laios being abused
Anonymous 294788
>>294783As someone who's done both for a very long time, I would go with traditional. The undo button is a huge crutch, as are a lot of other digital shortcutting techniques. In the end, your skills will improve faster through traditional medium, plus you already like it better anyway. I used to draw primarily digitally, but now I almost exclusively use pencil, pen, and paint, and only keep digital around for touch-ups and graphic design work. Happy drawing!
Anonymous 294789
Are 5kg dumbbells good for a beginner, or should I go a little higher, like 7kgs?
Anonymous 294791
>>294786What’s wrong with fujochan other than it being slow?
Anonymous 294792

>>294786Based. ignore the other anon that replied to you
Anonymous 294793
>>294789Depending on what exercise you're doing 5kg might be too much to start.
Anonymous 294794
>>294784I might do that down the line when I can get used to using a drawing tablet
>>294788Sounds neat, thanks !
Anonymous 294795
>>294792ty nona <3 i dont mind that anon but im scared of mobs hating me for abusing moids or being a degen and the occasional shota
>>294791only personal reasons
Anonymous 294796
>>294795>laiosfag>shotafagI don’t know how a single individual could be that embarrassing
Anonymous 294797
Kek they blocked out the word ? Someone is jelly of cerbmin and any sign of female sisterhood… is the one mod camping out here or admin a tranny?
Anonymous 294799

>>294796what do you people have against laios. smh
>>294795dw pixiv is full of female ryona content so i doubt anyone's gonna care
Anonymous 294801
>>294797did you just get here 5 seconds ago or are you just running out of things to complain about?
Anonymous 294802
>>294799Holy shit. He looks like a downie.
Anonymous 294803
>>294797It's been that way for years… tbh I still think it sounds newfaggy, it came from tumblr anyway
Anonymous 294805
Newfags don't realize that the LC admins talk to the CC admin.
Anonymous 294807
>>294786>laiosew. if you gotta pick a fotm bland mc at least get a better looking one
Anonymous 294809
why do people hate laios so much? and dont just say hes annoying or ugly actually explain why
Anonymous 294810
Anyone watching the debate tonight? I’ve been wanting a kamala-trump debate before biden even dropped out kek. Like ignoring politics itself they’re both personalities. Shit is gonna be so funny
Anonymous 294812
>>294809How come finding him ugly isn't a good enough explanation kek? I don't want to look at him.
Anonymous 294814

Watching MMDs of my husbando. I find the newer model by new, I mean they came out in 2016 extremely sexy. This is as close as he can get to being 3 dimensional kek
Anonymous 294815
>>294500Not anymore. Some men said it purely for grooming purposes when I was underage. Others said it in my early 20s just because I was naive and sought male validation. I've been told that at bars, but everyone is drunk. Women and men tell my mom that I'm pretty or beautiful, kek. But I never hear that I'm beautiful in person anymore. Sometimes I miss it, ngl. Women give me compliments on my nails or a pair of leggings or earrings, or I'm told my hair is pretty or I have a great or beautiful smile. Women complimenting women is great, and there needs to be more of it. A zoomer cashier told me the other day I was cute. I was recently leaving a doctor's appointment and this little old Southern lady all dressed up was walking towards the hospital and looked at me and said, "Oh, you have the most beautiful hair." I took that as a major compliment and it made me feel good. But I never hear in person that I'm altogether beautiful anymore.
Anonymous 294816
>>294810oh shit I'm canadafag and forgot this was tonight, thanks! I stan cringey queen kamala, hoping it goes well for her.
Anonymous 294817
>>294809Obnoxious source material and gendie fanbase
Anonymous 294819
>>294811/pt/ for me I need to laugh at the cows
Anonymous 294820
>>294810yas bitch please i cant be the only one! I hope we can use this bunker for comments and reactions I need my nohnnas to watch it
Anonymous 294822
>>294809hes just unpleasant to look at. dunmeshi is annoying and overrated in general
Anonymous 294824
Me! It’s going to start in around an hour or so
Anonymous 294825
>>294814…Is your husbando from a fighting game?
Anonymous 294829
>>294812i meant for people who have actually seen the show and dislike the character not based on just seeing pictures of him
Anonymous 294831
>>294823403 means that the server can process the request but doesn't, usually because it's been set to refuse incoming connections. They most likely have LC back up but are testing it before allowing posting.
Anonymous 294832
>>294809He ruins it for the party every time. His haircut is obnoxious
Anonymous 294833
Does anyone even liked As told by Ginger? It's so fucking ugly.
Anonymous 294834
I decided to look at the security tab in my email account just because and looked at the attempted logins and holy fucking shit it's truly like I'm under attack.
Anonymous 294835
>>294834what email service are you using, that shows attempted logins?
Anonymous 294836

I hate being allergic to squash. Watching and smelling others enjoy their pumpkin pies and pumpkin lattes during fall makes me seethe.
Anonymous 294837
>>294811>>294819For me is the learning languages thread. Im learning chinese and i want to read and talk about it
Anonymous 294839
>>294836Consume carrot cake. It's close enough imo
Anonymous 294840
>>294809He's an over-glorification of a substandard male specimen with a selfish, irritating, witless, and disgusting personality that somehow got elevated to a higher status than he ever deserved both by the fandom and within the story.
Even the other characters in the story don't fucking like him.
Anonymous 294841
>>294836eh it's not that good, there's a reason people only eat it for a short time every year.
Anonymous 294842
>>294835Didn't microsoft/hotmail use to show you those stats?
Anonymous 294844
>>294842>>294835Gmail does too, I think every major provider does
Anonymous 294845
>>294840people think hes weird sure but hes just a little autistic
Anonymous 294847

>>294584>>294578AI recipes, you say?
One 18.25 ounce package chocolate cake mix. One can prepared coconut pecan frosting. Three slash four cup vegetable oil. Four large eggs. One cup semi-sweet chocolate chips. Three slash four cup butter or margarine. One and two third cups granulated sugar. Two cups all-purpose flour. Don't forget garnishes such as fish-shaped crackers, fish-shaped candies, fish-shaped solid waste, fish-shaped dirt, fish-shaped ethylbenzene, pull-and-peel licorice, fish-shaped volatile organic compounds, and sediment-shaped sediment. Candy-coated peanut butter pieces, shaped like fish. One cup lemon juice. Alpha resins. Unsaturated polyester resin. Fiberglass surface resins and volatile malted milk impoundments. Nine large egg yolks. Twelve medium geosynthetic membranes. One cup granulated sugar. An entry called “How to Kill Someone with Your Bare Hands.” Two cups rhubarb, sliced. Two slash three cup granulated rhubarb. One tablespoon all-purpose rhubarb. One teaspoon grated orange rhubarb. Three tablespoons rhubarb, on fire. One large rhubarb. One cross borehole electromagnetic imaging rhubarb. Two tablespoons rhubarb juice. Adjustable aluminum head positioner. Slaughter electric needle injector. Cordless electric needle injector. Injector needle driver. Injector needle gun. Cranial caps. And it contains proven preservatives, deep penetration agents, and gas and odor control chemicals. That will deodorize and preserve putrid tissue.
Anonymous 294849
>>294833I do and I actually like the art style, it’s very nostalgic to me.
Anonymous 294850
For book nonners, I finished reading Count of Monte Christo and I enjoyed it, very engaging read, it did get slow at some parts and the ending was a little less than satisfactory, but I still liked it. Le count in question is described as looking young for his age which is based. All the evil males are described as being kinda ugly.
Anonymous 294851
>>294846wallace from wallace and gromit
Anonymous 294852
>>294849I need to know what you think about it, I'm curious about the show but it's hideous to me, how does it end? What did you think of the end? I also think her friends seem like dogshit from what I remember and the clips I've seen.
Anonymous 294853
>>294844gmail only shows what devices are already logged in
Anonymous 294855
>>294848if she thinks hes normal then she must have a tad of the tism herself
Anonymous 294857
>>294823mine is showing this too and idk if it’s a good sign or not kek.
Anonymous 294858
>>294833I loved that show. I didn't think the art style was all that appealing, but it was easy to get used to. Couldn't stand Ginger's friends though. Lillee Jean reminds me so much of Dodie it's crazy.
Anonymous 294862
>>294836i had some delicious pumpkin bread today
Anonymous 294863
>>294815>A zoomer cashier told me the other day I was cute.Now I feel better about having complimented people’s hair when I was a cashier kek; I did it to be nice and social but later wondered if doing stuff like that is creepy
because men catcalling is apparently creepy and it’s hard for me to tell the difference even though I’m a woman (also I’ve never been catcalled in my life). Anonymous 294864
I'm a cashier and I compliment customers sometimes but only on things they've chosen like clothes or hair, not on their actual appearance. I also vastly prefer receiving compliments from woman over men, with men even an innocuous comment like that they like your shoes could be fetish bait, you never know with their rates of porn usage nowadays. I've never felt creeped out by a compliment from a woman.
Anonymous 294865
I'm getting a 403 error on LC, unlike the usual cloudflare 521 page.
Anonymous 294866
>>294700I'm used to making simple pages but I wanted to try something more complex now. I got inspired by other websites with interactive designs and wanted to make my own version. Good job telling the other anon about Inspect Element. I've been relying on it all this time.
Besides the new gallery, I have some poetry and lyric translations, book and tv reviews, and blogs. I want to start sharing my original writing and characters, too. I wonder if I should make a whole new site to do some kind of ARG storytelling with them. That could be cool, but I'd have to draw even more… I guess if I get frustrated with my progress I can always bitch about it on my blog kek.
Anonymous 294872
>>294866your site sounds so cool anon, and interactive designs go hand in hand with ARGs. Maybe you could start with a page in your site sharing what you already have and make a site later when you have enough material?
Anonymous 294873
>403 Forbidden
Owari da…
Anonymous 294874
what's the best onigiri filling?
Anonymous 294876
>>294873>>294870It probably just means it's back up but currently only admins have access to test it and have blocked all IPs that aren't whitelisted
Anonymous 294877
>>294872NTAYRT but it would be so much fun to make an ARG with people from CC/LC
Anonymous 294878

i want to start coding, where do i begin
Anonymous 294881
Got a 404 error now when i reload cow pages
Anonymous 294883
>>294879I would make a group or something but unfortunately there are more important things I must prioritize right now
Anonymous 294884
>>294864Fuck, the shoe situation happened to me. Got approached while grocery shopping because he was asking about my sneakers and staring at them, I was confused but thought it was innocuous until he started wanting details about the arches of my feet. genuinely disgusting
Anonymous 294885
>>294878Coding is like writing, there are styles and goals you have to have in mind before you start. What do you actually want to
do with your code?
Anonymous 294886
>>294799me too nona, im starting with learn cpp
post on friend finder and we can learn together