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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous Admin 39516[Reply]

Do not make threads about the following topics or you will be banned for 7 days:

- Race/Ethnicity/Nationality (including stereotypes & preferences)
- Religion
- "femboys"
- (Why) do guys…
- (Why) do you like guys who [insert preference here]
- (Why) do guys like [insert preference here]
- how to get a bf/gf/platonic friend (who does xyz)
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If you want to talk about Radfem/TERF/Gendercritical themes, do not make a new thread. Use the existing threads and keep discussion civil. You can read my thoughts on a radfem board here: >>>/meta/2962

General threads:

>>117636 Pinkpill general/complaints about men as a whole
>>44115 Where/how to meet men
>>118214 Trans general
>>114365 TERF Memes/shittalking


Ancestry Anonymous 226699[Reply]

Did anyone take something like a 23andMe test? If so, what heritage did you find? Were you shocked at the results? Are you satisfied with your ancestral evaluation? If you discovered that you have an ancestry that's merely less than 10%, would you still identify with it? Are there any other thoughts you have about this?
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Anonymous 227355

>tfw mutt
took a DNA test and practically the whole 23andme map lit up.

Anonymous 227356

Now we can call you Ms. Worldwide.

Anonymous 232570

>giving some shady corporation in Israel full access to your genome just so you know what ethnicity to larp as online

Anonymous 303455

Glad you found your circle. And ya there are a few crazy’s but that’s ptsd and trauma fucking them up from the wars
So if they are European why are they in Palestine? Shouldn’t Germany give them land instead

Anonymous 303462

My ethnicity doesn't have much mixture from other similar looking people I've seen do the tests. Maybe a bit of Arab or misc. African. I don't care to know about minor percentages.

Also this >>232570


Why do radlibs simp for "sex workers" so hard? Anonymous 303234[Reply]

sex workers are not producing members of society, meaning producing something that sustains society. Pronography is a redundant luxury.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

Anonymous 303236

Retarded horny losers hoping if they say all the right things, they’ll get a freebie

Anonymous 303262

Most of the workforce in bullshit office jobs don't really produce anything. I mean I don't like sex work either, but that's not one of the reasons.

Anonymous 303275

Commodification of sex work is the commodification of sex workers, which "liberals" love because to them engagement in the economy is freedom. It's shilled and peddled because the industry generates an astounding amount of money, but only pays out in a meaningful way to a tiny minority of its workers. The rest of the dregs sell themselves all the same for a pathetically small slice of the pie, and support the industry in hopes one day they'll "make it" and leave those other broke bitches behind. This leaves a lot of very rich men making incredible profits from a business with practically no overhead or risk, and they're all their own little kingmakers, or queenmakers, who can elevate the good little whores, through algorithms, who toe the line and incentivise the perpetuation of the business. All other services who incentivise people to sell their lives and intimacy (Twitch, Twitter, Insta) are complicit because they're cohabitating parasites that all get nice and fat off the same blood supply.

Anonymous 303345

Unwell people badly coping with their issues distracting themselves by watching other unwell people badly coping with their issues by objectifying themselves. I say this as someone who went through much childhood trauma and became hyper sexual and obsessed with self-objectifying and porn as a result and still to this day struggle with it. Watching interviews with ex pornstars/sex workers reveals they were mentally struggling when they went into the work and either continued to decline while doing it or felt better doing it but when they stopped they realized what was really happening and it broke them after

Anonymous 303461

Agreed pornstars are just sluts and gooners with no shame so they try to give it a cool name. Anyone can do what they do it’s nothing special. Just spreading disease and corrupting the young kids. It’s just like smoking alcohol and gambling. It’s not a fluke that they get messed up and addicted from it, they are counting on it
It ruined love innocence.
It should be banned


The stigma surrounding virginity Anonymous 41822[Reply]

We live in a highly sexualized society and being a virgin is constantly stigmatized. However, it's really easy to have sex, even for male incels. What's hard is saving yourself for the right person. Depending on their values, that may make you much more valuable to them. So don't just jump at the opportunity to fuck anyone, don't think of virginity as something to get rid of, because in the end you will just feel like shit. Think long term and find your soulmate, true love is much more valuable than satisfying your short term urges.
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Anonymous 303110

Y'all are getting it wrong. You're on the right track, but you're missing something key: moids only care about looks. Or they care mostly about looks

The Lolo Jones thing about her achievements and whatnot? It doesn't fucking matter. Its not purely that they will feel inseure because they will put up with it fot Stacy, but you can be sure that otherwise it has minimal impact

The whole virgin/purity thing isn't something that adds value if you have it. It's just something that takes value away if you don't

Sure, moids will prefer low bodycount and virgins (unless they are pornsick or something) but only if you are already attractive to them

Staying virgin until marriage or having no guy friends doesn't do anything if moids aren't into you to begin with

They choose Stacy first, and bodycount is just the tiebreaker when it comes to decide who to "wife"

Anonymous 303160


Might be cultural or just how dating preferences are there’s quite a few Asian , Indian and Muslim males that are virgins .
Even seen some decent looking moids from turkey and Iran that haven’t even kissed a girl. This was in college. Where you know that awkward weeb is a virgin, but you can meet a 30 year old from those cultures and he seems neurotypical .
Hook up culture ruined the west

Anonymous 303178

Is this also true for Asians in the west?

Anonymous 303443


Yes and they are easy to find. Libraries , mosques, temples, arcades, GameStop , anything to do with cars, t and t supermarkets or any specialty stores, restaurants.
Just cold approach with a question like you’re lost and get him to ramble about the thing you brought up .
Like look over at his table and say yours new to this, what do you recommend, what dish you got there?
Or same thing at a grocery store, like hey which brand is better, I’ve never cooked kimchii how do you do it
Or that seems like a good game or book
Oh hi priest was curious about your culture mind if I pray along side you guys and get to know your beliefs(as you check out the local talent)
Just have an excuse to be around that culture and be the lost curious outsider
For fun even pick up a few words in their language as a cheeky opener

Anonymous 303460

Do not get a Muslim bf. Best case scenario he's not really serious about his religion, if so he probably doesn't visit mosques very often.


Anonymous 303458[Reply]

Moids are setting up a discord on how to GROOM girls in India and Muslim countries
And among others
Is there away to stop them
https://discord (dot) gg/bUvYBwJU

Anonymous 303459


First it was racist and islamophobic violence of getting beat up by pale because they are pussy faggots that won’t fight men and now it’s fetishization
TikTok and porn turn these racists into creepy groomer rapists


India Anonymous 30650[Reply]

Any indian girls here? How do you guys live? I'm really curious
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Anonymous 303341


The junkie was a white junkie

Anonymous 303344

What's the point you're trying to make

Anonymous 303401

I saw the video of this incident.

1. the guy that assaulted her was white
2. He shook her a couple times against the wall before leaving after like 4 seconds.

Still a scumbag though.

Anonymous 303414

Let's see some source

Anonymous 303457


https://discord (dot) gg/bUvYBwJU

Browsing 4chan and moids are setting up a discord to groom girls in India and Middle East. Be careful, they are passing tips and tricks to pick up in the downtown area

And yes they actually said to GROOM girls there


Anonymous 237882[Reply]

Why do tired guys and girls look so cute is there a scientific explanation?
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Anonymous 238249


Anonymous 238288

I look tired all the time and nobody find me cute.

Anonymous 238289


What makes a person beautiful is being beautiful. The rest is you trying to rationalize what exists naturally, without explanation.

Anonymous 238298

this is an oddly sane and non-autistic post. why do autists feel the need to construct some sort of elaborate evolutionary/biological narrative to substantiate why they like some inane superficial feature on people?

In any case - I agree OP it's kawaii. I like it on big/doe eyes in particular, so much so that I don't think I could be attracted to someone with small eyes.

Anonymous 303454

If she saw a tired Indian staring at her she’d get creeped out so fast lol


another scrote L Anonymous 242449[Reply]

another scrote L:

In his textbook Conception in the Human Female (1980) – more than 1,000 pages in length – Sir Robert Edwards, a recipient of the 2010 Nobel prize for the development of IVF, mentioned cervical crypts in a single sentence. Since then, many other authors have mentioned sperm storage in those cervical crypts equally briefly. Yet storage of sperm, with gradual release, has major implications for human reproduction. Crucially, the widespread notion of a restricted ‘fertile window’ in the menstrual cycle depends on the long-accepted wisdom that sperm survive only two days after insemination. Sperm survival perhaps for 10 days or more radically erodes the basis for so-called ‘natural’ methods of birth control through avoidance of conception. Sperm storage is also directly relevant to attempts to treat infertility.

Another dangerous misconception is the myth that men retain full fertility into old age, starkly contrasting with the abrupt cessation of fertility seen in women at menopause. Abundant evidence shows that, in men, sperm numbers and quality decline with increasing age. Moreover, it has recently emerged that mutations accumulate about four times faster in sperm than in eggs, so semen from old men is actually risk-laden.

Much has been written about the fact that in industrialised societies age at first birth is increasing in women, accompanied by slowly mounting reproductive problems. A proposed solution is the highly invasive and very expensive procedure of ‘fertility preservation’ in which eggs are harvested from young women for use later in life. However, increasing reproductive problems with ageing men, notably more rapid accumulation of sperm mutations, have passed largely unmentioned. One very effective and far less expensive and invasive way of reducing reproductive problems for ageing couples would surely be to store semen samples from young men to be used later in life. This is just one of the benefits to be gained from less sexism and more reliable knowledge in the realm of human reproduction.

Anonymous 242562


Thank you for sharing.

>Moreover, it has recently emerged that mutations accumulate about four times faster in sperm than in eggs, so semen from old men is actually risk-laden.

Fueling the fire, there's a good wordpress blog that goes into more depth about the mutations of male genome. Afaik it has some fallacious arguments, but at its core is supported by the science of genetics (quote from Bryan Sykes, a clinical geneticist): When mutations hit vital genes, they cause genetic diseases, and these damaging changes are ten to fifteen times more likely to happen in (men, who then introduce them into the species). But not all mutations are quite so drastic in their effects. They can wound a gene without killing it outright. The wounded Y-chromosome, just a little bit less healthy than before, probably will get through. Then, a few generations later, another mutation will sting again. Not fatally, but enough to weaken it a little bit more. This is death by a thousand cuts. Unable to make long-term repairs themselves through sexual recombination, and isolated from external help, the wounded Y-chromosomes will stagger on through succeeding generations, gradually becoming weaker and weaker.

This doesn't just affect individual men throughout their lifespan, this is a generational issue. Young men are also prone to mutating due to Y chromosome's inability to recombine as other chromosomes do, but old men are literally walking, talking sacks of undesirable genetics.

Feel free to snoop around further nonas, just don't take everything at face value, the information about Y chromosome is further down after scrolling a bit: https://trustyourperceptions.wordpress.com

Anonymous 243027

>Another dangerous misconception is the myth that men retain full fertility into old age, starkly contrasting with the abrupt cessation of fertility seen in women at menopause. Abundant evidence shows that, in men, sperm numbers and quality decline with increasing age.

Yeah I never got why nobody acknowledged the extent to which sperm degrades even as men hit their mid 30s. Autism is a lot likelier for people with older dads. This is how you get a chris-chan kid.

Anonymous 303453

Ii heard they are usually good up until 50 if they keep fit
But granted the way gen z is aging and losing testosterone fast we don’t know
Think maybe gen alpha will save the day. Millennials and gen z will be a lost generation


Anonymous 232291[Reply]

Would you ever get the door or pay for dinner?
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Anonymous 248877

don't you guys feel it's a bit pathetic to obsess over this?
just split the bill and avoid drama

Anonymous 248887

I almost paid for the drinks we had with my fwb because he forgot cash and the place didn't accept cards
He insisted on paying me back though even when I said he doesn't have to
He might have a bit more money than me but he's my buddy and I would have no problem with that

Anonymous 248891

A man paying for the date shows he is invested and high value.

Anonymous 303451

Well hockey and football are the whitest North American sport
Basketball wrestling soccer are the most diverse demographics

Anonymous 303452


There seems to be a correlation as they do get away with it


Anonymous 6309[Reply]

What do you think about this emerging fad where girls eat way too much and get fat on purpose?

Partially related: mukbang shows on Youtube

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Anonymous 259111

honestly sounds better than dying of old age. my grandma had onset dementia and arthritis and other issues and I never wanna go through something like that.

Anonymous 259145

Severe obesity leads to accelerated arthritis.

Anonymous 259146

Women have been harming their bodies for the sake of money and/or approval since the dawn of time (see prostitution, surrogacy, anorexia in the 90s etc.). This isn't any different (though it's probably more fun than those other examples).

Anonymous 259303

Another soulless trend for attention.

Anonymous 303450

Such a waste, if you’re not working out or doing a sport , that extra food you could’ve fed hungry kids in the third world
Making yourself obese is a form of mental illness . I was fat for a little bit and it felt awful in many ways. Truly felt like a sickness

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